What needs to be done to make the group popular. How to promote a group on VK: some secrets

Social networks are a real phenomenon that has exploded the Internet and has become a significant part of the lives of many people. Without a high-quality representation of your personality online, it is very difficult to achieve success in your career, especially if your job requires you to work with people. Many people say that if a person is not in social network, then it does not exist at all, and there is some truth in this.

VKontakte is, if not “our everything,” then at least joy and pride. The domestic social network is the largest in Europe and is highly rated in the rest of the world.

Constant improvements and work on bugs allow us to attract more and more new users, and VKontakte receives about 70 million people per day:

One of the most powerful tools on VKontakte are groups. More and more users prefer them over websites. Why this happens, how to competently use the capabilities of a social network and how to promote a group on VKontakte will be discussed in this article.

What is a group

The VKontakte group offers the following main features:

  • Create discussions. Depending on the rules established in the group, new topics can be proposed by members or the administrator.
  • Adding photos, audio and video. Such materials must correspond to the theme of the group ( or should not, if the administrator allows).
  • Messages on the "wall". Active discussions do not only develop in discussions. The reason could be someone's post, picture or video.

How to create a VKontakte group?

It takes very little time for you to have your own group. To begin, you should visit the “My settings” section and check the “My groups” checkbox so that it appears in the menu:

After this, the corresponding item appears in the menu:

Go ahead and click " Create a community»:

Enter the name, select the community type “Group" and create:

Now you can set the necessary settings and the group is ready:

The group owner has access to various management tools and statistics. Are there also elements with which basic promotion of groups is carried out?

Why are groups needed?

People can have a wide variety of ideas when creating their own thematic community. You can try to make money or just lead a group “for the soul”. Let's consider the main goals of creating a VKontakte group.

  • To gather “kindred spirits”. No one has yet canceled the feeling of boredom and despondency, so it is useful to have a company of like-minded people on hand. If they could not be found in real life, then it’s worth trying in virtual;
  • For online display of real group unit. A class at school, a team at work, a club of oil rig owners - they would all benefit from being connected to a social network. This will give you more opportunities, and in general will make life much easier;
  • Content generation. This point already implies mercantile interests. Instead of using expensive ( or cheap but of poor quality) with the services of copywriters, you can simply create a new discussion in which group members will express many interesting thoughts;.
  • Group as an alternative to the site. For the owner of a thematic community, the possibilities in this regard are practically unlimited. I want to create news portal- no question, you need an online store - no problem: products and descriptions for them can be placed in photo albums and the “hottest” items can be displayed on the wall.

Inconveniences can only arise when advertising, but even in this case there is a fairly wide range of possibilities.

  • Targeted ads. This type of advertising consists of small banners placed on social network pages. Ads are offered only to the group of users determined by the advertiser;
  • Posts in communities. VKontakte invites advertisers to place their ads in relevant groups;
  • Interaction through applications. VKontakte has a huge number of games and tests. Within these applications, you can place an offer to follow a link to an external resource;
  • Selling mercilessly. If the group has an impressive number of participants and has development prospects, then you are guaranteed a long line of buyers;
  • Help your project. This section should be given special attention.

Project development using groups

Promotion of a group in VKontakte can only act as part of the work on your own resource. Opening offices on social networks is an important part of promotion. Let's consider the main advantages of this approach.

  • Good source of traffic. It is worth noting that in this case we can talk specifically about the target audience. After all, only interested people will agree to join a group that matches the theme of your site;
  • Opportunity to find out the opinions of visitors. Of course, research can be carried out directly on the pages of the site, but this is not always appropriate. The format of the VKontakte group allows you to harmoniously conduct surveys of participants, thus obtaining valuable information:
  • A good addition to the functionality of the site. If the main resource does not offer to buy anything, then the VKontakte group can take on this task. In this regard, the thematic community is limited only by the imagination of the owner;
  • You can promote not a specific site, but a specific topic. Sometimes users do not visit the pages of a resource not because it is bad, but because the site is not popular enough. A group on a social network will help fix this;
  • A good opportunity to find employees. If you feel that you can no longer cope with a rapidly growing project and need help, then a thematic group is a good source of potential employees;
  • Receipt statistical information about the participants. It is important to understand who is interested in your topic, because it may turn out that one target audience was planned, but it turned out to be completely different.

Promotion of the VKontakte group

Before opening a representative office on your VKontakte website, you need to think about how to promote the group. After all, without an impressive number of participants, a thematic community will be ineffective.

First of all, you should think about optimization. To correctly complete this stage, you must follow some recommendations.

  • Use keywords in the group name. The ship is sailing as it is called, and users will find your community based on specific queries. In order to make the right choice, you need to analyze your subject area and formulate the most suitable name;
  • Write your description correctly. By analogy with the Description tag, you should use direct and indirect occurrences keywords. Search engines must receive the necessary data to display in the top, and visitors must quickly understand what we are talking about;
  • Ensure unique content. This point is important for both search robots and people. Nobody wants to read again what they have already seen somewhere, and a joke told a second time is no longer a joke. Search engines “spit” on plagiarists and “demand” to meet the standards of uniqueness.

It is also worth remembering that the group must be active throughout the day. That is, if you have a certain amount of information, then you need to distribute it evenly in order to achieve multiple visits.

It is also worth stimulating all sorts of activities within the group: adding new discussions, polls, events. The more movement the better.

The main goal of promoting a group is to attract new people. Let's consider the main ways to solve this problem.

  • Invite people yourself. Brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles will gladly (or not) support a relative, and friends will not stand aside either. Once these niches have been exhausted, you can start looking for complete strangers who might be interested in your project. It is worth noting separately that 16-year-old Katya Glamurova is unlikely to join the group “ All about compressors”, so it is necessary to filter possible participants. Unfortunately, the daily number of invitations is limited (no more than 40);
  • Search for similar communities. Your potential members have already been snapped up by other groups, but nothing prevents a VKontakte user from joining you, so cooperation between thematic communities is a mutually beneficial activity. The main thing when choosing is to match the topic and enough high quality groups (regular updates, less advertising, constant increase in participants);
  • Long live spam. A popular community with open comments is just some kind of market where everyone shouts: “ oh, what delicious group, I would eat it myself!" This irritates many visitors, but some are overcome with curiosity. In addition, you can write personal messages asking to join the thematic community, but their number is again limited. It is worth noting that spam in a blatant and undisguised form will certainly lead to a ban, and no one wants that. To avoid this outcome, you should constantly change the text of invitations. Increasing the number of group members using spam is a method that requires a significant investment of time, so you need to carefully weigh everything before resorting to it;
  • Use other sites and social networks to attract participants. VKontakte is not the only social network in which you should be represented. If a group is an element of website promotion, then all the “branches” of your information resource should be connected to each other and advertise each other. You can also place links on other sites, but this is most likely a paid pleasure;
  • enjoy software. It is worth stopping at this point and explaining it in more detail.

Programs for promoting VKontakte groups

Software assistance in promoting a group can be very diverse. Let's look at some of the opportunities that robots open up for us:

  • Find materials on a given topic. You should not steal content, but if you have no imagination, then a program such as Grabber VkDog will help in a dishonest matter:

Or your own project on the Internet. Therefore, all community owners are interested in the topic of how to make their group on VK popular.

There are 4 main ways to promote a community. Some of them are paid, some are free. The photo below is not entirely suitable for our article. But it shows the importance of content. We and the newsletter.

Quality content

The foundation of any successful community is content. When publishing materials that are not interesting to the target audience, even large financial investments in promotion will not help in the popularization process.

Among all the available types of content, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Articles. A suitable type of publication for promoting a business, personal brand, or online stores.
  • Video. Universal look content. Suitable for both pages of large companies and thematic communities.
  • Memes. Content in the form of images, better known as memes. Aimed at viral spread and used in communities of an entertainment nature.
  • Promotion using content allows you to get new members for free and without cheating.

Targeted advertising

An effective way of promotion that requires financial investments. Advertising is placed on the left side of the interface in the form of banners:

And in the users' news feed:

Each placement method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The best option is to use both options. This is necessary to conduct tests to identify the most effective one.

The more precise the settings, the cheaper the promotion process will be.

Purchasing advertising in communities

By promoting thematic communities for subsequent earnings, the best option promotion is the purchase of advertising in other groups. To do this, you can use the official VKontakte exchange in the advertising account.

By going to the “Available Communities” section, a large list of thematic communities will appear.

The cost of posting one post depends on the size of the group. To get maximum effectiveness from advertising, post in public pages similar to yours in topic.

Mutual publication

Once you reach 10 - 20,000 participants in the group, you can engage in mutual PR with. To do this, you need to find groups similar in topic and size to place mutual advertising publications.

People who create online communities, of course, think about how to make their VKontakte group popular. Everyone has their own goals - to make money from advertising, to promote their creativity, simply out of a desire to assert themselves. Others strive to realize themselves and become significant in the eyes of society. A large number of participants is almost always the goal of the creator.

However, recruiting them is not easy. For those who created groups at the very beginning of the development of VK, it was much easier, since they were pioneers and managed to occupy the most interesting niches. Now, when groups on VKontakte number in the millions, with something for every “taste and color,” competition is fierce, and it’s difficult to come up with something original. Nevertheless, you can and should try. The tips below will help with promotion.

How to make your VKontakte group popular, free and fast

You should immediately warn that it won’t work out very quickly if it’s free. You'll have to work hard and wait. If you try to attract any promotion programs, you can easily run into blocking. Now in VK it’s tough with this, not like before.

In addition, such programs cost money. As a rule, a beginner does not have them; he only plans to become an online millionaire. What can I do to make the VKontakte group popular? Recommendations from experienced admins:

1. Spare no effort and time on registration. The appearance of the group is a very important point. Think through everything down to the smallest detail, paying special attention, of course, to the avatar. You should not resort to too bright, variegated colors - this is not solid. Everything should be decorated with taste, but in such a way that it stands out from the crowd. The task is not easy. Therefore, if you have familiar designers, it is advisable to involve them. For example, promising advertising in the group for services later.

2. Another tip is the interface. It must have wiki markup.

3. Come up with an original name. It is very important not to repeat yourself. It is important to explore the space of VK. If communities with similar topics already exist, you need to add something of your own to the title.

4. Decide in advance on the content of the group and, accordingly, the target audience. You need to clearly understand for whom and what is being done, where the information will be obtained. It is important to deal with these issues at the initial stage, while the group is still empty. Otherwise, the admin’s fussy “throwing” will go unnoticed by the participants.

5. Relentlessly add people to the group. Friends, as well as their buddies, just users - focusing on the target audience. If the group is about dogs, you need to visit similar communities and send invitations to their participants. This is more efficient than sending requests to everyone. There will be a lower risk of being blocked. Call your family and friends for help, but you shouldn’t launch bots.

6. Organize a vibrant life in the group. The more often the information is updated, the more reposts, the more interesting it will be for participants. It's difficult, but it's the most reliable way.

7. Regularly hold promotions, sweepstakes, and competitions. People of any age love to play and win.

8. You can try to make the group closed. Opening it again will not be a problem at any time, if suddenly the idea does not justify itself. However, experienced administrators are confident that the plan will work. People are attracted to the forbidden fruit. They will ask to join the group in batches to find out what is so interesting hidden from their eyes. All requests, of course, must be approved. At the same time, attention! Such tricks with the ears can only be done when there are already at least a thousand people in the community.

Of course, these are not all methods. Here are the most honest and effective ones. You can order advertising in large groups, and create your own website, the information from which can be duplicated in the group. However, all this requires financial costs and will not bring instant success. If there is no money, you need to attract perseverance and work.

And reach as large an audience as possible. Today, the monthly income of popular public pages amounts to tens of millions of rubles. And in this regard, many people have a question: how to achieve such popularity, how to make a group popular on VK?

Don't forget that the multimillion-dollar audience is this is the result of hard and high-quality promotion work. And, most likely, without a sufficient budget it will not be possible to gain a couple of million subscribers. Therefore, be prepared to give your all, both financially and ideologically.

In today’s article we will highlight the main aspects of the group’s development, and also look at some famous public pages and what helped them gain popularity on VK.

Achieving popularity on VKontakte is not as easy as many may think at first glance. Common Misconception people who have just created their public – this means rapid growth of the audience and, consequently, the popularity of the community. Also, popularity is not always the number of subscribers. There are publics that even people who don’t subscribe to them know about or have heard of at least once.

Making the group popular with content

The main thing in any successful group is His Majesty content! Its importance is difficult to overestimate. After all, this is what your audience subscribes to you for.

The content must be of high quality and interesting. IN otherwise, You are unlikely to achieve anything. Without a good filling of the group, everything described below is meaningless.

You can either come up with something of your own, unique, or “hype” on popular topics. The first one is of course more difficult. After all, most topics already exist, and coming up with something new is not so easy. With the second one, it’s easier. You just need to take a look and determine which topics are in greatest demand.

Good advertising - your group becomes popular automatically!

The main thing is to make people want to watch your group’s feed again and again. At a certain stage of development, subscribers will be the main driving force of development.

The second most important point can be noted advertising. Today it is quite difficult to achieve great popularity without investing in advertising. And, as a rule, the larger the budget you have, the larger the audience you can attract.

Today, there is more than one way to advertise on the VKontakte network. This includes targeted advertising, advertising in communities, and promotional posts. Each method is effective when correct use, and also more or less effective, depending on the purpose and goals of the community.

Most of the currently popular public pages have achieved their success thanks to advertising. They paid enough attention to this issue. VK can help you to popularize the group; they are used quite often.

The visual design of the group makes it popular

Appearance is also an important part. Many people believe that under appearance only the cover and avatar are meant.

In fact, content design and layout also plays an important role. Adding your own style to your recordings will help set you apart from the rest, as well as attract more participants.

Today there is a large number of various widgets and services that help wrap your group in a beautiful wrapper. And you don’t even need to be a great specialist to create a beautiful visual design for a group yourself. But, if you have a sufficient budget, then turning to professionals will never be a bad idea.

We study people's interests

Working with the audience– holding various competitions, promotions, surveys, adding discussions and the opportunity to write to the community.

This is not a mandatory clause, but still exists. Here you need to start from the purpose of the group. If your topic involves working with an audience, then use it. If the group simply provides entertaining content, then this point can be neglected.

It's also worth giving enough attention to the community. It is necessary to constantly analyze activity, and also look at who your audience is (age, gender, place of residence, preferences, specialty and hobbies). Based on this data, plan further actions.

Basic mistakes when promoting

Below we have described the main mistakes made in the process of popularizing communities.

Bad idea (poor content)

In most cases, this point is the reason for the closure or termination of groups.

Many topics are simply not valued by VKontakte users and the group does not receive the expected attention.

Above we wrote about how you can “hype” popular topics. But this does not mean that if you create a public page, for example, on the topic of humor, and stupidly copy posts and pictures from TOP groups, then you will be guaranteed popularity. Almost always, this approach to work dooms you to failure in advance. If you still decide to create a public blog that is not about humor, then either use unique content or change your approach to work so that it looks original and interesting.

Small budget

The lack or lack of funds to promote a group is the main reason for the closure of many groups at the initial stage of development. Unfortunately, without a sufficient budget, recruiting the required number of group members will be difficult, and sometimes impossible.

A large number of people create groups, fill them with content, recruit a certain number of participants, give inexpensive advertising, but as soon as it comes to investing significant amounts of money, they are not ready for this.

Therefore, tune in to what the good promotion you'll have to pay well.

Misunderstanding of the audience

It often happens that the creators of certain groups simply do not know who the target audience of VKontakte is. This leads to a number of difficulties and problems, which, as a rule, lead to a stop in the work of the public.

Therefore, before you begin, it is important to understand whether you will give this audience what they want.

Stories of real bands

Let's use the example of a couple of popular groups to find out what helped them achieve such results.

The first is the group “MDK”, quite famous among young people.

It was created in 2011 and since then has an audience of more than 8 million people.

The public achieved its popularity primarily due to its sharp and risky humor, for which it was repeatedly accused of extremism and xenophobia. MDK stood out from other humor communities and was well appreciated by the VKontakte audience.

Therefore, we can safely say that the main reason for such popularity was the idea that the public adheres to to this day. But don’t forget about cash investments. In 2013, MDK even developed its own application on iOS.

A high-quality approach to work in all aspects has provided MDK with recognition and popularity, which will be the envy of almost all VKontakte communities.

VineVideo - the best public video content

Another worthy example of how an idea and a serious approach to work provided an audience of more than 5 million people.

[Total votes: 3 Average: 5/5]

It is important to understand that promoting a group is not an easy task; it is important to devote a lot of time and, as they say, put your soul into your business.

How to make a group on VK popular? Content is everything!

It is important to choose a really interesting topic that will attract new group members. You shouldn’t copy other popular public pages; it’s much better to make your community special. Determine your target audience to fill the group with necessary and appropriate content.

Group posts should be interesting and unique. The post should be such that you want to repost it on your wall. In fact, this is The best way promote your group. When your posts begin to be actively reposted, the number of participants will increase at an incredible speed. And then you won’t have to rack your brains about how to invite strangers to the VKontakte group - people will run to you themselves. If posts in the group are not reposted, then you should think about changing the topic.

What will you name the boat...

An original and clear name is the key to the success of any group on a social network. There are two ways to call a group – a brand or a service. . In the first case, you come up with the name of the group, and in the second, you decipher it. For example, “Mandarin” or “Women’s clothing store.” The first option is perfect for entertainment communities in the following cases:

  • Many people already know your brand, and the name speaks for itself;
  • you can come up with a really interesting name that will interest a potential participant.

The second option is more commercial, it is suitable for selling services or goods. Users who already sell goods or services on social networks know very well the answer to the question of how to make money on a VKontakte group. Let the group name reflect the essence of your proposal as clearly as possible. Another nice bonus - search engines VKontakte is well indexed, so they can easily find you by the name of the group.

Plan to post in a group

Any group should be lively and active; it is important to regularly update the group with information and new interesting posts. However, you need to exercise moderation in this matter - you should not publish too many posts. The most optimal amount is considered to be 3 posts daily. Keep in mind that there are more users online in the evening than during the day or morning. For regular posting in the group, you can create a publication plan and make certain preparations.

#Usehashtags . This way, your group can be found by other users who might be interested in the community.

Interesting headlines– another must-have, you need to interest the participant from the first line. Posts should be simple and understandable; you can use emoticons, conduct surveys, competitions, and encourage the audience to actively comment on posts.

How to create a group on VK with the help of friends

The most common way to build a group is to invite participants. This is a very effective method, it is incredibly simple if you know how to invite VK to a group. This is very easy to do - create a profile for the group as a person and send out friend requests to potential members. It's better not to choose too much popular people, since users with a huge number of subscribers can simply ignore the invitation. You can also invite all your friends to the group.

The method is really effective and simple, but not so long ago the administration of the social network began to block groups that invite participants too actively. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with this method, so that your group is not frozen for a while. You should not add many participants in a row; it is better to stretch this process several times throughout the day. It is also not recommended to add many participants daily.

A little trick to attract new members:

  • We post it on our page advertising post public
  • We go to the page of the victim and potential participant.
  • We like his photos.

There is a high probability that a person will visit your page and see an interesting post that will simply force him to join the group.

How to invite to a VK group

Without inviting participants, promoting a group is simply impossible. You can only invite your friends to the community. You can invite 40 friends per day from one account. Inviting a friend to the community is very easy, to do this you need to follow these steps:

  • We go to the community to which we will invite a friend.
  • To invite friends, you need to be a member of the group, then click on the button Invite friends.
  • Your list of friends will appear in front of you, in which you need to click on Send an invitation near the person you are going to invite. You can always cancel an invitation.

Here's how to invite to a VKontakte group

You can also invite friends based on certain criteria (age, gender, city). To do this you need to click on the button Invite friends from full list . A list of all your friends will appear in front of you, then click Options, select the criteria and click on Invite to group.

If you don't have the option Invite friends, this means that you are a member of the public. You cannot invite friends to the public. However, public page owners can always transfer them to groups.

Conduct promotions and competitions

In fact, various competitions are a great way to promote your group, attract attention to it and “invite” new members. You should play things that are interesting to your target audience. To use competitions to promote a group, you need to determine the conditions for participation, which should include the following:

  • be a member of a group;
  • repost to your page.

Prizes can be very diverse - if you sell something, then this can become a prize. For not such a high price you can get a huge number of new participants and good advertising.

Paid promotion of VKontakte group posts

You can also use hidden advertising posts on VKontakte , which only the target audience will see, and such posts will not be displayed on the wall or in the feed. For hidden advertising, you can independently select the target audience according to various criteria.

  • The group name and community description fields must be filled in;
  • the avatar must have an image;
  • The advertiser must provide contact information (website, telephone).

It is also important to consider the following nuances:

  • You can only promote posts that are published by the community.
  • You cannot advertise private posts, closed groups or private events.
  • You cannot repost advertisements. .
  • One ad can be made per entry. If you started promoting advertising using one advertising account, then you can no longer promote it using another.
  • You can only promote posts from groups in which you are an administrator.

How to promote a group's recording?

Promoting community posts is quite simple; to do this, you need to go to the community page in the menu Actions choose Advertise the community.

Press the key Create an ad in his personal account, then go to point Post in the community and create new entry(to promote hidden advertising), you can also promote a post that has already been posted in the community.

Here's how to promote a VKontakte group on your own, but not for free

It is important to consider that all posts are sent for moderation, so before promoting it is worth studying
