Case for practicing interview skills, hr training. Case method of personnel selection in the banking sector

The question is usually asked by students who have encountered this term for the first time. However, the concept is becoming popular in the business community. Before answering the question of what cases are and giving examples of how to solve them, let’s delve into the history of the origin of the term.

The emergence of cases

The concept first appeared in 1924. Professors at a prestigious university realized that textbooks from previous years were not capable of preparing graduates of modern professions. Manuals and manuals that are relevant to this moment time, have not yet been created, and the previous ones are already outdated. Then the professors thought through business cases - pressing problems of our time that graduates needed to solve. To do this, business owners were invited to Harvard and gave detailed instructions to graduate students. Entrepreneurs at the seminars talked about real problems that their companies faced. After this, graduate students had to find their own solution to these problems. The peculiarity of such training is that there are no right answers. You just need to find the optimal way out of the current situation. In other words, everyone chooses the solution to cases individually.

The innovation of Harvard professors turned out to be effective. The graduates actually had some semblance of experience when they left. They knew the problems and tasks of successful companies and could easily cope with the assigned tasks. In fact, solving cases as a student gave him real practice within the university. Therefore, since the mid-twentieth century, this method has spread throughout the world.

Appearance in Russia

In our country, even with the collapse of the socialist system in the nineties of the last century, the education system existed for a long time according to the established rules. The country no longer exists, but the USSR textbooks exist. Even textbooks on the history of the CPSU with Lenin on the covers finally disappeared only in the mid-nineties of the twentieth century, not to mention other disciplines.

And only Messrs. Management cases began to appear in leading universities in our country. Today, this method is actively developing in Russia. In addition, thematic case clubs are opening. The MSTU club is especially popular among schoolchildren and students. E. Bauman, NUST MISIS Career Center, etc.

So what are cases? Let's move on to the concept itself in more detail.


A case (from Latin casus) is an extraordinary situation, a problem the solution to which cannot be found in textbooks. A more accurate interpretation of the term “casus” is a problem that requires a solution, but this term came into Russian from English, in which the Latin word casus is pronounced “case”.

Students are simulated a problem situation that is as close as possible to the real one, and they must find a solution. The point is, there is no right answer. There is only the opinion of teachers and a real way out of this situation, if the case, of course, was taken from life. Methods of solution, reasoning, collective discussion, etc. are assessed.

So, we have explained what a case is, now let’s move on to the goals.


Despite the fact that the topics of the cases may differ from each other, the modeling itself, as a rule, has common goals:

  1. Testing students' intellectual and analytical data.
  2. Developing an argument for your position.
  3. Developing resistance to stressful situations.
  4. Training in time management skills.
  5. Development of communication

Cases during interviews

This method is used not only in educational institutions. Today, many firms use it during interviews. Every day, the employer looks less and less at the applicant’s resume, his level of education, work experience, etc. It is enough to offer a candidate for a position several cases, and everything about the person becomes clearer than various pieces of paper and recommendations.

Of course, this doesn't mean that education and experience don't matter. Without them, you may not even get to the stage of solving the case. However, it is the last stage that becomes the decisive factor when choosing an employee. In this regard, it stands out Google company, which develops its own methods for modeling cases. They are individual for each vacancy. Work experience and level of education will not help a candidate if he cannot solve cases. And they sometimes amaze the imagination with their deceptive simplicity.

Examples of cases

Let's give an example. The company was faced with the problem of employee performance in the sales department. Three people work. The first works with 70% of clients, the second with 20%, and the third with 10%. With these indicators, the second one shows the highest sales, but it only works with regular customers. The third, on the contrary, works only with new clients, while the first works with both new and regular ones. The task for the manager is to increase the sales plan and redistribute the flow of customers so that the company receives maximum profit.

To solve this problem it is necessary to answer the following questions:

  • What opportunities for improvement might there be in this situation?
  • What standards can help improve the performance of each salesperson and the sales department as a whole in the future?

Perhaps the first seller works most effectively with new customers or with regular ones. It is also worth trying to swap the places of the second and third seller. Those. the second will work only with new ones, and the third - only with permanent ones. Perhaps they are experiencing a professional crisis and need a change of scenery.

Second example

An interview is being held for the position of Head of Human Resources. The candidate must have the ability to be flexible and avoid unnecessary conflicts. It is proposed to solve the following case: the general director insisted that the daughter of an influential person be hired at the company. The previous manager gave her the position of assistant secretary. The girl herself did not express herself in any way, did not identify herself with the company and had no desire for career growth. Added to this is the lack of work experience at other enterprises.

During her work, her main skills were: receiving incoming documents, maintaining records, and filing documentation into folders. Six months later, the position of leading document management specialist became available. The general director insisted that this girl take this position. However, the company has many other employees who deserve promotion. In this task, the applicant must make a choice: either go against the general management, or work with a dissatisfied team.

Perhaps the candidate will find an acceptable option for both general director, and for the team. Example cases do not have correct solutions. Each case is individual.

There are not only business cases, but also cases in other industries: pedagogy, medicine, law. In every profession, you can simulate a problem situation.

Case condition

Imagine that you are a personnel manager at Sumykhimprom OJSC. The Chairman of the Board (director of the enterprise) called you and said: “I see that we have problems with personnel. Employees perform poorly, and you can't cope with them. That's why I want to figure it out myself. You need to conduct a survey of all employees. We revealed their intellectual level and loyalty to our enterprise. I'm especially interested in newcomers. Put the results of the survey on my desk, I myself will make a decision about who will remain at the enterprise and in what position.”

You have a different point of view: everything is fine with the staff. You recruit according to management requirements, new employees adapt well to the enterprise. Your organization is working normally, the plan is being implemented. However, the staff is dissatisfied with the fact that the Chairman of the Board makes decisions in an authoritarian manner and is not interested in the opinion of the staff. Staff proposals to improve the operation of the enterprise are not only not implemented, but are not even considered. Workers have long been solving all production issues among themselves, but the directors are not accepting: they agree, listen, nod, but do not consider them a manager-leader. The director feels this and is nervous, not understanding the reasons.

For your part, you are well aware that the director, having received the results of the survey, may make ineffective decisions, since he does not have special knowledge in the field of selection and placement of personnel. And you are generally skeptical about testing to determine intelligence.

What are your actions in this situation?

Case Situation Analysis

The main problem of this situation is that the Chairman of the Board uses an authoritarian type of management, does not have special knowledge in the field of selection and placement of personnel, in addition, the director is not aware of all the problems in the team, although he feels it and is nervous.

Of course, in the current situation it is necessary to start a dialogue with the director in order to better understand his position and vision of the problem.

Possible solutions to the case

To start a dialogue with the director, you can choose the following options:

1. “Everything is fine in the company, the employees are quite qualified and loyal. Therefore, there is no need to take such measures.”

2. “How can this be? I work well and try hard. Look: we conduct training, certification according to plan, and staff performance indicators are in order.”

3. “Let's analyze the situation. What do you mean when you say we have "staffing problems"? What exactly are the problems? What data do you want to obtain and why? What manifestations of loyalty do you want to see from our employees?”

4. “You don’t trust me? This is my job! And I will carry it out in the future.”

Optimal case solution

In my opinion, it would be reasonable and effective to choose option 3, to conduct a conversation with the director as follows: “Evgeniy Vasilyevich, I agree with you, there are problems. Let's analyze the situation. What do you mean when you say we have “staffing problems”? What exactly are the problems? Let's turn these problems into a problem. What don't you like about the staff's work? What do you think is the reason? In your opinion, how does this directly depend on the level of intellectual level? What data do you want to obtain and why? What manifestations of loyalty do you want to see from our employees?”

This approach is the most successful in the current situation, because it makes it possible to start a dialogue and better understand the boss’s position (what exactly does not suit him). But here, in my opinion, it is necessary to keep in mind that a director working in an authoritarian regime is unlikely to suddenly switch to a democratic one. But sometimes a small step is enough. Sometimes awareness of the real reasons is enough. And if the director is not a complete dictator, then during such a conversation he can express his opinion, mention best qualities workers.

In addition, during a conversation with the director, it would be worthwhile to unobtrusively raise the problem of the “isolated director”, since the director, most likely, is not aware of all the problems in the team, although he feels it and is nervous.

There is no point in openly accusing the director of using an authoritarian management style, since this can cause aggression in the boss and a desire to insist on his own (this also explains the inappropriateness of choosing options 1, 2 and 4). In addition, a situation may arise where the blow is transferred from the employees to the manager, since during such a conversation the manager focuses attention on himself. Further the conversation may go in the direction of the manager and it may turn out that he is not happy with the boss either, and the reasons for the dissatisfaction will remain unclear. It would be worthwhile to unobtrusively explain to the director the reason for his isolation and offer to consider this problem taking into account the opinion of the team.

You can offer the director an effective method - conducting an anonymous survey among staff about the management style in the company. When talking in this form, in my opinion, it will be possible to find real problems in the team, find the causes of such problems and outline ways to solve them.

If, nevertheless, the director does not agree with the arguments of the problem of authoritarian management and insists on conducting the necessary survey of all employees, my task is to offer proven methods and try not to use the methods that the director will offer (since he does not have special knowledge in the field of selection and placement of personnel ).

In this situation, it would be advisable to conduct anonymous staff surveys aimed at: identifying the leader in the team, assessing the moral and psychological climate in the team, assessing the adaptation of young employees in the team, and staff perception of the management style in the company. I will present the results of the research quite objectively and correctly, with neutral, scientific formulations (and according to the conditions of the case, they will most likely be in favor of the working personnel). The results of the survey should not just be “put on the table” to the director, but try to explain the problems found to the director in an unobtrusive dialogue and suggest possible ways their solutions, and for the second time bring the director to the presence of the problem of authoritarian management, and as a consequence of the “isolated” director. Now the opinion of the HR manager will be supported by the opinion of the team. As a result, the dialogue with the director this time will be even more constructive and will help to finally identify problems in the team and outline ways to solve them.

At the current stage of development of personnel formation and selection methodologies, the case method with the collection of a focus group has successfully proven itself in such areas as IT and Consulting. However, representatives of such a conservative sector as banking look at such innovations with great caution. In Russia, only a few banks have assessed the effectiveness this method when forming personnel. However, more and more young professionals with a new vision of the situation are trying to introduce the case method into this industry.

Basically, credit officers and territory managers are selected through a standard two-stage interview.

In conditions of a non-intensive method of bank development, this selection method is quite reliable and gives a satisfactory result. But if the bank’s management sets ambitious goals, such as a significant increase in the bank’s presence in the territory, as well as a significant increase in indicators (volume of lending, number of loans provided additional services), then staff expansion is inevitable.

Typically, in this situation, several positions are opened at once without any particular priority. In such a situation, the use of a standard selection method can significantly increase the average time to fill a position, due to the need to provide personal attention to each candidate at both stages of the interview (average time spent: 1.5 hours per applicant).

Example: With five open positions and a minimum of two applicants for each vacancy, the average time spent on the interview process alone is fifteen hours, i.e. two full working days.

A more effective selection method in this situation is the case method in a focus group, since a personnel specialist has the opportunity to check a large number of applicants for a position in a short period of time, and most importantly: evaluate them on a wide range of competencies

Most banks are afraid of it because they believe that credit specialists and territorial managers of the bank must have in-depth knowledge of the financial sector, have sufficient relevant experience (usually two years), and the competencies of these specialists differ significantly from the skills of consultants and territorial managers in other areas, for example , FMCG market.

These factors prompt HR specialists to believe that gathering a focus group and selecting using the case method is extremely ineffective. This is a big mistake, and most Russian banks have already realized it.

First of all, to implement this method, a personnel specialist must identify the core competencies necessary for employees to perform their job duties and create checklists with specific markers for the manifestation of these competencies. According to statistics, in order to fulfill assigned tasks, credit specialists and territorial managers must have high communication skills, sales skills, initiative and diligence. Standard method selection does not make it possible to assess these competencies of applicants for a vacancy.

After determining the required competencies, the HR specialist proceeds directly to developing cases. It is best to create a case not related to the company’s activities for a more independent assessment of the applicant. So, to assess communication and sales skills, any case that simulates the negotiation process is suitable.

There are two options for conducting a case

  • Between potential candidates. In this situation, the HR professional can also evaluate the applicant's leadership and presentation skills.
  • Between the HR specialist and the potential candidate. With this method, a personnel specialist can personally verify that the candidate has the necessary skills, for example:

A) the ability to identify a need;

B) business vocabulary skills;

C) the ability to work with client values;

D) stress resistance.

To increase efficiency, you can conduct both cases on the same day.

Initiative and diligence can also be tested using the case method. A case of self-presentation under changing conditions is best suited here.

Case example. The company has been losing money for the past two years. The organization's management decided to fire the previous manager and appoint a new, more ambitious one.

The new manager decided to hold a general meeting to assess the current situation. Its main goal is to find and get rid of ineffective employees in the company. Invited to the meeting:

  1. customer service specialist (hotline);
  2. territorial network development manager;
  3. head of sales group;
  4. head of regional development;
  5. Head of Business Development Department.

Applicants then figure out their roles (at this point leadership skills can also be highlighted) and receive information from the coach about the position, including performance indicators. These indicators must necessarily be unsatisfactory. At the time of presentation to the manager, participants must propose their initiatives for overcoming the crisis and detailed steps to achieve them, as well as present themselves in such a way as to remain working in the company. As for performance, here you can give participants detailed self-presentation algorithms and see how well the candidates follow them.

These cases are already working in the personnel selection system of one of the largest banks, and their effectiveness has been confirmed by the results. The average time for an employee to adapt and get into the right positions is much faster: from 2.5 months to 1 month. The average time to close a position has been reduced by approximately 50%.

However, there are also disadvantages to this method. The main one is the comparison effect

The employee seems to be the best only in comparison with other candidates in the audience. This problem is easily solved by additional interviews with the best candidates after the assessment. It is advisable that this interview be conducted by a participant who is not involved in the preliminary activities and is not associated with the open position to increase the independence of the evaluation and increase the sample of independent evaluators.

In this case, I will tell you how a personnel reserve was created at one of the largest factories producing juices of famous brands.

Why the case is perfect

Very often, the success of talent pool training projects exists only in the minds of HR specialists, who proudly present them at specialized conferences, while line managers damn the pointlessness and ruthlessness of book-based personnel technologies.

But this case is a rare case when all project participants got what they wanted.

It is clear that the stars aligned in such a way that “ideal” conditions were created for training the personnel reserve, but this does not detract from the merits of everyone who worked on it.

The number of personnel at the plant, located in a city with a population of 20,000 people, was growing rapidly and was approaching 4,000; there was a catastrophic shortage of production department managers.

The staff of foremen and shop managers, staffed by relatives, friends and acquaintances, as is often the case in small towns, did not allow solving the problems facing the enterprise; there was no reserve for filling managerial positions in new divisions.

There was physically no one to replace the existing ineffective middle managers - the labor market within a radius of 50 km from the plant consisted of only 35,000 people, and there were no managers capable of managing production units of 50–100 employees among the applicants.

It was decided to prepare a personnel reserve for managers from workers and to replace current shop managers and foremen with reservists, as well as new vacant managerial positions.

Personnel reserve training program

The training center, with the support of specialists from the plant’s services, developed a 90-day training course for the personnel reserve of managers, consisting of weekly cycles.

The cycles consisted of theoretical classes and practical training in one of the production departments (production, logistics, chief engineer service, quality service).

At the end of each cycle, the cadet passed a theoretical and/or practical exam to a commission consisting of at least three experts from representatives of the services responsible for training in each cycle.

When passing the exam for each cycle, the cumulative total was calculated by the average score. The minimum average score at which a cadet could continue studying was 3.7.

Anyone who scored less or received an unsatisfactory grade in the exam was immediately expelled, regardless of the results in previous exams.

Any employee of the plant who has a positive description of his immediate supervisor and has no violations of labor discipline could get into the management training group. Until the end of training, the cadet retained workplace, he was paid a stipend in the amount of average earnings.

A candidate for enrollment in the training group had to clearly state the reasons why he wanted to become a manager and answer questions from the selection committee consisting of the production director, the HR director and a representative of the quality service. The questions, for example, were as follows: “What shortcomings do you see in the work of managers in your department? What would you like to change?

Depending on how conscious the candidate’s desire to become a leader was, enrollment in the group occurred.

Since the training program was a classic educational and practical course, it was obvious that if we didn’t come up with effective method selection of candidates who are truly capable of becoming a leader, then a queue will line up at the training center who want to “try to learn to be a boss,” motivated by the desire “not to work, but to study.”

How they were selected for the personnel reserve

In order not to waste resources on training unsuitable candidates, two problems had to be solved:

Select only highly motivated candidates.

Introduce a selection procedure that allows, at the initial stage of training, to weed out those who do not have the qualities necessary for a leader.

The first problem was solved simply - the condition of training was that if the cadet was expelled due to poor academic performance or stopped training for unexcusable reasons, he was completely deprived of his scholarship for the month in which he was expelled. Every week during the exam, the cadet was at risk of “failure” and losing a sum of money equal to at least two weeks’ average earnings. Only those who were confident in their abilities could decide on this.

The second task - a test for the presence of “managerial potential” - was solved just as simply - in the first week of the training course, the potential manager was sent to the largest workshop (the size of a football field) with the task of independently preparing a written description of the production process flow diagram within a week, studying the principle of operation and purpose of all pieces of equipment, give them short description and present the process diagram to the production director.

The complexity of the task lay in the fact that no auxiliary materials on production technology were given to the cadet, and managers, specialists and workshop workers were not obliged to help the potential leader, although they were instructed not to refuse cadets who approached them.

In addition, their managers and colleagues had a somewhat skeptical attitude towards the “upstarts” who wanted to become managers in three months, so activity, perseverance, restraint and the ability to negotiate were required from the potential leader.

Those who lacked these qualities could not cope with the task - if they were not active enough, they were simply not paid attention to.

But if a cadet has proven over the course of a week that he is capable of obtaining in a deliberately stressful and unfriendly environment necessary information, systematize and present it, then he went through the following training cycles, during which specialists were involved in his preparation.

Reservist training results

Exceeded all expectations. The reservists who successfully completed the training course were several orders of magnitude superior to the current leaders in terms of their level of training.

Selecting those who were ready to lose at least half of their monthly earnings in case of failure and pass the “survival test” in the first week minimized turnover in the group.

Reservists who successfully completed their training returned to their jobs and, as necessary, were appointed to vacant positions or used as a reserve for replacing managers during vacations and sick leave.

All the managers prepared in this way received permanent appointments to management positions within a few months; none of them received any criticism either in terms of their level of knowledge or in terms of management skills.

The conditions were tough, but they made it possible to prepare a reserve of managers who shared the production director’s approach to management and were ready to work with staff in the same way.

Of course, the presence of “ideal” conditions also had an impact - highly motivated reservists, clear deadlines for appointment to new positions, interest of the heads of all services participating in the project.

In particular, a test to assess managerial potential was proposed by the production director, who had worked at the enterprise for more than 20 years.

Whether it will be possible to repeat such an experience at another enterprise is difficult to answer. Formation of a personnel reserve is one of the most complex tools in the field of personnel management.

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Denis Karandashev

Case: Staffing assessment


Large logistics holding. Ownership: 100% foreign state corporation. The number of personnel in the Russian Federation is 7000+ people. Consists of a number of companies with conditionally unified management– strategy is determined single center, service units are partially centralized, production units are poorly centralized. The deal to purchase the Russian component of the holding into an international corporation was recently closed. Due diligence on the part of the buyer (the government of a Western state represented by its state corporation) was carried out by a company from BIG FOUR, an audit of the processes in the target holding to close the transaction was carried out by another company from BIG FOUR. The result of both due diligence and audit – everything is excellent, everything is wonderful. The cost of an audit and due diligence is calculated by the sum with 6 zeros of beautiful non-Russian money.


Conduct a full real HR audit, including the effectiveness of the HR service.

Factors that matter:

An extensive branch network, a very wide geography of activity. Russian management has no illusions and perfectly understands the real value of the “specialists” from BIG FOUR; accordingly, they do not believe in beautiful multi-volume “research” and fascinating pictures from the auditors’ report. Buyers are completely delighted, naive to the point of indecency. Russian management wants to understand the real picture and the desolation of the situation.

Proposed solutions (very abstract and abbreviated):

Assessing the competence of personnel management

Assessment of the state of personnel records management

Assessing compliance with labor laws

Key Personnel Assessment

Assessment of HR business processes

Assessment of the state of labor protection

Assessment of risk areas associated with personnel

Assessment of the remuneration system

Evaluation of the personnel selection system

Evaluation of the personnel training system

Assessing the system of working with rational staff proposals on business improvement issues

Evaluation of the personnel reserve system

Finding places of abuse by employees of the HR department

Reducing and/or eliminating risks and setting out our proposals for improving staffing

Assessment of staffing prospects


1. An assessment of the competence of the personnel service management showed very weak qualifications and skills of the personnel service management. The head of the personnel service has a printing education, at her previous place of work she bore the high-profile title of “HR director,” but at the same time hid the fact that the number of personnel in her previous company was less than 20 people and she was the only employee involved in personnel, combining this with duties of secretary, translator and personal assistant leader. Good knowledge in English helped her make a favorable impression on foreign owners, which was the reason for her appointment to the position. At best, you show up at work one day out of three, the other two days: job fairs, advanced training, brand promotion, participation in competitions, giving interviews, etc., etc. (in fact, building a country house).

In general, if anyone thinks that it is only in Russia that careers are made on the principle of personal loyalty and acquaintance, he is very deeply mistaken. They barely restrained the foreign owner from appointing as head of the holding’s fleet (more than 300 vehicles: large-capacity tractors, trucks, special vehicles, passenger cars) the personal driver of the owner’s main representative in Russia with an incomplete secondary education, but a complete lack of any managerial experience or ability to this, with a good knowledge of the English language, the only merit of which was the position in life in relation to the person being served - “what do you want, master.”

2. Assessment of the state of personnel records management. As expected with such management of the personnel service, the employees of the personnel department themselves were selected according to the principle: “as long as they are not smarter than the boss.” The sane ones don’t work for a long time, more often they leave on their own, sometimes it’s them who leave. The results are absolutely natural, as discussed below.

3. Assessment of compliance with labor laws. There is a complete feeling that the employees of the relevant department learned labor legislation from the instructions of the state labor inspectorate, migration service, prosecutor's office, tax inspectorate and others government agencies, excessive communication with whom was a direct consequence of low qualifications and ignorance of their duties by employees of the HR department.

4. Assessment of key personnel. At first glance, one might get the impression that the entire management of the holding should be of a correspondingly low professional level, but this is not so. Most of the holding's top managers are sufficiently qualified, have the necessary expertise and sufficient experience. It's simple. The selection of top managers was carried out (in this case - and thank God) bypassing the personnel department.

5. Assessment of HR business processes. There are no formalized business processes; work is carried out unsystematically, fragmentarily, and chaotically. Employees of the HR department do not know not only their tasks, but also the parameters for assessing their activities, their connection with other divisions of the holding, do not understand their place in the business, which leads to the chaotic implementation of unnecessary actions without the slightest positive result and only worsens the state of complete chaos. But they receive their salaries on time (thus robbing both the owners and their normal colleagues who benefit the holding).

6. Assessment of the state of labor protection. That's more or less everything in this part. Which, given the rest, also turned out to be a surprise for us. And again, it's simple. The labor protection service was removed from the personnel department and transferred to its own management company.

7. Assessment of risk areas associated with personnel. Unfortunately, given the current situation, there is no need to talk about any personnel security. Reasonable visits from regulatory and supervisory authorities are a common occurrence. Regular trials with employees (often lost). Don’t rush to blame the lawyers, they have nothing to do with it; when the question comes to them, they, as a rule, cannot fix anything. If I now start describing all the risk zones, it will take dozens of sheets. There is no point in talking about every specific risk. In the current situation, there is not the slightest point in correcting individual episodes; they will be added much faster than existing ones are closed.

8. Assessment of the remuneration system. There is no system as such. There is a staffing table with numbers. All. There is nothing more. There are no policies, no proposals, no system, no perspective. All. There is nothing more. There is a staffing table that contains solid numbers... A month has passed, the employee came to the accounting department, received his 5 rubles, and so on until the next month. No connection to labor results, productivity, efficiency, benefits for the enterprise... Nothing. A scoop in the worst sense of the word.

9. Evaluation of the personnel selection system. There is no need to talk about the selection system. There are two divisions that are not connected in any way and each live their own lives. One spends budgets on posting notices on trains, publishing in the media, etc. in order to catch up with more ordinary personnel. The successes are more than modest. The latter puff up their cheeks and pretend that they are hiring valuable employees. Their task is the opposite, to beat off as many applicants as possible to middle positions. One of the problems is that the people with whom both departments work are the same. Often they are those who, for some reason, were not hired as loaders, general workers, order pickers, etc. come to the second division and get jobs as site foreman, shift supervisors, etc. Madhouse, in a word. In the work of the second division, everything is also burdened by the presence, as the manager admits, of “a unique test purchased for a lot of money”... We looked at this test... Either the manager received at least 90% of the kickback for this purchase, or it has a place in the ward of the terminally mentally ill...

10. Evaluation of the personnel training system. Well, here foreigners can be completely delighted. There is a beautiful poster on the wall: “our corporate policy.” Every HR employee has a multi-volume “guidelines for personnel” in his desk. No one ever opened them, and if they did, they slammed them back in horror. No one is able to understand the intricacies of a bureaucratic language that does not carry any useful load. It is good to meditate under such texts. Doesn't distract. The head remains surprisingly clean and empty. There may be other valuable uses for them. Suddenly a zombie invasion begins and a complete Armageddon happens, that’s where they will be needed. They can burn and provide a lot of heat in a cold cave, where you will wait out the nuclear winter. We couldn’t think of any other use for them, no matter how hard we tried, they are not suitable for wrapping herring, the Typorgaf paint gets dirty.

11. Evaluation of the system of work with rational proposals of staff. Hmm... Well, how can I tell you... If you are an employee of this holding company, tired of this mess and want to quit without any bureaucratic delays - offer something interesting to improve the company’s work and you won’t have to run around with work slips, stand in line at the accounting department, catch storekeeper to hand over your workwear, everything will be done for you at lightning speed, even at the checkpoint you will be given the necessary acceleration and direction by kinematically impacting your butt with your boot.

12. Assessment of the financial performance of the personnel service. You know, it is much easier to conduct a financial audit of the common fund in a colony or some sect. HRs defended the secret of their budget more fiercely than the soldiers of the Soviet army defended Stalingrad in 1942. Still, we broke through to him. Well, what can I tell you... it became clear to me why the head of HR changed her apartment in Moscow time. to a more prestigious one, how she bought a luxury car, why she is the only working, well, “working” member of her family, vacations in the Caribbean, kilograms of prestigious jewelry, you are not small, you understand everything.

13. Assessment of the personnel reserve system. I can’t say anything, they couldn’t evaluate it, there was nothing to evaluate.

14. Search for places of abuse by employees of the personnel management department. Well, everything seems to be simple here. They have one global place of abuse - their place of work and their position.

15. Reducing and/or eliminating risks and presenting our proposals for improving staffing. Everything is even simpler here. Change the entire unit from start to finish, change it immediately. It is impossible to treat, amputate.

16. Assessment of staffing prospects. To build everything from the very beginning, fortunately there is no need to break anything for this, because there is nothing to break. There is something to clear, there is nothing to break.

General results and conclusions:

JV Stalin said that personnel decides everything. I used to wonder how this relates to his other statement “we don’t have irreplaceable people.” In this case, I think I understood what he meant. Replace all personnel personnel and then your personnel can be built in such a way that they become truly useful resource business, and not a black hole for the budget, a graveyard of ideas and a horror story for sensible employees.
