Russian-language search engine for tor. What do the dark depths of the Darknet hide? How to get there via computer, Android and iPhone

Remember that the Tor browser is absolutely not enough for anonymous surfing, much less for any active actions on the darknet. We recommend using Onion Browser in conjunction with a VPN. CyberGhost is best suited for these purposes:

  • does not save any logs (not even connection metadata);
  • does not leak IP, DNS or WebRTC;
  • best data encryption AES-256;
  • high speed of work and a lot of locations to choose from;
  • the cheapest VPN suitable for surfing the DarkNet.

DarkNet list of sites for Russian-speaking users:

http://hydraruzxpnew4af.onion - Hydra, the largest shadow market in Tor, from peahens to documents and VK hacking;

http://lwplxqzvmgu43uff.onion - Runion, Anonymous forum: Bitcoin, Tor, free market;

http://bitmixbizymuphkc.onion - the best bitcoin mixer, you can mix BTC, ETH, LTC.

buybit4xcbat2cwn.onion RU BuyBit - instant purchase and sale of bitcoin (with Qiwi integration), the service does not require any confirmation and accepts payment from terminals. good online support which solves your questions online. Online discussion;

http://totetxidh73fm4e3.onion - Totet, bitcoin sweepstakes; - clearnet (!), viewing hidden onion sites without Tor;

http://facebookcorewwwi.onion - Facebook, the same one));

http://sms4tor3vcr2geip.onion - SMS4TOR, self-destructing message service;

http://oi4bvjslpt5gabjq.onion - République de Hackers, another hacker forum in French;

http://pwoah7foa6au2pul.onion - Alphabay market trading platform;

http://mail2tor2zyjdctd.onion - Mail2Tor, e-mail service;

http://torbox3uiot6wchz.onion - TorBox, e-mail service inside.onion;

http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/imageboard- TorChan, “Tor’s #1 imageboard”;

http://cyjabr4pfzupo7pg.onion - CYRUSERV, jabber service from CYRUSERV;

http://rusilkusru6f57uw.onion - Russian plagiarism of the legendary “SilkRoad” [Marketplace with forum];

http://rutorc6mqdinc4cz.onion -, a well-known torrent tracker;

http://flibustahezeous3.onion - this is the famous digital library in the “onion” version.

Darknet search engines:

http://hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion - not Evil search engine;

http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/— Torch search engine;

http://gjobqjj7wyczbqie.onion/— Candle search engine;

http://msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion - Ahmia search engine;

https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/— search engine DuckDuckGo;

http://grams7enufi7jmdl.onion/— Grams search engine; - Search for darknet sites without Tor.

Denial of responsibility: This article is written for educational purposes only. The author or publisher did not publish this article for malicious purposes. If readers would like to use the information for personal gain, the author and publisher are not responsible for any harm or damage caused.

In the last 3-4 years, news with the headline: “The government wants to block Tor” regularly appears in the news feed. But this idea is somewhat utopian.

The darknet can be used all over the world except North Korea, where to access a computer with the Internet you need special permission from Kim Jong-un. Even China failed to ban it. Golden Shield automatically blocks all new Tor entry node addresses, but people who need to bypass this barrier using VPNs and proxy servers.

News about the “ban on the underground Internet” only fuels interest in it among the population. More and more Russians are joining the darknet, which is fraught with many dangers and temptations. About the consequences of wrong using Tor should know in advance.

This article will cover the main types of stores and forums on Tor that should be avoided and the possible liability for using/creating them.

Fragments of the article were removed at the request of Roskomnadzor. The material has been edited.

2. Sites with job advertisements

A huge number of advertisements for the sale of *** contain a note: “We are looking for ***. Activity, adequacy, and professionalism are required. The salary is high." For one ***, an employee receives on average 500-3000 rubles. They write on the forums that a smart worker can earn up to 80-120 thousand rubles a month with a free schedule. And this is in the provinces. In the capitals the ceiling is much higher.

But this work is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. Making a good “***” and hiding it is a whole science and experienced people write entire textbooks. There are many non-obvious problems that are difficult for a beginner to guess about.

For example, how to protect yourself from “seagulls”? This is the name given to *** who search for and successfully find other people's *** in typical places (flower beds, holes in the asphalt, entrance canopies). Or how to disguise a Ziploc bag inside an acorn or nut so that rain and wind do not damage the product?

Criminals from Tor require not only ***, but also parcel acceptors, stencilers (making announcements on the asphalt), growers (growing plants at home), and people to withdraw illegally obtained money from bank cards. They rarely look for strong guys to intimidate enemies. And every profession has non-obvious subtleties that you need to learn in order to avoid getting into trouble with the law.

In the criminal sphere, there is a terrible turnover of personnel and new employees are constantly needed. A truly adequate and neat person can work for a couple of years, but a simple ***/carrier/dropper walks free for only a few months. Most people are caught by the police sooner or later. People rarely manage to raise money, stop and leave on time.

Possible problems: According to Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if a person is involved in the distribution or production of ***, then he can be imprisoned for a period of 8 years. We’ll talk about penalties for parcel receivers and money cashers below.

3. Stores of goods for committing crimes

Tor is used to trade weapons, fake documents, fake SIM cards, phones, ATM skimmers and a bunch of other interesting items. As with ***, Bitcoin is used for anonymous payment. Surprisingly, there are no particular problems with the delivery of goods.

Sometimes it is done via regular mail. To receive and send parcels, they hire “droppers” who go to receive/send parcels and show off their faces and passport details. Also, goods are sent with the help of taxi drivers or private transport companies. Here is a quote from the RuOnion forum:

I once sent an optical sight through a transport company, naturally not a branded one. They asked what was inside, he answered - a sniper scope, They: let’s write it down - an optical device :-)))) They don’t really care what to carry...

But sellers still take many precautions: they disassemble weapons into parts, which they distribute into several boxes, disguise them as other items, make parcels with double bottoms, etc. They have no less tricks than ***.

Possible problems: According to Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, illegal acquisition or transfer of weapons may be punishable by a prison sentence of up to four years. About fake documents it is written in Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it says about a period of up to two years.

4. Pedophile forums

There are also a lot of people on the Tor network who are sexually attracted to children. There is a lot of “interesting” for them here. Firstly, huge archives of porn videos featuring minors. Secondly, these are forums where people share their personal experiences of seducing children and hiding this process from others.

Some pedophiles consider sex with children absolutely unacceptable and sit on “conservative” sections of forums, where they simply post slightly erotic photos of little girls and boys with their genitals covered.

But there are people for whom just watching videos is not enough and they strive to make their fantasies come true. The main shock for me when preparing this article was familiarization with a book for pedophiles in Russian.

200 pages about where to find a potentially available child and how to recognize him, how to gain his trust, how not to leave traces and how to make sure that the child never tells anyone about what the pervert or pervert did to him.

And judging by the forums, many pedophiles actually manage to turn things around so that parents never find out what happened to their child. After all, most often children are seduced not by maniacs on the streets, but by neighbors, relatives or family friends who have been in the house for many years.

Never leave your child alone with anyone and never without video surveillance. There are many more pedophiles among us than one might think.

Possible punishment: It is prohibited to store porn videos involving minors on your computer. You can read more about this in the article:

5. Websites of extremist organizations

Terrorists, skinheads and radical oppositionists also create websites on the onion network, publish articles there and discuss plans for pogroms or the seizure of power on forums. Also, sect sites are gradually moving to Tor.

Since 2002, Russian authorities have maintained a list Federal extremist materials. It includes almost 4,000 books, articles, paintings and music. Rospotrebnadzor forces such materials to be removed from sites on the clearnet, but they are distributed freely in Tor libraries.

Possible punishment: According to Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, participation in an extremist organization can lead to imprisonment for up to six years. Also, you cannot copy materials from such sites to Tor and post them on social networks and blogs. There is also a separate article on this topic:

6. “Hacker” trading platforms and forums

In international dark markets, next to *** and weapons, there is often a Digital Goods section. You can buy Trojans, Wi-Fi hacking tools, software cracking tools, DDOS attack tools, and many other types of “tools for illegal access to digital information.”

Along with the programs, you can also buy instructions for their use and educational books. They also sell digital goods that were stolen using the tools described above: upgraded characters in games, paid accounts various services, hacked programs, access to infected computers.

There are also many hacker forums on the darknet. There people share their experiences with each other, look for perpetrators and accomplices for various cyber crimes.

Possible punishment: If it is proven that a person used any of the programs described above, then, according to Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he can be imprisoned for up to two years.

7. “Black” cryptocurrency exchanges

The sites and organizations described above make financial payments in bitcoins (less often in other cryptocurrencies). And of course, they don’t pay any taxes on it. Cryptocurrencies are used to cash out money obtained illegally.

Tor has exchanges for withdrawing bitcoins to regular electronic wallets or bank cards. It is also full of advertisements of people who withdraw money from cryptocurrency wallets to offshore accounts or transfer them to the account of a “shell company.” From the latter, money can be withdrawn using ordinary “cashers”.

There you can also order bank cards issued to dummies or “virtuals”. And hire drops who will go to the ATM, show their face in front of the cameras, withdraw cash from the cards and deliver it to you.

Possible punishment: According to Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, participation in group fraudulent schemes may result in up to 10 years in prison.

The State Duma is also talking about adopting a bill that would provide for punishment of up to four years in prison simply for using bitcoins or other cryptocurrency.


The above does not describe all types of content that can be found on the Tor network. Not mentioned are sites with erotica for animal lovers, stores of stolen goods, sites for ordering killers and much more.

But what has been described is quite enough to understand why governments around the world are trying to control the Internet. Personal freedom and privacy are good. But how to fight criminals on the Internet without blocking sites and controlling traffic?

P.S. Is Tor anonymous?

There are a lot of tutorials on how to ensure online anonymity on the darknet. Some of the authors consider it a sufficient scheme virtual machine from Tails -> vpn -> vpn -> Tor. And someone recommends buying a computer from a flea market in a neighboring area and using a modem through the “left” SIM card. But one thing is for sure - if you just launch Tor browser, then your level of anonymity is quite low.

Intelligence agencies around the world are actively working to identify criminals who use the “underground Internet.” For example, in the fall of 2016, as part of the international Operation Titan, Swedish police identified 3,000 buyers of *** on Tor. And there are more and more reports of such investigations every year.

The last 10 years have become the brightest in the history of the Internet. During this period, a huge number of discoveries and scandals occurred. All this happened here, on our virtual “earth”. But many people know that there is a “dark side” to it. Today we’ll talk about what the darknet is.

general information

It is known that this concept can be interpreted in different ways. First of all, the darknet is a special private network, which has a secure connection and is established between trusted individuals. They are often called "friends".

What is the darknet? Non-standard protocols and ports are used here. The main feature of such a resource is anonymity. It differs from all conventional networks in that file sharing is done anonymously, which means that all users communicate freely.


From all of the above, it becomes clear that this resource is often applicable in cases where you need to hide something. Accordingly, this is how any illegal activity is carried out. The dark web is becoming part of non-profit networks and can be associated with “underground” communication and technology.

It so happens that it is not easy to accurately understand all the terminology. Most ordinary users associate the DarkNet with the Deep Web. Dark web is also attributed here. On the one hand, all these concepts very often become synonymous when trying to explain the main network phenomenon. On the other hand, each of these concepts has its own interpretation, which it is advisable to separate. What is meant?

The Deep Web is a phenomenon that describes many web pages that are not crawled search engine. This also includes the “deep web,” which is represented by web pages created through queries to online databases.

It is believed that the Dark web is the “dark web”. It is represented by network segments that require special software for free access, but all data belongs to the general Network.


So, what is the darknet and how to get there? Obviously, this refers to a certain phenomenon that has existed for a long time. People often call it the “dark internet”.

The term itself was formed back in the 70s of the last century. For security reasons, it was interpreted as part of networks isolated from the ARPANET.

The last concept means computer network, which was developed by American specialists back in 1969. As research later showed, there is a high probability that it was this invention that became the modern prototype of the Internet as such.

These networks at that time were free to collect the necessary data from the ARPANET, but at the same time remained anonymous visitors. This concept gained great popularity in 2002. Then four employees from Microsoft published a corresponding paper. In it, experts analyzed the darknet according to several main ideas:

  • Objects that are accessible to any user can be transferred to him if appropriate permission to copy is obtained.
  • The user is free to copy files (if possible).
  • There are certain channels for users that have high bandwidth.


They say that people want to know how to get on the dark web for three reasons:

  • To gain privacy and avoid political repression.
  • Committing crimes in the field of information technology.
  • Distribution or search for documents that have copyright.

Dark side

Despite this rather peaceful interpretation this concept, yet we are dealing with the “dark Internet”. This is what users often try to find out about. Those who are less familiar with this concept present it as something illegal and prohibited.

It is in this segment of hidden networks that the most important crimes occur: murders, drug trafficking, pornography, etc. Here you can find online stores with weapons, drugs, and fake documents. And the most important thing is that all this is inviolable. That is, no state is able to control such activities.

If we talk in simple words, then the Russian darknet or any other is a segment of the deep Internet. It is represented by non-indexable sites that cannot be crawled by anyone, and they cannot be found through any modern browser.

Current situation

It has already happened that the latest innovations of the authorities of Russia and Ukraine have forced many users to learn about VPN, Tor, IP2P, and proxies. All this helps to bypass blocking of various resources and social networks. But we must not forget that such tools noticeably reduce the speed of working with websites, which ultimately leaves a negative impression.

With the "dark internet" things have become even more difficult. It so happens that you have to do a lot for anonymity and security. And the excursion to dangerous places itself has its own atmosphere.


For those who still have little understanding of what the darknet is, it’s easier to show the entire structure modern Network. So, at the very top is the regular Internet. Here and social media, and simple resources for working, selling and buying everything legal. That is, everything that an ordinary PC user uses.

The next stage (posted below) is the “deep Internet”. You already need to get a proxy for it. On it you can find hacker forums, various blocked sites and other content that does not quite fall within the legal framework.

Next it is worth mentioning the darknet we are reviewing. The Dark Internet is accessible only through special services such as Tor. Everything here is already very bad, illegal and illegal. You can observe the drug trade, the sale of weapons, documents and even people. Here you can send important and secret files or prohibited books.

If you think that the darknet is the bottom of the modern Internet, then you are mistaken. Then there is the “closed Internet”. Few people talk about him, but his traces have been confirmed more than once. Although for many its existence is in doubt. It is possible to get here only through closed systems. There are reports from government officials, secret experiments, snuff and connections with killers.

Well, even that's not all. There is a concept of the “Marian Internet”. Of course, it may be based on rumors. But there is no smoke without fire, which means it can also be mentioned in our structure. They say that all secret knowledge is stored here. Maybe even correspondence with aliens.


So, of course, not everyone knows how to access the darknet. And few people need weapons and drugs right now. There are many ways to get there, and how to do this is described even on Lukmor. The most common and simplest option is Only this program can open sites that end in “.onion”. Therefore, it is sometimes called the “onion” browser (“onion” - translated from in English like "onion").

You need to understand right away that search engines will not help you find anything much. You shouldn't ask Google to find an online drug store. To do this, it is better to use special search engines like Torch or Fess. There is even an analogue of legal Google, called Grams.

But even such programs, most likely, will not help you find even the slightest interesting information. Usually everything is stored on forums where registration is required. Sometimes you need to get tested or donate bitcoins.

For a simplified search on the darknet there is a large number of catalogues. But they all work disgustingly. Some do not provide links, some have broken addresses. But if you dig hard, you can find the data you need.


Despite the fact that most people rely on the absolute anonymity of the darknet, in reality everything is not so great. Even the most advanced hackers have already been found by intelligence agencies. For example, in 2013, Eric Marquez was arrested, who became the founder of a website with child pornography. In the same year, Ross Ulbricht, the creator of a popular online drug store, was also found. Although his arrest is a rather accidental and stupid thing.

Ordinary users have also more than once come under attack from some kind of spy code, which easily calculates the IP address and sends it to the necessary services. Even now you can stumble upon some kind of trouble.


Usually, all resources that were prohibited on the surface go down to the “deep Internet”. So Pink Meth is still actively thriving here. He was previously popular among angry exes. Intimate photographs of their significant other were uploaded here, even indicating a link to a page on social networks.

On Russian-language forums, discussions of illegal types of earnings continue: blackmail, fraud. Psychics and prostitutes “live” here. Discussions lead to absurd conclusions. Some people need to stock up on weapons to survive the zombie apocalypse, others buy tickets to other planets.

In addition to the above, you can still find a flamethrower, a new passport or driver’s license, buy counterfeit bills or buy a gold bar. There is information that even slaves and human organs are sold here, but such data cannot simply be found.

Russian segment

There are a lot of darknet sites in Russian. Moreover, in addition to some illegal and illegal trades, you can find forums where anarchists and neo-Nazis still exist. There are also a lot of platforms for journalists and political oppositionists. They calmly exchange hot information.

In addition, there are interesting libraries of music and books. You can try to find books here that you previously could not purchase in stores. Here you can rummage through the catalog and download your favorite work for free.


You already know what the darknet is. Many people associate BitCoin with this network. No wonder. The fact is that this is the main currency on the darknet. Only with it can you pay for all purchases. Cryptocurrency has been introduced by hackers since it first appeared. To use it, you can register a special wallet.


In general, if you don’t need anything specific from the “dark internet,” then there’s nothing special to do here. Of course, figuring out how to find the darknet can be useful for general development. But studying this network aimlessly is quite boring. You need to understand which services to go to, know certain sites better. As already mentioned, all very important and secret materials cannot be found even by cool hackers. This is even more inconceivable for the average user.

Otherwise, at first glance, the darknet is fascinating. It’s as if everything is allowed and possible here. On the other hand: who needs a UK driving license? All this for regular user looks like pampering.

Internet. How many thoughts are born when we hear this word. Nowadays you can find almost everything on the Internet. Any information is available to you anywhere in the world. But what if we told you that there is an Internet that only a small number of people know about? Intrigued? Of course, there really is such an Internet and it’s called the Darknet. Translated as “Dark Web” or colloquially as “Deep Internet”. Getting there is not so easy, but it is still possible. And we'll tell you exactly how to do it. Ready to find out what they are hiding dark depths Darneta?

What is the Darknet and is it prohibited?

There is a common belief that the Darknet is prohibited and visiting it is a violation of the law. We hasten to please you, nothing of the kind. If you are not going to engage in illegal activities or purchase illegal goods online, then you have nothing to worry about. We will look there purely out of curiosity, which is not a violation. In fact, all law enforcement agencies know about the Darknet, but they cannot influence it, since it is a private network. Everyone who gets there remains anonymous and there is practically no way to track them. So how exactly does this network work?
The dark web is built on connections only between trusted individuals, so-called “friends,” and uses non-standard protocols and ports. Links located on the Darknet are not indexed by regular search engines like Google and Yandex, which makes searches much more difficult. However, there are also special search engines that are created just for this case. We'll talk about them later.

Darknet from the inside: what can be found in it

For the average user, the Darknet looks like a rather confusing and mysterious place from the inside. And without proper knowledge, you can easily get lost in the depths of the network. The fact is that you can get to some sites only by invitation and special links. And when visiting the Darknet, you must clearly know what you are looking for. There are many on this network useful information and literature, but the other side of the coin is that the Darknet is the underground of the Internet. This is not a user friendly place. It is home to scammers, drug dealers, arms dealers and even murderers. Of course, it's not all bad. If you know where you are going and why, then this place can give you extremely useful knowledge. You will also improve your information literacy and learn the rules of security and anonymity on the Internet. The Darknet often discusses revolutionary movements, ways to bypass blocking of sites disliked by the authorities, and much more. As the saying goes, “forewarned is forearmed.”
Advice: Scams are very common on the Darknet, so do not share your personal information with anyone. When registering on various resources, provide false information about yourself.

Step-by-step instructions: how to get to the Darknet via Tor

To access the Darknet you need a special browser called Tor Browser. Follow the instructions so that everything works out for you.

Important! Before visiting the Darknet, it is highly recommended to turn off webcams (or cover them with tape), if any. And also install an antivirus. This is done for security purposes, since the dark web is famous for its abundant number of viruses and those who like to “spy” on ordinary users.

Android and iPhone: ways to access the Darknet from your phone

Okay, we figured out the computer. Now let's talk about how to visit the dark internet on your smartphones.
There is such a wonderful program for iPhone as Onion Browser. You can download it simply by going to App Store. In the window that appears, click “Connect to Tor”, wait a couple of minutes and everything is ready to use.

Android also has its own analogue of Tor Browser. It's called Orbot.
The setup here will be a little trickier than on the iPhone, so let’s take a closer look.

How to search on the Darknet? List of search engines

Let's say you installed and configured a browser. Now we get to the fun part! Search engines. Although standard search engines like Google cannot index pages deep web, but this can be done by sites specially created for the darknet.
Most popular on this moment This:
  • not Evil
  • Grams
  • Torch
  • Ahima
  • Candle
All these search engines work on the principle of the already familiar Yandex and Google, but searching them is only possible through Tor.
In addition to search engines, on our regular, beloved Internet, you can find many websites that provide links to various resources related to the darknet.

Books about the Darknet that are worth reading

Information is better absorbed through reading interesting books.
Therefore, we bring to your attention several books about the Darknet that are recommended for reading.
  • Jamie Bartlett, The Underground Internet. The Dark Side of the World Wide Web"
  • Nick Bilton "Cybercriminal" The story of the creator of the underground network empire"

Creepy secrets of the Darknet: video
