Beeline wifi installation for home. How to connect home wireless internet beeline

Beeline is one of the TOP Internet providers that works even in the most remote areas of Russia. This organization provides access to any kind of Internet - both home and mobile. But to save money, most people started using a wi-fi router.

The router can be bought at almost all points of the Beeline operator. But sometimes setting up a router from this vendor becomes a real problem for an unprepared person. We'll help you sort it out.

In general, the process does not require special knowledge, and each person will be able to cope with this task. To do this, you do not need to call the master and overpay.

Reference! To connect different, the connection and installation diagram is the same.

  1. If the router is new, unpack it, and then connect the power adapter.
  2. Choose a convenient place where the equipment will be located.
  3. Connect to the Internet via wi-fi or cable.
  4. Connect your laptop or computer to set up.
  5. Connect your router to the mains.
  6. Set up the router (to do this, follow the link that is written on the bottom of the router, next to it you will find your login and password).
  7. Set up the Internet (we will consider below).
  8. Configure your wireless network settings and change your username and password.

Setting up a router for Beeline - ASUS

If you look at the router from the back, you will see 4 identical holes yellow color and one blue (for the web). Insert the wire from Beeline into the blue port, and connect the wire to the PC in the second one. With it, we will configure the router. Next, we extend the antennas and connect the router to the Network.

Important! Before starting the installation, check the type of connection (in the propertiesIPv4 you must register the connection to acceptIP addresses and servers automatically!). AT otherwise, it may cause network errors on further connection .

Connection order

  1. We launch any browser, in the address bar we write 192. 168. 1.

  2. Next, specify the parameters (basic login and password, which is written on the bottom plate of the device).

  3. Go to the WAN/Internet section.

  4. Set the connection type to L2TP/ L2T and dynamic IP (if available).

  5. Specify the login and password issued by the provider (recorded in the contract).

  6. Write down the hostname, specifying the address, and select one of two values ​​- PPTP or L2TP.

  7. Test the router: just log in to any site and see if it loads or not.

Attention! For correct operation, before starting the setup, delete the connection type that was used earlier.

Launch Wi-Fi for ASUS RT-N12

  1. We launch the browser and write the standard numbers 192. 168. 1 and enter the password indicated on the back of the router box (admin, admin).

  2. Enter the "Wireless Networks" section called wireless.

  3. Next, in the "SSID" indicate the name that you choose yourself. To protect your data, use strong passwords with English letters and numbers (you can also use capital letters). Save.

  4. Network Authentication - WPA Personal.

  5. Write a password and confirm it again.

  6. To fix changes made, click Save.

If you have completed the steps correctly, you can start using the Internet.

Setting up a router for Beeline: TP-Link

Important! Before starting the installation, check the type of connection (in the IPv4 properties, the connection to accept the IP address and server automatically!). Otherwise, it may cause network errors when you continue to connect to the Internet.

Connection order

  1. Open any browser, enter 192.168.

  2. We write down the login and password specified by the manufacturer.

  3. Open the "Internet / WAN" section.

  4. In the line "Connection type" we indicate L2TP / Russia L2TP.

  5. We register the login and password that the provider issued (indicated in the contract).

  6. Our hostname is

  7. Check the operation of the router by clicking on any link.

Setting up a router for Beeline: D-link DIR-300

If you look at the router from the back, you will see 4 yellow holes and one blue (for the Internet). Insert the wire from Beeline into the blue port, and connect the wire to the PC in the second one. With it, we will configure the router. Next, we extend the antennas and connect the router to the Network.

Important! Before starting the installation, check the connection type (in the IPv4 properties, the connection to obtain an IP address and server automatically must be specified!). Otherwise, it may cause problems with further Internet connection.

Connection order

  1. Enter in the browser 192. 168. 1.

  2. We write the name and password specified by the manufacturer on the back of the router.

  3. In the connection types, select L2TP.

  4. We fill in the server name by entering the address there.

  5. Uncheck "No Authorization" and "Enable RIP".

Further wi-fi settings

Internet setup Beeline: home router

For a home router, Beeline recommends all models of Smart Box routers. Their distinguishing feature is the speed, the number of holes for USB and the range (it can be in the range from 2.5 to 5 GHz). Setting up such a router will be even easier thanks to the connection device. During installation, you only specify your region of residence and the name of the settlement, and everything else will be configured automatically.

Connection order

  • connect the Internet wire to a special port (it will be marked in a different color, it is only one);
  • we connect the PC to the router with a small wire that will be bundled with the device.

  1. Open any browser and enter Click Continue.

  2. Enter the standard login and password admin, admin.

  3. Select "Quick Setup" from the main menu.

  4. In the "Home Internet" section, enter your login and password in the appropriate fields specified when concluding the contract.

  5. As a preliminary key, we come up with a name and password, which will contain at least 8 characters.

  6. Click Save.

Important! Reboot the router before checking the Internet.

Video tutorial on setting up a router of the Smart Box line

If you follow all the instructions, you will be able to independently and quickly. If something doesn't work, try again or call a specialist.

Video - Setting up a Wi-Fi router ASUS RT-N12 for Beeline

Setting wifi router and "Beeline" does not have to be made by a specialized craftsman. If you follow certain rules, you can independently carry out the configuration, which will take you no more than 10-15 minutes.

Wi-Fi router - specific device settings

The most popular models of modern routers include D-Link, Asus, Zyxel, as well as TP-Link, which work with the Beeline provider. Internet configuration of the router of these models is quite simple and will not take you much time and effort.

Setting up an Internet connection on routers consists of several steps:

  • connecting the router to a PC;
  • login to the setup system;
  • setting the optimal router settings configurations;
  • connection additional features router
  • saving parameters.

Depending on the selected device model, the process of setting up and connecting to the Internet may differ. Let's look at the process of setting up individual router models in stages.

If you've made changes before, or if you've changed your login settings and can't remember them, you'll need to reset your device to its default settings.

To do this, you need to hold down the "reset" button for 5 seconds, which is located near the device's power cable.

When you log in for the first time, you will be greeted by a quick configuration wizard that will guide you through quick selection. optimal settings for the router.

If you want to figure out the settings of the router yourself, you can not use the wizard auto tuning. To do this, you must immediately select the second group of the main menu "Manual settings".

Setting up a Beeline DIR-300 router - features and tips for proper connection

router WiFi D-Link The DIR-300 is the most widely used Wi-Fi router with a stylish, modern design. The model is designed for 24-hour work and provides a round-the-clock connection to high-speed Internet.

To technical features the router of the specified model can be attributed:

  • type of Wi-Fi connection - 802.11b/g/n;
  • data transfer rate - up to 300 Mb / s;
  • number of built-in antennas - 2;
  • available connectors - 4 x RJ-45 (LAN), 1 x RJ-45 (WAN);
  • dimensions - 126.5 mm / 180 mm / 32 mm.

The first thing you need to do when setting up your router is to plug in your ISP cable and connect to personal computer. In addition, it would be useful to check the device for viruses by scanning the anti-virus program installed on the computer with it.

The next step is to enter the settings system.

To open the settings window you need:

  • enter into browser line standard IP address router, which is equal to;
  • when prompted to enter, enter the login and password, which, according to the standard settings of the device, are provided as the following parameters: login - admin, password - admin (these parameters can be found on the router box);
  • later you can change these values ​​at your own discretion.

After entering the menu, you will be offered several categories of working with the router: manual setup, setup wizard, checking connection with a PC, setting up IPTV, setting up Wi-Fi, and others.

Setting up the Beeline DIR-300 router manually requires entering all the configurations necessary for connection and normal operation of the device. After entering the "Manual setup" menu, you must select the "Network" tab, in which, as the connection type, specify the parameters "L2Tp + Dynamic IP". AT this menu you can also specify the connection name, login and password of your Beeline Internet. In the line "VPN Address" we indicate the standard address of the Beeline server - After saving the specified settings, you can see the created connection in the "WAN Connections" tab.

The next step in configuring the DIR-300 router is to configure the created connection. The main settings are setting a password for the connection, as well as setting the name of the access point.

After successfully entering the specified parameters, the installation of the Internet connection will be completed, and the router will be completely ready for use.

Wi-Fi routers from Beeline - key points and features of setting up different models

For owners of Beeline routers, the Internet setting of the router should not cause problems. The provider has tried to make it as simple and fast as possible. Setting up a Wi-Fi router "Beeline" is carried out according to the same scheme, indicating the standard data of the provider.

Standard values ​​for connection connection:

  • WAN connection type - L2TP;
  • the username is equal to the provider's billing number;
  • password — standard value set by the provider (admin);
  • VPN server settings -

However, each router model has its own characteristics, and therefore, the device configuration process may have minor differences.

Key points for configuring Asus router settings

One of the popular modern routers is Asus. Thanks to the efforts of the provider, setting up the Asus Beeline router has acquired an automatic process of finding the most optimal configurations, thanks to convenient program settings wizard.

As a rule, at the end of the work, the configuration wizard sets all the settings on its own, but often it may be necessary to configure it manually. Therefore, it is necessary to know the key points of this process. Consider the features of setting up the Beeline router with standard firmware 3.0.0.x.

After connecting the Internet cable to the computer (Internet cable - to the blue port, Patchcort - yellow), you need to connect the other end of the Patchcord to the PC network card, and also check that the settings of the card itself are correct. After a successful connection, we log in to the router system. To do this, enter the value of the provider's IP address ( in the browser line. After entering the standard login and password values, you will get access to the device settings menu.

In the "Internet" section, you must enter the standard data for connecting the connection provided by the provider.

Unlike routers of other models, the Asus router requires dynamic address setting, which is a distinctive feature of this device.

To get dynamic IP address parameters you need to:

  • open the "Internet Settings" tab in the router settings;
  • check the box "Enable connection";
  • select the type "INTERNET", the type of service "IP Routing", addressing - "DHCP".
  • save the specified settings.

TP-Link router - what you need to know for a proper connection

Another popular router model is TP-Link. This router is a practical model of a budget device with 3G support and Wi-Fi 802.11n supported by the Beeline provider.

Setting up a TP-Link router it's a fairly simple process that won't take you long. The TP-Link router is in many ways similar to the router model Zyxel Keenetic, therefore, the process of setting them up has similar parameters.

You can use a special automatic configuration wizard, which will determine and set the optimal parameters of the router for connecting to the network. The manual process uses standard data provided by the provider.

TP-Link and Zyxel Keenetic routers - distinctive points

An important point Zyxel settings Keenetic is an L2TP connection. If in the case of the TP-Link router it can be said that the procedure is mostly performed automatically, then in the case of Zyxel Keenetic it is best to enter the data manually without using the Beeline settings wizard. Setting up a Zyxel Keenetic router involves creating two separate connections - Dynamic IP and a VPN connection.

The first connection is standard and is required for the operator's internal network. To set up the second you need:

  • go to the VPN menu tab;
  • check the box next to "Enable L2TP LAC";
  • in the field "LNS-address" you need to enter the name of the "Beeline" server -

In the lines below with the value "PPP Username" and "PPP Password" enter the values ​​​​of your choice for authorization. Make sure Connection Mode is set to Auto. Don't forget to save your configurations.

"Beeline" - setting up a router and installing special features

A Wi-Fi router can be an excellent option for connecting high-speed Internet at home, as well as high-quality IPTV digital television.

To set up IPTV on the router, you need:

  • go to the "IPTV Service" section;
  • check the box next to the "IPTV Enable" value;
  • select from the list of Lan Interface ports the port to which TV4 will be connected;
  • set the connection type values ​​\u200b\u200b"Bridge Mode";
  • set the value "4" in the field "802.1P";
  • save settings.

Firmware router "Beeline" independently

Based on their features installed firmware Beeline, router settings may include various additional parameters.

Additional device firmware can help eliminate some malfunctions and errors in operation, as well as expand its capabilities. In order to change the default firmware, you need to:

  • download updated version firmware;
  • connect the device to the computer;
  • enter the settings panel;
  • open the "Maintenance" tab;
  • select the item "Software update";
  • select a file for firmware (downloaded software version);
  • click the "Update" button and wait for the update to complete;
  • check settings, connect provider cable.

Setting WiFi router"Beeline" does not have to be made by a specialized craftsman. If you follow certain rules, you can independently carry out the configuration, which will take you no more than 10-15 minutes.

//Settings for advanced

Local network settings.

IP address, routes, default gateway (Default Gateway), domain name server (DNS) - your computer or router receives via DHCP.
To access the Internet, a vpn connection is used via L2TP (without IPsec) or PPTP protocols. We recommend using an L2TP connection.

Server addresses:

  • - for connection via L2TP protocol.
  • - for connection via PPTP protocol.
For the VPN connection to work correctly, make sure that your security software did not block the ports used when establishing a vpn session.
  • L2TP - 1701
  • PPTP - 1723
  • www-80/8080
Equipment - routers, switches.
We support and recommend the following models of routers for operation in the Beeline network:
  • Wi-Fi router Beeline
  • Beeline Smart Box
  • Beeline N150L
  • Beeline D150L
  • Asus 520GU
  • D-Link DIR 300/NRU rev. B1-B6, C1
  • Linksys WRT610n
This equipment has been tested by us and meets all the requirements for working in the Beeline network. You can find detailed information on setting up this equipment in the " Router settings".
If your router is not on the recommended list, you can try setting it up yourself:
  • Make sure your router supports L2TP/PPTP.
  • Download itself new firmware from the manufacturer's website.
  • Enter or as a vpn server
  • Set the acquisition of an IP address and DNS addresses to automatic (via DHCP).
  • Enter your registration details.
More detailed information on setting up non-recommended equipment you can find on the user forum Home Internet"Beeline".


Watching TV with a set-top box (STB).

We support the following console models*:
  • with TV control function: Cisco CIS 430, ISB7031, ISB2230, Motorola VIP 1216, 2262E, Tatung STB3210
  • without TV control function: Cisco CIS 2001, ISB2200, Motorola VIP 1200, 1002E, Tatung STB2530
*Other models of set-top boxes work with the service Digital television"Beeline-TV" will not.

Watching TV on a computer:

To watch TV on your computer, install free program VLC and download the channel list. You can find more detailed information on the Beeline Home Internet user forum.

Port numbers of the most common protocols

  • SMTP - 25
  • POP - 110
  • IMAP- 143 (993 IMAP over SSL)
  • SSL - 443
  • FTP - 21
  • SSH - 22
  • telnet - 23
  • www- 80, 8080
  • PPTP - 1723
  • L2TP - 1701
  • NTP- 123/UDP
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU).
For VPN connection:
  • PPTP - 1460
  • L2TP - 1460
Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) - 1500

Maximum Segment Size (MSS).
For VPN connection:

  • PPTP - 1452
  • L2TP - 1460

Wi-Fi routers from Beeline are gaining more and more demand among active network users. Setting up a router only at first glance looks like a complicated process. In fact, everyone can cope with the connection and settings using special tips.

Properly connected Wi-Fi router

If you want to save money, you can independently connect and configure your router from Beeline. To do this, you first need to connect the patch cord with one end to the LAN port on the router, and the other end to the network card of your computer. After that, you need to open the browser that you usually use, and in the opened window in the address bar, enter the number of the ip-address. It is standard for everyone:

A special window should pop up on the monitor in which you need to enter login data and password. Please note that this data can be specified in the instructions for the router. If you did not find them, then you need to enter the standard combinations for all: login - admin and password - admin. After that, click "Login".

Setting up a Wi-Fi router Beeline

The setting is carried out by entering the menu "Setting -> Basic settings". Here, in the “Server Address” column, enter, in the “Connection Type” item, specify L2TP, and set the MTU to 1400. After that, we save all the selected settings, the waiting time will be no more than a minute.

Now you need to set up your wireless network. This must be done manually by entering the menu and selecting "Wireless Network -> Basic Settings". Here you need to fill in all the parameters as follows:

  1. "Network name" - specify the name of your network.
  2. "Transmit SSID" - check the box to enable.
  3. In "Network mode" select "Mixed".
  4. Parameter "Channel Width" - specify automatic.

How to update the Beeline router

Updating the router involves updating its firmware. To do this, just download it from the Internet. Then we follow a few simple steps. Select the path "Administration -> Firmware Update -> Overview". Here you need to select the firmware file that you downloaded to your computer in advance and click the "Start Upgrade" button. After a short wait, a window should appear indicating the completion of the update.

There are many providers that provide internet services at home. One of these companies is today the mobile and Internet provider Beeline, which provides broadband Internet services via high-speed cable in your home.

Very often people also take a router for creating Wi-Fi network at home, but are facing a connection problem.

How to set up a Beeline Wi-Fi router will be described below.

How to set up a Wi-Fi router Beeline

Setting up a router is no different from standard setting conventional router. To connect the Beeline wireless network through a router, you need to do a number of actions:

  1. Connect the Internet cable from Beeline to the router to the WAN (INTERNET) jack. Under each input in the router, you can find the name of the socket, so connecting is not difficult.
  2. Then, using a special patch cord, connect the router to the computer. To do this, plug one side of the wire into the LAN port of the router, and the other side into the same input on the computer where the Network Card. It doesn’t matter which of the several ports on the router to plug the wire into, because they all work the same way.
  3. Do not forget to connect the router to the power supply so that it turns on. It may take a minute or two for it to fully turn on. Wait for this time, and then go to any browser on your computer.
  4. Enter the IP address of your router into the address bar of your browser. This address can be easily found in the documentation for the router. There are also tips for setting it up. Also, the address can be written on the router itself, on the back.
  5. The router program window will open, where you need to enter your username and password. If you are setting it up for the first time, then the default login and password will be the word "admin", but to make sure, you should look at the router's documentation, where the login and password are written.
  6. After entering the router settings window, go to the "Network settings" section.
  7. Set the following parameters. Connection type: L2TP or PPTP. Server address or access point: "" for the first type of connection or "" for the second type of connection. All this data can also be found in the documentation from Beeline. There is also a brief guide to setting up the Internet.
  8. We save the parameters, then you can also change the password and login to enter the router settings, as well as the login and password of the network itself. This will protect your wireless network from being hacked and used by third parties.
  9. We save all the settings, restart the router and the computer. Now wireless network Wi-Fi must be available for all devices.

In this way, you can configure any router, but if you have a router from Beeline or one of the models that is supported by the Autorouter program, then you can simplify the task.

How to set up a router using "Autorouter"

Having a router from Beeline or another that is on the list of supported on the site, you can use the service of the "Autorouter" program, which can be found on the Beeline website.

After installing the program and running it, you just need to wait until it configures your router itself. However, the program only supports a limited list of router models. If your router is not in the list, then you will not be able to use the program.

If you cannot set up the Beeline network through a computer, then reading our article will help you.

A computer