Caller ID stopped working. Caller ID does not work

Information about the calling number identification service

Caller ID service is a service that can be provided to subscribers by most telecom operators. Information about the caller's number is transmitted in the pause between the first and second ringing signals (phone rings). Data is transmitted regardless of whether the caller is subscribed to this service or not. The caller can prevent the transmission of information about his number. The information transmitted to the subscriber makes it possible to display the number, time and date incoming call, as well as the name of the owner of this number. Data is transmitted sequentially between the first and second rings of an incoming call at 1200 bps in FSK format. In this format, a logical one is encoded with a signal of 1200 Hz, and a logical zero is encoded with a signal of 2200 Hz. Each 8-bit word begins with a start bit (one) and ends with a stop bit (zero). Up to ten one bits can be added between words. To initialize the system, 30 bits 010101... are sent in the first 250 ms and then a logical one signal is sent within 70 ms.

Data transmission formats

The data that is actually transferred depends on the format used by the subscriber's telephone company. There are two main formats currently in use:

  • Single Data Message Format (SDMF)
  • Advanced Data Message Format (MDMF - Multiply Data Message Format)

Both formats are described below.

Single data transmission format

Single data transmission format includes actual call time and phone number caller

Table 1. Sequence of information transfer in SDMF.

The first part of the data is the message type, for this format it is 04. The second part contains the message length. This is followed by the month, day, hour, minutes, and number (up to 10 digits). If the number cannot be displayed, "O" or "P" is displayed instead. The last part of the message is the checksum, which is equal to the two's complement of all bits of all words.

For example, a call from 206-329-8524 received at 14:30 on November 30, 1995 will be transmitted as follows:


The message type and length are sent in binary, while each month, day, hour, minute and telephone number is sent in standard 8-bit ASCII code.

Advanced Data Transfer Format

To send large quantity information via a telephone line, an expanded data transmission format was created. In addition to the information sent in a single data format, this format also includes the name of the subscriber to whom the number calling you is registered.

1st ring tone20 Hz2 sstandard ring tone
pause 0.5 s
initialization30 bytes / 600 Hz250 ms0101010...
Start1200 Hz70 ms
message type8 bit
message length8 bit
parameter type 18 bit
parameter length 18 bit
parameter 1
parameter type 28 bit
length of parameter 28 bit
parameter 2
. . . . . .
check sum8 bit
pause >0.5 s
2nd ring tone20 Hz2 sstandard ring tone

Table 2. Sequence of information transfer in MDMF.

Messages in the extended data transfer format are divided into individual parameters. For example, the date and time of an incoming request are transmitted as a separate parameter, as is the caller’s number. The sequence of these options within a message depends on your local carrier. There are several various types parameters (Table 3) that can be included in the message. Again, the last piece of data in the message is the checksum, which is the two's complement of all the bits of all the words in the message. Apparently the MDMF format will supplant SDMF.

Table 3. Types of parameters in MDMF.

For the same example, a call from 206-329-8524 received at 2:30 PM on 11/30/95 from Uncle Sam would be reported to MDMF as follows:

(type)(length)--11301430 --2063298524 --uncle sam (checksum)


There are two main limitations to caller ID. First, if the calling subscriber does not want information about his number to be displayed, he can enter special code before dialing the number. In most cases, this code is *67. When the detection device encounters this situation, it displays "P" (Private) to inform the user that the information has been locked. The second limitation is that the number transfer service is not supported by the calling company. If a subscriber calls you on long distance communication, you will see "O"(Out of area).

For many modern companies There are remote branches and divisions. According to statistics, 70% of all branch connections occur at the head office. At the same time, external lines are engaged, limiting the flow of incoming calls; in addition, you have to pay for outgoing traffic. In this regard, the problem arises of connecting the head office with its branches, as well as creating its own network that would unite all divisions of the company into a single whole. There are many ways to solve this problem. Let's look at some of them.

The telephone has long become an integral part of our lives. Despite the fact that we most often talk on a mobile phone, home devices are also popular. But a person rarely spends the whole day at home, and sometimes it is very important to know about missed calls. Home phones with caller ID provide this opportunity.

Advantages of buying a phone with ID

The phone ringing often takes us away from our work: we have to stop and answer, because it could be an important call. A telephone with caller ID allows you to find out in advance who is calling and decide whether to answer. Plus, the call will be saved in memory, and you will be able to call the subscriber back at a time convenient for you.

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to several parameters:

  • Percentage of identification of numbers (depending on the model);
  • Support for the Russian standard OST 45.187-2001 (for identifying calls within Russia);
  • Memory capacity (for saving missed calls);
  • General quality of the phone (display clarity, convenience of buttons and handset, insulation of the network cable, etc.).
Choose and buy home phone You can use caller ID on the Eldorado website. Our catalog contains models from various manufacturers with detailed description functionality.


When using mobile phones, people are accustomed to the fact that the caller is detected automatically. Installing call and caller data identifiers is more relevant for landline phones. This feature is important if you want to automatically find out who is calling when people hide their phone information for any reason.

Caller ID Megafon

The function is already in the custom package. Client of this telephone operator should not look for how to connect caller ID on Megafon. The display of operator subscriber data is automatic, but will not necessarily work if the caller has a different telecom operator or is roaming. You can disable telephone number identification in the help desk (0500). The Anti-AON function will help you hide information about yourself when calling, both one-time and on permanent basis. To do this, before the numbers of the person you are calling, dial *31#. However, this will already cost some money.

Beeline Caller ID

Beeline provides the following Caller ID service: it is possible to assign a unique melody to each contact in order to find out who will be in touch now. It also helps to find out what kind of calls they were for the last ones who couldn’t get through. There is no installation or use fee. This can be done by request *110*061#, and can also be added by dialing 0674 09 061.

MTS number identifier

CLIP technology allows the MTS caller ID function and its antagonist – anti-identifier – to work. If the first is by default in the service package, then hiding the cellular speaker is added when dialing *111*236#, with the help of a support representative or in personal Internet account. There are some nuances - your mobile will be visible if:

  • send an SMS message;
  • take advantage voicemail;
  • you will call on emergency call;
  • In the device settings, do not disable the function for determining your information.

Caller ID Tele2

The situation is similar with the Tele2 automatic caller ID. It is included in the service package for all service users. Phone number identifier can be connected or deleted, contact for reference information when dialing *117*1#. The cost per use is zero. If you want to find out what kind of unknown, hidden subscriber is trying to reach you, you can use the request *210*1# for a fee.

Caller ID on your home phone

There are different phone caller ID standards. These are Caller ID and Caller ID - a symbol for the FSK and DTMF types. Users have questions about what Caller ID is on a phone, how it differs from other standards, and whether it is profitable to connect it. Answers: this is a technology in the device that allows you to identify the caller’s data on the device. Caller ID is common in the CIS, and Caller ID is common in the West. And if the first one detects the phone only after connection, then the second one detects it immediately. In addition to numbers, it displays the caller's first/last name or company name. Neither will indicate the region or city.

A landline telephone with caller ID and answering machine, with support for Caller ID and Caller ID, is a common occurrence in modern conditions. You can buy a separate set-top box for identification, then install and connect it if your wired or cordless phone does not have such a function. When you need to choose a standard, keep in mind that you can configure a phone with Caller ID yourself; Caller ID is a service telephone network, which has its own cost. It identifies mobile and landline devices without picking up the handset in full format, displaying data on the display or in voice form.

With the Caller ID function, first of all inspect the telephone socket to which you are going to connect it. If it is made to the same standard as the plug on the device, nothing will be required. If not, change either the plug or the socket. The second, of course, is preferable.

When installing an old-style telephone plug instead of a modern one, cut the latter so that the piece of wire together with the cut plug has a length of about 20 centimeters. This will allow you to use it in the future for some other modern phone. Do not connect the two outermost wires of the cord anywhere. With the old-style plug removed from the socket oriented with the screws toward you and the plastic pin down, connect the middle wires to the right contacts. Try closing the plug and then closing it telephone socket. If after this the phone does not work, pull out the plug again, open the socket, and, without touching its contacts, look at which of them it is connected to, and then move the middle wires of the cord to these contacts. After that, close the plug again, connect it and check the operation of the device.

If, on the contrary, you want to connect a device with an old plug to a modern outlet, open the plug, unplug the wires from its terminals, then take a piece of cord with a modern plug at the end. Leave the outer wires of this cord not connected to anything, and the middle ones - to the wires coming out of the device. Insulate the connections, and then connect the device to the outlet.

Some phones with Caller ID are equipped with an AC power supply. Connect it to the lighting outlet before connecting the telephone cord to the telephone jack. If the device has a radio handset, place it on the base. If necessary, pair the handset with the base according to the instructions, and then wait a few hours for the battery in the handset to charge. Also, some phones with Caller ID do not have a battery power supply. Install them, observing the polarity, before connecting the device to the line.

Then set up the device. First of all, find in the instructions a description of how to select a number identification standard (domestic Caller ID or foreign DTMF). Choose the one that matches the standard adopted by your PBX. After that install exact time, the desired ringer volume, and for a domestic device, select the alert voice (male or female), as well as the alarm melody. Set the last trigger time.

Call yourself on a landline from your cell phone. The number must be determined. Remember that if you use a domestic standard caller ID, at the time of detection, an imitation of picking up the handset will occur, and from the account cell phone funds will begin to be debited. In this case, only the last seven digits of the number will be determined.

Articles and Lifehacks

Few callers know what Caller ID is on a phone. Caller ID is used to determine who should receive the bill for the call.

Initially this information was passed through Telcos systems, but later a special signaling system was created, thanks to which identifying the caller’s number became easier than ever.

In this case, calls are decrypted using a special program.

Why do you need Caller ID on your phone?

Caller ID – automatic caller ID .

To use the caller ID service, you will need to purchase a special telephone that has this function.

IN mobile devices this application It's everywhere, but it's not available in regular landline phones. Landline phones with caller ID are more expensive than those that do not have a caller ID function.

Caller ID is often necessary in cases where a person wants to know exactly who is calling him. IN mobile phone hiding your number is quite easy, as some operators provide this function for free.

But when the call comes from a landline phone, there is no way you can hide your number.

In many cases, consumers decide to purchase a gadget with Caller ID when they are bothered by unpleasant calls, and the caller himself does not want to introduce himself.

How does Caller ID work in a device?

Procedure for determining an automatic telephone number quite simple:
  • The modem accepts the call.
  • There is a delay of several milliseconds before the number is identified.
  • A number is requested.
  • Data is received and processed.
  • The caller does not understand that the phone has already been picked up, since at this time artificially created signals are being output.
Sometimes some problems arise in which the modem may be slow in processing received data.

In other cases, operators send caller ID data without a request, resulting in a faster response or a situation where the caller cannot hear the other party.
