Svetlana Nezhelskaya: This is not the first time that FBK and Navalny are trying to “silence” the conflict. Navalny promised Judge Novikov “six hours” on the air of his program What lengths will you go to get an apology?

Another scandal has broken out around Navalny’s team, which is now organizing the “election campaign” of its leader as a “presidential candidate.” Which, in general, is traditional for Alexey and his circle: they managed to quarrel with almost everyone. This time, Navalny finally got to Dmitry Novikov.

Novikov is a notorious figure himself. This is a social and political figure of the Krasnodar region, known on the Internet as “Judge Novikov.” In the past, famous for exposing law enforcement agencies, now this native of Sochi has undertaken to expose Navalny.

“Today my political preferences have changed a lot. I am outraged by the meanness and baseness of Navalny’s headquarters. I never thought that just a little time would pass and I would begin to speak out against them,” the video on Youtube begins with these words.

Novikov then immediately announces his intention to sue Navalny's chief of staff, Leonid Volkov, for libel. The reason for this was the accusation that Novikov allegedly offered money for an invitation to appear on the air of “Cactus” (Navalny’s Internet video program). Now Novikov is deeply disappointed in Navalny and his associates: “Just yesterday I thought that this was a young, interesting team. Just yesterday I thought that there were people there who were unconventional and capable of thinking.”

At the same time, Novikov refutes accusations from Navalny’s team that he allegedly collaborates with PR agencies to promote his personality. However, then, when the video was already published, Leonid Volkov continued to reproach Novikov for using the services of PR people: “Hiring PR agencies, attacks in comments, spam on social networks, accusations in loud words - this, frankly speaking, is not The best way build a dialogue. The best is direct dialogue.”

Under Volkov’s post, a massive scandal broke out in which supporters of Navalny and Novikov came together and began mutually accusing each other of inadequacy. And then Novikov reacted to Volkov’s answer already on his VKontakte page.

He insulted and accused me. And now they are trying to say that they are right. I didn't know him and don't know him. He blamed me. I don't make weird videos. Volkov writes strange comments. I don't blame them for all mortal sins. Only that they are liars. The fact that he lied and slandered me...- Novikov wrote.

He assures that he simply agrees to Volkov’s apology. Although in his video message he said that he was giving the opposition 3 days to provide evidence, after which he would sue for libel.

It is still unknown how the scandal will end, but it is already obvious that Navalny’s team has once again gotten into trouble, throwing accusations left and right.

It is worth recalling that earlier oligarch Alisher Usmanov decided to sue Navalny, also for libel. The reason was another “exposing investigation” by Navalnov’s FBK.

But, as you can see, Navalny manages to insult and slander not only the “opponents” whom he unfoundedly accuses as part of his “fight against corruption,” or rather, the self-PR that he passes off as this fight. It seems that political like-minded people are also not at all delighted with the behavior of Alexei, Leonid and others like them.

Another scandal has broken out around Navalny’s team, which is now organizing the “election campaign” of its leader as a “presidential candidate.” Which, in general, is traditional for Alexey and his circle: they managed to quarrel with almost everyone. This time, Navalny finally got to Dmitry Novikov.

Novikov is a notorious figure himself. This is a social and political figure of the Krasnodar region, known on the Internet as “Judge Novikov.” In the past, famous for exposing law enforcement agencies, now this native of Sochi has undertaken to expose Navalny.

On May 18, Dmitry recorded and published a video message to the opposition headquarters. “Today my political preferences have changed a lot. I am outraged by the meanness and baseness of Navalny’s headquarters. I never thought that just a little time would pass and I would begin to speak out against them,” the video on Youtube begins with these words.

Novikov then immediately announces his intention to sue Navalny's chief of staff, Leonid Volkov, for libel. The reason for this was the accusation that Novikov allegedly offered money for an invitation to appear on the air of “Cactus” (Navalny’s Internet video program). Now Novikov is deeply disappointed in Navalny and his associates: “Just yesterday I thought that this was a young, interesting team. Just yesterday I thought that there were people there who were unconventional and capable of thinking.”

At the same time, Novikov refutes accusations from Navalny’s team that he allegedly collaborates with PR agencies to promote his personality. However, then, when the video was already published, Leonid Volkov continued to reproach Novikov for using the services of PR specialists: “Hiring PR agencies, attacks in comments, spam on social networks, accusations in loud words - this, frankly speaking, is not the best way to build dialogue. The best is direct dialogue.”

Under Volkov’s post, a massive scandal broke out in which supporters of Navalny and Novikov came together and began mutually accusing each other of inadequacy. And then Novikov reacted to Volkov’s answer already on his VKontakte page.

He insulted and accused me. And now they are trying to say that they are right. I didn't know him and don't know him. He blamed me. I don't make weird videos. Volkov writes strange comments. I don't blame them for all mortal sins. Only that they are liars. The fact is that he lied and slandered me...” Novikov wrote.

He assures that he simply agrees to Volkov’s apology. Although in his video message he said that he was giving the opposition 3 days to provide evidence, after which he would sue for libel. It is still unknown how the scandal will end, but it is already obvious that Navalny’s team has once again gotten into trouble, throwing accusations left and right.

It is worth recalling that earlier, oligarch Alisher Usmanov sued Navalnogol, also for libel. The reason was another “exposing investigation” by Navalnov’s FBK. But, as you can see, Navalny manages to insult and slander not only the “opponents” whom he unfoundedly accuses as part of his “fight against corruption,” or rather, the self-PR that he passes off as this fight. It seems that political like-minded people are also not at all delighted with the behavior of Alexei, Leonid and others like them.

Krasnodar. September 27 - New Kuban. After the Council of Judges of the Krasnodar Territory announced the completion of verification of the authenticity of the diploma of the judge of the Krasnodar Regional Court, Elena Khakhaleva, the scandal around her person, or, more precisely, around the “prosperous” wedding of her daughter, seemed to have subsided. But, as it turned out, everything that was leaked to the media may be just the tip of the iceberg.

On the sidelines of the judicial system there is almost talk about an impending change of power, and that the FSB seems to be interested in history.

There are practically no experts in the region, or indeed in all of Russia, who have agreed to speak on this topic. The concerns are apparently related to the fact that the court is a separate branch of government. But in the Krasnodar region there is a person who supports dialogues on all “these” topics. Federal judge Dmitry Novikov agreed to become NK's interlocutor. His sociability is most likely due to the fact that, by a strange coincidence, he has been on both sides of the barricades. The story of Novikov, like Khakhaleva’s, received publicity throughout Russia. By different versions, “leaked” it by their own. Let’s also add what continues to be “leaked.” Now Dmitry Vladimirovich is appealing the decisions of courts of various instances and is petitioning to call serious witnesses in his case - the chairman of the Supreme Court.

In order for you, dear readers, to understand why Novikov can be considered an expert on this topic, here are a few of his own quotes about himself: “Novikov was in the inner circle. I interacted with them in situations that the average person cannot even imagine. I was introduced by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to the President of our country.” “I come to Elena Vladimirovna and she tells me: “Novikov, I am now experiencing what you were experiencing.” In my case, you were the initiator of my trouble. And in your case - your stupidity and impunity. You thought that you were not like us. So pride led to problems.”

And here is a man who at one time was forced to speak out against common system, continues to expose her.

As it turned out, after all the ups and downs, Dmitry Vladimirovich has contact with serious structures: “An FSB officer comes to me and says, Dmitry Vladimirovich, could you voice the situation? And he gives me documents: a transcript.” This transcript and some audio recording will be discussed in today’s interview with Dmitry Novikov about the unknown details of the scandal surrounding Elena Khakhaleva.

We are talking about a certain dialogue in which a voice similar to Elena Vladimirovna reports that allegedly, her leadership was given an order to make a certain decision on one of the cases, which was considered by the administrative board. The voice also mentions that an amount of 25 million rubles was paid to make the necessary decision. The voice also reports that he has certain patrons.

Thus, the scandal surrounding the “well-to-do” will turn out to be insignificant compared to how events may develop further. Novikov explained to our correspondent why the transcript and audio recording came into his possession:

These people shape the right public opinion so that civil society demands answers. If Elena Vladimirovna says that someone was paid 25 million rubles for a decision made by the administrative board, she must say who paid and where she got this information from. If she says that she was forced to make this decision, she must explain why she did not write a statement to the investigative committee saying that she was under pressure and how she ensured that the panel of judges made this decision. Elena Vladimirovna told us about the commission of a crime and her patrons. Who are its patrons? None

Judges cannot have patrons. For any patronage you need to pay money or pay for other services - such as taking out necessary solutions. And all this is incompatible with the position of a judge. We must receive clear answers from the chairman of the regional court and the Supreme Court, and forget the vague answer of the deputy chairman of the council of judges. And I would like to hear the opinion of the chairman of the qualification board of judges of the Krasnodar region, because in the transcripts that I have, she says that she will not write a letter of resignation if someone tells her about it. “Let Lebedev call and give the command.” Statements of one's own free will should be written as a result of one's own desire, and not on command. Or the decision to terminate powers must be made by the qualification board of judges for committing an offense. 2-3 days will pass, I will tell you more. The Krasnodar Regional Court took 8 years of my life. I don't take revenge on them. Each of them will answer for the forgery of evidence, for the falsification of data that they used against me.

So, while full disclosure of the information received is impossible, since the scandal surrounding the wedding of Elena Khakhaleva’s daughter may develop on a large scale at the level of the entire regional judicial system, we asked Dmitry Novikov to comment on all the main facts voiced by official sources in this case.

At the very beginning, when the public became interested in the details of the wedding of Elena Khakhaleva’s daughter, her ex-husband Robert Onikovich began to appear in financial matters. It was reported that the businessman took upon himself all the expenses for paying for the celebration. The good relationship between the ex-husband and wife gave rise to rumors that the divorce was fictitious. What do you know about this?

There are speculations, and there are facts. If we talk collectively about the big picture, then the facts that we and I have will confirm our conjectures. Once upon a time, certain requirements began to be imposed on candidates for the positions of judges. There have been such stories that many began to be denied appointment if a conflict of interest appeared: the husband is a prosecutor, investigator, lawyer, businessman, etc. And then everyone began to get divorced so that marriage would not become an obstacle to career growth and obtaining such a coveted place. This suggests that love for a position, a judicial seat, often becomes higher than love for a husband or wife.

Fact one. In the Krasnodar Territory there is a series of license plates for judges' cars. This is the ASK series. Such cars are used by judges and members of their families. In principle, the judge does not need such numbers. The judge has a certificate that will protect him. Because a judge in the Russian Federation is inviolable. A judge cannot be detained, searched, or brought into custody; there are great guarantees of immunity. But the judge has a husband, son, daughter or someone else who does not have a certificate. They also want their family members to be able to enjoy these benefits. By law, such a series of numbers is not provided. What happens next? The chairman of the court meets with the heads of the traffic police and agrees that they should be given a special series of numbers so that they are not recorded by cameras, and the employees do not stop them. So, all of Elena Vladimirovna’s husband’s cars have ASK license plates. They don't just give them away. Try writing a written application asking for the ASK series numbers. They will refuse you, they will tell you only if you provide a document signed by the chairman of the court. And my ex-husband has such numbers. And the ex-husband, apparently, was given such a signature. This indicates that the divorce is fictitious.

Second fact. We recently saw a report on the work done by the Council of Judges, which verified the authenticity of Khakhaleva’s diploma. But the piece of paper came from Gruzinsky University, at the request of a friend of her ex-husband. Imagine, if the ex-husband drives ASK license plates, if the ex-husband’s friends help receive requests from Georgia, then what does this mean? That the divorce is fictitious. Of course, I treated Elena Vladimirovna well. In the recordings that they gave me to listen to, she speaks very untidy about Judge Novikov. I understand that when a person is in danger, in anxiety, he wants to destroy and destroy everything around him, to destroy all those who supposedly interfere with his former comfortable life. But I always say: why double standards? When they made a decision against me, and Elena Vladimirovna signed a document on the early termination of the powers of a judge, which was declared illegal by the Supreme Court and cancelled, they told me this: “Novikov, wait a little, everything will calm down, and we will return you to work. Don't worry about criminal cases being filed. Now people will forget about you, and we’ll stop everything.” They must apply the same recipes to themselves.

The authenticity of Khakhaleva’s diploma remains in doubt even after the verification by the Council of Judges. Firstly, there was information that Elena Vladimirovna lost several diplomas at once in 2011. Therefore, duplicates were provided at work? Secondly: the university specialist who signed the certificate gave an interview to several sources in which he said that no certificates were issued. What information do you have about Elena Khakhaleva’s education?

Diplomas are provided not so often, only at the time of appointment by a judge. You fill out the form, provide a copy of your diploma, and then they are checked. But, it seems to me, a fake diploma cannot be confirmed with a fake certificate. The certificate that the Council of Judges presented, and to which it refers, was issued in Tbilisi at the Abkhaz University, which is now, as it were, the Georgian University. And the person who signed this certificate gave an interview and said that she did not sign this certificate. But, since the Council of Judges has already spoken out and said: we roared, it means that what this woman said there, that she did not sign, is no longer interesting. Everyone is tired of this topic, this topic is closed and no one wants to listen to it.

The investigation into Elena Khakhaleva was initiated by the Council of Judges of the Krasnodar Territory. It was announced by Kislyak as chairman of the council. However, the public has repeatedly paid attention to the fact that for some reason the results were announced and commented on by the media by his deputy Mishchenko. What could be the reason for this?

As my colleagues from the Krasnodar Regional Court told me, his wife scolds Kislyak very much and says: “Don’t get involved in this matter. Do you remember how we used to be friends with the Khakhalev family, and then they let us down, set us up, and we are in big trouble because of them.” Therefore, I believe that Kislyak is trying with all his might to move away from covering this topic so that he will not be blamed for this. We are told that the authenticity of the diploma can only be verified through diplomatic channels. This is through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through Switzerland. We wait, and then some Georgian citizen brings a piece of paper and says: “I am Lavrov instead of Lavrov, I checked through my diplomatic communication channels.” But in fact, it was some friend of the ex-husband who checked. We see an interview with a woman whose name is on the certificate, who says that she did not sign such a certificate. What does this mean? They are trying to hide something from you and me so that we will forget and calm down. Remember what the wave was like in the first days. Everyone was interested. People tickled their nerves, looked at the situation, then they found other topics. And this topic begins to die.

Details of the luxurious wedding of Elena Khakhaleva’s daughter were made public through social media. This often happens when someone benefits from stirring up a scandal. Could not everything that happened be the consequences of a confrontation between local business structures (the Pokrovsky and Kushchevsky concerns), which did not divide certain lands, decisions on which were made by the Krasnodar Regional Court?

A big jackpot worth 1.5 billion rubles is being shared. Tsapkov's legacy. A relative or wife of one of the parties works at the Rostov Arbitration Court. Only the dispute is being considered on the territory of Kuban. Therefore, the Rostov Arbitration Court cannot influence this situation in any way, because it is not under their jurisdiction and jurisdiction. Therefore, this does not help the Pokrovskys. I know for sure that in the Krasnodar Regional Court negotiations have been and are ongoing with the Pokrovsky concern to resolve these issues. Some of the lawyers who are involved in this process are my representatives and help me in resolving my legal issues. Just yesterday, audio recordings of Elena Vladimirovna’s negotiations with FSB officers were published, where she says that she allegedly received an order to make a decision against the Pokrovskys in favor of Fedya Streltsov, where she claims that one of the managers received 25 million rubles . If so, then we must analyze this record like lawyers. Firstly, Elena Vladimirovna did not make any decisions herself. These decisions were made by the administrative board, which she leads. Therefore, she intervened in justice and supervised these judges. Decisions were not made in a deliberation room based on the results of consideration of the case in a court session, where the parties were present, but the decision was made by command. Consequently, this decision is not just, made on command, and God forbid, for 25 million rubles. I know that there were meetings. I saw Fedor Streltsov, in whose favor a decision was made in the Krasnodar Regional Court, in two court reception rooms. What does this mean? That there is a conspiracy that is directed against justice. That's why we hear in these audio recordings that this question was accompanied by money. It goes on to say that there are patrons who want to appoint someone as chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court. There we are talking about what Lebedev wants or doesn’t want, the new chairman of the court will have to fall in love with Elena Vladimirovna. We don't need gray cardinals. The retinue of gray cardinals can sometimes be very large and become dangerous. This retinue may represent a criminal group. This is treason, treason to our country. Therefore, you do not need the right to speak to us on behalf of Russian Federation use it as a source of your well-being.

Analyzing the possible further development of events on the topic of Elena Khakhaleva and the new details that have emerged, the conclusion suggests itself that even despite speculation that unity should reign in such structures (the profession is passed on from generation to generation, sometimes entire dynasties work, etc.), the situation in the Krasnodar Regional Court is not as simple as it seems. Disclosure of the secrets of the Madrid Court always leads to a change in leadership. In this regard, it is worth paying attention to Elena Vladimirovna’s confidence in her positions. Perhaps her circle business communication has long been much more extensive even than that of the top management of the regional judicial structure. It is difficult to predict whether the principle “the student has surpassed his teacher” will work in this case. But the fact that a conflict of interests and a change of power in this structure has clearly been brewing for a long time, “NK” will tell you in one of its upcoming materials.

Another scandal has broken out around Navalny’s team, which is now organizing the “election campaign” of its leader as a “presidential candidate.” Which, in general, is traditional for Alexey and his circle: they managed to quarrel with almost everyone. This time, Navalny finally got to Dmitry Novikov.

Novikov is a notorious figure himself. This is a social and political figure of the Krasnodar region, known on the Internet as “Judge Novikov.” In the past, famous for exposing law enforcement agencies, now this native of Sochi has undertaken to expose Navalny.

“Today my political preferences have changed a lot. I am outraged by the meanness and baseness of Navalny’s headquarters. I never thought that just a little time would pass and I would begin to speak out against them,” the video on Youtube begins with these words.

Novikov then immediately announces his intention to sue Navalny's chief of staff, Leonid Volkov, for libel. The reason for this was the accusation that Novikov allegedly offered money for an invitation to appear on the air of “Cactus” (Navalny’s Internet video program). Now Novikov is deeply disappointed in Navalny and his associates: “Just yesterday I thought that this was a young, interesting team. Just yesterday I thought that there were people there who were unconventional and capable of thinking.”

At the same time, Novikov refutes accusations from Navalny’s team that he allegedly collaborates with PR agencies to promote his personality. However, then, when the video was already published, Leonid Volkov continued to reproach Novikov for using the services of PR people: “Hiring PR agencies, attacks in comments, spam on social networks, accusations in loud words - this, frankly speaking, is not the best way to build a dialogue. The best is direct dialogue.”

Under Volkov’s post, a massive scandal broke out in which supporters of Navalny and Novikov came together and began mutually accusing each other of inadequacy. And then Novikov reacted to Volkov’s answer already on his VKontakte page.

He insulted and accused me. And now they are trying to say that they are right. I didn't know him and don't know him. He blamed me. I don't make weird videos. Volkov writes strange comments. I don't blame them for all mortal sins. Only that they are liars. The fact that he lied and slandered me...- Novikov wrote.

He assures that he simply agrees to Volkov’s apology. Although in his video message he said that he was giving the opposition 3 days to provide evidence, after which he would sue for libel.

It is still unknown how the scandal will end, but it is already obvious that Navalny’s team has once again gotten into trouble, throwing accusations left and right.

It is worth recalling that earlier oligarch Alisher Usmanov decided to sue Navalny, also for libel. The reason was another “exposing investigation” by Navalnov’s FBK.

But, as you can see, Navalny manages to insult and slander not only the “opponents” whom he unfoundedly accuses as part of his “fight against corruption,” or rather, the self-PR that he passes off as this fight. It seems that political like-minded people are also not at all delighted with the behavior of Alexei, Leonid and others like them.

A participant in the scandal between Judge Novikov and Navalny’s headquarters gave an interview to Yasno

The conflict between Navalny's chief of staff Leonid Volkov and judge Dmitry Novikov broke out on the Internet. Volkov accused Novikov of trying to get on the air of the “Cactus” program, which airs on the Navalny Live channel, for money. At the same time, Svetlana Nezhelskaya, owner of the Dragon PR agency, was drawn into all this. It was allegedly her agency, according to Volkov, who hired Novikov for his PR and pressure on Cactus with the help of so-called “PR agents.” Our publication asked Svetlana Nezhelskaya about her vision of this scandalous story.

What caused the conflict between Leonid Volkov on the one hand and you, Judge Novikov and the viewers of the Navalny Live channel?

It started with the fact that judge Dmitry Novikov several times in private conversations expressed a desire to participate in programs on the Navalny Live channel. I decided to contribute, and my PR agency Dragon sent a request to Navalny’s headquarters. As a result, the chief of staff, Leonid Volkov, accused the Dragon PR agency of bribing people who left comments under programs on the channel. Novikov was accused of offering Volkov money for broadcasting. And the people who left comments are that they are from a PR agency and the Kremlin.

You demand an apology from Volkov not only to the Dragon PR agency, but also to the channel’s viewers. Why did you stand up for those who were blocked on the Navalny Live channel?

Navalny’s headquarters remains silent and has taken exactly the same position in this conflict that Medvedev was recently reproached for. People are outraged and offended that they were considered corrupt agents. They are ignored and censored on the “uncensored” Navalny Live channel. I believe that this is at odds with the ideals of democracy that Navalny declares, and we demand an official response to these actions.

- Why did they apologize to Novikov, but not to you and the audience?

I think FBK was afraid of the current federal judge. And they silence everyone else with blocking. This is not the first time that FBK and Navalny are trying to “silence” the conflict. All of Volkov’s accusations are unfounded; he did not provide a single piece of evidence, only speculation.

- What connects you with Judge Novikov? Why did you help him?

We met as candidates for State Duma deputies, and then we built a political coalition against another candidate. Then I helped him once or twice when he had difficult moments. And I helped now because I considered this help possible.

In the comments you are accused of being a “hand of the Kremlin” and acting on instructions from the Presidential Administration. How would you comment on this?

The fact is that some of Navalny’s supporters indiscriminately stigmatize everyone who has an alternative point of view.

- How do you feel about FBK in general and Navalny in particular?

FBK suspiciously reminds me of a project called “Crystallization of opposition sentiments.” Alexey Navalny himself is interesting to me as a person and as a social phenomenon. He takes his place in Russian politics and is necessary for our society.

- Did FBK contact you to resolve the conflict?

Yes. The head of Navalny’s Krasnodar headquarters, Miroslav Valkovich, contacted me with an offer to help resolve the conflict. I am always open to dialogue.

- What lengths will you go to get an apology?

Our team has extensive experience working with similar events. At least remember the situation with British Ambassador Brenton or with the former prefect of the northern administrative district of Moscow Mitvol. And no one canceled the trial.

As “CLEAR” earlier, former judge Dmitry Novikov posted his video reacting to Leonid Volkov’s accusations, in which he stated that he intended to sue the head of Navalny’s headquarters for libel. Then, with a video message, Svetlana Nezhelskaya demanded an apology from Volkov for false accusations against her “Dragon PR agency” and those subscribers of the Navalny Live channel, whom Volkov called paid “PR agents.”
