Chinese New Year on Aliexpress. Chinese New Year and shopping on Aliexpress: discounts, promotions, weekends Top cool gifts from Aliexpress New Year

This is not only a grand holiday, but also the time of one of the biggest sales on Aliexpress. Thousands of products with huge discounts, gift coupons, competitions and all kinds of bonuses, all this awaits us during the 2019 New Year celebrations in China.

So let's look at the most pressing questions: when does chinese start New Year 2019 , how many days will it last, how Aliexpress works for Chinese New Year and, of course, what promotions and sales await us.

Sales for Chinese New Year 2019 on Aliexpress

Sales and promotions on Aliexpress in honor of the Chinese New Year 2019 should begin 3-4 days before the holiday itself. So you should expect them to start in early February. By the way, you can try to persuade the seller to send your order before the holidays, it might work. Well, these promotions will last until the end of the celebration, that is, until February 20.

At this time, we are waiting for a bunch of promotional products with discounts of up to 60% (a kind of standard maximum for this holiday; it is rare to find a greater discount). Moreover, the sale in honor of the New Year in China will be held not only on Aliexpress, but also on Tmall.

You should also expect regular competitions with Aliexpress coins and gift coupons. In general, if you properly understand the conditions of these competitions and the intricacies of their work, you can save a lot of money or even get some goods for free. But to do this, you need to live according to the schedule established by Aliexpress and visit the site at a strictly designated time, so as not to miss the next distribution of bonuses. In general, as elsewhere, the smartest and most resourceful win here.

There is not much left until the Chinese New Year 2019 and soon all the promotions, sales and competitions that Aliexpress has prepared in honor of this holiday will appear here.

In the meantime, a couple of big pre-holiday sales from other Chinese stores:

When does Chinese New Year 2019 start?

The 2019 New Year in China will begin on February 5 and will be celebrated until February 20. In general, the date of Chinese New Year varies from January 21 to February 21. This is due to the fact that it is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar, during the new moon. The time range for this event is a month, so the New Year is always celebrated at different times.

Symbol of 2019 according to the eastern calendar - Yellow Earth Pig. So this year we got the earth sign. I’m sure the Chinese have a lot of signs and customs in store for this case, but I don’t really believe in them.

The Chinese New Year is celebrated for 15 days and ends with a grand fireworks festival. It’s worth a look, really, but the Chinese can do that.

Well, okay, I’ll add a little history and traditions dedicated to the celebration of the New Year in China at the end of the article. Now let’s figure out what awaits us on Aliexpress during this holiday.

How Aliexpress works in Chinese New Year 2019

Of course, on such a holiday we will have a big sale. But what will happen with the processing of orders and delivery of parcels from Aliexpress during the Chinese New Year celebration?

Well, as promised, a little about the history of this holiday and its traditions.

Chinese New Year marks the first winter new moon after the winter solstice. As mentioned above, this happens between January 21 and February 21.

Literally it translates as Spring Festival and is the most important and longest holiday in China and other Asian countries.

The Chinese New Year is celebrated for 15 days and ends with the grandiose Lantern Festival. Just like us, in China it is customary to gather for a large family dinner in honor of the New Year. Only they call it a reunion dinner.

How to celebrate New Year in China.

So what do the Chinese do during the entire 15 days of celebration? This is roughly how it happens

1 day

The first day of the Chinese New Year begins with a festive dinner, loud fireworks and festivities. On this day, it is customary to burn bamboo sticks and also visit the graves of your ancestors.

Day 2

The beginning of the second day should be spent in prayers, people ask the spirits for health, happiness, longevity and financial well-being. It is also customary on this day to visit your parents and grandparents. They, in turn, give their children gifts (traditionally, red envelopes with money).

3-4 days

They go on trips to visit friends and relatives, accompanied by feasts and festivities.

5-6 days

These days, it is customary to have one special dish for breakfast - jiaozi, which is somewhat reminiscent of dumplings. On these days it is also customary to set off festive fireworks.

Day 7

8-10 days

On this day, it is customary to visit temples to light special scented candles. For dinner it is customary to eat a dish called “yuanxiao”.

Day 11

Son-in-law's Day - on this day, the wife's father (father-in-law) arranges a noisy feast for his son-in-law.

12-14 days

These days are spent in preparation for the Lantern Festival. People stock up on decorations, lanterns and fireworks.

15 - day

The most noisy and large-scale festivities for the Chinese New Year occur on this day. Concerts, celebrations, festive processions with lanterns, explosions of fireworks, firecrackers and firecrackers.

Legends of Chinese New Year

There is a whole legend about how the tradition of setting off fireworks and lighting lanterns during the celebration of the Chinese New Year appeared. In ancient times, on the first day of the new year, a terrible monster named Nan emerged from its lair. It made its way into human settlements and devoured livestock, grain, and sometimes the settlers themselves.

In order to somehow appease this monster, people began to place food and supplies in front of the entrance to their houses. They believed that the more food they put in, the kinder the monster would be and the faster it would get enough and leave.

This continued until one year people saw how the formidable Nian was afraid of a small child who was dressed in red. So they guessed that the animal was afraid of the color red. Since then, every New Year, people began to hang red lanterns and scrolls on their houses, and also set off fireworks.

I also read another version of this legend. In it, instead of a child, there was an old man who, in order to thank the old woman for letting him spend the night, drove away the monster Nan, also with the help of red lanterns, scrolls and fireworks.

The New Year of the Yellow Dog is coming soon, and according to the Chinese calendar, it means that gifts should be given pleasant and special, since a dog is a kind, faithful and cheerful animal. In today’s selection, I offer you souvenirs that will brighten up the holidays and leave a pleasant impression and benefit.

20 unusual gifts for the New Year from AliExpress

Tibetan bowl

According to legend, this musical instrument is very popular in Asia, as part of a religious tradition. It carries healing properties with the music (it cannot be called otherwise) that it emits from the vibration of the walls and edges of the bowl. This is the best-selling product to tourists; many purchase it for meditation and are used in medical practice and relaxation. Many take it simply as the main souvenir of an unforgettable trip.

Carpet for games

New Year's holidays are a time of games and fun. Experience the classic game of Hopscotch with your family. This washable carpet will also create a special atmosphere in the children's room and sports classroom.

Felt Christmas tree

Well, what's a New Year without a Christmas tree? Do you want to decorate your workplace and be original among colleagues, as well as bring joy to your child? Then this gift is exactly what you need! The Christmas tree can be attached to the wall, on the door, wherever your imagination allows - or even on the ceiling. In any place, it will not darken the mood at all, but will only add creativity.

New Year's bag


An unusual gift for the New Year from the online store AliExpress could be this box. It can’t even be called a box - any girl will definitely like a certain dollhouse with a secret. You can choose several interior compositions with all seasons.

Children's instruments

And this, unlike the souvenir for girls above, is a developing set of tools for boys. The first thing that catches your eye is the size of the set. Not one or two units, and more than a dozen ! There is already room for the future assistant to roam!

Curtains constellation of dreams for the nursery

Since today surprises are only for children, I offer you an excellent solution on how to improve your child’s room, giving it a fabulous look and uniqueness.

I would like to immediately note the fact that the blue color in the interior is in harmony with almost all colors and is ideal for a nursery.

Santa hat

Wall Mounted Kitchen Towel Holder

A very useful thing in the household. Allows you to conveniently and compactly store cling film, foil, seasonings, and a kitchen towel.

Bag organizer

An excellent purchase for a woman, which will fit all the necessary cosmetics.

Sweater with deer for men, women and children

These warm and creative sweaters are an excellent New Year's gift from Aliexpress for the whole family. All sizes available! Hurry!

Lamp in the form of animals

It harmonizes well with the decor in any room and gives the feeling of a fairy tale.

Haunted Garland

Decorate your Christmas tree or children's room with these unusual garlands. +100 to the festive mood!


A dozen snowflakes will decorate your home or room for the New Year holidays.

toy train

This wooden train will simply enchant your child.

Garland curtain

Chinese New Year is the biggest and most awaited holiday in China. The Chinese celebrate it with their families, so everyone closes their offices, many enterprises stop operations, and all employees go home to their home province.

Chinese New Year 2018 dates

In 2018, Chinese New Year will be celebrated from February 16 to March 2. These dates are official holidays. But some Chinese will go home a little earlier and return to work a little later (usually 3-4 days). All this is because for dates before the holiday itself and before the end of the weekend, tickets are sold out in no time. And those who did not manage to buy convenient tickets on time take them for other upcoming dates.

How does Chinese New Year affect Aliexpress?

The Aliexpress platform itself will operate as usual during the Chinese New Year 2018. You will be able to place orders, open disputes, and contact support. None external changes buyers won't notice.

  • A small part of sellers will work as usual and respond to emails promptly. The other part, who will go home, most likely will not go to Aliexpress. Therefore, if you need to consult with the seller, it is better to do this before February 16th.
  • Order processing times will change. You need to be prepared that instead of the usual several days they will increase to 14-20 days.
  • The response time of the seller and mediators in disputes will also increase.

Is it worth ordering on Aliexpress during Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year is a great time to place orders, as sales usually start during the holiday period, sellers can offer significant discounts on goods. And if saving is important to you, but you are willing to wait, then you can safely place an order.

If delivery times are important to you, then you need to ask the seller to send the goods before the Chinese New Year. Since, in addition to increasing the order processing time, the delivery time will also increase. This is due to the fact that postal and courier companies will not work on holidays. And in the first working days, all sellers will rush to send parcels. And again there will be congestion at the post office due to the huge number of items.

Chinese New Year 2019 controversy

Many buyers ask when to open a dispute if the protection period ends on Chinese New Year. In fact, there is no need to worry and open a dispute earlier. Holidays will not affect the ability to open a dispute. The only thing is that the response time of the seller and mediators will increase. If your dispute response time falls on holidays, then don’t worry, you will receive an answer after the holidays.

The Chinese probably love the New Year more than others, because they celebrate it twice. First from December 31 to January 1 according to the Gregorian calendar, like other countries, and then in February a second time. Every year, this day falls on different dates, so there is always a difference between the Chinese New Year of the previous year and the next. Reporting the date of celebration in China is done in a special way. The Chinese New Year lasts not 1 day, as in the Gregorian calendar, but as much as 15 days. For obvious reasons, the work of the major Chinese platform AliExpress is suspended. Most stores do not work all 15 hours, while other sellers rest even longer. At this time, all shipments naturally arrive with delays. Logistics work is delayed until after the holiday, and all warehouses, the national postal operator and transport services are closed throughout the weekend. Customers who placed an order during this time may not expect prompt shipment of packages. This information is even indicated on the site itself in the “Buyer’s Guide” section so that users know that the reasons for the delays are justified. We will talk about how long the Chinese New Year lasts on Aliexpress and what to do if you bought a product on the Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year is the favorite holiday of all residents of the country. For the Chinese it is a spring festival. It is not just a reason to take a break from work, but also an important day for reading ancient traditions, so this event is treated with respect and compliance with all the rules and features of the celebration. This is the longest holiday and lasts 2 weeks, so during the Chinese New Year no one works for Aliexpress. The site itself is not blocked, customers can add products to the “Cart” and place orders, but shipments will only be made after the start of the work week. It is worth noting that Chinese New Year does not have a fixed date in the calendar. It is calculated in the same way as many centuries ago. This tradition is unchangeable. The first day of the holiday falls on the 2nd new moon of the winter solstice. It occurs after December 21st according to the Chinese calendar. If you count in Gregorian, this will be the period between January 21 and February 21. The holiday lasts exactly 15 days.

This year, the Chinese New Year falls on February 16th. It will not last from February 16, 2019 to February 16, 2020, as many might assume, but only until February 4, 2019. That is, next year, 2020 starts on February 5th. This may seem like a lot of complicated arithmetic, but it's actually simple. A week before the New Year and sellers retire, Aliexpress announces a sale and warns that, due to the onset of the Chinese New Year, the site will not temporarily serve customers and make shipments, but all placed and paid orders will be sent immediately. Only sellers will go to work.

Despite the fact that the Chinese New Year officially lasts 15 days, on Aliexpress the weekend will be from February 15 to February 22, instead of the required holiday until March 2. But you shouldn’t rejoice, since most sellers on the platform are still true to tradition and will enjoy their holiday until March 2, 2019. A few facts about the Chinese New Year 2019 on Aliexpress:

Chinese New Year 2019 Chinese New Year 2019 on Aliexpress
The 1st day of the KNG begins on February 16 Sellers go on vacation the day before the start of the New Year, that is, February 15
KNG lasts 16 days, that is, in 2019 from February 16 to March 2 Aliexpress has made a holiday for sellers from February 15 to 22, some sellers will rest as expected until March 2
The KNG is counted according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Each year falls on a new date between January 21 and February 21 Aliexpress also notes KNG along with all sellers; only TMALL works fully. All orders placed during this period will be shipped no earlier than February 22

The year of the yellow wild boar is celebrated to the fullest on Aliexpress. Chinese New Year 2019 will be preceded by a sale that will last throughout the holidays. This is a great opportunity for customers to share the holiday with AliExpress sellers and buy yourself something useful at a discount.

When does Chinese New Year start on Aliexpress?

In 2019, Chinese New Year on Aliexpress will begin on February 15th. But, some stores close earlier and go on vacation on February 12, or even earlier. In fact, the site is loyal to sellers and understands their desire to relax longer, so it provides them with freedom of choice. Officially, the site is closed from February 15 to February 22. Unofficially, stores are closed from February 12 to March 2. The Chinese New Year itself lasts from February 16 to March 2. With the arrival of the second new moon after the winter solstice, the Chinese New Year is considered to have begun. In Moscow it is 18:13, and 23:13 in Beijing. The 4717th New Year will begin for the Chinese on February 16, 2019.

But the desire of Aliexpress sellers to go on vacation early is understandable. They need to prepare for the New Year, perform rituals, and gather with their families. Despite the fact that the holidays start at the same time for all stores and sellers on the site, that is, on March 15, brands themselves set their own work schedule. Brands are direct producers. They usually take a day off the day before the holiday and return to work 7 days later. Partial work of stores is restored already on the 5th day, but there is no point for sellers to leave earlier, because warehouses, transport companies and logistics services are not working. Full operation of the site, despite the fact that the weekend is promised until February 22, will be restored only on March 2, and then Aliexpress will definitely operate as before.

How long does Chinese New Year last on Aliexpress?

In fact, Chinese New Year lasts for 15 days. On Aliexpress, the official weekend will last from February 15 to February 22, while sellers reserve the right to complete rest until March 2, 2019. In general, full operation of the platform in normal mode is restored only on March 2. This is due to the fact that in addition to sellers, orders are also sent a large number of employees of warehouses, logistics services, transport companies who rest for 2 weeks. Even if the seller goes to work and the warehouse is closed, he will not send anything. The parcel must be packaged, registered in the system, assigned a track number, selected carrier company, and all this is done by more than one person. Therefore, buyers should be patient and wait until the complex Aliexpress mechanism is restored, that is, February 15 to March 2, 2019.

What to do if you bought an item on Aliexpress during Chinese New Year?

Shopping for Chinese New Year is not a problem. As soon as a holiday on Aliexpress is announced, the platform operates as before, that is, all buttons are active, products are available for order and the site performs all functions, with the only difference being that no shipments are made. When a buyer places an order, after payment it is transferred to “My Orders” with the status “Awaiting shipment”. If you open the order details, the “Reminder” will indicate the number of days for shipment. Typically, the sending timer does not take more than 9 days. So, during the Chinese New Year weekend, +7 or +10 days are added to the timer, which depends on how many days off the seller took. As soon as the seller returns from vacation, he will immediately process the request and send the goods. In this case, there is no need to worry. Even if the timer expires and the seller does not have time to send the order within this period, it will be canceled and the money for it will be returned to the buyer. It is clear that order processing and shipping will take about two weeks, including all weekends, so it is better to place all orders before or after the holidays if you do not want to wait that long.

If you bought an item on Aliexpress during Chinese New Year, you don’t need to worry, your money won’t go anywhere. All payments are temporarily frozen, so the payment will not even go through. You should be sympathetic to long holidays on Aliexpress, because the main warehouse is located in Beijing and Hong Kong. People from small villages come to big cities to earn money, since there is no such opportunity in the provinces. For salespeople and warehouse employees, this is the only time when they can go home and visit their relatives, so these holidays are very important for them. This is a family holiday, which is traditionally spent with loved ones, relatives and friends. Buyers should not worry, all paid goods will be sent after February 22 or maximum March 2. After the holidays are over, the platform fully restores operation and makes shipments as before.

Video: Chinese New Year on Aliexpress

Chinese New Year is the longest holiday on Aliexpress. Officially, the weekend lasts from February 15 to 22 on Aliexpress, and from February 15 to March 2, according to generally accepted rules. Of course, long holidays affect the platform’s profits, so it cannot allow employees to not work for 15 days as expected, but some stores still reserve this opportunity to the detriment of income. Despite the fact that sellers are entitled to 15 days of rest, they will receive only 7 full days off and another 5 shortened working days. Some of the holidays fall on weekends, which, according to the law, sellers have a rest. Parcels will be sent from February 22 in a limited mode, and from March 2, as expected. If you still have questions about how long Chinese New Year lasts on Aliexpress, we recommend watching the video

Chinese tangerines, rice vodka and dried snake olivier. What else happens on Chinese New Year?

And when will the Chinese brothers finally get drunk and go to factories to make new iPhones, shoes and tablets?

Chinese New Year. How will Aliexpress work?

Chinese Jack Chans love to go out on New Year's Eve no less than our Vankas. Of course, they don’t put Olivier on the table, but they have a lot of their own gluttonously delicious dishes. (well, for an Asian language they are delicious, of course).

For reference: The Chinese have their own traditional dishes for the New Year, but they do not prepare mayonnaise salads in all their splendor.

  • Before the New Year, the Chinese make an analogue of our dumplings, they are called “jiaozi”. They look like ordinary dumplings, but the filling can be completely different, peanuts, chestnuts, pork is also added, but mostly various vegetables are used
  • Yu is the name of the next traditional food for the Chinese. This is a fish that ranges from fashionable trout to the most seedy capras. The Chinese eat fish for a reason on New Year's Day; it is believed that it symbolizes abundance.
  • New Year's side dish - a week before the New Year, the Chinese gather with families and companies and prepare a certain side dish from fish, various vegetables (the combination can be completely different), believing that by adding any ingredient to the dish, you bring some meaning to the dish, for example , “happiness”, “luck”...

The color red, according to the Chinese, wards off evil spirits. Which, like “our devils on the night before Christmas,” are especially active before the Chinese New Year.

When does Chinese New Year start on Aliexpress?

Chinese New Year is not a specific date; it is calculated in a special way based on the Chinese lunar and solar calendars. And it is celebrated during a certain lunar phase, which falls between the end of January and the end of February. Therefore, every new year this date moves.

The Chinese begin to celebrate several days before the holiday itself, unlike ours, where December 30-31 is only considered “half-working”. Or they can safely not work even a week before the holiday, the date of release for the holidays is different for all Chinese, some do not work 2 weeks, and some a couple of days before the new year.

In use on aliexpress: Some problems with the work of the Chinese on the site have already been observed since the second half of January. The Chinese are less likely to answer questions. Closer to the new year they stop responding altogether, and of course they don’t postal items. What for? After all, even postal services “stand up” for the New Year.

How long does Chinese New Year take on Aliexpress?

The Chinese celebrate their festivities for 15 days. This is the time when it is most difficult to buy anything in China. If you are planning a trip to China, be prepared to see closed shops. The same thing happens on the Internet on Chinese sites. About 15 days is the time when sellers will not respond to you and your product will not be shipped.

What to do if you bought an item on Aliexpress during Chinese New Year?

Do not panic. It is most important. If your situation is unusual, then write your question below in the comments, I will try to help. (I recommend reading the article 8 ways to look for things on Aliexpress)

Usually, after the New Year, sellers on Aliexpress are very busy, they received a huge number of applications, questions and orders, which often the Chinese cannot clear them up.

I remember when 2 years ago I placed an order for 300 pieces of jewelry goods, the Chinese answered me that he now has a lot of orders, and he will serve me in the order of priority. He didn’t care that I placed an order that was 300 times more than they usually buy from him, that I was one of his regular customers at that time, he didn’t care, although maybe not not, and he decided to answer me, but I wouldn't answer the rest. In short, it is important to understand here:

  1. The Chinese are people too, they work hard and want every client to be happy.
  2. After the new year, working days will begin and all orders will be sent, most likely on a first-come, first-served basis.
  3. There will be a very large backlog of parcels at China's postal stations and customs points, so you shouldn't expect quick delivery.

Bottom line: Your package will still reach you. Only a little later. About,

If you have questions, write them below in the comments - good luck!
