Generate a random password. What should the password be?

A password generator is a software module or online service for creating strong passwords that cannot be guessed and are very difficult to crack. Using a password generator to create complex passwords will increase security when conducting transactions that require entering personal data.

Users are often faced with the need to create passwords. Passwords are needed for authorization on websites, to protect devices, etc. A password will be required everywhere: when creating a profile on a social network, and then to log into the profile, when working with a mobile bank, with by email, and so on.

Faced with the need to create a password, the user asks himself the question: how to come up with strong password? Some users come up with passwords themselves, others use software solutions.

Simple passwords are easy to crack, and the most popular passwords are easily guessed. Databases with popular passwords are used by attackers.

How to create a strong password? To create a strong password, you can use a specialized program - a password manager, for example, free program. Such programs have a built-in module: a random password generator. Unfortunately, many password manager programs are paid.

Where can I get a free password generator? You can create a strong password using an online password generator. Reliable, complex password created using a specialized online service.

To create a password, follow the following rules: the longer the password, the more difficult it is to crack; the most secure passwords contain: numbers, letters of different case (lowercase and uppercase), Special symbols, when creating a password, avoid repeating the same characters. Be sure to save your passwords securely so as not to lose access to your accounts if you lose your password.

I suggest you read review 10 online services password generators.

Norton Identity Safe Password Generator

The site has an online strong password generator from a well-known antivirus manufacturer software Symantec Corporation.

In a special form, select the parameters of the password to be created: password length, presence of letters, numbers and symbols, number of passwords. Then click on the “Create Password” button.

Password generator from PassGen.RU

Using an online password generator on the site, you can create a complex password up to 64 characters long.

Select the options you want and then click on the “Generate” button.

Mail.Ru password generator

On a special page of the Mail.Ru website there is an online password generator.

Here you can check the strength of your password by clicking on the “Check Password” link, or generate a strong password after clicking on the “Generate Password” button.

The service from Mail.Ru creates passwords 12 characters long; there are no settings for creating a password.

Password generator Online Password

Online password generator Online Password creates complex passwords of a length of the user's choice.

Select the password creation options and click on the “Create Password” button.

Password generator RandStuff

On the RandStuff service you can generate a password from 6 to 16 characters long.

Add numbers and special characters to your password. The default is lowercase and uppercase letters. Click on the "Generate" button.

Online Password Generator from

Online Password Generator provides the ability to create passwords of any complexity up to 99 characters, up to 99 passwords at a time.

Select options for setting up a password, click on the “Create password!” button.

Password generator Online-Generators.RU

The online password generator creates passwords from 4 to 20 characters long.

Select the desired settings, click on the “Generate password” button.

Password generator from

Service Password generator allows you to create the most complex passwords of any length and number at a time.

Entropy is used to create a password. To do this, while creating a password, you will need to move the mouse, press keyboard keys, and change the size of the browser window.

Select the required parameters, click on the “Generate” button.

After generation is complete random numbers The strength of one password and a list of passwords in bits will be shown.

Password generator at

Service Password generator allows you to create pali of length from 1 to 10,000 characters, the same number generated at a time.

When creating a password, you can select the first letter, use English and Russian upper and lowercase letters in one password, and remove similar characters from the password.

After creating a password, click on the “select” button, and then copy the password to your computer.

Password generator FreeGenerator.RU

The online service creates passwords up to 20 characters long.

Select settings, then scroll down the page, click on the "Generate Password" button. To copy the password, click on the “Copy result” button.

Conclusions of the article

Using 10 online password generator services, the user can create a strong, complex password to use to protect personal data from attackers.

The password generator is designed to quickly and freely create passwords of the required length and complexity. The functionality allows you to create unlimited amount passwords by simply clicking the “Generate” button. It is also possible to determine the complexity of the password by checking the boxes: numbers, small letters, capital letters, exclude similar characters, special. symbols.

Why do you need a password generator?

When promoting a website, you often need a large number of passwords for registration in catalogs, forums, and various resources. Using an online password generator saves time, which can be spent on more important things. In addition, the security of the protection of accounts where it can be stored is ensured. important information. Some people find it difficult to come up with a sufficiently complex password; our random password generator will help them do this. Generated passwords are not stored anywhere, and the likelihood of them being repeated is extremely low.

Benefits of our password generator

A good strong password can save your data from being hacked by brute force (method of machine password guessing), due to its low probability. Our tool:

  • Completely free.
  • Available online 24/7.
  • Works without registration.
  • The largest set of settings.
  • Simplicity and ease of use are intuitive for everyone.

Thanks to this online generator You have an excellent opportunity to easily create a password of a given length and complexity. A password is a guarantee of the protection of your information. You know - whoever owns the information owns the whole world! So it’s a good idea to protect your data (which is probably extremely important) with a long and complicated password. The online password generator will select a combination of characters that will allow you not to worry about the safety of your personal data. Try it for yourself right now!

  • 4ay8eyb1nq
  • 7wrfz1jn73
  • mph63c8ovj
  • et68mtpctn
  • jj6wsdw88t
  • 03t18bcst3
  • 93bxqvpq2t

Please help the service with one click: Tell your friends about the generator!

Password generator program

To choose the right password, let's first find out what it is. A password is a simple set of randomly selected characters, an identification code for recognition. The system will not be able to do this without entering this specific set.

There are cases when passwords are selected, found out, or simply guessed. It is to prevent such incidents that you need to create a good and strong password using an online password generator.

Random password generator

To create a complex password yourself, follow these short instructions:

  • Select characters of different case: capital and small letters, numbers or punctuation marks for absolute complexity;
  • We do not recommend using known data for the password, such as date of birth, first name and last name;
  • Better yet: use an online random password generator for this purpose.

How does a password generator work?

Getting a complex password online is very simple:

  • Select the password length (up to 20 characters);
  • Check the boxes next to the characters you want in your password. You can choose one or several options: numbers, capital or lowercase letters, punctuation, additional symbols;
  • And just click the “Generate Password” button.

And now helpful information for thought. If you put 6 Latin characters of the same register on your password, then a hacker will find out your password in 31 seconds, if 8, then in 5 hours 50 minutes, if 10 characters - 164 days, if 12, then 303 years.

If you put 6 Latin characters of different registers, numbers and punctuation marks, then you can find a password in 2 hours 45 minutes, if 8, then it will take 530 days, if 10 - 6700 years, if 12 - 30, 995,620 years.

5 out of 5 (ratings: 114)

Service designed for generating easy to remember random passwords. Created in this generator passwords are easier to remember because they are made up of parts of words or syllables of any real language: English, Russian, Japanese. To complicate passwords, add them special characters and numbers. Use it!

Select the appropriate password


In some cases, generated passwords can be matched with the existing language words.
Not recommended to use these passwords!

Some facts about passwords

  • Passwords were invented more than two millennia ago.
  • In the computer industry passwords appeared almost immediately in 1961.
  • Nowadays, every person in your life uses passwords.
  • The main value of the password - easy to remember, hard to find.
  • The most common password in the world is 123456.
  • People often write in passwords: the names of their loved ones, pet names, dates of birth, names and numbers of vehicles.
  • Almost a quarter of users keep their passwords in browsers.
  • Most people use the same password for all their accounts.
  • Cracking passwords often done in two ways:
    1. Brute force options
    2. A dictionary.
  • A good password should consist of at least 8-10 characters, including letters in different registers, numbers and special characters.

Services for generating passwords if you have Internet access. This method requires the least time, and as a result allows you to obtain a list of passwords of the required length good quality. At the same time, you yourself can adjust most of the parameters that the service scripts will use when creating the list. For example, go to the website and in the “Generator Settings” section, check the required fields to indicate whether numbers, lowercase letters and special characters should be used when creating passwords. In the “Password Length” field, enter the required number of characters in each code word, and then click the “Create Password” button. The selected settings will be sent to the server, where the script will generate and display a list of ten passwords on the page. Select it and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl + C), and then use it for your purposes. If a longer list is required, repeat the operation.

The service script described in the previous step is executed on the server, and the passwords it creates are transmitted via the Internet to your computer. Both of these circumstances reduce the security of passwords by default. It is unlikely that someone will purposefully track your passwords on a server or network, but if you want to exclude this possibility, you should choose a service that generates a list using JavaScript. It is a “client-side” language, meaning the script runs directly in your browser without sending or receiving anything from the server. One of the services using this type of generator is located on the website Go to it home page and select the initial settings for generating passwords. In addition to the settings described in the previous step, here you can enter the set of characters from which code words will be created, and also specify the length of the list. Then click on the “Create password” button. The list will be generated almost instantly, since no data will be sent or received.

Use special programs if you are looking for an alternative to online services. Such applications are installed on the computer and, as a rule, offer more advanced functionality. For example, by choosing Alaborn iPassword PRO, you can generate login/password pairs in one pass.


  • password generation

Tip 2: Compare online services for generating passwords

We use a username and password every day: to access mail, favorite sites, social networks, communication programs and many other places. Everyone chooses a username depending on their personal preferences, but choosing a password should be approached more responsibly. After all, it is easy for an attacker to crack a password that is too simple using the brute force method, or, in other words, brute force (for this there are special programs). You can find and install special software to generate a password. It’s even easier to use online tools.


Convenient site in terms of features. The user interface is “admin style”, not very friendly to the average user. You can set the usage options: Small letters, Capital letters, Numbers, Signs. As well as the length of the password and their number. Moreover, there seems to be no upper limit in terms of quantity, and in vain - when I entered a six-digit number and tried to generate that many passwords, my browser simply froze. You can create a password not by pressing a button, but immediately use already generated passwords of different categories: As a word (easy to remember), Super password, Numbers-case, Word and number, Simple.


A tool from a well-known resource for webmasters and website optimizers. Nice, laconic interface. Generates one password - user-specified length. You can set usage options: Use English letters, Use numbers, Use symbols, Pronounceable.


A service with a simple, pleasant interface, English-language, but you can translate the page into almost all languages ​​of the world. Allows you to create up to 8 passwords at a time, ranging from 5 to 15 characters in length. You can set usage options: Use uppercase, Use numbers, Use symbols. The service immediately displays how secure the generated password is. The site emphasizes that passwords are generated on the client side and are not sent over the Internet. There is also a separate page on which you can check the strength of any entered password.


The site contains brief educational program About, secure password, what its criteria are, how passwords are cracked. Allows you to create up to 100 passwords ranging from 1 to 100 characters in length. You can set the following usage options: Lowercase eng, Uppercase eng, Lowercase rus, Uppercase rus, Numbers, Symbols. When you open the page, 12 passwords with a length of 12 characters are already displayed, i.e. quite strong.


English language site with simple interface. Allows you to generate one password from 6 to 2048 characters long. Usage options: Symbols, Numbers, Lowercase letters, Exclude similar symbols, Exclude complex symbols, Auto-selection. There is an option "Generate on client side" (do not send over the Internet), it is enabled by default. You can remember the usage options. When generating a password, a hint for remembering the password is displayed at the bottom, although its real usefulness is questionable.

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