Electronic library - quickly and conveniently. Electronic library - quickly and conveniently Introduction of symbols in the program irbis 64

Instead of the old one.

The instructions contain notes for the case of a transition to a new version. software IRBIS 64 full text databases.

In some cases, additional steps are required. Such cases and necessary actions are described in the relevant subsections.

Instructions for switching to a new version of IRBIS 64 software

1. Perform an export (using the Administrator workstation) for each database system into which you entered data (that is, in which you made any changes). Attention: when exporting, the switch encoding UTF8. Do not set reformatting TVP, the output format is text. Save (outside the IRBIS system placement on the hard disk!) the resulting files (ibis.txt,...., cmpl.txt, rdr.txt, etc.).

Note for the case of IRBIS 64 full-text databases: export each full-text database of the system.

2. Save all parametric files in the database directories that you have changed yourself or that have been configured by the developer especially for you (kp.mnu, krv.mnu, mhr.mnu, rubin.mnu, rzn.mnu, stt.mnu, tp.mnu, uzf.mnu and others). Also save all personal .ini files and the logged in user list file \DATAI\CLIENT_M.MNU. (Save the files outside the limits of the IRBIS system placement on the hard disk!)

Note for the case of IRBIS 64 full-text databases: save the full-text files that are in the database directories.

3. Remove the IRBIS 64 server service by executing the command line on the IRBIS server part:

Service_64.exe /UNINSTALL

Then delete all IRBIS 64 system data on the disk (IRBIS64 directory and its contents on the server and clients).

Note for the case of IRBIS 64 full-text DBs: deletion of the service does not apply to the case of reinstallation of IRBIS 64 full-text DBs.

4. Install new version IRBIS 64 systems.

5. Empty all databases of the system (using the Administrator workstation) into which you have entered (IBIS, RDR, RQST, CMPL, etc.). Create additional databases of the Electronic Catalog (using the Administrator workstation) that you created yourself - everything except IBIS.

Note for the case of IRBIS 64 full-text databases: for the case of full-text databases, the role of the IBIS demonstration database is played by the full-text database TEXT.

6. Perform import (using the Administrator workstation) for all databases of the system using the files saved according to item 1. Attention: When doing an import, the switch encoding must be set to UTF8, the output format is text, and the options FORMAL-LOGICAL CONTROL and AUTOENTER– disable. Do not set reformatting TVP.

Attention (for users of the MeSH thesaurus when transferring a database from IRBIS 32 to IRBIS 64): when performing an import, use MESH32 as the REFORMATION TTP.

7. Restore all files saved in step 2.

8. Create the dictionary completely anew (using the Administrator workstation) for all databases in the system.

Additional actions for AWS Booksaving: when switching to version 7.1 and higher from a version lower than 7.1 for IRBIS 32; when switching to version 6.2 and higher from version lower than 6.2 for IRBIS 64

You need to follow these steps:

  • In the old workstation Booksaving in the dictionary TYPE OF DOCUMENT mark the document types DUNIK, FAK, VK, UPL.
  • Call the GLOBAL module, select the DELR operator - deleting a record.
  • Cancel update, auto-entry, FLC, protocol.
  • Make adjustments.
  • In the old workstation Administrator for the VUZ database, export to a file.
  • In the new workstation Administrator for the VUZ database, perform: emptying the database, importing a file from previous paragraph without auto-input and without FLC, creating a dictionary again.
  • In the new AWS Booksaving in the dictionary of the database VUZ DICTIONARY VIEW, mark VUZ records, call GLOBAL, execute the CreateFAK task with updating (it is possible without auto-input).

Additional actions during the transition to version 2013.1 (and higher) of the IRBIS 64 software for full-text databases from a version lower than 2013.1

If among the texts that have been added to the full-text database, there are PDF or DJVU files that have been added without pagination (or added from the electronic catalog), then such a database must be created and generated anew (that is, it is necessary to re-add texts).



1. Library automation system IRBIS


Full compatibility with international formats UNIMARC, MARC21. and Russian communication format RUSMARC

The system supports an arbitrary number of databases that make up the Electronic Catalog or are problem-oriented bibliographic databases. The technology of automatic formation of dictionaries has been introduced, on the basis of which a quick search is implemented for any elements of the description and their combinations; tools for maintaining and using Authoritative Files, Alphabetical and Subject Index to UDC/LBC and Thesaurus;

The program implements support for traditional "paper" technologies: from printing order sheets and a summary book to printing all types of index cards; support for full texts, graphic data and other external objects (including Internet resources).

The program allows you to use technologies focused on the use of barcodes on copies of publications and library cards.

The system includes tools for translating user interfaces into other languages.

A wide range of service tools provides convenience and clarity of user interfaces that simplify the input process, eliminating errors and duplication of information.

The system can be easily adapted to the conditions of a particular library.

Openness allows the user to independently make changes in a wide range: from changing input and output forms to developing original applications.

The system implements all standard library technologies, including technologies for acquisition, systematization, cataloging, reader search, lending and administration, based on the interconnected functioning of five types of automated workstations (AWS):

    Workstation "Assembler"

    AWS "Catalogizer"

    AWP "Reader"

    AWP "Book Loan"

    Workstation "Administrator"


AWS "Komplektator" allows to carry out:

    Preliminary description and execution of order documents for books and other publications with the possibility of using machine-readable plans of publishers; order fulfillment control;

    Registration of receipt of literature, input of primary data for the book of total accounting (KSU);

    Transfer of descriptions for cataloging and information about additional equipment to the electronic catalog;

    Subscription of periodicals (subscription cards and order sheets) with the possibility of using machine-readable subscription catalogs; subscription renewal;

    Transfer of descriptions of periodicals to the electronic catalog with subsequent registration of regular receipts;

    Write-off of literature - including the processes of disposal of literature from the fund and its transfer from one unit to another;

    Standard output forms - inventory lists, sheets of the KSU, final data on the receipt of literature in the fund, acts of writing off literature, etc.

The AWP "Catalogizer" processes all types of publications, including audio and video materials, electronic resources, cartographic materials, notes, etc., any completeness of description, including the contents of journals and the content of collections.

Description of periodicals can be obtained at the summary level and at the level of individual issues and "files", taking into account information about the articles included in them.

In the "Catalogizer" the technology of indexing publications (systematization, subjectization) includes the automatic formation of the author's mark and the apparatus for navigating the SRSTI rubricator, the UDC / LBC alphabetical and subject index, the authoritative file of subject headings and thesaurus.

Data copying technology eliminates re-entry when creating similar and related bibliographic descriptions, in particular, when creating analytical descriptions.

The program has a system of formal-logical data control, both at the level of individual bibliographic elements, and at the level of description as a whole, and the original technology of automatic double-checking, which excludes re-entry into the electronic catalog.

With the help of the "Catalogizer" the problem of book supply and non-inventory accounting of multi-copy literature for university libraries can be solved.

As output forms are used - indexes, inventory lists, lists of non-received issues of journals, etc.

AWP "Administrator" is workplace a specialist who performs system operations on databases in general, aimed at maintaining their relevance, integrity and safety.

In the workstation "Knigovydacha" workstation, the technology of forming and maintaining a queue of electronic orders for the issuance of literature and fixing their execution, as well as the technology of fixing the return of literature, is implemented. Using the program, you can get up-to-date information on free copies of ordered literature, on issued literature and readers who have it on hand.

Accounting for information about the issuance / return of literature is carried out in individual cards (documents) of readers. The program allows you to get statistics on debts and the demand for literature. A special lending technology based on bar-coding of copies and library cards has also been implemented.

AWP "Reader" is characterized by a friendly interface designed for a user who does not have any special knowledge. The program takes into account various levels of user training. The undoubted advantage of the system is a wide range of search tools that provide a quick (by direct access through dictionaries) search in the electronic catalog databases for any description elements and their combinations. It is possible to work with several databases that make up the electronic catalog. The user has the opportunity to use paperless technology for the formation of an order for the issuance of literature.

AWS "BOOK SUPPORT" is designed to maintain a database of academic disciplines associated with databases of readers (students) and catalogs. A friendly interface displays all options for links between academic disciplines, students and literature.

The calculation of book supply coefficients is carried out taking into account the following provisions:

      Determining the number of students and the number of copies online,

      Accounting for the possibility of students using one textbook for several disciplines,

      Accounting for the availability of copies intended for certain categories of students ("dedicated funds"),

      Accounting for the possibility of multiple use of the textbook consistently by different groups of students during one semester;

The program provides for the formation of tables of coefficients of book availability for any subset of literature for a given semester and the formation of various output forms, including "Provision of students with literature from the fund of the university" in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education.

The Web-IRBIS software is designed to provide Internet users with access to electronic catalogs and other bibliographic databases of IRBIS. Web-IRBIS is used as one of the main components of library Internet servers and Internet complexes.

All functions are fully managed by the administrator, including setting up search forms, adding and deleting search fields, setting their attributes, enabling rubricators and static dictionaries. Elements of support for electronic document delivery services and direct access to full texts (if available) based on search results have been introduced. Authorized access technology is not built on the level of standard web server methods, but on the basis of original solutions using dynamically generated pages and form file libraries. This was first implemented with the aim of increasing the ability to adapt to specific conditions and increase resistance to unauthorized access. Web-IRBIS has a built-in support for including links to full texts of documents in the electronic catalogue. At the same time, a free technology for generating links in the form of a URL has been implemented, which allows using it not only to form your own collection of full texts, but also to catalog and include Internet resources in a database, which is extremely important in modern conditions. Thus, Web-IRBIS can be used as basic technology when creating virtual and electronic libraries. The link creation process is quite simple and fully integrated with the IRBIS technology. Web-IRBIS provides high speed of execution of queries of varying complexity. Web-IRBIS provides support for extended formats, setting output parameters; allows the use of advanced query generation tools, the use of several terms in one field; has advanced service functions.

Web-IRBIS is based on the following set of main components:

1. A module for providing communication between a web server and a database created on the basis of CGI technology for Apache web servers, WebSite. In addition, it enables the software to work with any other servers that support this technology, which is the standard for running applications on the Internet. IIS uses internal API support technology. Modules using CGI are implemented as executable programs, API - as dynamic libraries. These modules are the only ones specific to various web servers - all the others do not depend on the type of specified servers and methods of interaction.

2. Modules of search and formatting of results are common for Web-IRBIS and IRBIS and are made in the form of dynamic libraries. They are controlled by the communication module and provide search and output of pre-formatted results in accordance with the passed parameters. The final formatting and conversion to HTML is done by the communication module.

3. Library of form-files - the basis of secure authorized access technology. The developed algorithm will allow not to permanently store search pages and results output pages - they are created upon receipt of a request to perform an operation and are deleted after the process is completed. Therefore, it is impossible to make unauthorized access to all modes from the Internet.

4. Technological databases. Contains information about the registration of remote users and received orders.

5. Tree of static pages. Used for initial study and as examples for designing your server.

The main systemic web characteristics-IRBIS are as follows:

    Full compatibility with all components of the IRBIS family;

    Unified technology for servicing local and remote users;

    Unified technology for servicing requests received online and by e-mail;

    Full compatibility of descriptions of input worksheets to ensure the cataloging process with the network version of the system;

    Possibility of using a single bibliographic array both for technological operations and for serving local and remote users;

    Availability of support functions for electronic libraries, electronic document delivery and MBA;

    Availability of support functions for distributed corporate systems and multi-branch networks;

    Availability of a simple and convenient system of billing and authorization of users;

    Ability to work with any number of bibliographic databases, including simultaneously;

    Ability to generate a request in fixed and free form using most operations information retrieval;

    Ability to use any user-defined output formats, including RUSMARC, UNIMARC, MARC21.

Web-IRBIS system user can perform a number of basic operations:

1) Search in an arbitrary database with the IRBIS structure, by an unlimited number of fields, by any description elements and their combinations, with the ability to determine prefixes and qualifiers of search terms, normalize words and use the truncation apparatus

2) Use in the search of static dictionaries and rubricators included in search forms or connected from the outside, with the possibility of combining elements of dictionaries with any other search prescriptions;

3) The use of dynamic database dictionaries, with the possibility of obtaining a list of dictionary terms with subsequent search for the selected terms; navigation through dictionaries, including setting the start of scanning by the first characters, and in terms of "next", "previous";

4) Display of records from an arbitrary database in all types of standard formats, including information, in the form of a catalog card, in labels and decoded RUSMARC, UNIMARC, MARC21. It is possible to use any formats defined by the user in the IRBIS notation;

5) Quantization of output records in a format defined by the user, followed by navigation in terms of "next", "previous";

6) Selection of records from among those found, with their subsequent processing, including unloading the selected records in standard formats RUSMARC, UNIMARC, MARC21;

7) Cataloging in three modes:

cataloging new or read documents by number;

cataloging the found portion of documents;

cataloging of imported documents;

Web-IRBIS is a reliable and convenient platform for the implementation of library Internet applications and their subsequent integration into a single library Internet complex. Web-IRBIS is constantly being improved and modified, new functions and features are being added, integration with other subsystems of the IRBIS family is deepening. The outsourcing service department IRBIShost was built on its basis. User support is provided both in the traditional way and through the system of Internet conferences.

At present, the IRBIS64 subsystem has been created in the State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia to create full-text databases. Documents of these databases can be texts in TXT, DOC, RTF, PDF, HTM, HTML formats. This subsystem implements semantic analysis of texts. Approaches to solving the problem of semantic text processing can be formulated as the following steps:

1. Creation of a full-text database from an array of texts.

2. Natural-thematic classification of texts based on the selection of significant terms of the subject area. Thematic classification allows you to compare texts with each other in terms of their similarity in meaning. A thematic classifier is a set of thematic dictionaries, which includes terms that are significant in a given subject area.

The IRBIS64 full-text database subsystem includes:

1. Extended workstation “Administrator”, which, in addition to standard functions, includes additional modes for working with full-text databases.

2. Workstation of the end user (reader) for searching and viewing in full-text databases. This AWS implements special search algorithms:

      Search by query in natural language.

      Search for similar texts to text from a full-text database in a user-defined thematic context.

      Search for similar texts to external (in relation to the full-text database) text in a user-defined thematic context.

In addition to the end user (reader), the system is focused on the user-expert, whose task is the preliminary work on the creation of a full-text database and the natural-thematic classification of texts. In addition, the system will allow experts and classifiers to work with full-text collections of the library in the mode of intellectual semantic analysis of texts. (All these functions are implemented in the extended workstation “Administrator”).

2. Implementation and use of IRBIS

The selection management process and the selection of software for library automation tasks, as well as implementation, can be represented by the following components:

1. Determination of the types of work that are subject to automation.

2. Correspondence of software capabilities to automation tasks.

3. Determining the required computing resources for automation.

4. Presentation of the main stages of software implementation and preparation of a preliminary plan.

5. Analysis of the received data and making a final decision.

6. Settings. Technological issues of software.

7. Administration of the program.

For automation it is necessary:

Qualified personnel;

Support for the main goals of automation by the team, founder, sponsors;

Availability of consultants who participated in similar projects;

Proven (tested) software.

The process of implementing any automation system in libraries can be viewed from different angles. First, it is an administrative component; it is perhaps the most important at the stage of choosing software and creating technological interaction between system users. Secondly, this is a professional component, the one that allows a person whose work is automated to work comfortably in this program. And the third component is the user of library resources, the person who receives bibliographic information at the output of the entire automated chain.

The introduction of any software product (especially licensed and expensive) should begin with an acquaintance with its demo version.

By implementing the IRBIS program, libraries are faced with the need for a deep study of the library's technological processes and their optimization. This sometimes requires the creation of a new structural unit, for example, the sector of technological support of library processes, which is responsible for compliance with the technology of work in the IRBIS environment, analyzes the processes, develops optimal and coordinated solutions for the implementation (and further operation) of the program modules.

Automation of any work site requires additional costs for the period of "transition" of technologies. At the same time, it is necessary to support financially both traditional technologies and more and more voracious new ones. Depending on the needs and capabilities of libraries, the process of mastering new technologies can be either very slow or very fast.

For the successful functioning of the IRBIS system, it may be necessary to significantly modernize the fleet computer technology, organize new workstations. To implement barcoding technology, it is necessary to purchase a thermal transfer printer, hand-held laser scanners.

For the implementation of IRBIS, it is necessary to develop a plan for the implementation of the system, including technical, technological, organizational and methodological aspects, as well as retraining of personnel. As a rule, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Upgrade your PC and peripherals fleet:

Train the staff to work in the IRBIS environment;

Convert existing EC and DB libraries;

Implement modules "Picker", "Catalogizer", "Reader", "Book lending", using bar coding technology to serve readers and fund management;

Upgrade WEB-site of the library and publish the database using IRBIS technology.

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the existing database maintenance technology and determine the sequence of work, as well as the resources necessary for their implementation.

It is obvious that one of the key issues of mastering IRBIS is personnel training, overcoming psychological barriers that inevitably arise both for those who start using computer technologies for the first time (employees of the subscription departments) and for the personnel of departments who have successfully worked for several years using other programs, for example, “Library” (in the latter case, this is due to the fundamental differences that exist between the programs IRBIS and “Library”). The advanced training plan must be drawn up taking into account the level of knowledge of computer technologies of specific employees (based on preliminary testing and questioning). The plan may include the solution of various tasks: from acquiring initial skills in working with a PC, mastering Windows OS, to a detailed study of individual IRBIS modules.

According to the plan, the development of IRBIS should be carried out in several directions at once, which requires the wide involvement of the personnel of most departments, well-thought-out and interconnected decisions.

At the stage of creating the terms of reference for conversion from previously used programs, difficulties may arise due to non-compliance of library EC records with the requirements of the USMARC format, incorrect filling of the fields by library catalogers. Therefore, it is required to analyze almost every field of the CI. Those fields that cannot be corrected by software must be edited manually. Creation of terms of reference also requires an in-depth study of the USMARC, UNIMARC, RUSMARC formats.

Thus, as a result of the work carried out, it is possible not only to prepare the database for conversion, but also to significantly improve the quality of the EC and DB of the library, and improve the skills of employees in the field of machine-readable formats.

With the help of bar coding technology, the following tasks are solved:

1. Acceleration of the processes of issuing and receiving literature, reducing the time for the reader to wait for a book to 10 minutes;

2. Simplification of the issuance and return of literature for the reader (refusal of book forms and reader requirements);

3. Elimination of mechanical errors when receiving / issuing books;

4. Accelerating the processing of new receipts by reducing the number of transactions;

5. Saving money: sticking pockets and printing out book forms, purchasing reader forms becomes unnecessary.

Bar coding in the library is used not only to automate lending, but also inventory. However, human participation in the inventory process is quite large. And therefore the human factor plays an important role, which cannot be ignored.

It should be noted that when conducting an inventory, it is necessary to preliminarily or in parallel verify the compliance of barcodes on labels with identifiable material assets. This requirement is due to the fact that one of the main problems is the so-called sorting, when, say, a barcode corresponding to the table is glued to a chair.

Another problem is the need to create a "snapshot" of the position of material assets at the time of the inventory. If during the inventory process the movement of material assets does not stop, then some barcodes may not be read, and then the system will display a shortage message, although the corresponding values ​​are available.

The issues discussed above must be mandatory checked during the inventory, which will reduce the errors of inspectors to zero. Otherwise, the reliability of the inventory results may be questionable.

The introduction of automated technology is preceded by a lot of preparatory work, an action plan for the implementation should be drawn up new technology, priority areas of activity have been identified:

1. Purchase and installation of equipment, training of library staff;

2. Bulk printing of barcodes for books using hot start technology;

3. Assignment of a barcode of the active part of the fund (before issuance and after return);

4. Bulk printing of stickers for library cards. Assigning barcodes to library cards as readers come to subscribe to scientific literature.

At the next stage, it is necessary to develop terms of reference (TOR) for the creation of the database “Reader” (defining the list and content of fields, the composition of dictionaries). When creating TK, it is necessary to take into account the existing technology of working with the reader in the library: registration, re-registration, work with debtor readers, types of accounting documents, etc.

It should be noted that no automation system will work if:

The team is hostile (there is no motivation for implementation or, worse, there is a motivation for non-implementation);

There is no plan for the implementation of the automation system;

No one sees at least medium-term forecasts for the operation of such a system and does not guess what all this is for;

The stages of work of the automation program and responsible persons for the development of the tasks set are not defined;

There are no qualified performers of any of the stages of work.

At present, there is no automation software that satisfies all the needs of librarians, and, accordingly, is able to solve all of the above tasks. Therefore, the question of the directions of automation of each library, the use of one system of programs or work with several different software products to increase efficiency is especially acute.


The developer and distributor of the "IRBIS" system is the International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New information technologies. The founders of the Association: State. Public Scientific and Technical Library (SPNTB) of Russia, etc.

In Russia and the CIS countries, the IRBIS system is one of the recognized leaders among software products of this kind. Currently, IRBIS is used in hundreds of libraries of various sizes and profiles. A distinctive feature of IRBIS is that it is focused on users who are not high-level specialists in computer technology. The use of IRBIS, of course, greatly expands the possibilities in servicing library readers. Irbis has ample opportunities to adapt to the working conditions of a particular library, i.e. when the system is handed over and installed, it can be customized according to the specific requirements of the user.

The advantageous aspects of IRBIS are that:

      all major library processes are automated as independent subsystems;

      IRBIS meets international requirements and international library formats;

      Russian interface greatly facilitates the development of IRBIS;

      relative cheapness;

All typical library technologies are implemented in this system. These are technologies of acquisition, systematization, cataloging, reader's search, book lending.

There are five types of workstations in the system: "Picker", "Cataloger", "Reader", "Book lending", "Administrator".

The system allows you to create and maintain any number of databases that make up the electronic catalog. Dictionaries are automatically formed, a quick search is possible for any description elements and their combinations. Cataloging tools allow you to process and describe any kind of publications (books, magazines, videos, CD-ROMs). The system supports traditional "paper technologies": from printing order sheets to printing all types of index cards. The reader has the opportunity to search in the electronic catalog: keywords, by author, by title, by year of publication, by UDC, by subject rubricator, etc.

The following order of implementation of Irbis in the library is recommended: Picker - Cataloger - Book lending - Reader. AWP Reader should be implemented only if the entire catalog (or a significant, important, requested part) has already been filled into the database. Otherwise, if there is very little, then there is no point in the Reader. In addition, the Reader is really needed for electronic lending, and for this you need to first introduce this lending. Almost every workstation is logically tied to some other, however, the Picker and Cataloger are connected not only logically, but also physically, so it is advisable to start the implementation with them.


      Brodovsky A. I., Sboychakov K. O. A new generation of library automation system IRBIS — IRBIS64: from an electronic catalog to full-text databases // Libraries and associations in a changing world: new technologies and new forms of cooperation: Tr Conf. - M., 2004.

      Brodovsky A. I., Sboychakov K. O. Full-text databases in the IRBIS64 system - Eighth International Conference and Exhibition "LIBCOM-2004", "Information technologies, computer systems and publishing products for libraries" November 15 - 19, 2004 http: //www.gpntb.ru/libcom4/index3.cfm?n=tez/doc1/doc8

      Karaush A.S. Automated technology for creating communication fields in the IRBIS System // "Information technologies, computer systems and publishing products for libraries": Materials of MK "LIBCOM-2002". - M.: GPNTB of Russia, 2002. - S. 120-121.

      Karaush A.S. Optimization & automation. Informatization tasks in librarianship // Librarianship - 2005. - No. 1. - C. 27-28.

      Karaush A.S. Software for automatic synchronization of databases of the IRBIS system / A.S. Karaush, D.Yu. Kopytkov // Nauch. and tech. b-ki - 2003. - No. 10. - C. 88-91.

      Lapo P.M., Sokolov A.V. Introduction to Digital Libraries, 2005. http://natlib.org.by/html/news2005/7july/data/PDF.pdf

      International Association of Users and Developers of Digital Libraries and New Information Technologies (EBNIT Association) http://www.elnit.ru/

      Sboychakov K. O. Prospects for the development of IRBIS in terms of using the system of semantic analysis of texts to create full-text knowledge repositories in the modern library / / Libraries and associations in a changing world: new technologies and new forms of cooperation: Tr Conf. - M., 2003. - T.1. - C.122-125.

      Shraiberg Ya.L. Basic provisions and principles for the development of automated library and information systems and networks: Main trends in the environment, main provisions and prerequisites, basic principles: Monograph. - M .: GPNTB of Russia, 2000.

International Association of Users and Developers of Digital Libraries and New Information Technologies (EBNIT Association) http://www.elnit.ru/

State Public Scientific and Technical Library

(GPNTB of Russia)

International Association of Users and Developers

electronic libraries and new information technologies

(EBNIT Association)

Web-IRBIS 64

User's manual

State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia

Moscow 2005

UDC 025:65.011.56

BBC 78.30

Web-IRBIS 64. User's guide - M.: State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia, 2005. - 44 p.

The software of the Web-IRBIS 64 system is designed to provide Internet users with access to electronic catalogs and other bibliographic databases of the IRBIS64 library automation system. The Web-IRBIS 64 system is a standard integrated solution in the field of automation of library technologies and is intended for use in libraries of any type and profile for use as one of the main components of library Internet servers and Internet complexes. The system fully complies with international requirements for such systems and supports all domestic bibliographic standards and formats.

ISBN 5-85638-028-2© State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia, 2005

© EBNIT Association, 2005

Chapter 1


General information

The Web-IRBIS 64 software is designed to provide Internet users with access to electronic catalogs and other bibliographic databases prepared using the IRBIS64 system. The Web-IRBIS 64 system is used as one of the main components of library Internet servers and Internet complexes (BIC).

Main system characteristics of Web-IRBIS 64

    A single technology for servicing local and remote users.

    The ability to use a single bibliographic array, both for technological operations and for servicing local and remote users.

    Ability to work with any number of bibliographic databases.

    Extensive customization options and creating the most convenient environment for users of a particular library.

    Ability to use any user-defined output formats, including RUSMARC, UNIMARC, USMARC.

Basic operations of Web-IRBIS 64

    Search in an arbitrary database with the IRBIS64 structure by an unlimited number of fields, by any description elements and their combinations, using the logic "AND", "OR" and "Whole Phrase" , with the ability to determine prefixes and qualifiers of search terms, grammatical normalization of Russian words and the use of the truncation apparatus.

    Refine search in previous conditional search results (sequential search)

    Sort search results by terms

    Storage of made orders with the possibility of editing ("basket" mode of orders).

    View the status of the reader form in real time.

    Use when searching for static dictionaries and rubricators included in search forms or connected from outside, with the ability to combine elements of dictionaries with any other search prescriptions.

    Using dynamic database dictionaries, with the ability to obtain a list of dictionary terms and then search for the selected terms; navigation through dictionaries, including setting the start of scanning by the first characters, and in terms of "next", "previous".

    Showing records from an arbitrary database in all types of standard formats, including information, in the form of a catalog card, in labels and decoded RUSMARC, UNIMARC, USMARC. It is possible to use any formats defined by the user in the IRBIS notation.

    Quantization of output records in a user-defined format, followed by navigation in terms of "next", "previous".

    Selection of records from among those found, with their subsequent processing, including unloading the selected records in standard RUSMARC, UNIMARC, USMARC formats.

The software was developed in such a way that all functions and capabilities are fully controlled by the administrator of the library information complex, including setting up search forms, adding and deleting search fields, setting their attributes, including rubricators and static dictionaries.

Particular attention in the development of Web-IRBIS 64 was paid to additional service functions aimed at improving user service and integration within library and interlibrary technologies through the library information complex.

This is especially important for approaching modern technologies for remote servicing of readers and digital libraries. It is known that typical library information complexes have a significant drawback - a gap in the search technology and subsequent access to the found primary sources. Of course, the situation is quite inconvenient for the user when he can find a description of the edition he needs, regardless of temporal and geographical conditions, and then cannot use modern communication technologies to obtain the required document.

To solve this problem, elements have been introduced to support the electronic delivery of documents and direct access to full texts (if any) of the search results. This, of course, took into account the legal restrictions associated with the need to respect copyright, i.e. the placement of full-text documents and the conditions for their use on the Internet were subject to the required agreement with the copyright holders.

It is necessary to note the created possibility of using different modes of access to databases. To do this, in the process of research and development, 3 basic modes were introduced, the properties of which can be combined and redefined for each specific Internet complex.

It should also be emphasized that the authorized access technology is not built on the level of standard Web-server methods, but on the basis of original solutions using dynamically generated pages and form-file libraries. This was implemented in order to enhance the ability to adapt to specific conditions and increase resistance to unauthorized interference.

next important feature Web-IRBIS 64 is a built-in support for inclusion in the electronic catalog and database of links to the full texts of documents. At the same time, a free technology for generating links in the form of a URL is implemented, which allows using this solution not only to form your own collection of full texts, but also to catalog and include Internet resources in the database, which is extremely important in modern conditions. Thus, Web-IRBIS 64 can be used as a basic technology for creating virtual and electronic libraries.

The process of creating links is quite simple and fully integrated with the IRBIS catalog description creation technology: when formatting a record, a standard link is automatically generated and a direct link to the full text of the document appears in the description.

The advantages of Web-IRBIS 64 include the high speed of executing requests of varying degrees of complexity.

The Web-IRBIS 64 system provides support for extended and nested formats, which was not available in previous implementations, setting output parameters; allows the use of advanced query generation tools, the use of several terms in one field; has advanced service functions.

Main software and technological components

Rice. 1. General functional block diagram of the operation algorithm of Web-IRBIS 64.

Rice. 2.1. Block diagram of Web-IRBIS 64 operation.

Displaying New Arrivals The IBIS_EX section provides for displaying an advanced search page and displaying dictionary terms. The display of search results is set ONLY in the IBIS section, which allows it to be unified. On the other hand, this makes it impossible to pass the I21DBN parameter by format to the search form.

The Web-IRBIS 64 system is based on the following set of main components (see Fig. 1):

    A module for providing communication between a Web server and a database created on the basis of CGI (Common Gateway Interface - a common gateway interface), which ensures that the software works with any servers that support this technology, which is a standard for executing applications on the Internet. Modules using CGI are implemented as executable programs, while APIs are implemented as dynamic libraries. These modules are the only ones specific to various Web servers - all the others are independent of the type of specified servers and methods of interaction.

    Modules of search and formatting of results are common for Web-IRBIS 64 and IRBIS64, and are made in the form of dynamic libraries. They are controlled by the communication module and provide search and output of pre-formatted results in accordance with the passed parameters. The final formatting and conversion to HTML is done by the communication module.

    The form file library is the backbone of secure authorized access technology. The developed algorithm will allow not to permanently store search pages and results output pages - they are created upon receipt of a request to perform an operation and are deleted after the process is completed. Therefore, it is not possible to make unauthorized access to all modes from the Internet via direct URLs (Universal Locator - Index - Resources).

    Technological databases. Contains information about the registration of remote users and received orders.

    Tree of static pages. Used for initial study and as examples for designing your server. The Web-IRBIS 64 system is a reliable and convenient platform for the implementation of library Internet applications and their subsequent integration into a single library Internet complex.

Differences of Web-IRBIS 32 from Web-IRBIS 64

    Titles ini file, gateway, and frame storage folders are suffixed with the corresponding version. For example, cgiirbis_64.exe - cgiirbis_32.exe, i - i. This difference is necessary for the possible simultaneous installation of 2 versions.

    All frames of the two versions are in utf-8 format. The ini file has the ability to change the encoding of frames and search links to WINDOWS-1251(ANSI). The possibility of independent encodings for frames and links is due to the fact that search links must be written in URI format, which is transmitted in UTF-8 in Latin characters (same as in WINDOWS-1251) There are special unifors for working with encodings:

    • &unifor("+3E" - convert to URI format to send to server.

      &unifor("+3D" – translation from URI (used by the gateway when working with the GET method).

      &unifor("+3U" – translation of ANSI into UTF8 – used in WEB IRBIS32 to form links in UTF8 encoding.

      &unifor("+3+" – translation of the + sign into %2B for the correct transmission of a search query containing logic OR by reference in the S21ALL parameter – search query in ISIS language.

In whatever encoding the frames are stored in, the gateway produces output in UTF8 encoding, which allows displaying diacritics in IRBIS32 when formatting found records.

The difference in the data storage format of IRBIS64 and IRBIS32 leads to a difference in the formation of search links if their encoding is UTF8. In IRBIS 32, it is additionally necessary to translate the link into UTF8 using the &unifor("+3U" format. Web-IRBIS 64 is constantly being improved and modified, new functions and capabilities are being added, integration with other subsystems of the IRBIS64 series is deepening. User support is provided in the traditional way , and through an Internet conference ( http:// irbis. gpntb. en).

The developers will be grateful for any comments and feedback, as well as for advice on the further development of the system. Write to Mikhail Goncharov ( goncharov@ gpntb. en) and Konstantin Sboychakov ( [email protected] ).

Installation of Web-IRBIS 64

General remarks

To install the software on the server, you need to run the program wsetup64 r. exe included in the package. If you do not have a Web server installed, then before installing Web-IRBIS 64, you need to install it. All questions related to the use of servers are not the subject of this manual and must be resolved in accordance with the documentation for the server.

The general view of the installation directory is shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 3 Distribution root directoryWeb-IRBIS 64.

Before installing the product, you must determine and install (if necessary) according to the instructions the version of the operating system a number of windows and http server (IIS, Apache, etc.). Various options are currently supported Windows versions and http servers.

Windows 2000 + IIS

Windows 2000 + Apache

Windows XP + IIS

Windows XP + Apache

Windows 2003 + Apache

Unlike previous versions, installation paths are not automatically detected and require manual setting paths for a directory of HTML files and CGI scripts. You need to predefine these directories and set the paths when prompted. In addition, you should keep in mind that the presence of the IRBIS64 server is required and during installation it will be necessary to enter the path to its configuration file.

By default, test and service databases are located in the directory of the IRBIS64 server. You can change these paths in the config file irbis_server. in, which the always is located from the root directory of the operating system (C:\Windows, C:\WINNT).

It is allowed to use network paths defined in a standard way.

It must be remembered that the tree of HTML pages of Web-IRBIS 64 is placed in a special directory within the root directory of HTML files of your http-server in order to save user data. Therefore, the Web-IRBIS 64 is called as follows: http:///Irbis64r/index.html. You can change the location of the Web-IRBIS 64 directory either during installation or when necessary. standard methods moving nested directories with making appropriate changes to the i.

Standard installation procedure

About 6MB of free disk space is required to install the full set of programs. If an earlier version of Web-IRBIS 64 is already installed on your machine, it is recommended to make a backup copy of the system components. Usually these are form files created or modified during system adaptation, formats and parameters in irbis_ server. ini. To start the installation procedure, you need to run the setup.exe program from the root directory of your distribution (see Figure 3).

The installer contains two screens.

Rice. 4. The first screen of the Web-IRBIS 64 setup program.

It must be remembered that for various http servers it is necessary to select the CGI script execution option. The default (except when using IIS) is standard CGI and the method POST requests, which function optimally on most http servers.

Rice. 5. The second screen of the Web-IRBIS 64 installer.

You need to set the following paths (see Fig. 5):

    Path to the parametric file of the IRBIS64 server– this file contains paths to databases, access to which will be allowed through Web interface, to files for working with databases, paths to configuration files for Web pages, temporary files

    Root directory of CGI programs and root directory of WWW pages– accordingly, the paths to the root directories of the http-server, in which the executable programs (CGI, SCRIPTS) are located and the directory for HTML documents respectively.

    Gateway type- executable module (exe) or DLL.

The following directories are created

    The folder frames_r\ibis with subdirectories MAIN, MAINEX, MAINRDR, MAINRQST, MAINZAKAZ is created along the DATAI path from the ini file of the IRBIS64 server

    in htdocs directory WEB servers Irbis64r folder is created with subdirectories for scripts and pictures

    The Irbis64r folder is created in the cgi (or scripts) directory of the WEB server

    The i file is written to the WINDOWS directory

The following files are added to the IRBIS64 databases:

    The following files are added to the IBIS database directory

Free_ekz.pft, fullwebr.pft, insert_export.pft, insert_file_author.pft, insert_search_result.pft, mfull.pft, referings.pft, web_dict.pft, WebNews.pft, zakaz.pft, avhead.srw, dkv.srw, dp. srw, dz.srw, god.srw, tipvid.srw.

    The following mful.pft files are added to the RDR database directory

The following files basket.pft, rqst_web.pft are added to the RQST database directory

When the installation procedure is successfully completed, a message will appear on the screen.

Rice. 5. Message about the successful completion of the installation of Web-IRBIS 64.

Then it is necessary to test the operability of the resulting configuration of the software package.

Checking the functionality of the program after installation

On the screen after entering the address http:///Irbis64r/index.html the main screen of the Web-IRBIS 64 system should appear (see Fig. 6).


is. 6. Start page
Web-IRBIS 64.

If the main screen of the Web-IRBIS 64 system is not displayed, then you need to check the operability of your http-server and the correctness of the path in the browser and in the file irbis_ server. ini. If necessary, you need to manually adjust the paths in the configuration files or the http-server menu and irbis_ server. ini.

Then you need to check access to sections. If it is impossible to display, carry out the actions described in the previous paragraph.

After that, it is necessary to check the operability of the main mode - (see Fig. 6.). If the paths of the working directory of applications are set incorrectly, the transition to building a search form is impossible. In this case, you need to match the real paths and the paths in the file irbis_ server. ini.

Rice. 6. Page of free access to the IRBIS database.

If the search form is displayed correctly, you need to check the various search modes.

Search results are displayed on a separate page (see Fig. 7.) in accordance with the request, in the form required by the user. The free access mode to the IRBIS database is described in more detail in Chapter 2.

Rice. 7. Search results page.

If the search fails or does not work correctly, you need to check that the paths are set correctly and that the access requirements are met. It must be remembered that Web-IRBIS 64 requires the ability to write, create and delete files in the database directory of the IRBIS64 server, defined by the http-server. For most http servers, no additional steps are required for this. The exception is IIS, for which you need to perform additional operations (see. below)

If any of the above actions did not lead to the localization of the problem, you need to report it to the addresses [email protected] and goncharov@ . The letter must be accompanied by information about the version of the product, configuration file irbis _ server . ini and a detailed description of the problem.

Chapter 2


Features of Web-IRBIS 64

AT general view the solution functions as shown in Fig. eight.

Rice. eight. Functional diagram standard solution.

The operation of Web-IRBIS 64 is based on the use of form files. The request processed by the CGI program generates a response in the form of a regular HTML forms for further work. The response is based on predefined form files. To construct a response to a CGI request for each command, the form file output sequence defined in file i is used. These output sequences form the complete HTML page. The output sequences are described below.

The main and only parametric file of Web-IRBIS 64 is i, which is located in the system Windows directories(for example, winnt, winxp, etc.).

The option offered in the base delivery is a full-featured example of using the main default database IRBIS64 (ibis). To connect other databases, you need to make changes to the form files and execute additional setting. As simple solution to get started, it is recommended that you simply copy your e-catalog to the ibis database.

Basic commandsWeb-IRBIS 64

    Frameset display (F).

  1. Show dictionary terms (T).

For each command in the parametric file i there is a hard code (name): F = ShowFrames, S = SearchFrames, T = DictionryFrames, Z = ZakazFrames.

Each name corresponds to a value in the form of a string, in which the frames are listed, separated by commas, in the order in which they are shown after executing this command. These commands may be defined differently in different sections for different databases. In this case, for one database there can be any number of functionally different sections. The name of the section is specified by the I21DBN= parameter in the argument line of the parent link. The command is specified in the same link by the C21COM= parameter. A full description of the possible options is given in Table 2.

Command "Search (S)" - show search results and the command "Show frameset (F)" - provide a display of the frameset in given order and display search results.

The difference between these commands is that if the search result is null, the SEARCH command produces a message text, which is taken from the webmsg.txt gateway message file. In the distribution, this is an EMPTY ANSWER.


example from section. ShowFrames=header_1.frm, menu_2.frm,search_4.frm,rubrics_5.frm,News_6.frm,RESULT,footer_7.frm.

Rice. 8. Page of free access to the IRBIS database.

In this case, the main search page of the distribution kit is displayed, which is called by the link DP=200302%24<.>">

Additional parameters in the link S21FMT= and S21ALL= provide search and display of new arrivals. By changing the set and sequence of frames, you can change the look and functionality of a dynamic page. For example, let's remove the rubrics_5.frm frame from the sequence, which is responsible for displaying a fragment of the SRNTI rubricator. The result is shown in the figure.

Similarly, you can add, change and remove any frames.

Rice. 9. Changed page of free access to the IRBIS database.

The special name of the RESULT frame determines the point where the search results will be output - after which and before which frame the formatting results of the found documents will be inserted.

Team"Display dictionary terms (T)" shows dictionary terms

The dictionary is displayed starting from the term defined by the parameter using the format specified in the search form parameters DICT_FORMAT= (web_dict by default). Glossary terms are shown as links that provide a direct jump to relevant entries. If you need to search for several terms, then you need to mark them or enter them into the "Selected Terms" input element by pressing the "Back" button. Dictionary navigation is carried out using the "Dictionary" button and the "Key" input element, which specifies the term from which the display of the next portion begins.

Rice. 10. IRBIS database dictionary display page.

Command "Order (Z)" (Requires authorization). Orders one edition from the list of found ones.

Before completing an order in the distribution kit, a special form is issued in which it is required to indicate the reader's identifier to confirm the order. In the distribution kit, this form has additional fields that are optional to be filled in as an example of organizing an order.

is. 11. Page showing search results.

The mandatory parameter is Z21MFN= order entry number.

The functions "My Form" and "My Cart" are available after authorization and provide a display of previously issued literature and the status of the user's orders. In this case, orders can be removed from the basket.

leadership and intrasystem book exchange, ... professional community. The quality of the users information - regulatory, ... for testing the program Web- « Irbis64". Based on it...

  • Research and development of means for ensuring the interoperability of electronic information resources of scientific information


    ... users Internet to electronic catalogs and other bibliographic databases IRBIS. Web-IRBIS... I recommend reading the relevant section of this guides: "The work pulls on a doctoral" ... - 29-30 lines, 62- 64 character in a line. When typing...

  • I r b i s 6 4 / 1 2 8 general description of the system


    Local databases IRBIS64 , DB WEB-IRBIS 32/64 , OBD Z39.50, OBD IRBIS 128, RAIDB ... in the Library Automation System documentation IRBIS. AWP "Catalogue". Managementuser. If the reformat table is not...

  • "creation of a corporate network of public libraries in Moscow"


    Available to those interested users background information, ... 64 Kbps 64 Kbps - 56 Kbps 56 Kbps 64 Kbps 64 Kbps 64 ... namely: Web-IRBIS- a solution that provides ... records. (Appendix B" Guides...") - b- agency -two-character...

  • Library automation system IRBIS Work in any networks without limiting the number of users; Full integration into corporate library systems and technologies based on: means of supporting Web technologies and the Z39.50 protocol; full compatibility with the international formats UNIMARC, USMARC and the Russian communication format RUSMARC;

    Support for an arbitrary number of databases that make up the electronic catalog; Technology of automatic formation of dictionaries with the implementation of a quick search for any elements of the description and their combinations; Tools for maintaining and using authority files, alphabetical-subject index to UDC/LBC and thesaurus; Support for traditional paper technologies: from printing a summary book to printing all types of index cards; Library automation system IRBIS

    Support for technologies using barcodes on copies of publications and library cards; Support for full texts, graphic data and other external objects (including Internet resources); Tools for translating user interfaces into other languages; Using multilingualism based on UNICODE Library Automation System IRBIS

    Formal-logical data control, including spelling; A wide range of service tools that provide convenience and clarity of user interfaces, simplify the input process, eliminate errors and duplication of information; Ample opportunities for adaptation to the working conditions of a particular library, including the means of creating unique work profiles for all categories of users; Openness - allowing the user to independently make changes in a wide range: from changing input and output forms to developing original applications.

    Library automation system IRBIS Composition of the IRBIS32 family products remote search via the Internet 4. Web-IRBIS - A module that provides remote search via the Internet with the Z component Universal interface for classification systems

    IRBIS library automation system Composition of the IRBIS64 family products 1. Five modules of the basic delivery + server Administrator Compiler Cataloger Reader Book lending TCP / IP server 2. Special modules for full-text databases Administrator Reader 3. Web-Reader - Module that provides remote search via the Internet 4 Web-IRBIS - Module providing remote search via the Internet with component Z39.50

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Administrator Performing operations related to maintaining IRBIS databases up to date and safe, As well as: Setting up and creating user profiles based on special tools.

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Completer Preliminary description and execution of order documents; Order fulfillment tracking; Registration of receipt of literature; Automated transfer of descriptions for cataloging; Subscription of periodicals for library departments (subscription cards and order sheets); Transfer of descriptions of periodicals to the Electronic Catalog after receiving the first issue of the issued edition, followed by registration of regular receipts in the AWS Cataloger; Automatic subscription for the next subscription period; Write-off of literature; Standard output forms.

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Cataloger Processing and description of any types of publications; Original technology for describing periodicals; Automated technology of linguistic processing of publications; Special data copying technology that eliminates the need for re-entry; System of formal-logical data control; The original technology of automatic verification for duplication; output forms; Technology of input and representation of any characters.

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Reader Comfortable, friendly interface; Accounting for different levels of user training; A wide range of search tools that provide a quick search in the database for all the main elements of the bibliographic description and their combinations; Working with multiple databases; Paperless technology for the formation of an order for the issuance of literature; Sort search results (when viewing and printing) according to various criteria.

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Book lending Technology for the formation and queuing of electronic orders for the issuance of literature and fixing their execution; Operative information about free copies, issued literature and readers; Technology for fixing the return of literature; Technologies of issuance without an order, issuance without EC, renewal; Maintaining all information about the issuance / return in the records of readers; Receipt statistical information; Special lending technology based on bar-coding of copies and library cards;

    Library Automation System IRBIS ARM Book Availability Designed to automate the joint work of databases of the electronic catalog and databases containing data about the university: Maintenance of a special database containing data on the educational process: disciplines, student populations, structural elements of the university. The interface displays the current state of the databases in their relationships. Tools for searching in each database, displaying the links of one database with others, displaying tables of coefficients of book supply, tools for transferring data from one database to another, database control tools. Modules for input/correction, formation of tabular forms, execution of batch jobs, logging of work.

    Library automation system IRBIS Subsystem of full-text databases 1. Extended workstation "Administrator", which includes additional modes for working with full-text databases. 2.Workstation of the end user (reader) for searching and browsing in full-text databases with the implementation of special search algorithms: Search by request in natural language. Ranking of found documents according to their relevance. Search for similar texts in a user-defined thematic context.

    Library automation system IRBIS Web-IRBIS Unified technology for serving local and remote users; Using a single bibliographic array for technological operations, and for servicing local and remote users; The presence of a system for automatically recognizing the encoding of the incoming client; Ability to work with any number of databases; Possibility of forming a request in a fixed and free form using information retrieval operations; Ability to use any output formats defined by the user; Z - component.

    Library automation system IRBIS Delivery and version of the system MS DOS version Demo version Mini-IRBIS Modular delivery Basic delivery Extended delivery Full delivery Special delivery for medical libraries New system versions - every 6 months

    Library automation system IRBIS Pricing policy Component Cost (without VAT) (USD) IRBIS system (basic supply)2800 workstation Administrator 500 workstation Setter 600 workstations Cataloger 600 workstations Book lending 500 workstations Reader 600 workstations Book supply 600 workstations MBA 600 Mini-IRBIS 700 Web-Reader1200 Web-IRBIS1800 TCP/IP server (10 users) 600 Modules for full-text databases 1400

    Library automation system IRBIS Pricing policy (different if) IRBIS32 If you have IRBIS under MS/DOS – 50% If you have Mini-IRBIS – its cost is deducted IRBIS64 If you have IRBIS32 – only the cost of TCP/IP server Vas IRBIS64 - the cost of the Administrator workstation is deducted ($500)

    Library automation system IRBIS Support and training -- Warranty support - within the cost of delivery - Post-warranty support - 12% of the catalog price per year - Support includes: Delivery of new versions Answers to questions and consultations on all types of communication - Open forum for all users and non-users -- Permanent "School IRBIS" (full-time and remote) with the issuance of a certificate of the established form according to the licensed course "Computer Technologies in Libraries" -- Permanent consulting classes at the International Conferences "Crimea" and "Libcom" -- Field scientific and practical seminars

    Library automation system IRBIS Numbers and geography -- More than 1200 users; -- The system works in libraries of various levels and types in: Azerbaijan Armenia Belarus Great Britain Georgia Israel Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Russia USA Uzbekistan Ukraine -- The system is distributed by the 31st representative Library automation system 26

    The author of the article talks about the possibilities of the library of the KGA UCC, especially dwelling on the integrated automated library and information system IRBIS.

    The Crimean State Agrarian Training and Consulting Center owns an extensive library, which contains literature on agricultural topics, using it in training personnel for the village in 49 professions and providing information and consulting

    The Crimean State Agrarian Training and Consulting Center owns an extensive library, which contains literature on agricultural topics, using it in training personnel for the village in 49 professions and providing information and consulting services to fifteen educational and consulting branches (departments) and a branch of scientific and technical information and consulting for the agro-industrial complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

    The library fund of the Center has 18121 copies of educational literature and teaching aids, electronic textbooks, educational elements, code positives, 1222 sets of posters. Every year the library is replenished with new books. The Center regularly subscribes to 116 periodicals in Ukraine, Crimea and Russia.

    Modern libraries are a harmonious combination of traditional and new electronic resources. Developing rapidly, they require systematization, preservation, and solving problems of corporate use.

    This year Sudak hosted the 14th International Conference "Crimea 2007" on the topic "Libraries and informational resources in the modern world of science, culture, education and business”. Here the Center purchased an integrated automated library and information system IRBIS. She represents standard solution in the field of library fund automation and is intended for use in libraries of any type and profile.

    The IRBIS system is oriented to work in local computer networks of any type without limiting the number of users.

    Thanks to this system, our Center will be able to:

    Expand and maintain the database that makes up the electronic catalog (EC);

    Create electronic dictionaries, on the basis of which a quick search is implemented for any elements of the description and their combinations;

    Process and describe any kind of publications, including non-traditional ones, such as audio and video materials, computer files and programs, cartographic materials and educational elements and others;

    Support traditional "paper" technologies, with the help of which to obtain a wide range of output forms, including all types of index cards, order sheets and summary books;

    Maintain graphical data and full text documents.

    With the help of this system, the Center can exchange information with all libraries of the Crimea and Ukraine, such as the library of the Tauride National University. Vernadsky, Crimean Republican Universal Scientific Library. AND I. Franco, Library of the University of Economics and Management, with the National Academy of Environmental and Resort Construction and others.

    The use of new information technologies in the library makes access to information more efficient and convenient.

    E. GROMOVA, librarian of the KGA UKC.
