Yandex direct retargeting how it works Retargeting and audience selection

Many customers that I encounter in the process of setting up contextual advertising very often underestimate the possibilities of advertising in Yandex Direct Networks. And about the functions and capabilities of such a tool as retargeting in direct , Generally heard for the first time. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to set up retargeting in Yandex.Direct, and I will try to convince you that this tool is really effective in terms of increasing sales.

Let's start with a definition: what is retargeting ?

Retargeting is a technology that allows you to show ads to that part of the audience that visited your site and performed certain actions that are targeted for you. For example, you need a vacuum cleaner. you typed in search engine Yandex request "buy a vacuum cleaner". Next, you studied the search results. We visited 5 sites where vacuum cleaners are sold. And they left safely.

How good is retargeting technology? And the fact that although you did not buy a vacuum cleaner on my site, you still visited the site. And now I can "catch up" with you with a profitable super offer, thereby motivating you to buy this product. And you have very little chance of not making this purchase!

Is it bad to increase sales by 35 percent?

According to Yandex statistics, the site conversion on the second and subsequent visits by the same user increases by 35%! Not bad, right?

In what situations can we apply retargeting settings in Yandex Direct?

Repeat sales. Why wouldn't a client who bought a vacuum cleaner from you buy a refrigerator from you in the future?

We "catch up" with the client. A visitor who was interested in your product, but has not yet bought, in fact, is already 50% yours. He is already familiar with your store and your product, it remains only to help him make a decision on the purchase of goods.

Notification about promotions and discounts. Your duty is to notify the "old" customers about the profitable promotions and discounts that you are holding in your store!

How to set up retargeting in Yandex.Direct. Practice.

You can set up ad impressions based on retargeting conditions:

  1. For the audience that visited the site and performed certain targeted actions on it.
  2. According to conditions for selecting an audience in Yandex.Direct: such as gender, age, time on site, referral source, etc.

In this part, I will tell you and show you how to set up the retargeting function for targeted actions. So let's get started.

Step #1 Create retargeting goals in Yandex Metrica

Works only on networks.
Limitations - technology does not work in adult and medical subjects(more details can be found on the Yandex. Help page).

Consider the following situation. When visiting the site, the visitor is invited to receive a free video course, for which they need to fill out a simple form and confirm the subscription. We will be interested in that part of the audience that visited the page of the site where it was proposed to confirm the subscription, but did not visit the page of the site with thanks for the confirmed subscription. That is, in order for me to understand how many subscribers fell off at the subscription confirmation stage, I need two goals:

First, I visited a page with a proposal to confirm the subscription.

Second, I visited the thank you page for the confirmed subscription.

To create goals, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Settings" tab and then to the "Goals" tab.
  2. Click on the "Add goal" button and enter the necessary data: the name of our goal. For example, "Subscription not confirmed".
  3. Be sure to check the box next to the inscription "Retargeting".
  4. If the goal is to visit a specific page, then in the drop-down box, select “matches” and insert the page address.
  5. Next, click on the "Add goal" button and after that, be sure to click on the "Save" button to save it.

We create the second goal in the same way, only we indicate the page with gratitude for the perfect subscription as the address.

Step #2 Create ads based on the retargeting condition

In the Yandex.Direct interface, go to the tab for creating an ad group. Click on "Add Group".

On the ad group creation tab, write:

  1. Group name. For example, "Subscription not confirmed".
  2. Next, we create the title and text of the ad and specify the path where the ad will send the user.

The texts and titles of such ads must be different from other ads in the campaign. You must understand that you are talking to people who have already been on your site. Therefore, we need momentum that will grab attention and make you click on the ad.

  1. Leave the field for entering phrases empty.
  2. We begin to set up the conditions for selecting an audience, for which, in front of this entry, click on "Add".
  3. Enter the name of the condition at your discretion.
  4. Now we need to create two conditions. The first one, by which our visitors visited the subscription page, but did not complete it. The second for which our visitors visited the thank you page.
  5. We save our condition: click on the "Save" button.

It looks like this:

As a result, we got a condition according to which our ad will be shown to that part of the audience that went to the subscription page, but did not confirm it.

The period of the number of days during which the system will show the ad can be changed. The maximum number of days is 90.

So, we have created an ad that will work according to the retargeting condition for certain purposes.

In the second part, we'll talk about how to create a retargeting ad for a specific audience segment.

R.s. Thank you for reading to the end :)

You can increase sales conversions by re-displaying ads to users not only, but also on search. How to implement this in Direct will be discussed in this article.

Search retargeting in Yandex Direct.

The meaning of retargeting campaigns is to show ads to potential customers:

  • visitors certain pages site;
  • interested in this offer (watch time indicator).

For example, a visitor stayed on the landing page for a long time, looked at product information, studied the payment and delivery page, but did not reach the purchase request. Through Direct retargeting, you re-show the ad to him, but with an offer of an individual discount or delivery on special conditions.

Another example is when a person opened an order form but did not fill it out. It is quite possible that he doubts the choice of this particular solution to the problem and is looking for options. If he enters a similar request again, he is caught up with a sentence with the phrase “It remains to place an order” or something similar.

What are the advantages of search retargeting Direct.

Most people, especially when buying expensive products, take time to make a decision, and a reminder of your offer brings them back to the site and pushes them to action, and since you are targeting ads to the hottest target audience, the campaign gives a good result.

In such search ads, you address a specific user with a specific offer, based on the configured filters for target audience segments.

How to set up retargeting on search.

Naturally, you must have a running ad on the search, on the basis of which it will be necessary. How this is done, I examined in detail in a separate article - look, apply.

The main difference is the narrowing of the audience to individual segments through bid settings. To do this, go to their adjustment, click "New" and play with the configured selection conditions.

First of all, we turn off the display of ads to objectors - those who spent less than 15 seconds on the landing page are visitors who are clearly not interested in the product.

For them, we reduce the cost per click by 100% - at this rate, there will be no impression.

The next step for Yandex Direct retargeting is to add a new adjustment with the conditions for visiting and viewing pages and increase the price by 50%.

I think the meaning of the work is clear.

Bid adjustments can be made at both the campaign and ad group levels.

If your selling site has several pages and a separate form, and the path to filling it out is multi-step, in this way you can set up different targeting in groups and create your own advertising texts for retargeting for each segment of the target audience.

Ideally, adapt landing pages for these texts - make headlines and benefits relevant to ads.

For example, if the offer refers to an increased discount personally for those who opened the order form, but did not fill it out, this idea should continue on the landing page and the terms of the promotion should be indicated.

You can lose in the markup on the product, but win due to higher conversion and lower cost per target action. As a result, Yandex Direct search retargeting can bring more profit than the main campaign.

Good June day, friends. In touch by tradition, Evgeny Tridchikov, and today I will tell you step by step how to quickly set up retargeting in Yandex Direct.

If you have heard anything about assisted conversions and multi-channel funnels, then you understand that targeted actions on the site are not always performed on the first visit. As a rule, the user makes several visits to the site, after which he decides to make a conversion (call, leave a request, enter into online correspondence). This is what I mean:

What is retargeting?

Retargeting is a technology through which you can reach out to website visitors. Example:

  1. a person visited your site, but did not complete the target action;
  2. you set up retargeting and start catching up with the user with personalized ads.

Thus, retargeting is a way to once again reach out to users who were on the site. And as you understand, visitors rarely buy / order on the first visit. Therefore, retargeting is a powerful weapon to return and convert users. Especially since it's easy to set up.

How to set up retargeting in Yandex Direct?

Step 0. Install Yandex Metrica (or open access if Metrica is installed in another account).

Step 3. Click "Add Condition" and let's move on to setting up a retargeting condition.

In front of you is a window with options. Let's take a closer look at these simple settings.

Name field- the name of the Audience is set accordingly (for itself).

Note field— an additional descriptive field.

"Show ads if..."- in fact, the conditions for triggering retargeting. Here you can combine groups of audiences, setting for each the conditions “All completed”, “None completed”, etc.

Personally, I rarely use combinations in practice, because there is no need. It's easier to create a goal or segment in Yandex.Metrica and set up retargeting for this audience, that is, one condition is enough.

"Goal Metrics or Segment" - here you select the audience for impressions. It can be users who have reached a certain goal on the site, or it can be a User Segment.

What is a Segment in Metrica?

A segment is a section of an audience by a certain attribute. Created in Metrica. For example, you can create a segment of users who visited your site from Russia on a mobile device and are male of a certain age.

Why are Segments needed? In relation to retargeting, this is a super-opportunity to divide the site audience into subgroups and, using retargeting, show a personalized ad to each group. It's great, right? I will talk about setting up Segments in Yandex.Metrica in the next article.

Returning to setting up the first retargeting condition, I suggest that you don’t bother to begin with, but create a simple condition: “All site users in the last 90 days.” The setting looks like this:

Just select "visited the site" in the drop-down list - the condition that is there by default. Great, condition=audience "All site users in 90 days" created:

As you can see, I already use it in advertising campaign, which I called "Retargeting". How to put the retargeting condition to work?

Step 4: Apply the retargeting condition on the ad group.

In order to start retargeting, it is enough to set the display condition for the ad group. It is not necessary to create a separate advertising campaign - all the same, inside it, you will need to set a condition at the group level. I just made a separate campaign and named it appropriately for myself, it's easier for me.

And the retargeting condition is applied as follows.

Go to the ad group settings (“Edit group”), if you have several ads, scroll down and click “Add” next to “Retargeting conditions”.

In the modal window, select the "Saved conditions" tab (that's why we created a new retargeting condition), check the box next to it and click "Save". order advertising in YAN). You can create a separate advertising campaign for retargeting, or you can make it easier: allocate a separate group for this business in a YAN campaign. It's more convenient for someone here.

Note. Retargeting is audience targeting, not key phrases or behavioral factors. Therefore, you may want to think about whether it is worth setting the display region in this case ... 🙂

That's all for me. If you managed to set up retargeting in Yandex Direct - like it, if not - feel free to ask questions in the comments. And whoever answers what is the difference between retargeting and remarketing will receive a secret surprise! I'm waiting for your options, friends 🙂

We all either sell goods or provide services. And any normal company (no offense to anyone now) should have a website.

Moreover, it does not matter at all what it is: a landing page, a multi-page site, or maybe an online store. The main thing is that your site has a conversion and it cannot be 100%.

What am I leading to? To one question, what do you do with the other 60-99 percent of customers who come in, look and leave forever?

How do you work with them? Well, you can’t just spend money on attracting hundreds of customers and rely only on the conversion of your site.


Yes, maybe your site strongly repelled the client and he definitely decided that he would never come to this company for this product in his life.

It is difficult to work with such clients and bring them back to the initial stage. And if you do not have 5 clients in the whole world, then you can let them go with God.

In all other cases, you need to work with the departed audience, because for the most part people leave.

And for various reasons: they did not immediately see the benefits, or they got lost in the hustle and bustle and put it off for later (reading on never, never will suit you?). An excellent tool will help us with this - retargeting in Yandex.Direct.

Most likely you know what retargeting is, but the one that in social networks. If not, then social networks, this is the same ad that flickers right and left (depending on the social network) and reminds you to return to the site you recently visited.

Retargeting VKontakte

How did they know you were there? Magic? No, this is how this retarget works, which is shown only to those visitors who have already been to your site.

The purpose of such a move is one - to make you come back and make a positive decision to buy.

life hack. If you want to advertise on social networks, then you can do this using the Aori automated service. Everything is clear even for beginners. Follow the link and register -> Aori


But what if people do not use social networks (unlikely, of course, but still)? Or do you understand that if you get a visitor, then everywhere and to the bitter end?!

Then we set up retargeting in Yandex Direct, or, to be more precise, we make settings in YAN (Yandex advertising network).

For ads to follow your site visitors on millions of other sites (for example, when they check their mail or view ads on Avito). And how to do it, read this article.

Retargeting example

I will say right away that retargeting can be set up not only for those who were on the site, but also for those who did not take the action you need.

For example, they put the product in the cart, but closed the tab or did not pay. If you want to see an example of how this is implemented in reality, then an excellent option is the M-Video online store.

Retargeting from M.Video
  1. Visited the site, but did not perform the target (necessary for us) action;
  2. Put the product in the cart, but did not pay;
  3. I paid for a product / service, but did not buy it.

Well, this is clear and very soon you will be able to set up such ads yourself. Go ahead.

Basic training

In order to set up retargeting, you need small dances with a tambourine, namely, a link between your account in Direct and Yandex.Metrica from the site (provided that you have them on different accounts).

And then another setting for Metrics. But it's really easy. Moreover, I will show everything in detail and in pictures. The main thing is that you have mail on yandex.

Option 1– the account on which you have the configured Direct and – the same account.

Congratulations! You don’t need to bind anything, we immediately proceed to setting goals.

Option 2- the account on which you have configured Direct and Yandex Metrica are different accounts.

Go to Yandex.Metrica (by the way, make sure that the counter on the site works correctly on all pages of the site) and click the gear.

Yandex Metrica

You will be redirected to the Metrica settings page, where you will need the “Access” tab. Next, you click “Add User” and enter the account to which you want to grant rights.

The only point is that you need to decide what rights can be this account(view only or edit rights). It goes without saying that you need editing.

User creation

If everything is done correctly (although what can be done wrong here), then literally in 3-5 minutes you will receive an email with access to the counter a letter will come with notice of granted rights.

Goal setting

Go to Yandex.Metrica to set goals. It is up to you to decide which segment of users we will tune in to, but for example, I will show you point number 1 (it was on the site).

This is the most easy setup, although in addition to goals, retargeting can still be configured through the “Segments” tab. But I will cover this in another article.


This is fairly easy to do, as the Goals tab is not that far away from the Access tab. And then just click "Add Target".

Adding a target

A pop-up window appears and the main dances with a tambourine begin. And so, let's go:

  1. You need to name the target;
  2. You need to check the "Retargeting" box;
  3. Since our goal is to set up retargeting for everyone who was on the site, we leave the “Page visits” tab as it is.

And here the two most important questions arise (of course, if you are doing this for the first time):

  1. What is add condition and what conditions should be added? And how many?
  2. What does ulr: contains, ulr: matches, ulr: starts with, ulr: regular expression?

The answers are not too easy to understand if you are doing this for the first time, however:

  • Add condition - conditions for achieving the goal. There can be no more than 10 such conditions, and the achievement of the goal is the achievement of one of the conditions.
  • ulr: contains - you must specify part of the link to the page or site.
  • ulr: matches - here you enter a specific page, after hitting which a person will be followed by your retargeting ad.
  • ulr: starts with - useful for setting goals when visiting a specific catalog in an online store.
  • ulr: regular expression - metacharacters are inserted here. I do not strongly recommend climbing into this section, but if you want to read for general development, then this can be done.

Once you've set up a target, it's not enough to just click "Add Target". The main thing after that is to click “Save” on the main tab. Otherwise, the target will have to be reconfigured.

Setting up retargeting in Yandex.Direct

Okay, Metrica is activated and linked, the goals we need are set. Now we go for the most important thing, setting up advertising for the segment we have chosen.

To do this, go to Yandex.Direct. The setting, as always, will be shown through the Yandex.Direct functionality, and not through Yandex.Commander.

Yandex. Direct

As always, one of the tools you need is to make changes to the “Strategy”, select “Only in networks” and set a daily budget (I don’t think, of course, that with retargeting you can spend a large amount, but just in case).

Setting up impressions

In the “Metrica Counters” tab, enter the Metrica counter (the number is located under the site domain in the Metrica) and click “Save”.

Counters Metrics

Let's go to the next page. Of course, here you need to name the ad group and select the ad type:

  1. Text-graphic;
  2. Graphic.

If the text-graphic ad is more or less clear (headline, ad text and image), then now I suggest you set up an image ad. The so-called banners. How we did it.

Graphic ad
  1. Ads with images are clicked many times better;
  2. The competition for banners is much less (they are too lazy to make them).

Therefore, we will create them. By the way, here are the requirements for this image format from Yandex itself:

  • The maximum file size is 120 KB;
  • File format - JPG, PNG or GIF (gif, Carl!);
  • Pixel size - 240x400, 300x250, 300x500, 300x600, 336x280, 640x100, 640x200, 640x960, 728x90, 960x640, 970x250.

And these are the requirements that must be contained in the picture (read carefully):

  • Logo or Domain name website (contact information in general);
  • Age restrictions (if any), as well as contraindications;
  • Relevant call to action.

But here is the question. How? How can I make there many pictures in such different formats? This is very expensive and hits the pocket (if you involve a designer). You have 2 options:

  1. Make 5-6 options in the most popular resolutions: under mobile devices- 640x200,640x960 and 960x640 and for desktop devices - 240x400, 300x250, 320x50 and 728x90
  2. Use the image designer that will do everything for you. And immediately produce images in the 4 most popular sizes.

Image Constructor

Choose the template you like. Yes, the choice is not great, but what is there. But don't worry 🙂


Start editing it. Settings for every taste and color. I do not use them, because my taste perception, to put it mildly, is lame.

Therefore, all the banners are created for me by the designer, I just create the terms of reference. But if you do it yourself, then there is more than enough room for experimentation.

Constructor Functions

The images are created, let's move on to the step for which everything was started. To adjust to the segment of people to whom our ads will be shown. To do this, you need to click “Audience selection conditions” and “Add condition”.

Audience selection
Create a condition

Save and move on to saving the entire ad and placing bids.

Bad news. Even if your site already has a history of visits, and the goal was created quite recently, you will have to wait until a certain number of people are typed in the goal there.

Unfortunately, history does not adapt to the goals created. Optimally set the goal and set up retargeting for it in 2-3 months.

And that's it! Retargeting in Yandex.Direct is set up. The departed visitors began to return. There is more money in the box. Everyone is happy. We open champagne and eat a birthday cake.

Life hack. If you are determined to attract customers from contextual advertising, then I recommend the Rush Analytics service. It is very fast and works online, which is very convenient. And by this link you will be given 200 rubles for testing 😉

Briefly about the main

According to the mind, if a person left your site, then something did not suit him. Accordingly, retargeting should return it not to the same page, but to another, with better conditions.

If you didn’t leave a request, then go to the page with more advantageous offer. If you didn’t buy it, then go to the page with an additional discount. If you bought it, then go to the page with an upsell. But that's in theory.

In fact, to set up such detailed retargeting, you must either be very obsessed or have your own professional director on staff.

So let's start small. Retarget people who left the page to bring them back. Once it starts working, expand the settings. But don't take on everything at once.

Or, as a last resort, use soft (universal) retargeting. This is when you return all the people who left to the page where they can download the utility in exchange for the left mail.

Hello everyone guys!

Have you ever thought about repeat sales? That is, a person bought something from you, and you want to sell something else to him after a while? Or let's say this is the case: you have an online store, sales are going on, but the percentage of people who added the product to the cart and did not check it out is quite large, and you want to reduce this percentage. But you don't know how to do it. So, today we will talk about how to set up retargeting and what it is in general.

Retargeting is a technology that allows you to show ads to those users who have completed a targeted action on the site, for example, bought a product.

With retargeting, you can show ads to users who have been on your site for a while. Let's say if a person was more than 20 seconds, then they should show ads, if less, then this is completely inappropriate.

So, let's go directly to the setting. Let me remind you that earlier we learned how to configure .

Retargeting setup.

The question: how to set up retargeting?, arises for everyone. Now I will answer it.

The third prerequisite for retargeting to work is the presence of segments in Yandex.Metrica, which we will deal with now.

Creating segments in Yandex.Metrica.

I will explain step by step.

1) Go to the Metrics counter:

2) Let's create a new report. To do this, go to the following path: Reports > My reports > New report

3) Before you is a completely clean report, with all sources of traffic. Click here to create a segment:

4) Let's create a simple, time-based website. To do this, in the window that appears, find the “Behavior” tab, then “Time on site”:

5) Set the time. I will put more than 40 seconds, click "Apply":

Then give it a name and save.

That's all, now we have created an audience segment by time spent on the site and set goals that you MUST have!

Creation of an advertising campaign for retargeting.

The next step in solving the question: “How to set up retargeting?” will create and configure an advertising campaign. We will create it in the interface, since it is impossible to do this either in or in Excel ().

Select it and turn off impressions on the search.

Then we set up the campaign as we usually do. If anything, then you can read the lesson about.

Create an ad for retargeting.

There are no secrets for retargeting, it is enough to write ordinary ads, as always: the essence of the offer and attracting attention.

Do not forget that ads are shown on thematic sites, that is, YAN, which means we can use pictures.

1) Write the title.

2) We write the text of the ad.

3) We select a picture. You can read how to choose a picture for YAN.

Assign retargeting conditions.

So, let's move on to important step, assign retargeting conditions. We do this in the same place where we wrote the ads, scroll a little lower:

Click on the "Add" button. You will see a window where you need to select the goals or segments that we created earlier:

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for selecting retargeting conditions.

When setting up retargeting, you can select multiple target and segment options using groups. And what is most interesting, you can set conditions for execution or non-execution. You can do this using three options:

  • Completed at least one the visitor during the visit session reached a single goal or got into a segment, for example, bought something;
  • All completed - the visitor during one session fulfilled all the conditions for getting into the retargeting list that you specified;
  • None completed - the visitor has not fulfilled any of the conditions;

Important: the goal should not be negative, such as “Product not purchased” or “Application not left”!

You must also indicate the time frame, namely the number of days during which any conditions were met.

The most optimal number of days that you should specify is 10 - 20 days. That is, your ads will be shown to those people who reached the goal within 10 - 20 days, but your ads will not be shown to those who reached the goal a month ago.

I will explain clearly.

Since I want my ads to be shown to people who have been on your web resource for more than 40 seconds and bought something, I will create two groups of conditions:

In the first group there will be a segment by time on the site “More than 40 seconds”, and in the second group the goal is “Visit to the Thank you page”, that is, a purchase. All this must be done within 15 days.

Proceed to the next step by clicking on the “Next” button

Setting bids.

Well, here we come to the final step - the setting of rates. Here I can only say one thing: since our clients are mostly ready, you can pay a little more for them, so set the cost per click a little more than, say, for YAN.

That's all, let's finish this lesson, now you know how to set up retargeting. In conclusion, I would like to say that this tool will not cause any boom in sales, by a maximum of 20-30%, maybe a little more. But still, it's not bad!

Do you have any questions? Ask them in the comments!

Also, do not forget to subscribe to blog news!

See you!

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