Spam is coming from my facebook page. How I got rid of spam on Facebook

How to Remove the Facebook Virus How to Remove the Facebook Spam Virus In Facebook, a virus has been spreading in recent days! Usually you can get a facebook virus through the links you get in chat, articles, posts, mails. If you click them, you get infected and automatically start sending the same links to your friends. How to Remove the Facebook Spam Virus como hackear facebook How to remove the facebook virus !! READ MORE IN THE DESCRIPTION!! Como limpar seu navegador de vírus, erros indesejadas Aprenda fazer a limpeza do seu navegador, resolver erros, remover os vírus, e chatas que atrapalham a navegação, e assim você vai ter uma navegação rápida, e segura, confira o vídeo! Como eliminar cualquier virus de facebook 2019 Unete a mi pagina informarte mas sobre este virus clik aqui If you got this type of virus then watch this video on how to fix it fast! How to Remove the Facebook Spam Virus Easy. fast. Secured! New Spam Techniques are adding themselves as "Extensions" and "Facebook Apps" To Remove Unwanted Apps Please see your App Center: and Revoke Access of all unwanted Apps To Remove Unwanted Browser Extensions in Chrome or FF see the Settings SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & COMMENTS Look other our Best Video! #facebookvirus how to remove, como eliminar virus aplicancion emoticones, #virus on facebook, how to remove a virus from facebook, how to remove a virus from a computer, clean a computer from viruses, remove viruses, #remove a virus from a computer, how to remove virus from browser, remove viruses for free, virus on facebook, virus Thanks for watching! Don "t forget to subscribe for weekly videos! Look the Best Moment: 00:08 - #facebook virus how to remove, #facebook virus 00:38 - #facebookvirus how to remove virus on facebook 01:09 - tengo un virus en el chat de facebook, get rid of virus 01:49 – facebook login, how to remove virus, 02:53 – COMO QUITAR VIRUS DE FACEBOOK 03:37 – facebook virus how to remove, facebook virus 04:50 – facebook messenger virus, #hackfacebook Help organize Unforgettable Adventures around the world! [email protected] Are you interested in Luxury holidays at Good prices!? Photographing and video recording of your trip on Professional equipment!!! QUALITY Above the price! [email protected] CLICK HERE: WATCH our Best Videos! How to deal with Facebook virus!!! AT this moment virus infection occurred in the Chrome browser. In order to get rid of the virus, you should do the following: 1. Open the browser task manager and close the processes that are suspicious; 2. Open list installed extensions by the link that you need to enter in the input line chrome: // extensions 3. Remove those extensions that you did not install. 4. Delete all posts in which the user has tagged friends and private messages 5. Go to the list of applications that are installed on Facebook and delete unknown and those that have not been used for a long time. Help organize Unforgettable Adventures around the world! [email protected] By contacting us you will receive Best Service and your vacation will be remembered forever!!! Believe - You Deserve the Best, i.e., - Us!!! :-) [email protected] facebook virus get rid of virus facebook messenger Quitar virus emoticones COMO QUITAR VIRUS DE FACEBOOK el virus/malware más odiado tengo un virus en el chat de facebook Desinstalar los emoticones del facebook Como eliminar virus aplicancion emoticones Cómo eliminar Virus de Facebook 2019 hot tours #How to Remove the #Facebook #Spam #Virus! #how to remove #virus on facebook! #Como hackear facebook!” created by author Aelite PandaTour Based on work from Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Despite the constant updating of security settings, the reality is that Facebook remains one of the most vulnerable social networks in the Internet. User accounts have been hacked many times, scammers are constantly finding new methods for phishing, and viruses are a common occurrence. I personally got rid of the "stalker virus" a year ago, so I was not even surprised that Facebook was "attacked" again.

This time the trouble came from where they did not expect. On this allotment, information began to spread among users of Russian Facebook about the appearance of suspicious posts, with a link to Private Video. While the problem is strictly specific to users only Google browsers Chrome and Yandex.Browser, as their engines are similar.

Moreover, posts are published supposedly on behalf of users, so the friends of the person who owns the infected account, like himself, do not see the catch in what is happening and confidently click on the link. The virus “masquerades” as a post with a meaningless caption (for example, “6fxvfna5rk9”) and a link to some personal video, while the fictitious post contains the user’s real name, his profile picture, and even shows a random number of views.

Any click on the links from such a post, including the “button” for playing the clip, will immediately “transfer” you to the page with the installation of the installation of some YouTurn Chrome application. In the application settings, there is only one thing: “View and change your data on the sites you visit”, that is, gaining access to your account. Even at this stage, there is a high chance of infection malicious code, and if you continue the installation, then 100% "catch" the virus.

Users have complained, indicating that the problem can be solved by uninstalling the obscure application. Facebook has already solved this problem within a couple of days, but you should be vigilant, who knows when a new spam mailing with a virus will “float up”.

How to secure your FB account after being infected with a virus?

I have so far managed to avoid meeting this vile virus, but my acquaintances confirm that the virus is still freely “walking” on social networks. And inexperienced Facebook users easily become its “victims”.

In order to avoid serious problems with the security of your data on Facebook, I advise you to perform the following steps after installing an incomprehensible application:

  1. Go to your browser settings: "Settings", then "Extensions". Manually remove all unknown extensions. Then you need to close the browser and restart the PC. Open a browser and check Extensions. If the unknown program remains there, then urgently go to your Facebook account and change the password (it is better to change it regularly every 2-3 weeks).
  2. If an incomprehensible extension remains even after manual removal, then you probably “picked up” one of the modifications. It happens that a virus blocks access to the Extensions menu, in order to avoid removal. In this case, you need to completely remove the browser and its contents from the PC, while making a backup of all bookmarks and important information(passwords, access to sites, etc.). After reinstalling the browser, go to the Extensions item, if the suspicious application has disappeared, you can restart the PC. Problem solved.

And finally, I will say the obvious - use antivirus messages and do not install applications if you are not 100% sure what you end up installing.

Viruses take many forms. The YouTube channel of the popular antivirus software ESET Nod 32 has published video review of the most common spam viruses on FB.

Hello, friends!

Lately, spammers on Facebook have become more active. Not the inhabitants of the “black” continent, promising an inheritance in the so-called, but our relatives are the real “blood brothers”. In general, is it spam or not, the question is subtle, there may be offers that are flooded mailbox It is not entirely correct to call it “spam” in its purest form.

In general, today's post is about how I got rid of invitations to events that are not interesting to me, from requests like: “Please like my photo”, and tags on photos of “friends” that receive notifications I don’t need. I want to warn you right away that such measures will have to be carried out regularly, since they help block already manifested “spammers”, but do not protect you from potential ones, whose attention you will attract later. You can get rid of them once and for all only by deleting your Facebook account, but this method is “yet?” does not fit. Still, there are a sufficient number of clicks on links from Facebook to my blog, links are never superfluous. Here it is necessary to weigh everything: what to sacrifice and what to refuse.

So, the first thing to do is in the privacy settings in your profile, set up Facebook event messages by email. mail. Keep only the essentials. I left only the notification of private messages, the rest was removed. By the way, I did this procedure in all social network accounts where I am registered.

Situation #1. Very often you can get this message: "Ivan Sidorov tagged you in his photo." When you follow the link, you see that there are no people in the photo at all, but let's say nature or animals. Almost always (in my case) pictures are published funny and harmless, not causing moral damage. Everything would be fine, only all comments to this photo will be displayed in the “notifications” on your home page Facebook, and the photo itself will show off in your profile. If this situation does not suit me, I do this: I click on an unnecessary photo, something like this window appears.

Listed at the bottom a large number of people, you need to find yourself and click on “unmark”, in my case underlined in red. There will be no more of this photo in your profile, and correspondence, respectively, too. If a person continues to put my tags on the pictures, I block him, this will be discussed below.

Situation #2. You periodically receive invitations to events that you are not going to attend. They also require some kind of participation from you in relation to the proposed event, for example, tick off: I’ll go, maybe I’ll go, I won’t go. If you are not interested in this event and will never be interested!, and you choose, say, “I won’t go”, this does not mean that you will not be invited again. In order to get rid of this event, you need to select the item “Refuse this event”, and click “Reply”.

If you have already clicked several times on the “I will go, I won’t go, I may go” button, and now you want to delete this event, go to the event page, select the “I won’t go” button in the upper left corner, click on it, a pop-up window opens and you proceed as described above. I am not invited after this procedure. 🙂

Situation #3. You periodically receive personal messages from “not friends” with a request like: “Help, please, like for my photo” and the like. Moreover, the correspondence between all these “likers” is displayed. I do it this way. I go to the page of the requester, for example like this:

I go to the very left bottom of the page, under his friends, I find “block the user” there, click, confirm and ... the unfavorable subject disappears from view forever along with his requests. I do the same with everyone who is already very “persistent” in their proposals.

Of course, it happens that I fulfill a person’s request, but only if he is a friend and creatively approaches the “request”, and, of course, I really like what I vote for.

Of course, these methods must be applied regularly, otherwise, like me, the wave of spam can simply overwhelm. I had to sit for two hours to sort out all these letters, proposals, etc. Now I put things in order, everything that is not interesting, removed and blocked, beauty! Unnecessary letters do not come to the mail, unnecessary correspondence is not displayed in notifications, unnecessary messages are received much less.

Is there some more Situation #4, quite simple. This is when you are added to a group that you don't want to be in. Go to the page of this group, on the right upper corner looking for “Leave Group”, a couple of clicks and you are free as a fly in flight.

Naturally, over time, you will again be invited to groups and events, here I think it is necessary to act according to the situation, the most important thing is “do not throw the child out of the basin together with the water”. We need to think about how to use this colossal power of spammers against themselves. More precisely, not against them, but for your own good. After all, our business is built on communication, so we need to make this communication fruitful. And this is what you need to learn. Experience comes with practice. Live and learn!

Once this virus enters your PC, it is able to hijack your Facebook account and spread further through your profile and so on. In addition to being hacked into your account, he can also get information from your computer, about your bank account and other passwords. Therefore, you can lose even more than just your Facebook account. This virus was developed for only one purpose - it is hacking and theft. It's worth protecting it.

How did I get infected with Facebook virus 2017?

The Facebook virus is mainly spread in a simple way, through spam or deceptive messages. The message is written in such a way as to arouse curiosity in people in order to open them and click on the link attached to the message. True, after clicking on the footnote, the sinister Trojan horse virus (trojan horse) penetrates into your computer.

But it is not the only way how the Facebook virus manages to get into the computer. You can also spay such an infection with the help of crack programs, and the virus that is there is designed to hack into your Facebook account. Or it just cracks your Facebook password if it's not strong enough.

October 2017 Updated October 16, 2017. Russian IT pros warn users not to be caught by the latest Facebook Youtube video

Like latest version Facebook Youtube video tries to trick gullible users into opening a link to a video that contains the recipient's profile picture with a short message “Oh! Is this really you?"

The link directs to the YouTube page. It will ask you to download a specific video playback plugin. While this may seem gullible, please note that once a matching link is added to a Facebook chat, it will display a video icon with a screenshot of the video content.

Questions about Facebook virus

In this scam, the link reveals nothing other than YouTube titles brand. Like previous versions, the scam spreads to all contacts of the infected user. The developers of this scam may have created several fake accounts in order to keep spreading the scam. Make sure you ignore such messages. AT otherwise you will have to remove the malicious plugin from your computer.

Facebook virus versions:

Facebook Child Porn virus is a dangerous application that roams the internet disguised as porn videos. The message from this application looks very convincing and safe. But after you open it, it becomes obvious that it is directly related to child pornography videos.

And the virus itself starts sending messages to your friends on your behalf. The application is added to you automatically.

Facebook Change Color virus is a clever virus that supposedly offers you to change the colors on your Facebook page to red, black or some other color. And like any other Facebook virus, it comes to you in messages from your friends, and therefore everything looks very convincing. Although this is all convincing, in reality it is just a scam and a hoax.

Facebook Friend Request virus is a real contagion that sends friend invitations to people without your asking. This app sends friend invites to random people and it may happen that even people you have already blocked will receive a friend invite. The motive and purpose of this infection, unfortunately, is not clear to us.

And there are cases when people complain that it is because of this infection that their computers are arbitrarily rebooted and anti-virus programs are turned off, and similar cases occur repeatedly.

Facebook Automatic Wall Post virus is an internet infection that can steal your personal data. It was mainly designed to promote websites. This virus itself forces you to visit various sites using false messages.

That is, you are hoping to open one site supposedly “the most beautiful / funny, etc.”, but in reality you are thrown off to some strange site and, in addition, on your behalf, she makes a post on your wall. If you noticed that your friend allegedly left a similar message, then you should delete it.

Facebook Message virus is an infection that spreads through chat. You or your friend receives a message that looks very normal and there is a footnote in the message that also looks normal.

And if you follow this link, then the virus enters your computer. This virus can stop your antivirus program and send malware to your computer. And if you clicked on that link, then the distribution of this message begins on your behalf in the same way.

Invitation Facebook virus is another contagion that also spreads over the internet via Facebook. It is mainly spread through messages on Facebook itself or emails. The message is written about some kind of threat on Facebook, but when you actually open this message, you open some kind of Olympic torch, after which this virus begins to take up all the space on your hard drive.

According to security experts, this message contains a trojan (trojan horse) and other similar viruses. Ignore such messages and delete them without hesitation.

Facebook Stalker virus Like most Facebook viruses, this virus is also a big threat to your PC. This application steals your personal data. The app itself is false and does nothing to help you find out who has visited your Facebook profile.

If you open such an application, you will be redirected to a page that is modulated to look like a real one. Facebook page. And you will enter your username and password there, and in this case, the scammers will have your profile. If you do not want to lose your data, or even your profile, then do not enter your username and password!

How to remove Facebook virus?

If you do not want to get infected with such an infection, then you should be a little more vigilant about messages and not open them if they make you suspicious. Moreover, your friend would hardly send such messages. And you should also beware of some applications and games on Facebook as they can be hacked.

If it happens that you already have any Facebook infection, then you should change your Facebook password as soon as possible. You should also warn your friends what happened. And send yourself, update and do a full system scan to clean your computer from viruses.
