An architectural wonder of a crooked house in Sopot. Crooked house in sopot Humpbacked house sopot poland

If you accidentally or on purpose find yourself in the Polish city of Sopot, be sure to go for a walk through the old town. We promise you: the experience will be unforgettable. Moreover, for a moment it will seem to you that you have entered the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. It is these feelings that arise in all those who see the local landmark - the Crooked House, which has been a center of attraction for tourists and local residents for more than nine years.

The project is not only interesting, but unique. The architects - Shotinsky and Zalevsky - say they were inspired by the illustrations to the fairy tales of the famous Polish artists Jan Marcin Schanzer and the Swede Per Dalbergau. Whether this is true, no one knows. However, the impression is indeed fabulous. The crooked house in Poland has become a kind of magnet that attracts tourists to visit the resort of Sopot. We can say that the architects did their best. But it was just a commercial order for the design of a building that would attract the attention of citizens and visitors.

By the way, a good idea for all those who are just buying land for the construction of a commercial facility. And the example is not only indicative, but also contagious. Of course, it does not make sense to copy the dancing house, but it is quite possible to try to create something even more interesting. After all, everything unusual attracts, and the curved house in Sopot in Poland was a direct confirmation of this: if it were not for architectural delights, the owners of the shopping center would hardly be able to count on big profits - you never know the shopping centers in the area? And since the construction of the building, that is, since 2004, the tourist flow has increased in Sopot. Guess what all these people want to see? Of course, to the dancing house, as if curtsying in the middle of the walking area.

By the way, the architects can also be credited with the fact that they managed to combine the incompatible. Sandstone, reflective glass sparkling in the sun, strokes of greenish tiles, plastic window frames - oddly enough, all this is in perfect harmony with each other and creates an impression of the integrity of the image. And the facade itself, despite its clearly modern look, fits perfectly into a series of houses built almost a hundred years ago. Maybe it's the lack of right angles? In the end, in nature, too, there is no strict geometry of lines. Or maybe the fact is that the facade at a certain angle resembles the face of a mischievous dwarf? Let's not guess. Most likely, everyone who saw a crooked house in Poland formed their own opinion about this building. By the way, about the opinion. Popular approval rarely coincides with positive feedback from experts. and in our case, opinions also differed. If the townspeople and tourists look at the new landmark with approval and have even created a couple of legends, then not all architects are positive. However, there is a suspicion that the authors of the project are indifferent.

Okay, what's inside? Where will you go if you enter this slightly open-mouthed door? In fact, nothing fabulous - the shopping and entertainment center "Resident", of which the house is a part, is nothing unusual. Boutiques, cafes and restaurants - the usual gentleman's set of a resort town. Although the interiors have tried to make in such a way that they are in harmony with the facade. Smooth curved lines, railings resembling an inverted tree root and, main feature, wall of fame. It is signed by all the celebrities who come to perform or relax in this resort town.

The curved house in Sopot, Poland, became a celebrity in a matter of months. A little more time passed, and he received the unspoken title of the most photographed building in the world, entered the list of Polish attractions. I wonder when a project will appear that can block the glory of this unpretentious-looking, but such a charming dancing house?

Information and photos are taken from the Polish website of "Crooked House".

How many people - so many opinions. How many artists - so many visions of the same subject. Do you think that a house is only 4 walls, a couple of windows and a roof? Make sure this is not true.

We would like to present you 5 most unusual houses in the world . Enjoy and be surprised!

This unusual house decorates one of the streets Polish city - Sopot . The sketch of the building without a single straight line was invented and depicted by the artists Jan Chancer and Pierre Dahlberg. Thus, J. Shanser, a well-known illustrator of children's literature, was able to bring his illustrations to the old English song about a crooked house to life.

This house was built in 2004. The designer was a Polish architect Jacek Karnowski. It is worth noting that this “humpbacked” pride of Sopot won the “Great Dreamers” competition. The humpback house was recognized as the best architectural idea in Poland.

The building, which has almost no straight lines and right angles, houses a large number of apartments. There are also cafes and shops here. And, of course, tourists from all over the world travel to Poland in droves to look at this miracle of architectural thought - a humpbacked house. Although, the name “rumpled house” would still be very suitable for him ...

2. Dancing building

This architectural miracle flaunts on one of the streets of the Czech capital - in the city of Prague . The authors of the project are Vlado Milunich(Croatian architect) and Frank Gehry(Canadian architect). The building has been completed in 1996. By the way, the dancing building is the office center of Prague.

In general, the dancing house is considered one of the most controversial buildings in Prague, as it contrasts sharply with the architectural complex of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, which was located in the area long before the appearance of the “dancer”.

The two parts of the house, made in the form of cylinders, because of the curved lines and the distortion of their volumes, resemble a dancing couple, which the inhabitants of Prague called "Ginger and Fred" - after the title of Federico Fellini's film about the famous dancing couple Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire.

Another name for this wonderful object is the “Drinking House”. As they say, no comments...

3. Office building-basket

Company-owned basket building Longaberger, located in Newark (Ohio) . This is another one of the strangest office buildings in the world.

The office basket has an area of ​​more than 54,000 square meters and is an absolute copy of a supermarket basket. The construction of this building lasted two years and cost $30 million. The experts tried to convince the initiator of the construction and the owner of the company, Dave Longeberger, to change his plans, but he wished exact copy the real thing.

The constructed building is a copy of a real basket, enlarged 180 times. The giant basket also combines the functions of the seven-story corporate headquarters of Longaberger, which produces these same household items.

4. Forest spiral

Another house that has smooth shapes and does not have any rectangular shapes is a residential spiral-shaped complex located in Darmstadt (Germany) .

The designer of this unusual building is an Austrian architect and artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, who is also the creator of original buildings in the "natural", "ecological", "biomorphic" style.

According to Hundertwasser, you cannot live in identical houses that look like boxes: people suffer from this. Each tenant of his house, according to the architect, can lean out of the window and paint or somehow decorate the wall around him, not to mention the space inside the house. It is impossible not to agree with this wise architect!

5. UFO houses

These mysterious buildings are located Taiwan in the town of Sanji . In the late 1970s, a rubber corporation developed a prototype plate house. And already in 1978, the construction of a modern resort began, where American officers were to settle in the houses.

However, due to the energy crisis that occurred in 1980, the project was frozen. And the “plates” were taken by the bank on account of debts. In 1989, the plate town was bought out in order to transfer it to a five-star hotel.

A year after the transfer of the construction site and the resumption of construction, the project was closed again due to quarrels between investors and a series of deaths on the construction site ...

Due to frequent deaths and unidentified corpses found, the mysterious city of aliens has gained notoriety. Naturally, this scared off investors and local residents. On the other hand, mystical incidents began to attract foreign tourists who are fond of all kinds of devilry, photographers, directors. Subsequently, the town became a film set for Japanese horror films and clips that were filmed for MTV.

Truly, human thought is limitless, and the fantasies of artists have no limits! And most importantly, that it is embodied in reality and pleases, delights, surprises, shocks ...

In the city of Sopot, on Heroes Monte Cassino Street (Poland), one of the most unusual houses on the planet is located, it is called the Crooked House (in Polish - Krzywy Domek). Looking at it, one gets the impression that it either melted in the sun and twisted, or is it an optical illusion and this is not the house itself, but a reflection in a huge crooked mirror.

History of the Crooked House

The crooked house is really crooked and does not contain a single even place and corner, it was built in 2004 according to the project of two Polish architects Shotinsky and Zalevsky, impressed by the drawings of the artists Jan Marcin Schanzer and Per Oskar Dahlberg. The main task authors before the customer, who was shopping center"Resident", was the creation of such appearance buildings that would attract as many visitors as possible

During the construction of the house, the architects embodied many unusual and extraordinary ideas, thanks to which Krzywy Domek became world famous. In the design of the facade, the most different materials: from glass to stone, and the roof of enameled plates resembles the curved back of a dragon. Doors, windows, just like the walls of the building, are asymmetrical and intricately curved, creating the look of some kind of fairy-tale hut for the house.

Usable area of ​​the building

is about 4000 m? on which are located: on the ground floor - a shopping center, shops, a restaurant, a cafe, as well as a slot machine salon, on the second floor there are offices of local radio stations and several museums - the Maritime Museum and the Museum of Modern Crafts. On the third floor there are pubs and clubs for the entertainment of local youth, as well as visitors to the city. On the first floor, you can see a wall with many signatures, this is the Crooked House's own "Wall of Fame", it is an analogue of the Avenue of Stars in Hollywood, where celebrities who visited this institution sign.

Crooked House is open 24/7

During the day, a shopping center, cafes and other establishments are open, in the evening pubs and clubs begin to open and the house becomes even more beautiful in the dark. In 2009, the building was recognized as one of the seven wonders of the Tricity, which includes the cities of Gdynia, Gdansk and Sopot. And according to a recent poll by The Village of Joy, the Crooked House topped the list of the fifty most unusual buildings in the world.

This unusual and beautiful house can be found at the address: Sopot, Heroes of Monte Cassino street 53 (Bohaterow Monte Cassino 53). Tourists who come to Poland do not leave it without photos against the backdrop of the fabulous Crooked House (Krzywy Domek).

Human imagination is limitless, as is the desire to create and create masterpieces. It would seem that in modern world man has already ceased to be surprised at anything, because every day our world becomes more and more outlandish. However, the “miracles of architectural art” deserve special mention, which stand out against the background of gray skyscrapers in the vast jungle of the metropolis. This article is devoted to architectural "miracles".

1. Basket building, Ohio, USA

Looking at this building for the first time, you might think that a huge mushroom picker left his basket right on the street. But no, this is the main building of a company engaged in the production of wickerwork. The building is a one hundred and sixty times enlarged copy of a product manufactured by the company. One of the features of the building is that the giant "basket" expands from the bottom up, so its area below is five thousand square feet less than on the top floor. Despite the fact that the owner of the company, Dave Longaberg, was persistently urged to abandon the dubious idea, he entrusted the construction of the house to the architect with a big name, Nikolina Georgievsh, who was indescribably delighted with such an interesting project. Another important feature of this building is the presence of a seven-story atrium with a height of 3.3 thousand m2. The weight of the "basket" is 8.5 thousand tons, and the handles (weighing 150 tons) are heated in cold weather to prevent icing.

2. Antilia, Mumbai, India

Who lives in the most expensive house in the world? What does he look like? Why does one person need a 27-storey building? We can get answers to these questions from only one person - Mukesh Ambani. He is an Indian multimillionaire, the owner of the country's largest oil company and a Guinness World Record house. According to rumors, the mansion cost the millionaire $ 1 billion. It took more than 7 years to build the house, which is not surprising, because the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living space of the house is 37 thousand square meters. For the convenience of the owners, the building with a height of 173 meters has 9 elevators, 6 tiers of the house, including the basement floors, are allocated for parking for 168 places. Each of the 27 floors has a unique, exclusive design. Mukesh Ambani did not forget about safety - the 27-storey high-rise building is designed so that it is able to withstand earthquakes up to 8 points. "Antilia" - that's how this building was named after the mysterious island in the Atlantic Ocean - is located in Mumbai and is the most expensive private house in the world.

3. Lotus Temple, Delhi, India

Indian architecture can boast not only the home of an Indian oil tycoon. As you know, India is famous for a huge number of beautiful temples, and the pearl of the country can be called the “Lotus Temple”, located in Delhi. Its appearance was predicted several hundred thousand years ago, when the Mughal dynasty ruled in India. It was brought to life by the talented Iranian architect Fariborz Sahba. Surprising is the fact that inside the temple there are no luxury familiar to us, paintings, paintings, etc. Its shape is symbolic - the shape of a lotus, since this flower personifies something unearthly, sublime, pure, holy. Twenty-seven lotus petals made of white concrete are arranged in three rows, the outside of the building is lined with white marble.

The inner row is like an unopened bud; it forms the vault of the temple. Inside there is a hall with a diameter of 75 meters, designed for 1300 people. Around the "lotus" there is a huge number of ponds and lakes, which creates the illusion that this is really not a human creation, but something sublime, as if it is a real lotus floating in the water. Everything in this house of prayer is unique - even the ventilation system. Built according to the canons of ancient buildings, the building is never too hot or too cold - hot air exits through a hole in the dome, and cold air enters through pools and foundations. Another feature is that there is not a single straight line in the temple - only smooth, gentle curves.

4. The Crooked House, Sopot, Poland

Drawings by Polish artists Jan Marcin Schanzer and Per Dahlberg inspired the architect Jacek Karnowski to create such a truly unusual building. At the exhibition "Great Dreamers" it was awarded the title of "Architectural Fiction of the Year". The peculiarity of this building is that it has no right angles, it most of all resembles a reflection of a building frozen in ocean waves. You will not find a single straight line in it, its shape is so peculiar. Initially, this form of the house was intended to attract the attention of buyers and tourists, which, it should be noted, was entirely successful. Today "Humpback House" is one of the most popular shopping centers in Poland. Its extraordinary appearance and beautiful interior attract crowds of tourists, which makes even huge hypermarkets sigh with envy.

5. Skyscraper in Malmö, Sweden

Malmö is home to the tallest skyscraper in Scandinavia and the second tallest building in Europe. The appearance of the building is striking - it seems to be twisting, and its top goes into the very clouds. The idea of ​​constructing such an unusual building was based on Santiago Calatrava's "Twisting Torso" project, and this project was discovered almost by accident. In the city of Malmö, there was a task to build a "landmark" for its residents to replace the predecessor of the skyscraper - the Kockumskranen crane, which was very dear to the townspeople. Employees of one of the construction companies, leafing through catalogs, accidentally stumbled upon an amazing project and realized that this is exactly what they need. The skyscraper was built in record time - less than 4 years. The height of the skyscraper is 190 meters, the building has 54 floors. Since this house is mainly located in private apartments, it is not open to the general public.

AT city ​​of Sopot on the street of the Heroes of Monte Cassino ( Poland) one of the most unusual houses on the planet is located, it is called - crooked house(in Polish - Krzywy Domek). Looking at it, one gets the impression that it either melted in the sun and twisted, or is it an optical illusion and this is not the house itself, but a reflection in a huge crooked mirror.

crooked house is really crooked and does not contain a single even place and corner, it was built in 2004 according to the project of two Polish architects Shotinsky and Zalevsky, impressed by the drawings of the artists Jan Marcin Schanzer and Per Oskar Dahlberg. The main task of the authors before the customer, which was the Resident shopping center, was to create such an appearance of the building that would attract as many visitors as possible.

During the construction of the house, the architects embodied many unusual and extraordinary ideas, thanks to which Krzywy Domek became world famous. The facade is decorated with a variety of materials: from glass to stone, and the roof of enameled plates resembles the curved back of a dragon. Doors, windows, just like the walls of the building, are asymmetrical and intricately curved, creating the look of some kind of fairy-tale hut for the house.

The usable area of ​​the building is about 4000 m², on which there are: on the ground floor - a shopping center, shops, a restaurant, a cafe, as well as a slot machine salon, on the second floor there are offices of local radio stations and several museums - the Maritime Museum and the Museum of Modern Crafts. On the third floor there are pubs and clubs for the entertainment of local youth, as well as visitors to the city. On the first floor, you can see a wall with many signatures, this is the Crooked House's own "Wall of Fame", it is an analogue of the Avenue of Stars in Hollywood, where celebrities who visited this institution sign.

crooked house it works around the clock, during the day a shopping center, cafes and other establishments are open, in the evening pubs and clubs begin to open and the house becomes even more beautiful in the dark. In 2009, the building was recognized as one of the seven wonders of the Tricity, which includes the cities of Gdynia, Gdansk and Sopot. And according to a recent poll by The Village of Joy, the Crooked House topped the list of the fifty most unusual buildings in the world.

This unusual and beautiful house can be found at the address: Sopot, Heroes of Monte Cassino street 53 (Bohaterów Monte Cassino 53). Tourists who come to Poland do not leave it without photographs against the backdrop of a fabulous Crooked house (Krzywy Domek).

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