Updating the firmware on the dir 300 c1 router. Connecting the router to a PC

D-Link DIR-300 - router (router) with Wi-Fi module and four Ethernet ports. Quite a good thing, but there is one drawback: when sold, it contains old firmware, I don’t remember what year it was made. And until you update it, this router periodically becomes quite glitchy.

The new firmware and Russification file can be found here: ftp.dlink.ru. However, before flashing the latest firmware, you need to download the firmware that updates the router to a level that is compatible with it, namely, download the firmware /upgrade_first/DIR300A1_FW105B07.bin.

This is done as follows:

  1. Go to the MAINTENANCE tab, then select Save and Restore from the menu on the left. In the Save and Restore Settings form, select the Save item and save the router settings to any reasonable location on your hard drive.
  2. Download the firmware from the /upgrade_first directory using the link above.
  3. Go to the MAINTENANCE tab, then select Firmware Update from the menu on the left. At the bottom of the page is the "FIRMWARE UPGRADE" form. Click the "Browse" button and indicate the file DIR300A1_FW105B07.bin that you just downloaded.
  4. Click the "Upload" button and wait for the update process to complete, under no circumstances turning off or rebooting router. Please note that the router Maybe after that, reset the settings to factory defaults and change the IP address to
  5. After rebooting the router, we repeat the two previous steps for the firmware file we took from the directory ftp.dlink.ru/pub/Router/DIR-300/Firmware/. There will be 2 files with the extension .bin, we are interested in the one without “langpack” in the name.
  6. After performing the second update (after which also available factory reset), the LANGUAGE PACK UPGRADE form appears on the MAINTENANCE/Firmware Update page. Using it (similar to using the FIRMWARE UPGRADE form) Can download the Russification file, the same second file with “langpack” in the name. The process is completely similar to updating the firmware.
  7. If during the update the factory settings were reset, on the MAINTENANCE/Save and Restore page in the Save and Restore Settings form, click the “Browse” button in the Load Settings From Local Hard Drive line and indicate the settings file that was saved in the beginning. After that, click the “Upload” button to upload the settings to the router and wait for this process to complete.

Having completed all of the above operations, we will most likely save the router (in my experience) from freezes, sudden resets, inability to see the external network, and sometimes the inability to boot with the external network connected. Well, from other bugs, I hope, too :)

Two years have passed since the instructions were written. During this time, D-Link has released several versions of this router. The software for them, in particular firmware, is not in the above directory, but in others:

  1. DIR-300 is the same router about which this post was originally written. In addition, judging by the names of the files, this firmware is suitable for DIR-300A1 routers. However, perhaps the first version was simply renamed from DIR-300 to DIR-300A1. Instructions are available DIR-300+A1_Manual+v1.0.pdf.pdf (twice.pdf - if there is a typo, it’s not mine - that’s what the file is called on the server), DIR-300_QIG_RUS_02.pdf, Manual_DIR-300_A1_rev_1_0_RUS.pdf.
  2. DIR-300_C1 - there should be a firmware update here, but on this moment (05.09.2012) she is not there. Only instruction DIR-300_C1_QIG_v6.00(RU).pdf is available.
  3. DIR-300_NRU - please note that for now exists TWO INCOMPATIBLE variant of this router, namely the B1-B2-B3 series firmware and the B5-B6 series firmware. You can distinguish them by reading the sticker on the bottom of the router (see file !!!reamde_first!!!.doc). The firmware is located in the corresponding directories: /B1_B2_B3/ and /B5_B6/. If you flash the wrong firmware, you will most likely have to take the router to a service center.
      Available instructions are located in the corresponding directories:
    • /B1_B2_B3/DIR-300NRU_QIG_v.1.2.25_RU.pdf

One of latest models D-Link routers, namely the DIR-300 C1, among other things, are known for the fact that not everyone is able to update the firmware of this router. When entering the configuration web interface wireless router DIR-300 C1 and trying to install the new firmware file in the “Software Update” section, upon completion of the process the version software router remains the same. In this manual, the DIR-300 C1 firmware will be discussed in as much detail as possible, from start to finish.

Download the necessary files from the official D-Link website

Before you start flashing the firmware Wi-Fi router DIR-300 C1, follow the link http://ftp.dlink.ru/pub/Router/DIR-300A_C1/Firmware/ (this is the official D-Link website, folder with firmware for this version of the router), where you need:

After you have done this, connect the router to your computer using a wire, not via Wi-Fi, and, preferably, disconnect the provider’s cable from it while flashing. Thus, you should have the following configuration: the connector of the network card of your computer or laptop is connected by wire to one of the LAN ports on the DIR-300 C1, the router is plugged into a power outlet.

Also check the LAN connection settings on your computer. It is recommended that the parameters for obtaining an IP address and address DNS servers were set to "Automatic".

Using the Click’n’Connect program to flash the router firmware

Unpack the archive downloaded from the D-Link website and run the dcc.exe file located in it - the configuration utility will start D-Link router Click'N'Connect^

However, that's not all. Despite the fact that the router was installed new firmware, it is not the latest and fail-safe. However, thanks to this action, we can now install latest firmware router, using for this standard means web interface.

Firmware DIR-300 C1 via web interface

Without disconnecting the router and without connecting new wires to it, go to the router settings panel, for which:

  1. Enter the address into the browser address bar
  2. When prompted for a login and password to enter the settings, enter: admin and admin respectively

The next thing to do is to click “Advanced settings” at the bottom of the router settings page, then, in the “System” item, click the double left arrow there and select the “Software Update” link.

On the page that opens, intended for updating the router software, click the “Browse” button and specify the path to the latest firmware.bin file that we downloaded earlier and click the “Update” button.

Now we just have to wait for the new firmware of the DIR-300 C1 router to be installed. It is worth noting here that during the firmware update process the router may stop responding, the browser may show errors, the connection may be interrupted, etc. In any case, do not take any action either until the message that the firmware has been successfully updated, or for 10 minutes after you have started the firmware process. After that, simply enter the address into your browser's address bar again.

Good luck! If you have any questions, write in the comments.

Firmware for DIR-300 C1 for Beeline most often ends in failure. The router stops responding, freezes, and turns into a brick. The question arises: how to bring the piece of iron back to life?

This is what we will do now.

So, first of all, having connected your computer to the Internet, let’s go directly to official page D-Link dlink.ru. Let's select the link to the Support page.

dlink.ru Select Support

On the right side menu we find the item FTP.DLINK.RU

And there is a Router item in it

We find the router model we need (Carefully!) and download the firmware file to the computer.

Then turn off the Internet and change the settings network connection on the computer. To do this, open the “Network and Sharing Center” We look for and open the link on the left to “Change adapter settings” and find in the window that opens the required “Connect via local network" Next, right-click on it and context menu select “Properties”. In the window of components used by this connection we find “Internet Protocol TCP/IP v4”. Select it and click the “Properties” button under the components window. And in the window that opens, enter the following values:

We connect the router to network card computer via LAN1 connector. Hold down the Reset button and, without releasing it, turn on the router. Keep Reset pressed for about 30 seconds. Then we release and try to access the WEB interface of the router via a browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.). To do this, enter the address in the router address line and make the transition. Instead of the usual invitation to enter your username and password, we find ourselves in the Emergency Room of the router.

Using the review button, we find the firmware that we downloaded from the router manufacturer’s FTP and click the Upload button.

After flashing the firmware, you need to return the network settings to the original ones.

Then close and open the browser again and go to the address of the router WEB interface: If we see a login window like this, it means our router has recovered.

I'll be brief...

The DIR-300 C1 router has a problem with the firmware. Specifically with firmware number 1.0.0

The classic solution: going into the admin panel and specifying where the firmware is located will not help. After the pseudo-update, the version will remain the same. After surfing the Internet I found a way to update from firmware 1.0.0

To do this, you need special software from D-Link.

Click the “Connect and configure device” button

You may need to enter the login and password for the router (if not the standard one) and an offer to wait while the firmware is being installed. We're waiting, it all took less than a minute. After (in the same program, bottom left) you will see that the version has changed to 1.0.7. Congratulations, you can now update using the standard (classic) method. If I'm not mistaken, starting from version 2.0.14, the router itself will check for updated firmware and offer to update. The latest current firmware for today is 2.0.18

The rest (and old ones too) of the firmware can be downloaded from

Many people wonder if it's worth upgrading. If everything works, why this update?

I thought so too, until one fine day the router began to behave inappropriately, and there was no time to deal with it. Moreover, with updated firmware New features have appeared that were not in version 1.0.0. For example, connecting via telnet, or the client function (you can make a repeater) or advanced features remote control type DynDNS. In general, I recommend updating the firmware

Today we will look at the process of flashing the extremely popular D-link Dir-300 router in Russia. Despite the fact that the process of flashing this router is not particularly difficult, sometimes this task confuses a novice user. I will explain to you how to flash D-link Dir-300 in the form of simple and accessible instructions. We will also find out where download firmware for Dir-300, without fear of downloading a virus instead of the firmware. So let's get started.

Preparing for D-link Dir-300 firmware

If you have already connected the router and know how to log into the admin panel via, you can skip the preparation process. For everyone else, let's write a few words about connecting Dir-300.

1. Connect the router with the cable provided to the network card of the computer from which you will update the firmware. Port LAN1 - to the computer’s network card. If you only have Wi-Fi on your device, it’s no problem, we’ll flash it via Wi-Fi.

2. Turn on the router. If you are flashing via Wi-Fi, then connect to the unprotected DIR-300 network. If you have already tried setting up your router and cannot connect to wireless network(forgot the password you set on Wi-fi), then reset the settings to factory settings. To do this, hold down the “reset” button for about 10 seconds (until the router blinks all the lights), then wait 30 seconds and feel free to connect to the unsecured Dir-300 network.

3. Open your favorite browser and enter the address of the router web interface into the address bar. If the page does not open, make sure that in the network connection settings (in the properties of the TCP/IP protocol) the parameters “Obtain IP and DNS automatically” are set.

4. Enter the initial login/password - admin/admin. If the password does not match, check the keyboard layout or reset the router.

Download the D-link Dir-300 firmware from the official website.

Important! The D-Link Dir-300 router has several modifications. If you choose the wrong firmware for your device, this will most likely lead to it being unrepairable at home. Carefully read the information on how to choose the right firmware.

So, every D-Link Dir-300 router has a sticker at the bottom. It contains, among other things, the information we need. Find the inscription H/W Ver. This line will indicate the Dir-300 version. The following variations may occur: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, A/C1. With these instructions we can flash any version of Dir-300.

So, we decided on the firmware version. But what about download firmware for D-Link Dir-300? And it's very simple! We go to the official D-Link website using the link ftp://ftp.dlink.ru/. Next, go to the folder pub, Then Router and find our router version in the list. Go to the router folder, then to Firmware and download the firmware in .bin format.

So, we have the firmware, the router is connected - let's move on to updating the firmware.

Firmware for router DIR-300.

We go to the administrative panel of the router at Login/password: admin/admin. Depending on the modification of the router and the firmware version, the interface may differ. Here are some examples of what the DIR-300 web interface might look like.

Picture 1

1. Click on "Advanced Settings".

2. In the “System” item, click the right arrow, then “Software Update”

3. Specify the firmware file you downloaded earlier.

4. Click the "Update" button.

Picture 2

1. Click on “Configure manually”.

4. Specify the firmware file you downloaded earlier.

4. Click the "Update" button.

5. Wait for the firmware to finish

Do you feel like your router is frozen? Read the "Note at the end of the article"

Picture 3

1. Click on the top menu "Maintenance"

2. Select “Firmware Update” in the left menu.

3. In the “Update Setting” section, click “Browse” and select the firmware file.

4. Wait for the firmware to finish

Do you feel like your router is frozen? Read the "Note at the end of the article"

As you can see, the process D-Link firmware Dir-300 is extremely similar for all modifications of this router. I think I explained the principle of the firmware quite clearly.

Note on the firmware of the D-Link DIR-300 router.

If it seems to you that the router is stuck in the firmware process because the firmware loading bar moves endlessly or the browser reports that the page is unavailable, this is most likely not the case. It’s just that during the firmware installation the connection between the router and the computer is interrupted and you need to wait a couple of minutes until it is restored or update the page yourself after a while. I hope my article on firmware for the D-Link DIR-300 router helped you.
