Abstract: Microsoft Word text editor and Excel spreadsheet. Microsoft Word text editor and Excel spreadsheet processor Word and spreadsheet processors

Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

Faculty of Economics

Department of automated information processing


On educational practice in informatics

Novosibirsk 2006

1. Text editor MICROSOFT WORD

MICROSOFTWORD is the most widely used text editor.

A universal text editor that can be used to prepare layouts for printed publications.

Text editors are programs for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents. The document may contain, in addition to text, other objects (tables, diagrams, figures, etc.).

When evaluating work with a word processor, take into account:

The number of keystrokes required to perform a particular operation;

The speed of displaying text on the screen during the initial load, when different ways moving through the text, when deleting, inserting and copying text fragments;

· Convenience of calling explanatory texts - tips, their completeness, speed of displaying on the screen;

· The number of simultaneously processed files;

· Ability to introduce new fonts and alphabets;

· Overall volume random access memory occupied by a word processor and others.

Additional services of word processors are:

- checking and correcting spelling errors by comparing each word of the text with a dictionary;

– automatic indexing, i.e. selecting words from the text according to a certain criterion and entering them into ordered lists;

- automatic compilation of a table of contents according to a given text;

– preparation of text for phototypesetting, which provides high-quality reproduction of a document in large quantities.

Word processor can be downloaded

- via the command "Start" / Program / Microsoft Word

- via a shortcut on the desktop (double-click on the Microsoft Word shortcut).

The standard setting can be done by left-clicking on the menu bar the command "Tools / settings / standard".

In order to check the setting of the “Formula Master” installation, you need to press the command on the “Tools / Settings” menu bar in the “Commands” sub-item to find the “Formula Master” we need, it can also be located on the toolbar and is indicated by the button

Entering text from the keyboard is carried out in the same way as in the text editor NortonCommander. The peculiarity here is that there are always 3 elements in the working field of the editor.

- insertion cursor. It specifies the position of the field in which the next character will be displayed from the keyboard.

- mark of the end of the text. It indicates the end of the document.

- mouse cursor.

The template is a document blank in which you need to enter the missing data: what and where is clearly indicated.

The master is the program. It creates a document based on the interests of the user.

Text formatting is the process of setting the parameters of a piece of text that determine the appearance text in this section. Before changing the parameters, a piece of text must be selected. If the fragment is not selected, the current parameters will change.

To set the parameters of a paragraph, use the "Paragraph" command from the "Format" menu. paragraph indents and intervals, you must select the "Indents and intervals" tab.

You can use the commands on the "Numbering" menu bar to format the text. On the menu bar, go to the "Format / List" command, and select a bulleted or numbered list.

In order to prepare a resume, on the menu bar, go to the command "file\create\resume master".

You must select the design style - standard, design type - normal, then you need to print your last name, first name, patronymic, address and other information. Data about yourself, optional if you want to include anything else. After completing each step, you must click "next", and at the end "finished". In the summary window that appears, we enter our data.

To create a formula, we use the Formula Wizard. This command can be printed on the line below the icon

. If it is not there, then you need to go to the “service / settings”, find the “Formula Wizard” there and display it on the screen.

To create our formula, go to the Formula Wizard. Selecting a pattern of fractions and radicals to print

X you can go to English language or in the “Formula Wizard” the “Greek Letters” template, then we need to put a degree - this is already an index template. ;

We first use the pattern of brackets, insert into them using the pattern of Greek letters and insert indices into them

. . then a pattern of fractions and radicals. In order to create the scheme we need, you need to go to the "View / Toolbar" menu and check the box next to the "draw" command. We use the "arrow" and "rectangle", "oval" commands.

In order to create a table in a text editor, you can go to "Table / draw a table" there to determine the number of rows and columns. Then enter the data we need. In order to calculate, you need to go to the "Table / Formula". Enter the formula by which you want to solve. In our case, division. So for each line

Table 1. Productivity of cereals and leguminous crops

Name of areas 1995 1996 1997 1998 98/95 (%)
Altai region 9 7 5,7 8,8 97.78
East Siberian region 12,1 9,8 13,1 11,3 92.86
West Siberian region 12,1 9,6 10,4 9,2 76.03
Irkutsk region 15,8 12,2 18 14 86.6
Kemerovo region 14,8 8,9 13,1 10,8 72.79
Krasnoyarsk region 9,8 5,7 10,2 6,7 68.37
Novosibirsk region 13,7 9,7 12,6 9,5 69.34
Omsk region 13,1 12,9 11,8 7,6 58.01
Altai Republic 6,3 4,8 3,2 5,2 82.53
The Republic of Buryatia 8 7,2 8,2 10,7 133.75
Tyva Republic 3,8 2,7 4,4 3,5 92.1
tomsk region 15,1 6,8 13,7 12,3 81.46
Tyumen region 18,2 15,6 20,8 12,7 69.78

2. spreadsheet processor excel

A spreadsheet processor is, in essence, a combination of a text editor with an electronic calculator.

It can be used as a large mathematical calculator when you need to quickly calculate tabular data using some formulas.

It allows you to create a table, include formulas for calculating tabular data in it, perform calculations using these formulas, write the resulting table to disk and then use it repeatedly, changing only the data.

Modern spreadsheet processors provide the presentation of tabular data in graphical form - in the form of graphs and charts. Moreover, they allow you to design them, like tables, very professionally and colorfully, without spending much effort. In this respect, they are irreplaceable.

But it should be noted that the spreadsheet is not a universal computing tool, as many believe. It is capable of solving a rather limited range of standard tasks, mainly of an economic nature.

Another well-established misconception needs to be dispelled. It is considered a great advantage of a spreadsheet processor that “solving a problem with its help does not require the participation of a programmer. The user independently solves his problem from start to finish. That is, apparently, it means that there is no need to draw up a program for solving the problem.

However, when solving a problem using a spreadsheet, a program is also compiled: those formulas that “the user enters on their own” are the program, only in structure it is linear, and therefore its creation does not cause difficulties.

Working with a spreadsheet also requires drawing up an algorithm, but here it is usually called a decision scheme. For simple tasks, the scheme is very simple and of the same type, but to draw up a similar scheme for a more or less serious task is not a very simple matter, perhaps even more complicated than drawing up an appropriate algorithm for a BASIC program - high qualifications in this area and good knowledge are required. spreadsheet processor, all its capabilities.

It is also required here to perform the mathematical formulation of problems (non-standard), but for some reason they usually forget about all this. And one more thing: a professional should work with a spreadsheet processor, while an end user can work with a program in BASIC or another language, i.e. any citizen of Russia.

Excel allows you to solve the standard range of tasks for this type, and with a high degree of comfort for the user. In addition, it contains tools that significantly expand its capabilities as a spreadsheet processor.

So, it makes it possible to work with small databases when a simple data selection is required according to a certain criterion; contains built-in macro programming tools that allow you to combine the capabilities of a spreadsheet processor and the VisualBasic language and develop complete programs for end users (simple programs for accounting, warehouse accounting). It is these tools that dramatically increase the value of Excel and expand its scope.

Text editor is a program used specifically for entering and editing textual data.

This data can be a program or a document or a book. The edited text is displayed on the screen, and the user can make his own changes in the dialog mode.

Text editors can provide a variety of functions, namely:

editing lines of text;

Possibility to use different character fonts;

copying and transferring part of the text from one place to another or from one document to another;

contextual search and replacement of parts of the text;

setting arbitrary line spacing;

automatic word wrapping to a new line;

automatic page numbering;

processing and numbering of footnotes;

alignment of the edges of the paragraph;

Creation of tables and construction of diagrams;

Spell check of words and selection of synonyms;

construction of tables of contents and subject indexes;

Printing out the prepared text on the printer in the required number of copies, etc.

The possibilities of text editors are different - from programs designed to prepare small documents of a simple structure, to programs for typing, design and complete preparation for printing publication of books and magazines (publishing systems).

The most famous word processor is Microsoft Word .

spreadsheet processor - a set of interrelated programs designed to process spreadsheets.

Spreadsheet - This is the computer equivalent of a regular table, consisting of rows and columns, at the intersection of which there are cells that contain numerical information, formulas or text.

The value in the numerical cell of the table can either be written down or calculated using the appropriate formula; the formula may contain references to other cells.

Each time a value in a table cell changes as a result of writing a new value to it from the keyboard recalculated also the values ​​in all those cells in which there are values ​​that depend on this cell.

Columns and lines can be assigned names. The monitor screen is treated as a window through which you can view the table in whole or in parts.

Table processors are convenient tool for accounting and statistical calculations. Each package has hundreds of built-in mathematical functions and statistical processing algorithms. In addition, there are powerful tools for linking tables to each other, creating and editing electronic databases.

Special tools allow you to automatically receive and print customized reports using dozens of various types tables, graphs, diagrams, provide them with comments and graphic illustrations.

Table processors have a built-in help system A that provides the user with information on specific menu commands and other help data. Multidimensional tables allow you to quickly make selections in the database by any criterion.

Most popular spreadsheet processors - Microsoft Excel(Excel) And Lotus 1-2-3 .

IN Microsoft Excel many routine operations are automated, special templates help to create reports, import data and much more.

Lotus 1-2-3- professional spreadsheet processor. wide graphics capabilities and user-friendly package interface allow you to quickly navigate it. With it, you can create any financial document, report for accounting, draw up a budget, and then place all these documents in databases.

Example No. 1 TEXT AND SPEECH PROCESSORS Quite often, when creating a document, it becomes necessary to insert into it a fragment from documents created in other software environments. This fragment may have a different data type in relation to the document into which it is inserted. For example, to text created in the Word text editor. Pad, you need to include a BMP bitmap created in graphics editor Paint, as well as a table, the data type of which is determined by the Excel spreadsheet, etc. As a result, a document appears that includes data of various types created in various applications. This situation can also occur when using a single application. For example, when you create vector drawings in the word processor application Word, you save them in a file, assuming their further use. Then you type text in the same application and in right places insert previously created drawings. There are fragments of different types of data - text and drawing, although they were created in the same application. The main thing in the considered examples is that the document, although it consists of heterogeneous data, does not outwardly show this in any way. It can be printed, stored and any other actions can be performed with it as with a regular document created in some kind of environment and containing the same type of data. Such a document is called a composite or integrated document. Applied Linguistics ♦ Olesya G. Chamina ♦ o. [email protected] en

Example No. 2 TEXT AND SPEECH PROCESSORS The concept of a compound document Quite often, when creating a document, it becomes necessary to insert into it a fragment from documents created in other software environments. This fragment may have a different data type in relation to the document into which it is inserted. For example, to text created in the Word text editor. Pad, you need to include a BMP bitmap created in the Paint graphics editor, as well as a table whose data type is determined by the Excel spreadsheet, etc. As a result, a document appears that includes data of various types created in various applications. This situation can also occur when using a single application. For example, when you create vector drawings in the word processor application Word, you save them in a file, assuming their further use. Then you type text in the same application and insert previously created drawings in the right places. There are fragments of different types of data - text and drawing, although they were created in the same application. The main thing in the considered examples is that the document, although it consists of heterogeneous data, does not outwardly show this in any way. It can be printed, stored and any other actions can be performed with it as with a regular document created in some kind of environment and containing the same type of data. Such a document is called a composite or integrated document. Applied Linguistics ♦ Olesya G. Chamina ♦ o. [email protected] en

Example No. 3 TEXT AND SPEECH PROCESSORS The concept of a compound document Quite often, when creating a document, it becomes necessary to insert into it a fragment from documents created in other software environments. This fragment may have a different data type in relation to the document into which it is inserted. For example, to text created in the Word text editor. Pad, you need to include a BMP bitmap created in the Paint graphics editor, as well as a table whose data type is determined by the Excel spreadsheet, etc. As a result, a document appears that includes data of various types created in various applications. This situation can also occur when using a single application. For example, when you create vector drawings in the word processor application Word, you save them in a file, assuming their further use. Then you type text in the same application and insert previously created drawings in the right places. There are fragments of different types of data - text and drawing, although they were created in the same application. The main thing in the considered examples is that the document, although it consists of heterogeneous data, does not outwardly show this in any way. It can be printed, stored and any other actions can be performed with it as with a regular document created in some kind of environment and containing the same type of data. Such a document is called a composite or integrated document. Applied Linguistics ♦ Olesya G. Chamina ♦ o. [email protected] en

Example No. 4 TEXT AND SPEECH PROCESSORS The concept of a compound document Quite often, when creating a document, it becomes necessary to insert into it a fragment from documents created in other software environments. This fragment may have a different data type in relation to the document into which it is inserted. For example, to text created in the Word text editor. Pad, you need to include a BMP bitmap created in the Paint graphics editor, as well as a table whose data type is determined by the Excel spreadsheet, etc. As a result, a document appears that includes data of various types created in various applications. This situation can also occur when using a single application. For example, when you create vector drawings in the word processor application Word, you save them in a file, assuming their further use. Then you type text in the same application and insert previously created drawings in the right places. There are fragments of different types of data - text and drawing, although they were created in the same application. The main thing in the considered examples is that the document, although it consists of heterogeneous data, does not outwardly show this in any way. It can be printed, stored and any other actions can be performed with it as with a regular document created in some kind of environment and containing the same type of data. Such a document is called a composite or integrated document. Applied Linguistics ♦ Olesya G. Chamina ♦ o. [email protected] en

Example No. 5 TEXT AND SPEECH PROCESSORS Quite often, when creating a document, it becomes necessary to insert into it a fragment from documents created in other software environments. This fragment may have a different data type in relation to the document into which it is inserted. For example, in the text created in the WORDPAD text editor, it is necessary to include a BMP bitmap created in the PAINT graphics editor, as well as a table whose data type is determined by the EXCEL spreadsheet processor, etc. As a result, a document appears that includes data of various types, created in various applications. This situation can also occur when using a single application. For example, having created vector drawings in a word processor application WORD, you saved them in a file, assuming their further use. Then you type text in the same application and insert previously created drawings in the right places. There are fragments of different types of data text and drawing, although they were created in the same application. The main thing in the considered examples is that the document, although it consists of heterogeneous data, does not outwardly show this in any way. It can be printed, stored and any other actions can be performed with it as with a regular document created in some kind of environment and containing the same type of data. Such a document is called a composite or integrated document. Applied Linguistics ♦ Olesya G. Chamina ♦ o. [email protected] en

Example No. 6 TEXT AND SPEECH PROCESSORS The concept of a compound document Quite often, when creating a document, it becomes necessary to insert into it a fragment from documents created in other software environments. This fragment may have a different data type in relation to the document into which it is inserted. For example, to text created in the Word text editor. Pad, you need to include a BMP bitmap created in the Paint graphics editor, as well as a table whose data type is determined by the Excel spreadsheet, etc. As a result, a document appears that includes data of various types created in various APPLICATIONS. This situation can also occur when using a single application. For example, Applied Linguistics ♦ Chamina Olesya Grigorievna ♦ o. [email protected] en

TEXT AND SPEECH PROCESSORS Example No. 7 Introduction CONTENTS Chapter one. THEORETICAL PART 1. 1 Paragraph 1 1. 2 Paragraph 2 1. 2. 1 Subparagraph 1 Chapter two. PRACTICAL PART 2. 1 Paragraph 1 2. 2 Paragraph 2 2. 2. 1 Subparagraph 1 Conclusion References Appendix Applied Linguistics ♦ Chamina Olesya Grigorievna ♦ o. [email protected] en

TEXT AND SPEECH PROCESSORS Example No. 8 1. 1 Paragraph 1 Chapter One. THEORETICAL PART Quite often, when creating a document, it becomes necessary to insert into it a fragment from documents created in other software environments. This fragment may have a different data type in relation to the document into which it is inserted. For example, to text created in the Word text editor. Pad, you must include a BMP bitmap created in the Paint editor, as well as a table whose data type is determined by an Excel spreadsheet, etc. 1. 2 Paragraph 2 1. 2. 1 Subparagraph 1 As a result, a document appears that includes data different types created in different applications. This situation can also occur when using a single application. For example, when you create vector drawings in the word processor application Word, you save them in a file, assuming their further use. Chapter two. PRACTICAL PART Next, you type text in the same application and insert previously created drawings in the right places. There are fragments of different types of data - text and drawing, although they were created in the same application. Applied Linguistics ♦ Olesya G. Chamina ♦ o. [email protected] en

TEXT AND SPEECH PROCESSORS Example #8 Federal Agency for Education State educational institution higher professional education Ulyanovsk State Technical University Center for Open Education FIST COURSE WORK "HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT OF HYPERTEXT TECHNOLOGIES" Completed by: student gr. Lvu-11 Ivanova Maria Checked: Art. Lecturer of the cycle "Applied Linguistics" Chamina O. G. Ulyanovsk 2008 Applied Linguistics ♦ Chamina Olesya Grigorievna ♦ o. [email protected] en

TEXT AND SPEECH PROCESSORS Example No. 9 The concept of a compound document Quite often, when creating a document, it becomes necessary to insert into it a fragment from documents created in other software environments. This fragment may have a different data type in relation to the document into which it is inserted. For example, to text created in the Word text editor. Pad, it is necessary to include a bitmap image of the BMP type created in the Paint graphics editor, as well as a table whose data type is determined by the Excel spreadsheet processor, etc. The main thing in the examples considered is that the document, although it doesn't show it on the outside. It can be printed, stored and any other actions can be performed with it as with a regular document created in some kind of environment and containing the same type of data. Such a document is called a composite or integrated document. Applied Linguistics ♦ Olesya G. Chamina ♦ o. [email protected] en

word processor

Great Britain

Great Britain(Fig. 1.4).


spreadsheet processor

The spreadsheet processor is application program for creating and processing spreadsheets. The most common spreadsheet is MS Excel.

What is a spreadsheet? This remedy information technologies, which allows solving a whole range of tasks: first of all, performing calculations. Since ancient times, many calculations have been performed in tabular form, especially in the field of office work: numerous payrolls, tabulagrams, cost estimates, etc. In addition, the solution of a number of mathematical problems by numerical methods; convenient to do in tabular form. Spreadsheets are a handy tool for automating such calculations. Solutions to many computational problems on a computer, which previously could only be done through programming, have become possible to implement. math modeling. Use of mathematical formulas in spreadsheets allows you to see the relationship between various parameters some real system. The main property of spreadsheets is the instantaneous recalculation of formulas when the values ​​of their operands change. Thanks to this property, the table is a convenient tool for organizing a numerical experiment:

selection of parameters

prediction of the behavior of the simulated system,

dependency analysis,


Additional convenience for modeling makes it possible graphic representation data - charts; using a spreadsheet as a database. Of course, compared to database management systems, spreadsheets have fewer options in this area. However, some of the data manipulation operations inherent in relational database management systems are implemented in them. This is a search for information on specified conditions and sorting information. Spreadsheets also provide a graphical mode of operation, which allows the graphical representation of the numerical information contained in the table in the form of graphs, charts.

Basic data types: numbers, both in normal and exponential format, text - a sequence of characters consisting of letters, numbers and spaces, formulas. Formulas must begin with an equal sign, and may include numbers, cell names, functions (math, statistics, financial, text, date and time, etc.), and mathematical operation signs. Spreadsheets are easy to use, quickly mastered by non-professional computer users and greatly simplify and speed up the work of accountants, economists, and scientists.

The main elements of spreadsheets (table 1.2).

To be successful in any business, good planning is essential. For proper planning, you need to have accurate, up-to-date and readable information. Here is a very simple trading example. The store sells matches, light bulbs and pencils. The same quantity is delivered from the warehouse every day. Light bulbs and pencils are bought up, but matches remain. In this situation, it would be more profitable to reduce the purchase of matches and redistribute funds for hot goods. But if the bookkeeping in the store is kept in the usual way, so it will become known only at the end of the month, after the balance sheet is drawn up. Next month, the sales picture may change. In this situation, you either have to turn a blind eye to what is happening and, accordingly, lose profits, or appoint a person who will draw up a daily report. Now we complicate the example: the store sells thousands of items, they are not delivered daily and not at the same time, the goods are in seasonal demand, the demand for them is uneven throughout the week. What kind of person can handle these numerous buts... and who can analyze the reports. In addition, in our time, the factor of “information aging” is becoming very relevant. If five years ago we could easily use information that was a month or even a quarter old, today the issued invoice is valid for 3-10 days, the price list is valid for a week, the prices of all transactions are set on the day the transaction is concluded, information about the product can be obtained almost immediately by Internet, e-mail or fax. I would like to add a few words about the convenience of reading the information. If your boss requests information, for example, on sales volumes for the current month, what will you incur? Take any primary documents or income-expense journals, and you can assume that you are halfway to the labor exchange. But if you bring a sales chart or chart that is clear and understandable at a glance, where each product is marked with a bar and profitability margins are also plotted, you can prepare for an increase. The question arises, where can I get this graph or chart, and most importantly, where can I find the working time, which is always not enough to calculate all these kilometer columns and rows of numbers, and even so that the information is “today's”? The answer is simple - you need good computer And software Microsoft Corporation, which will allow you to perform similar work in 10-15 minutes.


The exact concept of a database does not exist. In different situations, this term means different things. We will try to give the following abstract definition:

A database is a set of pieces of information that exists for a long time.

This concept is very broad, so in our case, this term will be a little more complicated. We will work only with computer databases, i.e. those, interaction with which is carried out through special control software - DBMS.

To create a normal database, three main components are needed:

the data itself;



By software, we mean all those tools that allow end users to access and edit data. In addition, this software can solve other problems, such as data security, concurrent access, etc. This whole set of programs is usually called a database management system - DBMS.

Requirements for modern DBMS

A modern DBMS should provide the ability for the user to:

on computers of different architecture with different operating systems;

V computer networks different types working on different protocols;

with various graphic and symbolic systems for presenting information.

A modern DBMS should provide a very wide range of functions. Here are some of them:

support for the logical data model (defining data and operating with them);

data recovery (transactions, logging, checkpoints);

concurrency control;

data confidentiality (security in terms of unauthorized access);

independent optimization of the operation;

other functions (administration, statistics, data distribution, etc.).

Presentation Graphics

Presentation graphics programs are specialized applications designed to create images and display them on a monitor, video projector or TV screen, prepare slide films, cartoons, videos, edit them, and determine the order of images.

The presentation may include the display of charts and graphs. All presentation graphics programs are divided into programs for preparing slide shows and programs for preparing multimedia presentations.

The presentation requires a preliminary presentation plan. For each slide, design is carried out: the content of the slide, size, composition of elements, ways of designing them, etc. are determined. Data for use in slides can be prepared manually, as well as received as a result of the exchange from other software systems.

Suppose we are a firm and that our firm wants to introduce its products to a group of potential customers. Accordingly, we must tell as many interesting things as possible about our product: about how long we have been working on the market, about relations with other companies in our country and abroad, about how our business is developing. In other words, we must convince the audience that we are a reliable and solid partner, that the customer will not have any problems in the process of working with us. How we cope with this task, of course, will depend on the commercial success of our enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the preparation of the report and try to conduct it at the proper level using the most modern technologies. In my essay, I consider one of the most convenient programs PowerPoint, which allows you to prepare a presentation that is easy to understand, user-friendly, and does not limit the number of participants. This performance creation system has been repeatedly used in various enterprises, which indicates its practical value. In my work, I will talk in detail about creating a presentation and about those techniques that allow you to get in close contact with the audience and make a stronger impression on them.

With this program, you can prepare a presentation using slides that can then be printed on transparencies, paper, 35mm slides or simply shown on a computer screen, you can also create a summary of the report and material for distribution to the audience.

PowerPoint creates a presentation file that has the .ppt extension and contains a set of slides. The program provides the user with a large number of presentation templates on various topics. Such templates contain slides designed in a certain way. In addition, you can change the artwork of any presentation template by choosing a design of your liking. This will change only the appearance of the presentation, not its content. And, finally, we have enough time and feel the ability of a designer in ourselves, we can start working on a presentation from scratch - PowerPoint has all the means for this.

word processor

Word Processor - computer program, used for writing and modifying documents, arranging text layout, and preview documents in the form in which they will be printed.

Modern word processors, in addition to formatting fonts and paragraphs and spell checking, include features that were previously only found on the desktop. publishing systems, including creating tables and inserting graphic images

Tables in word processor

Consider creating and editing tables using the example of creating a table Great Britain. The first thing you should pay attention to is how many columns and rows the table is based on. In our case, there are three rows and three columns.

1. On the Insert ribbon, under Tables, select Table.

2. Move the mouse pointer to select three rows and three columns (Fig. 1.1). You can also use the Insert Table command from the same menu.

3. Merge the lines in the first column. To do this, select the cells of the first column and on the ribbon Working with tables: Layout in the Merge section, select the Merge cells command (Fig. 1.2).

4. Similarly combine the second and third row in the second column; as well as the first cells in the second and third columns (Fig. 1.3).

5. Fill in the top cell of the table by typing in the center Great Britain(Fig. 1.4).

6. Format the text in the table cells in the center both horizontally and vertically: on the Table Tools: Layout ribbon, in the Alignment section, select the Align Center icon (Fig. 1.5).

7. Add a picture from the file to the first column: on the Insert ribbon, in the Illustrations section, select the Picture icon (Fig. 1.6).

8. Adjust the width of the first column by making it smaller. Place the mouse pointer on the border between the columns (fig.1.7). Drag the mouse left or right to change the column width.

While row heights can be changed in a similar way, try not to use this method. By changing the height "manually" once, you permanently lose the ability to automatically adjust the height of the cell depending on its contents. Therefore, each time you edit the contents of the cells, you will have to monitor and adjust the height of the cell yourself

9. Fill in the remaining cells of the table with data (Fig. 1.8).

A feature of spreadsheet processors is that with their help you can not only enter data into table cells, edit and format them, but also use formulas to describe the relationship between values ​​stored in different cells. Calculation by given formulas performed automatically. Changing the contents of any one cell leads to recalculation of the values ​​of all cells that are associated with it by formula relations, and thus, when updating any private data, the entire table is updated automatically. The class of programs used for this purpose is called spreadsheet processors, or, more simply, spreadsheets.

The use of spreadsheets simplifies the work with data and allows you to get results without manual calculations or special programming. Spreadsheets have found the widest application in economic and accounting calculations. They can be effectively used for:

Automatic processing of interdependent data;

Automation of final calculations;

Creation of pivot tables;

Maintaining simple databases;

Processing database records;

Collaboration with economic or accounting documents;

preparations spreadsheet documents;

Construction of charts and graphs according to the available data.

One of the most common means of working with documents that have a tabular structure is Microsoft program Excel. It is designed to work with data tables, mostly numeric. When forming a table, input, editing and formatting of textual and numerical data, as well as formulas are performed. The availability of automation tools facilitates these operations. The created table can be printed.

Basic Spreadsheet Concepts

Excel document called a workbook. The workbook is a set worksheets, each of which has a tabular structure and can contain one or more tables. In the document window Excel program only the current worksheet of the active workbook is displayed. Each worksheet has Name, which is displayed on sheet tab, displayed at the bottom. With the help of shortcuts, you can switch between worksheets included in the same workbook. To rename a worksheet, double-click on its tab.

The worksheet tablespace consists of lines And columns. The columns are titled with capital Latin letters and, further, with two-letter combinations. In total, the worksheet can contain up to 256 columns, numbered from A to IV. Lines are consecutively numbered from 1 to 65536 (the maximum allowed line number).

Cell addressing. At the intersection of columns and rows, cells tables. They are the minimum elements of data storage. The designation of an individual cell combines the column and row numbers (in that order) at the intersection of which it is located, for example: A1 or DE234. The cell designation (its number) performs an address function. Cell addresses are used when writing formulas that determine the relationship between values ​​located in different cells.

One of the cells is always active and stand out border of the active cell. This frame in Excel plays a role table cursor. Input and editing operations are always performed in the active cell. You can move the frame of the active cell using the cursor keys or the mouse pointer.

Block of cells. Data located in adjacent cells can be referred to in formulas as a whole. This group of cells is called block. The most commonly used rectangular ranges are formed at the intersection of a group of consecutive rows and a group of consecutive columns. A block of cells is designated by indicating, through a colon, the numbers of cells located in opposite corners of the rectangle, for example: A1:C15.

Entering, editing and formatting data

Data type . A single cell can contain data of one of three types:


number or formula, - and also remain empty.

Excel, when saving a workbook, writes to the file only the rectangular area of ​​the worksheets adjacent to the left top corner(cell A1) and containing all filled cells.

The type of data placed in a cell is determined automatically when entered. If the data can be interpreted as a number, Excel does just that. Otherwise, the data is treated as text. Formula input always begins with the symbol "=" (equal sign).

Enter text and numbers. Data entry is carried out directly in the current cell or in formula line, located at the top of the program window directly below the toolbars. The content of the formula bar always matches the content of the current cell, so both input methods are equal. The entry point is marked with a text cursor. If you start typing by pressing the alphanumeric keys, the data in the current cell is replaced by the text you type. If you click on the formula bar or double-click on the current cell, the old content of the cell is not deleted and you can edit it. In any case, the input data is displayed both in the cell and in the formula bar.

To complete the input, saving the entered data, use the Enter button in the formula bar or the ENTER key on the keyboard. To cancel the changes made and restore the previous value of the cell, use the "Cancel" button in the formula bar or the ESC key. The easiest way to clear the current cell or selected range is to use the DELETE key.

Formatting cell contents. Text data is left-aligned by default, while numbers are right-aligned. How calculations are performed does not depend on how the data is formatted, but for a person, the appearance of the data allows you to quickly determine its purpose.

Numeric formats. For economic calculations, three fundamentally different formats for recording numbers are used: normal numerical, financial And date format.

Regular number format used to record various abstract numbers, for example: the amount of any product, interest rate, age, etc.

Used to record money financial formats that differ in the indication of the monetary unit (for example, r.) and a fixed number of characters after the decimal separator (usually two digits denoting kopecks). Of course, you can write money amounts in ordinary numbers, but when working with a financial format, the program approaches the rounding of numbers differently and controls that as a result of numerous operations with very large amounts not a single penny is lost.

For the record dates you can use different formatting options, but you need to be aware that, for example, the entry October 22, 1999 also means a number. Also note that although dates are also numbers, not all numeric operations are possible with them. So, for example, the date difference has physical meaning, and the sum of the dates makes no sense.

Text formats. Text formats are used to write text strings and numeric non-numeric data. Such data includes, for example: postal codes, telephone numbers, registration numbers and other digital designations. Despite the fact that phone numbers are written in numbers, arithmetic operations with them do not make any sense.

Changing the format of data in a cell. To change the display format of data in the current cell or in the selected range of cells, use the "Format" command ® "Cells". The tabs of the dialog box that opens allow you to select the format for recording data (number of decimal places, specifying the currency, how the date is written, etc.), set the direction of the text and the method of its alignment, determine the font and character style, control the display and appearance of frames, set the background color.

Spreadsheet calculations

Formulas. Calculations in Excel tables are carried out using formulas. The formula may contain numeric constants, cell references And functions Excel, connected by signs of mathematical operations. Parentheses allow you to change the standard order of actions. If a cell contains a formula, then only the current result of that formula calculation is displayed in the worksheet. To see the formula itself, and not the result of its work, you need to select the cell (make it current) and look at the entry that is displayed in the formula bar.

Links. Instead of numbers in the formula, cell names can be used - it is customary to say, cell references. Links act as addresses of cells whose contents are used in calculations. This means that the result of the calculation depends on what numbers are in the cells involved in the calculation. So the cell containing the formula is dependent. The value in a dependent cell is subject to recalculation whenever the values ​​in the cells referenced in the formula change.

1. cell address can be entered manually;

2. The other way is to select the range whose address you want to enter. The cell or range is highlighted with a dotted frame.

All dialog boxes Excel programs that require you to specify cell numbers or ranges have buttons attached to the appropriate fields. To edit a formula, double-click on the appropriate cell. In this case, the cells (ranges) on which the value of the formula depends are highlighted on the worksheet with colored frames, and the links themselves are displayed in the cell and in the formula bar in the same color. This makes it easier to edit and validate formulas.

Relative addressing . The addressing method of links determines what will happen to them when copying a formula from one cell to another. By default, cell references in formulas are treated as relative. This means that the addresses in links are automatically changed when copying a formula from one cell to another. They are aligned with the relative position of the original cell and the copy being created.

Let us explain this circumstance with an example. Let, for example, in cell B2 there is a link to cell A3, which is located one column to the left and one line below. If the formula is copied into another cell, then this relative reference will be preserved. For example, when copying a formula into cell EA27, the reference will continue to point to the cell to the left and below, in this case cell DZ28.

Absolute addressing. At absolute addressing addresses of links are not changed when a formula is copied, so the cell pointed to by the link is treated as a constant. To change the addressing method when editing a formula, select the cell reference and press the F4 key. Cell number elements that use absolute addressing are preceded by the $ character. For example, if you press the F4 key in succession, the cell number A1 will be written as A1, $A$1, A$1, and $A1. In the last two cases, one of the components of the cell number is treated as absolute, and the other as relative.

Copying Cell Contents

Copying and moving cells in Excel can be done by drag and drop or through the clipboard. When working with a small number of cells, it is convenient to use the drag and drop method; when working with large ranges, it is more convenient to use the clipboard.

Drag method. To use drag and drop to copy or move the current cell (selected range) along with the contents, hover the mouse pointer over the frame of the current cell (it will take the form of an arrow). Now the cell can be dragged to any place on the worksheet (the insertion point is marked with a tooltip).

To select how to perform this operation, as well as for more reliable control over it, it is recommended to use a special drag and drop using the right mouse button. In this case, when the button is released, a special menu appears in which you can select the specific operation to be performed.

Copying and moving data through the clipboard. The transfer of information through the clipboard has certain features in the Excel program related to the complexity of control over this operation. First you need to select the copied range and give a command to place it on the clipboard: "Edit" ® "Copy" or "Edit" ® "Cut". Inserting data into a worksheet is only possible immediately after placing them on the clipboard. An attempt to perform any other operation will cancel the ongoing copy or move process. However, there is no data loss because the "cut" data is removed from its original location only when the insert is successfully completed.

The insertion point is determined by specifying the cell corresponding to the upper left corner of the range placed on the clipboard, or by selecting the range that is exactly the size of the copied (moved). To control the insertion method, you can use the command " Special insert". In this case, the rules for pasting data from the clipboard are set in the dialog box that opens.

Input automation

Because tables often contain repetitive or similar data, Excel provides tools to automate input. The funds provided include: autocomplete, autocomplete numbers And autocomplete formulas.

Autocomplete. To automate the input of text data, the autocomplete method is used. It is used when entering text strings in the cells of one column of the worksheet, among which there are duplicates. This situation often occurs when using a working excel books as a database.

When entering text into the next cell, the program checks the compliance of the entered characters with the lines in this column above. If a one-to-one match is found, the entered text is automatically completed. Pressing the ENTER key confirms the autocomplete operation, otherwise You can continue entering without paying attention to the proposed option.

You can abort the autocomplete by leaving a blank cell in the column. Conversely, to use the autocomplete features, filled cells must be in a row, with no gaps between them.

Autocomplete numbers. When working with numbers, the autocomplete method is used. There is a black square in the lower right corner of the frame of the current cell - this is fill marker. When you hover over it, the mouse pointer (it usually looks like a thick white cross) takes the form of a thin black cross. Dragging a fill handle is treated as an operation to "multiply" the contents of a cell in either the horizontal or vertical direction.

If a cell contains a number (including a date or an amount of money), then dragging the marker either copies the cells or fills them with data according to the law of arithmetic progression. To select the autocomplete method, a special drag and drop using the right mouse button should be performed.

Using Standard Functions

Standard functions are used in Excel only in formulas. The function call consists in specifying in the formula function name, followed by parentheses parameter list. The individual parameters are separated in the list by a semicolon. A number, a cell address, or an arbitrary expression can be used as a parameter, which can also be calculated using functions.

Formula palette. If you start entering a formula by clicking on the "Change formula" button (in the formula bar), then below the formula bar appears formula palette, having the properties of a dialog box. It contains the value that would result if the formula was immediately terminated. A drop-down list of functions now appears on the left side of the formula bar, where the current cell number used to be. It contains ten features that have been used most recently.

Using the Function Wizard. Selecting "More Functions" will launch the Function Wizard to help you select desired function. In the "Category" list, select the category to which the function belongs (if it is difficult to determine the category, use the "Full alphabetical list" item), and in the "Function" list - a specific function of this category.

Entering function parameters. As you enter function parameters, the formula palette changes appearance. It displays the fields for entering parameters. If the parameter name is indicated in bold, then this parameter is required and the corresponding field must be filled in. Parameters whose names are given in normal font can be omitted. At the bottom of the palette is short description functions, as well as the assignment of the variable parameter.

Parameters can be entered directly into the formula bar or into the fields of the formula palette, and if they are links, they can be selected on the worksheet. If a parameter is specified, its value is indicated in the formula palette, and for omitted parameters, the default values ​​are indicated. The rules for calculating formulas containing functions do not differ from the rules for calculating simpler formulas. Cell references used as function parameters can also be relative or absolute, which is taken into account when copying formulas using AutoComplete.

Final calculations. Most of the features available through the wizard are for scientific computing. A separate category is also made up of "Financial functions", designed to perform calculations related to monetary amounts. In economic and accounting calculations, they are mainly used final functions. A common property of these functions is that their list of parameters can contain an unknown number of parameters (or a range of indefinite size), and the result of the calculation is a single number that somehow characterizes the entire set of parameters. So, the final calculations involve obtaining numerical characteristics that describe a certain data set as a whole. For example, it is possible to calculate:

The sums of the values ​​of the elements included in the set;

Average value and other statistical characteristics;

The numbers or proportions of elements in a set that meet certain conditions.

Total calculations in Excel are performed using built-in functions. The peculiarity of the final functions is that when they are set, the program tries to “guess” which cells contain the data set being processed, and set the function parameters automatically.

As a parameter of the final function, a rectangular range of cells is most often set, the size of which is determined automatically. The selected range is treated as a separate parameter ("array"), and all the cells that make up it are used in the calculations.

Summation. The most typical of the functions intended for summary calculations is the summation function (SUM). This is the only function for which there is a separate button on the standard toolbar (the "AutoSum" button). The summation range, which is automatically selected, includes cells with data located above the current cell (preferred) or to the left of it and forming a continuous block. When a selection is ambiguous, the range immediately adjacent to the current cell is used.

Automatic selection of the range does not exclude the possibility of editing the formula. You can override the range that was automatically selected, as well as set additional options for the function.

Other functions of total calculations. Other functions for the final calculations are selected in the usual way, using the drop-down list in the formula bar or using the function wizard. These functions include, for example, the functions VARI (calculates the variance), MAX (maximum number in a range), AVERAGE (arithmetic mean of the numbers in a range), COUNT (count cells with numbers in a range), and others. The listed functions belong to the Statistical category.

Functions designed to perform summary calculations are often used when using Excel tables as a database, namely against the background of filtering records or when creating pivot tables.
