The language bar has disappeared on the desktop. How to restore the language bar on your desktop

Our realities are such that most domestic users have to work with two languages ​​(Russian and English), and some even with big amount. It helps to find out what active language mode is currently in the system. Language bar. In addition, those users who are not accustomed to switching between modes using hot keys do so using this particular icon. But it also happens when he simply disappears. Let's figure out what to do if the panel disappears and how to restore it in Windows 7.

The language switching panel may disappear due to failures in the OS or deliberate actions of users. In addition, there are even situations where the user accidentally disables the tool and then does not know how to restore it. The choice of recovery option largely depends on the reasons why the language switcher disappeared from the taskbar.

Method 1: Collapse the Language Bar

One of the reasons why the language bar is not displayed in the usual place may be that the user accidentally clicked on it and clicked on "Restore language bar".

Method 2: Control Panel

There is a simple but quite effective method enable the display of the language bar through the “Control Panel”.

After making these adjustments, the language bar should appear in its original place.

Method 3: Enable the service

Sometimes the language bar is missing because the service that is responsible for launching it is disabled. In this case, the corresponding service must be enabled through the system scheduler. On Windows 7 this service can be stopped manually only by making changes to the registry, since it is systemically significant and the developers have removed the very possibility of stopping it in standard mode. However, due to various failures, it can become disabled even without user intervention, which will cause various negative phenomena, including the absence of a language bar. Let's see how we can start the specified service.

After restarting the PC, the language bar will again appear in its usual place.

Method 4: Manually launch the bootloader

If for some reason it was not possible to start the service, then, in this case, as a temporary measure, you can manually launch the language bar loader. The measure is temporary because with the launch of the service "Task Scheduler" you will still need to decide something, since it is responsible for activating many processes in the system.

There is also another possibility.

The operation will have to be carried out every time after starting the computer.

It should be noted that this method will only work if the object has disappeared due to a service shutdown. If it was turned off manually via context menu, then in this case you need to apply the actions described in Method 2.

Method 5: adding to startup

But it is still possible to make the language bar automatically start when the system starts, even when the task scheduler is deactivated. To do this, add the CTFMON.EXE object to autorun in the registry editor.

  1. Before you begin manipulations in the registry editor, create a system restore point.
  2. Launch the window "Run" (Win+R). Enter:

    Click "OK".

  3. The Registry Editor starts. In the left area of ​​the window there is a navigation tool with a tree arrangement of directories. Click on "HKEY_CURRENT_USER".
  4. Next we go to the section "Software".
  5. After that, click on the folder "Microsoft".
  6. Next, we proceed sequentially through sections "Windows", "CurrentVersion" And "Run".
  7. In the right area, click anywhere with the right mouse button. Follow the inscription "Create". Select from the list "String parameter".
  8. A new string parameter has appeared.
  9. Instead of name « New parameter» drive in "CTFMON.EXE". Click Enter. Double-click on this parameter with the left mouse button.
  10. A window for changing the string parameter opens. To the region "Meaning" enter the full path to CTFMON.EXE, namely:


    Click "OK".

  11. After the string parameter has been generated, you can click on the icon to close the registry editor.
  12. All that remains is to restart the computer so that the language bar is in its place. Now it will always run automatically even when the scheduler is turned off.

    Attention! If you are not ready to follow the instructions in detail, which are written in this method, or are not confident in their abilities, it is better not to even try to make changes in the registry editor. After all, if an error is made, it can have an extremely negative impact on the performance of the system as a whole.

    It should also be noted that there are other options for adding the CTFMON.EXE file to Windows 7 startup. But it is the described method of making an entry in the registry that is the most optimal, since startup will occur regardless of what account logged in.

Method 6: System Restore

If none of the above methods helped you return the language bar, although it was previously present, we suggest you use a method that allows you to solve various problems that have arisen in your work operating system– perform the recovery procedure.

The essence of the method is that the operating system, just for such cases, automatically creates restore points to which you can completely return the computer to operation. You only need to select the rollback point when the language bar was still present and there were no problems with it.

The restore function will completely return Windows to the selected time period, but there are still exceptions: the process will not affect user files - music, videos, documents, etc.

Previously, our website has already discussed system recovery in detail, so we recommend that you study the article on this topic.

As you can see, there are various reasons why the language bar disappeared from its usual location: unpinning, closing, stopping the service. Accordingly, the choice of method to solve the problem depends on its causes.

Language Windows panel usually located by default in the right corner of the monitor and automatically appears in the taskbar immediately after installing the operating system. The language bar allows you to quickly switch between different keyboard layouts and independently select the required input language. You can “move” it to the most convenient place on your computer screen, “hide” it in the taskbar, or hide it altogether.

When this seemingly insignificant element suddenly disappears from your field of vision without a trace, then working with most applications immediately becomes noticeably more complicated. People living abroad, for example in the USA, are unaware of this problem, since they do not need to switch between different languages ​​at all, but for Russian-speaking users, the disappearance of the language bar brings a lot of inconvenience.

So, if after solving the problem using the method described above, the language bar has disappeared and does not want to appear, then we move on to the next method, namely, checking a service called “Task Scheduler”. It is the “task scheduler” that is responsible for launching the ctfmon.exe utility, which in turn is responsible for the health of the language bar in Win 7.

Automatically making changes to the registry

This is done as follows:

Method 4: moving from simple to complex (or entering data into the registry manually)

Method 5: Custom (Punto Switcher)

Punto Switcher is a program that can be downloaded for free, for example, from the website Actually, Yandex is the developer of this application and the owner of all rights to it, so when you install it (Punto Switcher), be careful not to inadvertently agree to a “bouquet” of all kinds of add-ons and special search strings that will automatically be built into your browser and will be an eyesore in every possible way. Otherwise, the program is a rather interesting product, perfectly optimized for the Win 7 operating system.

The non-standard nature of this method is that the language bar does not actually return directly to the taskbar, but its responsibilities are taken over by the Punto Switcher utility. It monitors all entered text and, if necessary, switches the language from English to Russian and back. That is, if you, for example, thought about it and typed in the search bar instead of “ Washing machine» “Cnbhfkmyfz vfibyf”, then the program will automatically change the request and notify you about this with a sound signal.

Installing the application on Win 7 is not particularly difficult due to its simplicity and very friendly interface. In the right corner of the screen on the taskbar, next to information about the current date and time, the Ru icon (blue backlit) or En (red backlit) will appear. By right-clicking on any of these icons, you will be taken to a menu where you can configure the application for maximum convenience and comfortable work. Here you can determine whether Punto Switcher needs to correct abbreviations, capital letters, accidental pressing of the Caps lock key (if desired, you can completely disable it) and independently debug the automatic character replacement functions.

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What to do when the Windows 7 language bar disappears, how to restore it and prevent it from disappearing again? Let's figure this out and also consider what it is.

Not all users switch the language on the computer using hot keys. Ctrl keys or Alt + Shift . Many people need a language bar for this. And to see what language is currently selected for entering text is extremely necessary for working with text documents and during correspondence. This element is usually displayed on the taskbar, although it can also be floating (placed on the desktop). If it is on a desktop, then the language bar must be minimized by clicking on the button of the same name at the bottom right. After that she will take her place.

You can return the language bar in Windows 7, which is not on the desktop, in the following ways:

  • through the corresponding element of the “Control Panel”;
  • using the system registry editor;
  • adding a link to the file responsible for the function in autorun;
  • via the command line.

How can you restore the language bar in Seven without resorting to tricks like launching the command line? We perform the algorithm below.

  1. First of all, open the “Control Panel” through “Start”, “Explorer” or in another way.

  1. In the panel, click on the “Region and Language” icon if the elements are displayed as icons.

Another option to get to the desired window is to run the command “intl.cpl” in the interpreter Win commands+ R or the Start search bar.

  1. Switch to the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab.

This window is also opened by the command “control intl.cpl,2”.

  1. Click on the “Change keyboard...” button.

  1. At the bottom of the window called “Installed services”, make sure that the system has at least two languages ​​(Russian and English, for example).

As we can see, this is the problem, and to solve it we need to add another language. The following steps should also be taken by those who do not have the desired language on the taskbar. If everything is in order here, move on to step 9, which shows how the language bar is restored in Windows 7.

  1. Click on the “Add” button.

  1. We find the desired section, expand it and then click on the “Keyboard” element.

  1. Select the checkbox for the language to be added and close the window with changes made to the system.

  1. Click on the name of the second tab.

  1. Here you need to put a switch next to the satisfying option:
  • “Places in any location on the desktop” – allows you to display a floating window on the desktop or pin it;
  • “Pinned to the taskbar” – the corresponding icon will return to the taskbar near the clock;
  • Hidden – most likely this option is activated, which is why the element is not displayed.
  1. Click “OK” to save the new settings.

In the “General” tab (section “Default input language”) you can set the language that will be used to enter text in the system as the standard one.

The “Keyboard Switching” tab allows you to configure combinations of buttons that change the keyboard layout, as well as set their combination to select a specific language.

If necessary, the element can be placed anywhere on the taskbar, including between the Start button and shortcuts, and pinned there. If, after restarting the computer, the language bar is again not in its usual place, then the source of the problem lies in a different plane.

Registry Editor

You can also enable the display of a language bar that has disappeared for some reason by directly editing the registry key responsible for its display.

  1. Open the registry editor by running the “regedit” command in the search bar or the command interpreter Win + R.

  1. Expand the branch with global configuration parameters and go to the “Software” section.

  1. Go to the address: “Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion”. Here you need to find the “CTFMon” key or make sure it is missing.

Most likely it is not there - we are correcting the situation.

  1. Using the context menu, call the “Create” command and select the parameter type as “String”.

  1. We replace its name with “CTFMon”, although it doesn’t matter what it will be, the main thing is the meaning.
  1. Using the element's context menu or double-clicking on it, we open the editing dialog.

  1. Enter the value as “%windir%\system32\ctfmon.exe” and click “OK”.

After the reboot, we check the effectiveness of the work done.

For a beginner, to return this interface element to its place, you can perform the above algorithm without the registry editor.

  1. Go to the directory “%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”.

  1. Using the context menu of a free window area, call the command to create a shortcut.

  1. Click “Browse” and set the storage path for the ctfmon.exe file – usually it is “C:\Windows\system32\ctfmon.exe”, but to avoid the situation when the system volume is not the C:\ drive, enter “%windir%\system32” \ctfmon.exe" and click "Next".

  1. Enter any name for the shortcut and click “Done”.

As a result, we will have a shortcut to launch after the operating system starts the program responsible for alternative ways input and language bar, in particular.

Command line or interpreter

The easiest way to perform the procedure is through the Start command or search line or the command interpreter (let’s look at it as an example, because it’s the fastest).

  1. Press Win + R and enter the following line REG ADD HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v CTFMon /t REG_SZ /d %windir%\system32\ctfmon.exe /f then press Enter or click “OK”

This will create a string parameter “CTFMon” with the value of the path to the ctfmon.exe file in the registry section specified after the “ADD” command. If this entry exists, it will be overwritten without prompting. In general, everything is the same as what was done through the registry editor, only much faster.

Video on how to restore the language bar

The video shows how to quickly return the language bar to Windows 7 using the first method.

The language bar is an indicator that shows whether the this moment computer keyboard language layout. Active English language is displayed as an abbreviation EN, Russian - RU. The language bar is usually located on the right side of the bottom menu on the desktop, in the so-called system tray. Very often, for various reasons, it disappears from there and computer users lose the opportunity to find out the keyboard layout before they start typing.

This, of course, is not very convenient and many begin to look for ways to restore the language bar on the desktop. The simplest and most logical way in this situation is to check whether the language bar display setting in the operating system settings has gone wrong. To do this you need to do the following:
After completing these steps in Windows Vista you will see a language bar in the system tray. For others Windows versions the names of windows and items may differ slightly, but general principle the settings are the same.

If the language bar appears, but after rebooting or turning off and then turning on the computer, it disappears again, then you need to check whether the autostart of the ctfmon.exe process, which is responsible for the language bar, is configured.

This can be done in the following way:

If the ctfmon item is missing in msconfig, then for some reason the necessary registry key responsible for initializing this process has been deleted. Therefore, it is necessary this entry restore as follows:

  1. Click the Start button and at the command prompt, enter the regedit command to launch Registry Editor.
  2. Find the key in the registry directory on the left side of the window


    In the right window, right-click and select “New” - “String Parameter”. Name it CTFMON.EXE and then open it for editing. Enter the value in the field


    (must be written with quotation marks).

  3. If you don’t want to edit the registry manually, then download (enter the website when prompted for a password), unpack and run the file on your computer. He will contribute the desired entry to the register itself.
  4. Restart your computer.
If all of the above steps do not help you, try installing the program for automatic switching keyboard layouts while typing called Punto Switcher. This program in the background, it monitors what you type on the keyboard and, if necessary, promptly switches its layout.

Additional tip.
If you have it installed as an operating system Windows systems XP, then before performing the steps described above, you need to check the presence of the ctfmon.exe file in the c:\windows\system32\ folder, which is responsible for the operation of the language bar. This file can be deleted or renamed by a virus, or by the user himself.

If the file is not there, then make it visible, go to the folder C:\windows\system32\dllcache and copy the missing file from there.

In Windows Vista and Windows 7, the system file security policy is better implemented, since no one can change these files without obtaining rights to them. Therefore, there are no problems with the ctfmon.exe file itself.

In Windows XP, a problem such as the disappearance of the language bar appears quite often. This panel displays the current language to the user and, it would seem, there is nothing wrong with that. However, for those users who often work with tests, the lack of a language bar is a real disaster. Every time before typing, you have to check which language is currently enabled by pressing a letter key. Of course, this is very inconvenient, and in this article we will look at options that will help return the language bar to its original place if it constantly disappears.

Before moving on to recovery methods, let's delve a little deeper into Windows device and try to find out what exactly ensures the display of the language bar. So, among all the system applications in XP there is one that ensures its display - Ctfmon.exe. It is this that shows us what language and layout is currently used in the system. Accordingly, a specific registry key is responsible for launching the application, which contains the necessary parameters.

Now that we know where the legs grow from, we can begin to fix the problem. To do this, we will consider three methods - from the simplest to the more complex.

Method 1: Launch a system application

As mentioned above, responsible for displaying the language bar system application Ctfmon.exe. Accordingly, if it does not display for you, then you need to run the program.

If, for example, the ctfmon.exe file is missing due to viruses, it must be restored. To do this you just need to do a few steps:

  • Insert the installation disk with Windows XP;
  • Opening command line(Start/All Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt);
  • Enter the command
  • Click Enter and wait for the scan to finish.

This method will allow you to recover deleted system files, including ctfmon.exe.

If for any reason you do not have the installation Windows disk XP, the language bar file can be downloaded from the Internet or from another computer with the same operating system.

Often, this is enough to return the language bar to its place. However, if this does not help, then move on to the next method.

Method 2: Checking Settings

If the system application is running and the panel is still not there, then it’s worth looking at the settings.

That's all, the language bar should now appear.

But there are also cases when intervention is required system registry. If all of the above methods did not produce results, then move on to next option solving the problem.

Method 3: Correcting a parameter in the system registry

To work with the system registry there is special utility, which will allow you not only to view the records, but also to make the necessary adjustments.

In most cases, the described actions are enough to return the language bar to its original place.


So, we have looked at several ways to return the language bar to its place. However, there are still exceptions and the panel is still missing. In such cases, you can use third party programs, which display the current language, for example, by autoswitching the keyboard layout Punto Switcher or by reinstalling the operating system.
