The phone does not connect to the internet via wifi. Why the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi): Solution

On modern phones, the ability to call mobile communications, this is just one of the functions. And for many, this feature is not the most demanded. What do we mostly do on a smartphone? Watch the video, sit in in social networks, we communicate in instant messengers, browse sites, play games, etc., and for this we need an Internet connection. And when the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, and the mobile Internet is very slow, expensive, or not available at all, then this is a whole tragedy. A phone without the Internet, like a computer - it’s not clear why you need it 🙂

I may be exaggerating a little, but that's basically it. All phones that run Android (Samsung, Lenovo, Huawei, Xiaomi, Sony, Asus, Meizu and others) and iOS ( Apple iPhone) require an internet connection. At least for setting up, updating programs and systems, synchronization, etc. Now there are no problems with this. Almost every home has wifi router, which distributes the wireless network. There are open Wi-Fi networks of neighbors, and a lot of open networks from shopping centers, cafes, shops and other establishments. Even subways, trains, buses and planes have Wi-Fi. It is possible even without mobile internet stay always online.

But very often the phone just does not want to connect to Wi-Fi. Such problems are not only with open, public networks. (where, as a rule, the problem is on the side of the network itself) but also with home Wi-Fi. I usually have problems connecting to one specific network. And sometimes the smartphone just works with the router, then disconnects from it and does not connect again. Or refuses to connect after replacing the router, some settings, installing programs, etc.

We will consider solutions for Android phones. If you have an iPhone, then see the article and.

Why is there no Wi-Fi connection on my phone and what should I do first?

First of all, it is very important to determine what exactly the problem is in your case:

  1. The phone does not connect to the Wi-Fi network at all. Writes "Saved", constantly obtaining an IP address, authentication error, authentication error, incorrect password, error connecting to a Wi-Fi network, etc.
  2. The phone is connected to the Wi-Fi router, but the Internet does not work. Near the network itself, there may be a message "The Internet may not be available", an exclamation mark, or simply there will be no access to the Internet through the smartphone's browser, or in programs. "No internet connection" or "Check your network connection" error. At the same time, the phone is connected to Wi-Fi.
  3. There is another option when the phone does not see the desired Wi-Fi network. I talked about solving this problem in an article. We will not consider it today.

No matter what problem you have. Whether you are connecting to your home network, or to a public network, try these steps:

  • Disable and re-enable Wi-Fi on your smartphone. Better yet, reboot it.
  • Restart your router if you have access to it. Just turn off the power for a few minutes and turn it back on.
  • Check if other devices are connected and if the Internet works on them. This is especially true in the case when a problem arose with connecting to a home Wi-Fi router.
  • If you cannot connect your phone to a public Wi-Fi network in the subway, cafe, store, then most likely the reason is in the access point itself. Perhaps it just glitched, is temporarily out of service, or can't handle the sheer volume of customers. Just connect to another network, or try connecting later.
  • Remember, after which the connection problems began. Perhaps you changed some settings on your router or phone, connected new devices, installed some programs, or something like that. This will help you find the cause and fix it quickly.

To make it easier for you to find and apply the solution, I will further divide the article into two parts: in the first part I will tell you what to do if the smartphone does not connect to Wi-Fi (various errors appear, writes saved, etc.), and in the second part - how to solve the problem when mobile device connected to wireless network but internet is not working.

Smartphone not connecting to home/public Wi-Fi (error appears)

To clarify: in this section, we will consider cases when, when trying to connect to some kind of wireless network, our Android device does not connect at all (it happens that there is a connection but the Internet does not work, read about this in the second section of this article).

Main mistakes:

  • "Saved" error (WPA2 or WPA) .
  • Writes "Authentication error occurred", or "Authentication error".
  • It takes a long time to connect, or it constantly writes "obtaining an IP address".

Basic solutions on the phone

These solutions often help when a device has previously connected to this wireless network, but suddenly stops connecting.

Don't forget to reboot your mobile device and router first!

1 Delete the Wi-Fi network on your phone. Just go to Wi-Fi settings, select desired network, click on it and hold (or just click) and select "Delete network", or "Forget network".

Then again select the network from the list, enter the password and try to connect.

2 I recommend doing full reset network settings. On Android, this can be done in the "Reset" section. Item "Reset network settings". Depending on the phone manufacturer and android versions, these settings may differ slightly.

Then you will need to reconnect to the wireless network. Perhaps everything will connect and start working.

Error "Saved", "Authentication", "Authentication Failed"

Such messages very often appear due to the fact that we Wrong Wi-Fi password.

Delete the network, or do a network reset (I wrote about it above).

According to my observations, when the phone is connected, it writes saved, or an authentication error due to the fact that the phone "does not like" some of the Wi-Fi network settings that are set on the router. I have to enter the network mode (b / g / n / ac), security type, channel and channel width, region, etc. There was even a case when the smartphone did not connect until the Wi-Fi network name (SSID) was changed.

In this case, you can try changing some settings on your router. Of course, only if there are problems with the home network. We cannot change the network settings in the same metro.

I also wrote about this problem in the article:.

I will write about solutions that can be applied on the router below in the article.

Obtaining an IP address... and the phone won't connect to Wi-Fi

We enter the password on the phone and the connection to Wi-Fi hangs with the status "Obtaining an IP address ...". Common situation? Most often this happens for three reasons:

  1. Disabled on phone automatic settings IP (possibly static addresses are set).
  2. The DHCP server is disabled or turned off on the router. But by default, the DHCP server is always enabled, and it is very rarely disabled.
  3. Other access point restrictions. For example, your device is blocked in the router settings. Perhaps one of your relatives did it. Or the owner of the network to which you connected your phone.


On your smartphone, open the properties of the specific wireless network and make sure that "DHCP" is set in the "IP Settings" settings. If there is "Static", then change to "DHCP".

Check if the DHCP server is running on the router. But most likely it works, it is unlikely that this is the reason. Especially if other devices connect without entering static IP addresses.

Well, do not forget that you (your device) could simply disable (block) in the settings of the router, which broadcasts a wireless network to which you cannot connect your phone.

Setting up a router to solve an Android smartphone connection problem?

There, find the section with the Wi-Fi network settings (Wireless) and try changing the following parameters:

Don't forget to save your settings every time and reboot your router! Remember what parameters and where you change.

The phone is connected to Wi-Fi but the Internet does not work

It seems to me that the problem with the lack of an Internet connection with an active Wi-Fi connection is much more common than the connection errors that I wrote about above.

From my experience, I can say that this happens very often due to Android settings. (time and date, for example), problems with DNS addresses and due to some programs (for example, the Freedom app). Sometimes (app store). Writes that there is no Internet connection. But wifi is connected.

I don’t know how it is on other Android devices, but on Samsung phones.

What you need to find out:

  1. Does the Internet work on other devices when connected to this "problem" network. If it works, then we are looking for the reason in the phone. If it does not work, then the problem is on the side of the router (or provider) and you need to solve it. This is where my article might come in handy.
  2. You can also try to connect your phone that connects to Wi-Fi but on which the Internet does not work to other networks. So we can also understand on whose side the problem is.

It seems to have been found out. If the router is guilty, then we look for and solve the problem on its side. If this is not a Wi-Fi network in the subway, or in another transport / institution (to the settings of which we do not have access). If the reason is in our smartphone, then we look at the solutions and links to other articles that I will provide below.

Time and date

Who would have thought that the phone might not connect to Wi-Fi due to incorrect date and time settings. But it happens!

Go to android settings and check if the time and date are correct.

You can try turning off automatic settings and setting everything manually.

Problem with DNS

I can’t say for sure why this happens, but sometimes the Internet on the phone starts working only after the Wi-Fi networks are registered in the properties.

To do this, open the properties of the Wi-Fi network to which the smartphone is connected. (but no internet access) and set DNS in additional parameters:

This is what it looks like on a Samsung phone:

After that, the Internet should work. You can disable / enable Wi-Fi, or restart the phone.

Proxy Server on Android

There are proxy server settings in the wireless network settings on your phone. So, if the proxy server is enabled, then the Internet connection most likely will not work. You need to open the properties of a specific Wi-Fi network and check / disable the proxy server.

Check that the settings are set to "Proxy" - "No" (or disabled).

Wi-Fi not working due to programs

I have heard more than once about the Freedom program, which somehow disables access to the Internet via Wi-Fi networks. On purpose or by accident, I don't know. But in the toga, the phone is connected to the home Wi-Fi network, or somewhere in the subway, but it does not load anything. I am sure that there are many such programs.

If you encounter Freedom, then you need to go to the settings of this program, click on "Stop" there and only then delete the application. You can also install Dr.Web antivirus on your phone and run a system scan.

Or perhaps you have these problems with the Internet appeared immediately after installing some other application. Try to remember what you installed recently.

Reset network or hard reset your phone (Android)

If all else fails, then resetting the network settings should be done anyway. How to do it, I wrote above in this article. Clearing network settings will not affect your settings, programs, or personal data in any way. You just have to re-enter passwords from all wireless networks to which you have previously connected.

Well, if nothing helped at all, including resetting the network, then most likely you will have to do a complete reset of the phone settings.

Only if you have already made sure that the reason for the lack of Internet connection is in your smartphone and no solutions have brought positive results.

If anything, I'm in touch in the comments. You can ask a question there, tell about your problem, or supplement the article. useful information.

If you came to this page, then most likely your phone has stopped seeing the Wi-Fi network, or networks. It could be home network, somewhere away, a public wireless network, etc. The problem is that the network we need does not appear in the list of available ones on the phone. He simply does not find it, does not see it, and, accordingly, it is impossible to connect to such a network. It is not uncommon for a mobile device to not find a specific Wi-Fi network. Which, for example, a laptop sees and connects without problems. Or it may be that the phone does not find any network, but other devices see them and work fine with them.

In this article, I will try to collect all the most popular causes and solutions that can help you solve this problem. As usual, it is advisable to first find out what the problem is: in mobile phone, or Wi-Fi router. If the problem is with the Wi-Fi network at home, then we have a better chance of fixing everything, since we have access to the router itself. If this is someone else's network, then it is unlikely that something will be done.

In fact, it doesn't make much difference on which device you have a problem. It is clear that this is most likely an Android or iOS phone. well, maybe more Windows Mobile. Since this problem can hardly be solved in the settings of the mobile device itself, it doesn’t matter what device you have. It's the same with a router.

I have already written separate articles on Android and iOS devices:

The phone does not see the Wi-Fi router: possible reasons

1 Disable / enable Wi-Fi, restart your phone and router. To get started, just go to your phone settings and turn off Wi-Fi. I think everyone knows how to do it.

Then turn it back on.

Reboot the phone:

  • On Android, just press and hold the power button, then select Restart. Depending on the manufacturer and version of Android, the steps may be slightly different.
  • On iPhone, press and hold the Home button and the Power button. The phone will reboot.

We reboot the router. If you have access to it. It is enough to turn off the power for a minute and turn on the router again. You can perform multiple reboots in a row. More details can be read.

2 We determine what is the reason.

Check all three items:

  • If your phone does not see any Wi-Fi networks, but they exist and other devices find them, then it is clear that the problem is specifically in your smartphone. All I can advise is to reboot it, and remove the cover from it. If he is. If this does not help, then you can try performing a hard reset. If this does not help, then you will have to carry the device to a service center.
  • When a device does not find one network, the first step is to check if other devices can see it. If they do not see, then most likely the problem is on the side of the router. Let's reboot it first. If this does not help, then see the article:.
  • If other devices find a Wi-Fi network, but your phone does not, but it sees other networks, then the problem is most likely in the router settings. As a rule, changing the wireless network channel and region helps. Below I will talk about this in more detail.
3 Change the router settings.

You need to go to the settings of your router, go to the section with Wi-Fi settings, and try to set a static wireless network channel and another region. You can also set the channel width to 20 MHz. It's better to take turns.

On TP-Link routers it looks like this:

More details in the article:. You can experiment with the channel and region. For example, put the region USA. If you have a static channel set in your settings, then set it to "Auto".

Other problems with discovering Wi-Fi networks

I also noticed that people often write that they do not see the phone laptop wifi. I understand that the problem occurs when distributing the Internet from a laptop or PC. In this case, I advise you to first make sure that the laptop is distributing a wireless network. For example, view from other devices. You may have started the hotspot incorrectly. This is where the article comes in handy. Bring your phone closer to your computer.

The next case when problems with Wi-Fi appear after phone repair. For example, after replacing the battery, screen, glass, housing, etc. In such cases, I advise you to immediately take the phone to the workshop where it was repaired. Since the master most likely did not connect the antenna, or the Wi-Fi module itself.

Well, you don't need to rule out a hardware failure. Everything breaks, and the module that is responsible for connecting to Wi-Fi is no exception.

As usual, you can leave your question in the comments, or share useful information on this topic. Always glad to answer your questions and grateful for the additions to the article.

The problem of connecting to a wireless Wi-Fi network is quite common. Your mobile device may refuse to accept Internet traffic from the router for many reasons. We will analyze the solutions to the most popular problems that happy owners of mobile devices have to face.

Consider solving connection problems using the example of a mobile phone. operating system Android with MIUI GUI and TP-LINK router.

Common Wi-Fi Connection Errors

This situation may be accompanied not only by a problem with software phone, but also with hardware. In this case, the mobile device will need to be handed over to the workshop for diagnostics by experts. We will analyze in order of complexity the problems with connecting to the router from the software side:

Reason 1: Wrong password entered

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but most cases with a mobile device refusing to connect to a wireless network occur precisely because of an incorrectly entered password. In this case, the user can enter characters in the wrong case (large characters instead of small ones, and vice versa) or miss some of them.

If the router belongs to you, an attacker could change your password through a hack without your knowledge. Find out your password again and try to enter it again with all care.

Reason 2: Router stuck

Even the most expensive device designed to transmit Internet traffic over the air can eventually accumulate "garbage" in the form of extra data packets and temporarily fail. The solution to this problem is very simple - reboot the router. You can do this by turning the router off and on using the power button on the back of the router.

Turn off the router (router) for 10 minutes, then turn it on again. If this banal action did not help, we move on to more complex options for solving the problem.

Reason 3: Mobile Device Authentication Failed

Every day, mobile devices are subjected to a heavy load over the air data transmission medium. This is not only the reception and transmission of Internet traffic, but also mobile calls, SMS messages and everything related to this. Therefore, the device may no longer receive data from the router due to information overload.

    1. Delete network from WiFi settings on your phone and then reconnect. Then the connection configuration will be redistributed, and, quite possibly, your problem will be solved. We enter the advanced settings of the connected network. When using the MIUI graphical shell, there is an arrow to the right of the network name leading to these settings.

    1. Next, click on the button "Delete this network" at the bottom of all settings.

    1. After pressing the button "Delete this network" the phone operating system will ask you if you are sure of the action, press "OK".

    1. We find our network again and try to connect by entering the password set on the router in a special window.

Reason 4: Connected devices limit exceeded

By default, modern routers are ready to connect 16 or 32 devices to their network. Often this problem occurs with routers in a public place, or those that simply do not have a password set. Of course, the neighbors will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of free internet, and thus the device distributing the Internet in your home may be overloaded.

Deciding this problem, you need to set a password on your home router to control the number of clients on it. If you do not know how to do this, you can read our article on this matter.

When installing protection on a router, try to come up with a password as difficult as possible. A special lesson will help you with this:

To find out how many clients are connected to this moment to your device, you need to go to the control panel of the router in the tab "Wireless - Wireless Statistics". In the table, the ID value shows the serial number of the device connected to the network:

Instructions for entering the control panel of the TP-LINK router are described in the lesson on changing the password on the router, which was mentioned above.

Reason 5: Hardware failure

No working device guarantees perfect work without breakdowns. Similarly, the router may at one time refuse to continue its correct operation. In this case, it requires hardware diagnostics by an expert in service center and its further repair.

Problems setting up the router

Connection problems are not ruled out due to incorrect router settings at the moment. All settings are made in the special panel mentioned above when changing the password. It is advisable to change the following parameters only after checking the methods for eliminating common errors.

Do not forget after each change of parameters to save the changes using the "Save" button at the bottom of the settings window. After saving, reboot the router with the button Reboot tab "System Tools - Reboot".

Let's look at additional reasons due to which your connection may be temporarily inoperative.

Reason 1: Duplicate SSID

SSID is an identifier local network on your router. Simply put, it's his name. If there are two identical models with the same identifiers in the same radio frequency range, disagreements will be created between them. The problem is quite rare, but quite real. To solve this problem, you need to change the SSID of the router to the original one in the tab .

Reason 2: The communication channel is full

In places of accumulation of several routers, which can be a house, office or public place, there are communication channels through which information packets are transmitted. If many routers use the same communication channels, they are overloaded and become unable to transmit more data. What do we have to do?

      1. Change the communication channel in the router settings to any other in the tab "Wireless - Wireless Settings" or "Wireless - Wireless Settings" by changing the parameter channel.

      1. Change the frequency at which your router transmits data to any other by changing the parameter "Channel Width".

Reason 3: Wrong mode of operation of the router

The parameter in the same settings window called Mode. What mode should I change to? set parameter impossible to answer due to its subjectivity. Try to solve the problem with the mode change bgn, first trying bgn mixed(combined mode), or, if you own a third-party router, this setting may be called Auto.

Reason 4: DHCP Server Disabled

The DHCP server assigns temporary IP addresses to wireless subscribers. For whatever reason given server can be disabled, from which the router cannot see potential devices in its range. To fix this problem, you need to enable the DHCP distribution mode by clicking on the checkmark "Enable" in line DHCP Server tab "DHCP".

Reason 5: Security settings

Sometimes the connection problem lies in the changed data transfer security settings that are provided by the router company. Security settings can be found in the tab "Wireless - Wireless Security". By default, the checkbox is set to "WPA/WPA2 - Personal(Recommended)", and this is the most best option to date. It is recommended to set the parameters shown in the screenshot as they are stable:

If they do not suit you, in paragraphs version And "Encryption" you can set options Auto, configuring the parameters in their own way, depending on the behavior of the router on the network. It is undesirable to turn off the parameters at all by clicking the checkmark Disable Security for the security of your valuable data.

Reason 6: The presence of the device in the MAC filter

It is one thing if dynamic IP addresses of devices are entered in the filters, which tend to change with a new connection, but physical addresses are quite another. The owner of an Android phone cannot change this address. The entered physical address of your device in the MAC filter of the router completely blocks its access to the network. Make sure your device is not listed in the table in the tab "Wireless - Wireless MAC Filtering".

As you can see, the problem of connecting to a wireless network is quite versatile, but there is nothing difficult in solving it if you follow the instructions. Graphical interfaces control panels various models routers may be different, but the essence of the settings is the same everywhere. Depending on the type of firmware, the language accompanying the settings and the graphic component may differ.

A public or home Wi-Fi network, as a rule, does not limit the user in data transfer speed, and the signal is more stable and better. And it is not surprising that we immediately switch from mobile network to the wireless network as soon as possible. In this case, it is often impossible to connect the first time. Therefore, in the article you will learn what leads to a connection failure, as well as troubleshooting methods.

Why can't wifi connect on my phone

There are several reasons that do not allow you to connect to a wireless access point:

  1. The password was entered incorrectly.
  2. The router is overloaded with the number of consumers.
  3. Phone malfunction.
  4. Failure of the router.
  5. DHCP is disabled.

We connect to wi-fi on the phone: enter the password correctly

If a password is required to connect to the hotspot, you are probably entering the wrong combination. The security key is case sensitive. Therefore, if the password includes capital letters, then writing the correct combination, but in small letters, will not work. Refine the combination case-sensitively and try again.

The router is overloaded: try to connect later

Public networks that require a password or allow a free connection are always overwhelmed with a vast number of connections. As a result, the router is not able to accept new users due to the congestion of the channel. The solution is to reconnect later or use a different access point.

Failed to connect to the Wi-Fi network: restart the phone

Often, the phone is not able to connect to the Wi-Fi network due to a system failure in the firmware. As a result, the mobile device does not see the network, or the connection hangs at the authentication stage. Usually the problem is solved by rebooting the phone.

Sometimes failures happen in the operation of the router. In particular, when the device regularly works under high load, due to overheating, or a model from the budget segment. The problem is also solved by rebooting. If after a while the problems reappear, you should think about cooling, or replacing the router.

Checking the router settings

A connection error can also occur if the DHCP protocol is disabled in the router settings. You should open the router configuration console and make sure that the DHCP protocol is activated.


Now you know the main problems due to which the phone does not connect to the Wi-Fi network. Check your password, restart your phone, check your router settings, or try connecting later. If the methods described in the article do not help, then you should diagnose the router and phone in order to exclude hardware failure.

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A fairly common problem, especially common after some changes: reinstalling the operating system, replacing the router, updating firmware, etc. Sometimes, finding the cause is not easy enough, even for an experienced master.

In this short article, I would like to dwell on a couple of cases due to which, most often, the laptop does not connect via Wi-Fi. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them and try to restore the network on your own before turning to outside help. By the way, if it says “without access to the Internet” (and the yellow sign is on) - then you better look.

1. Reason #1 - Wrong/Missing Driver

A very common reason why a laptop does not connect via Wi-Fi. Most often, the following picture appears before you (if you look in the lower right corner):

No connections available. The network is crossed out with a red cross.

After all, as it happens: the user downloaded a new Windows OS, burned it to disk, copied all his important data, reinstalled the OS, and installed the drivers that used to be ...

The fact is that drivers that worked in Windows XP may not work in Windows 7, those that worked in Windows 7 may refuse to work in Windows 8.

Therefore, if you are updating the OS, and indeed, if Wi-Fi does not work, first of all check whether you have the drivers, whether they were downloaded from the official site. Anyway, I recommend reinstalling them and watching the reaction of the laptop.

How to check if there is a driver in the system?

Very simple. Go to "my computer", then right-click anywhere in the window and select "properties" in the pop-up window. Further, on the left, there will be a link "Device Manager". By the way, you can also open it from the control panel, through the built-in search.

Here we are most interested in the tab with network adapters. Look carefully if you have a wireless network adapter, as in the picture below (of course, you will have your own adapter model).

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there should not be any exclamation marks or red crosses - which indicates problems with the driver, that it may not work correctly. If everything is fine - it should be displayed as in the picture above.

Where is the best place to get a driver?

It is best to download it from the official website of the manufacturer. Also, usually, instead of with a laptop, native drivers come, you can use them.

Even if you have native drivers installed, and wifi network does not work - I recommend trying to reinstall them by downloading them from the official website of the laptop manufacturer.

Important notes when choosing a laptop driver

1) In their name, most likely (99.8%), there should be the word " wireless«.
2) Define the type correctly network adapter, there are several of them: Broadcom, Intel, Atheros. Usually, on the manufacturer's website, even in specific model laptop, there may be several driver versions. To know exactly which one you need, use the utility.

The utility perfectly determined what equipment is installed in the laptop. You don't need to install any settings, just run it.

H several sites of popular manufacturers:




One more thing! The driver can be found and installed automatically. This is described in the article. I recommend to take a look.

2. Reason #2 - Is Wi-Fi turned on?

Very often you have to watch how the user tries to look for the causes of breakdowns where there are none ...

Most laptop models have an LED indicator on the case that signals Wi-Fi operation. So, it must be on fire. To turn it on, there are special functional buttons, the purpose of which is indicated in the product passport.

For example, laptops Acer power on Wi-Fi is carried out by a combination of buttons "Fn + F3".

You can do it differently.

Go to "control Panel" your Windows OS, then the "network and internet" tab, then " network and sharing center", and finally -" Change adapter settings«.

Here we are interested in the icon wireless connection. It should not be gray and colorless, as in the picture below. If the wireless network icon is colorless, then right-click on it and click " enable".

You will immediately notice that even if it does not join the Internet, it will become colored (see below). This signals that the laptop adapter has worked and it can connect via Wi-Fi.

3. Reason #3 - Incorrect Settings

It often happens that the laptop cannot connect to the network due to a changed password or router settings. This can happen through no fault of the user. For example, the router settings may be lost when the power is turned off during its intensive work.

1) Checking settings in Windows

First, pay attention to the tray icon. If there is no red cross on it, then there are available connections and you can try to join them.

We click on the icon and a window should appear in front of us with all the Wi-Fi networks that the laptop has found. Select your network and click Connect. We will be asked to enter a password, if it is correct, then the laptop should connect via Wi-Fi.

2) Checking the router settings

If it is impossible to connect to the Wi-Fi network, and Windows reports an incorrect password, go to the router settings and change the default settings.

In order to enter the settings of the router, go to "" (No quotes). Usually, this address is used by default. The default password and login, most often, " admin" (in small letters without quotes).

Next, change the settings in accordance with your provider settings and router model (if they go wrong). In this part, it is difficult to give some advice, a more extensive article on creating a local Wi-Fi network at home.

Important! It happens that the router does not connect to the Internet automatically. Go to its settings and check if it is trying to connect, and if not, try connecting to the network manually. Such an error often happens on TrendNet brand routers (at least it used to be on some models, which I personally encountered).

4. If all else fails...

If you've tried everything and nothing helps...

I will give two tips that help me personally.

1) From time to time, for reasons unknown to me, the Wi-Fi network is turned off. The symptoms are different every time: sometimes it says there is no connection, sometimes the tray icon lights up as it should, but there is still no network ...

A 2-step recipe helps to quickly restore a Wi-Fi network:

1. I disconnect the power supply of the router from the network for 10-15 seconds. Then I turn it on again.

2. I restart the computer.

After that, oddly enough, the Wi-Fi network, and with it the Internet, work as expected. Why and because of what this is happening - I don’t know, I don’t want to dig either, somehow. this happens quite rarely. If you know why, please share in the comments.

2) It was once such that it is not at all clear how to turn on Wi-Fi - a laptop on function keys does not respond (Fn + F3) - the LED is off, and the tray icon says that “there are no available connections” (moreover, it does not find any). What to do?

I tried a bunch of ways, I already wanted to reinstall the system with all the drivers. But I tried to diagnose wireless adapter. And what would you think - he diagnosed the problem and recommended to fix it "reset settings and turn on the network", which I agreed with. After a few seconds, the network started working ... I recommend trying it.

That's all. Happy settings...
