Whatsapp you may have new messages. Save smartphone memory from unnecessary files in WhatsApp

Why may messages on WhatsApp not be received?

Why are messages on WhatsApp not being received? Why may messages on WhatsApp not be received? Why don't messages on WhatsApp arrive? Actually, this happens quite rarely, because WhatsApp is quite a stable application.

  • So, what to do if messages are not sent on WhatsApp?
  • Is the Whatsapp application activated on your phone?
  • And this messenger is no exception. This question can often be found in various online forms and support services.
  • Although their software is often criticized, we must give it its due: And it’s even better to spend time on something good.
  • Main reasons The main reason for the failure of normal operation and, as a result, the failure to send a message is problems with internal data transmission. This is a common problem that can be resolved by changing the provider or tariff plan. This could be a messenger glitch or a smartphone problem.
  • Streaming data is transferred from one subscriber to another. WhatsApp provides and. If one of them fails, the message will not be delivered.

Why messages are not sent on WhatsApp

Take it with humor.

Problems with the receiving party That's all. Perhaps the interlocutor simply turned off his phone or is having problems with the Internet. It is also possible to add you to the Black List.

Although, perhaps the subscriber is just sleeping. There can, of course, be only one solution here: But first, it would be useful to make sure that the problems are on the wrong side.

To do this, you need to at least check the quality of your own Internet connection. Messages on Whatsapp take too long - a solution to the problem Problems on the sending side It is not at all necessary that the root of the problem may be hidden in the level of the Internet signal.

There may be a message in the settings why the restriction on background data transfer is enabled. But all of them can be divided into two groups: Problems with the receiving party; Problems on the transmitting side. Problems on the WhatsApp side That's all. Perhaps the interlocutor simply turned off his phone or is having problems with the Internet. It is also possible to add you to the Black List.

Although, perhaps the subscriber is just sleeping. There can, of course, be only one solution here: But first, it would be useful to make sure that the problems are on the wrong side. To do this, you need to at least check the quality of your own Internet connection.

And the picture will show that you need to open the setting menu and turn on lock screen notifications. That is, in fact, all messages come, you just don’t know about it. How to enable notifications If you have an iPhone, go to the main settings by opening the gear icon.

It is usually located on the first screen of the phone. On Android, go to the settings menu. Scroll down the list and find Whatsapp, click on it and you will see the notification menu. In it, change all the sliders so that they turn green.

Troubleshooting connection problems wireless network The first thing the user should check is the availability of an Internet connection and signal quality of this connection. The user should check the settings, mark the required lines and restart the mobile device.

When working through Wi-fi router, it also needs to be rebooted. If the problem persists, then you should look for another cause.

Whatsapp for laptop free download Troubleshooting phone number registration errors WhatsApp application You can find out whether the process of registering a number in the program has been completed and whether it went correctly by sending a test message to your own number.

To do this, you will need to enter the number in the contact book of your mobile device.

If the message appears on WhatsApp, it means there is a problem with registration. In case of incomplete phone number verification, you must contact WhatsApp support.

Normally, after exiting the messenger, it continues to work in the background: the application is minimized, you don’t use it, but calls are made, and notifications about incoming messages work. If they don't come whatsapp notifications– this means that some kind of device failure has occurred or its settings have been changed. We will tell you how to fix the problem on iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone, and we will also give separate instructions for Xiaomi and Meizu.

Checking and setting up the Internet

The instructions provided will work for most popular platforms. You may encounter slight differences in wording, but this will not affect your understanding of the process. A special case is if WhatsApp notifications on Windows Phone stop coming: pay special attention to the quality of the Internet and the point regarding the battery saving mode.

For owners of Xiaomi and Meizu smartphones

The devices of these companies are positioned as the most “long-lasting”, capable of operating for a long time without recharging. In fact, the manufacturers are lying a little: this advantage is not achieved due to the increased battery capacity. Task Manager blocks work by default third party applications in the background. As soon as you close the messenger, it is completely disabled and is offline. Accordingly, WhatsApp does not show notifications about a message or an incoming call.

How to fix:

  • Section "Settings", then "Advanced settings".
  • Battery button, then Manage Applications.

  • We look for WhatsApp in the list and click the “No restrictions” button.

is a functional and stable messenger, but even in this program errors and failures occur. Sometimes, users may notice that WhatsApp does not deliver messages. This is a fairly rare problem, but it should not be discounted. The user needs to know the causes and solutions to a possible problem.

Problem sending messages

The messenger user may notice that there is a gray check mark next to the message. This sign informs the user that the message was sent but not delivered. There are several reasons for this problem:

The cause of the problem may be a bug in the smartphone itself. A simple reboot of the phone can resolve most errors.

Problems on the recipient's side

Messages may not be delivered due to the fault of the recipient. Perhaps the user has blacklisted the sender, thereby prohibiting the delivery of text and files. But more often than not, messages are not delivered due to a trivial reason - the recipient is simply not online. If the user has not turned on the Internet, all sent messages will be marked with a gray check mark. The text or document will be delivered after launching the messenger.

These can be notifications about messages, calls, etc. Of course, there is no need to panic. You first need to figure out why this might be happening - and accordingly look for methods to resolve the situation.

If you don't receive WhatsApp notifications

As practice shows, this is almost always the fault Bad Internet. So first of all you need to make sure that the connection quality is good. Then you need to set whether Sounds and notifications are enabled. This is done in . Often, users first simply turn off the sound notification, and then simply forget about it. You can also do the following:

  1. download WhatsApp on your smartphone;
  2. call Settings the smartphone itself;
  3. find the item “ Show notifications »;
  4. and mark in the list of programs whatsapp .

Another solution:

  1. first you need to go to Settings devices;
  2. then find the item " Applications » and select the program from the list whatsapp ;
  3. for this program you need to make sure that the parameter " Limit background data » disabled.

WhatsApp notifications arrive, but with a significant delay

It's one thing if messages don't arrive at all. And it’s quite another thing if they do come, but are very late. Of course, first of all you need to check the quality of your Internet connection. It is quite possible that the messages arrive precisely at the moment when the connection is restored for a short period of time, and then disappears again...

The developers also advise checking whether third-party software is installed on the device. Program Managers - so called task iller . It is possible that they are the ones blocking delivery. In this case, it is advised to either completely remove such programs or reinstall them again. Logging out of your WhatsApp account and then logging in again may also help.

As a radical way to solve the problem - complete reinstallation WhatsApp with clearing the cache and all service folders. Do not forget to save all correspondence before doing this and important files. In the end, if nothing helps at all, you can contact technical support, describing in detail the essence of the problem and the configuration of your device.
