How to insert an anchor in html. Anchor in HTML

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Now I'll show you how to use anchor links on your pages to improve your site's usability and content consumption.

You can see a striking example of such anchor links in almost every article of mine that contains content.

Each link in the content is made using an anchor link. Clicking on each one takes you to a specific part of the page. This type of content will be much more convenient to use than just a list of items, since in the second case the visitor will have to scroll through the page himself and look for the desired item.

In most cases, the user needs a specific answer to a question and needs it right away. And, if we force him to look for the desired item on the entire page, then it is not a fact that he will do it. Thus it will get worse.

By giving the visitor the opportunity to go straight to the desired question, we guarantee our page a good PF, since the user will be able to immediately get to the question he needs and will be more likely to study it.

Therefore, if you are creating your pages that cover many issues, then you definitely need to make the content in the form of anchor links. We will look at how to do this option below. You also need to do this option when there is a large amount of content.

Now let's move directly to the implementation. I start with a video lesson, after which there is a text version to fully master all the information.

And here is the promised text version with all the initial data, which was shown above.

How to put an anchor link in the text?

The implementation of this function is incredibly simple. We need 2 links:

  1. The first is for the link itself;
  2. The second is for the anchor, which will determine the place where you need to move when you click on the first.

Both links contain an identifier that connects both links to each other. If you need to use more than one anchor link on one page, then new values ​​must be set for each link. In the example above, the value is 1. If I need to make a second link, then I can set a new value, for example 2.

This is what I usually do in my content. Each item is marked with a new number.

As for the WordPress engine, it is not necessary to put the first link in a text (html) editor. I make it simpler.

  • First I write all the content points;
  • Then I make them into a numbered list;

  • Next, I simply make each item a link using standard functionality and indicate the URL in the form of identifiers #1, #2, #3 and so on;

  • Then I go to text editor and insert anchors with the corresponding reference numbers in the right places.

I always insert each anchor before each heading, which corresponds to each point of the material. You can see this in the image above.

Also, if the article is very long, then I give you the opportunity to return to the content after each point using the same anchor link.

This is necessary so that the visitor does not bother himself with a long scrolling of the page up.

Everything is done exactly the same. We put an anchor near the content and after each point we put a link to it.

If you don’t want to do this option, then take care of the convenience of consuming voluminous content on your resource. For example, it also helps to quickly move to the very beginning of the content.

At the end of this article, I will give one more tip on when to use these anchor links.

It is advisable to do this in the case when you need to return to some point described above in the text. As a rule, it is always written “Do exactly the same as above...”. You can also make this phrase a link to an anchor so that the visitor immediately moves to Right place. In this case, he will not have to look for the previously presented information himself.

This is where I end the article. I hope that you understand the usefulness of such links in your content on the site and will use them without fail.

See you later!

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

Until now, we have looked at links that simply led to other documents on the Internet. And in this lesson you will learn how to create anchors. Anchor (anchor) in HTML is a special bookmark that is used to move the user to a specific area of ​​the page when clicking on a link.

How to create an anchor and a link to it?

To create an anchor, you need to indicate in the place to which the link will be followed: name= "name" > , where the anchor name is any word in English language. As you can see, it is absolutely not necessary to write anything between the tags for a bookmark, because it is used only as a service label. The most important thing is not to forget that - this is a built-in (inline) tag and can only be placed inside HTML elements that can contain this type. However, there are a lot of such elements.

Two important notes! Please note that the name of the anchor in both places must be specified in the same case, that is, you cannot write the name in the anchor, but #NAME in the link to it. In addition, each HTML page cannot have two anchors with the same names, otherwise the browser will not understand which one to navigate to. But there can be as many links to the same anchor as you like!

Example of creating anchors in HTML

Creating anchors (bookmarks)


Paragraph. To the begining

Paragraph. To the begining

Paragraph. To the begining

Paragraph. To the begining

Result in browser

Link to the anchor of another HTML page

Well, you and I have learned how to navigate inside the page. Now let's learn how to create links from one HTML page to the anchors of other pages. This can be very convenient, especially if you are linking to a page that has a lot of information, but the user only needs a certain section. So, to create a link to the anchor of another page, you need to specify the #name of the desired anchor in the href attribute at the end of the address.

Creating a link to the anchor of another page

Sorry, but I won’t show you the result of the example, since I’m not good at cacti and I don’t have articles about them on the site. :)

In the slang of SEO optimizers (the guys who promote websites on the Internet), “anchors” are often called not what we have studied here, but the contents of the tag , that is, what users see on the page.


  1. Create a title for the article and its three sections.
  2. Under each heading, write a few paragraphs, but under the title of the article, make them so long that they take up about one and a half pages.
  3. At the end of each section, link to the title of the article.
  4. Immediately below the title of the article, write links to all its sections.
  5. Create some file (for example, page2.html) and make links in it to all sections of the previously created page. This point is only in the answers, but I’m sure you can handle it! By the way, you can put page2.html in another folder and practice with relative addresses.

Wordpress anchor allows you to break an article into logical sections in the form of links (anchors). Creating a summary of the entire page helps readers quickly move to a particular section, while improving usability, ease of use, professionalism and other aspects.

How to make a WordPress anchor and what tools are there for this.

In practice, it is advisable to use such anchors if the article is large enough so that at the very beginning you can familiarize yourself with a summary of all sections and, if necessary, immediately get to the desired one.

There are 3 simplest and most accessible options for solving this problem.

Of course, there are other possibilities (php, framework, javascript), but this can be left to those who like testing and programming.

You can check the operation of such anchors by clicking on each link at the beginning of the post.
And now, in order.

How to add an anchor in wordpress using html code.

This is done in the html code mode of any editor you use in your WordPress engine. Let's say I have a third level heading

Third level heading

and for quick access to this title, I need to put an anchor at the beginning of the article.

To do this, you need to add an empty anchor link to this header and come up with an identifier (id) for it.
For example , and this id must be inserted at the beginning of the header

Third level heading

WordPress anchor can be placed anywhere on the page and navigation through these anchors can be done with scrolling to any place in the article.

How to add an anchor in wordpress using the Better Anchor Links plugin

Pros and cons of this option.

Automatic creation of anchor in h1-h6 tags and content at the beginning of the page
+ basic and custom css anchor styles
+ own widget
+ create your own header
+ “return to content” next to the title (link if necessary).

In practice, everything looks quite simple. As soon as a tag of any of the h1-h6 headings appears in the text, the plugin immediately automatically inserts an anchor.

- has not been updated for a long time
— narrow focus of the plugin (only for anchor links)

You can download the plugin on the WordPress website

Anchor WordPress using TinyMCE Advanced visual editor

And the third, in my opinion, the most practical is to install an editor TinyMCE Advanced, which is capable of solving many problems not only with content and its formatting, but also with anchors.

Let's skip the installation issue and immediately look at appearance settings for this editor.

Main features of the editor

Firstly, the editor itself has wider functionality (15 additional buttons) than the editor installed by default in WordPress.
Secondly, the functionality is configured by dragging the desired buttons onto the work surface.
Thirdly, the version is always up to date

As for directly installing anchor links, first you need to add work panel editor special button.

A wordpress anchor is created by dragging an anchor button to the desired location on the page, and then simply linking to this anchor with an id. You can come up with whatever name you want for the id.

It is important that each anchor must have a different id.

For better clarity, I recorded a video on working with WordPress anchor links.

Why are they needed, where is it appropriate and appropriate to use them? We will try to answer these questions on this page.

Assigning HTML Anchors

I welcome you to the pages of my So, what is it? HTML anchors are navigation elements on the site page. They are used to move within one page. If the page is too large, then, for the convenience of users, the web designer has the opportunity to provide navigation around the page by placing special tags - HTML anchors.

You often come across such pages. The usual structure of such documents contains the content of the page at the beginning. and in the body of the page - a description of the content elements.

And in the body of the page there is a description of the content elements.

Section 1

It is logical to use headings and subheadings on the page to create labels, although this is not necessary.

How to add HTML anchors?

There are two ways to create a label. In the first case, a tag is used to create a label with the name attribute. The HTML entry will look like this:

Section 1

The text between the opening and closing tags is not required, but is, in my opinion, desirable. The label name must be unique on the page and can contain Latin letters and numbers.

In the second case, it’s even simpler. An ID attribute is added to any HTML tag, for example:


You can use any of the methods described above.

How to reference HTML anchors?

In order to go to the desired place marked with an anchor, a link is organized. It is a special case of a regular hyperlink, but has some nuances. For example:

Section 4

As you already understood, to the name of the label specified in the name or ID attributes, it is added hash mark - # .

Jump to an HTML anchor label on another page

Anchors. Section 4

To the begining

then the transition will occur to the beginning of the web page.

Using HTML Anchors in WordPress

The process of placing anchors in CMS WordPress is not automated. But, if desired, you can easily put them down using HTML editor. The writing syntax is no different from the methods described above.



That's actually all I wanted to tell you about HTML anchors. I wish everyone all the best and more.

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