Google play won't load. Why does the Google Play Market (Google Play Market) not work server error, there is no connection and it says you need to log into your account

When the "Play Market" does not start (now it is already called "Google Play") - this is a rather unpleasant problem. Thousands of users of devices with the Android operating system deal with it every day. Why doesn't the Play Market open? All kinds of failures and errors due to which the store stops working can be caused by several reasons. If you carefully study them, you can very quickly deal with the problem and make it so that it will no longer bother.

Main reasons

Firstly, due to the fact that at a certain point in time the service is not actually running. This happens extremely rarely. But if such a situation nevertheless arose, then it is necessary to wait until the developers fix the problem and re-launch the store.

The Play Market does not start on Android and due to the fact that the date and time settings on the smartphone or tablet could go wrong. Typically, this cause results in an error containing a notification of a missing connection.

"Play Market" does not start and because of possible problems with a network. You need to make sure that the connection is established without errors and the Internet is working properly. In case of use mobile internet you need to ask the operator for the correct settings.

Errors due to interventions in the system

People who want to cheat the system and get paid features in games and applications for free often install the Freedom program on their device, with the help of which they carry out hacking. Because of this program, they often have the question “Why doesn’t Play Market start on Android?”. The answer is simple: Freedom blocks access to all services from Google.

Changes may occur This may happen due to the installation and use of certain applications that cause changes to system files. If this happens, then the user must edit the file a little to return it to its original form.

How to restart the service

The methods for solving the problem associated with the fact that the Play Market does not start depend on the reasons. If the cause is known, then determine necessary way not difficult. If not, then you will need to try each method.

  1. The device needs to be rebooted. Half the time this simple step helps. Moreover, it also helps in case of other problems with the operating system or applications.
  2. You need to make sure that Google accounts are enabled. In the settings there is a section "Applications", in which there is a tab with all programs. At the very bottom should be disabled. If the Google Accounts application is found among them, then it must be turned on - and the service should work.
  3. When the Play Market does not start on Android, you need to reset its settings and Google Play services settings. In order to do this, you need to go to the settings and find the section with applications. In the list, you need to find the necessary ones and clear the cache and erase the data for each of them. You also need to remove updates from the Play Market itself.
  4. If the "Play Market" does not start, then you need to reinstall it. To do this, first of all, the current installed version store, and then the most current one is loaded. After installation, the device must be rebooted.
  5. The system must have the correct time. In some cases, it happens that the time and date go astray. And if this happens, then when they try to open the service, users receive a message that there is no connection. To solve this problem, you need to set the correct time zone and the current date and time in the settings.
  6. The Play Market does not start due to the unavailability of the Internet connection. You need to make sure that the Internet is turned on and functioning on the device. To do this, just open a browser and try to go to any site.

Setting up a modified system file

The hosts file needs to be properly configured. Many users download programs that modify this file completely silently. As mentioned above, such programs include Freedom, which makes it possible to make purchases in games without spending a penny. If such an application is used, then first it must be stopped. This is done in the settings. After stopping, it is completely removed. In order to make changes to system files, you must have superuser rights. A properly edited hosts file should not contain extra lines. All garbage that is in the file must be removed. To do this, you need to install an application that is a file manager. With it, you need to go to the root directory of the system and find the etc folder. Here in it is desired file. You can open it as text, and then delete everything that is not needed in it. After saving, it is better to make sure once again that there is only one line left, which says " localhost". When everything is done in accordance with the instructions, you can try to launch the "Play Market".


Still does not start "Play Market"? What to do now? There is a method that is recommended to be used only as a last resort, when the rest could not help in solving the problem. This is a factory reset of the device. If you perform this procedure, then all information on the internal drive will be completely deleted. Better to do it first backup so that after a reset, you can restore all the data. In order to reset the settings, you need to find the appropriate item in the device settings. After doing the operation, everything should work.


The Play Market app store is a very powerful service containing content for the Android mobile operating system served. If it stopped working on the user's device, then one of the problems described above probably occurred. After all, the performance of the service itself is continuously monitored by hundreds of experienced programmers who, at the slightest problem, will throw all their efforts into solving it.

This problem occurs quite often, and if it bypassed you, then you are very lucky. I repeatedly encountered various errors and completely non-working Google Play Market on Android, so I share my personal experience on how to return the most popular service from the Good Corporation to working condition.

So failures in Google's work Play Store are varied: technical problems on the service side, constant errors, application crashes and complete inoperability. In this guide, I'll give you a few useful tips how to fix it all.

1. Restart Android

The first step is to restart your device. This usually solves most problems with Google Play. If it doesn't help, move on.

2. Reset your Google Play Market settings

For this:

1. Go to settings.

2. Open "Applications" or "Application Manager".

3. Find Google Play Store in the list and click on it.

4. In the application settings window, select "Erase data" and "Clear cache".

I think this should help more users, but if not, move on.

3. Remove Google Play Store updates

We act in the same way as in paragraph 2, but now instead of "Erase data" and "Clear cache", click "Delete updates".

It will return Play market original condition at the time of installation.

4. Reset your Google Play Services app

Again, go to the settings, open "Applications" and in the list find " Google Services play". Open it and also clear the cache and data.

5. Clear the cache and data of "Google Services Framework"

Go to "Settings" → "Applications" → tab "All". Select "Google Services Framework". Click "Erase Data" and "Clear Cache".

6. The Google Accounts app is disabled

Go to "Settings" → "Applications" → tab "All". Select " Google Accounts". If this application is disabled, enable it.

7. Turn on "Download Manager"

In the application section, swipe left to go to the "All" tab and open the "Download Manager". If you have it disabled, click "Enable".

If it is already activated, and the previous tips did not help and Google Play does not work, we move on.

8. Delete your Google account and restore it

You can find out more about this in the instructions:. There, in step 6, select "Delete account".

9. Applications blocking the Google Play Market

Some programs may block the Play Store. For example, the well-known Freedom app, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free, can interfere with the normal operation of the Google app store.

10. Set up the "hosts" file

If you have the application installed, then this item is for you.

This method requires root rights. You can get them using the following instructions:

First, disable the Freedom application (in the program menu, the “Stop” item), and only then delete it.

Then install the application or . Then find along the way /system/etc/ file "hosts", open it with a text editor and leave only this line (if not, write it): localhost

Save your changes. After that, restart your Android gadget.

11. Reset settings (Hard Reset) Android

This is the most radical method that will delete all data from the internal drive. The data on the memory card will remain intact. Full instructions on our website: (follow the link, you need the second method from the article).

This tip will definitely help, so do not be afraid - it can also be used. The main thing is to create a backup copy of the system before that. How to do this, read in paragraph 6 of this manual.

After that, at the first start, you will be able to restore all data from the previously created backup (backup copy).

12. Check Internet connection

Check your network connection. If not a single site opens in the browser, restart the router and correctly.

13. Set the correct time (error "No connection")

If an error occurs: “No connection”, although the Internet is working, then this paragraph of our instructions should help you.

Set the correct time and enter the correct time zone. It is best to synchronize these settings with the network. To do this, go to "Settings" → "Date and time" and check the boxes next to the items "Network date and time" and "Network time zone".

14. Google IP Blocking

UPD 04/23/2018 After Telegram was banned in Russia, Roskomnadzor blocked more than 18 million Google IP addresses, which caused many users to have problems connecting to the company's services, including the Play Market.

To restore access to the app store on Android, use . Since Google Play does not open, you will also have to download a VPN client (for example, Turbo VPN).

After that, launch the application and click on the button at the bottom of the screen. When prompted to connect, select OK.

Turbo VPN data centers are located all over the world, you can connect to servers in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA for free. To redirect your traffic to one of them, click on the icon in the right upper corner and select the server country from the list.

Try all of the above methods and one of them is guaranteed to help.

From the article you will learn

Why can the Android system crash when entering the Play Market (aka the Google Play app store)? Why can't I log in to my account? And how to solve the problem of connecting and popping up an error? Let's take a closer look at all these burning problems for any owner of smartphones on this OS and determine the current fixes that need to be applied if the Play Market does not work on Android.

Exist different ways fix this issue as it can occur for a variety of reasons. Therefore, there is no single "recipe". You will have to try some of them, and after the done actions, check the operation of the service each time.

By restarting the device

You have probably noticed that some programs and services work with reluctance, sometimes it is simply impossible to open something? Try rebooting, it is likely that this method will solve the problem of logging in or an annoying server error related to the Internet connection. In addition to this error, a reboot will be able to restore the functionality of other applications.

Through resetting the Google Play Market settings

Frequent use of the service on a phone or tablet leaves a lot of traces and unnecessary logs in the system. All this can lead to the application freezing, or even it is simply impossible to enter it - a connection error pops up on the screen.

To reset, do the following:

After these manipulations, restart, try opening the program - if an error pops up again, then proceed to the next method.

We are trying to remove the downloaded Play Market update

You can do this from the main menu in the "Applications" or "Program Manager" section - we find the position "delete installed updates”, it should return to its original state, and work as before.

Resetting Google Services

One of the most common reasons why the Play Market does not work and gives an error with the name connection is not available is a malfunction of the Google Services application itself. To return it to its original state, do the following:

By activating the download manager service

Often, disabling this service leads to the sad consequences of the inoperability of the Play Market, you just can’t enter the application. To activate you need to do this:

  1. Open menu system settings.
  2. Log in to Application Manager.
  3. In it, find the item "Downloads".
  4. In it you can see suggestions: sorting or resetting settings, we need to click on the last item.
  5. During this action, all inactive software will be disabled, all installed updates will be removed, background services will be limited, and some application actions will be disabled.
  6. In the same paragraph, we need to enable the display of all notifications, and after these manipulations, the dispatcher icon will appear on the start screen.
  7. Click on the icon and launch the dispatcher.
  8. Check if you can go to the Play Market, if an error message pops up. If this method does not help, move on to the next one.

Through deleting the Google account on the device

Note! During this action, you may lose the information you need, and to prevent this from happening, first backup or synchronize all data with the Google Account service.

To delete, go to the system settings menu, select the account item, and enable the delete through context menu. Reboot the device, and during a new login, enter your account information again. This often helps to restore the functionality of the store.

Removing incompatible software

Violation of the correct operation of the Play Market is often associated with its blocking by third-party software that the user installed himself from other resources. Many try to bypass the payment for installing games, and download the Freedom software, which blocks the market. Delete it either via file manager, or through the dispatcher, from the main menu of the device. Everything must work.

Fixing and configuring the system hosts file

If you have determined that Freedom is the cause of failures, then in this case you need to properly configure the work hosts file, for these actions you will need root-rights.

As a rule, the hosts file with incorrect content that Freedom prescribes looks like this:

A must contain the following information:

To remove all garbage from the hosts file, you need to do the following steps:

Did nothing happen again? Then we move on to another action.

Check internet connection

Try to open any browser page, if there is no connection, then this will not work. Remove wireless connection, reboot router and device. When logging in, enter your details again.

Lost date and time settings

As practice has shown, if it does not enter the Play Market and writes there is no connection, check the relevance due date and time on the phone. The inability to connect is often associated precisely with the incorrectly set date and time zone. It happens that these parameters simply go astray for various reasons.

It is necessary to change the values ​​​​in the settings section to the correct ones. Also check the box next to the "Check with the Internet" option, or the item may have the name "Network date and time".

Factory Reset

it the only way eliminate all problems with the performance of the Play Market, if there are any errors with it or it simply does not work. The method is recommended to be used only as a last resort, if others do not help. The fact is that as a result of the actions described below, all user information will be deleted from the memory of the phone or tablet. That is, the device will be like new, but workable.

From the main menu, enter the "Backup and Reset" section, agree to all the conditions, and restore your device to its factory state. You will have to re-enter your credentials from Google services, and sign in again to the app store.


We have presented to your review the main ways to fix the login error and connect the Play Market application. Check them out so you know exactly how you can fix your device to get it back up and running.

The question is, “why is the play market not working?” familiar to many users of this service.

Sometimes the cause of failures is a variety of technical problems, or malfunctions of the device from which you are trying to use it.

There are many answers to this question - as well as the causes of the problem. Let's look at the most basic problems and ways in which you can find a solution.

Play store not working. What to do?

Method 1: Restart Android

If you have a question why the play market for android does not work, first of all, restart the device.

It is possible that the system simply “hangs” that users often encounter Android .

And the most amazing this action will help to find solutions in the work of Google Play, but also with bugs in other services.

If after the restart the miracle did not happen, try another solution to the problem.

Method 2: Reset your Google Play Market settings

In most cases, when a problem arises - why the play market does not work on, resetting the application settings helps.

To remove all unnecessary information, you must perform the following steps:

  • go to the settings menu of your device;
  • in the menu, select the section called "Applications" or "Application Manager";
  • in this menu item, select ;
  • when the control window opens, click on the "clear cache" button. In older versions of Android, it may be called "Erase data".

Now you need to select all those items that you want to synchronize. Most often, backup copies of "Contacts" and personal information stored in the device are made.

Just click on the section you need.

If you think that the information available on your phone or tablet is important, then click on the "Options" button and select "sync" there, this will help you backup all applications at the same time.

Then easily remove your Google account. When you re-enter it, the device will certainly offer to restore data from a backup.

We return to the problems in the work of the play market - after synchronizing, return to the previous menu again and, instead of "synchronize", select "delete".

Confirm the action. restart your device and log in again.

Deleting and restoring your account will help with problems related to the operation of Google applications.

If the play market is still not happy with good work, try the next item.

Method 7: Incompatible applications

Some applications installed by the user on their own can affect the operation of the Play Store, up to blocking it.

The list of such programs is quite wide.

Most often, the "pest" is the popular Freedom, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free.

Method 8: Set up the "hosts" file

If Freedom is installed on your device, and you suspect that it was it that caused the failures in the play market, then this item will definitely be of interest to you.

Go to the settings menu and the section "Application Manager" - Installed, select "Freedom".

In the program menu that opens, click on the "Stop" button, and then delete the application.

Reboot the device and check the "operability" of the play market again. Without changes? Then move on to the next point of recommendations.

Method 9: Reset Android Settings

Resetting all settings saved in the gadget's memory is a rather radical action, however, most often it helps to successfully solve many problems in the operation of applications and the system as a whole.

To do this, go to the settings menu android and select the "Backup and Reset" section. In this section, confirm the action "Reset settings".

It is advisable to make sure that the data synchronization is successful before performing this action. As for the information stored on the memory card, it "will not suffer."

Restart your device and restore your backup data.

Method 10: Check your Internet connection

Perhaps the problems in the work of the play market are the banal lack of an Internet connection. Check the connection quality. You can restart your router.

Method 11Google Accounts Disabled

Sometimes the cause of the problem lies in the fact that the Google account is disabled. Go to the desired menu section, if the Google Accounts application is disabled, activate it.

Method 12: Check the date and time

If “No connection” constantly pops up, but at the same time you are sure of the quality, check if the date and time are set correctly on the device.

You can once again set the correct time and time zone. It is desirable to synchronize these parameters with the network.

To do this, go to the menu "Settings" → "Date and time" and check the box next to the items "Network date and time" and "Network time zone".

Play store not working??? Solution

Why the Play Market (play market) does not work - 12 ways to solve the problem

Application Googleplaymarket- key program in the operating room Android system, because it is with its help that we download and install new games and programs on our phone or tablet and find a lot of content. Like any other program, the Google Play Market is not immune from failures and errors. If you are one of the "lucky ones" who are faced with the fact that the Google market does not start on your mobile device, this article is for you.

Small note: on some unofficial (custom) firmware, the Google Play Market can be cut by their developers (for example, this is done in the very popular CyanogenMode firmware), and you will not find it in the list installed programs. About what to do, how to install the Google Play Market on your mobile device, and how to start using it, read this instruction on our portal:

After this short introduction, you can go directly to the recipes for "healing" your Google Market. So:

10 ways to fix broken Google Play Market:

1. Turn on the Internet on your device

Why is the Google Play Market not working? The reasons for this may be different. But first we recommend you check internet connection on your phone or tablet. For work this application a working internet connection is a must. Perhaps you just forgot to turn on Wi-fi or packet data, through which google app The Play Market goes online, or your connection to the access point has fallen off. If the Internet does not work at all on any device, reboot your access point or router.

If you have new smartphone or a tablet, in this article of our knowledge base you can read about how you can set up an Internet connection on it:

2. Make sure you have Download Manager running

The Download Manager application is responsible for downloading files, and if for some reason it does not work, of course, the Google Play Market will not start on your phone or tablet. Find Download Manager in the list of installed programs by going to "Settings" -> "Application Manager" (or just "Applications") -> "All". Click on the name of the program, and in the window "About the application" make sure the program is up and running. AT otherwise start the application.

3. Check your firewall or antivirus software settings

Usually antiviral software is well aware of what the Google Play Market is, and does not limit its work in any way. But perhaps you yourself were poking around in the firewall settings, and accidentally banned google access Play Market on the Internet. For example, it is very easy to do this with one click in popular program Droidwall. If the Google Play Market does not start, and you have an antivirus or firewall installed on your phone or tablet, go to this program and, just in case, check its settings, black and whitelisting applications, etc.

4. Clear Google Play Store Cache

This simple operation can help in the vast majority of cases. If a Google Market Play for some reason does not work for you, but there are definitely no problems with the Internet connection, the first thing to do is clear google play store cache.

To perform this operation, also go to the "Settings" of your phone or tablet, find the menu item "Application Manager" or simply "Applications", go to the "All" tab and find the Google Play Market program there. "Tap" your finger on its name, the window "About the application" will open in front of you. Find the "Clear cache" button in this window and click it, deleting all temporary program data.

5. Erase Google Play Market app data

You have completed everything according to the previous instructions, but the Google Play Market does not start for you. What to do? Try again after clearing the cache erase Google Play Store data. To do this, in the "About the application" window of the Google Play Store, click the "Erase data" button (on some versions of Android - "Clear data"). All information about your settings and your activity in the Google Play Market will be deleted, and this may also help resolve the problem.

6. Uninstall all app updates

If the operation above did not help you, and the Google Play Market still does not work impudently, in the same "About" window of the application, click the "Uninstall updates" button. After that, the program will return to its original state, as during the first launch. Reboot your mobile device and try to go to Google Play again.

7. Clear the cache of the Google Play Services app

You did everything exactly according to the instructions, but for some reason the Google Play Market on your phone or tablet still does not want to start. Try to do clearing the cache for the Google Play Services app just like you did for the Google Play Store. Find the Google Play Services app in the list of installed programs and click the "Clear Cache" button in the "About" window.

8. Clear Google Services Framework data

The GoogleServices Framework application is responsible for the correct operation of Google services. If the usual Google Play Market cache clearing does not help you, first try to find the Google Services Framework program in the list of installed on your mobile device, go to the "About application" window and erase its data by clicking the appropriate button. After that, you need to repeat a similar operation for the Google Play Market, as described in paragraphs 4 and 5 of these instructions. Now you need to restart your phone or tablet, the Google Play Market should work.

9. Delete and reinstall your Google account

You have erased and cleared all caches and data Google programs but it still didn't solve your problem. Perhaps it will help you deleting your accountGoogle on a mobile device with its subsequent recovery.

Go to the "Settings" menu and find the "Accounts" item there. "Tap" on the name of your account registered on this phone or on your tablet, and in the menu that opens, select "Delete account". Reboot your device and register an account Google entry on a mobile device in a new way.

10. Reset all settings of your device to factory settings

What to do if you have already tried everything possible ways solve the problem of not working on your device with the OS android google Play Market, and none of them helped you? In this case, you have the last, radical remedy left in stock. You can reset all settings of your phone or tablet to factory settings, that is, make it hard reset, returning your mobile device to the state in which it left the factory.

The method of resetting to factory settings should be resorted to only as a last resort, if you have already tried everything else, because hardreset will destroy all your data and applications you have installed, including contacts, messages, accountsGoogle. Only the information that is on the SD flash card will remain intact.

In order to reset all Android OS settings in this way, perform the following sequence of actions (in some versions android firmware menu items may vary slightly):

1. Go to the "Settings" menu of your phone or tablet;

2. Select the "Restore and Reset" menu item there;

3. Click on the "Reset settings" item and confirm your choice by agreeing to start full reset in response to a question from the system.

Before resetting all settings on your mobile device and delete all personal data, applications and contacts in this way, it is highly recommended to make a backup necessary information so that you can easily and quickly restore them back later. O backup and data recovery on Android you can read in this article of our FAQ:

There are a lot of reasons why the Google Play Market does not start, and it is impossible to unequivocally answer why this trouble happened to your phone or tablet, and what to do in each specific case. We can advise you one thing: do not panic, it is better to calmly try various solutions to the problem, and one of them will definitely suit you. And our guide will help you with this.
