Programs for programming html css. What is the best editor for HTML, PHP, CSS, JS code? Free editor - jEdit

PHP is a great language for creating web pages. On the this moment it is supported by most hosts and is the leading programming language for creating dynamic websites. the beginning PHP creation 1994 is considered to be the year when Rasmus Lerdorf created a simple set of scripts for processing HTML documents… Perhaps because at the time of creation the PHP handler was written in C, the syntaxes of the languages ​​are very similar…

1 place. phpstorm

PhpStorm is a cross-platform PHP development environment. The program is a multifunctional and intelligent editor for PHP, HTML and JavaScript. There are many features of the program, of which I would like to note the possibility of analysis and coding on the fly, the error prevention function provides unsurpassed performance.

2nd place. Sublime Text

simple, free, convenient editor different code. Of the pluses, it is impossible not to note the pleasant interface, ease of management, and flexible configuration. Also a definite plus is that this editor is multiplatform. I really liked the function of multiple selection and editing, other editors do not have this function. It works like this: you hold down Ctrl and after selecting lines of text, they are edited simultaneously. Also in this editor there is a function of hot keys for any action. There aren't many plugins yet.

3rd place. Komodo IDE

Komodo is a professional IDE for major web programming languages ​​including Python, PHP, Ruby, Perl, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will enjoy this editor and develop faster using the full set of tools. Key features include code folding, multi-window editing, smart syntax checking, highlighting, powerful snippets and handy tool macros, and other productivity-enhancing features. The sleek interface frees up space and gives room for creativity.

4th place. Expression Studio

This is not just an application, it is a whole software package developed by the company Microsoft. This package contains: visual editor, tools for interface design, graphic design, and many other tools.

5th place. PhpED

The program has many tools that are very useful in developing both in PHP and in other languages ​​that the editor supports. The built-in web server is used to debug web applications. You may spend a lot of time and effort setting it up at first, but it's worth it. Also, the minus of the program is that there is no distribution kit for MAC and Linux.

6th place. PHPEdit

In the arsenal of this editor, there is not only syntax highlighting, but also the function of auto-completion, code verification, and there is also a built-in debugger. It’s not good that there are no Russian-language textbooks yet, but you won’t be fed up with leadership. There are also no distributions for MAC and Linux.

7th place. dreamweaver

When using this program, you can view the design and code of the page at the same time, hints and auto-completion are also used. The search and replacement of characters is conveniently organized. On the official website of the program you will find many commercial and non-commercial plugins for this program.

8th place. phpDesigner

This code editor is specifically designed for PHP, of course, you can create and edit projects in other languages ​​with it, but this will be ineffective. Of the shortcomings, the lack of cross-platform is immediately evident, this editor is only available for Windows. Unlike other editors, you cannot change the font size in it (who knows, maybe your eyesight is bad, but most programmers have it). The program also lacks a convenient vertical selection. But despite all the shortcomings, phpDesigner has the best code highlighting, it is very well organized, in general, try it and find out.

9th place. PHP Studio 2010

The editor itself is a development environment for PHP. It allows you to code faster using a large number of features such as built-in server, web browser and more. Like most editors, there is a syntax check, support for various encodings, support for several development languages.

10th place. RadPHP

RadPHP is aimed at those who don't have a lot of coding experience. Of the advantages, one cannot fail to note syntax highlighting, the presence of a built-in browser and debugger, the ability to create breakpoints, ease of use is immediately noticeable. There is technical support organized on highest level. Of the shortcomings, it immediately rushes that there are no distributions for MAC and Linux.

Code editors are essential to the daily development process of a website. They are seen as a resource that you cannot do without, as their purpose is to increase the efficiency of your work. With a great editor, you can write code faster, find syntax errors and do much more to help grow your site. You can easily make changes to your code if you use good editor. Code editors have come and gone over the years, but there are those that have remained strong and improved over time to provide better services to their users.

Here are a few of the editors you can use today, and they are all completely free.

It is a free code editor as well as a source code editor designed for programmers. It is free to use on Windows. It can also work with plain text and create web pages for you. it the best choice if you want to use a good IDE for your compiler.

The editor is completely free for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is a complete web development environment that uses a combination of very powerful HTML, JavaScript and CSS authoring tools. It also has many additional plugins that have been created by the developer community. It is a unified tool for editing web applications.

This is an open source editor. source code, intended for users working with source code. It has great features which include code folding or outlining, tool docking windows, bookmarks both numbered and simple, file association manager and others.

Free editor code for Windows. It offers support for multiple languages. Some of its powerful features include auto-completion, user-defined syntax highlighting, dynamic view position, and multi-document support, among others.

It's great text editor for Microsoft Windows. It is full-featured and designed for editing, formatting, checking, previewing, as well as publishing web pages on HTML languages, XHTML and XML. The editor allows code folding, has several load options, and with it you can navigate through tags and scripts.

Another free code editor for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. This is a very good multi-platform and multi-language editor that gives its users the ability to create, modify, navigate, build, and also debug code very quickly and accurately. It allows you to edit files up to 2 GB in size.

This is a very professional source code editor for Windows. It is small in size and also very fast at boot time. You can edit multiple documents at once with it, and it offers syntax highlighting among its other great features.

It is a very useful web development environment for Linux developers. Its main usefulness lies in improving the productivity of developers when creating a site. This tool will give you quick access to some of the features you need.

It is a very good text editor, HTML editor, Java editor and also PHP editor. It is designed for Windows and also has great and powerful features for web programmers and web authors.

It is a code-centric IDE that focuses on developer productivity. This tool understands your code very well and it comes with a set of tools that are very powerful without interfering with your project's workflow or structure.

A very lightweight yet extensible text editor that is only available as a freeware trial version for Windows. It was originally developed for Windows XP, but it is also certified for use with Windows Vista.

TextMate provides the ability to search and replace within a project, as well as automatic pairing of brackets and other characters. It has great features that can help you complete words in your current document, among other things.

This is a very useful code editor for Mac OS X designed for web designers and programmers. Among its great features are tabbed interface, code folding, code hinting and completion, project-based site management, and so on.

This code editor is free for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is a very well thought out code editor that comes with numerous plugins that you can use in your development process. It has a built-in macro language and can support a large number of character encodings, including Unicode and UTF8.

it perfect choice for web developers who want to complete all their tasks quickly and easily. The editor has excellent features that offer word processing, programming and web development, file processing and demo among others.

It is an amazing free text editor and open source editor. It works well with operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Linux and MacOS.

This is a very useful code editor for Mac OS X. There is a free version as well as a commercial version. It comes with great web developer plugins, opens very quickly, is smart with spelling, and finds files easily.

This editor is for Mac only. It supports only one language, although it is a very powerful text editor. general purpose. The editor has great features for web developers to make their development easy and fast.

This is a code editor that will help you create very beautiful innovative websites that load very quickly. Note that the application itself is beautiful, innovative and fast. The editor gives you an intuitive approach to modernize your spreadsheets, and it comes with powerful preview features to help you create amazing and standard sites in no time.

Very good and easy to use text editor. This is the best collaborative editor that you will enjoy using. It is essential to make your collaboration possible and fun.

The choice of a code editor should always be made based on your needs and the projects you are working on. Web developers need these editors to work faster and more efficiently, and these are the best ones you can choose from.

That's for sure, CSS technology allows you to easily change appearance entire website by modifying a single file. CSS editors greatly simplify the process of making changes to CSS files. Here are 14 CSS editors that can halve the workload of any designer.

1. Styler

It is a web browser that generates CSS programs incredibly fast. Stylizer allows you to perform real-time CSS markup right in the browser, keeping everything under control. This method is much faster and more visual than using external editors like Notepad or Dreamweaver.


openly converts pages with markup errors embedded in the source encoding into full-fledged XHTML documents. Auto-formatting of the source encoding ensures that the structure of the final version is clear and readable, regardless of the quality of the initial text.

3 Style Master

- the main tool for building cross-platform CSS structures. Style Master is much more than just a text editor, it supports your working environment including the following processes:
- create style sheets based on your HTML codes
- direct CSS editing of sites on PHP based, ASP.NET, Ruby, and other dynamic frameworks
- CSS editing via ftp

4. Rapid CSS Editor

With it, you can quickly and easily create cascading style sheets of any size and complexity, as well as edit them. You can either do the encoding of the style sheet manually or let the program do it for you. In any case, it's easy, thanks to many useful features, including auto-completion, checking codes and CSS programs. The results are immediately displayed with the built-in previewer. Rapid CSS Editor is designed to save you time and make your work easier.

5. CSS Toolbox

- a free piece of software to improve the efficiency of web developers specializing in CSS codes. Free CSS Toolbox contains a set of tools to speed up and modernize the process of generating stylesheet codes, for example, latest css Formatter and CSS Validator.

6. Coffee Cup Style Sheet Maker

allows you to build fully functional cascading style sheets, choose text layout, fonts, backgrounds, etc. You only need to change the tag attributes in the CSS file, as each web page will refer to this file for instructions on its own customization. In addition, you can overlay text, create links without underlining, put pictures under tables as backgrounds, and even generate custom tags with functions assigned to them by you.

7. EngInSite CSS Editor

is a fully integrated Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) builder designed to save you time and expand your creative horizons.

8. CSSEdit

With the help you will be able to observe in real time the changes made to your style sheet. Without saving. No download. Without obstacles. For any web application or HTML file.

9. Jellyfish CSS

- multifunctional editor style sheets. With the full set of options you need to build great style sheets.


is a very compact notepad-like application that allows css developers to easily edit their codes using a familiar environment and quick access to useful functions such as "beautify" and "collapse" ("decoration" and "folding").

11. Simple CSS

allows you to easily create Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) from scratch and/or modify existing ones in a familiar interface by hovering over and clicking the mouse.

12. Top style

includes functional tools for designing websites in accordance with the requirements of standards.
- Provides preview CSS as you write code.
- Easily generates expressive color schemes for your site.
- Checker Style Checker checks the syntactical correctness of your CSS encoding for different browsers.
- The Site Reports feature allows you to immediately detect CSS styles on your site.
- The Style Upgrade feature quickly replaces all obsolete HTML codes with equivalent CSS combinations.


- document editor for HTML, PHP, Perl, javascript, CSS and many other programming languages. It displays the source encoding in color (syntax highlighting), suggests codes for executing functions, performs auto-completion (PHP, javascript, ASP, HTML), supports the browser software environment, the operation of the PHP syntax debugging and checking tool, as well as the help service, CSS wizard, HTML tag editor, HTML syntax checker and easy-to-use SQL structure constructor.


- a compact editor for building code and checking its correctness, designed to simplify CSS editing. Available as an Open Source project, that is, you can download not only the program itself, but also its source codes.

If you want to develop web sites, you need to get an HTML editor. Of course, you can use a regular notepad, but this is unlikely to be convenient. It's important to note that HTML editors need to perform two important tasks, code highlighting and autocomplete. Naturally, additional functions are also welcome, various themes for example. There are many such additional functions. For now, let's take a look at a few free HTML editors that do the job well.

Free code editor - Programmer's Notepad

This editor offers a modern interface that comes in two types, light and dark. In addition, the syntax highlighting is very successful, the colors are well chosen. I think that this editor will meet all your requirements.

HTML editor - SynWrite

SynWrite is a cool editor with a wide range of features. The idea of ​​this editor was to include all the advantages of other HTML editors in one quality product. Its functionality can be significantly extended with additional plugins written in Python. In addition to standard functions, SynWrite allows you to immediately edit several pieces of code at the same time:

This feature will save you a lot of time.

Free HTML Editor - PlainEdit.NET

This editor can open several files at once, and plugins can be added that will significantly expand the functions of the editor, including themes. In addition, you can add and change text using regular expressions, even in documents that are not currently open. It is worth noting that PlainEdit can also work from a USB drive.


This editor is a classic. He is very popular all over the world. Notepad++ has everything a text editor should have. The interface can be customized according to your desire, and free plugins I will help to expand the functionality of the editor.

Free editor - jEdit

With this editor, you can open and edit almost any file. It greatly simplifies the task of opening several files at the same time. Any missing features can be supplemented with a variety of plugins.

Out of the box, jEdit comes with essential features built in, such as code folding, marking tags and elements, file manager, as well as many other functions.

Sublime Text 2

It is the most popular editor among programmers and web developers. No such editor has had such a triumph as Sublime Text 2. He is praised by many programmers. The editor is deeply customizable through various resolutions and JSON files.

For this popular editor, you can find extensive libraries of documentation, both official and non-official. Sublime Text 2 tutorials can be found everywhere.

Sublime Text 2 is partly free, with a $70 license.

New editor - Brackets

Brackets is a modern open source editor with some interesting features. It works with Adobe Creative Cloud to bring colors, fonts and more from PSD file. It can also extract layers as images. Very comfortably

Unfortunately Adobe Creative Cloud is a paid service.

This editor has all the necessary features for a modern code editor. There are many different extensions that are released every 2-3 weeks.

Aptana Studio 3

The largest strengths editor is its customizability, Git integration and built-in terminal. Aptana Studio 3 supports the latest web standards such as HTML5 and CSS3.


There are many HTML editors out there, but only a few of them can actually be used. For non-daily use, there is Notepad ++, but for daily use it would clearly not be enough. For this there is best options, such as Sublime Text 2, which can be customized as per the requirement of the user. Curious to know which editors you choose?

Every web designer and coder needs a good web page editor to create and edit HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. Notepad (Windows) and TextEdit (Mac) are great tools to start with, but as you get more experienced, you'll want to use a more solid and convenient tool.

There are hundreds of great editors to choose from, but many of them are paid. And if you don't want to violate copyright, but the budget does not have the funds to purchase a commercial product? This article covers several excellent free editors.

  • WYSIWYG editors. it graphic editor, which allow you to build the page layout and set styles visually, as in the well-known word processor MS word. They are a handy tool for building page design, although as every experienced web designer knows, the code still needs to be "combed" to achieve a great result.
  • Text editors. It is a tool for editing HTML and CSS code directly. Some editors are general purpose and don't have special options web code support. Others are specialized for using web languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, and have built-in properties for quickly entering HTML tags, CSS properties, and so on. Many of these editors allow you to view a web page in a separate window.

Compozer (Windows, Mac, Linux)

KompoZer is a great choice if you need a visual editor on a budget

Komodo Edit is a good editor, easy to learn but powerful and extensible

Although it is a general purpose editor, it supports HTML and CSS, and has the ability to contextually autocomplete HTML tags and CSS properties, as well as a collection of code inserts for various HTML elements. In order to get the most out of using Komodo, you need to install the HTML Toolkit extension, which contains such wonderful features as auto-closing tags, CSS view preview, and a temporary text generator.

Komodo Edit allows you to view editable pages in any installed browser, or use the built-in browser in a separate window, so you can edit and see the result of the changes at the same time.

The editor has a built-in function for uploading files to the site (FTP, FTPS, SFTP, or SCP), and you can also group your files in a fun way using the project manager option.

Very useful feature Code > Select Block. It highlights the current main block of HTML, such as the current closed div or ul element. A very handy feature when you need to select an entire section on a page to copy or move.

Komodo Edit has a lot of powerful and useful features, such as using regular expressions for search/replace, the ability to execute external commands, and so on. Fortunately, the editor also has a good help system, which makes it easy to master the full power of Komodo Edit.

Aptana Studio (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Aptana Studio is a complete integrated web application development environment with big set plugins. Although you can only use it as an HTML/CSS/JavaScript code editor

Notepad++ is a great replacement for Notepad from Windows. Although it doesn't have the same set of options as other editors, it's great for editing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other code files.

PSPad is another general purpose editor for Windows with a large set of features useful for HTML and CSS encoders

jEdit is a cross-platform text editor with powerful macro command and plugin features. Install the XML plugin if you need to edit web pages

TextWrangler is a lightweight general purpose editor. Despite the lack of special features for web development, it can be used to work with web pages.

Vim is definitely hard to learn, but once you get through it, you'll never want to go back!

The grandfather of text editors for programmers Vim (a direct descendant of the vi editor) is a console text editor with open source. It is installed as the default editor on almost all flavors of Unix, including Linux and Mac OS X. An editor is also available for use on Windows and many other systems.

Vim is not a system that you can install and start using right away, having never dealt with it before. Most editing commands include weird combinations like :wq and / . It also has three editing modes: mode inserts, in which text is entered; visual mode for highlighting text; and command mode for entering commands. This functionality is a legacy of Unix from the days when there were no windows or mice.

Why is he on the list? If you master it, then you will be convinced of its speed and power. With a few commands, you can do in a few seconds what can take minutes in other editors.

There are a large number of Vim macros and plugins that make it easy to work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code, including syntax highlighting, auto-completion, HTML Tidy, and browsing in a browser. Here is a large list of useful links:

  • Vim Omni autocompletion
  • HTML/XHTML editing in Vim
  • home page

Fraise (Mac)

Fraise is an intuitive editor for Mac with enough features for web editing

Like TextWrangler and gedit, Fraise is a wonderful lightweight editor that is a pleasure to use. It is a fork of the editor. It is relatively new and does not have a proper web server. It is currently only supported on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), meaning if you are using version 10.5 you will need to download Smultron.

Fraise has some great options for web editing:

  • Code highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and several other programming languages.
  • The Close Tag(Command-T) command to close the current tag. This really saves time when entering lists.
  • Convenient preview in the built-in browser (using WebKit), with a very handy Live Update option? which updates the browser as soon as the markup and CSS on the edited page has changed.
  • An Advanced Find option that supports search/replace using regular expressions.
  • Block support for fast input HTML tags and CSS properties.
  • Some handy commands for manipulating text, such as HTML validation and converting characters to HTML elements.

Fraise is worth exploring if you're on a Mac and need a user-friendly editor with more features than the built-in TextEdit.
