Why aliexpress does not display products by filter. How to find the right product on aliexpress? Solving the problem with finding phones on AliExpress in the Google Chrome browser

I don’t know how much the headline turned out to be a telling title, but this is the essence of the problem. One fine night, my search on Aliexpress suddenly began to show too few results for a fairly common query. Frankly, this problem at first baffled me - you know, I'm not one of those who immediately go to Google in search of a solution, I myself am full of Google on such issues, but in this case everything turned out to be more complicated.
As an illustration, here are two screenshots. One with full search results for "xiaomi redmi 4", and the second with "cropped" results.
A little keywords I throw - "the search for aliexpress does not work", "the search for aliexpress is broken", "Aliexpress is not looking for a product".

Let's solve the problem further.

I made screenshots to fit more, but sacrificed readability. In this case, the details are not important, the meaning itself is important.
Screenshot times, full search.

As you can see, the search results are exactly as expected - Xiaomi Redmi 4 phones, the entire first page of the search results is filled with them.

Screenshot two:

The same request, half a minute passed between requests, but in the results there are already different garbage like film cases and other things like that, but there are simply no phones.

With exactly the same effect, the search works on any other request.

What happened in those half a minute between the first and second screenshots?

The answer is simple - I enabled the extension. In this case, it was an extension from Letyshops.ru, but exactly the same effect is observed when the extension of almost any cashback service, and many others (for example, Alitools. your purchases by substituting your referral link to receive cashback).

The culprit can be almost any extension that works with cookies, as well as following a link from another site. There is an addition (or addition) of a cookie file in which something is broken.

How to solve a problem?

Yes, in general, simply by deleting this part of the cookie, or simply by clearing the browser cache. But only after enabling the extension, you will again get a chopped search ... But there are simply no other solutions for today. The support of Letishops and Alibonus, for example, pretends that they do not know anything. Although they may not really know. Anyway, this is not their problem, but the problem of the crooked programmers who made the Aliexpress website.

For Google Chrome you can just type chrome://settings/clearBrowserData , and click Clear browsing data.

This is a screenshot from Opera, but it's like Chrome, only Opera, so everything works in it.

If you don't like to shoot sparrows from a cannon, then you can do it differently - type chrome://settings/cookies , in the window that opens, type "aliex" in the search bar, and look at the result:

On the this moment The Aliexpress platform is updating the site and making changes to the system. Naturally, it was not without glitches that scare many buyers. Moreover, the errors turned out to be very diverse: ranging from small and not causing inconvenience, ending with rather unpleasant ones.

What glitches can be found on Aliexpress now?

  1. Order status does not change. Suppose, after confirming the receipt of the order or closing the dispute, the status in the order remains “sent”, the protection timer also goes on.
  2. When you try to leave a review about the product, an inscription is displayed "You have already left a review for this order". Although in reality, the review has not yet been written. And the caption is wrong.
  3. Pictures are not loaded in messages to the seller, when opening and editing a dispute. A message may appear "Please do not upload any personal information! You can only upload one photo (max size 5 MB) per message. Acceptable formats: jpg, png, gif, bmp" Although your photos are suitable in size and format. This inscription is also a mistake.
  4. The button to open a dispute is not active.
  5. Problems with paying for orders (cannot pay, or). When you try to pay for the order, the inscription "Payment cannot be made" is displayed and it is proposed to pass authorization on Alipay. After authorization the problem remains the same.
  6. Some users are redirected to an intermediate page, and then to the main page.
  7. Inconsistency in the display of the number of goods on the cart icon and in the cart itself.
  8. Erroneous reduced price indications in Cart and Wishlist.
  9. Orders made from a computer are not displayed in mobile version. And vice versa.
  10. Problems with the choice of currency for payment. When choosing another currency, the invoice is still issued in rubles.

What to do if you encounter errors on Aliexpress?

If the glitches are minor in the form of an incorrect display of any indicators, it flips to home page, orders are not displayed, we recommend not to worry. The developers promise to eliminate them within a few weeks.

If you are unable to upload pictures, open a dispute, select the desired currency for payment, then try to perform these steps through the mobile application. There, at the moment, no changes have been made and the system is working properly.

If you find that in your personal account All orders are gone, don't worry! They did not disappear without a trace, they were simply hidden under a calendar sheet. That is, when there is an impressive list of pages in the “My Orders” section, and the statute of limitations for completed transactions is 6 months, such orders are simply hidden by the site administration. When you try to go to one of the pages of old orders, you will be shown blank sheet, and the page count will decrease.

In order to return to previously completed transactions, you must manually specify the desired range to view your list. In the order filter, click on the calendar icon and select a demonstration date.

Lost information about an incomplete order

This situation may arise if you made an order for, bypassing the registration confirmation procedure. That is, you entered the site, selected the product you needed, put it in the basket, indicated the registration data, entered the delivery address and paid for it.

The point is that the address Email and is the login to access your orders. At the initial stage, you will, of course, see your order. But imagine the situation if you made a mistake when entering the address by at least one letter or number. After a certain time, if you do not perform any actions on the site, Aliexpress will automatically end your authorized session. And then you will no longer be able to log in to the system and see your order.

When shopping on Aliexpress, be extremely careful, as the site has the ability to pay for orders without confirming the buyer's email address.

If you entered the correct address, but did not confirm the registration, after a while your account will be blocked. In this case, you will be able to view your orders, but you will not be able to make new purchases. A registration confirmation email is sent to the specified email address. For activation account given 3 days. However, if the verification link has timed out and your account is still active, you can resubmit your request.

To do this, you need to enter the profile tab and click "edit user profile settings".

We activate the request again and wait for a new letter from with a registration confirmation link.

The product is not displayed in accordance with the laws of your region- this is a notification in the Aliexpress mobile application that is shown to buyers when they try to open products from an intimate category.

The product is not displayed in accordance with the laws of your region

The management of Aliexpress decided to hide all products of the sex category from its official website. mobile application in February 2017. Now, when trying to open one of the products in the erotic section, buyers see a page with the following content: “Oops, this product is not available. The product is not displayed in accordance with the laws of your region”.

Interestingly, Aliexpress also censored lingerie, which can not always be attributed to erotic goods. While men's underwear was not affected by the innovation, and in the search results you can find quite explicit products.

It is not yet known when the company's policy regarding the products of the above category will change and users will be able to order them again from the mobile application.

Some products are not displayed and what to do about it.

To date iOS users and mobile application Aliexpress periodically encounter problems when searching for goods. Some categories are simply not in the list, or the search results directory is very limited and the following message is displayed:

What is the reason for this and how to solve the problem, we will talk further.

The product is not displayed in accordance with the legislation of your region on Aliexpress - what does this mean?

A similar error for Aliexpress is displayed, as a rule, when searching for things from the category of goods for adults. But it also happens that it pops up when the user tries to find women's panties. Yes, of course, in terms of goods for adults, everything is clear, but what the administration did not like women's underpants is not yet entirely clear.

If you still manage to get to the page with the catalog, then you still won’t be able to view it, since a similar error will be displayed:

Despite this prohibition by the administration Aliexpress, no one forbade officially importing toys into Russia. Therefore, we can simply conclude that sometimes the search for products in the application does not work that way. Either this is an error related to the incorrect display of products.

Although, it is possible to assume something else. If you look in Play market or Apple Store, you will notice that the application is intended for children from 12 years old. Most likely, therefore, a restriction is imposed on some products.

If the application was made from 18 years old, then there would be no problems, but for now, use what you have. In any case, in full version everything is displayed without problems.

Officially such a problem Aliexpress does not comment at all. Nothing is known about the ban on goods from the described categories. There is only one solution to the problem - if you get such an error, then go to Aliexpress from a computer and place an order there.

Video: Aliexpress mobile application. How to use?
