Powershell: how to work with the program, create, run and modify scripts. Writing and running scripts in PowerShell Script execution is disabled

Running a PowerShell Script

This note is devoted to the description of setting the necessary parameters for launching PowerShell scripts. More often on first start .ps1 scripts you see the following errors:

File cannot be loaded. File does not have a digital signature. The script will not be executed on the system. To obtain additional information, enter the "Get-Help about_signing" command.
The file cannot be loaded. The file is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on the system. Please see "Get-Help about_Signing" for more details.

Run a program from an untrusted publisher? File published by CN= This publisher is not marked as trusted on this system. Only scripts from trusted publishers should be run.
[V] Never run [D] Don't run [R] Run once [A] Always run [?] Help (default "D"):
Do you want to run software from this untrusted publisher? The file is published by CN= This publisher is not trusted on your system. Only run scripts from trusted publishers.
[V] Never run [D] Do not run [R] Run once [A] Always run [?] Help (default is "D"):

These errors and messages are caused by Windows Execution Policy settings PowerShell. At the same time, you should not think that these parameters really increase the security of the OS, because the code will still work if you copy it to the PowerShell console. Thus, security settings can be disabled - they only protect against random actions. Therefore, usually this problem decide by the team:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted LocalMachine

Of course, this approach is not applicable in a corporate environment, so let's deal with this situation in more detail. You can view the current policy settings in all application areas by running the cmdlet Get-ExecutionPolicy with list parameter.

get-executionpolicy -list

scope ExecutionPolicy
—— —————
MachinePolicy Unrestricted
UserPolicy Undefined
process RemoteSigned
CurrentUser AllSigned
local machine Restricted

This policy can take 6 values:

Restricted(The policy is executed by default. For example, if all scopes are set to Undefined)
- Allows individual commands, but scripts cannot be executed.
- Prevents all script files from executing, including formatting and configuration files (PS1XML), module script files (PSM1), and Windows profiles PowerShell (PS1).


- Requires all scripts and configuration files to be signed by a trusted publisher, including scripts prepared on local computer.
- Publisher scripts that have not yet been determined to be trusted are warned before scripts are executed.
- There is a risk of executing unsigned scripts from sources other than the Internet, as well as signed but malicious scripts.

- Script execution is allowed.
- Requires a digital signature from a trusted publisher for scripts and configuration files downloaded from the Internet (including email and instant messaging programs).
- Does not require digital signatures for scripts executed and written on the local computer (not downloaded from the Internet).
- There is a risk of executing signed but malicious scripts.

- Unsigned scripts can be executed. (There is a risk of executing malicious scripts.)
- Warns the user before executing scripts and configuration files downloaded from the Internet.

- Nothing is blocked and no warnings or prompts appear.
- This execution policy is for configurations where the script Windows PowerShell built into a larger application, or for configurations where Windows PowerShell is a platform for a program that has its own security model.

- No execution policy has been set in the current scope.
- If the execution policy in all scopes is set to Undefined, then the Restricted execution policy is in effect, which is the default execution policy.

There are five scopes for this policy and settings:

MachinePolicy and UserPolicy set by AD policies or local policies this computer.
process— the scope of the current session. The help says that its value is stored in the $PSExecutionPolicyPreference variable, but it was not possible to get / change the value of this policy through the variable. Changes made to this application area will not affect other sessions in any way.
CurrentUser— scope of the current user. Its value is stored in the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell\ExecutionPolicy").
local machine— scope for all users of the current computer. It is stored in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\ScriptedDiagnostics\ExecutionPolicy").

Team get-executionpolicy there is a -Scope parameter. With this option, you can select the scope for which to display the policy value.

Get-ExecutionPolicy -scope Process

Result of the cmdlet execution: RemoteSigned

At the same time, Application areas have the highest priority for MachinePolicy, then UserPolicy, Process, CurrentUser, and the lowest priority for LocalMachine.
So in the example:

scope ExecutionPolicy
—— —————
MachinePolicy Unrestricted
UserPolicy Undefined
process RemoteSigned
CurrentUser AllSigned
local machine Restricted

In the current session, the resulting policy will be Unrestricted.

In order to find out the value of the script execution policy for a given session, you need to use the Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet without parameters.

Output: Unrestricted

Changing the Script Execution Policy PowerShell:

To change the value of PowerShell script execution policies, there is the Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet.
This cmdlet has the following parameters:

Specifies the value of the policy. Can have the following values: Restricted, AllSigned, RemoteSigned, Unrestricted, Bypass, Undefined. This parameter is required to be specified. If not specified, the cmdlet will prompt you for values ​​at run time.

Specify values ​​for the following options:

Specifies the scope of this policy. Can have the following values: LocalMachine ,Process, CurrentUser. If the scope parameter is not specified, the default value is LocalMachine.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Process

With this parameter, the cmdlet will not require confirmation from the user. For example:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Process -Force

The cmdlet will display nothing and apply the policy value.

If, on the contrary, one confirmation is not enough for you. You can specify the Confirm parameter and you will have one more, additional, request to confirm your actions:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process -confirm

Execution result:

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Performing a "Set-ExecutionPolicy" operation on the "Unrestricted" target.
[Y] Yes - Y [A] Yes to all - A [N] No - N [L] No to all - L [S] Suspend - S [?] Help (default is 'Y'):

Changing the Execution Policy
The execution policy protects the computer from untrusted scripts. Changing the execution policy can compromise system security, as described in the help topic called by the about_Execution_Policies command. Do you want to change the execution policy?
[Y] Yes - Y [N] No - N [S] Suspend - S [?] Help (default is 'Y'):. exe -executionpolicy Unrestricted

Get-ExecutionPolicy -list

Execution result:

scope ExecutionPolicy
—— —————
MachinePolicy Unrestricted
UserPolicy Undefined
process RemoteSigned
CurrentUser AllSigned
local machine Restricted

Changing the script launch policy settings using group policies.

In group policy, the parameter that controls the launch of scripts is located along the path:

for MachinePolicy:

Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows PowerShell

Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows PowerShell

for UserPolicy:
User Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows PowerShell

User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows PowerShell

The Execution Policy parameter can take 3 values.

PowerShell has a number of execution modes that determine what type of code is allowed to run. All of this is controlled by a registry key that lives in HKLM. There are 4 different execution modes:

Limited(Restricted): The default execution policy, does not allow scripting and only allows interactive commands.

All signed(All Signed): Allows all scripts to run. True, all scripts and configuration files must be signed by a publisher you trust; this mode exposes you to the risk of running signed (but malicious) scripts after you've obtained proof of trust from the publisher.

Remote signed(Remote Signed): Local scripts work without a signature. All downloaded scripts must be digitally signed.

Unlimited(Unrestricted): All scripts and configuration files obtained from communication applications, like Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger work after confirming that you understand that the file comes from the Internet; no digital signatures are required; this mode exposes you to the risk of running unsigned, malicious scripts.

The default mode for PowerShell is "Restricted". In this mode, PowerShell only works as an interactive shell. It does not allow scripting, and only loads configuration files signed by a publisher you trust.

If you're getting an annoying red error, then in most cases it's because you're trying to run an unsigned script. by the most in a safe way The solution to this problem is to change the execution policy to unrestricted, run the script, and then revert back to the restricted policy.

To change the execution policy to unrestricted, run the following command in administrative PowerShell:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

You will see a confirmation request. Press Enter.

Now you can run the downloaded script. However, you are putting yourself at serious risk, so when the script ends, don't forget to change the execution policy back to restricted mode. You can do this with the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted

And again you will see a confirmation request. Press Enter.

That's all! Good luck to you!

The information contained on this page is intended primarily for users of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x and 6.x.- the most common browsers in Internet networks. It is important to note that our site displays adequately in other browsers. However, in our opinion, the supporters Mozilla Firefox and Opera are enthusiasts and connoisseurs of cutting-edge software, and therefore do not need advice on setting it up.

JavaScript it is a scripting language that allows you to make a web page interactive, i.e. "able to communicate" with the user.

JavaScript scripts are downloaded from the Internet site to the user's computer and executed on it. This fact creates a potential threat to the user's computer! Like any other file downloaded from an unfamiliar site, a JavaScript script can contain executable code that can harm the user - for example, open unauthorized access to his confidential information. That is why browsers provide the ability to disable the execution of JavaScript scripts.

Unfortunately, none of today's browsers allows you to selectively (as in the case of cookies) only allow JavaScript to be loaded from certain sites, while disallowing it for everyone else. You have to accept that in order for JavaScript scripts to work, the "Run Java Application Scripts" setting must be enabled for all sites on the Internet.

We use JavaScript scripts to organize the completion of various forms on our site (for example, a registration form), to display mini-tips on how to use our site, to build our menu and product catalog.

Configuring JavaScript Security Settings in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x

Configuring JavaScript Security Settings in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x

There are several different ways to run the script, below are the main ones:

  1. Start a PowerShell Shell and run the script in it (enter the path to the file and the file name, for example, like this: C:\Scripts\test.ps1, or go to the script folder with the cd C:\Scripts command and run it with the command.\test.ps1) The shell can be found and launched in a variety of ways. One way is through the Start menu. For Windows 7 - you need to go to "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Windows PowerShell" and start the "Windows PowerShell" shell. For Windows 10 - you need to find the group with the letter "W" and in it you will find "Windows PowerShell".
  2. Launch "Windows PowerShell ISE"- this is a program - a development environment that allows you to edit and debug PowerShell scripts, which is also there by default along with PowerShell itself. Having launched it, you just need to click the "Open" button or go to the File menu - Open and select the desired script, then press F5 or the "Run Script" button. You can find Windows PowerShell ISE in the same place as the PowerShell shell - in the Start menu .
  3. Run standard command line and write in it:
    powershell-file<имя_скрипта> (example: powershell -file myscript.ps1)

If you have not run PowerShell scripts before, you will most likely receive a message: Can't upload file<имя_скрипта>because script execution is not allowed on this system. Type "get-help about_signing" for more information. This is due to the fact that for security reasons and to prevent accidental execution of malicious code, all scripts must be digitally signed.

How to allow execution of an unsigned PowerShell script?

1. In PowerShell, before running the script, execute a command that allows the execution of unsigned scripts for the current shell session:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process

2. Startup from the standard command line use the -executionpolicy option, i.e. run the script like this:


Both methods set the policy only for the current session, while the PowerShell script execution security policy specified in the registry will not be changed and will remain the same. If you want to change the script execution security policy to permanent, then use this method:

3. Allow launch forever: run PowerShell as "Administrator", then run the command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Note: If the script was downloaded from the Internet, then in order to avoid the launch confirmation prompt, you need to use Bypass instead of RemoteSigned - complete shutdown any requests or warnings.

How to run a PowerShell script in the background?

To do this, just use the -WindowStyle launch parameter, which can take the following values: Normal, Minimized, Maximized and Hidden. Thus, to run an unsigned script in the background, you need to run the command:

powershell -executionpolicy RemoteSigned -WindowStyle Hidden -file<имя_скрипта>

You can also add -NonInteractive if you wish, so that the script does not ask any questions. Thus, the script will be executed imperceptibly for the user. Be careful using this method.

Running a PowerShell script with parameters

Actually, the launch should be done as if you were launching a regular program or a bat file with parameters. For example, to run a script with parameters from the command line, you can write the following command:

powershell -executionpolicy RemoteSigned -file<имя_скрипта>param1 param2 "another text parameter"

In the script itself, you can get these parameters like this:

Param ($var1, $var2, $var3) echo $var1, $var2, $var3

In the PowerShell ISE, you can run a script with parameters in the same way using the command pane.

How to run a PowerShell script using a shortcut?

There are two ways to accomplish this task:

  1. Create a bat / cmd file in which to register a command to run the script (you have read the parameters above)
  2. Create a shortcut to PowerShell, which can be found in c:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v<версия>\ and in the properties of the shortcut in the field "Object" add the necessary parameters.

Thus, for example, to run a powershell script when a user logs in, you can simply create a shortcut, as described in the 2nd paragraph, and put it in autoload. Also, creating a shortcut using one of the methods above will make it easy to run the script as an administrator or as any other user as a regular program.

scripted PowerShell language- quite a powerful tool for solving various tasks, but it can be used not only for good things, but also for harm, therefore, use it wisely;)

Default Script Execution Windows PowerShell prohibited in the system. For security reasons, all PowerShell scripts must be digitally signed, this method called - execution policy. If the script does not meet this condition, then running PowerShell scripts on the system is prohibited. This is primarily due to the fact that the script may contain malicious code, which can harm the operating system.

PowerShell has several execution modes that determine what type of code is allowed to run. There are 5 different execution modes:

Default value. The execution of any scripts is blocked and the work of interactive commands is allowed.
All signed (All Signed)
Execution of scripts with a digital signature is allowed.
Remote Signed
Local scripts work without a signature. All downloaded scripts must be digitally signed.
Execution of any scripts is allowed. When running an unsigned script that was downloaded from the Internet, the program may require confirmation.
Nothing is blocked, no warnings or prompts appear.

The default mode for PowerShell is "Limited". In this mode, PowerShell operates as an interactive shell. If you have not configured PowerShell before, then instead of running the script, you will see an error message written in red font as in the screenshot below.

The safest way to solve this problem is to change the execution policy to unrestricted, run the script, and then fall back to the restricted policy.

To change the execution policy to unrestricted, use the PowerShell console with Administrator rights and run the following command:

Y (Yes)

Now you can run the script. However, you are putting the system at serious risk, so when the script ends, be sure to change the execution policy back to restricted mode. You can do this with the following command:

After running the command, you will be prompted to confirm the execution policy change. We will answer Y (Yes)

Execution of any scripts is blocked. Default value.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted

Execution of scripts with a digital signature is allowed.

Scripts prepared on the local computer can be run without restrictions, scripts downloaded from the Internet - only if they have a digital signature.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Execution of any scripts is allowed. When running an unsigned script that was downloaded from the Internet, the program may require confirmation.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Nothing is blocked, no warnings or prompts appear.

To execute the above commands without confirming the change, use the parameter
-Force , for example run the command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force

Now, when executing commands, you do not need to confirm the changes made.
