Guaranteed computer overclocking. How to overclock your computer safely

Options for overclocking a HYPERPC computer

We offer two levels (stage) of professional computer overclocking, with a guarantee of stability and reliability of the entire system.

HYPERPC Overclock Standard PackageHYPERPC Overclock Plus PackageHYPERPC Overclock Premium PackageOther companies
Overclocking level Overclocking Stage 0 Overclocking Stage 1 Overclocking Stage 2
Overclocking the processor while maintaining the warranty Missing +200Mhz +300Mhz Missing
Selecting a processor with good overclocking potential Missing
Replacing the thermal interface with liquid metal Missing / Paid

We offer processor overclocking with a 100% guarantee of stability and reliability of the entire system.

Processor overclocking is carried out by professional staff with extensive experience. Three-day PC testing in serious tests for full check the entire system. Maintaining a full warranty on all components system block. Guaranteed 100% stability and reliability of our overclocked systems.

The performance of modern processors five years ago would have seemed amazing to us, but today it may not be enough for the tasks that users face.

Increasing the speed of your computer

For the latest games, video editing, 3D design and other mainstream performance applications computing device there is never too much in a computer. Of course, the easiest way to increase it is to purchase an older, faster model. But, firstly, it requires large cash costs, and secondly, sometimes it happens that a faster model simply does not exist. There is another way to speed up the processor - its overclocking.

What is needed for successful overclocking?

For successful overclocking, it is necessary to find the optimal ratio of a stable clock frequency, the voltage required for it, and the allowable heating of the CPU. From this follows the first requirement that must be observed: high-quality cooling. This is the main factor influencing the result.

Any manufacturer puts a margin of safety in their products, which makes it possible to ensure the operability of devices even in adverse conditions. Processors are no exception: the vast majority of models are able to work without problems at a clock frequency that exceeds the nominal minimum by a quarter.

Considering that processors with such a frequency difference are often much more expensive, the benefit is obvious. Let's see how it can be achieved. The main factor affecting the stability of the CPU is temperature. Increasing the frequency of the processor, increases the temperature rise, in turn, causes the processor to become unstable.

How do we do it

Luckily, modern processors are protected from overheating, and if a safe threshold is exceeded, they either go into slow mode until they return to the "green zone", or turn off. To get a good frequency boost, we install only high-quality coolers (we also don't forget about good thermal paste). We also assemble such systems only in cases with proper ventilation, since the most powerful cooler will not cope with cooling if it has to work with the same heated air.

We pay special attention to high-quality power supply (good PSU) and a decent motherboard (ASUS): success during overclocking often depends on how stable the power is supplied to the processor. Naturally, fees entry level are not designed for extreme operating conditions, and therefore you should not expect decent results from them.

Processor scalping

In addition, for processors Intel Core In order to unleash their maximum potential, we carry out the procedure of "scalping" with the subsequent replacement of the standard thermal interface between the heat spreader and the crystal with a highly efficient liquid metal. This allows you to significantly improve heat dissipation from the chip, reduce the temperature of the cores (up to 30 °C gain), and thus achieve high performance during overclocking without the risk of overheating and degradation of the processor.

Irrelevant for Intel processors Core 9th generation.

I think some of you have already met with the concept of Overclocking. Or maybe not only met? You may even have used this concept"on practice". That's not the point. This series of articles will be useful for both beginners and people who are not far from Overclocking. Well, let's get started.

Part 1: Theory


We all learned little by little something and somehow ... "Let's first figure out what the word Overclocking itself means. We will not go into a literal translation, so we will limit ourselves to only a Russian understandable synonym - Overclocking.

The main parts of the computer that are overclocked:

1. Processor

(We need to achieve an increase in the nominal clock frequency of the processor).

  • Increasing the frequency of the system bus.
  • Increasing the frequency of the memory bus. "Game" with memory timings.

2. Video card

(Overclocking the core and memory of the video card).

  • Increasing the frequency of the graphics core
  • Increasing the memory frequency.

I want to note right away that serious overclocking requires effective and proper cooling of overclocked components. As well as cooling of especially heated components of these devices: voltage stabilizers and other power elements.

Why and who needs overclocking?

Imagine such a situation. You have decided to upgrade your computer, or rather replace the processor with a newer and more productive one. But there is not enough money to buy it, but I really want to buy it. What to do? Save a few months? Why, if you can "take the path of least resistance", i.e. buy a less expensive model of the same line, and overclock. (The situation is about the same with video cards). Many may object to me: "But overclocking will require a more efficient and, accordingly, more expensive cooling system!". In fact, having paid a few more dollars for a more efficient cooling system, you still remain in the "win": after overclocking, you get a more efficient processor, which would cost you much more than a cooler purchased for overclocking - plus, you don't always need to to buy a new cooler, you can simply modify / modify the old one, but we'll talk about that later.

Models of processors of the lower and middle price range of the same line run quite well and in 90% of cases allow you to get an equal or greater clock frequency than the top (!) models of processors of the same line. The remaining 10% can be attributed to an inherent defect of a particular instance, due to which some problems may occur with it even at the nominal frequency, however, time, transitions to new revisions and steppings of the core, as well as well-established production contribute to reducing the production of defective processors.

There is also an opinion that after overclocking, processors "fly". I will tell you with all responsibility that nothing can fail so easily, including the processor, of course, if you yourself did not put your hand or a soldering iron to it :). But it should be remembered that the main enemy during overclocking is temperature! It needs special attention. In the following parts of the articles, I will tell you in more detail about the permissible operating temperatures of a particular processor, as well as methods to deal with it.

And for the future: the key to successful acceleration is a sober head and "straight" hands, plus a bit of patience and the ability to tell yourself Stop at the right time.

And now a few words about who can help overclocking:

  1. People who do not have the opportunity to upgrade their computer, but want the same performance or almost the same.
  2. People who have the opportunity to upgrade, but they do not have enough money for a processor, video card, etc. middle or upper price range.
  3. For poor gamers
  4. Benchers - people who are trying to get the maximum number of "parrots" in any test packages, achieve maximum frequencies, etc.
  5. People who decide to save money on buying a new computer.

This list is endless. In general, if you need more high performance his "iron friend", then overclocking will help you.

PS. All of the above applies to both processors and video cards. By overclocking a video card, you have a real opportunity to increase the performance of the video subsystem almost for free. I write almost, because cooling will require a fan (possibly several). For a more serious overclocking of the graphics core, you will need to replace the already installed heatsink with a processor heatsink and modify it a bit, and install small heatsinks on the memory chips. It is also possible to install small radiators on the power elements of the video card and the motherboard.

If you are interested in the opportunity to improve the performance of your computer almost for free - read on.

Why is overclocking even possible?

The manufacturer tests a batch of processors at the maximum frequency (at which the most expensive and productive model operates) and simply rejects some of the processors that did not pass the test, setting them to a lower frequency. But among the rejected processors, there are instances that can operate at higher frequencies than specified by the manufacturer, so be aware that if you come across a processor that has not been tested at a higher frequency than indicated in its specification, it has some potential for further overclocking.

overclocking price

For successful overclocking, you need high-quality components, for example, manufacturers that have proven themselves on the good side and, accordingly, models that receive the fewest complaints (more details below). Alternatively, you can go to any forum dedicated to computers and just read what problems are encountered with a particular model of motherboard, processor, PSU, etc. Or write to me. I will answer all questions promptly.

Do not forget about the correct and efficient organization of air cooling for both the processor and video card, and the system as a whole.

What does successful acceleration depend on?

  • Motherboard. Productions: Epox, ASUStec, ABIT, Gigabyte, etc. An overclocking-proven model with support for essential overclocking features. O specific models We will talk in the following parts of the articles.
  • RAM. Basically, by increasing the frequency of the system bus (FSB), synchronously with it, the frequency of the memory bus (RAM) is also increased. Therefore, RAM must have a certain margin of increase in frequencies. Usually this is where inexperienced overclockers stumble upon a "rake". Then the frequencies, if, of course, the increase in memory timings does not help, FSB and RAM are set asynchronously. However, there are some peculiarities here too: for example, the nForce2 Ultra 400 chipset shows better performance only in the synchronous mode of FSB and RAM operation. You will learn about all these "secrets" and features in the following parts.
  • PSU (Power supply). We can say that the BP is the "center of stability" of the entire system. The guarantee of stability and the duration of the operation of your ENTIRE computer depends on the PSU. The so-called "Chinese" do not provide the necessary voltage on all the main lines (12V, 5V), on which the stability of work depends. So, my "old man" - the Maxtor 541DX 20Gb hard drive went to another world, just because of such a "Chinese", by the way, they worked together for less than a month. Draw conclusions, if you know that you do not have the best PSU installed, then it is better not to risk overclocking. PSUs from the following manufacturers are good and suitable for overclocking: PowerMan, FSP, Chieftec, Thermaltake (the list can be extended)
  • Cooling system. I will consider only air cooling systems (coolers) and how to modify them, because. they are more accessible common man and have a lower price than water systems. However, it's worth noting that processor frequencies are growing and the level of heat dissipation is growing along with them, so ordinary coolers can no longer always cope with the task assigned to them (this definitely does not apply to Zalman 7000 series coolers :)) . In this regard, not quite standard air cooling systems began to appear - coolers with heat pipes. I will talk about them in the following parts.

ANTIHacker aka Klementyonok Vladimir

Over time, the operating system of the computer lends itself to a kind of wear and tear, which affects both the speed of the device and our nerves. This is especially noticeable when working on weak computers. However, this is by no means a reason for premature reinstalling Windows, and do not rush to create an installation flash drive in a hurry and remember which key starts the transition to the BIOS. Taking advantage of several simple ways, we will not only return crystal virginity to our system, but also speed it up, in some places making it run faster than the new one.

Why does my computer slow down?

Most often, the slowdown of the operating system is associated with its inept use: incorrect removal of programs, clutter hard drive and the lack of timely measures to clean it up. At the very same Windows installation 7, few people change the standard system configurations, which are far from optimal.

Hardware acceleration: offloading the processor

Hardware acceleration is the redistribution of some system functions from the main processor to Hardware to improve overall computer performance.

In other words, this is shifting some of the work of the CPU to the video card, if it is able to cope with it faster.

The hardware acceleration feature is enabled in all Windows builds 7 by default. You can check it in the following way:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select "Screen Resolution".

    Select "Screen Resolution"

  2. Now go to "Advanced Options".

    In the window that opens, select "Advanced options" On the "Diagnostics" tab, select the item "Change settings"

  3. If this button is inactive, you should not panic: you have hardware acceleration enabled, and the caring developers of the video adapter foresaw that you could be brought here, and removed changing the settings away from prying hands.

    The desired button is "Change settings". If it is inactive, acceleration is already enabled

Visual Effects: Maximum System Performance

Nice GUI Windows 7 gives a very tangible load on the hardware of the computer, which cannot but affect its performance. Visual design, of course, serves as a good addition to the operating system, but when it begins to noticeably affect its performance, it is better to sacrifice beauty in favor of optimization.

  1. Right-click on the "Computer" icon and go to "Properties".

    Click on "Advanced system settings"

  2. Now we need to get into the "Advanced system settings". Select the "Advanced" tab and in the first section "Performance" open "Settings".

    Select "Settings" in the "Performance" section

  3. In the "Visual Effects" tab, check the value "Ensure the best performance" and click "Apply".

    Our Choice - "Best Performance"

  4. Such settings turn off all visual effects and provide maximum performance, but the system starts to look rather ugly. If the resulting style makes you disgusted and sad and gives you nightmares about Windows 95, we return the flags to some menu items:
    • "Enable desktop composition";
    • "Using display styles for windows and buttons";
    • "Display thumbnails instead of icons";
    • "Smooth jagged screen fonts."
  5. We agree by clicking the "OK" button.

Hard drive: memory cleaning and defragmentation

All files that are written to HDD, are split into many consecutive fragments in order to reduce the space used. As a result, in order to read the file, the computer is forced to reassemble them. And the presence of various garbage on its way increases the reading time, which slows down the system and causes delays of various durations when opening or changing files. At the same time, the speed of work, of course, falls.

The simplest solution to this problem is regular cleaning of the hard drive from trash and no less regular defragmentation. By systematically removing extra files and programs from your PC, you can increase its speed quite well.

First you need to clean up the space you use: delete unnecessary music, watched movies, installation files, hundreds of new Microsoft documents Word and other delights of human presence.

It is worth getting rid of unused programs. Let's start with this.

How to increase performance: cleaning the hard drive

  1. To get started, select "Control Panel" from the "Start" menu.

    Select "Control Panel"

  2. Go to "Uninstall a program".
  3. We carefully study the list, find an outdated or unnecessary program, right-click on it and delete it.

    Right-click on the unwanted program and select "Uninstall"

  4. Now let's get rid of the system junk. combination Windows keys(flag on the keyboard) + R call the command "Run", enter %temp% and click "OK". Thus, we will quickly move on to the storage location of the "garbage" temporary files, and we will not have to try to find them in the system for a long and tedious time.

    Go to the "Temp" folder

  5. Everything in the called folder is temporary files. In combination - system garbage, which must be removed. combination Ctrl keys+ A select everything and delete.

    Select all files in a folder and delete them

  6. If some files stubbornly refuse to be deleted, there is nothing wrong with that. Most likely, they are currently being used by some active programs, and they can be skipped.

    If some files do not want to be deleted, skip them

  7. Now you can move on to the next step of cleaning your hard drive from system junk. Go to "Computer" and right-click on " local disk(C:)" and click "Properties".

    The item we need is "Properties"

  8. On the General tab, select Disk Cleanup.

    Select the Disk Cleanup button

  9. When the system analyzes the estimated amount of garbage that can be removed, the disk cleanup menu will open. In this menu, in the list of files available for deletion, check all the boxes, click "OK" and confirm the deletion of files.

    Select the files that the system will delete

  10. After cleaning, uncheck the box "Allow the contents of files on this drive to be indexed in addition to file properties" and click "OK". In the window that opens, do not change anything and click "OK" again. If the “Access Denied” window pops up, click “Continue”, and “Error changing attributes” - “Skip all”.

If there are several system disks on the computer, we clean them all in the same way.

Disk defragmentation: how to speed up your PC

After completion, repeat the procedure with the rest of the disks.

How to use CCleaner: PC cleaner

For the next step, we need the CCleaner utility, which allows us to clean up all the system junk that we could not remove using Windows tools. The program is free, and you can download it from the official website It's not the only one, and it's not even best utility, which helps to clean and speed up the system, but it is CCleaner that is simpler and more affordable than everything else.

  1. Running installed program, go to the Applications tab, where we uncheck everything that is still dear to your heart (for example, from browser history), and then click Run Cleaner.

    The button we need is Run Cleaner

  2. After cleaning, go to the Registry section and click Scan for Issues. After the analysis is completed, click Fix selected issues.

    We find problems and errors in the registry and fix them: the Scan for issues and Fix selected items buttons, respectively

  3. Now let's go to the Tools section and select the Startup tab. This lists all the programs that start automatically when turning on Windows. Select all unnecessary and click Disable. Thus, we will disable their autorun and reduce the load on RAM.

    Remove everything from startup unnecessary programs using the Disable button

Swap file: speed up RAM

The swap file, also known as virtual memory, - a separate space on the hard disk, which is an intermediate link in the exchange of information between RAM and the hard disk.

Windows 7 makes the swap file 50% larger by default random access memory, but sometimes this size is too small. This leads to frequent overwriting of the file or direct access to the main sectors of the hard disk, which negatively affects the performance of the system.

  1. First you need to determine the amount of RAM. To do this, go to the "Start" menu, right-click on the "Computer" item and go to the "Properties" option.

    First, go to the properties of the computer

  2. Here we carefully look at the amount of installed memory (RAM), and if it is more than 4 GB, then nothing should be changed. AT otherwise Go to "Advanced system settings".

    If you need to increase the paging file, go to the item "Advanced system settings"

  3. Here, on the "Advanced" tab in the "Performance" section, click on the "Options" button.

It is probably not a secret for anyone that the speed of a computer can be increased not only by replacing a part with a more productive one, but also by overclocking the old one. If it's still a secret, then I'll explain🙂

Overclocking, overclocking- this is an increase in the performance of PC components (processor,, and), due to an increase in their standard characteristics. If we are talking about a processor, then this implies an increase in frequency, multiplier and voltage thereof.

2 Increase frequency

One of the main characteristics of a processor is its frequency. .

Any processor also has such a parameter as a multiplier (number), which, if multiplied by the FSB frequency, you can get the real processor frequency.

Therefore, the easiest and safest way to overclock a processor through bios is to increase the frequency of the FSB system bus, due to which the processor frequency increases.

In all variants, the processor frequency will be 2 GHz

- bus 166 and frequency multiplication factor 12;

- bus 200 and frequency multiplication factor 10;

- bus 333 and frequency multiplication factor 6 .

The simplicity lies in the fact that the FSB frequency can be changed directly in the BIOS or programmatically in 1 MHz steps.

If earlier, this method could easily end for the processor sadly (burning). Today it is very problematic to kill a multi-core processor by simply increasing the frequency.

Should a novice overclocker go too far with the processor frequency, the system will immediately reset its default settings and everything will be fine after a reboot.

To change the bus frequency, go to BIOS and find the CPU Clock value there, as shown in the picture.

Press Enter on this value and enter the bus frequency. next you can see the CPU multiplier and the effective CPU frequency of 2.8 GHz.

Please note that the processor multiplier in the example is quite high 14x at FSB 200MHz, in this case I would recommend increasing the FSB in steps of no more than 5-10MHz (that is, the frequency will increase by 70-140MHZ).

In the case of other multiplier and frequency values, increase the bus frequency in steps of no more than 10%. There is no need to rush when overclocking, and with such a step it will be easier for us to calculate the most optimal frequency for your CPU in tests.

If you want to achieve tangible results when overclocking. Then you can not do without a good cooler, pay attention to the Zalman cooler.

Tests are carried out with temperature measurement and at maximum load on the processor. You can do this with programs such as Everest, 3D Mark.

If the temperature at maximum load is above 65-70 C, then it is necessary to either increase the speed of the cooler to the maximum, or reduce the FSB frequency.


The processor multiplier can also be changed. This will affect the increase in CPU frequency. For example, at a frequency:

- bus 133 and frequency multiplier 10; (1.33 GHz)

you can change the factor to 15 and get 2.0 Ghz instead of 1.33 Ghz. Not a bad increase, is it?

But there is only one thing, your processor must be unlockedmultiplier, such processors are usually marked as Extreme in case the processor is Intel and the Black Edition processor is AMD.

But even if you do not have an extreme version, you should not be upset. After all, with the right approach of the first option, you can achieve excellent results. Although, most likely, you can not do without ...

4 Voltage increase

The principle is simple. If you put more voltage on the light bulb than it needs to glow, it will burn brighter. The processor is a more complex thing than a light bulb, but the meaning is about the same.

Increasing the voltage allows you to more seriously overclock the processor. To achieve stable operation of the processor, at higher frequencies, it is necessary to increase the voltage on it. There are several things to consider here:

- be sure to put a good cooler.

- do not increase the voltage by more than 0.3 V.

To do this, go toBIOS (Del key when starting the PC), then go to the Power item bios setup=> Vcore Voltegeand increase the value by 0.1 V. Next, set your cooler to the maximum and set the FSB frequency higher.

We test, if everything is fine and the performance suits you, then you can stop there.
When you reach a critical level of processor performance (that is, with a 3-5% increase in frequency, a reboot will occur), I advise you to reduce the frequency by 5%, this way you will fix your overclocking with stable work for a long time.

Despite the fact that some sources suggest downloading special programs for overclocking different types processors (Intel or AMD), it is best to increase the clock CPU frequency through the BIOS. There is no proven software that could overclock the processor. This is due to technical limitations and the fact that each "stone" has its own frequency increase standards. They may vary depending on the type of cooling used. We recommend that you find out the allowable load for the installed chip model and gradually change the values ​​\u200b\u200busing the instructions written specifically for your BIOS version.

Exceeding the maximum allowable overclocking threshold can lead to equipment failure.

Programs for overclocking video cards

Programs for overclocking video cards will help you change the main performance indicators on the hardware graphics card of your PC or laptop - voltage, allowable temperature, frequency of the processor and adapter memory, as well as the speed of the cooler. In addition to editing settings, these utilities allow you to view basic information about installed hardware.

We focus on the fact that such programs should be used with external graphics devices, which are not integrated into the processor or motherboard. Only in this case you will be able to get a measurable effect from changing the settings.

Among the proposed tools, we highlight primarily because of their compatibility with the largest number devices.

Programs for overclocking RAM (RAM)

As in the case of the processor, there are no stable utilities that can change the frequency of the RAM using the operating system. You need to edit these parameters through the BIOS, moreover, it is important that the new frequency is supported not only by memory, but also motherboard. You can read the instructions for changing frequencies in the user manual for your motherboard.

You may come across an opinion that there are programs for overclocking "old" samples of RAM (DDR) on laptops, but we were unable to find working versions of such utilities.

Programs to improve disk performance

The main factors affecting performance hard drives- its current state and file layout.

You can check the current state by S.M.A.R.T. analysis and, if necessary, “correctly” format the device using the HDD Low Level Format Tool utility, it scored the most points in our thematic.

In addition, the performance of classic hard drives depends on how evenly the data is distributed over the surface. Many different system utilities contain the function of structuring files (defragmentation). Among the specialized solutions, we single out and .

Windows optimization programs

Utilities to help optimize operating system, we previously considered in a separate .

Other Factors Affecting Performance

If you are using external devices, do not forget that the communication speed depends on the protocol used. For example, it is better to connect modern phones and flash drives to a USB port that is compatible with the 3.0 protocol, it has a blue color.

Also, do not forget that due to the presence of malware, the computer can noticeably “slow down”. To protect the system, we recommend using antivirus programs; we also dedicated a separate one to them.
