Why do you need a promotion in SoundCloud and is there an effect from this? How to gain subscribers on Soundcloud naturally How to wind up listening on soundcloud.

Soundcloud is a whole musical universe with laws similar to the real universe. There, as in the space around us, more massive bodies tend to attract planetoids, in our case, this allegory, of course, refers to subscribers. As in reality, stars light up in a distant lifeless space, gradually accumulating wandering matter around them, and from that their light becomes brighter. But those who are at least a little familiar with celestial mechanics know that in order for a star to light up, it needs to gain a certain mass. For the inhabitants of the Soundcloud universe, such a mass is identical to the attention of subscribers, and Soundcloud promotion is great for attracting it.

That's enough metaphors! A little about the online platform itself, and then some tips on how to independently promote your Soundcloud account.

So, let's start with the fact that the service is intended mainly for the storage and distribution of digitized music, and the elements of the social network are of secondary importance. But their capabilities are more than enough for a talented performer to be noticed by producers, colleagues or other representatives of the music industry. But, as you may have guessed, just posting your brilliant track and waiting to be called, for example, as a vocalist in Metallica is pointless. As in other social networks, promotion and promotion to a certain level are simply necessary. Only then will your track begin to spread, only then can you get into the field of attention of some show business bigwig.

History and popularity of the project

Back in 2006, they couldn’t even think about cheating auditions and promoting music, such concepts were completely absent. But the idea and the first plans to create a music platform with special unique features that would make it possible, appeared in the head of the Swedish sound engineer Alex Ljung. The original idea was not intended to create global network for the exchange of tracks. The founders just wanted to simplify communication between musicians, speed up the promotion of their own works by creating a kind of musical Linkedin.

A year later, together with a partner, professional musician Eric Valfors, they registered a company with the sonorous name “SoundCloud”. Music lovers and musicians liked the services that distinguished the platform so much that within a few months after the launch, SoundCloud grew into a public social network and approached in popularity the then leading virtual community with the possibility of sharing music MySpace. In 2009, the project received funding and a year later proudly announced its first million active users. In 2012, there were 9 million more of them. Now, according to experts, the community has grown to 100 million people, i.e. one can speak confidently about progressive promotion and expansion of the audience.

Soundcloud Features

Leading virtual communication platforms have long attracted users with the option to listen to music. But only Soundcloud has at its disposal unique tools for promoting music content that make it easier to promote Soundcloud.

  • 1. Unique URL for each track. Such a seemingly trifling opportunity promises truly excellent prospects for cheating auditions, respectively, promoting your work. After all, this address can be easily inserted into a blog or shared through other social networks. In addition to this, each address can be embedded in a special widget that will decorate any site. It remains only to choose popular page, insert a widget and boost plays, which means that Soundcloud promotion will follow immediately.
  • 2. Open API. Such a useful innovation opens endless possibilities to integrate with others third party services. Lots of app developers operating systems smartphones did not fail to take advantage of this. There are enough for Android and iOS. Applications allow you to listen to music directly from Soundcloud, as well as upload tracks to the “Sound Cloud” directly from your smartphone. This is a great opportunity to promote and distribute author's tracks.
  • 3. Comments. Only Soundcloud has the unique ability to comment on a specific location on a track. This way you can point out the performer directly to their mistake.
  • 4. Communication. On the platform, subscriptions are also possible with incoming notifications, general comments and private messages. Moreover, musical answers can be applied to the last two. With this feature, winding up Soundcloud can be a real pleasure for a music lover.

A key feature that can help promote Soundcloud could be complete freedom to post in groups. There are no concepts closed group” or “moderator”. Anyone can join the community and post their track on its feed. Have you already felt how just now your prospects have expanded incredibly? The first advice follows from this - before you start promoting Soundcloud, look for serious groups that match your interests and the genre of music. Then actively interact with its members, listen to the compositions posted there, comment and like. And only then take care of your page. This issue must be approached with maximum scrupulousness, because cheating without correct page just won't happen. All music placed in your playlist must be of excellent quality.

The same applies to graphic design - an official cover is highly desirable for each album, all photos must also be on the level. Finished with the layout? So now it's time to get subscribers, and here comes the time to really start promoting. Wait, you're an active member of several groups! This is very handy, now the reputation you have won will be engaged in the promotion of Soundcloud. Start adding friends from these groups, and they, according to your reputation, are simply obliged to accept the invitation. But just try to be less enthusiastic about adding friends. As elsewhere, there are restrictions on the daily number of applications in the Sound Cloud. Most likely, you will not be able to send more than 100 requests per day.

Boosting Soundcloud: undoubted advantages

What are the basic techniques for promoting Soundcloud, I hope you have learned in general terms for yourself. Now let's talk about what exactly a reputation and an active, promoted account on this wonderful platform will give you.

Firstly, if you prove yourself on a good side, then the contacts of your classmates and friends will be available to you. this can help a lot not only in the speedy monetization of your own works, but also in finding a job if you, for example, are a sound engineer and are engaged in mixing, mastering and the like. Well, if you have already reached the level at which your tracks are already on the “shelves” of stores. Then an account with a good Soundcloud boost - subscribers will help to significantly increase sales.

As it was said at the beginning, “Sound Cloud”, or to be more precise, the universe is a vast space with a huge amount of music. To get heard without using Soundcloud's promotional help, you need a bit of luck of the same cosmic proportions. But, fortunately, you have MRPOPULAR, which will be able to point you in the right direction. What’s more, it will walk this path for you. MRPOPULAR has been engaged in promotion and promotion in any social network for a very long time, so our experience allows us to guarantee the result. Contact us, we will be glad.

By the second, the soul lay more in the end, and having completely considered where to place my musical creativity, I came to the third option, but more on that later. Today I want to talk about how to draw additional attention to your profile on soundcloud, namely, to get listening to your compositions, remixes, mixes, whatever.

I think many people know all kinds of paid methods and services for cheating likes, followers, subscribers and the like in various social networks (if not, then here you are - affordable in price, diverse in functionality and high-quality in terms of execution of tasks and it). And to be honest, I myself periodically use such services, only very carefully and to the point - well, for example, for initial promotion at the start of some project (the public in contact is the same) or, recently, I found several excellent foreign services for forced listening people of their creativity on the soundcloud.

On this service, in addition to recruiting listeners, there is also a function for recruiting followers to your soundcloud account and likes for certain compositions, but I personally prefer not to use this function, since I consider this approach not entirely honest, and even if it is appropriate, then only with the promotion of world brands ala Tiesto, Burren, etc., and these are completely different figures in all respects. There are also a bunch of functions for other social networks (views, likes on Youtube, likes, reposts, subscribers on facebook, vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram and a few more social networks), but now we are talking about listeners on soundcloud.

Why do I need it?

Well, firstly, if one of the hundreds is hooked by music and he becomes a follower of his own free will, then, you see, it’s not bad. Yes, attracting attention is forced, but then, how will it go. A kind of advertising for your account on soundcloud, and quite worthy, I think.

And secondly, when you have a couple of thousand listens on one of the compositions posted on soundcloud, this begins to attract other listeners (curiosity, you know), which entails a chain reaction and, as a result, attracting additional attention to your work in in general.

Here are a couple of completely non-criminal motives that I used. Well, as they say, I learned it myself - show it to others. Show - all the details here:. Everything is set up there quite simply, like everything ingenious - all the details are told and shown in an explanatory video.

UPD: As a bonus, for a while I give a link to one of the services from this collection. Absolutely free set of wiretaps, likes, etc. And not just on soundcloud. while the link is working!

I remind you that in addition to soundcloud, you can also type likes, reposts, comments for other social networks, including facebook, vkontakte, youtube, twitter, instagram and others.


Sometimes there is a real need to speed up the promotion of your creativity in order to make it more visible. One of these ways is a set of followers to your soundcloud account, or likes to increase attention to certain compositions, or it is an increase in the number of plays for the same purpose.

Agree when you look at yourself profiles and tracks of other musicians and DJs FOR THE FIRST TIME - your attention is more attracted to works that already have a lot of auditions, likes, and the musician’s profile itself is quite popular (who has a lot of followers), than those who have only a few of them.

Soundloud is a popular social media platform where musicians and composers can promote music or just tunes to a huge audience of interested users. Promotion of Soundcloud is not an easy task for beginners, as it can be unrealistically difficult to attract attention to yourself. If you want more followers then you have to spend a lot of time promoting Soundcloud, get ready for that! Cheating Soundcloud subscribers will help to reduce the entire promotion period by several times!

An English-language service that offers many interesting tools for working with various social networks. Soundcloud subscriber cheat is available to all users after registration. To get started, you need to get points.

If you need Soundcloud followers, then visit this foreign project, register and go to the Soundcloud Followers section. Here you can add your task and in a few hours you will receive the first followers in your personal account.

There are many Soundcloud promotion methods available to you. Some of them are free, some are not. As usual, free methods take much longer. They say that time is money and you will either have to spend too much time or immediately invest in your development. Remember that before you get followers, you must be active on Soundcloud and join many groups that are related to your music genre. However, first make sure your profile looks attractive.

How to get more subscribers on Soundcloud

  • Always try to create the highest quality compositions
  • Distribute music only for free
  • Classify your tracks in the right way
  • Share your creations not only on SoundCloud, but also in others in social networks
  • Create feedback with their subscribers, it is they who will decide whether you are popular or not
  • After creating your profile on Soundcloud, make sure that you implement all the tools of the service as much as possible on your blog or website.

Buy Soundcloud Subscribers

Most musicians and composers don't have enough time to study promotion marketing. It is for this reason that buying Soundcloud subscribers is much easier than building a follower base on your own. The more followers you have, the more you can attract third-party music lovers to your account, which in turn is another reason to buy Soundcloud subscribers.

How to cheat Soundcloud plays, likes and subscribers? How much will it cost to wind up auditions and what will it give

Paid promotion of Soundcloud auditions - growing ratings

If you are a gifted novice musician or just a lover of good music, then you know firsthand about such a platform as SoundCloud. It is here that you can not only hear the latest popular tracks and new items, but also submit your compositions to the "worldly court" yourself. That is, this social network is quite designed to advance and develop in the music industry, which, in fact, is used by many participants in this resource.

In order to gain popularity on Soundcloud, you must not only have the talent of a musician, but also be able to manage your account, earn demand indicators and become a leader in this network. But, as you can understand, along with fairly good prospects, there is also a huge competition that needs to be fought. And not everyone can do it quickly. That's why many users come to use additional tools to increase popularity, for example, such as buying SoundCloud plays. What can provide users with this process? Let's try to find out:

    First of all, by increasing this indicator, you also gain a certain rating in this network. The fact is that plays reflect the interest of users in your track;

    Considering that this resource is an indicator of the popularity of the track, you need to understand that it can directly affect the release of the composition to the top, as well as to the recommended singles for other network members, which may turn out to be quite large managers, producers and label representatives;

    Accordingly, by increasing the listening of the track, you not only increase the popularity of your account, but also have the opportunity to achieve good success in the musical field and earn decent money on it;

    Also, listening to Soundcloud, as we found out, is an indicator of the activity of your audience. Thus, you can bring to the top not only individual compositions, but the entire account as a whole. And this means that in this way you also increase your own audience;

    With the help of auditions, you can distribute any tracks not only of your own production, but also help your friends and acquaintances;

    Also, users can find associates by musical taste. Since Soundcloud is a social network, you can chat with other users with similar genre or other preferences.

These are the prospects that await you if you start using this opportunity, how to wind up listening on SoundCloud. In this case, as you understand, you can use two options: an independent search for new listeners or a paid purchase of the missing resources. As you can guess, the second method will save you time and effort. However, it is also necessary not to forget that it is your creativity that is evaluated first of all, and only then the indicators are viewed. So don't forget to work on your content.

Cheat likes and plays on Soundcloud - prices

As we have found out earlier, boosting plays can really help increase the popularity of both a single track and the entire account. Accordingly, it makes sense to acquire this resource using commercial services and websites. It is this method that most users choose to accelerate their success on this network. At the same time, not only listening is useful, but also likes to compositions, which you can also get by a paid method. But the fact is that not everyone realizes how costly this method will be. Therefore, some users refuse to use it in advance, fearing too much investment. Let's take a closer look at the current market situation in this area: find out what are the this moment prices for buying Soundcloud likes and plays, and whether such an acquisition can really be profitable.

So, at the moment, it is possible to monitor and thoroughly analyze the most reliable and popular sites for cheating resources in this social network. This will enable us to derive the average price range. So, today the situation is as follows:

    The average price for likes in the amount of 1000 pieces is from 180 to 300 rubles;

    The average cost of 1000 auditions is from 8 to 20 rubles.

As you can see from the price list above, acquiring resources through commercial sites is not such a costly process. Almost every user can afford this option of receiving traffic. It remains only to find out whether such a cheating will really be profitable? To do this, you need to understand what the price tag for such services usually consists of:

    initial purchase price. The cheaper the resource is offered by the supplier, the lower the percentage of the margin will be on the site;

    The quality of the added resource. Accounts that listen to your tracks or put likes on them can be really close to real pages or simply be conducted from bots. Accordingly, the cost will be different depending on the quality;

    The rate at which a resource is delivered to a page. Of course, for a faster process you will have to pay a little more;

    Additional terms of receipt. Here you can find various options for additional fee offered by the site.

So, these are the nuances that will form the final cost of the necessary resource. Thus, it turns out that before you wind up listening to SoundCloud or likes, you need to carefully analyze all the offers of various sites and services (including you can pay attention to the price tag of our site avi1) and choose the most suitable option for yourself. Only in this way you can make a really profitable and effective purchase.

How to get SoundCloud likes on your own - top ways

Despite the fact that buying likes or plays for little money, as we found out, can really make it easier to achieve the necessary goals in Soundcloud, there are still users who prefer to work exclusively on their own for their promotion, without any intermediaries. And this is a completely understandable phenomenon. Considering such a moment, it is necessary to obtain complete information on what other methods can be used to obtain the necessary resource in a social network. In this regard, we would like to talk about alternative ways to get SoundCloud likes. So, let's define how you can get this resource yourself:

    You can create a task on various SEO exchanges. The principle of work there is very simple: you describe your task and set a price for its implementation, and other participants take it into implementation. In fact, in this way you can get a really high-quality resource in a fairly short time. However, you need to understand that such moments will depend solely on your generosity: the more you set the price, the more willing users will be to complete the task;

    There is also an option self promotion tracks and account through active spam activities. To do this, you just have to talk about your project wherever possible. At the same time, you can use both the Soundcloud platform itself and go beyond it to other social networks. Only in this case, it is important to take into account the fact that spam is not approved by any user, and even more so by any social platform. Therefore, it is necessary to act as carefully as possible;

    Use like. In this social network, this is a very popular and effective method. To implement it, try to find newcomers who are trying to promote their tracks, and give them likes. After that, you can expect a response in the form of a like already in your direction;

    You can use the exchange of likes, also using various communities in social networks for this. There are quite a few groups and publics where users offer to perform some action in exchange for a like, comment, subscription, etc. You can either leave tasks in such communities yourself or fulfill other people's wishes. The main thing is to agree on mutual assistance.

Here are the most popular and effective methods you can use to get SoundCloud likes on your own. Of course, there is another way that we did not mention above - working on content. But you should think about it with any option for obtaining the necessary resources. Try to create really interesting projects, and then you will need cheating only as an additional useful tool.

For over three years now, I have been registered on SoundCloud, and I can say with full confidence that, despite the simplicity this server, it really helps newly minted DJs and musicians to spread their music (track promotion on soundcloud) and find their listeners all over the world.

And so, again, SoundCloud is quite easy to use, and signing up for it is not difficult at all. At the moment, I have a lot of “friends” and followers on this music portal, the number of hearts is constantly growing, and comments are being updated and added to the works, which, perhaps, is one of the important indicators of any page.

But it all started, by no means, not so rosy and not at all simple.

Having learned about the new magazine for DJs "7 Minutes", I really wanted to tell about my modest experience with the music portal SoundCloud on its pages, and now it happened.

I will not describe all the pros and cons this service I won't give step by step instructions creating your page on this portal, and I will start, perhaps, with the most important thing - how to promote your work here.

Soundcloud - Need a good track

If the track you posted is really good, then they will definitely comment on it and repost it. In this case, I advise you not to be lazy, but be sure to visit the commentator's page, so to speak, "on a return visit" and, subject to interesting works in your opinion, also express your opinion. Well, in general, if you are really interested in music, then be sure to mark good work other DJs (musicians).


On SoundCloud, for the convenience of promoting their work, there are open groups, in which you can send your material without any upgrade. Tracks are placed in certain style groups, thereby expanding the circle of your listeners.

Soundcloud - Find Contacts

It is very important to know that on this portal you can find contacts of all famous record labels. And you can also choose a label that suits you, send a link to a demo version of your track, with the possible prospect of placing it on a foreign label.

Soundcloud - How to promote your new track?

Another good thing about SoundCloud is the function of notifying about any actions of the person whose follower (friend, follower) you are. Also, your followers will receive email messages as soon as you post a post on your page. Therefore, you need to strive to gain as many followers as possible, real, not bought .

If you want to start your own music label, we recommend you how to start your music label the right way.

To do this, every day try to invite other portal users as friends, but no more than 100 people a day. On SoundCloud, this action is performed via the button FOLLOW.

Set aside 30-40 minutes a day to work with soundcloud. And within 12 months you will achieve about 20.000 real followers

Soundcloud - No Spam

I want to note one nuance - as new potential friends, try to choose those DJs and clubbers who have no more than 1,500 people as friends, as a rule, 80 percent of them will reciprocate and also add you to their friends list. It should be borne in mind that on SoundCloud, as well as on other resources, there are some restrictions in order to somehow protect users from SPAM.
This limitation, in this case, is the number of requests - follow, which remained unanswered, because not everyone wants to become your follower, and when the number of people who did not reciprocate you is 2 thousand, you will reach the limit.

How to promote your new track?

Soundcloud - Unlimited

And so, you have reached the limit of 2000 (friends), and what's next? How can you continue to tell about yourself to the owners of accounts on this largest music portal? Everything is very simple.

We take a break of 1-2 weeks so that the last invitees have the opportunity to somehow respond to your request, and we begin to remove the Follow mark from those people whose activities are not entirely interesting to you and who are unlikely to be interested in your work.

We remove 100 marks every day, at the same time we do not add new ones, and so on until you lower the limit figure from 2000 to 50. And then again choose your new followers. In this method of promotion, the main thing is not to add the same ones. In order to avoid irritation with those whom you re-add, you can change the profile picture.

Summary of my progress

Soundcloud - Summary of my progress

3a 11 active, working months on the SoundCloud server, there are already 17.884 virtual friends on my account ( not bots!!!) who regularly listen, download and comment on my music, and every day there are new "friends" who actively comment and listen to my music.

The method described above actually works, and it does not require any financial investments, all you need is just to register on the soundcloud server, upload your best track (remix) and allocate 30-40 minutes a day for your promotion. And you will happiness!


This method really works only if the material is of high quality and a responsible approach on your part. Thank you for your attention and good luck with your progress!
