How to turn on the motherboard without a power button. Motherboard won't start from the Start button

A fairly common problem is the lack of response when pressing the computer's power button. In other words, when you try to turn on the computer as usual by pressing the button, nothing happens. In this article I will describe possible reasons such behavior of the computer.


So, let's begin. Here is a list of possible reasons:

  1. No voltage in the electrical outlet;
  2. Damage or non-contact of the power wire coming from the outlet to the computer power supply;
  3. The power supply button is in the off state;
  4. Damage to the computer power button itself or its wires;
  5. Failure of the power supply;
  6. Motherboard failure.

The first thing to start diagnosing this malfunction is to make sure that there is voltage in the electrical outlet. It is not necessary to do this as a tester. It is enough to plug in some other electrical device and make sure that it works.

Next, you need to check whether the black power wire is securely plugged into the electrical outlet and the power supply, and also inspect it externally for damage and fractures, especially at the ends of both connectors. To do this, remove its end from the computer's power supply and insert it back.

The next step is to pay attention to the computer's power supply. To do this, look at back system unit to the place where the power cable comes from the outlet.

If there is a button - a switch, then it should be on.

Power button on the power supply

After this, you need to try to start the computer without the power button.

Turn off the computer and remove the side cover of the system unit. Next, we look for the contact block where the power button, reset button, power indicators and work hard disk. It is usually located in the lower right corner of the board.

Location of the contact block on the motherboard of the computer power button

When we found her, we removed all contacts from her. To do this, pull them up by the wires, having previously written down or photographed their location.

Now we take a screwdriver, knife or other similar metal object and try to close the contacts with it, which are labeled as “PWR_BTN” or “WP+ WP-” or “PWR SW” by simply touching them with the screwdriver at the same time.

How to turn on a computer without a power button - we close the contacts with a screwdriver

If you cannot find these contacts by the inscriptions under them or you simply do not have inscriptions under them, then try to close all adjacent contacts in turn with a screwdriver.

If the computer still does not turn on, then the problem is not with the power button.

Now, in order to check the power supply, you need to try installing a known working one, borrowing it from friends or acquaintances, or test your power supply on another computer.

If the power supply turns out to be intact, then the only remaining reason will be a non-working motherboard, which in most cases will have to be replaced, unless the capacitors on it are simply swollen, which can be replaced.

This is what swollen capacitors on a motherboard look like

At one time, my computer lived not just under the table, with its face towards me, but behind it (i.e. behind its wall), and even behind the curtain (so that there was less noise at night :-)).

As you understand, turning on such a joy was quite stressful - you had to go around the table, sneak behind the curtain and only then, having first opened the case door (as you remember), gracefully pushing your hand somewhere there, still turn on the computer. Over time, natural laziness took over and I got tired of it, and therefore I just remembered a wonderful way to turn on the computer - from the keyboard (you press, for example, ctrl-esc and, voila, the computer turns on and you don’t have to reach for a button somewhere Power on the body).

How to configure this very on/off

This wonderful setting (I’m talking about turning on the computer by pressing buttons on the keyboard) lives in the section (I remind you that to get there you need to press the DEL button at the earliest stage of booting the computer, i.e. almost immediately after turning it on) Power - APM Configuration:

And it's called:

As you probably already realized, there is a small catch here, namely, it is important that your keyboard (or one of them) is connected to the connector PS/2(so round), not USB, - otherwise nothing will work.

If the keyboard is just like this, then feel free to set this setting to the position we need (i.e., choose between the items that indicate the buttons by which you can turn on the computer from the keyboard - Space Bar (spacebar), Power Key (power button, there is a " extended" keyboards) or Ctrl-Esc) and, not forgetting to save the settings, turn off the computer in order to try out the innovation.

If BIOS Yours looks like this:

Then you need to go to the section Power Management Setup and set the setting there Power On by Keyboard:

In one of the positions available and necessary for you.

Voila, all that remains is to turn on your beloved iron friend with a deft movement of the hand without bending under the table and without slamming the case door, if you have one of course.


So everything is simple and convenient.
By the way, quite a useful option for... pranks on inexperienced users :-)

If you have any questions, write in the comments - I will be happy to answer.

One of the cases from my practice prompted me to write this article. Entered for repair system unit, absolutely unresponsive to pressing any buttons ("On", "Reset"), BIOS reset.

The first suspicion fell on the power supply. Replacing with a known-good power supply did not give a positive result. Sequential replacement of removable components of the motherboard (memory, processor, video card), as well as disabling hard disc and DVD did not change the situation.

It was decided to try to force the power supply to turn on by applying the “Common” potential to the PS-ON wire. A short touch was enough for the motherboard to start. After installing all components, the operating system booted safely.

The conclusion is the following: the power supply startup circuit on the motherboard has failed. Repair the motherboard without having schematic diagram and describing how it all works is almost impossible. On the other hand, changing the motherboard, and possibly other components installed on it, is quite expensive.

In such cases, you can solve the power-on problem by switching the PC power button as shown in the pictures.

You can not touch the existing button, but install an additional one. There is some advantage in this case. When a situation arises that the computer has frozen stupidly, not responding to anything, press and hold for 4 seconds. The main button can more or less safely turn off the power. This cannot be done with an additional button, you can only turn it on. There should be an additional button no fixation!!!

Difficulty level: Easy

What you will need:

  • Basic knowledge of English.
  • Motherboard manual.
  • Small screwdriver.

1 step

Turn off the computer's power. Remove the left side cover. Next you will see the hardware of your PC, for which you once paid a lot of money. At the bottom of the motherboard on the right, you will see connectors for connecting power wires, reboot wires and HDD indicators.

Step 2

In the vast majority of motherboards, these connectors consist of two rows of pins, usually 9 pins. Please note that each motherboard manufacturer has different pin layouts, so it would be better to look at the motherboard manual. The contact diagrams of the most common motherboards are shown in the figure (the contacts that need to be closed are indicated in red).

Step 3

Find the power cable (POWER two twisted wires) and carefully disconnect it from the motherboard. As a result of this you will see two pins. Connect the system unit to the network. Connect these two pins with a metal object, such as a small screwdriver. Don't be afraid, you won't get an electric shock, the voltage there is very low. After closing the contacts, the computer should start and boot. If this does not happen, then most likely you have closed the wrong contacts.

  • Do not do this if the system unit is under warranty.
  • Use this method Only as a last resort, it is better to replace the case with a new one.

Lately, I have often encountered problems with the PC power button - Power buttons . Previously, I did not give it much importance and did not pay due attention. But in vain!

It happens that there is power in the network, the power supply, when the corresponding contacts of the connector are closed, starts with half a turn and works great. Motherboard signals with its LED the presence of standby voltage, but when pressed pwr buttons Nothing happens. The computer won't turn on!

Of course, there can be a great many reasons for this behavior, but it’s still worth paying attention to the PC power button!

What to do if the computer does not turn on?

1. You need to check the functionality of the power supply.

2. Start the PC, bypassing the power button, which is located in the PC case.

How to check a computer's power supply?

I answer. Express check of a computer power supply is carried out as follows:

1. Disconnect all connectors of the power supply from the computer (from the motherboard, from the video card, from all sorts of hard drives, coolers and so on).

2. Now you need to short-circuit the two wires on the next connector. It is the widest of all that come out of the BP. You can short any black wire to a green wire. As a rule, I I close green and middle black(Earth). This can be done with a regular paper clip or tweezers.

If the power supply is supplied with 220 volts from the outlet, the wires are connected correctly, the power button on the power supply itself (there are such models) is turned on, and the fans of the power supply do not start, then we can state that the power supply is faulty. On the contrary, if, when you close the indicated contacts on the computer power supply connector, you see that the fans inside the unit are rotating and not just twitching or silent, then the power supply is working.

At the same time we learned launch computer unit power supply without computer!

Many experienced technicians may argue that such a test cannot accurately show the serviceability or malfunction of the power supply. And they will be partially right. But we do an express check, which in this case is quite sufficient. Moreover, not every user has a load stand or at least a multimeter to go deeper.

After checking the power supply, connect all connectors back. And we solve the next problem.

How to start a computer without a button?

Each motherboard manufacturer may have a different pin layout. That's why the best option The search will be to open the documentation for your motherboard and find the location of these pins there. The documentation for the motherboard must come from the store; if you lost it or the seller did not give it to you (which happens very rarely), then the documentation for the motherboard can be downloaded online from the manufacturer’s official website if you have access to the Internet!

If there is neither one nor the other, then we look for the inscriptions on the connectors. As a rule, they are signed with letters Power Switch (PW Switch), Power ON, On-Off, not to be confused with PWRLED.

Here are typical connector pinouts from some manufacturers:

MSI motherboard

Asrock motherboard

Asus motherboard

Biostar motherboard

Epox motherboard

Gigabyte motherboard

Foxconn motherboard

Intel motherboard

We remove our connectors and carefully Briefly close the contact PWR SW and Ground. The computer should start. What to close? Ballpoint pen!

If the computer starts up, then the conclusion is obvious: the power button is faulty. What to do in this case? Try reconnecting the button to the motherboard connector; there may be a bad connection. If this does not help, remove the button, and then, depending on the circumstances, either repair the button or replace it.

To get out of this situation for a while, you can connect instead of the power button reset button(reboot) and use it to turn it on.

Thanks to these simple steps, you can start the computer without any problems, but this should not be neglected, and it is better to quickly repair the start button on the case to avoid unnecessary problems.

Attention: Neither the author of this article nor the administration of this site bears any responsibility for possible problems that may occur when turning on the computer in this way. You will perform all of the above actions at your own peril and risk, and will be solely responsible for possible problems that are not described in this article.

Therefore, if you do not have sufficient qualifications and knowledge, I recommend that you contact a specialist.
