1s 8.3 the specified account already exists. "The specified account already exists" error: Step by step solution

. Yesterday, with the help of the installer, I finally updated my eight on all machines to the newfangled ten. However, I ran into one significant problem.

The point is that the program Classic Shell, which returns a more convenient view of the Start menu, suddenly refused to work, when trying to reinstall it, the error “specified Account already exists" . The same message appeared when trying to delete it.

After long dances with a tambourine, about the same as in the case of an error, I suddenly found a simple solution.


So, if your channel allows you to watch the video, then you can follow the steps following me to fix the problem “the specified account already exists”.

If you have a weak Internet, then here's what you need to do:

  1. Delete the folder with the installed program, for this we go to C:\Program Files if our ill-fated program is not there, then we scratch it in C:\Program Files (X86).
  2. Open it, go to the Important registry keys section, enter the name of the program in the search box at the top, then go through all the tabs, and if any entries appear, delete it.

Attention!!! Do not remove the extra, only what belongs to the program.

  1. We go to the "Registry Cleaning" section and search for problems, which we then fix in automatic mode.

We rejoice at the working installer, or the remote program. The error "the specified account already exists" will not bother you anymore.

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To completely remove the 1C Enterprise program of any version from a computer, I advise you to first remove the information database. Although if you know exactly where the database is located, the order doesn't matter.

Removing the information database 1C Enterprise

I’ll make a reservation right away that this article deals with deleting only the file version of the database. If the database is a server one, you need to contact the server administrator.

To determine where the database is located, you need to run the 1C program. After starting, the following window will appear with a list of your infobases:

At the bottom is the path to the database directory (I highlighted the line with a red box). This is the directory that needs to be removed from hard drive(only the last directory in this way, in my example it is "Temp", which is located in the "Base 1C" directory).

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Open the "Explorer" and look for the directory we need:

Right-click on it and select "Delete".

We do the same with other information bases.

If the database is located on another computer (the path will look something like this: “File=\\ALEXPC\1C\Temp Databases”), it is better to go to that computer and delete it there. If knowledge allows, you can try to remove it from this computer as well.

Removing the 1C Enterprise platform

Platform 1C: "Enterprise" is removed in the same way as a regular program, through the "Control Panel".

We go to the "Control Panel". Depending on the Windows versions the panel can be found by clicking either the right or left mouse button on the "Start" button. On Windows 10, you need to right-click:

. Yesterday, with the help of the installer, I finally updated my eight on all machines to the newfangled ten. However, I ran into one significant problem.

The fact is that the Classic Shell program, which returns a more convenient view of the Start menu, suddenly refused to work, when you try to reinstall it, the error “the specified account already exists” began to appear. The same message appeared when trying to delete it.

After long dances with a tambourine, about the same as in the case of an error, I suddenly found a simple solution.


So, if your channel allows you to watch the video, then you can follow the steps following me to fix the problem “the specified account already exists”.

If you have a weak Internet, then here's what you need to do:

  1. Delete the folder with the installed program, for this we go to C:\Program Files if our ill-fated program is not there, then we scratch it in C:\Program Files (X86).
  2. Open it, go to the Important registry keys section, enter the name of the program in the search box at the top, then go through all the tabs, and if any entries appear, delete it.

Attention!!! Do not remove the extra, only what belongs to the program.

  1. We go to the "Registry Cleaning" section and search for problems, which we then fix automatically.

We rejoice at the working installer, or the remote program. The error "the specified account already exists" will not bother you anymore.

Subscribe to my youtube channel! Many more useful videos are waiting for you!

Running a wix package from a package outputs "error 1316: The specified account already exists" during upgrade. Like a program Windows installation will output this error code? I'm afraid there is no documentation for this.

Previously we released a product consisting of a single msi package and now we are preparing an update consisting of a wix package containing new version this msi package. The product code and file name have not changed between the original msi package and the update.

Change: msi package does not support updates yet. When the user needs to upgrade (when it will be a major upgrade, a minor upgrade, or a minor upgrade), he must first manually uninstall the previous package...

Edit 2: I just removed the references to use the extension to compile and the installer seems to work fine... I still need to fully test it.

An MSI upgrade requires the MSI to have a new ProductCode, an incremental ProductVersion (in the first three fields), and the same UpgradeCode. So it's not clear to me that you're actually getting an upgrade, depending on what you think you're drinking. It cannot update because you have the same ProductCode. (The MajorUpgrade item in the MSI is required to perform the corresponding upgrade.) Therefore, there are some doubts as to whether you are actually receiving the full update. If you intend to replace the installed MSI complete renewal and a higher versioned product, use the MajorUpgrade feature.

Therefore, Burn may decide to do an in-place upgrade by reinstalling MSI file(and it's more like a patch than an update) and it's relevant because you don't say if you have any user actions or WiX usage features (they are still user actions) that create a user account. If you do that, then the most likely cause of your error is that Burn reinstalled the new MSI as an update by reinstalling the MSI file and some user actions are just running again and yes that user still exists because there was no actual uninstall , which will remove it. Or the ProductVersion of your MSI is the same and you have maintenance mode repair so the custom action will run again.

I would get a detailed update log to see exactly what is going on.

There's a lot of guesswork in there because you say you want an update, but your MSI isn't built to actually update, and you don't say if you have WiX that uses user to create a user account. You also don't say if you increased the ProductVersion of your new MSI, so again this leads to more guesswork as to what Burn can do. The verbose log will tell you if it's a custom action issue or something, what update (if any) you're doing.

I had the same problem and since win10 does not allow you to run the fixit tool from the web, I did the following hack to remove Asus Smart Gesture on my Windows laptop 10.

1. You need to spoof the MS site thinking your computer is not Win10. I have installed Chrome add-on which allowed me to change the chrome browser user agent to think I'm IE9 and a previous version of Windows: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)

2. This allows you to see the fixit button and download the portable version of the tool (in case you need to use it for offline clients)

3. Download and extract to my download library in a folder named fixitp.

4.If I run the exe directly I get some nasty script error. What I did to get around this was to go to the Resources folder and then to the Troubleshooting folder.

5. I ran Program_Install_and_Uninstall.diagcab which ran and allowed me to successfully uninstall the Asus SmartGesture program.

6. Then I installed the new version of ASUS Smart Gesture from my website.

I suspect that any installed app that you can't uninstall might be allowed by that same process - just not run in any other that's included.

PowerShell must be installed for the script to work. This program comes bundled with all modern windows systems, but in WindowsXP you will have to install PowerShell separately.

All parameters of the script can be set by editing the file, or can be passed as the values ​​of the corresponding keys. Let's look at what keys are available and what values ​​they need to pass.

Key "dd" (from Distribution Directory), accepts any windows path format, i.e. paths like "C:\Windows" or "\\Server\1CDistr". Distributions of the 1C platform should be located along the specified path, and each of the distributions should be in its own folder with the version number or with the version number and bit depth of the 1C Enterprise platform, for example "" or "" or " -64". Bitness suffixes must be used if there are computers on the same network with operating systems of different bitness and you want to install a 64-bit platform on a 64-bit system. The specified folder, and all subfolders with platform distributions, must be readable by the user on whose behalf the script will run.

The "dl" key (from Directory Logs), like the "dd" key, accepts any windows format path. AT this folder script execution logs will be recorded. The names of the log files correspond to the computer name and are appended each time the script is run. The specified folder must be writable by the user on whose behalf the script will run. If the specified path is not available or it is not possible to write, then all actions of the script will be written to the "1C8InstallAndUninstall.log" file located in the user's local folder (example path is "C:\Users\Vasa\AppData\Local\").

The key "ip" (from Install Parameters) is responsible for the installation parameters when the script is running. The key can take one of the following values:

  • “no” - do not install
  • “last” - install the latest platform found in distributions folder
  • “” is the version number of the specific platform that needs to be installed

The "dp" key (from Delet Parameters) is responsible for the deletion parameters when the script is running. The key can take one of the following values:

  • “no” - do not delete
  • “ael” (from all except last) - delete all platforms found on the computer that match all platforms found in the distributions folder, except for the last platform. Important! This key will remove only those platforms, versions of which are available in the platform distributions folder, if some version is installed on the computer, but it is not in the distributions folder, then it will not be deleted.
  • “” is the version number of the specific platform to be removed
  • “all” - remove all versions of the 1C platform on the computer. This meaning is overwhelming and extensive. Overwhelming, because, for the script to work when given value it is necessary to pass the path for writing logs, or you can not even pass it, all the values ​​of the other keys will be ignored. Extensive, because all products on the computer, at least ghostly reminiscent of the 1C platform, will be deleted.

The "iod" key (from Installation Options Distribution) is responsible for the 1C platform components that will be installed. The key must be passed a value like "DESIGNERALLCLIENTS=1 THINCLIENT=1 THINCLIENTFILE=1", in which you can change 1 to 0 or back, depending on which parts of the platform you want to install. If this key is passed any other value that is not similar to the line above, then all components will be installed for the system to work in client mode.

  • “DESIGNERALLCLIENTS” - main client and configurator
  • “THINCLIENT” - thin client for client-server operation
  • “THINCLIENTFILE” - a thin client with the ability to work with file infobases

How to install, update or remove the 1C Platform, if you have a lot of computers, you are too lazy to run to everyone, but there is no domain?

Bad news: you have to run around and set up a task scheduler on each computer

The good news is that you only need to do this once.

To begin with, let's prepare:

  1. We create 2 public folders, one with read permissions for everyone, and the other with write permissions for everyone. Be sure to create 2 independent folders, otherwise things can end very badly.
  2. We put folders with distributions in a folder with “read-only for everyone” rights, each of the folders should be named after the version number of the distribution that it contains. Here we also put the script and the bat file that runs the script.

Small digression! Why do we need a bat file for running PowerShell script? Because using a bat file we kill two birds with one stone:

  • By default, the windows system prohibits the launch of any PowerShell script for security reasons, so the bat file will first allow the script to run, and after it has run, it will again be prohibited.
  • AT bat file You can change the script launch parameters without editing the script file itself, changing the default values ​​​​set in it.

Now let's start setting up local computers users. In the absence of a domain, it is assumed that all users work under local accounts with "Users" rights, and for administrative actions there is an account with "Administrators" rights.

How to install, update or remove the 1C Platform if there is a domain?

Everything is easier than ever


  • The functionality of the script has been tested in following systems: Windows 7 (x86, x64), Windows 8.1 (x86, x64), Windows 10 (x86, x64) with all required and optional updates as of 2016-11-10.
  • If you are not satisfied with the delay when the script is executed in the domain, then you need to set the "Configure Logon Script Delay" parameter to "0". The parameter can be found: Computer Configuration> Administrative Templates> System> Group Policy> Configure Logon Script Delay (Computer Configuration> Policies> Administrative Templates> System> Group Policy> Configure Login Script Delay). Thank you very much for this information.


  1. Completely rewritten way to bypass directories with the platform. This part of the code had the most complaints, not all this part worked, and for some it worked incorrectly. Now everything works correctly, because. only the most simple designs to bypass the directory with distributions.
  2. Completely rewritten part of the search for the latest (oldest) distribution in the folders with distributions. Now this is a normal understandable code, and not the horror that was before.
  3. Parts of the code have changed, now the script tries to install the platform first, and then everything else.
  4. Added many different checks to avoid strange behavior or unnecessary attempts to install the platform. The log file now contains more information about the script's operation.


  1. Changed the logic of the script. Now the platform installation is checked and if there is no installed platform on client computer the script stops running.
  2. A functionality has been added that allows you to install a 64-bit platform on 64-bit systems on a network with computers of different bitness. For this functionality to work, folders with platforms must be of the form "Х.Х.Х.Х-32" and "Х.Х.Х.Х-64".

When installing new and removing old 1C Platforms, a situation may arise that prevents these operations from being performed. After reading the article, you will learn how to fix the error "The specified account already exists" that occurs when deleting the 1C Platform.

How to remove Platform 1C correctly

The correct removal of the old 1C Platform, recommended by the developers, is done through Applications

OS settings: button START - Control settings ("gear") - Applications

It is wrong to simply delete the folder with 1C Platforms installed on the computer. AT Windows Registry there are links to removed programs that lead to errors in working with programs, including the one that we are considering in this article.

Nevertheless, even with the correct removal of the 1C Platform, errors can still occur, albeit infrequently. Consider how to act in such cases.

When deleting Platform 1C through the section Applications

The message appears:

  • .

This error is not directly related to 1C and occurs when completely deleting different programs, not only Platforms 1C.

The greatest surge of this error was recorded when users switched to Windows 10. It was after updating to Windows 10 that messages began to appear when installing and removing some programs The specified account already exists
. And if during installation new program it was possible to remove the old one and still successfully install it, then when the program was deleted, the circle closed: the program could not be deleted due to the same error.

Reasons for the error

There is a huge amount of software to use on a computer. Installed programs can work fine on older versions of Windows, and after switching to new versions of Windows, sometimes they need to be improved to fit the new rules. In addition, it is not uncommon for programs to conflict with each other when installed on the same system.

Therefore, deleting old programs when switching to new versions is a common thing for users. The problems that arise in this case must be able to cope.

advises you to use the troubleshooter directly from Windows developer- Microsoft to fix errors when installing or removing programs.

Consider the following troubleshooting tools:

  • built-in OS component Troubleshooting Windows;
  • Microsoft Troubleshooting Wizard.

Built-in OS component

Step-by-step instructions for using the built-in OS component Troubleshooting Windows


Step 1. In the menu Start

select Options

(gear icon).

Step 2. Go to the tab Update and Security


Step 3. On the tab Troubleshooting

review the list of errors that match the problem type.

Directly from the page, you can start the search for solutions to the problem.

Microsoft Troubleshooting Wizard

If you cannot solve the problem using the built-in OS component, install on the computer Troubleshooting Wizard

from Microsoft.

Step by step start instructions Troubleshooting wizards

and troubleshooting.

Step 1. Go to the page Windows support and troubleshoot Microsoft issues at the link Fix problems that prevent you from installing or removing programs.

On this page you will find a program for automatically fixing errors, including damaged sections of the Windows Registry that prevent the installation or removal of programs on your computer.

Troubleshooting Wizard

suitable for operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

Step 2: Download the Click to Install or Uninstall Troubleshooter Download


Step 3. Launch Troubleshooting Wizard

and follow the verification steps.

Step 4. Question Troubleshooting wizards

about the location of the problem, select an item:

  • Removal

Step 5. In the list of programs, select the one that causes an error when uninstalling.

Step 6. Run the automatic removal of the program and cleaning links to it in the Windows Registry.

Wait for the job to complete Troubleshooting wizards


In most cases Troubleshooting Wizard

copes well with this error.

If the proposed tools did not help, it is better to transfer the situation for correction to specialists, they will find links in the Windows Registry that mention the program to be removed and manually clean them up. It is not recommended to carry out this work on your own, there is a risk of disrupting the operation of the OS during unprofessional data correction.

See also:

  • Installation is prohibited based on the system policy 1C 8.3
  • Misuse of this software product in 1C: how to remove
  • PIN code input error. Pincode is not completed in 1C 8.3
  • The printable is not available 1C 8.3 when calling an external printable
  • Information register entries became non-unique when updating 1C

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After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C Accounting, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on

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How to resolve "the specified account already exists" when installing SQL Server 2008 R2

I recently had a problem with installing Visual Studio 2012 and SQL Server 2008 R2 on a new development machine. My install sequence was visual studio 2012, then install SQL Server 2008 R2.

An error occurred in the middle of installing SQL Server:

The specified account already exists.

I spent my day trying to fix this issue.



First, search the installation log. In my case it was along the following path:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog*.*

In this log I found the following entries:

2015-08-07 11:16:50 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open registry subkey 2015-08-07 11:16:50 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open registry subkey 50 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get registry value InstallDir 2015-08-07 11:16:50 Slp: Target package: "D:shared~~~~~sqlncli.msi" 2015-08-07 11:16:51 Slp : MSI Error: 1316 The specified account already exists.

Then I found the sqlncli.msi file
and opened a command prompt to run this command:

Msiexec /i "d:

I then uninstalled SQL Server Native Client and did the install for SQL Server again.

Regarding where it says SQL Native Client is the cause - the error actually occurs when trying to install more new client SQL. The solution is similar: go to Add/Remove Programs, and then uninstall the old SQL client and try again. You don't need to interrupt the installation.

After the old Native Client was uninstalled, the installation seems to proceed without any problems.

For completeness: This also happens when the original msi package has a different name.

If you installed myproductV1.msi and then tried to update it using

Msiexec /fvomus myproductV1.msi

works as expected. But when using

Msiexec /fvomus myproductV3.msi

it fails with the specified error. Assuming only the filename is changed. Content (especially all GUIDS) remains the same


iTunes won't install on your computer and you can't get started with your Apple gadgets? Do not despair - we will help you in solving this problem. There are many reasons for installation errors, so we will try to consider all options and invite you to familiarize yourself with detailed instructions for troubleshooting.

We get rid of problems with the wrong version

First you need to figure out where you got the program distribution from. If a friend gave it to you or you downloaded it from some "left" resource, delete it and go to the official Apple website, where you can download a known-good and working distribution kit.

It is also possible that the version of the program is incompatible with your operating system. For example, for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, any version is fine. As for operating Windows systems XP and Windows Vista, then latest version for them is 12.1.3.

There is also a special version of iTunes 12.1.3 for the 64-bit version of Windows Vista - all of these distributions can be downloaded from the official Apple website. It is best to use the automatic form, which will determine the version of the OS you are using and itself will suggest the appropriate distribution.

Get rid of computer problems

After that, reboot and restart the installation procedure. What other problems can await a user who does not have iTunes installed? If the installer swears at the service Windows Installer, you need to start the service through the "Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services".

You may also need to update the Windows Installer service - the corresponding package is downloaded from the official Microsoft website. Install the package, reboot and re-install. The next problem may be insufficient rights to install.

If you don't have iTunes installed, right-click on the distribution and run the installation with administrator rights - this procedure usually helps in many cases. If necessary, the system will require you to enter an administrator password - this happens if a password is set on the administrator account.

The problem of installing Apple software on Microsoft operating systems is always relevant. Such an embarrassment did not pass popular program iTunes.

Why You Have Problems with iTunes:

  • Incorrect installation of the application itself, single installation errors
  • Windows misconfiguration
  • Conflict with antivirus or other installed applications

Below we will consider all the above factors and you will always be aware of what to do if iTunes is not installed.

First of all, you need to make sure that the distribution is up to date. The latest version of iTunes must be downloaded from the official website of the "apple" company. If you use a third-party distribution, the program file may not only be outdated, but also infected with a virus.

You only need to install iTunes with computer administrator rights. Therefore, you need to use the "Run as administrator" item in the context menu of the installation file.

Restoring a Previously Installed Version

In some situations, after an installation error occurs, you can try to restore the program's performance again. To do this, you need to restart the iTunes distribution and select "Restore" in the setup menu(you also need to run with administrator rights).

Windows Setup

Step 1: Install the latest updates

The presence of updates is checked in the "Windows Update" by clicking the "Check for Updates" button. It is located in the System and Security group in the Control Panel. If there are uninstalled updates, click "Install Updates". To apply the results of the update, a mandatory reboot of the system is required.

Step 2 Shutdown Windows firewall

The built-in firewall can also affect iTunes installation. To avoid unnecessary problems, it is better to simply disable it. The item "Windows Firewall" is similar to "Windows Update". Next, in the left menu, select "Turn Windows Firewall on or off" and check all the items where there is "Turn off Windows Firewall".

Step 3Verifying the HOSTS File

HOSTS can be affected by various malicious software. It is located at: " C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc". To open HOSTS, you can use Notepad or any other available.

Here you need to make sure that the only line that is not marked with the “#” symbol on the left is the entry:“ localhost". If there are additional entries in the list, then you need to delete them or comment them out by adding the “#” symbol on the left. Next, close HOSTS and save all the changes made.

Software conflicts

Finding possible conflicts with other installed programs is not an easy task. There are a huge number of programs, and it is impossible to single out all the problems that exist with them.

Why are such conflicts possible? Each software developer has their own way of implementing it. Programs can affect system files, thereby interfering with the work of other applications.

Main sources of conflict

The most likely cause of errors during may be the work of the antivirus. Therefore, you should also try to disable it.

Oddly enough, conflicts often arise with other previously installed software from Apple. Therefore, we find the “Programs and Features” item in the “Programs” section of the “Control Panel” and sort the list of installed programs by the “Publisher” column. We remove all applications that have the publisher “Apple Inc”.

If nothing helped

If nothing helped and the problem still could not be solved, then it remains only to contact technical support Apple company. You can do this at apple.com. Any questions about the installation can be asked in its "Support" section.

Hello blog readers.

Many users, for one reason or another, have to use special program from Apple - iTunes. This issue is especially relevant for owners music players iPod and iPhone smartphones. The fact is that it is this application that allows you to transfer files to and from the device. Of course, there are other solutions, but in the end they use the drivers of the program listed above. But due to the fact that the solution is hosted on a competing operating system, iTunes often gives an error during installation. This may be due to various issues. In the article below, I will try to analyze the main points due to which users cannot place the desired application on the system.

During the installation of the program we need on the computer, a message often appears: "". In addition, the text says that it is impossible to run the application you need to complete, and it is better to turn to technical staff for help.

Of course, if you don't know exact solution, fixing the problem just like that will not work. Fortunately, there is a way out:

This should help with the problem.

MS VC++()

Sometimes the disease is associated with the work of such a component as Visual C++. This is usually accompanied by a message that mentions " Microsoft.vc80.crt».
Don't get upset right away. Download from official page update Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 and install it. Then we go here and host the update. This should resolve the situation. If not, you should contact official support Microsoft.


Sometimes the problems are related to the service. As a result, not only iTunes is not installed, but also any applications.

To solve the situation, we perform several movements:

Everything must work.

This is where the service is restarted. Apple Mobile Device if there are any problems with it. A similar ailment occurs not only when installing the assembly component, but also during the normal launch of the program.


Sometimes when users install a new app on their device, a message may appear saying " the program is not a win32 application».

It should be said right away that the problem is not related to the capacity of the system.

This often appears when the project is intended for a completely different operating system. Or he just has the wrong equipment.

The solution consists of several steps:

Miscellaneous bugs()

In general, during the installation of iTunes on a computer with Windows 10 or any other version, various problems may appear. They are all related to the same cause. But depending on other components, different codes appear. So, for example, it can be 2503 and 2502. In addition, an ailment is often encountered, with code 2932. In some cases, the type of problem has a different look. So, for example, a window appears in front of users that says that the procedure cannot be continued due to Windows Error 127.

In general, everything can appear as a result of various problems:

    Corruption of iTunes-related registry entries.

    The action of malicious software (this is especially often accompanied by error 2503).

    Another program deleted the necessary files on its own.

To prevent problems in the future, it is important to eliminate all possible factors:

    We clean the registry from unnecessary entries. This can be done with the help of various programs, which I have mentioned more than once before.

    Scan your system for viruses.

    Update drivers. I also talked about this before. This item is especially relevant if a warning message appears with the code 0xc000007b.

    Install Windows updates.

If none of the above helps, it is possible that only a clean hosting of the operating system will work to solve the Microsoft vc80 build problem and many others.

Rare cases()

Sometimes users may encounter a message saying what is missing.

Fixing this is easy - just download and install the update for the Universal C Environment. You can download it here. This should also help in the case when a window appears with the message: " Unable to register module».

It is worth noting that it is better to perform all actions on behalf of the administrator.

In some cases, an ailment and a sign may occur, which says the following: “ Your system has not been changed". This often happens when users have previously installed the program and uninstalled it, while leaving some traces.

The solution is simple:

What does this procedure mean? Thus, you said goodbye to all possible mentions of the application. After that, it is best to further clean the system using a special program.

As always, you can watch a useful video on the topic:

I hope this article helps you solve the problem. Subscribe and tell others.

So, you bought a brand new iOS device and now you need to install the iTunes program (iTunes) on your computer, without which you won’t even be able to throw music on the “apple”. You download the program, run the installation and ... the system gives an error!

What to do and how to be in such a situation? In this article, we will explain why the iTunes installation may not start and how to solve the problem.

The first reason why iTunes may refuse to install is, of course, a banal system failure. This error is easily fixed by restarting the computer. So yes, the first step to fix problems with installing iTunes will be similar to the measures to deal with any other system bugs - just do a reset!

Adjusting system settings

Another simple guide that can solve installation problems is adjusting the system time. Many may be surprised by such a recommendation, but the fact remains that often incorrectly set date / time on a PC causes serious bugs, including iTunes failure to install.

Administrator rights

Restarting and adjusting system parameters did not give the desired results? Then we move on. Another popular reason why a particular utility is not installed on a PC is that the user works through a guest account - to fix the problem, respectively, you will need to log in to the system through an account with administrator rights.

If you do not practice account separation, then try the following - right-click on the iTunes installation file and select "Run as administrator" in the drop-down menu.

Blocking by security software

iTunes installation still won't launch? So, it's time to start adjusting the settings of security utilities. The fact is that sometimes antivirus software and / or firewall work too responsibly, introducing suspicious programs and those that you 100% trust, in particular iTunes. In order for security services not to interfere with the installation, we recommend disabling them altogether for a while while the procedure is being carried out.

Of course, you can not disable the utilities, but simply make adjustments to the settings by adding iTunes to the list of trusted programs, but sometimes this measure is not enough.

"Tails" of previous versions of iTunes

If iTunes does not want to install even with disabled protection programs, it may be due to other software conflicts. In the event that you have already once installed iTunes on a PC, and then incorrectly uninstalled the program, interfere new installation maybe, let's say the "tails" of the previous version.

To check if the previous one is completely deleted, download some unstyler, for example, Revo UnInstaller, install the program, run it and through the search find the following "tails" - iTunes, Quick Time, Bonjour, Apple Software Update, Apple Mobile Device Support and Apple Application Support. Everything that you find from this list, delete it, and then do not forget to reset your computer.


Continuing the topic of software conflicts, it is important to say that utilities that have not been updated for a long time can become the cause of such conflicts. Therefore, if after cleaning the "tails" the iTunes installer still refuses to work on your computer, it's time to visit the "Windows Update Center" ("Start", "Update Center ...") and see if there are actual undownloaded updates - if any , complete them all. Then be sure to restart your computer and try running the iTunes installer again.

Version detection error

Does the installation still fail with an error? Well, the causes and ways to solve the problem are not over yet. The next one is this. Sometimes Apple program misidentifies windows version, you should especially pay attention to this reason if iTunes is not installed on Windows 10.

How is iTunes usually downloaded to a computer? The user must go to the official Apple website in a special section and start downloading, at the time of downloading, the version of the platform installed on your computer will be determined and the corresponding version of the program will be downloaded. If the version is not correct, iTunes installation will fail.

In the event that you suspect that you are experiencing exactly this problem, try manually selecting the version you need on this page of the Apple website and installing it.

Windows Installer Errors

And finally, the last of the most likely causes of iTunes installation errors is a problem with the Windows Installer service. Perhaps, for one reason or another, this service was accidentally disabled and in order to correct the situation, you will need to activate it. For this:

We hope that after this procedure, iTunes will definitely be installed on your PC.


We started the article with a banal advice - reboot, banal and finish - check your computer for viruses. What to do, no one has canceled malware, and if it is hosting on your computer, then iTunes not installed is far from the biggest problem that threatens you. So be sure to check your PC for viruses, after making sure that you have a good and updated antivirus.

If nothing helps?

We believe that by doing one of the above measures, you will most likely get the iTunes installer working. If these guides do not solve the problem, we recommend that you contact Apple support - the company's specialists will definitely help.

In many articles on the problem "iTunes does not install on Windows 10, 7, XP, etc.", you can find advice to remove or fix host file, as well as perform a number of other actions that are difficult for the average user to understand. As a result, trying to solve the problem can turn into even more problems. That is why we recommend contacting the support service, in this case, even if you have to perform some complex actions, you will work under the strict guidance of understanding people and everything will end successfully!


In most cases, iTunes (iTunes) is installed on the computer without problems, but sometimes errors do occur. You can see such "terrible" phrases as - "The installer encountered errors before the iTunes configuration", "An error occurred while installing the assembly component “, “An unknown error has occurred” - and these are just the most famous installation errors.

However, no matter what error you encounter, you should not be afraid, even if you do not understand at all what this very error is. Just follow the recommendations of this article and you will be able to fix everything.

Let's start with the simplest recommendation - restarting the computer. Despite the banality of this advice, it often turns out to be effective, and when dealing not only with iTunes errors of various kinds, but also with any other software failure. So we confidently press the reset with the hope that we are lucky, and the problem will be solved in such an elegant and simple way.

Logging in to an account with administrator rights

Reboot didn't help? Well, then we begin to study the problem in more detail. The first thing you have to do is check what rights the account under which you work on the computer has.

Usually, the right to install programs is granted only to an account with administrator rights, so if you work in a guest account, you should not be surprised that iTunes refuses to install, any other program from the guest account will not be installed either.

By the way, this reason for the iTunes installation error is popular when a user tries to install the program on a work computer without having administrator rights. If the computer is home, then most likely you are working on behalf of the administrator. And, nevertheless, we recommend that you make sure of this:

On work computers, the option to give your account administrator rights is often not available. In this case, try to do the following - click the installation iTunes file right-click and in the pop-up window select "Run as administrator".

If you also fail here, contact system administrator or your superiors and ask them to give you permission to install the program. Just be prepared to explain to your boss why you need iTunes during work hours.

Software update on the computer

If everything is in order with the rights, and iTunes refuses to install, there may be a problem in software conflicts, which are most often the result of unupdated programs on the PC. So the next step to correct the error is to download actual updates. If you have a Mac, go to the App Store, tap the "Updates" item and download all the latest ones. If you have Windows, call the "Start" menu, then "Windows Update", run the scan, and then download the updates found.

Checking PC Compatibility and iTunes Version

Another one possible reason software conflict - wrong version of iTunes. If you type in the phrase “Download iTunes” in any popular search engine, the first link will send you to the official Apple website, to the page where the most current version of this program is located. However, if you have Windows XP or Windows Vista, and even a 32-bit system, the most current version will not work for you. For users of the above versions of Windows, Apple has created special versions of iTunes, you can download them.

We emphasize that the minimum system requirements for herself current version iTunes - 64-bit system, Windows platform 7 and above.

Disabling security software

The list of software conflicts is not yet complete - another one is the security utilities blocking the installation of iTunes. If you have installed antivirus programs or the firewall is turned on - they may be doing their job too hard, blocking malware, and not. iTunes for one reason or another can be blacklisted. To check if this is the case, the easiest way is to disable the security utilities during the installation of the program.

However, if you are afraid to disable security services completely, delve into their settings and transfer iTunes to the list of trusted programs.

Cleaning up the tails of past iTunes installations

And finally, the last cause of software conflicts is the components of past iTunes installations. If you have previously installed iTunes on the computer you are currently experiencing problems with, then most likely you simply did not uninstall correctly. previous version. In this case the best option- download an uninstaller, for example, Revo UnInstaller and find the following components in it - Apple Application Support, Apple Mobile Device Support, Apple Software Update, Bonjour, QuickTime - all these are iTunes tails, if any of the components is found, delete it using the program.

After uninstalling Apple Software Update, this component will need to be reinstalled. In general, in theory, when installing iTunes, this element should be installed automatically as a program component, however, after removing it manually, problems often arise, so it’s still better to install it yourself:

Ready! Now you can try to install iTunes, but you need to start the installation, again, not using the iTunes.exe file, but through iTunes.msi, which is located in the .zip "folder".

Activating Windows Services

And finally - another reason, apart from software conflicts, why iTunes, stubbornly giving an error, does not want to install - this is a problem with Windows services - "Windows Installer" and "Windows Modules Installer". As a rule, the problem is that one of these services is disabled for one reason or another. To resolve the service error, enable:

Let's summarize

Well, now you know why an error of one kind or another may occur when installing iTunes, and how to fix it. We hope the methods in this article have helped you. If the program flatly refuses to install, we recommend that you contact Apple Support.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

When installing or iTunes update pops up windows installer error when installing itunes? Here we list common mistakes when installing iTunes, as well as the corresponding solutions to the problem.

windows installer package error

You may receive one of the following error messages while updating or installing iTunes for Windows:

"There is a problem with this package Windows Installer. The program to complete and install could not be started. Contact support or package vendor."

“There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. The program running as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact support or package vendor."

This iTunes installation error is not strange for some users who come across the same iTunes errors when installing on Windows operating system

The most common cause of errors is an outdated or incompatible version Apple Software Update on PC. To resolve this issue, follow these steps.

  1. Open Uninstall Programs from the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Right click on Apple Software Update, select Repair from context menu.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the restore process.
  4. Update Restart Windows software, now you can install iTunes 12.6 without mistakes.

iTunes 7 error (Windows error 193) when trying to install iTunes for Windows.

“I take Windows 7 64-bit. Every time I try to install iTunes I get error 7 ( Windows error 193) upon completion (and another pop up that says "iTunes Assistant was not installed"). During the installation process I get a message that Apple Service Mobile Device failed to start. to which I choose "Ignore"

This is another error message that occurs during iTunes installation. You can follow the steps to resolve this error.

Note: The steps below are only applicable when message contains error 193 but not another Windows error code.

1. Go to C:\Windows\System32

2. Find the following files and delete them in the Trash.


Make sure the names of the files you drag and drop into the trash match the above exactly. If you can't find a file, skip and go to the next file. Any other files must not be removed from this folder.

3. After you drag these files to the Recycle Bin, go and perform repairs on both installed versions Apple application support (64 and 32 bits) in the Add/Remove Programs list in the Control Panel. iTunes requires both 64 and 32-bit versions of Apple app support.

  • Click companies Apple Application Support 32-bit.
  • Right-click Apple Application Support 32-bit and select Restore from the context menu to complete the Restore Wizard.
  • Follow the above two steps to support Apple Application 64-bit.

4. Launch iTunes. If iTunes won't start and you see error 7() again, you must reinstall iTunes again.

  • Completely remove iTunes and related software components from your computer.
  • Go to the iTunes download page and install iTunes from scratch.

iTunes won't install with error "Apple application support was not found"

If iTunes won't install on Windows 10/8.1/8/7 with the error " Apple application support was not found / support for Apple applications was not found ( Windows error 2 / windows error 2)", you can fix this problem by uninstalling all Apple components and reinstalling iTunes.

There might be an answer here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201668

iTunes won't install on your computer and you can't get started with your Apple gadgets? Do not despair - we will help you in solving this problem. There are many reasons for errors during installation, so we will try to consider all the options and invite you to familiarize yourself with troubleshooting.

First you need to figure out where you got the program distribution from. If a friend gave it to you or you downloaded it from some "left" resource, delete it and go to the official Apple website, where you can download a known-good and working distribution kit. It is also possible that the version of the program is incompatible with your operating system. For example, for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, any version is fine.

As for the Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems, the latest version for them is 12.1.3. There is also a special version of iTunes 12.1.3 for the 64-bit version of Windows Vista - all of these distributions can be downloaded from the official Apple website. It is best to use the automatic form, which will determine the version of the OS you are using and itself will suggest the appropriate distribution.

Next, it's a matter of technology - download the distribution and try to install it. If your computer is running Windows control Vista, don't forget to run the installer as an administrator. We can also advise you to change the "curve" of Vista to Windows 7 or more modern Windows 10.

iTunes is not installing for you, and you can't find the reason for what is happening? Then we recommend that you do the following:

After that, reboot and restart the installation procedure.

What other problems can await a user who does not have iTunes installed? If the installer swears at the Windows Installer service, you must start the service through the "Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services". You may also need to update the Windows Installer service - the corresponding package is downloaded from the official Microsoft website. Install the package, reboot and re-install.

The next problem may be insufficient rights to install. If you don't have iTunes installed, right-click on the distribution and run the installation with administrator rights - this procedure usually helps in many cases. If necessary, the system will require you to enter an administrator password - this happens if a password is set on the administrator account.

What should I do if all updates are installed, the garbage is removed, the Windows Installer service is running, the installation is running under administrator rights, but the installation still does not start? Why won't iTunes install on my computer? The problem may lie in an application conflict - try temporarily disabling firewalls and antivirus programs that block any ports, drives, and the ability to install software normally.

If your operating system is literally teeming with errors, slows down and loads slowly, do not be puzzled by questions and actions, but perform a normal reinstallation of Windows.

The iTunes media player easily interacts with any modern operating system - even the outdated and officially unsupported Microsoft “XP” is still able to open Apple software and transfer music, movies and other information to smartphones, tablets and players with iOS.

Things are going great with iTunes on more modern operating systems - especially on the "eight" and "ten". But the famous "Seven", which is still a real "standard", the media player digests with difficulty, and often with errors. Why? What problems appear most often and how to avoid malfunctions and failures - in the instructions below!

Possible causes and solutions

Lack of access rights, failure of plug-in libraries, temporary or permanent shutdown of the necessary services, serious virus activity - some unthinkable number is listed on the official Apple website possible problems arising from the direct installation of iTunes. The list is updated almost monthly, but basically it’s worth dealing with the following reasons if iTunes is not installed on Windows 7:

Access level

In addition, it is worth starting the installation of the program on behalf of the "Administrator" (that is, not by double-clicking, but using the right mouse button and the drop-down menu). Then it remains to agree with the pop-up notification and proceed with the installation.

Viruses, spyware, trojans and other pests

It is not necessary to keep an antivirus in the system all the time (especially if the PC can hardly cope with tasks even without a constant background load), but at least occasionally check system drives and RAM- need. The “ideal” one-time search is easily performed by the following tools -, and - each listed assistant is available for free and, in general, offers both similar functionality and the same procedure.

Namely, all the necessary files are downloaded and unpacked. Then called GUI and a direct check of each individual section of the system begins - the procedure, as a rule, takes 5-10 minutes, and then ends with a direct summing up, creating a restore point and rebooting.

As a result, unnecessary and threatening viruses have been removed, you can start interacting with iTunes again.

Antivirus problems

Sometimes “defenders” of Windows see “dangerous” software in harmless files downloaded from official sources, and therefore block startup distributions (including iTunes). The best way deal with the problem - temporarily disable all antivirus protection protocols (any - even Avast !, even Kaspersky). Sometimes you need to go even further and disable even the Firewall built into Windows. You can definitely trust the official Apple website!

System problems

The described subsection should be immediately divided into several parts.

First of all, it is worth dealing with the connected libraries on the computer, software components, and additional graphical tools. And then - exactly on the list. It's worth downloading right away, and a quick run through the installation process. By the way, it is desirable to download both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions - for unknown reasons, but this is how Windows immediately returns to "normal".

Any version will do (if necessary, you can also buy paid ones, additional features) - the main thing is to check the OS for missing drivers. In general, the procedure takes 5-7 minutes, and you don’t even have to press the buttons - everything will happen in a semi-automatic mode, you just need to agree to create a “Restore Point” and download the necessary files (if traffic is limited, you should think about it!).

And the last but not least important touch. Examination file system for incompatibility between components, installed drivers and services. The check is carried out as follows - first called command line combination CTRL keys+ R, then enter the phrase "sfc /scannow" in the text box that appears.

The check takes no more than ten seconds. After the operation is completed, a mandatory reboot is required.

Incorrect deletion of a past version of iTunes

Before a “clean” installation of the Apple media player, it is important to deal with the files remaining in the system, additional ones related to iTunes programs, running services, and registry entries. Again, manually solving such an extensive collection of problems is quite difficult (especially without necessary training), and therefore it is better to use a special tool -.

In this case, the removal will take place automatically (including the cleaning of all system directories from residual files, unnecessary components, and applications like Bonjour and Apple Software Update), and only in two moments will users have to take action. First, at the stage of choosing the tools that need to be removed. It is better to immediately use the search and, having found "Apple", immediately mark all the products available in the system and proceed with the uninstallation. Secondly, it is important to agree with the creation of a "Restore Point".

Windows Installer package error

Problems with the installer are different, but it is the Windows Installer service that stops all attempts to use the Apple media player in the bud. The problem is solved literally in a jiffy - the main thing is to correctly repeat the described algorithm of actions.

The first step is to use the key combination CTRL + R, in the field that appears, enter the command "services.msc" and open the list of available "Services". Scroll to the very bottom of the list and find the Windows Installer item.

Or immediately open "Properties" and click "Stop" and then "Start", or call the drop-down menu and click on the item "Restart". In addition, the service needs to be updated - using the proposed tools.

Microsoft Easy Fix Utility

If the listed methods did not help and did not solve the problems and errors that occurred, then the last thing to do is to turn to Windows directly for help.

And there are two options here - first check the OS version and download the necessary updates (Start, All Programs - go to the Center Windows update and automatic download missing components, various “cures” for emerging vulnerabilities), and then downloading Easy Fix from.

The proposed utility solves a bunch of failures and malfunctions - automatically downloads missing documents, repairs the "registry", edits shortcuts, restores the right way already installed software. The procedure is intuitive and takes a minimum of time, and the result is usually really impressive.

All the main methods of dealing with the "Seven" are listed above. The remaining problems are already solved depending on specific cases (sometimes, for example, a banal reboot helps, sometimes it’s much easier to switch to the top ten or roll back to more old version systems from a restore point).

The correct removal of the old 1C Platform, recommended by the developers, is done through Applications OS settings: button START - Control settings ("gear") - Applications.

It is wrong to simply delete the folder with 1C Platforms installed on the computer. In the Windows Registry, there are links to uninstalled programs that lead to errors in working with programs, including the one that we are considering in this article.

Nevertheless, even with the correct removal of the 1C Platform, errors can still occur, albeit infrequently. Consider how to act in such cases.

When deleting Platform 1C through the section Applications The message appears:

This error is not directly related to 1C and occurs when completely different programs are removed, not only 1C Platforms.

The greatest surge of this error was recorded when users switched to Windows 10. It was after updating to Windows 10 that messages began to appear when installing and removing some programs The specified account already exists. And if, when installing a new program, it was possible, after deleting the old one, to still successfully install it, then when the program was deleted, the circle closed: the program could not be deleted due to the same error.

Reasons for the error

There is a huge amount of software to use on a computer. Installed programs can work fine on older versions of Windows, and after upgrading to new versions of Windows, they sometimes need to be modified to fit the new rules. In addition, it is not uncommon for programs to conflict with each other when installed on the same system.

Therefore, deleting old programs when switching to new versions is a common thing for users. The problems that arise in this case must be able to cope.

BuhExpert8 advises you to use the troubleshooter directly from the developer of Windows - Microsoft to fix errors when installing or uninstalling programs.

Consider the following troubleshooting tools:

Built-in OS component

Step-by-step instructions for using the built-in OS component Troubleshooting Windows .

Step 1. In the menu Start select Options(gear icon).

Step 2. Go to the tab Update and Security .

Step 3. On the tab Troubleshooting review the list of errors that match the problem type.

Directly from the page, you can start the search for solutions to the problem.

Microsoft Troubleshooting Wizard

If you cannot solve the problem using the built-in OS component, install on the computer Troubleshooting Wizard from Microsoft.

Step by step start instructions Troubleshooting wizards and troubleshooting.

Step 1: Go to the Microsoft Support and Troubleshooting page at the link Fix problems that prevent you from installing or removing programs.

On this page you will find a program for automatically fixing errors, including damaged sections of the Windows Registry that prevent the installation or removal of programs on your computer.

Troubleshooting Wizard suitable for operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

Step 2: Download the Click to Install or Uninstall Troubleshooter Download .

Step 3. Launch Troubleshooting Wizard and follow the verification steps.

Step 4. Question Troubleshooting wizards about the location of the problem, select an item:

  • Removal.

Step 5. In the list of programs, select the one that causes an error when uninstalling.

Step 6. Run the automatic removal of the program and cleaning links to it in the Windows Registry.

Wait for the job to complete Troubleshooting wizards .

In most cases Troubleshooting Wizard copes well with this error.

If the proposed tools did not help, it is better to transfer the situation for correction to specialists, they will find links in the Windows Registry that mention the program to be removed and manually clean them up. It is not recommended to carry out this work on your own, there is a risk of disrupting the operation of the OS during unprofessional data correction.

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