The best of Russian Facebook pages. How to search for groups on Facebook on the desired topic

The marathon of reviews of social networking groups continues!!! Today we introduce, and maybe even remind, the most numerous communities on Where adults prefer to share their thoughts, what they discuss and what interests the Kazakhstan Internet covers in this collection!!!

1) The largest group turned out to be about the main thing - health. Today, active members of the community “DOCTORS of the Republic of Kazakhstan! WHO AND WHERE SHOULD I BE TREATED? are 41,794 people. Here they ask doctors for advice, share useful information to preserve health, and sometimes obituaries are published in memory of doctors who are no longer alive. Useful group, we recommend subscribing!

2) The second thing that worries Kazakhstanis very much is work. On “Bulletin board. Kazakhstan. Job" 38,684 users subscribed. Obviously, this is where employers and job seekers meet. The group’s feed is filled with vacancies from different parts of the country and free buy/sell advertisements.

4) Do you prefer to eat deliciously outside the home, love to leave reviews in public catering establishments, or like to take photographs of your meal? A group has been created especially for you “Restaurant criticism of Kazakhstan”. The most commented and viewed group on the Internet gathered gourmets and restaurateurs under its roof. How many flattering and unflattering reviews restaurants here receive from their customers!!! Some establishments cordially ask angry users for forgiveness and work on their mistakes, and sometimes even go so far as to threaten to “sue” for anti-PR. Such are culinary passions! By the way, there are now 31,912 people in the group.

Recently, various ratings of sites that provide information about current opportunities for scientists have become popular. And, at the same time, young people involved in science are often so busy that they do not have enough time to fully surf in search of a grant or conference. But it’s hard to refuse to watch your feed on social networks...

Increasingly, we are seeing that people receive the lion’s share of information about internships, summer schools and vacancies, just like news in education and science, without leaving Facebook. You may accuse these people of being overly lazy, but the fact remains that most science communication platforms try to have their own social media presence.

Today we will try to put together groups and public pages on Facebook that are relevant for young scientists.

Feature Collectors:

This public page has almost 16.5 thousand subscribers. It is intended not only for scientists, or rather not so much for scientists, but for students, those who are looking for opportunities to get a free education, or for young professionals building up their resumes. However, here you can find offers for both postdocs and graduate students, as well as many summer schools.

There is a lot of humor on the page about modern system education, employment problems, ethnic stereotypes, etc. Administrators try to please their subscribers with all sorts of useful things in life - so-called life hacks.

This page is essentially a representative office of the Ukrainian crowdfunding platform The number of her subscribers also already goes beyond 16 thousand. Here you can find up-to-date information about language courses, trainings, facilitations, lectures, competitions, etc.

The target audience of the site and group is much wider than just scientists. This platform is designed for young, active and intelligent people engaged in self-education. But useful scientific and popular science events are also covered here. Use and choose.

This is perhaps the largest and most famous academic mobility program today. And the public Facebook page of Erasmus Plus+ is also quite large (over 15 thousand subscribers).

Here you can find program news, advice for applicants, success stories and descriptions of the life of fellows in Europe.

The subscribers of this community include more than 6 thousand people. As the name suggests, the public page is intended, again, for active urbanized youth (conventionally called “hipsters”), however, here you can also find offers with interesting courses or competitions for scientists who are not old and not “with high shoulder straps.” A nice feature of the platform is that partners are often found here to implement socially oriented projects.

As you may have guessed, the community is dedicated to short-term scientific and pseudo-scientific events. There are also a lot of interesting motivational pictures in the group. Almost five thousand meters!

The community numbers almost 4 thousand people. The range of events covered by the group is quite wide - from get-togethers for young leaders to internships in the Verkhovna Rada, from a competition of journalists and bloggers to a summer school on gender studios. Not everything will be of interest to scientists, and not everything covered in the group is science, but there is a lot to be found here.

Yes, yes, our website also has its own public page, which is developing dynamically. She recently reached the 2,000 subscriber mark. Here we collect information focused primarily on the scientific community (grants, vacancies, conferences) as well as articles of a problematic nature about education and science, their prospects and negative trends in development. We also duplicate our digest on this page. Join us!

Representation of the site of the same name on Facebook. Both the site and the page are quite young, but show very good promise. The number of subscribers is approaching the first number with three zeros. It should be noted that the site team monitors foreign “collectors” of opportunities well and qualitatively translates information from foreign resources.

The page is a representative of the site Quite an ambitious Lviv project. There are already more than 500 people among his subscribers on Facebook. The project is designed for humanists. Its content, covering grants, competitions, conferences and scientific lectures, is distinguished by its originality. I use it in my scientific life and recommend it to my colleagues.

The project was created by enthusiastic student Irina Samchenko, who herself has traveled half the world on various international educational initiatives. Ira simply wanted to share her accumulated experience and I thank her for that. Here are the only opportunities where you can really get in, even for a beginner, even without perfect English. Unfortunately, lately there has been little activity on the page (Irina’s busy schedule is taking its toll, since her carefree student years are already behind her). But she doesn’t completely forget about her brainchild, sometimes delighting with very useful content that you wouldn’t find anywhere else during the day.

Discussion clubs:

The group represents the project of the same name by Yuri Khalavka on social networks, but recently the life of the group has been much more varied and full than the life of the site. The undisputed leader of “discussion clubs” both in the number of participants (almost 5,000 people) and in the intensity of the polylogue. Almost not a single problematic article, not a single bill and not a single reform in the field of education and science goes unnoticed by community members. Although the intensity of the discussion can be quite high.

The number of group members is just over 650 people. There is a lively discussion in the community not only about reforming higher education, but also about secondary education. He was joined by many parents of schoolchildren who were concerned about the quality of knowledge. Despite this, the group does not lose its relevance for the scientific environment (as is known, the solution to a problem must be sought at its root). Among the participants are many university professors.
UPE and the mission of universities, financing of education and the professional choice of a child - this is not a complete list of issues discussed here.

The group started just a few weeks ago and today boasts a fairly representative composition of 302 participants (among them there are many people with a name in the scientific community, to many of whom I am ready to bow my virtual head). Its goal is to unite Ukrainian scientists, regardless of the borders that exist between them due to life circumstances.

The group has quite strict rules: “To become a member, you need to prove that you are a scientist, affiliated with a scientific-recent or initial pledge” (how the examination of the authenticity of evidence in the horizontal world of social networks is carried out remains a mystery to me).

The founders are no less demanding about the quality of published material - exclusively a strategy for the development of Ukrainian science and education. Failure to comply with the group's ethics may result in expulsion from the group. Obviously, due to this, the number of publications is small. Personally, I didn’t take the risk...

The most long-awaited and favorite day of the week has arrived! There is no energy left for instant coffee, the hated sandwich is annoying by its very appearance, and there are still a few hours left until the end of the working day. What kind of work is there on a Friday afternoon? Alas, the depth of this idea remained unappreciated by management, which means that it will be necessary to create the appearance of work.

Sympathizing and practically empathizing with this situation, we will share what you can have fun while sitting smartly in front of the computer. So, we present the Top 10 entertainment groups on Facebook.

Children are told: don’t run or whine, young and immature don’t worry, adults don’t freak out. And we say the opposite - run, whine, worry, freak out. In two words - be alive. You will always have time to NOT do something.

We talk about how to become happier, how to change your life, how to stop trying to meet other people's demands and how to live “your own way.”

Official website page Please note that it is possible to create your own custom postcard.

The community does not shine with originality, but quickly selects funny photos from the network.

Representation on the social network of a popular resource. Designers and others will appreciate the versatility of typical clients: “I need a person to be visible from both sides at once, as if we were in 4-dimensional space. The usual volume won’t work, it’s hackneyed!”

Contrary to the loud name, the number of photo jokes and moderately funny pictures exceeds the number of videos on YouTube.

Today we will tell you how to find groups on Facebook. At any social network communities appear in which users share news, post entertainment materials and look for like-minded people.


Before moving directly to how to find groups on Facebook, let’s say a few words about the project itself. The resource is aimed primarily at an adult audience. In addition to communication, here you can find communities, join them, and share opinions with other users.


To solve the question of how to find groups on Facebook, let’s move on to the personal profile. There is a search bar above the account image. Nearby we see our name, as well as a magnifying glass icon.

To solve the problem of how to find the desired group (users often go to Facebook precisely for this), enter its name in the specified search field. Press the Enter button. The system shows us all communities, as well as people and pages in which the specified combination occurs. To the left of the options we find the result type. Here you can select groups, users, events, and best options. Thus, we get access to the most popular communities that have high traffic. Click on the “Send request” button. This will allow you to join the community.

The full list of groups that we managed to join is displayed in our account on home page. It can be found at the bottom left. Sometimes confusion arises and concepts such as public page and community are mixed up. Let's figure out what the difference is. The main difference is that a public page is created primarily for advertising, it can be found and then viewed by all users, and registration on a social network is not required. In order to join the group, the user must Account in the project, as well as sending a special request.


Now let's look at how to find interesting groups on Facebook with high traffic. You can find out which of the most popular communities are available on a given social network today using statistics. Specialized services continuously demonstrate ratings of the largest groups whose content is regularly updated and have a constant influx of audience. Most often, this is where you can find communities of world-famous brands. Also on this list there are pages where celebrity fans gather, groups filled with entertaining content. Popular topics also include: games, relationships and love.

As a rule, ratings are compiled based on the number of participants: the more there are, the higher the position in the top. Place also depends on users' direct involvement in the community. If you plan to attract attention to your account on a social network, such ratings will help you choose a project for ordering advertising services. Now you know how to find groups on Facebook.

Facebook is also no exception. This resource is aimed at a more mature audience, unlike VK. In addition to communication, you can also find groups on Facebook, join them and share your opinion with others. To start your search:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. There is a search bar right above your page image. There you see your name and a magnifying glass icon next to it.
  3. Enter the name of the group you are looking for. Click on the “Enter” button. Facebook will show you all the groups, pages and people with the query you entered into the search. To the left of the set of options, you can notice the type of results.

These could be events, groups, users, or the top results for your query. It shows the most popular groups with high activity. To become a member of a particular community, click “Send a request”.

A list of all the groups you have added to your account will be shown on your profile home page in the bottom left. Sometimes people confuse Facebook communities with public pages. The main difference between these two types is that public pages are created for advertising and can be found and viewed on the Internet by all users, regardless of whether they have a Facebook account. For , you need to submit a request.

The most popular groups on Facebook

See which most popular groups on Facebook exist at the moment, statistics will help This site shows you the rating of the largest communities whose content is constantly updated and there is an influx of audience. Most often here you can find groups of world-class brands, such as KFC, Nike, pages where celebrity fans gather, groups with entertainment content such as “Humor”, Love and relationships, Online games.

This rating is based on the number of communities - the more participants, the higher the group’s place in the rating. It also depends on the involvement of people in the life of the group. If you are promoting your Facebook account, you have then this rating will help you more accurately choose a community to order advertising from. Also, depending on your requests, Facebook creates a list of recommended pages for you.

You can find it in the menu on the left. If you add yourself to the groups that are featured there, you will likely find it easier to find . For a more detailed analysis of group ratings, the website This service provides information not only about the number of participants in a particular community. In it you can see the engagement ratios - namely how many people and reposts to his page from one community or another.

The most popular Facebook groups in Russia

The most popular groups on Facebook in Russia not very different from those groups that are widespread throughout the world.

These are also pages of famous brands, celebrity profiles, statements of great people, pages with entertainment content and games. This also includes a group dedicated to Facebook itself, a portal with news from Channel One. Groups aimed at developing intelligence and developing creative abilities.
