Golden ball completion of the outskirts of the zone. Golden Ball modification guide

In this article, we will tell you in detail about the passage of the story modification of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - "The Golden Ball or the Adventures of Zhekan".

The plot of the new mod focuses on the second Chernobyl disaster, as a result of which the Zone began to grow rapidly. Its inhabitants are literally mutating before our eyes, acquiring new amazing abilities. Expeditions of the military and scientists inside the perimeter in order to find out the causes of the disaster over and over again end in failures.

In this situation, the young stalker Zhekan to the center of the Zone with a goal known only to him ...

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "Cordon"

After appearing on the territory of the Zone, move to the checkpoint until the chase begins. Surrender to the military to get into the cell. At the end of the interrogation, you need to pick up the first-aid kit lying on the table, drink pills and talk with the military. You have to pretend to be sick. After a few seconds, the soldier will open the cell door - you must immediately run. There is about half a minute to hide in a safe zone, otherwise the hero will be shot by a sniper.

The beginning of the video walkthrough Stalker Golden Ball:

When you run away, you will need to go to a meeting with a man near the village. Together with him you will get to the camp, where you will get acquainted with the inhabitants. Skidan will give equipment. I recommend that you fulfill all the requests that the stalkers have on the territory of the location. To get to the other side, you have to cross the railroad embankment. Next to the windmill near the bridge, catch a signal for help. Move to the window and chat with the Wolf. It's been locked up and the key is with unknown people. Agree to help by stealing the key.

Move to the stop of the unknown, hide behind the boxes and take the key. You need to move to the key from the side where the sleeping sentry is located. When you open the door of the Wolf, then talk to him again. Agree to help and follow the unknown by hiding in the bushes. People will go inside the mill, but as soon as you get close to it, they will disappear. A flash drive will be lying on the floor. Pick it up and move towards Skidan. Talk about a flash drive.


When you walk past the car, standing next to the road, you will again catch the distress signal. Approach the wounded person, agree to help him, after which you will immediately encounter unknown people. You can run away from here, you can kill everyone, one way or another the wounded will disappear. Tell Skidan about what happened. He will tell you that you need to move beyond the railroad, and also tell you exactly how this can be done. After talking with the man, move to the indicated point and wait for the signal that the merchant will give. When you receive a signal, then wait for the moment when the unknown will be near the piece of iron.

Provoke them and wait until people pass into the anomaly, then run through the piece of iron. It will be no more than 15 seconds! The path to the Zone is clear, but for the time being it is impossible to return back.

There are also alternative way passing this section. Skidan will tell you about the tunnel where the anomaly is located. Getting through it is not so easy! To do this, you will need a suit located on the territory of the military checkpoint. To get it, you will have to put on a camouflage outfit received from Skidan (it will allow you to hide from snipers), penetrate the territory of this camp and get inside the barracks (in this case, you need to find a hole in the fence near the toilet. But that's not all! You must pick up the code from the safe, and you will be given a hint.You can pick up the suit from the safe, and then leave the checkpoint by any method.

So, as soon as you find yourself on the other side of the piece of iron, then move to the farm and help the scout kill the mutants. After that, together with the man, go to the shelter next to you. When you are there, talk to Andrey. During the conversation, you will see a military man who will fall to the floor and ask for help. Chat again with Andrey, who will say that you need artifacts from the cache (a marker will appear on the map). Do what you need to, go back and see that the soldier has already recovered. In a conversation with Andrey, you will learn that the scout checked the hero for decency.

Talk to the military to find out who he is. The soldier wants to get to the checkpoint, but it is impossible to go through the piece of iron. To get through it, you will need a unique artifact that Vasily, a stalker living in the Garbage, has. Go there together. There will be corpses near the checkpoint, and on its territory you will see bandits. One of the most notable figures here is Abdul, who works for the gang.

To go further, the bandits demand 200,000 rubles, but we don’t even have that kind of money. You are offered to escape from the checkpoint, but the main character decides to talk to Abdul. Show him the flash drive you found earlier. Give it back, and in return ask to neutralize the bandits. Abdul will fulfill the request. You will receive the key, after which you can go further. Abdul is gone.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "Dump"

Once in the landfill, pay attention to the anomaly clouds. The hero must get to the car near the transition to the Bar location. The best option to do this - move along the right side of the location. Having approached the car where Vasily is hiding, you will find that the stalker is not at home. A little later, however, he will appear on the spot. Once inside, talk to Vasily and find out that it is impossible to get into the bar because of the minefield. You can get through it on an armored personnel carrier, but it is broken. You must find the gear for the machine lost in the Dark Valley. However, the passage to the valley is already blocked by an anomaly called "Cloud". In order to dispel it, you will have to combine three ball artifacts - red, yellow and green.

Move to the cross near the shelter and read the clue. Find the yellow ball that is located inside the excavator. The green artifact is on the tree. In front of the tree itself, you will see an anomaly that selects artifacts. Before going there, it is best to hide the artifacts elsewhere in advance. Finally, the red orb lies on a barrel near the ruins. To climb the barrel, you need to catch a teleport that lives right nearby. Wait for a teleport (spot of light) to fly up to you to take you to the red ball.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "Dark Valley"

Near the transition point, you will meet Seryoga, who is a scout. Together with him, you will find yourself in a shelter, where you will hear a story about the Pied Piper and mutants in the factory. You will also learn for the same gearbox. Find the remains of the Pied Piper inside the factory (there will be a marker) and take the flamethrower, suit and canister. Read the note to find out that another fuel canister is required. Go to the gas station, but be careful - there are security turrets here. Find the corpse, which will have an empty canister.

Climb to the top of the tank, hide from the turrets behind the barrels and fill the canister with fuel through the neck. Combine both canisters (for this you need to use one of them), charge the flamethrower, put on a suit and clear the lair of mutants. After that, take the key and make your way inside the shelter. Find Pied Piper's tools and equipment. The door to the laboratory will be closed. Find the parts to launch the cutter, cut through the blockage and go down into the dungeon.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "Laboratory X-18"

At the entrance you will be attacked by a guinea. Waking up in the punishment cell, talk to the mutant and find out what exactly happened here. After a few seconds, you will see the Thirteenth. Together with him you will go to the experiments. The hero will be in a chamber with increased radiation. Chat with another test subject to learn about the cache under the stairs. When you aim at the box, you will see a puzzle. As an answer, you will need to enter the date when the mainland was discovered (find on the Internet).

After taking the items, you can leave, as Thirteenth will let you go. But you can’t leave the laboratory yet, but you can freely move around it. Search the room with the barrel, take the gearbox for the armored personnel carrier and meet other mutants. You can complete their tasks. Having done this, you will have to help the Twelfth in opening the safe. To do this, you need a decoder located in a room near the entrance to the laboratory. Approach it, but the door will be closed. Requires power supply. Interact with the electrical panel, read the instructions, and try out different lever combinations. When you do everything right, the door will open, and you can pick up the decoder from the diplomat.

Having opened the safe of the Twelfth with his help, hand over the documents to him and agree to take the food to the punishment cell for the Tenth. Talk to the Thirteenth to allow him to go to the Tenth. Chat with him now to learn about the conspiracy. After the conversation, move to the prisoners inside the cage and take their knife. Help the mutant near the wiring repair barrel, and then patch up the hole in the pipes. Follow to the Thirteenth and agree to take part in the test of the emitter. After the test starts, pull the lever located on the device, on the side of the wall. The thirteenth will be neutralized, and you can finish him off.

Search the corpse and pick up the map, and then follow to the first tier, where you will need to finish off the mutants in bathrobes. After meeting with the prisoners near the door, you will receive the next task - to find three large and two small schemes. These parts are scattered in boxes and backpacks in the laboratory. After finding the schemes, open the door and make your way through the laboratory. After you pass into the hall with the turrets, jump into the passage on the left side. There will be equipment. Break the crate to find grenades. Destroy the turrets with grenades and go to the doctor's office. After talking with him, take the key, things and leave the laboratory.

Continuation of Zhekan's adventures: passing the location "Dark Valley"

When you deal with the laboratories and find yourself on the surface, you will receive a message from Seryoga. Go to him and chat. So you will learn about the building, the artifact "Beehive". The latter, by the way, must be found. Find the lair of the thief, where you will meet with the Broken. Talk to the creature to learn about the headache. He asks for pills. Agreeing, using the laptop, talk to Pilman. So you will learn about the scientists who are waiting for you at the location. Find the marker and follow them. The scientists offer to buy the artifact, but in order to get the pills, you need an artifact of the third level. Agree, give the pills to Izlom in the lair and ask for the "Beehive". Which is located near the metal building.


Talk to Seryoga and go to the box near the factory. Talk to the scout again and enter the factory area. When you go down the stairs, there will be an explosion - this is a stretch. Once in the camera, you will see how they kill Seryoga, and also meet Abdul. Talk to him, ask about the experiment, find out how to leave the cell. Throw the bolt at the button on the wall. When the door opens, run to the dead in the far corner, search their bodies and take the knife. Chat with Abdul again, leave the basement and go in search of the key. You also need to find the door, and deal with the agents along the way.

When you find the key inside the backpack on the first floor, in the room opposite the arsenal, then go to the Hog's office and take the other key from the arsenal. On the roof of this building, find the generator, neutralize the turrets and turn off the protective barrier. On the same roof, destroy the crystal, go down to Abdul and talk to the man. Follow the shelter, talk to Abdul there and return to the Garbage to the armored personnel carrier.


Unfortunately, there are no partners in the Junkyard anymore. Find the note and read it. Talk to Abdul and tell about the kidnapping. He will share the interception plan. Go to meet the bandits, talk to Abdul again near the camp and move to the racketeer with whom you need to talk. After the dialogue is completed, activate the artifact and take the PDA from the corpse. Run to the marker that appears on the map and find friends in the indicated area. Chat with Vasily, return to the shelter, where you will continue the conversation with him. Give the gearbox, jump into the armored personnel carrier, start it and go to the bar.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "Bar"

Once on the territory of the bar, leave the armored personnel carrier and talk to Abdul to move on after. There is an anomaly on the bus. Without coming close, talk to Abdul, then move over the corpses and jump to the door located in front. Taking the radio will disable the anomaly. Move forward to the corpse of a soldier, near which the walkie-talkie is lying. After taking it, contact the scientist to find out that he is located inside the tower at the factory. Talk to Abdul to find out about the machine gun inside the truck. Follow the tower and kill the dead. When you are near her, talk to the scientist about the virus, and then to Abdul to find out that the man is also infected, and the medicine does not work.


Talk to the scientist again and find out about another medicine that was lost during the landing. A marker will appear on the map where the cargo should be. Go to the indicated place, find the Dwarf and approach him. Follow him, approach the dead man and search to find the key. Keep following the Dwarf, find out that you must find the Cheburashka. Head back to the scientist and talk to him about Cheburashka. You will recognize the warehouse, a label will appear. After opening the door with the key, you will see zombies with weapons. Move to the basement and go through the door leading to the arena.

Talk to Alan, recognize the mutant and go to battle. This is a pseudo-giant. There will be a green anomaly in the arena. A mutant can only be damaged if it is hit by a person located inside the anomaly. After each successful hit, the anomaly will move. It will take about ten shots from the anomaly to destroy the pseudo-giant.

After killing him, search the body and find the key to the safe. Talk to Alan and recognize him as a scientist. Take the toy from the safe, apply it near the Dwarf and get a vaccine in return. Return to the scientist to learn about everything. A person in a helicopter can apply the vaccine. Also, some group of customers needs the vaccine, so the hero will have to buy it. To do this, you need to find a unique artifact. Pass the artifact, the scientist will spray the vaccine and leave this place. Talk to Abdul to find out that he cannot leave here. After a while, you will receive a message about readiness. In the meantime, you can help Alan.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "Army warehouses"

Talk to Abdul and move towards the barrier, which will be closed by an electrical anomaly. The man will ask you to find a unique material with which you can go through the anomaly. Go to the place, a scout hid in the central building inside the refrigerator. He pretends to be crazy and tries to run away from GG. There is no point in following him. Go to the first barracks and take the documents from the box by killing the poltergeist. Follow the marker to find the scout's cache, take the key and go to the second barracks. There will be a spatial anomaly from different colors. Pass it simply - white, blue and red.

After overcoming the anomaly, find other documents inside the box and you will see a marker pointing to the cache. There will be a bottle inside. Drink the contents, and when you come to your senses, you will be in some village. It's not easy to leave her. You will receive a message from Makar. Run to his house, avoiding the bloodsuckers. Examine the buildings, bring the necessary items and get the task. You need to either find the details of the icon, or repair the device. If you decide to repair the icons, then move along the markers and inspect the boxes. When you find four parts, they will be combined into one. You will return to Makar's house, and the anomaly will disappear and you will be able to move freely.

Dead bloodsucker

If you decide to deal with the device, then climb to the top of the tower and use the device from the inventory. So you dispel the anomaly. Return to Makar and leave the village. Go to the madman, talk to him and show him the device. He will say that in order to defuse the anomaly at the barrier, you need to turn on the antenna. Do this and return to Abdul. Go with him to the Radar.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "Radar"

As soon as you find yourself at the location, the main character will feel bad. You will pass out, but you will see a scientist in front of you, trying to figure out the plans. Talk to him, come to your senses and chat with Abdul. Follow forward, Abdul will be stretched and will be injured. Four agents will appear and you must kill them. Having done this, talk to Abdul again, who will ask for time to recover, but for now he will offer to deal with the destruction of the Phoenix agent, the best in his business.

Go to the crashed helicopter, where the Phoenix will appear. If you shoot him, he will use teleportation. You must hit the agent's head. This will cause him to fall off his feet, and you can interrogate him. Then return to Abdul and you will see that he was kidnapped. Read the note at the crime scene to learn about its location - Lab X-10. You can immediately go to Pripyat, or you can go to the laboratory and try to save Abdul. If in this case you put on a suit of agents and a gas mask, then they will not recognize the GG. You can even chat with them and complete a series of quests to get to the X-10 lab. But you can immediately attack them in order to find the key to the entrance to the bunker from the Prophet.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "Laboratory X-10"

If you get here with a fight, then the timer is activated. When time runs out, Abdul will be killed by agents. Therefore, you need to try to get into the far room as soon as possible, killing everyone in your path. Save Abdul, he will ask you to turn on the brain burner. Do this with the lever in the hall, and then run away from here.


Run to the transition point in Pripyat as soon as possible. If you do not have time before the end of time, then the burner will kill the GG as well.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "Pripyat"

If you came here without saving Abdul, then the task related to the search for his cache will be activated. In the stash you will find a note that tells you what to do next. If you came along with the character, then talk to him and move across the street. At the fork, Abdul will be mortally wounded by a sniper. In the last conversation, you will learn about the time capsule. Follow the marker to the kindergarten, find the case in the yard near the car and pull out the documents from it, and then make your way inside.

In kindergarten, you need to avoid the teleport moving along the corridor, otherwise you will return to the courtyard. On the first tier, find a brownie. After killing him (focus on the sound), pick up the key to the first-aid post. Inside the first-aid post on the second tier, read the magazine, follow down and kill the second brownie. Take the key to the refrigerator, go to the kitchen and find a jar of pills inside the refrigerator. Jump to the teleport located in the corridor so that it will transfer the main character to a secret room with teleports. Go through three similar rooms and at the end you will find yourself in the director's office. Inside the safe, there is a newspaper that talks about the time capsule. Now go to the bus station.

On its territory, find a room with a safe. Fight the bloodsucker, kill him and use the claw to open this safe. Inside there will be a note with the meeting point. Go there, talk to the Apostle, who will be a neutral character. You will have two options - agree and listen to him, or attack the agent. If you attack, then be prepared to fight with a dozen more enemies that should be killed. On the body of the Apostle will be the key to the stadium. Move there. If you agree to listen to the sermon, you will find yourself at the stage where the agent is reading a speech. Upon completion, he will ask you for a drink. You will lose consciousness, and you will come to your senses already on the roof of the house. Mind will appear. Chat with him, protect him from ghosts and then return back. Agents will be deactivated. Interrogate the Apostle, take the key to the stadium and go to him.

When you are on its territory, a helicopter will appear. Run away from him in the direction of the fallen helicopter, get the rocket launcher and shoot down the enemy turntable with one hit. Search the agent's corpse inside the car and follow the marker to the time capsule, which contains the scheme. Now you can go to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

"Stalker: Golden Ball". Passage of the location "ChNPP"

There is an anomaly that changes the weather and increases the level of radiation. There are also several vortexes that destroy armor. In this area, it is best to use a scientific suit. Search the corpse near the bridge for a quest to find the fourth part of the door code leading to the station. Follow the markers and search the dead. A radioactive storm will begin. Hide from him in specially designated areas indicated on the map.

Find another agent who will be alive, but will be hiding from the GG. Read the information in his notebook to get the marker on the altar. Search it, take the shard and return to the agent. Give the shard to get a part of the code. Open the door, after which you will be in an ambush.

"Stalker: Golden Ball. Completion". Passage of the location "Control Center"

This is the last level that you will pass without interference. Find a computer on the table in the central room. Use a microchip on it to make the chief scientist appear. Talk to him. Use the computer to deactivate the protection of the Golden Ball to open the door to the hall with it. Approach the Ball, after which there will be two options - touch it or wait until it overheats and hide through another door. This is how you define the ending.

About the article:
Golden Ball: Completion is a modification that has not only an interesting, varied main plot, but also no less interesting secondary quests that unfold at each location of the original PM, as well as capture new territories from the modification.

Search for Maxim Kammerer

The story begins with the fact that GG finds a doll in one of the houses, which asks him to find a certain Kammerer. We can agree to help the doll, or refuse. This story will take us to a location that is not affected by the main plot.
1. We find the Doll in one of the Houses on Cordon
2. We find the receiver on the advice of the doll, we take out the part from it
3. Not far from the mill on Cordon we find an armored car, and not far from it a fighter with a walkie-talkie
4. We fix the radio with the help of parts from the receiver, learn about the tablet. We go to the village, ask the locals about the tablet
5. We learn about the Tablet from Sanya, but in return he asks for a special Artifact
6. We go to the anomalous zone, remove the artifact from the tree, give it to Sanya, get a tablet
6. Find out about the evacuation point at the research institute, go there
7. We search the evacuation point, find out about the case at the research institute
8. In the building with a helipad, we find a case, pick it up, find out about the convoy in the landfill
9. We find a column of cars in the Landfill, find out what we need for Yantar
10. Saving Professor Sakharov (See Below)
11. We speak with Kamerrerom, who is sitting in the bunker
12. We have a choice. Either give the doll or keep it for yourself

Outskirts of the Zone

As soon as we appear at this location, we become a witness of a clash between the military and smugglers at the checkpoint. We can choose the side of one or another, depending on the choice, we get the storyline:

A) smugglers. We kill the military, speak with Savik and quickly run with him and the rest to the camp (otherwise a turntable will fly to the checkpoint and open fire). In the camp we speak first with the merchant Moishe, then with the Boar, he sends us to examine the body of the smuggler Tooth, who died in the anomalies. We examine it, find the "Deceit", bring it to the Boar. He teaches us to activate it, activate it and a teleport appears. We jump there and get into the cave. In the cave, you must first search the corpse of Ruslan, take the keys from him, unlock the chamber with the corpse of the master key, take another "trick" from him, activate it and jump into the teleport again. Now we get into the secret room where Bitard is sitting, talk to him and choose whether to kill him or not. If we kill, then we get a tip on the swag and the opportunity to get out, if not, then there will be no swag, but it will periodically supply us with various "tricks". After we get to the surface, we go to the Kaban and talk about the cave and Ruslan. He asks us to go to an abandoned factory and check there. At the factory, we make our way between dangerous barrels, go to the second floor, there we meet Bolt. He will tell us that the smugglers betrayed him and ask to bring herbs for treatment. We go to an abandoned village for grass. In the village we catch the SOS signal on the PDA, if you respond to it, you will need to go through the quest "Under the Hood" to get out. If you do not respond and just pick up the grass, then you can return to Bolt and exchange it with him for a thermos with a decoction. We carry a thermos to the Boar, he heals the wounded with a decoction. He comes to his senses and talks about the place where the valuable cargo is hidden. Boar asks us to help the Courier deliver this cargo to its destination, we agree. The Courier comes, we speak with him. He sees a helicopter patrolling the area and refuses to go camping. We speak with Boar, he asks to shoot down a helicopter, we agree. We go to the fire station, there we meet three marauders fighting off dogs. We help them and together with them we begin to look for an underground warehouse. We find the grate in the basement (it will be necessary to activate it once), we report to Lenka. He says that his people will pick the lock. We bring them a set of master keys, the lock opens and we find ourselves in the basement, where we see a safe, but it is behind bars. We ask the marauders about this, they advise to look in the apartment upstairs and give a coin. On the stairs to the apartment we throw a coin into a jar to pass. In the apartment itself we read the documents of the commander, we find his key (in the monument to Lenin), we open the grate in front of the safe for them and in the safe itself we take a note with the code from the base gate. We report to Lenka, he says that we need to go to the military. base on the hill, we stomp with them there. At the base, we first approach the frozen military man and select the key, then in the warehouse under a canopy in a broken box we take a bottle of oil, pour it into the generator. Then we open the room with the key, read the documents, go to the 2nd floor, press the alarm button there and return to the parade ground, kill the chimera. From the chimera we take the key to the warehouse, there we find an RPG. We go to the fire station, climb the tower, wait for the helicopter to fly up and shoot it down. We return to the Courier. We speak with him and accompany him through the entire location to the destination (mutants will attack). If the Courier is killed, then it will be possible to remove the cargo exoskeleton from him, pick up his cargo (safe) and deliver it yourself. After delivery, we return to the village and talk with Moishe. End.

B) the military. We kill the smugglers, we speak to the Chernovs. He asks us to help catch the smuggler Kaban and his company and sends us to Alexandrov for briefing. He gives the coordinates of the camp, we go there, it is empty. In the cellar from the corpse we take the PDA with a nifa, also in the attic from another corpse we take the key. We unlock the basement of the house with this key, there we take a list of radio frequencies on the table, we take it to Chernov. He sends us to the fire station, we go there and shoot three marauders, on the body of the chief (on the tower) we find a coin. We throw this coin into a jar at the entrance, go into the apartment, read the documents of the commander there and, on a tip, take his key from the cache (monument to Lenin). We use the key to open the observers' safe on the roof, take the documents there and return to Chernov. Now he sends us to explore the ravine, go there and find the "trick", activate it and get into the cave. In the cave, you must first search the corpse of Ruslan, take the keys from him, unlock the chamber with the corpse of the master key, take another "trick" from him, activate it and jump into the teleport again. Now we get into the secret room where Bitard is sitting, talk to him and choose whether to kill him or not. If we kill, then we get a tip on the swag and the opportunity to get out, if not, then there will be no swag, but it will periodically supply us with various "tricks". After we get to the surface, we go back to Chernov. Now he asks us to inspect the factory, we go there and meet Bolt there, who will give us information about the reserve camp of smugglers. We arrive there, destroy the intruders and return to Chernov. He says that they spotted the Courier, who is supposed to transport dangerous cargo and asks to liquidate it and deliver the cargo to him. We agree, go to the farm, kill the Courier with guards, take the cargo from his body (the safe is heavy, to drag it you need to use the cargo exoskeleton). When we approach the checkpoint, we see Chernov's assistant, we hand over the cargo to him. At the checkpoint, we pick up the key from Aleksandrov and maybe. open the commander's safe with a reward. End.

Dump: Search for the Dyatlov group

1. We speak with Vasily, learn about the Dyatlov group.
2. We head to the hangar, but it is closed. We find the corpse, learn from the PDA about the hatch through which you can get into the hangar
3. We find the desired sewer hatch. We're going down

4. Immediately after the passage we find the corpse, search it, read the information.
5. Carefully, quietly make our way to the 2nd floor of the gallery, there we find 1 more corpse, search it, read the information in the PDA

6. We go further along the ceilings to the opposite side of the hangar (On the 1st side, the passage is closed by a teleport, we go the other way. I advise you to go through the roof so that the dwarfs do not smell us)
7. At the end of the path, near the wreckage of the crane, we find a note, read it.

8. And we learn about the notes about the cache in the crane cabin, we climb there, we find a note. All good things were taken somewhere.

9. At the hangar we find the PDA, find out where the group went

10. We arrive at the place, which is marked on the map, in the area of ​​​​the forest in the Landfill. We find a safe, PDA.
11. We take the safe to Vasily, we get the task to search for tools
12. At Agroprom we find all the necessary tools in the complex Location of tools at Agroprom

Research Institute Agroprom Yuri, Redrick Shewhart, Agroprom Dungeon

1. After the GG enters the territory of the complex, he receives a call for help.
2. Through the roof we make our way to the complex, where we meet the Stalker
3. We speak, we learn about the invisible brownie, we kill, we speak again. We learn about the dungeons, the safe, the documents.
4. Find 1 piece of documents in the skeleton of the truck

5. We find the 2nd part of the documents in the back of the KAMAZ

6. We speak with the Stalker, learn about electrical panels.
7. Let's go look for a suit in order to protect ourselves from electricity

8. Activate the electrical panel on the street (You may have another one, there are 3 in total, they are marked on the map)

9. Activate 2 switches on the 1st floor of the complex

10. We speak with the Stalker, then we go to reconnaissance in a neighboring building
11. In the building we find a mysterious thing, as well as corpses, search, read information from the corpses in the PDA
12. We find the switch, turn off the mysterious thing, go up to the 2nd floor, corpses, in one of them the code for the cache (5784442)
13. We open the cache, take the contents, the Stalker warns of the invasion of monsters, fight back, talk to the Stalkers, return to the safe.
14. We open the safe, find out about the laboratory, go with the Stalker to the street, where we get a rifle from him, go up to the roof, carefully examine the surroundings, because a troublemaker will arrive, whom we will have to kill.
15. After inspecting 1 place, the Stalker advances to 2, calls the GG to him
16. We learn that we need dynamite, we go to another complex
17. At the entrance to the territory of the complex, we talk with Yuri, learn about the shelter, and the keys to the door, we go in search of 18. We find the keys in the cab of the excavator

19. We go into the shelter, search the backpack, take the suits, Redrick Shewhart meets us at the exit, warns us about the partner, and informs us that it is necessary to open the container 11-78
20. After the conversation, we go to Yura, we talk with him, we go to examine the complex.
21. We find in one of Smolin's houses, we speak with him, we look for shoulder straps in the same room (in boxes, safes, backpacks) (code from the safe: 178)
22. We give Smolin shoulder straps, after his suicide we search the corpse, take the key
23. We open the locked barracks, we find dynamite from one of the soldiers
24. We speak with Yuri, we set off to undermine the entrance to the catacombs
25. We lay dynamite, undermine the entrance, go down.
26. After the descent, we speak with a partner, we go to look for a container.
27. Having advanced a little forward, we stumble upon the corpse of the Stalker, and the closed door. We search the body, find 1 of 3 balls, go in search of the rest (Information about the location will appear in the PDA after searching the corpse)
28. One of the balls lies in the main hall behind the column, the other in the tunnel with electrums

29. After we have collected all 3 balls, we stand in 3 luminous circles, which are not far from the corpse, after that a funnel will appear above the grate, under which there is another 1 corpse.
30. We go into the funnel, move to the 2nd corpse, search it, take the map, the funnel will teleport us back.
31. Open the door, move on.
32. In the hall where the bloodsucker lived in the original, we find the hood, we speak with a partner, we move on.
33. Upon arrival at the big tanks, we speak with a partner.
34. We go up to the open tank, jump into it, pick up the container. (At this moment we have a choice: Either open the container, as Redrick said, or not open it. I opened it. Further actions are considered considering this development of events)
35. The partner rises to us, finds out about the container, leaves us.
36. After a while, Red comes to us, helps to get out of the tank. We go down with him to the locked door, we speak.
37. While Red opens the door - we protect him.
38. After the door is open, we go to the exit.
39. On the way, Red gets into the jelly, we talk to him, learn about the container (At this moment we have a choice: Leave Red and save ourselves, or help Red, turn on the hood, and escape together. I chose option 2. Further actions considered considering this development)
40. Let's go look for the remote to turn on the electricity supply. It is located not far from the electr tunnel.

41. We return to the remote control next to the hood, turn on

42. Wait for the timer to run out, guard Red
43. After Red got up, and the time on the timer is over - we talk with him, get out to the surface
44. On the surface, we learn about the cure for the virus from the case, we go to look for it (It lies in the back of a KAMAZ truck, there is a mark on the map. If you can’t jump into the body, throw some kind of suit under your feet)
45. We find medicine, drink, go to the shelter, talk with Red, find out details about Yura, about the case. We can also continue to do business with Redrick.

Fire Water and Copper pipes

This quest is given by Red after the previous quest is completed. See above
1. We get the task, we learn about a group of scientists who are locked on the roof of the complex
2. He goes to the complex, we find corpses there, we read the information that we received from them, we learn about the anomaly.
3. We need to start the elevator generator. To do this, we need a candle, which is in a box behind the garages.

4. After we start the generator - you need to go up to the very last floor
5. We go out onto the roof, we see scientists and military men who are standing around the artifact. 6. We destroy the artifact, the whole squad dies, except for 1 scientist, we talk to him, we go down to the street.
7. Talk to him again, escort him to the shelter
8. Talk to Red, get a reward Dark Valley Saving Angela

1. We come to the gas station, in the building nearby we see 2 yellow marks
2 On the 1st floor we find Patrick, who shoots himself in the head, we select his documents, the key
3. On the 2nd Floor we find Angela, we speak with her
4. After the conversation, bloodsuckers come running, we kill, we speak again
5. Leaving the building
6. On the way to the lair, Angela is carried away by an anomaly
7. We speak with Seryoga, learn about the same teleports in the swamp

8. We catch a teleport in a swamp. We teleport to Angela. We speak with her, we get a gun, we defend ourselves from jerboas (The backpack was lost during teleportation.)
9. After talking with the girl again, we get information from the found PDA
10. We put the artifact on the belt, and go under each of the 3 Christmas trees to make the rumbling of an owl sound. After that, green teleports will appear, shoot them. You need to destroy all 3 teleports, they can be called again
11 after the destruction of teleports - leads Angela to the lair (We can also pick up the lost backpack, it is marked on the map)
12 After all the adventures, we still have an artifact that greatly simplifies moving around locations (Teleports have appeared that allow you to transfer from one part of the location to another) Bar Perpetual Motion Help Alan

1. We learn from Alan about the safe in the Katelnaya, as well as about the key in the commandant's room
2. We come to the commandant's room, but it is locked
3. We approach this building from the other side, in the window we see the Stalker. We talk to him.

4. He tells us about the key in the courtyard, let's go look
5. We find a living zombie on the territory of the plant, kill it, take the key from it. We open the door.

6. From the person with whom we spoke, only bones and a capacitor remained. We take it, we will need it
7. Open the door to the boiler room. Before us appears 1 more obstacle, anomalies
8. The information that was obtained from the corpse that lies in the boiler room says that anomalies can be bypassed by turning off the fans
9. Outside we find fans, turn them off with a capacitor

10. We go to the safe, use the hint to open it, pick up the artifact
11. We speak with Alan. He will ask you to give him the artifact. To give or not - the choice is up to the player Wild Territory: Gregory, Poltergeist, Communists

1. At the entrance to the Wild Territory, we carefully make our way to the Stalker (Turrets from the building will shoot at us)
2. He is drunk as an insole. Can't talk to us. We go to the outbuilding, which stands nearby

3. There is a note on the floor, read
4. Go to the Stalker again, speak, sing a song, get the key to the gallery
5. Moving on. On the towers we find the corpse of a scout, we read his diary

6. We climb into a nearby house through the roof, there we find a note, read it, set off to look for the key to the office
7. The path to the Scouts' hideout is blocked by an electrical anomaly, you need to find a shield to turn it off
8. Turn off the anomaly

9. On the roof of buildings with a shield we find a cache with a passport, a pack of cigarettes
10. In the shelter we also find the 2nd part of the diary (In the same shelter there is a safe with an unusual artifact)
11. We learn from the note that Grigory has the key to the Garage. We go to him, we take the key
12. In the Garage we find the 3rd part of the diary. We read, and also take the icon from the cache
13. We find the 4th part of the documents in the hangar nearby.
14. We read the diary, we leave the bunker. We meet Seryoga, we say, Seryoga disappears.
15. We climb into the body of Kamaz, we find there the 5th part of the diary
16. After we go to talk with Grigory, we learn about the common fund
17. A cache mark appears on the map, go there. We take the contents through the Window. Reading the diary
18. We follow into one of the cars in search of the second part of the Diary of Gregory
19. We go to talk with Grigory, we get a tire iron from him, we go to break the door in the administration building
20. Find the case, activate it, get the key. We go into the room, we can either break the bust, or take it with us (If we take it, we get the achievement Communist)

21. We receive a message that the poltergeist is waiting for us in the yard
22. We go to the square to the KAMAZ, we see a poltergeist with the face of Lenin. We kill, we take away a note from the body, and a medicine
23. We speak with Gregory, we learn about the road to Yantar. We get the task to search for the cache of Gregory (The label will be on the map)
24. We pick up the transmitter from the cache
25. We return to Gregory. He asks us to give the bust of Lenin to him (What to do is up to you)
26. On the way to Yantar we meet military officers who ask to bring Gregory to them, we agree
27. We bring Gregory to the Roof of an unfinished building, we speak again. We take his pen. He gives us 1 more task - to take the flash drive to Sakharov - we agree Amber Saving Sakharov and X16

1. At the entrance to the base of scientists, we speak with the Military, we give a bribe, we pass
2. The door to the scientists is locked, we are talking with the local authorities
3. We repel the attack of monsters
4. We speak with the authorities again, but no one is going to let us in to the scientists
5. We go to the helicopter that fell near the swamps, but before reaching it we receive a message from a soldier. We return

6. We speak with a soldier, learn about Sakharov. If the GG has a rifle with a scope, then we climb onto the roof of the bunker to look out for the scout. If not, we climb into the swamp, look for a corpse with a rifle.
7. On the Roof of the bunker, we stand at the indicated point, take binoculars, and wait for the scout
8. As soon as the scout sets up the cache, he will need to be shot

9. Let's go pick up the cache

10. We drag the scout to the camp to Major
11. We speak with the major
12. We go in search of the missing squad
13. The entrance to the territory of the plant is blocked. At the place where the detachment disappeared, we use the radio set found earlier, we contact the surviving military man. Learn about rope
14. In the marked area we find a rope, use it. We get to the territory of the plant. Looking for a soldier

15. We speak with a soldier, learn about Sakharov, in order to move forward - you need to eliminate the Dwarf patrol (How we will act depends on the selected dialogue)
16. Kill the Dwarfs - Moving on, deeper into the Factory
17. We approach the locked door, we get a barrel on the head
18. We speak with the king of Burrers, we go to the dungeons
19. In the dungeon at the control panel we find Sakharov, we speak, we get the task: Find documentation

20. We go down to the very bottom, to the jelly, we find a container with documentation there, we take it to Sakharov, we talk with him
21. We set off to look for the 2nd part of the documents - it is located in the room where the ghost was in the original

22. We take the documents to Sakharov, we get the task: Measure the temperature of the saline solution in the flask. we go into one of the doors, which is located next to the remote control
23. We make our way through the pipes to the brain, as soon as we approach, we talk with it, we get information, we return to Sakharov
24. Let's go, activate 3 switches, as we did in the original PM
25. We turn on the Knife Switches, talk with Sakharov, learn about the modes of operation of the brain. We can choose the mode ourselves, or we can ask the brain which mode we need
ATTENTION: The choice in this dialog will entail certain consequences. I chose option 2
26. We learn information from the brain, we return to Sakharov, we talk with him. Waiting for an audience with dwarfs
27. We speak with Dwarfs. We learn that they want to kill us, we run away to the room where the 2nd part of the documents lay. We are waiting for Sakharov, we close the door
28. We speak with Sakharov, we get matches, we set fire to the fuel
29. We make an escape through the underground complex to the camp, in the same place we speak with the major, and then with Sakharov. We receive an award
30. After talking with the Sergeant, who was written off at the factory, he sits next to the major, he will give our things

Enchanted Place, Anton, Searching for the research flash drive

1. After we bring Grigory's flash drive to Sakharov, he will offer 1 more task to search for data from Anton's group
2. We go to Anton's Camp on the outskirts of Yantar, we find his PDA in the tent, we read
3. Activate the Device, find 3 scanners near the Camp

4. We insert the scanners into the Device, the wounded Stalker is teleported to the camp
5. We approach, he is unconscious. We can inject Morphine, or we can finish
6. After choosing 2 actions, we speak with him
7. We take the Stalker to the Camp of Scientists, we talk to him there, we learn about the cache
8. Upon arrival at the place with the hiding place, we step on the stretch.
9. We return to the Camp, talk with the major, find out where the Stalker went
10. Moving towards the Wild Territory
11. At the transition we meet the Stalker, talk to him, find out what happened to him, as well as the code from the box in the flash drive
12. We return to the camp of Stalkers at the factory, open the box (Code 377541)
13. We bring the Flash drive to Sakharov. Getting the Reward

Lost and Found, Searching for a military container at the factory

After we save Professor Major, we will be given the "Lost and Found" task, in which we will be required to find 2 containers on the territory of the Amber factory (Containers may fall under Save-Load textures, or re-entering the location will correct the situation)

First container

Second container

Army Warehouses After completing the story task "Our sins are grave" in an abandoned village in the Army warehouses, you can get several secondary tasks


1. After talking with Ensign Volodarsky and receiving the code from the antenna installation, a question appears in the dialogue about how he survived alone.

2. After the conversation, it turns out that he was "gotten" small creatures in stock. We agree to help, we get the key to the warehouse and go to the building where the Cook was in the original.
3. In the back room of the warehouse we break the box, in which there is a red jerboa. We kill and during the search of the body we find the Head of the Jerky King

4. We shoot the jerboas that have come running and return to the Ensign for a reward - the artifact "Mushroom" Old Nick


1. If, before talking with the Ensign, you try to influence him with an artifact of a mixed group (Spiral, Crystal, Snail, Bagel), then in the dialogue "I saw a locked door on the second floor of the building. Is this headquarters?" a new version of the conversation appears - "What do you have to lose? ...". As a result of the dialogue, the Ensign will ask you to find him new documents and 50,000 rubles.

2. To complete the quest, you need to save the scout and get the key to the scouts' hideout in the Army warehouses.
3. After turning on the antenna installation, the radio scanner finds 2 signals: the Chernobyl People's Republic and the Emergency Beacon of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We communicate with the help of the Prapor radio with the Chernobyl People's Republic and move forward towards the northern farm.

4. On the farm, we talk with Ataman Chekhov and choose one of the options for the development of events. If the aggressive option "The situation is bad. We need to solve it by force" is selected, we get the task "No pasaran" - to support Chekhov's group in the battle with the APU fighters. After the destruction of the military on the Southern Farm, we get a reward - a western bulletproof vest and an artifact Devil's Egg.
5. In the case of choosing the option of a peaceful development of events, "I think you need to say," Chekhov entrusts us with the mission of negotiating.
6. Leaving the farm to the north to the stones, we receive an SMS message asking for help. It is necessary to go a little further to the stones and help the scout Ivan.
7. Follow the scout to the western checkpoint.
8. During a conversation with the Goblin, you need to take the task "Golden Hands" to search for a rangefinder on armored vehicles. Key phrase in conversation - "Trunk ... uh ... what?".
9. Locations of armored vehicles will appear on the map. Every tank or armored personnel carrier has a cache. A note with a rangefinder aiming is in a box next to the APC in the swamp.

10. In the house in the swamp we pick up the rangefinder and pass it on to the Goblin. The task "Golden Hands" is completed, the reward is Anomalous Gloves.
11. We ask the Goblin to help in the destruction of the "Weightlessness" anomaly, for this he needs fuel. We get the task "If you don't grease - you won't go", a canister and head to the fuel tank at the fork in the road.

12. We return with fuel to the Goblin, give the canister (completion of the task "If you don't grease - you won't go") and go to the anomaly. When approaching the anomaly, we observe a cut-scene, the anomaly disappears. We search the corpse of Colonel Sharia.
13. We return to the scout Ivan, he gives the key to the scouts' shelter. We go to the shelter of scouts and accept the task from Husky Hugh.
14. We find the artifact and again we call Hoarse Hugh. We agree with him about the documents. We give the found artifact and wait for the helicopter to fly away.
15. Again we take an order from Hoarse Hugh, find an artifact and call the customer. Now we get a ready passport and money for an artifact.
16. We go to the Ensign, give him money and documents, get the key to the commander's office. Mission "New Life" completed.
17. Open the grate and take the Database of the military unit from the computer

18. We go to Chekhov, we speak with him, we get a mine detector. The quest "On the True Path" begins
19. We come to the southern farm and go around it on the right, climb over the fence near the barn, where there are no mines. The mine detector must be worn on a belt.

20. In the house we talk with Sergeant Gerashchenko (standing in the first room under the portrait of Bandera)
21. After the conversation, we find ourselves in a barn and talk with Private Petrenko. We get a tip on the box with medicines.
22. We leave the barn and in the same way we came, we leave the farm to look for a box. It is important not to get in the eyes of Sergeant Gerashchenko.
23. We find a box behind the scouts' shelter and return to the farm.

24. We give medicine to Major Tkachenko. We take our things from the box, which is located where Sergeant Gerashchenko stood.
25. We return to Ataman Chekhov and report on the work done. Quests "On the True Path" and "Little Country" have been completed. The author of the passage of this quest:

About the article:
Golden Ball: Completion is a modification that has not only an interesting, varied main plot, but also no less interesting secondary quests that unfold at each location of the original PM, as well as capture new territories from the modification.

Search for Maxim Kammerer

The story begins with the fact that GG finds a doll in one of the houses, which asks him to find a certain Kammerer. We can agree to help the doll, or refuse. This story will take us to a location that is not affected by the main plot.
1. We find the Doll in one of the Houses on Cordon
2. We find the receiver on the advice of the doll, we take out the part from it
3. Not far from the mill on Cordon we find an armored car, and not far from it a fighter with a walkie-talkie
4. We fix the radio with the help of parts from the receiver, learn about the tablet. We go to the village, ask the locals about the tablet
5. We learn about the Tablet from Sanya, but in return he asks for a special Artifact
6. We go to the anomalous zone, remove the artifact from the tree, give it to Sanya, get a tablet
6. Find out about the evacuation point at the research institute, go there
7. We search the evacuation point, find out about the case at the research institute
8. In the building with a helipad, we find a case, pick it up, find out about the convoy in the landfill
9. We find a column of cars in the Landfill, find out what we need for Yantar
10. Saving Professor Sakharov (See Below)
11. We speak with Kamerrerom, who is sitting in the bunker
12. We have a choice. Either give the doll or keep it for yourself

Outskirts of the Zone

As soon as we appear at this location, we become a witness of a clash between the military and smugglers at the checkpoint. We can choose the side of one or another, depending on the choice, we get the storyline:

A) smugglers. We kill the military, speak with Savik and quickly run with him and the rest to the camp (otherwise a turntable will fly to the checkpoint and open fire). In the camp we speak first with the merchant Moishe, then with the Boar, he sends us to examine the body of the smuggler Tooth, who died in the anomalies. We examine it, find the "Deceit", bring it to the Boar. He teaches us to activate it, activate it and a teleport appears. We jump there and get into the cave. In the cave, you must first search the corpse of Ruslan, take the keys from him, unlock the chamber with the corpse of the master key, take another "trick" from him, activate it and jump into the teleport again. Now we get into the secret room where Bitard is sitting, talk to him and choose whether to kill him or not. If we kill, then we get a tip on the swag and the opportunity to get out, if not, then there will be no swag, but it will periodically supply us with various "tricks". After we get to the surface, we go to the Kaban and talk about the cave and Ruslan. He asks us to go to an abandoned factory and check there. At the factory, we make our way between dangerous barrels, go to the second floor, there we meet Bolt. He will tell us that the smugglers betrayed him and ask to bring herbs for treatment. We go to an abandoned village for grass. In the village we catch the SOS signal on the PDA, if you respond to it, you will need to go through the quest "Under the Hood" to get out. If you do not respond and just pick up the grass, then you can return to Bolt and exchange it with him for a thermos with a decoction. We carry a thermos to the Boar, he heals the wounded with a decoction. He comes to his senses and talks about the place where the valuable cargo is hidden. Boar asks us to help the Courier deliver this cargo to its destination, we agree. The Courier comes, we speak with him. He sees a helicopter patrolling the area and refuses to go camping. We speak with Boar, he asks to shoot down a helicopter, we agree. We go to the fire station, there we meet three marauders fighting off dogs. We help them and together with them we begin to look for an underground warehouse. We find the grate in the basement (it will be necessary to activate it once), we report to Lenka. He says that his people will pick the lock. We bring them a set of master keys, the lock opens and we find ourselves in the basement, where we see a safe, but it is behind bars. We ask the marauders about this, they advise to look in the apartment upstairs and give a coin. On the stairs to the apartment we throw a coin into a jar to pass. In the apartment itself we read the documents of the commander, we find his key (in the monument to Lenin), we open the grate in front of the safe for them and in the safe itself we take a note with the code from the base gate. We report to Lenka, he says that we need to go to the military. base on the hill, we stomp with them there. At the base, we first approach the frozen military man and select the key, then in the warehouse under a canopy in a broken box we take a bottle of oil, pour it into the generator. Then we open the room with the key, read the documents, go to the 2nd floor, press the alarm button there and return to the parade ground, kill the chimera. From the chimera we take the key to the warehouse, there we find an RPG. We go to the fire station, climb the tower, wait for the helicopter to fly up and shoot it down. We return to the Courier. We speak with him and accompany him through the entire location to the destination (mutants will attack). If the Courier is killed, then it will be possible to remove the cargo exoskeleton from him, pick up his cargo (safe) and deliver it yourself. After delivery, we return to the village and talk with Moishe. End.

B) the military. We kill the smugglers, we speak to the Chernovs. He asks us to help catch the smuggler Kaban and his company and sends us to Alexandrov for briefing. He gives the coordinates of the camp, we go there, it is empty. In the cellar from the corpse we take the PDA with a nifa, also in the attic from another corpse we take the key. We unlock the basement of the house with this key, there we take a list of radio frequencies on the table, we take it to Chernov. He sends us to the fire station, we go there and shoot three marauders, on the body of the chief (on the tower) we find a coin. We throw this coin into a jar at the entrance, go into the apartment, read the documents of the commander there and, on a tip, take his key from the cache (monument to Lenin). We use the key to open the observers' safe on the roof, take the documents there and return to Chernov. Now he sends us to explore the ravine, go there and find the "trick", activate it and get into the cave. In the cave, you must first search the corpse of Ruslan, take the keys from him, unlock the chamber with the corpse of the master key, take another "trick" from him, activate it and jump into the teleport again. Now we get into the secret room where Bitard is sitting, talk to him and choose whether to kill him or not. If we kill, then we get a tip on the swag and the opportunity to get out, if not, then there will be no swag, but it will periodically supply us with various "tricks". After we get to the surface, we go back to Chernov. Now he asks us to inspect the factory, we go there and meet Bolt there, who will give us information about the reserve camp of smugglers. We arrive there, destroy the intruders and return to Chernov. He says that they spotted the Courier, who is supposed to transport dangerous cargo and asks to liquidate it and deliver the cargo to him. We agree, go to the farm, kill the Courier with guards, take the cargo from his body (the safe is heavy, to drag it you need to use the cargo exoskeleton). When we approach the checkpoint, we see Chernov's assistant, we hand over the cargo to him. At the checkpoint, we pick up the key from Aleksandrov and maybe. open the commander's safe with a reward. End.

Dump: Search for the Dyatlov group

1. We speak with Vasily, learn about the Dyatlov group.
2. We head to the hangar, but it is closed. We find the corpse, learn from the PDA about the hatch through which you can get into the hangar
3. We find the desired sewer hatch. We're going down

4. Immediately after the passage we find the corpse, search it, read the information.
5. Carefully, quietly make our way to the 2nd floor of the gallery, there we find 1 more corpse, search it, read the information in the PDA

6. We go further along the ceilings to the opposite side of the hangar (On the 1st side, the passage is closed by a teleport, we go the other way. I advise you to go through the roof so that the dwarfs do not smell us)
7. At the end of the path, near the wreckage of the crane, we find a note, read it.

8. And we learn about the notes about the cache in the crane cabin, we climb there, we find a note. All good things were taken somewhere.

9. At the hangar we find the PDA, find out where the group went

10. We arrive at the place, which is marked on the map, in the area of ​​​​the forest in the Landfill. We find a safe, PDA.
11. We take the safe to Vasily, we get the task to search for tools
12. At Agroprom we find all the necessary tools in the complex Location of tools at Agroprom

Research Institute Agroprom Yuri, Redrick Shewhart, Agroprom Dungeon

1. After the GG enters the territory of the complex, he receives a call for help.
2. Through the roof we make our way to the complex, where we meet the Stalker
3. We speak, we learn about the invisible brownie, we kill, we speak again. We learn about the dungeons, the safe, the documents.
4. Find 1 piece of documents in the skeleton of the truck

5. We find the 2nd part of the documents in the back of the KAMAZ

6. We speak with the Stalker, learn about electrical panels.
7. Let's go look for a suit in order to protect ourselves from electricity

8. Activate the electrical panel on the street (You may have another one, there are 3 in total, they are marked on the map)

9. Activate 2 switches on the 1st floor of the complex

10. We speak with the Stalker, then we go to reconnaissance in a neighboring building
11. In the building we find a mysterious thing, as well as corpses, search, read information from the corpses in the PDA
12. We find the switch, turn off the mysterious thing, go up to the 2nd floor, corpses, in one of them the code for the cache (5784442)
13. We open the cache, take the contents, the Stalker warns of the invasion of monsters, fight back, talk to the Stalkers, return to the safe.
14. We open the safe, find out about the laboratory, go with the Stalker to the street, where we get a rifle from him, go up to the roof, carefully examine the surroundings, because a troublemaker will arrive, whom we will have to kill.
15. After inspecting 1 place, the Stalker advances to 2, calls the GG to him
16. We learn that we need dynamite, we go to another complex
17. At the entrance to the territory of the complex, we talk with Yuri, learn about the shelter, and the keys to the door, we go in search of 18. We find the keys in the cab of the excavator

19. We go into the shelter, search the backpack, take the suits, Redrick Shewhart meets us at the exit, warns us about the partner, and informs us that it is necessary to open the container 11-78
20. After the conversation, we go to Yura, we talk with him, we go to examine the complex.
21. We find in one of Smolin's houses, we speak with him, we look for shoulder straps in the same room (in boxes, safes, backpacks) (code from the safe: 178)
22. We give Smolin shoulder straps, after his suicide we search the corpse, take the key
23. We open the locked barracks, we find dynamite from one of the soldiers
24. We speak with Yuri, we set off to undermine the entrance to the catacombs
25. We lay dynamite, undermine the entrance, go down.
26. After the descent, we speak with a partner, we go to look for a container.
27. Having advanced a little forward, we stumble upon the corpse of the Stalker, and the closed door. We search the body, find 1 of 3 balls, go in search of the rest (Information about the location will appear in the PDA after searching the corpse)
28. One of the balls lies in the main hall behind the column, the other in the tunnel with electrums

29. After we have collected all 3 balls, we stand in 3 luminous circles, which are not far from the corpse, after that a funnel will appear above the grate, under which there is another 1 corpse.
30. We go into the funnel, move to the 2nd corpse, search it, take the map, the funnel will teleport us back.
31. Open the door, move on.
32. In the hall where the bloodsucker lived in the original, we find the hood, we speak with a partner, we move on.
33. Upon arrival at the big tanks, we speak with a partner.
34. We go up to the open tank, jump into it, pick up the container. (At this moment we have a choice: Either open the container, as Redrick said, or not open it. I opened it. Further actions are considered considering this development of events)
35. The partner rises to us, finds out about the container, leaves us.
36. After a while, Red comes to us, helps to get out of the tank. We go down with him to the locked door, we speak.
37. While Red opens the door - we protect him.
38. After the door is open, we go to the exit.
39. On the way, Red gets into the jelly, we talk to him, learn about the container (At this moment we have a choice: Leave Red and save ourselves, or help Red, turn on the hood, and escape together. I chose option 2. Further actions considered considering this development)
40. Let's go look for the remote to turn on the electricity supply. It is located not far from the electr tunnel.

41. We return to the remote control next to the hood, turn on

42. Wait for the timer to run out, guard Red
43. After Red got up, and the time on the timer is over - we talk with him, get out to the surface
44. On the surface, we learn about the cure for the virus from the case, we go to look for it (It lies in the back of a KAMAZ truck, there is a mark on the map. If you can’t jump into the body, throw some kind of suit under your feet)
45. We find medicine, drink, go to the shelter, talk with Red, find out details about Yura, about the case. We can also continue to do business with Redrick.

Fire Water and Copper pipes

This quest is given by Red after the previous quest is completed. See above
1. We get the task, we learn about a group of scientists who are locked on the roof of the complex
2. He goes to the complex, we find corpses there, we read the information that we received from them, we learn about the anomaly.
3. We need to start the elevator generator. To do this, we need a candle, which is in a box behind the garages.

4. After we start the generator - you need to go up to the very last floor
5. We go out onto the roof, we see scientists and military men who are standing around the artifact. 6. We destroy the artifact, the whole squad dies, except for 1 scientist, we talk to him, we go down to the street.
7. Talk to him again, escort him to the shelter
8. Talk to Red, get a reward Dark Valley Saving Angela

1. We come to the gas station, in the building nearby we see 2 yellow marks
2 On the 1st floor we find Patrick, who shoots himself in the head, we select his documents, the key
3. On the 2nd Floor we find Angela, we speak with her
4. After the conversation, bloodsuckers come running, we kill, we speak again
5. Leaving the building
6. On the way to the lair, Angela is carried away by an anomaly
7. We speak with Seryoga, learn about the same teleports in the swamp

8. We catch a teleport in a swamp. We teleport to Angela. We speak with her, we get a gun, we defend ourselves from jerboas (The backpack was lost during teleportation.)
9. After talking with the girl again, we get information from the found PDA
10. We put the artifact on the belt, and go under each of the 3 Christmas trees to make the rumbling of an owl sound. After that, green teleports will appear, shoot them. You need to destroy all 3 teleports, they can be called again
11 after the destruction of teleports - leads Angela to the lair (We can also pick up the lost backpack, it is marked on the map)
12 After all the adventures, we still have an artifact that greatly simplifies moving around locations (Teleports have appeared that allow you to transfer from one part of the location to another) Bar Perpetual Motion Help Alan

1. We learn from Alan about the safe in the Katelnaya, as well as about the key in the commandant's room
2. We come to the commandant's room, but it is locked
3. We approach this building from the other side, in the window we see the Stalker. We talk to him.

4. He tells us about the key in the courtyard, let's go look
5. We find a living zombie on the territory of the plant, kill it, take the key from it. We open the door.

6. From the person with whom we spoke, only bones and a capacitor remained. We take it, we will need it
7. Open the door to the boiler room. Before us appears 1 more obstacle, anomalies
8. The information that was obtained from the corpse that lies in the boiler room says that anomalies can be bypassed by turning off the fans
9. Outside we find fans, turn them off with a capacitor

10. We go to the safe, use the hint to open it, pick up the artifact
11. We speak with Alan. He will ask you to give him the artifact. To give or not - the choice is up to the player Wild Territory: Gregory, Poltergeist, Communists

1. At the entrance to the Wild Territory, we carefully make our way to the Stalker (Turrets from the building will shoot at us)
2. He is drunk as an insole. Can't talk to us. We go to the outbuilding, which stands nearby

3. There is a note on the floor, read
4. Go to the Stalker again, speak, sing a song, get the key to the gallery
5. Moving on. On the towers we find the corpse of a scout, we read his diary

6. We climb into a nearby house through the roof, there we find a note, read it, set off to look for the key to the office
7. The path to the Scouts' hideout is blocked by an electrical anomaly, you need to find a shield to turn it off
8. Turn off the anomaly

9. On the roof of buildings with a shield we find a cache with a passport, a pack of cigarettes
10. In the shelter we also find the 2nd part of the diary (In the same shelter there is a safe with an unusual artifact)
11. We learn from the note that Grigory has the key to the Garage. We go to him, we take the key
12. In the Garage we find the 3rd part of the diary. We read, and also take the icon from the cache
13. We find the 4th part of the documents in the hangar nearby.
14. We read the diary, we leave the bunker. We meet Seryoga, we say, Seryoga disappears.
15. We climb into the body of Kamaz, we find there the 5th part of the diary
16. After we go to talk with Grigory, we learn about the common fund
17. A cache mark appears on the map, go there. We take the contents through the Window. Reading the diary
18. We follow into one of the cars in search of the second part of the Diary of Gregory
19. We go to talk with Grigory, we get a tire iron from him, we go to break the door in the administration building
20. Find the case, activate it, get the key. We go into the room, we can either break the bust, or take it with us (If we take it, we get the achievement Communist)

21. We receive a message that the poltergeist is waiting for us in the yard
22. We go to the square to the KAMAZ, we see a poltergeist with the face of Lenin. We kill, we take away a note from the body, and a medicine
23. We speak with Gregory, we learn about the road to Yantar. We get the task to search for the cache of Gregory (The label will be on the map)
24. We pick up the transmitter from the cache
25. We return to Gregory. He asks us to give the bust of Lenin to him (What to do is up to you)
26. On the way to Yantar we meet military officers who ask to bring Gregory to them, we agree
27. We bring Gregory to the Roof of an unfinished building, we speak again. We take his pen. He gives us 1 more task - to take the flash drive to Sakharov - we agree Amber Saving Sakharov and X16

1. At the entrance to the base of scientists, we speak with the Military, we give a bribe, we pass
2. The door to the scientists is locked, we are talking with the local authorities
3. We repel the attack of monsters
4. We speak with the authorities again, but no one is going to let us in to the scientists
5. We go to the helicopter that fell near the swamps, but before reaching it we receive a message from a soldier. We return

6. We speak with a soldier, learn about Sakharov. If the GG has a rifle with a scope, then we climb onto the roof of the bunker to look out for the scout. If not, we climb into the swamp, look for a corpse with a rifle.
7. On the Roof of the bunker, we stand at the indicated point, take binoculars, and wait for the scout
8. As soon as the scout sets up the cache, he will need to be shot

9. Let's go pick up the cache

10. We drag the scout to the camp to Major
11. We speak with the major
12. We go in search of the missing squad
13. The entrance to the territory of the plant is blocked. At the place where the detachment disappeared, we use the radio set found earlier, we contact the surviving military man. Learn about rope
14. In the marked area we find a rope, use it. We get to the territory of the plant. Looking for a soldier

15. We speak with a soldier, learn about Sakharov, in order to move forward - you need to eliminate the Dwarf patrol (How we will act depends on the selected dialogue)
16. Kill the Dwarfs - Moving on, deeper into the Factory
17. We approach the locked door, we get a barrel on the head
18. We speak with the king of Burrers, we go to the dungeons
19. In the dungeon at the control panel we find Sakharov, we speak, we get the task: Find documentation

20. We go down to the very bottom, to the jelly, we find a container with documentation there, we take it to Sakharov, we talk with him
21. We set off to look for the 2nd part of the documents - it is located in the room where the ghost was in the original

22. We take the documents to Sakharov, we get the task: Measure the temperature of the saline solution in the flask. we go into one of the doors, which is located next to the remote control
23. We make our way through the pipes to the brain, as soon as we approach, we talk with it, we get information, we return to Sakharov
24. Let's go, activate 3 switches, as we did in the original PM
25. We turn on the Knife Switches, talk with Sakharov, learn about the modes of operation of the brain. We can choose the mode ourselves, or we can ask the brain which mode we need
ATTENTION: The choice in this dialog will entail certain consequences. I chose option 2
26. We learn information from the brain, we return to Sakharov, we talk with him. Waiting for an audience with dwarfs
27. We speak with Dwarfs. We learn that they want to kill us, we run away to the room where the 2nd part of the documents lay. We are waiting for Sakharov, we close the door
28. We speak with Sakharov, we get matches, we set fire to the fuel
29. We make an escape through the underground complex to the camp, in the same place we speak with the major, and then with Sakharov. We receive an award
30. After talking with the Sergeant, who was written off at the factory, he sits next to the major, he will give our things

Enchanted Place, Anton, Searching for the research flash drive

1. After we bring Grigory's flash drive to Sakharov, he will offer 1 more task to search for data from Anton's group
2. We go to Anton's Camp on the outskirts of Yantar, we find his PDA in the tent, we read
3. Activate the Device, find 3 scanners near the Camp

4. We insert the scanners into the Device, the wounded Stalker is teleported to the camp
5. We approach, he is unconscious. We can inject Morphine, or we can finish
6. After choosing 2 actions, we speak with him
7. We take the Stalker to the Camp of Scientists, we talk to him there, we learn about the cache
8. Upon arrival at the place with the hiding place, we step on the stretch.
9. We return to the Camp, talk with the major, find out where the Stalker went
10. Moving towards the Wild Territory
11. At the transition we meet the Stalker, talk to him, find out what happened to him, as well as the code from the box in the flash drive
12. We return to the camp of Stalkers at the factory, open the box (Code 377541)
13. We bring the Flash drive to Sakharov. Getting the Reward

Lost and Found, Searching for a military container at the factory

After we save Professor Major, we will be given the "Lost and Found" task, in which we will be required to find 2 containers on the territory of the Amber factory (Containers may fall under Save-Load textures, or re-entering the location will correct the situation)

First container

Second container

Army Warehouses After completing the story task "Our sins are grave" in an abandoned village in the Army warehouses, you can get several secondary tasks


1. After talking with Ensign Volodarsky and receiving the code from the antenna installation, a question appears in the dialogue about how he survived alone.

2. After the conversation, it turns out that he was "gotten" by small creatures in the warehouse. We agree to help, we get the key to the warehouse and go to the building where the Cook was in the original.
3. In the back room of the warehouse we break the box, in which there is a red jerboa. We kill and during the search of the body we find the Head of the Jerky King

4. We shoot the jerboas that have come running and return to the Ensign for a reward - the artifact "Mushroom" Old Nick


1. If, before talking with the Ensign, you try to influence him with an artifact of a mixed group (Spiral, Crystal, Snail, Bagel), then in the dialogue "I saw a locked door on the second floor of the building. Is this headquarters?" a new version of the conversation appears - "What do you have to lose? ...". As a result of the dialogue, the Ensign will ask you to find him new documents and 50,000 rubles.

2. To complete the quest, you need to save the scout and get the key to the scouts' hideout in the Army warehouses.
3. After turning on the antenna installation, the radio scanner finds 2 signals: the Chernobyl People's Republic and the Emergency Beacon of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We communicate with the help of the Prapor radio with the Chernobyl People's Republic and move forward towards the northern farm.

4. On the farm, we talk with Ataman Chekhov and choose one of the options for the development of events. If the aggressive option "The situation is bad. We need to solve it by force" is selected, we get the task "No pasaran" - to support Chekhov's group in the battle with the APU fighters. After the destruction of the military on the Southern Farm, we get a reward - a western bulletproof vest and an artifact Devil's Egg.
5. In the case of choosing the option of a peaceful development of events, "I think you need to say," Chekhov entrusts us with the mission of negotiating.
6. Leaving the farm to the north to the stones, we receive an SMS message asking for help. It is necessary to go a little further to the stones and help the scout Ivan.
7. Follow the scout to the western checkpoint.
8. During a conversation with the Goblin, you need to take the task "Golden Hands" to search for a rangefinder on armored vehicles. The key phrase in the conversation is "Trunk... uh... what?".
9. Locations of armored vehicles will appear on the map. Every tank or armored personnel carrier has a cache. A note with a rangefinder aiming is in a box next to the APC in the swamp.

10. In the house in the swamp we pick up the rangefinder and pass it on to the Goblin. The task "Golden Hands" is completed, the reward is Anomalous Gloves.
11. We ask the Goblin to help in the destruction of the "Weightlessness" anomaly, for this he needs fuel. We get the task "If you don't grease - you won't go", a canister and head to the fuel tank at the fork in the road.

12. We return with fuel to the Goblin, give the canister (completion of the task "If you don't grease - you won't go") and go to the anomaly. When approaching the anomaly, we observe a cut-scene, the anomaly disappears. We search the corpse of Colonel Sharia.
13. We return to the scout Ivan, he gives the key to the scouts' shelter. We go to the shelter of scouts and accept the task from Husky Hugh.
14. We find the artifact and again we call Hoarse Hugh. We agree with him about the documents. We give the found artifact and wait for the helicopter to fly away.
15. Again we take an order from Hoarse Hugh, find an artifact and call the customer. Now we get a ready passport and money for an artifact.
16. We go to the Ensign, give him money and documents, get the key to the commander's office. Mission "New Life" completed.
17. Open the grate and take the Database of the military unit from the computer

18. We go to Chekhov, we speak with him, we get a mine detector. The quest "On the True Path" begins
19. We come to the southern farm and go around it on the right, climb over the fence near the barn, where there are no mines. The mine detector must be worn on a belt.

20. In the house we talk with Sergeant Gerashchenko (standing in the first room under the portrait of Bandera)
21. After the conversation, we find ourselves in a barn and talk with Private Petrenko. We get a tip on the box with medicines.
22. We leave the barn and in the same way we came, we leave the farm to look for a box. It is important not to get in the eyes of Sergeant Gerashchenko.
23. We find a box behind the scouts' shelter and return to the farm.

24. We give medicine to Major Tkachenko. We take our things from the box, which is located where Sergeant Gerashchenko stood.
25. We return to Ataman Chekhov and report on the work done. Quests "On the True Path" and "Little Country" have been completed. The author of the passage of this quest:

The mod has an interesting plot, which should be completed in stages, as the author intended. With strong deviations from the main plot in the direction of exploring the zone, the plot scripts may break and the mod will become impassable. Therefore, follow our instructions for the correct passage of the Golden Ball mod. Completion".

  1. We cross the cordon with the military. In captivity, we ask the recruit to bring us medicine, while he is busy searching, we run away from the camp. We get to the shelter.
  1. In the hideout of the scouts, we speak with Sanya, then with the trader Skidan. The anomaly "Iron" blocks our way. Near the bridge we catch the SOS signal on our PDA. We see the Wolf locked in the mill. He asks us to release him. From the camp you need to steal the key, lying in a backpack by the fire. We follow the Wolf, we see three disappeared in the mill, in their place we take the flash drive and give it to Skidan.
  1. We receive a message on the PDA about the wounded, he is in the car by the road. We are attacked by three, we fight back, we tell Skidan about what happened. Organize an ambush with Skidan. Three will look for us at the bridge, do not stick out. When they approach the Iron anomaly, we provoke them to attack, if one of them is killed, we immediately run through the anomaly - there will be no turning back.
  1. On the road to the dump we find a checkpoint. We communicate with the inhabitants of the checkpoint, as a result, after strange events with the psi-strike of Abdul, we get access to the dump.
  1. At the dump we go through the field of anomalies together with Andrey and the major, but in such a way that both of them survive. We go into the car of Vasily. We learn from him about the armored personnel carrier, we find three artifacts in a landfill to neutralize the anomaly that prevents us from getting into the dark valley.
  1. In the dark valley we speak with Seryoga. We are looking for parts of the welding machine on the territory of the plant on his tip and get into underground laboratory X-18.
  1. In the laboratory we speak with the experimental. In the hall with the tank we pick up the gearbox from the armored personnel carrier. After a series of small quests with laboratory test subjects, we get the key and run to the exit, destroy the turrets with grenades.
  1. In the dark valley we are looking for the artifact "Beehive" with Seryoga, we help a lonely break - we get an artifact from him. We fall into a stretch, wake up already in captivity. We throw bolts into the button on the wall, we run. We creep quietly past the agents upstairs and turn off the generator, break the crystal. We take away our swag, we speak with Abdul, then we run to the car, hiding from the helicopter.
  1. At the dump, together with Abdul, we deal with racketeers, repair an armored personnel carrier and drive through a minefield on it, go to the Bar.
  1. When we hit the bar, we immediately jump out of the armored personnel carrier, otherwise we will explode. We pass the "Bus" anomaly by jumping from skeleton to skeleton, turn off the tape recorder. Near the broken UAZ we find a walkie-talkie, contact the scientists. We solve quests with the dwarf and scientists, we shoot the pseudo-giant when approaching the anomaly, it will kill him. We follow the army warehouses.
  1. In the warehouses we meet a scout who runs away from us. In the first barracks we take documents. We find the cache of the psycho and get access to the second barracks. We pass an anomaly in the barracks, the order is white, blue, red. We find a bottle in the cache, drink it and find ourselves in a forgotten village. A series of quests follows with grandfather Makar and the ensign. After them we return to Abdul.
  1. We follow the radar. Abdul is wounded, we remove 4 agents, then we act and deal with the Phoenix agent, shooting him in the head. We quickly run to Pripyat, otherwise the brain burner will eat us, we have time before the countdown.
  1. In Pripyat we are heading to the kindergarten. We pick up documents in the yard near the car, climb inside. We do not fall into the teleport, we kill the brownie simply by shooting in all directions, we select the key. Then we kill the second brownie, again our key, we jump into the teleport in the corridor. Next comes a series of teleports, in the safe we ​​find a newspaper with a note about the time capsule.
  1. At the bus station, we kill the bloodsucker and open the safe with his claw. We speak with the apostle, it is better to kill him and 10 of his minions. We get to the stadium. We pick up an RPG and shoot down a helicopter, search the corpse of an agent in the car - our time capsule plus a microcircuit.
  1. We hurry to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, wearing a scientific suit, otherwise it will be tight. We search the body of the agent at the bridge. We solve an easy series of quests with agent codes and get into the control center, repulsing the ambush.
  1. In the control center we activate the computer with our microcircuit. We disable the protection of the Golden Ball in the computer. We will have two options - touch the Ball or wait until it overheats and go out to another exit. One or the other ending of the game depends on our choice.
  1. Once at the plant "Rostok", we speak with a drunken Gregory. There is a note in the car next to it. We collect three parts of the diary, give them to Grisha. He directs us to a boarded up house. Our goal is a bust of Lenin, we get the Otrezvin pill and give it to Grisha. We are waiting for a helicopter with the military.
  1. On Yantar we go to the base of scientists. They don't let us in, but we get a message on the PDA. We complete the quest to kill the burer, you need to kill him with a sniper when he approaches the tree, otherwise we will not get the coordinates of the cache. We find a walkie-talkie, and we drag the corpse of the burer to the commander. We go hunting for burers, as a result we get to the king of burers.
  1. In the laboratory, we need to cooperate with Sakharov. We are looking for 2 parts of documents, the first is next to the acid anomalies below, the second is in the room with snorks at the remote control. We include three knife switches and installation. After the attack of the burers, we run with Sakharov, set fire to the canister against the wall and disappear into the resulting hole.
  1. On Yantar, Sakharov asks to bring him a flash drive from the scouts' camp near the factory. We activate the device and three scanners. Baska will fall out of the anomaly, help him. Then stretching and again run away Baska, who gives us a flash drive for Sakharov.
  1. Arriving on the outskirts, we can join either the military or the smugglers - a further small plot depends on this. Our task is to kill the warring faction and complete the last command quest. End.
