What does a helpline do? Why is there a “Helpline”? material on the topic

21 Feb 2015

What is a helpline?

One of the most popular services of social significance is helpline. Its goal is anonymous counseling by qualified specialists via telephone conversation.

In addition to the fact that the subscriber is given the opportunity to obtain the necessary information from the consultant or report important information, he can also be provided with psychological support. Most often, helpline service specialists provide assistance in complex, controversial issues that may cause difficulties in a personal conversation, for example:

  • health status, possible diseases;
  • interpersonal relationships;
  • illegal actions;
  • various types of addictions (drug, alcohol);
  • sexual relations.

Why do you need a helpline?

This is a service that has established quality standards and adherence to them is an important condition for the work of consultants. Each person, if necessary, can receive qualified help or practical advice in resolving an issue of concern, and coordinates of other services. In this case, the subscriber has the right to count on anonymity.

The principle of confidentiality.

The helpline service guarantees complete confidentiality to clients, so employees are prohibited from disclosing information provided to them, either general information (age or gender) or any other information obtained during the conversation. Discussion of an incoming call with employees of the same organization is possible only on its territory and for advisory purposes.

Anonymity for service employees.

In order to completely protect the work of consultants, they are prohibited from providing their personal information to the caller. Helpline service specialists are not allowed to share personal experiences with the subscriber or disclose their address or real name. The conversation should focus on the caller's problem and possible solutions to it.

Filling the need for an interlocutor.

The main ability that all trust service consultants have is listening skills, moreover, they help the subscriber speak and formulate thoughts. The art of listening is not so simple, so specialists master it at a professional level. It is very important during a conversation to treat the caller with an open mind, without judgment or attempts to make a “diagnosis”. The outcome of the consultation largely depends on this.

Find a solution.

A person in a state of psychological crisis is characterized by a feeling of hopelessness, indecision and fear of active action. Therefore, after discussing the subscriber’s problem, the consultant should help find a solution. The important thing is that the specialist cannot insist on something or lecture the client. On the contrary, he provides as many possible options for exiting a critical situation, while indicating all their advantages and disadvantages.

Communication with other services.

The helpline is the primary point of contact for a person who needs help and support. But it often happens that some of the subscribers’ questions are beyond the competence of the service staff, so they can provide up-to-date information about other organizations providing medical, social or psychological services.

Limitations in the provision of services.

Due to its characteristics, the helpline service has some limitations in the provision of services. Most often, they are associated precisely with the fact of the lack of individual contact between the consultant and the contacting subscriber.

A very important rule in the work of helpline service consultants is the prohibition on providing specific advice. A specialist can share information, listen, help formulate thoughts, but conclusions and decisions must be up to the subscriber. After all, be that as it may, the person himself is much more interested in finding an adequate way out of a critical situation. In addition, making any decisions can be fateful, so only the client can be held responsible for his actions.

Psychotherapy and diagnosis.

It is very important to understand that a helpline specialist cannot provide full psychotherapeutic assistance during a conversation, because psychotherapeutic counseling itself is a long process that requires face-to-face contact with the client. But in general, thanks to this service, you can determine whether there is a need to contact a qualified psychologist. During telephone conversation diagnosis cannot be made or treatment prescribed.

A big drawback of all helpline services is the frequent failure to comply with the basic principles of counseling by employees. This happens due to rapid professional burnout. Therefore, sometimes you can meet an incompetent and indifferent specialist.

Be that as it may, asking for help is the first step towards solving an existing problem, and helplines, thanks to their activities, greatly facilitate this.







Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the BRYANSK REGION

74 – 20 –– 72 – 66

MO MIA OF RUSSIA Klintsovsky "OP Gordeevskoe"

2 – 12 – 02

Get information on issues that concern you;

Provide information to a specialist (about the fact of abuse).

The Children's Helpline is often used for counseling on complex topics that might be difficult to discuss in a personal conversation: interpersonal relationships, drug use, crime, etc.

Operating principles of the Helpline service





Each caller has the right not to give his first and last name or can choose a pseudonym.

And he can also be sure that the conversation will remain strictly between him and the specialist. Therefore, you can trust your interlocutor completely, and this, in turn, makes the consultation more effective and allows you to find The best decision Problems.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/081/images/image009_10.jpg" alt="http://*****/foto/00250.jpg" align="left" width="236" height="221 src=">!} Help available: throughout the day, twenty-four hours a day, we are ready to listen to you and provide advice. Don’t think that you can disturb a consultant with a late-night call; every call is important to us.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/081/images/image011_23.gif" align="left" width="222 height=191" height="191">

Helpline needed in order to:

  • provide assistance in resolving difficulties such as: conflicts with parents and at school, educational and personal problems, etc.;
  • support teenagers and parents in resolving conflict situations;
  • inform about ways and means of overcoming life's difficulties;
  • help reduce people’s internal tension, develop their ability to understand and manage their condition.

What's stopping you from calling?

There are various reasons for this, let's look at some of them .

No clear idea about the profession and work of psychologists

So who is a psychologist, what do psychologists do and how can they help?

Often people do not see the difference between psychology and psychiatry. But it exists, and it is very significant. The science of psychiatry deals with the study of various mental illnesses: depression, anxiety, neuroses, etc. A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats diseases with medications.

The main difference between psychology and psychiatry is that psychiatry deals with various disorders, deviations from the natural functioning of the psyche and treats them, while psychology helps a person with a healthy psyche decide on various problematic everyday situations, gives answers to questions about what to do and what to do do next.

Don't know what problems psychologists advise

There are quite a lot of problems with which teenagers turn to a consultant over the phone. Here are some of them:

  • relationships with peers;
  • problems in relationships between children and parents;
  • childhood fears;
  • learning difficulties;
  • process of experiencing trauma;
  • addiction problems computer games, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.;
  • violations of children's rights (including in cases of violence);
  • conflicts in educational institutions.

Do you think that your problems better to share with friends

Of course, it’s good to have friends who are ready to listen and support you in difficult situations.

When something hurts, your loved ones are ready to help you with advice on how to relieve the pain. Their prescriptions can really help you, but it’s still better to consult a doctor. In the case of personal problems, close people can also help you with advice, but parents may not always be nearby. Then you can contact a psychologist.

There are some personal experiences that you would not want to share with family or friends for one reason or another. For example, you won't always discuss your family problems with your friends. But it bothers you sometimes.

Are you afraid that you won't be understood?

Perhaps there were situations in your life when, sharing your problems with loved ones, you expected support and understanding, but instead they began to evaluate your actions and reproach you. The helpline consultant is ready to accept you as you are. He will never judge, he will listen, and together you will think about what to do next. If further assistance is needed to resolve your situation, we are ready to provide it to you as much as necessary, or we will recommend which specialists you can contact.

How to decide to dial phone number and tell about the secret to a complete stranger?

In such cases, the most important thing is to decide to call and, hearing the consultant’s voice, say hello... Then there are several options. You can directly talk about what is bothering you. Or, on behalf of your friend (girlfriend), you can retell the situation as if it happened to someone else, and you are simply supporting your friend and helping him.

The helpline does not promise its subscribers instant relief from troubles, although when someone shares the burden with you, it does become easier. By contacting the helpline, you will learn to take responsibility for your actions and decisions and find an acceptable way out of a difficult situation.

We are always ready to provide qualified assistance. A specialist will help you understand yourself and find the most the best option solving a pressing problem. Our phone number is 53-6-26-10. Call. We are waiting for your calls.

Svetlana, helpline consultant

What is useful to know about the social and psychological assistance service


    What is a Helpline?

The history of telephone psychological support services dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century, when in 1906 the American pastor Warren organized a league in New York, the purpose of which was to provide moral support by telephone.

In 1953, English priest Chad Wara, founder of the Samaritans volunteer movement - a society for helping those who need help - creates a friendly helpline for people at risk of suicide.

In 1964, a voluntary telephone helpline service was organized in Czechoslovakia, and in 1967 - in Poland. It is then that the name for such services arises - “Helpline”.

In Russia, Helplines appeared for the first time in 1981 and were initially created as medical and psychological services to prevent suicide. However, it gradually became clear that people turn to Helplines not only on the threshold of a choice between life and death, but also when they are experiencing love problems, when they need to make a vital decision, when conflicts occur in the family and at work, when they want to get out of a vicious circle repeated failures, etc.

By 1991, 25 Helplines were officially registered in Russia. And in the same year, the Russian Association of Psychological Emergency Telephones (RATEPP) was established. Call the Helpline from landlines free.

the main objective Helpline services - providing psychological assistance to citizens regardless of their social status, strengthening psychological health and an atmosphere of psychological security of the population, incl. children and teenagers.

To achieve this, each Helpline service performs the following main tasks:

    provides each applicant with a confidential dialogue;

    helps subscribers “gather” their creative, spiritual, physical and mental strength to get out of a crisis;

    expands the range of acceptable means for subscribers to independently solve problems and overcome existing difficulties, strengthens self-confidence;

    provides psychological support when experiencing a crisis, as well as during its prevention and rehabilitation after a crisis;

    informs citizens where and how, in addition to calling the Helpline, they can receive psychological help in resolving their problem.

The main way in which the tasks of the Helpline service are carried out is through psychological counseling over the phone.

2. What are the operating conditions of the Helpline?

    Anonymity – a client who has applied for psychological help to the Helpline is not obliged to give his name, place of residence and other information that, in his opinion, is not relevant to the case.

    Confidentiality – a Hotline subscriber can be sure that any information told by the client about himself or his loved ones will not be made public and will not be transferred to third parties.

    Unconditional customer acceptance – in a conversation with a subscriber, Helpline employees always proceed from the fact that a person has the right to be who he is. A client who seeks psychological help will not be judged, criticized or taught how to live.

    Confidential nature of the conversation - the client’s sincerity and his trust in the consultant is the guarantee that during the conversation the subscriber will determine the reasons for his difficulties and specific steps to overcome them.

    In what cases do you call the Helpline?


    You feel that worries, doubts and mental pain have become too frequent guests in your life lately.

    Something has happened in your life that cannot be changed, and you do not know how to accept it.

    The world seems hostile, and people do not understand and reject you.

    Relationships with people only bring you disappointment and pain.

    Conflicts and failures are repeated, you do not know how to get out of the “vicious circle”.

    You have no one with whom to discuss your problems, the difficult situation that has developed in your life - we cannot always count on the understanding of even the closest people (parents, friends, etc.).

4. Do I need to prepare for a call to the Helpline?

There is no need to prepare at all for calling the Helpline. Just dial the phone number and tell us what you are experiencing and your problem.

When the psychologist picks up the phone:

    Say hello and make sure that you have reached the Helpline.

    If you consider it necessary, state your name.

    State the purpose of your call. For example: “I have a problem, I would like to figure it out.”

    Listen to the consultant's agreement. For example: “Yes, of course, I’m listening to you.”

    Start by stating the essence of your problem.

    The consultant will ask questions that are best answered sincerely.

    And then you will analyze and think together about how best to solve the problem.

Remember, that:

You have about an hour left, so try to keep it to the point.

If during the first conversation it was not possible to identify ways to solve the problem, discuss the date and approximate time of the next call to continue the conversation.

Call if:

    You need help, support and understanding.

    You feel that worries and doubts have become frequent guests in your life lately.

    Difficulties seem insurmountable to you, and you experience helplessness and despair.

    Something has happened in your life that cannot be changed, and you don’t know what to do.

    Relationships with people only bring disappointment and pain.

    Life seems meaningless to you.

Young friend,

you have a difficult life situation, or you ask yourself the question:

how to cope with problems, how to survive loneliness, jealousy,

loss of a loved one, get rid of shame or fear?

We are waiting and ready to help you!

all-Russian children's phone trust:

8 800 2000 122



around the clock

You're a teenager!
Does your problem seem unsolvable?
You experience mental pain, melancholy, resentment, hopelessness.
Don't know where and who to turn to for help?
Call the emergency psychological helpline
2-20-03 - commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights (Volgina Lyudmila Leonidovna)

3-05-99 - Agency for Family and Children of the Republic of Tyva (Khovalyg Natalya Kuske – Karaevna)
3-23-47 - department of guardianship and trusteeship (Andalaeva Larisa Serenovna)
02, 3-47-85 - City Department of Internal Affairs of Kyzyl (Kuular Timur Borisovich).
2 – 34-04 – State state-financed organization Republic of Tuva Republican Center for Social Support of Family and Children

(Ondar Ilya Kylyn-oolovich)
2 – 42-55 – Department for social protection population in Kyzyl at the City Hall, Department for Family and Children Affairs (Tumat Rolyana Kongarovna)

5-33-16 - State budgetary institution of the Republic of Tyva Center social assistance family and children in Kyzyl (Sendazhi Ruslana Nikolaevna)

Every day, around the clock and professional psychologists helpline We are ready to help you understand a difficult life situation, advise you on relationships with peers and parents, on purely intimate issues, problems of AIDS and drug addiction.
Call and they will definitely help you!
The call is anonymous and confidential

Remember: hopeless situations can not be!

Hello! Helpline speaks!

I want to talk about what communication via the Helpline is. On one side of the invisible line of communication there is a person with his misfortune, on the other side there is a psychologist-consultant. Any communication, including over the phone with a psychologist, is a meeting of two people. If we reduce all cases of calls to TD to one capacious formula, then we can say this: a person calls the Helpline so that he can be listened to, so that someone will be nearby, be involved in his trouble, so that someone will help him gain strength and courage to cope with a problem.

As in any other Meeting, it is very important that people are open to each other and are sincere, trust and feel safe. The psychological service "Helpline" guarantees anonymity and confidentiality of communication - that's what security we're talking about. What about trust? Who do we trust with our confession?

Higher education and training special program“Psychological counseling by telephone” is an indispensable condition for working in the Helpline team. The basis of any serious business is a scientific theory, which determines the future directions for the development of practical activities. The theoretical foundations of psychological counseling over the telephone were laid by the American psychotherapist Carl Rogers, the founder of the humanistic movement in psychology. Translated from the language of science into the language of ordinary communication, the essence of the methods of humanistic psychology can be described as follows:

every person is unique;

the person himself has the necessary resources to solve any problem;

a psychologist can help open them;

In the work of a psychologist, goodwill, acceptance, or, more precisely, ACCEPTANCE of another person, no matter how different he may be, are important.

A TD consultant can be a person who has the personal qualities and professional training appropriate for this work. Tactfulness, flexibility, patience, desire for development and self-improvement, observation, attentiveness, responsibility, goodwill, good health and a sense of humor are required.

If, let’s assume that you have all this with you, and you decide to go to consultants for a TD, then keep in mind that they won’t take your word for it, but they will check you and how! After the interview and testing, your opinion about yourself may change. You must be prepared for the fact that before you help others, it is quite possible that you need to help yourself. In short, the Helpline is friendly, strict and fair.

The Helpline operates 24 hours a day.

Initially, TD was focused on working with teenagers and young people, but now almost everyone turns to us: teenagers, their parents, young people, older people.

We accept all calls!

It is important to understand that a psychological consultant will not replace a close friend, even if you call him many times every day. The Helpline consultant is not a magician; he will not wave a magic wand so that everything becomes clear, simple and easy in one second. He will not get you ready-made advice and answers for all occasions from a big bag. If you remove doubts and illusions, what will remain in the “bottom line”? The caller to the Helpline does important step: from his thoughts he moves on to talking about himself and the problem out loud. Communication with a TD consultant helps to talk about what worries a person and helps reduce anxiety, anxiety, and fear. It is live communication that pushes a person first to analyze and then to understand what is happening. Understanding the situation, in turn, opens up options for overcoming the crisis.

Helpline 8 800 2000 122

Emergency psychological assistance to anyone who finds themselves in a difficult life situation and wants to find understanding and support. Around the clock. Anonymously. For free.

Started work in the Republic of Tuva
(emergency psychological assistance service)
with a single all-Russian number


or 6-28-19

The activity of the Helpline is to provide children and their parents (persons in their stead) with emergency counseling and psychological assistance by telephone, including in cases of abuse and violence against children, including cases of sexual violence, both within the family and outside it.
Consultations are conducted by psychologists of the highest category, specializing in working with families and children.
The helpline is open every day, seven days a week, around the clock, anonymously, free for landline and mobile phones on the territory of the Republic of Tyva

In the life of any person, situations can occur when he is left alone with his difficulties, which seem unbearable, while his consciousness does not see a way out of the current situation. A helpline number is sometimes the only opportunity that gives hope that everything will work out.

What is a helpline?

A helpline is one of the most significant social services for the population, providing support in the form of psychological assistance, and depending on the problem, a specialist can switch a person to talk with a law enforcement officer, medical specialist or social worker. Why do you need a helpline? Social experience shows that a person does not always have close people next to him, sometimes a person is generally lonely for a number of reasons, and the situation that has developed with him can threaten his existence.

Helpline - history

Today, the helpline is a very developed and constantly improving structure that provides various types of social support. The history of the service dates back to the 50s. 20th century, when the priest of the Clemenswood Baptist Church in Yalford, Peter West, together with a colleague from London, also a priest, Chad Vara, organized a telephone help service for people on the verge. None of the saints expected the flurry of calls that would fall on them like an avalanche - there were a lot of sufferers.

Ten years later, in 1963 in Australia, the head of the Central Methodist line, Alan Walker, organized a helpline and helpline, called Lifeline, which over time became a worldwide network, including 200 support centers in 12 countries. Serving people is based on Christian principles, and the motto is: “Help is as close as the telephone.” Thanks to Life Line and similar organizations, millions of people have been supported and attempts to commit suicide have been prevented.

Around the world, the helpline provides 24/7 emergency assistance people in difficult situations in different countries, names telephone service bears his name:

  • "Crisis Lines" (USA);
  • "Hope" (Spain);
  • "Spiritual help" (Germany);
  • “Outstretched Hand” (Switzerland);
  • “Helpline” (Russia).

What is regulated by the helpline?

What document regulates the helpline? The public telephone assistance service is regulated by regulatory legal acts of international and Russian legislation:

  • UN Convention on Human Rights;
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
  • World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children;
  • Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”;
  • International Code of Ethics for Psychologist.

How does the helpline work?

Why do you need a helpline - those for whom everything in life is clear, calm and measured are unlikely to ask these questions, but those for whom the dark streak of life has knocked the ground out from under their feet and they have no other option than to dial the number rescue service experienced for themselves what it means to provide timely support, even to a stranger on the other end of the line. Specialists undergo careful selection, attend various trainings, and constantly learn new methods of consulting and providing emergency service. Skills that a helpline specialist should have:

  • listening skills;
  • (empathy);
  • the ability to ask open questions.

During a telephone conversation, the specialist:

  • acts anonymously, under a pseudonym, and the location of the helpline service is also classified - all this is thought out for the safety of service workers;
  • reminds the person asking for help that the call is confidential and anonymous, this increases the level of trust;
  • redirects or connects a person to the helpline that is more relevant for him at the moment;
  • applies psychological techniques to reduce aggression in unbalanced people and stabilize the psycho-emotional background;
  • suggests calling help in severe cases.

Helpline – psychological help

Helpline - psychological assistance is provided free of charge, without exception, for everyone: both adults and children. Help is organized in such a way that during a call to single number The region from which the call was made is determined and redirected to the helpline specialists of this region. Emergency psychological assistance will be provided immediately, so in any situation the main thing is not to give up and take advantage of this opportunity. They will also treat you with all seriousness and readiness to help. small child, both teenagers and adults.

Helpline for children

Helpline - psychological help for children, the service has been successfully operating since 2010. Helpline for children and adolescents in the Russian Federation - 8 800 2000 122 - service specialists help in various situations. What is considered a mere trifle, an annoying accident for an adult, for a child can look dangerous, frightening and insoluble, because children do not have much life experience and cannot cope with many things on their own. What problems and emotional experiences do children call the helpline with:

  • quarrel with parents;
  • violence in family;
  • sexual harassment;
  • the child is left alone at home and is scared, afraid to fall asleep or afraid of the dark;
  • the child has encountered some problem that he cannot tell his parents about because of shame or punishment.

Helpline for teenagers

Adolescence is a difficult test for a person, no longer a child, but not yet an adult; a hormonal storm gives rise to bursts of impulsiveness, aggression or, on the contrary, tearfulness, feelings of misunderstanding by others and an increase in depression and emptiness. All over the world, the anonymous helpline has already helped more than one thousand teenagers and experts have prevented a large number of suicide attempts. What problems do the younger generation most often face?

  • unrequited love;
  • misunderstanding or indifference of parents;
  • physical and sexual abuse at school or at home;
  • peer bullying();
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • problem of communicating with peers due to shyness, physical defect;
  • early sexual intercourse and the ensuing consequences that are scary to discuss with parents (sexually transmitted diseases, possible pregnancy).

Helpline for women

Women are patient creatures, even in cases where silence and patience can turn into a real tragedy; female stereotypes that “they don’t wash dirty linen in public” and “hitting means loving” are very indicative here. Such women generally behave “quieter than water, lower than the grass.” Helpline for women subjected to domestic violence 8 800 7000 600. During violence, a woman’s will is suppressed and bodily harm is caused. It is important to realize that the husband is unlikely to improve; the beating will be systematic.

A call to the helpline can be the first step towards freedom from violence; a specialist will support and tell you how to properly contact law enforcement agencies and what is needed for this. For women who find themselves in a difficult situation, when there is nowhere to go from a despot husband, while she still has a small child or is pregnant, specialists have a list and numbers of organizations where victims of violence will be provided with shelter and the opportunity to earn money.

Health Helpline

Helpline medical care– this service is somewhat different from the anonymous psychological service and is more designed to ensure proper quality medical services and preventing patient neglect. If a person was provided with inadequate assistance or was treated harshly by medical personnel, or it is important to find out your rights to provide a particular type of medical assistance, you can contact the healthcare trust service at your place of residence.

Drug addiction helpline

A drug helpline for adults is a telephone consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist who will answer all questions and advise on what you need to pay attention to in order to understand whether a child or adult is taking drugs or not. The drug addiction helpline also provides support in the following matters:

  • need help in deciding on registration, hospitalization, and treatment;
  • a loved one (husband, friend, child) needs the help of a drug addiction specialist, but you don’t want to make it public;
  • a family member of an addict needs psychological support, because this struggle for health and return to normal life takes all the strength;
  • the person realized that he could no longer get out of drug and alcohol addiction on his own.

Helpline work

The helpline - psychological assistance to adults and children - is a socially significant service, but the specialists themselves sometimes feel empty, and they have periods of feeling their uselessness and the futility of the work they do, especially if the person calling carries out the intention to commit suicide. Professional burnout is a common occurrence here, and rare specialists have been working in this service for many years - they are nameless, but they have saved many destinies.
