How to dial a long-distance number from a mobile phone. Long-distance communication from Rostelecom: dialing the correct number

The need to use landline phones to communicate with business partners, relatives, friends and just loved ones has not disappeared even in the era of mobile phones. Offices, houses and apartments continue to be equipped with conventional city telephone communication. To understand how to make long-distance calls, you just need to carefully read the instructions for your telephone.

Calls from landlines

Calls from a landline phone to subscribers located in another city are easy and simple: just dial the number 8, wait for a long network signal, then consecutively, without stopping, dial the area code and the number of the called subscriber. In Russia, the city code consists of three digits. For example, the codes of Moscow are 495 and 499, and the code of Nizhny Novgorod is 831. The codes of small settlements are supplemented with several more digits so that the number of digits in the telephone number and city code is ten.

Various operators

Long-distance communication services in Russia are provided not only by Rostelecom. To determine how to make long-distance calls cheaper, you need to compare the prices of operators. They depend on the distance between subscribers, the costs of a particular operator, the degree of development of the communication system, etc. Concluding an agreement with one of the operators significantly reduces the cost of communication.

International call

In order to connect to a subscriber located abroad, it is not necessary to have access to 8. It is enough to pay and purchase a single payment card. It can be real plastic or virtual. To make a call, you need to dial the number shown on the card, and then follow the instructions of the call center operator or sequentially execute the voice menu commands. In both cases, you will have to dial the PIN code or tell it to the operator, dial or say the number of the called subscriber in international format.

With the advent of various telecom operators providing international and long-distance communication services, intercity tariffs will decrease in accordance with the laws of the market.

Mobile phones are the most convenient and popular communication system. This does not deny the need for home devices, which many citizens still use. From time to time there is a need to call from home to mobile within the city, intercity or abroad.

It is worth noting that the dialing rules for everyone mobile operators united. You dial the code with which domestic numbers begin (+7), the code that is specific to your operator (ХХХ) and (ХХХХХХХ) the subscriber number. Operator code examples: 966, 495, 909, 965 for mobile system Beeline.

For a home device, this dialing order is not suitable due to the absence of a plus sign on the disk or keyboard. Different rules apply here.

Dial rules

Please note that not all home devices can communicate with long-distance calls. The dialing service to numbers starting with 8 can be automatically disabled at the request of the owner of the device. This often happens in rented apartments, in this way the owner protects himself from possible costs for home telephone services used by the tenants.

The familiar combination for calls within the country (+7) is replaced by (8). She is the one who says that communication goes beyond the scale of urban communication.

Dial order:

  1. We dial (8) - this is the code for communication within the country for landline phones and wait for a long call.
  2. (XXX) The following combination is related to the operator code.
  3. (ХХХХХХХ) number directly.

Example: the order of dialing numbers to communicate with a Beeline subscriber will look like this:

(8) (965) (222 6632)

How to reach Moscow

Moscow is the most popular metropolis, so the question most often arises: how to home phone call exactly the number in Moscow. You don't need any special knowledge for this.

In front of you is a recorded familiar mobile number of a partner living in Moscow.

The dialing procedure is as follows:

  1. 8 - waiting for a long beep
  2. XXX three digits indicating the mobile operator
  3. XXXXXXX digits that are inherent in the subscriber number

As you can see, the dialing procedure when calling Moscow follows generally accepted rules.

Call abroad

All calls from your home phone abroad are subject to the same rules. For example, consider an international conversation with a German mobile operator. We first specify the code of the city we need in Germany.

Number order

  • (8) - a code that indicates that negotiations are moving to communication between cities, we expect a long beep.
  • (10) - code indicating exit to international communications.
  • (49) - code assigned to Germany.
  • area code in Germany.
  • German operator code.

As you noticed, everything international calls start with the combination (8) (10).

Easy to remember:

  • (8) - going outside the city,
  • (10) - going beyond the national scale

Tip: for a quality connection, you need to dial the entire combination with approximately same speed. It is best to have the required sequence written down on a piece of paper in front of you while typing.

All of the above rules show that making any calls from landline home phones is not at all difficult.

Long-distance is called a speakerphone to a non-movable or mobile phone to another locality in the country. In terms of cost, it differs significantly from urban conversations. At the same time, for mobile telephone communications, loudness within one region is considered local. And for landline operators, loudspeakers within settlements of one region are already intercity.

You will need

  • – code of the required city;
  • - phone number;
  • – information about the long-distance operator operating in your region.


1. Check the long-distance communication mode. In populated areas where digital telephone exchanges have not yet been introduced, connections are made by telephone operators. In this case you will need to type number their services and place an order, having informed the city you need, telephone number and estimated connection time. But in most places there is a mechanical long-distance connection.

2. Remember if you changed the mode intercity. Several years ago, subscribers were given the opportunity to continuously choose a long-distance operator. To do this, you had to submit an application to switch to hot-choice. In this case, for all calls, you can choose the operator, the one that provides the optimal tariffs or best quality in this direction. That is, with the set number and before the city code you must add the digital designation of the company.

3. Dial 55 for Rostelecom, and 53 for MTT for long-distance calls and 58 for international calls. In other words, in the first case the set will look like this: 8 (beep) - 55 - locality code - number subscriber At MTT you need to press the following buttons: 8 – 53 – telephone city code – number subscriber

4. Pre-select, or advance selection of the operator, allows you to simplify the special technology of the loudspeaker. In this case, there is no need to dial additional digits, and after 8 the city code and number phone. Many subscribers called this way before the conversion and continue to use this service now.

5. Speakerphones from a mobile phone over long distances are actually no different from those similar to landline phones with advance selection of an operator. An exceptional, but quite significant difference is the tariffs. For mobile communications they are much higher.

6. Use IP telephony to save money if you make a lot of long-distance calls. Many private companies provide this service. They gain access to existing long-distance communication channels with the help of Internet channels. After receiving a special card or signing an agreement, you follow the instructions provided. As usual, you have to dial much more numbers than with a regular long-distance connection. It is extremely effective to use IP telephony for international communications.

We can no longer imagine our existence without mobile communications. Phones accompany us everywhere today; we take them with us when we travel around the country and when we go abroad. It happens that while roaming, we discover that many of the phones we called while in home network, suddenly become unavailable. How to dial a mobile number right, in order to be guaranteed to reach every person not only in our country, but also abroad?


1. For loudness on number and everyone mobile operator in Russia, independently, they are located in your home region or any other, dial number in the following format: 8 (federal operator code) seven-digit number subscriber or +7 (federal operator code) seven-digit number subscriber

2. If you need to call a so-called direct mobile number, belonging to any mobile operator in Russia, then dial number in format 8 (area code) seven-digit number subscriber or +7 (area code) seven-digit number subscriber

3. If you need to dial an additional number on your mobile phone number, then by typing the rod number, wait for the system message and then dial the extension. If your phone can support a pause when dialing, then later than the main number and enter a pause symbol - the Latin capital letter P and immediately after it - an additional number. Let's say: +7 (federal operator code) seven digits number subscriber P extension number .

4. To speak abroad dial number in the format + (country code) (federal operator code) seven-digit number subscriber or + (country code) (city code) seven-digit number subscriber For Russia, the country code is 7.

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All digits of the number are dialed without spaces.

Due to the fact that the population of Moscow is continuously growing, the government has to take measures to provide telephone communications to all subscribers who need it. For this purpose, the capital was divided into two zones. Home phone users of one half have number code 499, and another - 495.


1. How to dial a Moscow number? If you call from one Moscow apartment, whose telephone code is 495, to another, where the telephone code is 499, you must do the following: 1. Dial 82. Dial code 4993. Subscriber number. Now, in virtually all areas of Moscow and the Moscow region, telephone networks have been modernized. And now you don’t need to wait for a beep after the number 8. If there is silence after the number 8, easily enter further numbers.

2. If your code is 499, then the procedure for dialing the number is similar, only you will need to dial 8-495 and the subscriber number. From every other city in Russia, traffic to Moscow occurs using the same method. The main thing is to clarify what code (495 or 499) the person at the other end of the line has. On the contrary, you risk not getting through, or getting to the wrong place.

3. When calling from a landline telephone number with a code 495 to another non-moving telephone with the same code, it is not necessary to dial the code 495. Only seven digits of the called party number are entered. But for subscribers with the dialing code 499, dial it strictly even when making calls within the zone.

4. If you are calling Moscow from abroad, you need to dial a few more numbers. First, you dial the Russian code - 7. After that, the Moscow city code (499 or 495). Then the seven digits of the subscriber's phone number. In some countries, to call abroad, you need to dial a few more digits before the country and area code. Please check with the receiving party for the required procedure.

5. Speakerphones from mobile phones are no different from calls from a landline. The order of the set of numbers is the same. There is only one specificity. Set telephone code 495 or 499 is indispensable in any case.

When dialing a number, be careful. The figure eight set is indispensable when calling from one zone to another.

Helpful advice
If you write down a Moscow landline telephone number, always specify which telephone code it refers to.

Today you can connect to long-distance communications without leaving your home. To connect to the network " Intercity"and setting up a SIP gateway, you will need an analog phone, a voice gateway and Internet access.


1. Remove the gateway and all necessary cables to connect the device from the box.

2. Register on the website Get your login and password to connect.

3. Connect the voice gateway port (its marking is L1) to the Ethernet port of your computer using network cable(included with the voice gateway).

4. Configure your computer to work correctly with the gateway. Click Start and select Control Panel from the list. In the Control Panel, select the Network Connections menu.

5. Hover your cursor over the "Connect via" tab. local network" Right-click on the Properties menu. In the window, select “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” and then “Properties”. In the window, select “Obtain an IP address mechanically,” and later, “Obtain a DNS server address mechanically.” Click OK.

6. After all these actions, the computer will mechanically receive its IP address from the gateway. Open your browser, type in the address bar (network IP address " Intercity") for authorization. Once on the page, click Login. The default page provides access to the SIP gateway settings.

7. Configure the WAN network to connect the voice gateway to the Internet. Select the “Basic Settings” tab in the “Basic Settings” section Network settings" In this menu, specify the authorization information and connection type (in this case, “Static IP” is indicated). Click the "Accept" button.

8. If you work with a dynamic IP address, select the NAT/DDNS tab in the “Basic Settings” section. In this menu, check Enable STUN Client. In the STUN Server IP/Domain line, type After this, click the “Accept” button.

9. In the “Basic Settings” section, select the “ SIP settings" Check Proxy Server/Soft Switch as SIP support in this menu. Later, enter the address in the SIP Domain and IP Proxy Server/Domain field. Enter your login and password received when registering on the website in the “FXO Agent Number” field. Click the "Accept" button.

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Many probably have relatives or friends living in other cities. The need to contact them, as usual, appears at least once a year. If speakerphones on a non-movable phone cost you less, you must remember the area code, enter it and wait for the other side to pick up the phone. With such a long-distance connection, the biggest problem appears not because of the quality of the connection, but precisely when searching for and dialing the required number.

You will need

  • landline or mobile phone


1. In order to call another city, you need to perform the following sequence of actions. Pick up the handset and after a constant signal appears in it, dial the number “8” - the index through which you can access the long-distance service.

2. After that, dial the area code of the one you are going to call. The number of the called party is dialed last. As an example, let's look at the loudspeaker in the city of Novosibirsk. To call the subscriber you will need to dial the following long-distance number: 8-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.

3. Often, when making a call, along with the communication index, city code and subscriber number, you also need to enter the code of the long-distance telephone operator you prefer for the connection. In this case, they say that the number was dialed in “hot-choice” mode or, on the contrary, in the mode of selecting a long-distance operator.

4. Today, long-distance telephone services in our country are provided by 7 operators. These are Equant LLC, Rostelecom OJSC, MTT OJSC (Interregional Transit Telecom OJSC), SCS Sovintel OJSC, Arktel CJSC, Synterra CJSC and TransTeleCom Company CJSC.

5. If a long-distance call is made through the long-distance operator MTT OJSC, the called number will look like this (an example is the loudspeaker to Novosibirsk): 8-53-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ. If OJSC Rostelecom is selected, then 8-55-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ. If you are calling with the support of SCS Sovintel OJSC, the long-distance number will look like 8-51-383- ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ. Equant LLC: 8-54-383- ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ. TransTeleCom Company CJSC ": 8-52-383- ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ. CJSC "Sinterra": 8-22-383- ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ. Arktel CJSC: 8-21-383-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ. It should be noted that in addition to long-distance calls, the above-mentioned long-distance operators make international calls.

Some organizations have one telephone number for each number, while an office PBX is connected to the line. In order to reach a specific employee, after the result of the auto-informer, you need to dial an additional number, traditionally in tone mode.


1. If you called number office PBX with cell phone, after waiting for the invitation from the autoinformer, simply dial the additional number. Even if you don’t hear tones, they will still be transmitted to the line. If the employee you want to contact is on the phone, you will soon be able to talk to him. If he’s not there, don’t stay on the line for too long; the loudspeaker pricing starts from the moment the autoinformer responds to him.

2. When calling from a landline phone, it all depends on which PBX you use. If it supports a tone set, then your home unit, most likely everyone, was switched to the appropriate mode a long time ago with the appropriate switch, and dial an additional number allowed immediately after the invitation. If not, dial number office PBX in pulse mode, wait for the invitation from the autoinformer, then press the asterisk key (it will switch your unit to tone mode), and after that the additional number. After you talk and hang up, the unit mechanically switches to pulse mode.

3. Telephone units with rotary dial number The dialer, like the early push-button models, cannot work in tone mode. If you often make calls to office PBXs, and your phone does not support this mode, purchase a special device - a beeper. It consists of a keyboard, an electronic DTMF signal synthesizer and a speaker, and is powered by batteries. Simply bring the beeper speaker to the handset microphone and dial the corresponding numbers - and the office PBX will recognize the additional number .

4. If the telephone unit does not support a tone set, and there is no beeper, and also if an additional number you do not know the required employee, do not do anything after the call from the autoinformer, and in half a minute the secretary of the organization you are calling will answer you. Tell him the name of the employee you want to talk to, and he will switch you to the appropriate additional number manually.

With the emergence of telephone communications, additional numbers. Now to find out necessary information, no need to call back several times. It is enough to call one number and, following the prompts of the answering robot, dial additional numbers .

You will need

  • – non-movable phone with buttons
  • - mobile phone
  • – number of the desired subscriber
  • - additional number


1. If you have installed rotary telephone, and your mobile phone is turned off, then contact your neighbors or friend. You can dial the extension number of the called subscriber only from a unit equipped with buttons.

2. Dial the subscriber's number. The answering machine will prompt you to dial an extension number, one that varies from 1 to 4 digits. Switch your phone to dial tone mode. This is done by pressing the button with the “star” image once. There may be an inscription tone on it or under it.

3. You will hear a short sound signal. Later, enter the extension number and wait for the called party to answer the speakerphone.

4. The extension number is not always famous initially. When you call, you will hear the voice of a robotic answering machine, the one that lists the services and numbers that need to be applied depending on your needs. When you hear the number you need, switch the phone to touch tone mode. If the answering machine continues to list additional numbers, then easily press the necessary buttons. Switching the phone to tone mode only happens once.

5. When you call the office or various services with mobile phone, then dialing the extension number is even easier. Press the dictated numbers without any transfer to another mode. Mobile phones initially use an intonation kit numbers .

Helpful advice
If, after pressing the “star”, the non-moving phone does not dial the extension number, it means that it is initially configured for tone mode. Press the button to switch to intonation mode again.

The telephone has long ago become a common and widespread means of communication. With the emergence mobile devices new kit rules have emerged telephone numbers, which you need to know to successfully make calls.

You should dial the area code if you are calling a home phone located in another city. It does not matter whether you are calling from a cell phone or from a home phone. To find out the telephone code of a particular city you need, use the telephone directory or enter the appropriate query into the search bar of your browser. In addition, in some cases, a set of city codes is needed to call one of emergency services. This depends on the rules for dialing numbers of this kind entered by your operator. cellular network. For example, in order to call the ambulance service from a phone connected to the MTS network, you need to dial the following number: 8 (international prefix) - city code - 03 (ambulance telephone) - 111. There is no need to dial the city code, if you call from a home phone to a mobile phone of a subscriber located anywhere in the world. Also, you will not need an area code if you are calling from a home phone to the same home phone located within your city. If you have any difficulties dialing phone numbers, contact the help desk operator of that network that serves you. Remember that it is impossible to call another city on your home phone without dialing the city telephone code. A cool assistant program for finding the necessary telephone numbers and codes of various cities is the 2GIS telephone directory. It has detailed telephone base for various cities of Russia and a lot of additional functions (various maps, contacts of organizations, etc.). "2GIS" can be downloaded and installed on a computer or mobile phone, it supports Android platforms, Windows Mobile and Symbian. The directory can also be used online.

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As you know, you can make calls to a mobile phone not only from a smartphone, but also from a home phone. It's easy to do. We have written detailed instructions for you.

How to make a call from your home phone to your mobile phone?

Despite the availability of cellular communications, most people do not refuse to use a home phone. Home telephony remains one of the most profitable and affordable types of communication, especially when it comes to calls to city line numbers. As you know, when calling from a mobile phone to a home phone, there is a higher charge than from a landline phone to a landline.

A home phone is often used when calling Beeline numbers, for example, if there is no mobile phone or it has run out of money. In this case, the tariff will be slightly higher than when calling to home phones. Calls to cell numbers are often equated to intercity calls. Call anyway Beeline subscriber from a landline phone you can easily and quickly.

The main rule when typing cell number On a landline phone, you can enter 8 correctly, after which you need to enter the mobile number itself. It is worth noting that after pressing 8 you should hear a beep, and only after that dial the remaining numbers mobile number. Eight replaces the combination +7, which is not available on your home phone.

8 (beep) AAA BBB BB BB
The example shows that after pressing 8 you need to hear a beep, after which you need to enter the operator code (A) and then the seven digits of the contact (B).

Important! When dialing a cell phone from your home phone, you must enter the number correctly, in otherwise the call will be addressed to another contact. Please note that not all landline phones have a directory function. Therefore, carefully dial the numbers of the mobile phone you want to call.

How to call from home to cell phone long distance?

If you decide to call a mobile phone located in another city, then this procedure will follow the same procedure as with a long-distance call to your home phone.

To make a long-distance call to a cell phone, first check whether this service is available for your landline phone. For successful dialing, the long-distance option is required. Remember that the service is often blocked, for example, by people renting out housing.

If everything is in order, then to make a long-distance call to a cell phone you need:

  1. Press 8.
  2. Wait for the beep.
  3. Dial the operator code consisting of three digits (for example, 905).
  4. Dial the subscriber's seven-digit number.

How to make an international call from home to mobile phone?

If you need to call from a landline phone to a mobile phone located in another country, then use a different combination.

Follow these rules to make international calls:

  1. Dial 8 as described earlier.
  2. Dial 10. This combination gives access to international communications.
  3. Next, dial the country code (for example, 49 in the case of Germany).
  4. Then enter the area code if you are calling a home phone, or a mobile phone code. In the first case, the code may consist of one or two digits (for example, the German city code of Munich is 89). In the second case, indicate the three-digit code of the mobile operator.
  5. At the end, enter the remaining numbers correctly and wait for an answer.

It is worth noting that calling abroad takes some time. Usually, connecting to the recipient takes a few seconds; the main thing is to wait for a response and not reset the phone prematurely.

You can look up country codes in telephone directories and on the Internet. For the call to be successful, you must enter the correct numbers. Just in case, you can first write down the number of the called party on paper.

Here are the codes of the CIS and Baltic countries:

Here are the codes of popular European countries:

Here you can familiarize yourself with the codes of other countries in the world:

Important! Calling from your home phone to a mobile or landline phone in another country is not a cheap pleasure, for which you must be prepared. Check out the tariffs for more details. Remember also that you must have 8 connected - an option for making both long-distance and international calls. To save money, we also advise you to make international calls from a mobile phone with an activated tariff for this type of calls.

Additional information when calling from home to mobile

To call Russia from another country, first dial 8 or 7. In this case, dial the following combination: 8 or 7, then the city code (for example, 496 for the Moscow region) or the mobile operator code (for example, 905) and then the remaining numbers.

Remember that each region and locality has its own encoding. Enter the numbers correctly!

Check out the codes of Russian cities:

Not for everyone modern man The question of how to call from home to mobile turned out to be closed. There are still people who need to be explained how this can be done. This article will become step by step instructions in this matter.

How to call from home to mobile?

With the development of the mobile role of the home telephone network somewhat downplayed today, but many subscribers still continue to use it due to lower rates for calls to home phones.

You can also call a mobile phone from your home phone, but the tariff will be significantly higher and equal to the long-distance tariff. So how does the process of calling a cellular operator subscriber from a landline number go? We will discuss this now.

The main nuance when dialing a cell phone from a landline is that you must dial eight at the beginning of the entire combination. It replaces the +7 combination, which is simply not available on a home device.

After pressing key 8, a beep will sound in the handset, after which you should dial the following three-digit combination - the contact operator code. Then comes the seven-digit subscriber number. The process algorithm will look something like this:

  • 8 (beep) УУУ ХХХ ХХ ХХ, where:
  • UUU – operator code.
  • XXX – seven digits of the contact you need to call.

Attention! Home phone devices do not always have functions notebooks, so be sure to make sure you enter the correct combination of numbers before calling anyone. Otherwise, you may end up calling the wrong person.

Long-distance connection between home and cell phone

Calling a local cellular user from a home device is no different from the procedure for connecting a home phone with a mobile phone that is registered in another city.

But before you call anyone, you should make sure that your landline phone supports long-distance service. Some subscribers (most often those who rent out apartments) may be blocked from making long-distance calls.

The process of dialing a long-distance cell phone:

  1. Press the number 8 and wait for the beep.
  2. Dial the operator code (consists of three digits).
  3. Dial the subscriber himself (seven digits).

International call to a mobile phone from a home phone

From home you can even dial mobile phones that are owned by other states.

To do this, you should follow the uniform rules for dialing international numbers:

  • The constant 8 is at the head of the entire combination.
  • We connect internationally using combination 10 - this is the international access code.
  • Next comes the country code.
  • The city code of the foreign power (for dialing home users) or the cellular operator to which the subscriber is assigned.
  • And at the end - the mobile subscriber number itself.

It will be useful to view:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. But it is worth noting that you should still write down your mobile number somewhere, since it is not always possible to remember long combinations of numbers.

As for country encodings, numerous telephone directories, which are available in any post office, will come to help. Also, many sites on the World Wide Web are saturated with such information.

For example, here are some codes of the CIS and Baltic countries:

We have also collected information about other popular destinations in Europe:

A countryA country
Austria43 Italy39
Bulgaria359 Norway47
Great Britain44 Poland48
Hungary36 Portugal351
Germany49 Romania40
Greece30 Finland358
Spain34 France33
Czech420 Slovakia421
Switzerland41 Sweden46

The rest of the world has the following encoding:

  • Australia - 61.
  • Brazil – 55.
  • China – 86.
  • Cuba – 53.
  • Egypt - 20.
  • India – 91.
  • Israel – 972.
  • Japan - 81.
  • Mexico - 52.
  • Sri Lanka – 94.
  • Taiwan – 886.
  • Türkiye – 90.
  • UAE – 971.
  • USA and Canada – 1.

Calling a subscriber internationally is not a cheap service - so be prepared for the fact that if the conversation is planned to be long, after some time the telephone company will send an invoice for a tidy sum. To avoid this, you can make calls from a mobile phone on which you have installed tariff plan for such occasions.

Additional information when calling from home to mobile

In our country, the international code that must be dialed to call home or mobile phones is considered to be 7 or 8.

If there is a need to call Russian users from abroad, you should dial the number in international format:

  • +7 – city or operator code – subscriber number, or
  • 8 – city or operator code – user number

If you need to call something other than a mobile phone, then you should pay attention that the regional encoding may be different - each locality has its own.

So the code of the Moscow region is 496, but here are the combinations of other cities in this region:

  • Volokolamsk – 49636.
  • Voskresensk – 49644.
  • Domodedovo – 49679.
  • Dubna - 49621, etc.