Options framework plugin for what. The Complete Guide to WordPress Themes and Frameworks

Many beginners, and even non-beginners alike, WordPress theme developers face the challenge of adding customizations to a theme. How to add settings to WordPress theme? It seems to be complicated and you have to write thousands of lines of code to add them. If you are one of those who think so, I hasten to please you, there is an easier solution - Frameworks that add settings.

This article will be useful for both beginners and advanced developers. Beginners will learn how to add settings to a theme without any problems, and advanced ones will learn new Frameworks for themselves, you might like them more. So we start.

This Framework is perhaps my favorite of the entire collection. That is why he goes first. Why he? Yes, because it has a huge number of features and easy installation. Let's see some of the functionality:

  • Media Uploader (Advanced and Simplified)
  • Color picker with Color Picker
  • Awesome slider settings. This is why I love this WordPress extension the most.
  • Ability to customize block placement
  • Ability to reset settings
  • Connecting Google Fonts
  • Various radio buttons, text boxes and dropdowns
  • Ability to hide options
  • And much more

A truly powerful solution for all occasions!


You need to copy the admin folder to the root of your theme and write in the functions.php file following code

The settings to change can be found in the admin/functions/functions.options.php file. The downloaded archive contains all the settings, if you do not change this file, you can see everything that is in this Framework.

You can read a detailed analysis of this plugin, with a cheat sheet on its use, in a separate article that will be released in the coming days.

Apply settings:

To use the settings, you need to write the following code:

// settings are stored here echo $smof_data["media_upload"]; ?> // use $smof_data["id"] to display the desired setting

SMOF is distributed under the GPLv3 license, which means that you can use it in commercial products without any problems. But still, the developers highly recommend that you indicate a link to the developer, which is what I advise you. All the same, you can promote the developers of such a cool Freymork a little.

Also not bad option. However, I did not find the settings for the slider in it, and visually it looks worse. Although when I was just starting to understand the issue of settings for WordPress, it was this plugin that first caught my eye.

The possibilities include:

  • Various dropdown lists, text fields, checkboxes, etc.
  • Image uploader
  • Color selection
  • Text editor
  • and other little things

Everything is very simple here. We install it as a standard plugin for WordPress and copy the options.php file from the options-check folder from the githab archive. So, in any case, you will have to download both that and that version.

The advantage of this approach is the ease of installation.

The downside is that if there is no plugin, then there are no settings, i.e. this option is not suitable for mass production of themes.

It is possible that the Options Framework also exists in the version of the files for the theme, without installing the plugin. But I didn't find it. Probably badly looking :) If anyone knows where you can download another version, write in the comments, I will add a link to the article.

Apply settings:

AT right place we call the necessary setting using the code.

Commercial use:

The Options Framework is distributed under the GPLv2 license, which means that you can use it in commercial products without any problems. Again, a link to the developer is welcome.

This framework is a continuation of NHP Theme Options. Since NHP has not been updated for a long time, you can forget about it and use Redux. In terms of design, it is better than the previous one, but the lack of slider settings does not allow it to compete with the first. However, the ability to save and load settings is a very nice feature.

Its capabilities:

  • Various drop-down lists, text fields, checkboxes with various email checks, etc.
  • Loader
  • Color selection
  • Text editor
  • Graphic switches
  • Google Fonts
  • Import/Export settings
  • and other little things

Create an admin folder in the theme folder and copy the options folder and the options.php file from the archive into it. In the functions.php file, insert the line. The options.php file is responsible for the settings.

Apply settings:

Here everything is a little more complicated than in the previous cases. First we need to connect the settings using the functionWhere 'option_name' is an element of the $args['opt_name'] array in the options.php file. By default it is 'twenty_eleven2', but you can change it to something else, such as the name of your theme.

The second step is the derivation of the necessary settings. It's easier with this. To do this, use the codeWhere 'unique_id' is the id of the particular setting. You can find it in options.php.

Commercial use:

Redux Options Framework is distributed under the GPLv2 license, which means that you can use it in commercial products without any problems. Again, a link to the developer is welcome.


There are other theme customization frameworks for WordPress, but they are either weak or have not been updated for a long time. Yes, and the three presented in the article will be more than enough for you. If you have your own solutions, then feel free to share them in the comments!

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But using JavaScript can be difficult - it quickly becomes difficult and you need to have a good experience in it before you start watching this course.

React is all about components, basically custom HTML elements, with which you can quickly build amazing and powerful web applications. Just create the component once, customize it to your needs, pass data to it dynamically (or listen to your own events!) and reuse it as often as needed.

Do you need to display a list of users in your application? It's as simple as creating a User component and rendering it when you need it.

This course will start from the very basics and explain exactly what React is and how you can use it (and for what applications). After that, we'll go all the way from basic to advanced with React. We won't just scratch the tip of the iceberg, but will dive deep into React as well as popular libraries like React Router and Redux.

By the end of the course, you will be able to create amazing SPA (Single page Application) React applications.

My name is Maximilian - I'm a freelance web developer and have worked with React on many projects. I am also a 5 star teacher on Udemy. I cover the most popular alternatives to React - Vue and Angular - as well as many other topics. I know what I'm talking about and I know where bugs can be found.

My goal is to get started with React as soon as possible and ensure your success. But I don't just focus on beginning students. I want everyone to be able to take advantage of my courses, so we're going to take a deep dive into React.

This course is for you if:

  • You are just getting started with front-end/JavaScript development and only know the basics of JS (no need for react or other framework experience)
  • You have experience with Angular or Vue but want to dive into React
  • You already know the basics of React but want to upgrade or dive even deeper
  • You've already done a bit of React but want to dive deeper and see how it all comes together in a larger application.

What you need to know before starting the course!

  • Requires knowledge of HTML + CSS + JavaScript. You don't have to be an expert, but you need to know at least the basics
  • No additional knowledge of JavaScript is required, although you will be able to move faster through the course if you know the next generation of JavaScript functions, such as the ES6 Arrow (Arrow) functions. However, the course contains a brief overview of the most important functions next generation.

What's inside the course?

  • "What", "Why" and "How"
  • React Basics (Basic Functions, Syntax and Concepts)
  • How to display lists and conditional content
  • Component styling
  • Deep dive into React internals and advanced component features
  • How to access Http content from React apps(AJAX)
  • Redux, Redux, Redux... from start to finish!
  • Forms and Validation in React Apps
  • Authentication
  • Introduction to Unit Testing
  • Introduction to Next.js
  • Application Deployment Instructions
  • ...and much more!

From the author: SitePoint has already been full of articles on WordPress frameworks, but as you will see below, there are many more frameworks: all have their pros and cons, each theme has its own style of development.

Introduction to WordPress Theme Frameworks

I just sat in the office scratching my head and thinking about WordPress frameworks. Before starting work on the article, I spent days, weeks, even months studying the issue, thinking about what to write: the text had to be different from everything that has already been written about frameworks.

Completely entangled in my thoughts, an insight came to me. It occurred to me that when people write about WordPress frameworks, they tend to only cover the basics… the basics that the WordPress Meetup community developers specialize in: frameworks like Genesis, Thesis, or WooCommerce.

Why is this happening? Maybe the developers don’t think that everything is so complicated there or they don’t want to write about frameworks that will soon cease to be developed. Or the developers have a hard deadline, if they miss it, the site will drop sharply in the search results. search engines. Who knows.

I want to do things differently, so sit back and make yourself some coffee. Today we will take a look at complete guide on WordPress Themes Frameworks.

Why "complete"? The English word definition means the completion of something. A synonym can serve as "final", "final".

What are WordPress Themes Frameworks?

Before diving headlong into the list, it is necessary to cover some basics of frameworks. After all, maybe you are reading the first article about frameworks in your life. I don't want to scare you into leaving without finishing my article. If you are already a veteran, you can scroll down to the list of frameworks.

Framework themes are parent themes to which a team or one developer adds their own functionality to make it easier to update the theme and its reuse without affecting the design for a specific site. The child theme will set its own styles, and the functionality will be in the main framework.

Note - The above does not mean that every parent theme is a framework. Template makers provide parent themes with hundreds of child theme variations, but the other parent theme doesn't use the same code (they tell you they're frameworks when technically they aren't).

In the WordPress repository, there are three concepts associated with the Themes-frameworks value: drop-in, stand-alone, and the Parent Theme template. I think it's impossible to explain even more simply than there. So I advise you to read this article sometime.

As part of our article, I will pay more attention to the last term "Parent Theme Templates" or parent theme templates. This term is known to most of the developer community and the general public.

Different Types of Theme Frameworks

Frameworks are different, and they decide various tasks in business and design. Some of them are free, others are paid.

There are so-called basic, universal frameworks. They do not occupy any particular niche, but cover the whole range of tasks, helping web developers and designers around the world to create advanced sites with fast response, and development of which takes much less time when using frameworks.

Some of the frameworks have been made over many years and endless hours of development. All this was needed to create an extensive, well-documented framework with excellent support.

Advanced features of such frameworks include front-end and back-end drag and drop editors, shortcodes, development for many devices and templates.

It's no wonder why internet businesses love to use frameworks. On the this moment my favorite is the SEO Design Framework, designed to rank high in the SERPs.

Why use frameworks?

Good question, why use WordPress frameworks? You may think that you will never need to create your own framework, but it may be that you are already using a framework without even knowing it. Frameworks like Genesis, WooFramework and Thesis are so common these days that you can easily forget that they are part of the WordPress core.

Let's take an example. Noel Tock has developed websites for the hospitality sector. By creating his own framework, he made it much easier for himself: now he could create large sites for customers and constantly improve and optimize the framework in terms of performance, without adding third-party functions that his clients would never need.

This approach has helped him speed up the development process, as well as offer his customers longer support. The time saved can be spent supporting your development team and learning new tools.

There were a lot of features that he needed to consider, such as SEO, as well as development best practices. Its advantage was that it didn't have to use a bunch of plugins to add necessary items like code snippets, comments from social networks and mobile first techniques, as well as creating forms for sending email messages to identify potential buyers of his work, etc.

Users were able to easily create their own design based on the current one by editing the new style.css and functions.php files. The developer needed to resort to Sass, and later his framework turned into the Happy Tables service.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many benefits to using WordPress theme frameworks. When working with popular frameworks, you don't have to look far to see the active work of developers and designers on forums and communities to help confused users.

The advantage of code written according to WordPress standards. Such code can be easily pasted from one place to another to test plugins and services like WP Test , Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC) and Theme Check . Some key features, which can be attributed to the benefits;

Simplified development for long-term development

Built-in functionality (less dependency on plugins)

Code quality


And disadvantages;


Hooks and filters

Excessive code

Limitations (if the framework is not yours)

Updates and support

List of WordPress theme frameworks

The order is not important:

WordPress Jump Start

SEO Design Framework

Cherry Framework

Options Framework Theme

UpThemes Framework

Carrington Build

Simon WP Framework


It is almost impossible to master them all, too often new and new frameworks come out. If you find an unlisted framework that is based on the true definition of a framework, and not just that it fits all themes, then point it out in the comments below.

Redux is a simple, truly extensible and fully responsive options framework for WordPress themes and plugins. Built on the WordPress Settings API, Redux supports a multitude of field types as well as: custom error handling, custom fields & validation types, and import/export functionality.

But what does Redux actually DO? We don’t believe that theme and plugin developers should have to reinvent the wheel every time they start work on a project. Redux is designed to simplify the development cycle by providing a streamlined, extensible framework for developers to build on. Through a simple, well-documented config file, third-party developers can build out an options panel limited only by their own imagination in a fraction of the time it would take to build from the ground up!

Online Demo

Don't take our word for it, check out our online demo and try Redux without installing a thing!

Use the Redux Builder to Get Started

Want to use Redux, but not sure what to do? Use our builder! It will allow you to make a custom theme based on , TGM , and Redux , and any Redux arguments you want to set.

Don't want to make your own theme? Then output a custom admin folder that you can place in a theme or plugin. Oh and did we mention it's free? Try it today at:

Documentation and support

NOTE: Redux is not intended to be used on its own. It requires a config file provided by a third-party theme or plugin developer to actually do anything cool!


Frequently asked Questions

Why doesn't this plugin do anything?

Redux is an options framework… in other words, it’s not designed to do anything on its own! You can however activate a demo mode to see how it works.

How can I learn more about Redux? You don't have much content in this FAQ section

That's because the real FAQ section is on our site! Please visit http://docs.reduxframework.com/faq/


I can"t access my current Products anymore. Just after installing, I permanently faced a redirect to Redux about page. Now, after uninstalling Redux, I get the message "no permission to access this page". It means, no permission to access Products page in wordpress. I just happened. I"ll check whether my automatic backup worked this week. So, what if didn't? I'll loose a couple of weeks of intense work???

Members and Developers

"Redux Framework" is an open source project source code. The following contributors contributed to the development of the plugin:




  • Fixed: WordPress 5.3.1 compatibility. Also added the new @redux account to the plugin.


  • Fixed: Redux API setSections would hang up when several sections with no ID share the same title.


  • Fixed: #3583: Import failing when max_input_vars exceeded. Function moved to ajax_save to avoid this issue.


  • Skipping. I'm superstitious! — kp

  • Fixed: #3586: Database not saving properly in 'network' mode. Thanks @Tofandel.
  • Fixed: #3584: Improved fox for #3580. Thanks @Enchiridion.

  • Fixed: #3580 - 'tax_query' array in args for WordPress data arg throwing a string conversation error.


  • Fixed: #3577 - Added isset to REMOTE_ADDR check to prevent error.


  • Fixed: #3561, #3562 - Not all selectors in async typography were properly formed, causing them not to render properly on screen.


  • Updated Google font update.
  • Updated: #3447 - Updated RTL CSS. Thanks @Abolfazlrt.
  • Fixed: Duplicate ID warnings.
  • Fixed: http warnings in https environments.
  • Fixed: #3539 - Checkbox label not appearing unless 'desc' was set. Thanks @Enchiridion.
  • Fixed: #3547 - ace_editor not rendering properly within a subsection. Thanks @Tofandel.
  • Fixed: #3534 - Fix invalid CSS in asycn_typography (trailing commas). Thanks @ksere
  • Fixed: Spacing between Save and Reset buttons.
  • Added: #3285 - dir and url filters for customizer extension. Thanks @aaronhuisinga.
    add_filter("redux/extension/customizer/dir", $dir)
    add_filter("redux/extension/customizer/url", $url)


  • Fixed: Bypassing a WP bug where the gallery field would show a spinner on first open with no selected images.
  • Fixed: #3512 - Image select in tile mode not highlighting default.


  • Fixed: Error in AJAX save due to incorrect object reference in redux.js.
  • Fixed: Removed unused set_transient in welcome routine. It was causing slow queries.
  • Updated: Google Font update.
  • Fixed: #3440: Parent object not being properly set in the Redux filesystem.
  • Fixed: Color picker CSS issues as a result of WP 4.9.
  • Fixed: #3429 - Select2 Sortable needed jQuery Sortable dependency.
  • Fixed: Admin notices when multiple instances of Redux running not displaying per panel.

  • Fixed: Filesystem path correction.
  • Fixed: #3414: Incorrect classname causing an error on load, via the filesystem API.
  • Fixed: #3413 - Restored old code allowing non array value for mode. This is for backward compatibility
    only and is unsupported.
  • Fixed: #3410, #3409 - Dimensions field output causing index errors when mode not set in option array.
  • Fixed: #3406 - javascript hasClass improperly used, affected customizer.
  • Fixed: Array declarations PHP 7.1 now requires.
  • Updated: Updated newsletter subscribe submit to support our newer newsletter server.
  • Fixed: #3379 - select_image field not properly displaying default. ‘default’ arg must now be the
    full path to default image.
  • Updated: Google Fonts.


  • Misspelled class name is system info compiler causing System Status to fail.
  • #3359 - Responsive issue on option panel. Too much blank space on panel in smartphone mode.
  • #2914, #3356 - Default image_select preset image not selected. This was originally by design. Now it's a thing.
  • Update: Parsedown.php for PHP 7.x
  • Fixed: System status improperly reporting writable status on upload folder.
  • Fixed: #3124 - User submitted 'current_user_can' failing on PHP version<= 3.5.13. Thanks for the assist, @sourabgupta88
  • Modified: PHP7 compatibility.


  • Modified: #3321 - Font subset in typography not rendering on IE and Edge (Seriously? People still use those?)
  • Fixed: #3293 - Required not liking/hiding fields with switch default of 'false'.
  • Fixed: Remove leftover var_dump from the core.
  • Fixed: Tracking and newsletter popups were failing due to broken javascript.
  • Fixed: #3291: Required with parent as an array not checking properly. Someone took out my object check!! — kp
  • Modified: Date field calander now renders on .redux-container div.
  • Updated: googlegonts.php file.
  • Modified: = and != required statements now use typesafe comparisons.
  • Fixed: link_color field now properly displays all color fields.
  • Added: link_color field now included 'focus' color block.
  • Modified: Re-styled link_color field to be more inline with other fields of it's type, that is, it looks better.
  • Added: 'title' attribute to image_select field, since 'alt' was no longer working to display hover tooltip.
  • Fixed: Default data not saving correctly in sorter field.


  • Modified: Changed gitignore file to exclude sublime text files.
  • Fixed: #2966 - Translation bug. Identified and fixed by @iiandrade. Thanks!
  • Modified: Generated all CSS map files to get rid of Chrome warnings.
  • Added: Required for the Advanced Customizer thanks to @britner!
  • Modified: Various customizer fixes and changes to match new styles.
  • Modified: Customizer only code in Redux.js, moved to the customizer.js file.
  • Modified: Isolated Redux CSS to be nested and not affect other products or WP UI.
  • Added: #3222 - HUGE update by @enchiridion to allow for advanced and complicated permissions. WTG!
  • Added: New hooks for how Extension APIs are called. Much cleaner.
  • Fixed: #3214 - Typography color field not triggering compiler hook.
  • Fixed: #3201 - Index error when using compiler argument with spinner field.
  • Updated: #3189 - PHP7 compatibility for preg_replace validation.
  • Fixed: #3186 - Multi text field not removing single field when clicking "Remove".
  • Fixed: #3180, #2641 - Button set multi mode saving incorrectly. Please check your code for a possible backward compatibility issue when using this mode. The foreach() function with an empty() check must now be used, versus individual array keys as only selected options are saved to the database.


  • Modified: Change customizer hover styles to match WP 4.7.
  • Modified: #3169 - print_r of wpdb queries in dev_mode removed.
  • Fixed: #3159 - Support for SVG in gallery media selection.
  • Fixed: #3158 - PHP warning for _validate_values ​​function when extensions installed on PHP7.


  • Fixed: #3105 - link_color output failing due to PHP error.
  • Fixed: #3103 - WP 4.6 forces new default date format, breaking date validation.
  • Fixed: Typography subsets error due to typo.
  • Fixed: Extra dead files on WP.org repo. Bah SVN.


  • Removed Empty PHP file from editor field.
  • Modified: Replaced class primary function name in browser.php to __construct for PHP7 compatibility.
  • Fixed: #3051 - Color_RBGA field RGBA value outputting zeros when color is left blank.
  • Fixed: #3048 - Subsection tabs not including specified section class name.
  • Fixed: Incorrect string comparison result in admin link check. Thanks @ksere.
  • Fixed: Check value exists before validating when used with Metabox extension. Thanks @Enchiridion
  • Fixed: Empty values ​​not passing to validation_callback.
  • Fixed: Javascript error in customizer javascript, preventing save of changed options.
  • Fixed: #3019 - Section descriptions incorrect when opt_name contains digits.
  • Reverted: Changes to typography. The on input variable solution was not working.
  • Fixed: Support URL has generator was failing with an error.
  • Changed: Typography field is now only ONE input variable. Should reduce our
    max_input_vars errors dramatically.
  • Fixed: Some XSS vulnerabilities only available in the backend when authenticated as a user.
  • Fixed: Deleted old deleted files stuck in our WP.org SVN repo.

  • Fixed Outdated customizer.min.js on wp.org causing customizer failure.

  • Fixed Outdated redux.min.js on wp.org causing option panel failure.
  • Fixed: #2936 - Border field outputting px with blank value.
  • Fixed: Resolved Theme-Check php shortcode false notice.
  • Modified: No more major redirect for the Redux page, only on first install with the plugin.
  • Fixed: IE11 bug in the customizer. Thanks @anikitas!
  • Fixed: Customizer path issues
  • Added: New default arguments filter by opt_name and type. 🙂
  • Fixed: #2903 - False positive flag in border field JS. Avast doesn't like empty document ready statements.
  • Fixed: #2880 - More issues with the extensions_url routine.
  • Fixed: #2876 - Fixing more unvetted user contributions.
  • Modified: #2855 - Extensions now have a helper class to help composer-based installs. Thanks @2ndkauboy!
  • Fixed: #2857 - Required 'contains' not properly evaluating with checkboxes.
  • Fixed: #2831 - Localization was complete broken.
  • Fixed: #2832 - CSS conflicts with Rev Slider (Hey, Rev Slider guys, you don't have to load your CSS on every admin page. Really?)
  • Fixed: Leftover debug echo line in basic customizer extension.
  • Added: EXPERIMENTAL: New parsing code in an effort to break the 1000 max_input_var issue that crops up from time to time. Thanks @harunbasic
  • Added: EXPERIMENTAL: "Bugfix" for extension_url in an effort to make it correct. Thanks, @ottok