Fonts used by Apple. How to choose fonts for an iOS application What font is used in ios

Mobile every year operating system iOS is becoming more open and supporting more third-party solutions from independent developers. Recently, users have been able to install fonts on their iPhone and iPad that expand the possibilities of working with text and graphic documents.

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Why install new fonts on iOS and iPadOS?

This question will surely arise for many readers, because the standard iOS font looks very beautiful, and developers often use it. third party applications. In fact, it is, of course, not about system font platforms, but about supported text "skins" that expand the functionality of programs for working with documents.

In particular, this is due to the fact that with new opportunities latest versions iOS not only iPad, but also iPhone Pro is used by users to work with texts, graphics, presentations, etc. At the same time, many documents uploaded to Keynote, Pages, or another application could previously display incorrectly due to the lack of appropriate fonts in the system, but now this problem is easily solved.

How to Install Fonts on iPhone or iPad

To add fonts, you need to download from App Store font installer app. As a basic collection, most users will have enough free Font Diner, containing over 20 fonts new to iOS. After downloading from the App Store and launching the app for the first time, the user will be prompted to install new fonts.

You can view the fonts installed in iOS (iPadOS) in the menu Settings → General → Fonts.

It is worth noting that it is not yet possible to use the installed fonts in all applications, even in regular ones (Notes). But popular text and graphic editor already support this feature. For example, to apply installed font in Pages, tap the brush icon and select the text style you like.

Your design is about 80% text. It is critical for a designer to understand typography in order to select fonts that complement the design.


It is important to understand the terms of font structure in order to distinguish one font from another and understand the properties of each of them. First you need to understand these terms: ascending line (ascender line), descending line (descender line), baseline (baseline), line spacing (leading) and line growth (X-height).

five rules

Most people read texts on the web or on mobile devices. The five rules of good typography can be applied to both print and digital interfaces. Good fonts make reading experience enjoyable, encourage a person to read more and effortlessly, so the choice of font should be aimed at maximum convenience.

San Francisco

This is the new default font in iOS, replacing Helvetica Neue. You can download it . This font was created for readability so that text is optimally legible. It is worth noting that this font was created by Apple. In that video the font is described in more detail.

Depending on the font size, iOS automatically adjusts the letter spacing value and switches between Text and Display font options. If the font size is 20 pt or larger, SF UI Display is used, and if the font size is less than 10 pt, SF UI Text is used.

The size

When designing for iOS, your font size must be at least 11 pts to maintain legibility on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. This is the minimum size value, and the ideal range is between 15 and 19 pt.


When using a modern font like SF, Proxima Nova, or Museo, you'll find that they have several weight options: Thin, Ultralight, Medium, Semibold, Bold, Heavy, and Regular. Font size and style complement each other. It is useful to remember that at 11-19 pt you should use Regular, at 20-34 pt - Medium, and for 34 pt and more - Bold. Light and Ultralight can be used when the font size is very large so that the text can be read, but it is worth remembering that large headings in iOS 11 are usually written in bold.

Line spacing

Ideally, the line spacing should be 120-145% of the font size. If it is smaller, the text will look crumpled and difficult to read. When the spacing is the perfect size, each line has its own space and everything becomes easier to read.

Number of characters per line

People read text that is more vertical than text that has more characters per line faster. If the line is too long, the person experiences more cognitive load as he or she has to focus on each word in the line. To maintain a smooth reading experience, a line should ideally be 45-90 characters long.

Information hierarchy

Hierarchy and interactions should be communicated through your font. Use a large bold font for headings, a gray Medium font of 14-15 pt for signatures. Use less transparency for text that contains less important information.

Antiqua and grotesque

Serif or sans-serif font good choice: It all depends on the type of application. A serif font is commonly used in applications that contain a lot of text, such as medium, iBooks, Bloomberg, and The New York Times.

Sans-serif fonts are used more often as they are more neutral and safe. You will see them in most apps in the App Store.

Font Resources

Fonts are usually expensive, but there are several resources where you can download great fonts that will look good in any design.

Google Fonts has a great interface and a good selection of fonts for every possible style. You can download the font files and place them in an Xcode project to use them.

Typekit has a great collection of free and premium fonts that are part of an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. Some great fonts from the collection are Proxima Nova and Museo.

This is a great service that gives you the opportunity to try fonts for 60 minutes before purchasing them. You can also rent fonts for a fraction of their price to use for a limited time.


Fonts are not limited to iOS apps, of course, but the principles should apply to all spaces in which a person needs to read text.

This guide will tell you more about font combinations, apostrophes, quotation marks, brackets, and so on.

A nice guide with animated snippets that talk about every aspect of typography in a way that will put a smile on your face. I highly recommend.

Gradually, you will want to create hierarchy and contrast in your text using more than one font. This guide will be useful for selecting font pairs.

If you find a typo - highlight it and press Ctrl + Enter! To contact us, you can use .

Every Apple ad is a work of art. Dozens or even hundreds of photographs are created just to make the advertised product look so that you want to touch it, experience it and buy it. But photographs are far from all that is required for a successful advertising campaign. Another key to success is fonts, which we want to tell you about today.

Form style

For all promotional materials on, even the shiny lettering on the box of your new iGadget, Apple uses a variant of the Myriad font called Myriad Pro SemiBold. Myriad, a sans-serif typeface, was originally created in 1992 by Adobe. Today, this font is used not only by Apple, but also by Google (for example, the last three letters in the word "Gmail"), LinkedIn, Rolls-Royce and Walmart. The Apple company itself began using Myriad in 2002.

Until 2002, Apple used a modified variant of the Garamond font almost everywhere. This variant was called Apple Garamond and is perhaps best remembered for the famous Apple ad campaign called "Think Different". It was also used for all signs, placards, and tags on the Apple campus building in Cupertino (all lettering has now been converted to Myriad font). Garamond was introduced alongside the original Mac in 1984. But until 1984, Apple used the Motter Tektura font, which was used for all of its products. Motter Tektura has also been used in the Reebok logo for many years.

But in the marketing materials, the text is too small to use Myriad, so they use the Helvetica Nueu font.


For all of its physical keyboards, Apple uses the VAG Rounded font. If you're reading this article on an iMac or any MacBook, look down at the keys and you'll see VAG Rounded. The typeface was originally designed specifically for use by Volkswagen and was recognized specifically for its distinct and rounded ends. VAG Rounded made its debut on Apple keyboards in 1999 and it happened on the keyboard of the original iBook laptop. After that, Apple began to use this font for the keyboard on all of its laptops, but Mac keyboards only joined the use of VAG Rounded in 2007.

Before using the VAG Rounded font, Apple keyboards used the Univers variant, or to be more precise, Univers 57. Those users who have long been familiar with Apple computers, most likely remember this typeface for its slender and slanted look.

User interfaces

In all Mac versions OS X used the Lucida Grande font to create Apple's user interface elements. The Lucida font family appeared back in 1985 and is currently used as the main font for text documents and many websites. This prevalence is due to the easy readability of the text. By the way, this font for its logo uses social network Facebook.

But on their iOS devices, for all user interface elements, including app titles, menus, and virtual keyboard, Apple uses the Helvetica font. And for iOS devices with Retina display, namely the iPhone 4, new iPad- a sharper and clearer version of the font is used - Helvetica Neue.

Sourced from

With iOS 13, Apple has finally allowed custom fonts to be used on its mobile devices. The implementation of this option has been somewhat confusing, and it's only possible to use third-party fonts in some applications so far, such as the iWork suite, but this feature may still be of interest to someone.

Working with the font manager

First, let's figure out how to use different fonts in iOS 13 using Mail as an example. Start writing a new letter in it, and above the keyboard you will find the Aa icon (you may have to first click on the arrow to show it<). Нажав на него и выбрав пункт «Шрифт по умолчанию», вы получите доступ к паре сотен предустановленных шрифтов:

Installing third-party fonts from the App Store

There are still few programs for installing third-party fonts in the app store, and one of the free ones is Font Diner. After installation, run it, click on the Activate button on the top right, and then agree to install custom fonts:

View installed fonts

Of course, Apple has made it possible to view and remove installed fonts. To do this, go to Settings > General > Fonts:

Using Third Party Fonts

It's funny, although the Mail application has a font manager, you can't use third-party fonts there. But in the iWork package, it is possible, and we will analyze this possibility using Pages as an example. Go to the desired document in it, then click on the brush icon at the top and select the desired font from the pop-up menu.
