What are private networks in a firewall. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - Troubleshooting and Troubleshooting


The web is a source of useful and interesting information. But the World Wide Web can be quite dangerous - we hear about hacks all the time. corporate networks and the theft of bank accounts. A good barrier to hackers are firewalls - programs that block unauthorized transmission of information over the Web and prevent malicious programs from running.

Few people today have not heard about the threats that exist in the virtual space. It is still an undeniable fact that a computer connected to the Internet can be subjected to real attacks. Unfortunately, there are often inadequate or illegal people (often in one person), pathologically unable to exist without spoiling the lives of others. Those of them who understand computers and know how to get remote access files are called hackers. To protect against them, we first need a good firewall.

We list the main dangers that exist on the Web:

  • Rogue applications can take up residence and run on your computer without you noticing (such as ActiveX or Java applets embedded in the web page you are viewing). These applications can perform any operation on your computer, including sending files containing your private information to other computers or removing data from your system altogether.
  • At incorrect setting system, other computers can access your files directly without downloading a special software.
  • Some types of information (cookies or referrers) may be placed on your computer in such a way that interested persons will be able to follow your activities on the Web and will know about your interests.
  • Trojan horses also pose a threat to the computer. "Trojans" are programs used by hackers that reveal your private information (passwords, details, numbers credit cards). One of the main differences between a "Trojan" and a virus is that the virus acts autonomously on the computer, while the Trojan horse is directly controlled by the cracker from the Web.
  • Internet worms usually enter the computer along with mail, in the form of attachments. Some email programs open attachments on their own. Inexperienced users, not realizing the threat, open attachments themselves. If you open such a message at least once, then the running "worm" will begin to rapidly infect the system.
  • A lot of unnecessary traffic in the form of banners and messages reduces the bandwidth of the computer. Although these objects cannot cause direct harm to data, they significantly slow down the speed of a connection, especially over a telephone line.
  • Spyware is similar to Trojans in many ways. They collect information about your interests (websites visited, software installed, etc.) without your knowledge or consent.

At present, most of the local computer networks(LAN) connected to the Internet. However, the lack of effective means of information protection in the existing network protocols leads to various violations of the integrity of the transmitted data. Therefore, expanding the spectrum and increasing the requirements for the level of confidentiality of network applications necessitates the use of special technical means access control to information resources and control of data exchange between different computer networks.

Firewalls are widely used as such means of protection, which are called firewalls in the English literature.

General Description of Firewalls

A firewall (firewall, firewall) is a system that allows you to divide a network into two or more parts and implement a set of rules that determine the conditions for the passage of information from one part to another. Firewalls are whole class systems, sometimes comparable in complexity to operating system. They can be classified according to their execution: software, hardware and mixed type (hardware-software); according to the component model: local (running on the same host) and distributed (distributed firewall). However, the most "useful" classification is in terms of the level at which firewalls operate: packet level, application level, connection level.

The tiering is conditional, which means that a single firewall can operate on more than one layer at the same time. We can say that almost all modern firewalls operate at several levels at once, trying to expand the functionality and maximize the benefits of working according to one scheme or another. This technology is called Stateful Inspection, and mixed firewalls are called Stateful Inspection Firewall.

Packet level

The job at the packet level is to filter packets. The decision on whether to pass this packet or not is made on the basis of the following information: IP addresses, port numbers of the sender and recipient, flags. In fact, the administrator's task is to compile a simple table, on the basis of which filtering is carried out.

Packet Level Benefits:
- low cost;
- high performance.

— complexity of configuration and support;
- absence additional features;
- the collapsed network remains open (not protected);
— not protected from falsification of IP and DNS addresses.

Application layer

Packet-level filtering is, of course, very simple, but often it is clearly not enough. The network and transport layer information of the OSI model is sometimes not enough for efficient operation, which leads to the existence of systems operating on the top level- applied. Actually firewalls given level provide several separate subsystems (the so-called application gateways - application-level servers), according to the number of services served. Between the user process and the right service an intermediary appears that passes all traffic through itself and makes a decision on its legitimacy within the framework of the established security policy.

As a rule, modern firewalls support almost the entire range of existing services - HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, Telnet, Gopher, Wais, Finger, News - allowing either to completely block a particular service or introduce some restrictions.

This scheme of work provides a number of additional security features: firstly, the structure of the protected network is masked; secondly, it becomes possible to manage access more flexibly - for example, by granting different rights to certain categories of users, etc.

Application layer benefits:
— masking of the protected network;
- wide possibilities (strong authentication, detailed logging);
— the failed network remains blocked (protected).

high price;
- low performance.

Connection level

A connection-level gateway is a system that relays connections to the outside. When access is established, the user process connects to the firewall, which in turn establishes a connection to the external host itself. During operation, the firewall simply copies incoming/outgoing information. By and large, this gateway should not be considered as an independent and self-sufficient mechanism, but only as a specific solution to some problems (for example, to work with non-standard protocols, if you need to create a statistics collection system for some unusual service, provide access only to certain external addresses , carry out basic monitoring, etc.).

Unfortunately (or fortunately), there are already systems specifically designed to get around this kind of limitation. An example would be software package AntiFirewall by iNetPrivacy Software. It allows you to communicate via ICQ or IRC, use FTP and Usenet, collect mail from external POP3 and IMAP servers (the ability to send is not provided). The workaround is simple: traffic is tunneled to the HTTP protocol (which is usually not blocked), and the conversion takes place on external proxy servers that establish connections with the necessary services using the appropriate protocols. Such a scheme also additionally provides the following possibility: the user's IP address is masked, providing a certain anonymity.

Firewall Features

An ideal personal firewall should perform six functions:

  • Blocking external attacks Ideally, a firewall should block all known types of attacks, including port scanning, IP spoofing, DoS and DDoS, password guessing, etc.
  • Blocking information leakage Even if malicious code penetrated the computer (not necessarily through the network, but, for example, in the form of a virus on a purchased pirated CD), the firewall must prevent information leakage by blocking the virus from accessing the network.
  • Application Control Imminent Presence open doors(that is, open ports) is one of the most slippery places in blocking information leakage, and one of the most reliable ways to prevent viruses from entering through these doors is to control applications that request permission to access. In addition to the banal check by file name, it is highly desirable to check the authenticity of the application.
  • Zone protection support Work in local network often implies almost complete trust in local content. This opens up unique opportunities for the use of the latest (and, as a rule, potentially dangerous) technologies. At the same time, the level of trust in Internet content is much lower, which means that a differentiated approach is needed to analyze the danger of a particular content.
  • Logging and alerting A firewall must collect exactly the right amount of information. Excess (as well as lack) of information is unacceptable. The ability to customize log files and provide reasons for getting user attention is welcome.
  • Operation as transparent as possible The effectiveness and applicability of a system are often inversely proportional to the complexity of its configuration, administration and maintenance. Despite the traditional skepticism about the "masters" (wizards) for setting up and other bourgeois things, even experienced administrators do not neglect them simply in order to save time.

Firewall Disadvantages

We must not forget about the reverse side of the coin, about the shortcomings, and not of individual solutions, but of the entire technology as a whole.

The fragmentation of protection systems

This is one of the most important problems that many vendors are trying to solve, but so far without much success. Many firewalls lack protection against sabotage by authorized users. This issue can be considered from an ethical, social or any other point of view, but this does not change the essence of the matter - firewalls are not able to prohibit an authorized user from stealing (transferring to the outside, destroying, modifying) important information. And although other solutions have existed for a long time (for example, access control, etc.), the problem lies in the fragmentation of all such systems, which in fact should perform the same function. Until antivirus programs, intrusion detection systems, access control systems, etc. receive single center management, the effectiveness of each of them can be safely divided into two.

Lack of protection for non-standard or new network services

Connection-level gateways or packet filters can provide some of the solution here, but, as already mentioned, they lack flexibility. Of course, there are certain possibilities for tunneling non-standard traffic, for example in HTTP, but this option cannot be called convenient at once for several reasons. There are many legacy systems that cannot be rewritten. However, you can't leave them defenseless either.

Performance degradation

Fortunately, such questions are becoming less and less common, especially among private users seeking to protect their PC or small local network. At the same time, large local networks still generate such a capacious traffic that you cannot cover the network with conventional software (cheap or free) solutions. Hardware solutions demonstrate excellent performance and scalability, but the price (sometimes in the tens of thousands of dollars) takes the issues of their application to a completely different plane, so sometimes the maximum possible is the allocation special server, "sharpened" exclusively for the maintenance of the firewall. Naturally, such a universal solution automatically affects the speed of access.

General Principles of Firewall Configuration

Firewall configuration is a rather complicated subject, and usually all firewalls (firewalls) have an individual configuration that reflects the specifics of the operation of a particular information system. However, some general principles should be followed here:

  • Only those services that are necessary to ensure the required functionality of the information system should be passed through.
  • Anything that is not explicitly allowed should be prohibited. This means that all services not mentioned in the firewall configuration should be disabled.
  • When configuring firewalls (firewall), detailed documentation should be kept.

Proxy server (Proxy server)

A proxy server regulates the access of company employees to Internet resources. It has flexible settings that allow you to restrict user access to certain sites, control the amount of information pumped out by the user from the Internet and configure the ability of certain users to access the Internet depending on the day of the week and time of day. In addition, the proxy server allows the user not to access the Internet from his address, but replaces the user's address with his own when making requests and sends the request no longer on behalf of a real network user, but on his own. It not only helps to hide for security purposes internal structure its network, but also allows you not to rent an additional number of addresses for all your employees, but to get by with one common address for the proxy server.

IDS (Intrusion Detection System)

Intrusion Detection System (intrusion detection system) - a software package that is usually installed on the Firewall and is designed to analyze various events that occur both on the computer with IDS (Host-based IDS) and in the network around it (Network IDS) . The operating principle of host-based IDS is based on the analysis of system event logs. Network IDS is based on the analysis of network traffic passing through the system. When an event is detected that the IDS qualifies as an intrusion attempt, an attack message is sent to the system security officer. At the same time, an entry is made in the attack log. This behavior is typical for passive IDS. If, for certain types of attacks, the system is able to perform a number of actions aimed at repelling the attack, then it belongs to active IDS.

Software and configuration integrity control system

For more strict control over attempts to penetrate the system, multi-level protection is used. One of these additional levels is the software integrity control system. It monitors all software on the firewall and sends reports about all deleted, newly appeared and changed files. Thus, at the slightest change in the configuration of the gateway, the person responsible for its operation will receive a detailed report on what was changed and when.

Fault monitoring and notification system

To detect faults in computer systems as quickly as possible, early warning systems for emerging faults are often used, which periodically monitor the performance various services and in case of any deviations, they are automatically contacted by the engineer servicing the system.

Remote administration system

Systems remote administration servers are used for troubleshooting, configuring systems, and performing various routine tasks on a local network (or the Internet) without the need for physical access to the server.

Firewall Testing

If necessary, you can evaluate the quality of your computer protection using special tests. To find out how effective your Firewall is at repelling attacks from the outside, it is helpful to walk through the links below, after which a test will be carried out and a report will be issued. Some tests are repeated, some require registration, and there are those that, apart from the MSIE browser, do not perceive anything else. In general, choose the choice is yours.

Firewall, which can also be called a firewall ( Windowsfirewall), used to control network access. If we are talking about a local network, then it can restrict access or filter packets forwarded to the network from the Internet. In the case when it comes to a separate computer, it deals with request filtering programs on the network. At the same time, unwanted and dangerous connections should be blocked, but here everything depends on the rules entered. Windows has such a built-in utility that acts according to the given rules, however, it also allows users to add their own for better protection personal information. At the same time, it has an enhanced security mode, which will be discussed here.

How to run the firewall in advanced security mode

To get started, the user needs to access control Panel, after which you need to find the windows firewall section. In this section, you can see if it is enabled at all and what parameters it has. If it is disabled, then it should be changed to active mode. After that, in the left menu, select the section of additional parameters.

This will allow you to move on to more detailed settings applications.

Main features and settings

Here you can immediately see three network profiles. Each of them is responsible for interaction within its own type of network.

The network type is usually determined by the user. When you first connect to new network, the system asks him what type it is. To set up profiles, click on Firewall Properties, which will allow you to go to the settings for each specific profile.

Creating rules for programs

Most modern utilities work via the Internet, or at least receive information and updates through it. However, it may not only be useful programs but also unwanted. Or the user does not want his software to be updated because he likes the current version better or works better. Rules for the interaction of programs and the Internet can be created through a firewall, how this is done will be described in this section. To call the menu in which you need to create a rule, it will be easiest to press win + r and enter wf.msc.

To get started, the user should click on the rules for incoming connections with the right mouse button and select " Create Rule". Next, a section will open where you should open the section " For programs».

In the next window, you will have to specify the program on which the user wants to impose restrictions. Here you can also select All programs if such a rule should apply to all installed software.

The next window involves selecting the action to be applied to the utility:

  • Allow connection. This will allow all connections for this program that match the general firewall settings.
  • Allow secure connection. Typical for this security mode, it opens connections if they contradict the previously introduced rules, as well as for those protected by the IPSec protocol.
  • Block connection. If you select this option, the program will not connect. The firewall will block all attempts.

In the next window, the user will have to select a profile to which this rule will apply, on the last page, you must enter his name. It is better to enter informative names so that later you do not have to look for the desired rule among hundreds of names consisting of a random set of letters.

Port rules

At the very beginning, in the Type section, you can select an item for ports, in which case the setting will take a slightly different path. The protocol will choosetcp(most of the information in global network transmitted over it, guarantees delivery) or udp. Here you will need to specify either a specific port number, or select all local ports. What port is responsible for can be viewed on the Internet so as not to block something important as an experiment.

In the action window, everything is exactly the same, you need to select the one that the user needs. The profile and name are also no different from the previous section.

Built-in rules

At the stage of choosing a rule, you can click on the Predefined mark. This section contains the rules that have been introduced into the system by developers. Naturally, they receive many reports daily, also works Feedback with users, so they know what might be required in a given situation. That is why you should first look for the right rule here before creating it yourself.

In the dropdown menu, the user will need choose an action which he wants to do. At the same time, after clicking the next button, he will be taken to a page with the rules that the system suggests using to solve the problem. Here it is worth choosing the necessary ones and discarding the unnecessary ones.

In the next window, you will need to select the action to be taken for each of the selected items - block or allow.

How to create a rule for a system service

First you need to create a new custom rule. The program selection window will be slightly different from the standard one, so here you can select the section that is responsible for system services. After the user clicks on it, you should select the service for which the rule will be created.

Further on the protocols and ports section, you can configure necessary actions or leave everything as it is. In the region, everything remains according to the standard. In the action section, you will again need to allow or block the connection. The profile and name are left to the discretion of the user.

Create a rule for a third party protocol

In case the user needs to create a restriction for another protocol, this can also be done here. The beginning is the same, it remains only to choose custom type. Further, if the restriction is set for all utilities, it remains to select all programs, if not, then only some specific one. In the port selection section, you will need to select the required protocol.

The list contains only the most common protocols. In the case when the user did not find his own, then you need to select " Tune", after which it will open full list, which presents about 140 items.

The scope can be left unchanged, and in the action section you need to specify the required action for this protocol. The profile and name are chosen at the discretion of the user. It remains to press ready and finish it.

Settings for select IPs only

In the case when the user needs to block certain addresses, it is necessary to create outbound rule. Select custom as the type. For blocking remote connection to the desktop should be specified as a program C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe. As a channel, it is better to choose the most common tcp, most of the information exchange is carried out through it. In the ports tab, it's best to leave everything. Next, the Region section will open, it is in it that the address range is configured. If you leave a check mark on all addresses, then all outgoing traffic will be filtered. It remains to choose Specified IP addresses, here you can enter a single address, specify an entire subnet, or specify a range. The user needs to select the desired option and specify the addresses.

The remaining blocks are filled in similarly to the previous sections.

Why is the firewall blocking the internet

If the user has lost the Internet or the exchange over the network has stopped, then the reason may be incorrect setting built-in firewall or installed with an antivirus. For check should be turned off both, and check if the network has appeared. If so, then the reason may be that the user has configured a firewall and has prevented the device from communicating. The same could happen with the antivirus. Both utilities should be tested, paying special attention to self-created rules. Also, do not ignore the recent restrictions. It is worth removing or disabling them and checking the network again.

This setting can be considered complete, but if the user has not found answers on how to block a specific program or process, then it is worth looking for information about which particular protocol or service is responsible for them, and then configure restrictions for them.

The control panel contains all the necessary elements to configure your computer. We will now consider one of these components in more detail.

What is Windows Firewall?

How Windows Firewall works.

Step 1 . We launch the control panel. To do this, press the menu Start and chooseControl Panel.

Here we selectsystem and safety.

Step 2

. In order to proceed to the settings, in the window that appears, go to the sectionWindows Firewall by clicking on it once.

Step 3

. If you already have other antivirus software installed on your computer, I recommenddisable windows firewall.
If, on the contrary, you have not yet installed antivirus program then I recommend a firewall turn on , this will protect your computer from viruses.
But you still need to use the recommended protection settings. To enable these options, click on the item.

Step 4 . In a new window in a block Placement options on a home or work (private) network Set the radio button to Enable Windows Firewall.

In this part, you can Mark ticked items:

- Blocking all incoming connections, including connections specified in the list of allowed programs.
- Notify when Windows Firewall blocks a new program.

I advise you to do as shown in the picture.

In the block Public network hosting options put the switch on the field Enable Windows Firewall.

After selecting all the necessary items, click OK.

AT general case A firewall (also known as a firewall) is a specialized hardware and software complex that allows you to minimize the possibility of harmful external influences on the network section entrusted to it.

Of course, more reliable protection is provided by firewalls in the form of separate modules, which are usually located in the server room and are very solid equipment.

However, such complexes cost several thousand dollars and "mere mortals" (including most system administrators) manage ready-made software solutions, such as the Windows 7 firewall.

In essence, the firewall acts as a checkpoint on or where it is installed.

Which package to skip and which to block Brandmauer determines with the help of rules laid down in it in advance. These rules vary depending on the software version, and users can also customize their own rules in the course of work.

The need to create your own rules for the firewall arises if the firewall is enabled, but special permissions are required for some programs (primarily for incoming traffic). Restrictions on outgoing traffic may also be imposed.

The technique of working with the "on-board" firewall does not change much from version to Windows versions. So…

How to turn on Windows 7 firewall.

Consider how to independently connect and configure an internal firewall

  1. 1. How to enter the windows 7 firewall?

Click on the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" from the program menu on the right.

After that, the Control Panel window will appear, where you should select "Windows Firewall"

The firewall settings window will appear. If the firewall is disabled, then it will look something like this.

On the right is a list of settings and networks that are currently active.

On the left you can see the firewall settings.

  1. 2. How to start the windows 7 firewall?

In order to enable the firewall, select the "Turn Windows Firewall on or off" item.

In the next window, select "Enable ..." to desired networks and set the appropriate markers, then press "Enter" (or the "OK" softkey).

  1. 3. Where is the firewall on windows 7?

If the Firewall was accidentally disabled and the security alert settings were not changed, then it can be much easier to find it. A checkbox will appear in the desktop panel on the right, clicking on which will open a menu of the following form:

In this case, to enable the firewall, just select the appropriate item.

Now your firewall on windows 7 is enabled and the settings window looks like this:

configure windows 7 firewall?

Setting up a firewall on Windows 7 consists in prescribing the appropriate rules for it.

It is advisable, immediately after turning on the firewall, to register an exclusion rule for .

How to add a program to windows 7 firewall exceptions?

To do this, select the first item on the left menu - "Allow the program to run ...", after which the settings window will appear:

In the following list you should find necessary program, which you want to add to the windows 7 firewall exceptions. In this case, it is MsSE, which is free antivirus and within the framework of perfectly copes with their duties.

If necessary, check or uncheck the appropriate boxes and click OK.

The general firewall settings window will reappear.

For more fine tuning firewall on Windows 7, select the "Advanced Options" menu item, where all the rules for all connections are thoroughly spelled out. It is not recommended to configure advanced settings without proper experience. In this area, you can write rules manually.

Consider an example:

In the right column, select Outbound Rules.

The middle column will display all available inbound rules.

In the left column, find the item "create a rule" and click on it.

The rule settings window will appear.

On the left are the “steps” that need to be taken, on the right are the options for settings.

To customize the rules for a specific program, click "Next".

In the next window, you will need to select the required program if the rule does not apply to all applications installed on the computer.

In the "actions" window, you should tell whether we allow or deny the connection in this rule, as well as configure additional conditions (encryption, encapsulation).

The next step "Profile" predetermines the network profile under which this rule will work.

The last step is the Name.

Click on the "Finish" button and the new rule will be added to the firewall settings on your computer.

The main task of a firewall is to protect network communications from unauthorized access both from the outside and from the inside. computer network. Firewalls are various types and size and often represent a complex, actually installed on several different computers. Here is the firewall ( firewall ) is one or more devices located between safe( trusted)

internal networks and unsafe( untrusted ) external (such as Internet ), which examine all traffic flowing between networks (see Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Firewall on the network

Firewalls have the following properties:

  1. All communication goes through the firewall.
  2. The firewall only allows authorized traffic.
  3. The firewall is able to resist attacks on itself.

The firewall can be thought of as a buffer between secure and insecure networks. Term firewall( firewall - fire wall) comes from the name of the construction technology, which implies the installation of refractory partitions that prevent the spread of fire in the event of a fire. Basically, it's just a barrier. A network firewall is a means of preventing intrusion from other networks.

A router can act as a firewall, Personal Computer, a host or collection of hosts specifically designed to protect a closed network from hosted services that could cause harm. Typically, a firewall system is installed at the edge of the internal network, at the point where it connects to Internet . However, the firewall can also be located inside the network, providing additional, specialized protection for a limited number of hosts.

How a secure network is protected depends on both the design of the firewall and the rules it applies. There are currently four main categories of firewalls:

  1. Packet filters.
  2. Application layer gateways.
  3. Link level gateways.
  4. Stateful packet inspection processors.

Like all other software technologies, the firewall has life cycle during which it is designed, developed and improved.

A firewall is a specialized tool for solving a specific problem - detecting unauthorized traffic, and its use eliminates the need to seek a compromise between the degree of security and functionality systems.

In general, firewalls can reduce the risk of unauthorized or unintentional activity on a system (such as hacker activity). What exactly are the risks that firewalls protect systems from? Corporate systems and data require protection from the following possible troubles:

Risk of privacy breach.
- Risk of data integrity breach.
- Risk of access violation.

Main types of attacks

Human factor ( social engineering).

It implies that the attacker takes possession of the password or certificate of an administrator or another user who has sufficient rights in the system to access the necessary resources or to perform system operations.

Software bugs( software bug).

An attacker uses a software defect to force an application or service to execute unauthorized or unintended commands. Such attacks are especially dangerous when the application is running with extended or administrative rights. Such attacks are possible if buffer overflow( butter-overflow ) and string format errors( formatstringvulnerabilities).

Viruses and/or Trojan horses( Virusesand/orTrojancode).

Implies launch malware to be executed by a legitimate user. Usually the program for such an attack is masked with an innocent message Email or spread by virus. Being launched for execution, such a program is capable of many things, it can not only open access to a stranger, steal files and / or certificates, but also delete system files.

Poor system setup(poor system configuration).

The attacker uses errors in system configuration: available services and/or Accounts. Novice administrators quite often forget (or do not know how) to change the default passwords and accounts (both in the system and on application layer), nor does it restrict access to administrative applications or disable third-party or unused services.

Advantages and disadvantages of firewalls

The firewall is just one piece of security architecture, and like any piece of architecture, it has strengths and weaknesses.


  • Firewalls excel at enforcing corporate security policy.
  • They should be configured to restrict access to controls, but not to shared resources.
  • Firewalls allow you to restrict access to certain services.
    • For example, the firewall allows free access to web -server, but denies access to telnet and other demons not intended for general use. With the help of authentication features, most firewalls are able to provide selective access.
  • Firewalls are a specialized tool.
  • Therefore, there is no need to find a compromise between the degree of security and functionality.
  • Firewalls are excellent auditors.
  • Given sufficient disk space or the ability to store logs remotely, a firewall is capable of logging all traffic passing through it (or only the specified one).
  • Firewalls are able to notify users of relevant events.


  • Firewalls cannot protect against allowed content.
  • Firewalls protect applications and allow normal communication with those applications (otherwise, firewalls would do more harm than good). But if the applications themselves are defective, then firewalls will not fix them and will not be able to prevent the attack, since for the firewall all transmitted information is quite acceptable.
  • Firewalls are only as effective as the rules they are designed to enforce.
  • An overly loose set of rules will reduce the effectiveness of the firewall.
  • Firewalls are powerless over the human factor
  • As well as before an authorized user who deliberately uses his rights for malicious purposes.
  • Firewalls can neither eliminate administrator miscalculations nor replace poorly designed security policies.
  • Firewalls do not prevent attacks whose traffic does not pass through them.

Fig.2. Mutual location of secure and insecure networks relative to the firewall

To consider an example of packet filtering, let's create a set of rules according to the following criteria:

  • - protocol type;
  • - sender's address;
  • - address of the recipient;
  • - port of the sender;
  • - destination port;
  • - the action the firewall should take when it matches the criteria.