Rainbow tv what will happen next. What to do rainbow tv subscribers

Next week, at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Raduga Holdings S.A. the fate of the Raduga TV satellite operator will be decided. The company, which has not received a license from Roskomnadzor for broadcasting activities in Russia, will stop broadcasting from December 5, 2014.

Anatoly Sosnovsky, a member of the board of directors of DalGeoCom LLC (Raduga TV brand), announced this to ComNews yesterday.

"What will happen to the Raduga TV equipment, people and the company itself in general, the shareholders will decide next week," Anatoly Sosnovsky explained.

The decision to stop broadcasting Raduga TV (the company has been broadcasting in Russia since 2009) was difficult for the operator's shareholders, given the impact it will have on employees, customers, suppliers and all other business stakeholders, says the executive vice president of the Swedish holding Modern Times Group AB (MTG - owns 50% of Raduga Holdings S.A. since 2010), CEO divisions in Russia, CIS and pay TV in emerging markets Irina Gofman.

However, the decision does not affect MTG's Viasat pay-TV business (an MTG-controlled company that provides 15 TV channels in Russia), she added. "Already next year, Viasat will launch five new HD channels in Russia," emphasized Irina Gofman.

According to the press service of Raduga TV, the company "is making every effort to connect subscribers to another provider of satellite broadcasting services and will announce an additional decision before December 6."

According to ComNews Research, Raduga TV's subscriber base at the end of Q2 2014 was about 420,000 subscribers, which is about 3% of the active satellite direct broadcast subscriber base in Russia. Subscribers of CJSC National Satellite Company (Tricolor TV brand) occupy 75.7% of the entire NSTV subscriber base, subscribers of Orion Express LLC (together with the asset Rikor TV acquired in November) - 16%, subscribers of NTV OJSC -Plus" account for 5.3%.

With which operators Raduga TV is negotiating the transfer of subscribers, the company's press service did not specify ComNews yesterday.

“Currently, Tricolor TV is not in official negotiations with Raduga TV. However, we are ready to accept subscribers of any operator and provide them with high-quality content. Tricolor TV takes into account the preferences of the widest audience,” a press release told a ComNews reporter in turn. Tricolor secretary Anastasia Sokolovskaya - Of course, we predict great interest in us from the outside already former users"Rainbow TV". And since we are a commercial operator, it is important for us to develop our subscriber base and increase the number of connected households."

Another satellite television operator, Orion Express, received 40,000 active subscribers in November of this year satellite operator Rikor TV, which ceased operations due to the fact that Roskomnadzor did not issue a broadcasting license to the company (see ComNews, October 10, 2014). "Other agreements concluded, in particular with Raduga TV, on this moment we do not have. Like any successful operator, we are interested in expanding our subscriber base, including through the transfer of subscribers of operators who have ceased their work," said Kirill Makhnovsky, General Director of Orion Express, in an interview with ComNews.

The press service of NTV-Plus refrained from commenting yesterday.

The press service of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS), which, in partnership with Sistema Mass Media (both companies are part of AFK Sistema, the license for satellite broadcasting belongs to Sistema Mass Media's subsidiary, LLC Tsifrovoe TV and radio broadcasting") on November 12 launched satellite television, refused yesterday to clarify ComNews, whether the company is negotiating with "Rainbow TV" to accept subscribers of the satellite operator.

According to Evgeny Evdokimenko, head of research at ComNews Research, Digital TV and Radio Broadcasting, which has been providing services under the MTS brand since November, is the youngest and "hungriest" of all satellite television operators in Russia.

“Given that MTS leased the resource of the ABS-2 spacecraft for satellite TV, through which Raduga TV also broadcast, it can be assumed that on December 6, the co-owners of the company will announce the transfer of its subscriber base specifically to Digital Television and Radio Broadcasting,” Yevgeny Evdokimenko summed up .

The reason for the closure of Raduga TV is the operator's lack of an appropriate broadcasting license, which Roskomnadzor never issued to the company.

"The decision to terminate and start the company's activities is within the competence of the joint-stock company," Roskomnadzor spokesman Vadim Ampelonsky told a ComNews reporter.

On October 25, 2013, the Moscow Arbitration Court held Raduga TV administratively liable, fined the company 40,000 rubles. And already in November last year, Roskomnadzor asked the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs to bring Raduga TV to criminal liability for activities without a broadcasting license. Based on the results of a summer audit, the agency revealed that the operator did not have a universal broadcasting license.

The company has repeatedly tried to obtain a license, but the department refused to issue it, a source in Raduga TV said earlier (see ComNews, November 27, 2013).

In January 2014, due to the company's lack of a broadcasting license, Roskomnadzor demanded that TV channels cease cooperation with the operator (see ComNews, January 13, 2014). The following month, due to the lack of a broadcasting license from Raduga TV, the Swedish holding MTG wrote off 100% of intangible assets in the amount of about 800 million rubles from the balance sheet. This is goodwill, which was formed when Raduga TV was bought at a price higher than the book value.

A little later, also in February, Raduga TV received two licenses from Roskomnadzor for television and radio broadcasting of the Raduga 24 and Selected TV channels, the presence of which allowed the operator to apply to the regulator for a universal broadcasting license. And already in August of this year, the court accepted a statement from Roskomnadzor on bringing Raduga TV to administrative responsibility for the company's activities without a broadcasting license. The absence of such a license, in accordance with part 2 of article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, entails a fine in the amount of 40 thousand to 50 thousand rubles. (See ComNews February 13, 2014).

In September, the head of Raduga TV, Olga Abramova, left the company for family reasons. A little earlier, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs brought Raduga TV to criminal liability for broadcasting without a proper license. According to Vadim Ampelonsky, in July of this year, the department received a notification from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GU MVD) for Moscow, which indicated that a criminal case had been initiated against Raduga TV at the request of the federal service to law enforcement agencies. "Now investigative measures are being carried out," Vadim Ampelonsky said.

However, Olga Abramova denied information about any investigative actions against the company and stressed that the operator continues to provide services as usual (see ComNews, September 4, 2014).

Leave the antenna, but change the converter on it to a linear one. Be sure to redirect the antenna to the MTS satellite. Install a set-top box or cam-module from MTS on your TV. If the antenna has a diameter of 0.55m, change the antenna, MTS requires a minimum of 0.6m.

From NTV Plus to MTS

From Telecard to MTS

If your previous operator is Telekarta (Continent, Orion-Express), then you can leave the antenna as a whole, along with the converter, since it is also suitable for receiving the MTS signal. Just connect the MTS set-top box / cam-module to the TV, point the antenna at the desired satellite and enjoy watching.

From Raduga-TV to MTS

Since the end of December 2014, the satellite operator RADUGA TV has stopped broadcasting.

The platform channels were broadcast from the ABS satellite (75 ° east longitude) - MTS satellite television also operates in the same position, therefore, in order to continue watching satellite TV, former Raduga subscribers do not need a complete replacement and reconfiguration of equipment - it is enough to purchase only a set-top box / cam- MTS module. The antenna and converter do not need to be changed or reconfigured.

Leave the antenna, but change the converter on it to a linear one. Be sure to redirect the antenna to the MTS satellite. Install a set-top box or cam-module from MTS on your TV. If the antenna has a diameter of 0.55m, change the antenna, MTS requires a minimum of 0.6m.

From NTV Plus to MTS

From Telecard to MTS

If your previous operator is Telekarta (Continent, Orion-Express), then you can leave the antenna as a whole, along with the converter, since it is also suitable for receiving the MTS signal. Just connect the MTS set-top box / cam-module to the TV, point the antenna at the desired satellite and enjoy watching.

From Raduga-TV to MTS

Since the end of December 2014, the satellite operator RADUGA TV has stopped broadcasting.

The platform channels were broadcast from the ABS satellite (75 ° east longitude) - MTS satellite television also operates in the same position, therefore, in order to continue watching satellite TV, former Raduga subscribers do not need a complete replacement and reconfiguration of equipment - it is enough to purchase only a set-top box / cam- MTS module. The antenna and converter do not need to be changed or reconfigured.

It's no secret that the operator Raduga TV stops broadcasting on May 31, 2015 (a limited package is being broadcast from December 5, 2014, in fairness, we note that it is absolutely free). Our company offers special conditions for the speedy transition of Raduga subscribers to the new satellite operator Telekarta!


1.Practically all receivers who worked with Raduga TV, Also support and TELECARD TV.

2. The difference between these two satellites is just 10 degrees, so it's easy enough turn a little antenna, though you need to do this correctly and carefully.

3. When purchasing a TELECARD access card, pay attention to its encoding - cards are available both in IRDETO encoding and in CONAX encoding. You need to choose Irdeto, although both cards will work in most cases.

4.If you have a DVB-S receiver (eg GI 1025), you can
watch about 30 channels, to view the full package you it is desirable to buy DVB-S2/MPEG4 receiver, it's inexpensive but expands the channel list 7 (seven!!!) times.

What is needed for the transition?

For the transition, you will need to reconfigure your satellite dish to a new satellite of the Telecard, Continent - Intelsat 15 (85.2 ° E), or Express AM5 (140.0 ° E). Search for channels on your receiver, activate the card and watch up to 100 channels on the Standard package for only 1200 rubles. per year, or up to 200 channels on the Unlimited package. Including up to 20 HD** . Up to 40 channels for free***. For fans of local news, the channel packages also include the popular Novosibirsk channel 49.

And now a little more: If the map and its subsequent activation on the spot does not cause difficulties, then reconfiguring the satellite dish and receiver may cause minor difficulties.

I’ll make a reservation right away if you don’t know why you need satellite dish, you don’t want to hear about transponders, frequencies, polarizations, there is absolutely no time, you don’t have to read the rest of the text, but which, in the minimum time, will reconfigure your receiving equipment. For those who want and can go further, we continue. Information on the satellites of the Rainbow and Telecards can be taken on the Internet, for example, You can use the special. computer programs. I also liked the program for Android OS, for smartphones and. The program is called SatFinder, it is absolutely free and very easy to download from Google Play. Here is what she gives out regarding the satellites we need.

As you can see from the numbers and pictures the difference in the position of the dish is only 10 degrees in the horizontal plane. We pass to an important stage - antenna rotation. If you need to adjust the antenna from scratch, then perhaps this one will help you. So, carefully loosen the nuts that fasten the rotation of our antenna, you don’t need to loosen it too much, just so that the antenna can rotate.
