Processing incoming mail in EAC ops. Training courses as part of the OP workplace

FSUE "Russian Post" summed up the results of the competition for the performance of work and provision of services for the replication of the Unified automated system postal offices (EAS OPS) for 23 thousand postal offices. The only participant in this tender was a consortium that included OOO GMC Verex (trademark Maykor-GMCS), CJSC Lanit, CJSC NIP Informzashchita and LLC New Service Technologies (part of group of companies Maykor). The maximum contract amount is 1.1 billion rubles. In addition, Russian Post plans to spend 1 billion rubles on providing services for the development and maintenance of EAS OPS.

"Russian Post" summed up the results of the competition for the performance of work and provision of services for the replication of the EAS OPS. The only participant in this tender was a consortium that included Maykor-GMCS, Lanit, NIP Informzashita and New Service Technologies.

“In accordance with the requirements of procurement legislation, documents are currently being prepared for subsequent approval of the procurement results with the regulator - the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. Russian Post can sign this agreement only after receiving official approval,” he clarified in an interview with a correspondent ComNews representative of the press service of Russian Post.

The agreement will come into force from the moment of signing and will be valid for 18 months. This agreement implies the replication of the EAS OPS at 23 thousand post offices in eight federal districts of the country. Details of the work will be determined working group after signing the contract, added a representative of the Russian Post press service. The maximum contract amount is RUB 1.1 billion.

A representative of the press service of Russian Post recalled that previously services for replication of EAS OPS were provided by the company Maykor-GMCS.

In 2016, Russian Post updated 30 thousand sets of automated workstations (AWS) in 54 branches for the deployment of EAS OPS. This year, the company plans to update technical equipment to a similar extent in different regions of the country. The postal service is confident that this modernization will speed up customer service time.

We would like to remind you that in March 2016, for the deployment of EAS, Russian Post purchased on lease more than 30 thousand automated workstation sets for post offices. “The initial maximum price of the leasing agreement in 2016 was 2.4 billion rubles. The winner’s offer was 1.2 billion rubles. The actual price of the leasing agreement was 1.3 billion rubles - due to an increase in the number of purchased workstation sets by 10%,” - noted a representative of the Russian Post press service.

Russian Post plans to simultaneously complete the replication of the UAS OPS and, accordingly, the modernization of the computing and office equipment at post offices (see ComNews of January 26, 2016). As ComNews previously reported, Russian Post plans to complete the implementation of the EAS OPS by the end of 2017 (see ComNews dated February 12, 2016).

In addition, at the end of 2016, Russian Post announced a tender for the performance of work and provision of services for the development and maintenance of the EAS OPS. Submission of applications for the competition ended on January 23, 2017. Review of applications for the competition will take place on February 10. The maximum contract amount is 1 billion rubles. The agreement will come into force from the moment of its signing and will be valid for 36 months.

According to the terms of reference, the winner will have to identify and implement new requirements for the functionality of the EAS OPS, provide the ability to connect other service channels (portal, mobile client, contact center) to system microservices, etc.

A representative of the press service of Russian Post recalled that the company Maykor-GMCS had previously performed work and provided services for the development and support of the EAS OPS.

“General procedures for working in the EAS OPS”
October 2014
Consumer Relations Department

1. What are the basic rules for working with the system?
2. What is the system boot order?
3. How does opening/closing occur? operating shift?
4. How is the main cash register window used?
5. How does activation and return work? Money?
6. How does retail trading work?
7. How to work with the RPO journal?
8. How to log out of the System?

1. What are the basic rules for working with the system?
Symbols in the training material:
- names of fields, buttons, screen forms - in quotation marks “Exit”
- names of keys – in bold Enter
– transition from one field to another on screen forms:
Tab key
Arrow block,
Entering a digital value from the keyboard 1, 2, ...
The serial number of the selected field is highlighted in orange
Key F4 – opening subforms for data entry
Keyboard shortcut Tab+Shift - return to the previous screen field
The “OK” and “Cancel” buttons correspond to pressing the Enter and Esc keys
in the right top corner any form to receive reference information By
work in the System
The drop-down list is displayed by pressing the Space button or clicking the mouse
Buttons on forms in display lists
“Down” - one position/to the end
list accordingly. Buttons
“Up” perform the opposite actions.
At the bottom of some slides there is a ruler with the name of the screen forms (tabs), in
for the purpose of visually displaying at what stage of the operation the user is /
sequence of navigation through the menu.

Click on
label on
Without fiscal
printer work
Starting the system. Examination
equipment. When
messages are displayed
Displaying the authorization window
user. Selecting your account
entries from the list provided.
(Keys, ↓, PgUp, PgDn or
mouse click)
to Enter
See next slide
To exit

2. What is the system boot order (data and programs)?
See slide above
Entering your password
When pressing Esc
– return to selection
In case of error
entering a password,
The system displays
message and
proposes again
enter password
Data entry from
keyboard if
digital only
password format then
can be entered with

3. How does the opening/closing of an operating shift take place?
Opening shift
In case the shift was closed.
Current date ≠ date of existing shift,
The system displays diagnostic
"Unable to use" message
existing shift, close
previous shift and open a new one
After authorization, a check occurs
to close the previous shift
In case the previous shift is not
was closed.
Login under
already in use
shift (account
record) of the employee
Data logging
Print, when
necessary, on cash register
operating room
After clicking
is happening
closing the current
forms, transition to
Main form output
"Selection menu
(see slide above)
current shift
shifts (see
slide below)

Closing a shift
Navigate through the menu:
Main menu
Other operations(5)
Closing a shift
Click on
"Close" button
shift" and
we confirm
Click on
"OK" key
The shift is closed.
Forming and printing
performing operations in
current shift.
Cancel the “Close shift” operation.
Return to main menu.
Printing X-Report
and Z-report
When you click on
the "Yes" button can
be displayed
messages. After
closing the shift.
Other operations
Close shift
Exit to
(see description

4. How is the main cash register window used?
Go to the main cash register window from the main menu - click on the “Main cash register window (7)” button
Designed for making payments for goods and services after entering data on all operations necessary for the client.
Table with contents prepared for payment
goods and services
menu (analogue
main menu).
Composition of services
access rights.
Check totals
Payment buttons:
- “Cash (A)” - accepting payment in cash,
with change; called by keyboard shortcuts
- “Without change (B)” - accepting payment in cash,
no change; called by keyboard shortcuts
- “Card (B)” - accepting payment using
cards; called by the keyboard shortcuts Alt+B
Choosing a payment method
- Keyboard input
amounts and confirm
by clicking on
"Continue" or
Enter key.
- Display on screen
change amounts.
- Recording the fact of payment and
printing a fiscal receipt.
registration of fact
payment for goods.
- Fixing a fact
payment and printing
fiscal check.
“Cancel” - return to the main cash register window without
registration of payment for services (goods)
In case of failures in the operation of postal cash register equipment, it is displayed
operations on
by card

5. How does activation and refund work?
Log View form
Displaying information on all completed cash transactions
Select: Main menu Main cash register window View magazine
Buttons on the form
Search for a receipt/transaction using certain parameters.
When clicked, the “Journal Search” form opens.
(see slide below)
Re-printing of a receipt is possible only on the same day
completing the operation.
Carrying out the operation to create a return record.
When clicked, the “Returnables” form opens.
goods" (see slide below)
List of carried out
cash transactions
Information display
(check contents) according to the selected
operations from the list
Closing the screen form and going to the main menu –
cash register window.
Resetting previously set parameters for searching for a receipt.
Main cash register window
View log
Search by magazine
Returned Items
Return posting

"Journal Search" form
Search for returned/cancelled checks based on the characteristics of returned goods and services (SHI/SHPI for RPO,
transfer number, telegram number, contract code for cell subscription, etc.)
Click on
"Search" button on
form "View
search results in
form "View
magazine" in
main list
Entering parameters in
search fields in
"Search by" form
Input from
Selecting a value
from the drop down
Selecting a value from
drop down list,
(open the list, Space button, space bar;
Select - Enter)
Code input format
operation depends
from selection in the field
"Type of transaction"
Buttons on the form
Selecting a date to search
sold services/goods
from the drop-down calendar
“Search” - search by specified
“Clear” - deletion
specified parameter in the field
Main cash register window
View log
Search by magazine
Closing the search form
magazine and return to screen
"View Log" form.
search flag
by current date
Returned Items
Return posting

Returned Products Form

Form is displayed
"Returned Products"
select the lines and
press the button
"Return goods"
Click on the button
“Make a return” on
form "View
See next slide
Buttons on the form
Main cash register window
Selecting a line to carry out a refund
(flag setting)
Carrying out the return processing operation
Select all rows to return
Cancel operation, return to main POS menu
Clear selection of rows to return (removal
“Up, Down” - switching positions up
and down.
View log
Search by magazine
Returned Items
Return posting

Returned Products Form
Refund of funds on a check as a whole or on individual items in a check.
Form is displayed
"Return posting" for
indicating the reason for return from
list and click on the button
Main cash register window
View log
The main window is displayed
cash registers.
The product is displayed with
negative amount.
Search by magazine
We carry out standard
payment transaction by clicking on
"No change" buttons
The return operation is completed.
Printing a return receipt.
Returned Items
Return posting

5. How does retail trading work?
Selling goods
Barcode scanning possible
Barcode scanning is not possible
Barcode scanning.
The main cash register window displays:
product name, quantity and price
We search for goods in the catalog
Main cash register window table
Select: Main menu Retail trade Search for goods and materials
Search form
Search input area
product names
Results table
Buttons on the form
"Information about
View detailed information about
goods. Opening the “Information about
product" (see slide below)
Adding a product to the main window
cash registers for subsequent sale
"Show price"
"Hide price"
Main cash register window table
Closing a form
Adding a column to the main page
table with the price of the product. Button
is automatically renamed.
Product search
Search for goods and materials
Search form
Product Details Form
Inventory search form

Product Details Form
Information about
Inventory search form
reserves in OPS
Adding a product
for implementation.
Manual entry or
Buttons on the form
"Add to
"Search for stocks"
Adding a product to the window
main cash register
Opening the Search form
Closing a form
Search for goods and materials
Search form
Product Details Form
Inventory search form

7. How to work with the RPO journal?
Form "RPO Journal"
Generating data on all operations performed on the RPO during the reporting period: by date/time of the operation with the RPO,
operating window number, type of RPO, SPI, category of RPO, type of RPO, class of RPO
Search area based on specified criteria.
1. Manual data entry or selection from drop-down
lists, with a flag set next to the selected one
2. Multiple choice option
3. Open/Close – F4 key.
4. Select a date from the drop-down calendar. Moving
in it with the arrow keys
, choice - Enter.
Drop-down list
Dropdown calendar
Buttons on the form
Post services
Clear previous settings
search to implement new
Performing a search based on specified
RPO magazines
Printing the displayed list,
opening the “Print” form
Form "RPO Journal"
Closing the “RPO Journal” form
Form “RPO Journal (Details)”

Form “RPO Journal (details)”
To view detailed information about the selected RPO
"Information about RPO,
Sender, Recipient"
Cancel button Closes the form.
Getting back into shape
"RPO Magazine"
Post services
"Information about operations
over RPO"
"Invoice information"
RPO magazines
Form "RPO Journal"
“Ok” button End viewing
detailed information
Form “RPO Journal (Details)”

Printable form
The RPO Journal list is displayed in printed form
To print, go to the form in the top menu: File Print. Printing to the connected
Post services
RPO magazines
Form "RPO Journal"
Form “RPO Journal (Details)”
Printable form

8. How to log out of the System?
Password entered correctly
In the main menu
press the button
"Exit (8)"
In the authorization window
press the button
Exit from
Entering your password
password and exit
from the system
Password entered incorrectly Details Published 01/28/2020

Updating thematic collections in the Lan EBS

EBS "Lan" informs that for November and December 2019, the thematic collections available to our university in EBS "Lan" have been updated:
Engineering and technical sciences - Lan Publishing House - 29
Mathematics - Lan Publishing House - 6
Physics - Publishing House "Lan" - 5
Acquainted with full list new literature you can.
We hope that the new collection of literature will be useful in the educational process.

Library operating hours during the session

Details Published 01/09/2020

Dear students and university staff! During the session (from 01/09/2020) the library is open:

  • subscriptions: Mon.-Fri. from 10:00 to 18:00
  • reading rooms No. 1 and No. 2: Mon.-Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00
  • photographing for library cards: Mon.-Fri. from 11:00 to 16:00, office. 11-30 (1 building, 1 floor).

Happy new year 2020!

Details Published 12/27/2019

Dear readers! The library team wishes you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We sincerely wish you and your families happiness, love, health, success and joy!
May the coming year give you prosperity, mutual understanding, harmony and good mood.
Good luck, prosperity and fulfillment of your most cherished desires in the new year!

TRAINING MATERIAL: “General work procedures in the EAS OPS” October 2014 Consumer Relations Department

IN THIS TRAINING MATERIAL CONTENT YOU WILL RECEIVE ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. What are the basic rules for working with the system? 2. What is the system boot order? 3. How does the opening/closing of an operating shift take place? 4. How is the main cash register window used? 5. How does activation and refund work? 6. How does retail trading work? 7. How to work with the RPO journal? 8. How to log out of the System? 2

1. What are the basic rules for working with the system? q Designations in the training material: - names of fields, buttons, screen forms - in quotation marks “Exit” - names of keys - in bold Enter q - transition from one field to another on screen forms: Tab key Arrow block, Entering a digital value from the keyboard 1 , 2, … q The serial number of the selected field is highlighted in orange q Key F 4 – opens subforms for data entry q Key combination Tab+Shift – returns to the previous screen field q Buttons “OK” and “Cancel” correspond to pressing the Enter and Esc keys q A button in the upper right corner of any form for obtaining reference information on working in the System q The drop-down list is displayed by pressing the Space button or clicking the mouse q Buttons on forms in the displayed lists “Down” - one position / to the end of the list, respectively. The Up buttons do the opposite. At the bottom of some slides there is a line with the name of screen forms (tabs), in order to visually display at what stage of the operation the user is / the menu navigation sequence.

2. What is the system boot order (data and programs)? Click on the shortcut on the desktop. Without a fiscal printer, the system cannot work!!! Starting the system. Checking connected equipment. If problems are detected, the following messages are displayed: Successful connection Displays the user authorization window. Select your account from the list provided. (Keys, ↓, Pg. Up, Pg. Dn or mouse click) Press Enter See next. slide To log out

2. What is the system boot order (data and programs)? (Continued) See the slide above User authorization is completed Entering a password When you press Esc - return to operator selection In case of an error entering a password, the System displays a message and prompts you to re-enter the password Entering data from the keyboard, if only the password is in digital format, you can enter it with presented keyboard.

3. How does the opening/closing of an operating shift take place? Opening a shift In case the shift was closed. Current date ≠ date of existing shift, The system displays the diagnostic message “The existing shift cannot be used, close the previous shift and open a new shift.” After authorization, a check is made to see if the previous shift is closed. If the previous shift was not closed. Log in to the System under the shift already in use ( account) employee Registration of operator data. Print, if necessary, on the cash register of the X-report. Opening a new operating shift After clicking, the current form is closed, the transition to the “User Authorization” form Displays the main form “Operations Selection Menu” (see slide above) Using the current shift Closing the current shift (see slide below)

Closing a shift Go to the menu: Main menu Other operations (5) Closing a shift (6) The operation is completed. Click on “Ok” using the Enter key. Click on the “Close Shift” button and confirm the operation Shift closed. Generating and printing a Z-report. Blocking operations in the current shift. Cancel the operation “Closing a shift”. Return to main menu. Printing X-Report and Z-Report Diagnostic messages may be displayed when you click Yes. After completing the actions, closing the shift continues. Other operations 1. 2. Close shift Exit to the “User Authorization” form (see description above)

4. How is the main cash register window used? Go to the main cash register window from the main menu - click on the “Main cash register window (7)” button. Designed for making payments for goods and services after entering data on all operations necessary for the client. Table with the contents of goods and services prepared for payment. Functional menu (analogous to the main menu). The composition of services is also determined by the settings of access rights. Total indicators of the check Payment buttons: - “Cash (A)” - accept payment in cash, with change; called by the key combinations Alt+A - “Without change (B)” - accepting payment in cash, without change; called by the key combinations Alt+B - “Card (C)” - accepting payment using a card; called by the keyboard shortcuts Alt+B Select the payment method - Enter the amount from the keyboard and confirm by clicking on “Continue” or pressing the Enter key. - Display the change amount on the screen. - Recording the fact of payment and printing a fiscal receipt. Expedited registration of payment for goods. - Recording the fact of payment and printing a fiscal receipt. “Cancel” - return to the main cash register window without registering the fact of payment for services (goods). In case of failures in the operation of the postal cash register equipment, a message is displayed. Standard payment transactions by bank card

5. How does activation and refund work? Form “Viewing the Journal” Displaying information on all performed cash transactions Select: Main menu Window of the main cash register Viewing the journal Buttons on the form Search for a receipt/operation using certain parameters. When clicked, the “Journal Search” form opens (see slide below). Re-printing of a receipt is possible only on the day of the transaction. Carrying out the operation to create a return record. When clicked, the “Returned Goods” form opens (see slide below) List of completed cash transactions Displaying information (receipt contents) for the selected transaction from the list Closing the screen form and going to the main menu - the cash window. Resetting previously set parameters for searching for a receipt. Main cash register window View the journal Search the journal Returned goods Posting a return

Form “Search by Journal” Search for returned/cancelled checks by characteristics of returned goods and services (SHI/SPI for RPO, transfer number, number for telegrams, contract code for cell subscription, etc.) Click on the “Search” button on the form “View Log” Display search results in the “View Log” form in the main list Enter parameters into the search fields in the “Search Log” form Keyboard input Select a value from the drop-down list (open the list, Space button, spacebar; Select - Enter) Format entering the transaction code depends on the choice in the “Operation Type” field Buttons on the form Selecting a date to search for sold services / goods from the drop-down calendar “Search” - search using the specified parameters “Clear” - deleting the specified parameter in the Main cash register window field Viewing the journal Closing the form search in the log and return to the “View Log” screen form; . Search by journal Returned goods Setting a flag to search by current date Posting a return

Form “Returned goods” Refund of funds on the check as a whole or on individual items in the check. The “Returned goods” form is displayed, select the lines and click on the “Return goods” button Click on the “Make a return” button on the “View translation” form See next slide Check/uncheck Buttons on the form Select a line to make a return (set a flag) Select all lines for return Cancel the operation, return to the main POS menu Clear the selection of lines for return (uncheck the flag) Main cash register window Carrying out the operation of processing the return of goods “Up, Down” - switching through positions up and down. View the journal Search the journal Returned goods Post a return

Form “Returned goods” Refund of funds on the check as a whole or on individual items in the check. The “Return Posting” form is displayed to indicate the reason for the return from the list and click on the “Select” button. Main cash register window View log The main cash register window is displayed. The item is displayed with a negative amount. Search by magazine We carry out a standard payment operation by clicking on the buttons “Without change”, “Cash”. The return operation is completed. Printing a return receipt. Returned goods Return posting

5. How does retail trading work? Sale of goods Barcode scanning is possible Barcode scanning is not possible Barcode scanning. The main cash register window displays: product name, quantity and price We search for goods in the catalog Table of the main cash register window Select: Main menu Retail Search for goods and materials "Search" form Search input area for the name of the product Search results table Buttons on the "Product information" form » View detailed information about the product. Opening the “Product Information” form (see slide below) “Select” Adding a product to the main cash register window for subsequent sale “Cancel” “Show price” “Hide price” Main cash register window table Closing the form Adding a column to the main table with the price of the product . The button is automatically renamed. Product search Retail trade Search for goods and materials "Search" form "Product information" form "Inventory search" form

“Product Information” form Product information Product image “Inventory search” form Displaying inventories in the OPS Buttons on the “Add to sale” form “Inventory search” “Cancel” Adding a product for sale. Manually entering or scanning a barcode Adding an item to the main cash register window Opening the “Inventory Search” form Closing the form Retail trade Searching for inventory items “Search” form “Product information” form “Inventory search” form

7. How to work with the RPO journal? Form “RPO Journal” Formation of data on all operations performed on RPO for the reporting period: by date / time of the operation with RPO, operating window number, type of RPO, SPI, category of RPO, type of RPO, class of RPO Search area according to specified criteria. 1. Manual data entry or selection from drop-down lists, with a flag next to the selected parameter. 2. Possibility of multiple selection 3. Open/Close - F key 4. 4. Select a date from the drop-down calendar. Move in it with the arrow keys, select - Enter. Drop-down list Drop-down calendar Buttons on the form “Clear” “Search” Postal services Clear previous search parameters to make a new one Perform a search according to specified parameters RPO journals Print the displayed list, open the form “Print” “Print” “Finish” Form “RPO Journal” Closing the “RPO Journal” form “RPO Journal (Details)” form Printing

Form “RPO Log (details)” To view detailed information about the selected RPO “Next” Tab “Information about RPO, Sender, Recipient” “Back” Button “Cancel” Closing the form. Return to the “RPO Journal” form Postal services “Information on operations on RPO” tab “Invoice information” tab RPO journals “RPO Journal” form “Ok” button Finish viewing detailed information “RPO Journal (Details)” form Print out

Printable form The RPO Journal list is displayed in a printed form. To print, go to the form in the top menu: File Print. Printing to the connected printer. Postal services RPO Journals Form “RPO Journal” Form “RPO Journal (Details)” Printed form

8. How to log out of the System? The password was entered correctly In the main menu, click on the “Exit (8)” button In the authorization window, click on the “Exit” button Exit from the system is completed Entering the password Re-enter the password and exit the system The password was entered incorrectly

A discrepancy in funds was identified in the Cash Certificate MS-42 and the X-report:
Find out the cause
Create lines in the cash journal by amounts by item
Close a shift with an act under the role of the head of the security service using the “Close shift” button
without submitting DS"
If there are discrepancies, the “Submit DS” button is not active


Emergency power outage in the fire alarm system:
Correctly log out of the System and turn off the operators’ computers
Shut down work on the computer of the head of the security service
Turn off all power sources
All reporting can be generated at the beginning of the next trading day. TIP OF THE DAY
To work faster you need to:
Use hotkeys
Use System prompts
Entering an address starts with the index
Use TsHDPA when entering an address
Use Data History


You cannot change places/rearrange equipment yourself
You can provide any services in every operating window
If necessary, you can postpone unfinished incoming reconciliation


Today you learned:
How can the EAC help achieve its goals?
Your role and functions on the project
Basics of launching EAS in OPS
How to start working in the EAC system and open a trading day
Basic functions of receiving, processing and delivering RPO
How to close a trading day
Useful tips when working in the EAC


Complete training course with all materials
posted on Confluence in the EAS OPS Training section