Emergency ambulance call. How to call an ambulance? How to call medical help from Megafon

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone? and got the best answer

Answer from Killer - 78™[guru]
Calling emergency services from MTS phones
010 - Call fire department
020 - Call the police
030 - Call an ambulance
040 - Call the gas service
Calling emergency services from MEGAFON cell phones
010 - Call the fire department
020 - Call the police
030 - Call an ambulance
040 - Call emergency gas service
Calling emergency services from U-tel
010 - Call the fire department and rescuers
020 - Call the police
030 - Call an ambulance
040 - Call the gas service
Calling from Beeline phones
001 - Fire protection
002 - Call the police
003 - Calling an ambulance
004 - Call the gas service
Challenge with Motive
901 - Fire protection
902 - Police
903 - Call an ambulance
904 - Call gas emergency service
Calling from Sky-Link phones
901 - Fire protection
902 - Police
903 - Ambulance
904 - Gas service
Calling from TELE2 phones
Dial directly 01 (rescue service, fire service), 02 (police service, Anti-Terror service), 03 (Emergency medical service) or 04 ( emergency service gas network). If the telephone set of a TELE2 subscriber, the site warns, does not support dialing numbers consisting of two digits, when calling emergency services, after the service number you must dial the sign * - for example, 01*, 02*, 03* or 04*.
Also for emergency call special services number 112.
Calling from number 112 is possible
- if there are no funds in your account;
- when the SIM card is blocked;
- in the absence of a phone SIM card;
The call is free and is possible with a locked SIM card, and even if there is no SIM card in the device mobile phone. The telephone numbers for these services are valid for all regions of the Russian Federation.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to call an ambulance from a cell phone?

And other emergency services do not pose any difficulties for cell phone owners. In order to promptly help your loved one who is in a critical situation, you need to know how to call an ambulance from your mobile phone.

Everyone knows perfectly well how to call the emergency room since Soviet times. Set of simple numbers 03 allows you to quickly connect with the dispatcher and transfer a call to a medical team. But today there are several telecommunications companies operating in Russia (Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2, and these are just the largest representatives), and they all have their own numbers for emergency calls. And they must be firmly remembered, because human life depends on it.

The easiest way to call an ambulance is to try dialing the combination 03* (numbers zero, three and an asterisk).

And about the current numbers intended for calling doctors to subscribers different operators, you can find out below.

In Russia

All Russian mobile operators have introduced 3-digit numbers that can be used to call ambulance by mobile phone:

On some older phone models that do not support speed dialing, you will need to add an asterisk at the end of the number. Like this: 103*. All companies do not charge their subscribers for such calls. Alternatively, you can use the number

Single to call any emergency service. Everyone knows the American 911 rescue service, so the number indicated above is a similar service.

Calls to a single number are possible even if the money in your personal account has run out, your cell phone does not have a SIM card or it is inactive. When you call 112, the signal is sent to a satellite, which finds the nearest ambulance station to the subscriber. Next, a connection occurs with the dispatcher of this point. This operating principle allows you to call the necessary specialists as quickly as possible.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone abroad?

To call rescue services in the European Union, you should use a single number 112. It also operates in Ukraine and Belarus. In these countries, as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Mongolia, the number 103 is used to call an ambulance. In other countries, the ambulance is called by the following numbers:

  • - Bulgaria;
  • - Georgia;
  • - Poland;
  • - Croatia;
  • - Hungary;
  • - Moldova;
  • - Romania;
  • - Czech Republic;
  • - USA, Canada (a single number is also used here);
  • - Iran;
  • - Japan, Korea;
  • - Israel;
  • - Afghanistan.

How to call an ambulance correctly?

Which allow you to call an ambulance from your mobile phone, you also need to know how to act correctly so that help arrives as quickly as possible. First of all, you need to report the gender and approximate age of the victim. If several people need help, you need to indicate their number. It should be remembered that each outfit is designed for only 1 victim.

If the incident happened at home, you must indicate the address, entrance and intercom number. If the exact address cannot be specified, landmarks should be provided. You also need to tell who the person who called the team is and provide your phone number. To later quickly find out about the fate of the victim, you can write down the brigade number.

How to call an ambulance from MTS - information that every citizen should know. Life safety and the value of health are always a priority for a conscientious citizen, but when you feel unwell or a disaster occurs, it is very important to promptly provide first aid. And life often depends on how quickly medical advice is provided. In any case, in emergency situations we are often seized by panic, we forget all the numbers and don’t know what to do. But the code for calling a medical carriage must be made automatic so that a person can react under any circumstances.

The permanent emergency number is 103. Regarding the tariffs for such calls, we note that calls to emergency services of law enforcement agencies, firefighters, medical or emergency gas services are always free and from any operator.

Emergency calls:

Call an ambulance from MTS from your mobile:

  • free for subscribers from Megafon, Beeline, Yota;
  • possible only on 103;
  • real, even if the account has a negative balance.

When dialing 103, you need to clearly and without panic state the problem you are facing, your name and location. If you don't know the address, pay attention to local landmarks.

Attention! The two-digit combinations that existed before (01, 02, 03, 04) are no longer functional as of 2020! You won't call doctors using them.

Alternative methods of communication

In the territory Russian Federation There is an alternative call to the rescue service - 112 for mobile and landline. This is an analogue of the emergency rescue site 911, which is also actively functioning. Calls to such numbers are available even from a phone without a SIM card, and from a blocked card. 112 line specialists, in turn, will connect you with the appropriate special service to resolve the problem.

Note that in the Russian Federation, false calls to subscribers are criminally punishable. Thus, for a deliberately untruthful call to the emergency room, the violator will pay a fine in the amount of 1 thousand to 1.5 thousand rubles. Besides. the hooligan will be sent to 100 hours of correctional labor. Statistics show that for every hundred in Russia there are 4 false calls.

Calling an ambulance from an MTS mobile phone is possible around the clock and at any location of the subscriber. The only requirement is the minimum level cellular network.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, every person located on the territory of the country has the right to free emergency medical care, which must be provided without presenting documents or even a medical insurance policy. If necessary, you can call an ambulance and call a medical team. We use phone number 03 for everyone, but it’s better to use it when you have a non-movable unit at hand. How to correctly call an ambulance from a mobile phone while, say, in Moscow?


1. The numbers you need to call emergency support from a mobile phone are different for different operators cellular communications. To call an ambulance, MTS and Megafon subscribers need to dial 030, Beeline network subscribers - 003, Sky Link - 903. These numbers must be known to everyone, because calling an ambulance from a mobile phone at number 03 may not give the necessary result - some mobile phones do not support a set of numbers consisting of 2 digits.

2. Remember also that loudspeakers from mobile phones of all types mobile operator calls to emergency numbers (ambulance, police, fire and rescue, emergency gas service) are free. You can complete them even with a zero balance.

3. In addition to the above numbers, you can also use the integral emergency number - 112. You can call this number if your SIM card is blocked, or if it is not there at all, as well as with a zero or negative balance.

4. Calling an ambulance correctly can reduce your wait time and, perhaps, save the life of the victim. Be diligent in conveying information to the operator as clearly and clearly as possible. You will be strictly asked certain questions, which will take some time, therefore, if the situation is truly extreme, and there are several victims, it is worth informing about this immediately, without waiting for the question. In addition, in the most serious cases, you can immediately call rescuers (01 from the city, 010 - MTS and Megafon, 001 - Beeline, 901 - Sky Link), they will call the ambulance themselves.

5. In large cities, the waiting time for an ambulance should not be more than 20 minutes. In small settlements there is no such exact figure, but support should be provided immediately. If you are suddenly and unfairly denied an ambulance, immediately notify the police.

Calling ambulance and other emergency services is carried out using numbers specially prepared for this purpose. You can also use a single number, available for use anywhere in the country.


1. On the official website of your mobile operator, find out the emergency numbers in your area. region. You can also get such information from various booklets, operator billboards, from the help SMS messages you receive, from the SIM card quick access menu, by creating a USSD request, and so on. This method of calling an ambulance is usually suitable if you use a cellular network operator with special settings, because traditionally the emergency call numbers are identical for most of them.

2. If you are in the region or any other place remote from your tower mobile operator, where the signal level is quite low, to call an ambulance from a mobile phone, use the solid number 112. You can also use this number if your phone does not have a SIM card. Also, with a minimum signal level, you can call 911. In the auto-answer system, select option 3 - call an ambulance, after which you will be connected with an operator.

3. Use local numbers to call an ambulance when you are in the area. To do this, use the dialing rules. First enter the plus sign, then write the code of your country and city (region). Enter your local emergency phone number and wait for the operator to respond. Later, state your location and provide information about the reason for the loud noise.

4. When calling an ambulance in this way, you need to consider the level of the received signal at your location, since these numbers are not emergency for contacting the service using a mobile phone. Tasks may also appear when entering a landline phone number in the region. In this case, consider that the area code may be different.

Helpful advice
It is better for everyone to use number 112.

Tip 3: How to call emergency support from your mobile phone

Until recently, there was an exclusive method to call ambulance medical help– dial 03 from any landline phone or payphone. Now the situation has changed somewhat. The emergency dialing service has become available from any mobile phone, and for free (according to the Law of the Russian Federation). But the task, as practice shows, lies elsewhere - not all subscribers of cellular operators know how to call an ambulance from their mobile phone.


1. Due to the fact that the GSM standard requires a set of at least 3 digits to make a call, it is unthinkable to call the usual two-digit numbers. In order to correct this problem, emergency call workers are diligently conducting “educational education” among the population, which in the future will help save more than one life.

2. The entire operator has defined its standard for calling an ambulance: MTC, Megafon, U-Tel, Tele2 – 030; Beeline - 003 or 030; Motive, Sky-Link - 903. It is incomprehensible why operators do not enter these numbers into the memory of SIM cards along with the numbers of their entertainment portals and service centers.

3. You should also be aware of the existence of a complete dispatch center - number 112 - where you can contact in any skeptical situation that threatens the life and health of citizens. The dispatcher will listen to you and contact the necessary service, including medical.

4. Remember that this same number – 112 – is the same number for calling all emergency services in the European Union. And the European Commission is no less concerned about the low awareness of its citizens about the existence of this service.

5. The main thing is that you can call 112 for free, and even if there is no money in your account, the SIM card is blocked or there is no SIM card at all.

6. And you can call the 911 rescue service from a locked phone.

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The first thing you need to do, first of all, is to provide first support to the victim and immediately call an ambulance! There is free emergency medical care throughout the entire city of our country. Anyone can call an ambulance. The one-piece telephone number for free ambulance in Russia is 03.

Helpful advice
It is often necessary to call a doctor in an unusual situation, when a decision must be made instantly, and the cost of delay can be a human life. No matter how unusual, but often the time of arrival of an ambulance depends on how correct and complete information the applicant was able to provide. Let's figure out how to positively call an ambulance.

In an emergency situation, you may need to call a mobile phone police(or rather, to the police), tea may not always have a non-movable phone at hand. Subscribers of the Megafon network are likely to connect with services emergency assistance even in such cases when the phone number is blocked for non-payment or a SIM card is not inserted into the phone.


1. Option 1 is the easiest: you type short number, in the well-known version: Fire department - 01 Militia (police) - 02 Ambulance support - 03 Gas service - 04 However, let’s assume that the model of your mobile phone may not establish a connection with short numbers. In this case, you need to dial 0 after the same number: Fire department - 010 Police - 020 Ambulance - 030 Gas service - 040

2. Another method is to easily remember the Emergency number - 112. When calling this number you will hear an answering machine message about the next set to connect to the emergency number. So, in order to connect: with the fire service, press key 1; with the police (police), press key 2; with the ambulance service, press key 3; with the gas service - press key 4. After pressing the selected key, a connection to the desired service occurs.

Tip 5: How to call emergency support from a cell phone

Operators mobile communications provide their subscribers with numbers that can be used at any time to call an ambulance, as well as any other emergency service. Occasionally there are several such numbers; and it happens that not only numbers are available to the customer, but also services.


1. The MTS operator has a short and free number for calling an ambulance: 030. There are other numbers that can help you out in difficult situations - these are the numbers of the integral rescue service (112), police (020), emergency rescue service (010 ), as well as gas services 040.

2. Beeline also provides its customers with free emergency numbers to call an ambulance (dial 003 and the call key), fire brigade (001), police (002) and gas emergency service (004); The complete emergency number is 112.

3. The mobile operator Megafon provides a service for this occasion, however, a fee of 67 rubles (including VAT) is charged for its use. This service is called “Mobile Secretary” and it organizes a whole range of various reference and consulting services. In order to use the service, dial the number 0999. Using this number you can call the rescue service, the police, ambulance help, emergency service. In addition, you can get the address of the nearest emergency room, the nearest clinic or pharmacy.

In order to provide help the victim, occasionally has to call “ ambulance help“. In order for doctors to reach the patient faster and be able to provide the necessary help, you need to provide the dispatcher with all the necessary information.


1. Before calling “ ambulance“, make sure you know exactly where the victim is. Find out the name of the street and house number (if the person is not in the apartment) - this will save valuable time, and you will immediately be able to explain to the dispatcher how to get to the patient.

2. Call emergency services. The one-piece telephone number for every Russia is 03. If you are calling from a mobile phone, dial 003 (for the Beeline mobile operator) or 030 (for MTS and Megafon operators). You can also call 112 - this is a multi-channel phone that will connect you with doctors. Please note: this number works even if the phone has insufficient funds, or if the SIM card is missing or blocked. If you need to call doctors and the police immediately, call the police (don’t forget to inform the victim about the claims) - ambulance help they will call.

3. It will be cooler if you think through the results to the dispatcher’s questions in advance. They are primitive (they will strictly ask you about the patient’s age, his claims, the call address and ask for a telephone number where you can be contacted if necessary), but an unprepared person may get confused. Answer the question clearly, do not engage in speculation or make assumptions if you do not have a medical education. If a person cannot step on his foot, he should answer this way, and not “probably he has a fracture, he cannot step on his foot.” The more accurately and quickly the information is provided, the sooner the assistance will be provided. help to the victim.

4. If you are in a remote area (on the outskirts of a residential area or deep in a park), try to meet an ambulance. The driver will, of course, do his job, but the doctors will get to the patient much faster if they know exactly where to go.

Tip 7: How to call the police from a mobile phone on the Megafon network

If necessary, call police(police), when there is no landline telephone at hand, you can use a mobile unit. Currently the mobile operator Megaphone provides its subscribers with the opportunity to communicate with emergency services, even when there are no funds in the account or the SIM card is completely blocked.


1. Take advantage of the most simple method and dial on your mobile phone a short number in the well-known version: 01 – fire brigade; 02 – militia (police); 03 – ambulance; 04 – emergency gas service.

2. If the model of your mobile phone does not support connection with short numbers, then after a similar number additionally dial 0:010 - fire brigade; 020 - militia (police); 030 - ambulance; 040 - emergency gas service.

3. In case your mobile phone account does not have cash or the SIM card is blocked, you can call the emergency service at 112. Then follow the answering machine prompts. It turns out: - press 1 to connect to the fire service; - press 2 to connect to the police; - press 3 to connect to ambulance; - press 4 to connect to the gas service. After pressing the corresponding key, the connection will occur with the emergency service you need.

4. Calling emergency services from a mobile phone is not charged and is free. This fact is enshrined in the law of the Russian Federation, for violation of which punishment is provided in accordance with the administrative code of the Russian Federation.

5. These phone numbers are valid in all regions of the Russian Federation.

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In addition, when calling the police (police), be vigilant and do not call the service for trifles, and vice versa - if somewhere or someone needs help, do not pass by and dial this short number, perhaps by doing this you will be able to save someone life.

Helpful advice
If you are a subscriber of another cellular operator, then in order to call the police (police) you need to dial: MTS - 020; Beeline - 002; Sky Link - 902; Tele - 2 - 020; Yutel - 020; Motive -902.

The procedure for calling an ambulance in Moscow the same as in any other city in Russia. If there is a need for its services, all you need to do is use the phone, dial the required number and explain to the person on duty what happened and how to find you.


1. Pick up the phone from a landline if you need to call ambulance support in a residential building, office or other place where there is a non-movable telephone unit. The procedure is similar if you are using a payphone. In this case, you do not need to insert a card: calls to all emergency services (ambulance, police, gas emergency service, rescue service) from payphones are free.

2. When you hear a constant buzzer, dial 03 and wait for the result.

3. Dial 03 on the keypad of your mobile phone and press the call key if you are a Beeline subscriber.

4. Dial 030 on the keypad of your mobile phone if you are an MTS or Megafon subscriber.

5. Wait for the result.

6. Notify the person on duty what happened, formulate a true presumptive diagnosis. Let's say: “I think I have dislocated or broken my leg,” “The woman in labor has broken her water,” “My heart hurts,” etc.

7. Be prepared to tell your age – yours, if you call ambulance for yourself or another person who needs help. If you call ambulance unknown person, the one who cannot speak (say, is unconscious), try to tell the truth the approximate age. Let's say he looks about thirty years old, unconscious.

8. Give the address where the ambulance should arrive. If you call doctors to your home, give the house number, the building, if any, and the apartment itself, and the intercom code.

9. If you or another person needs an ambulance on the street, try to see the address of the nearest house (its number and street name) or ask passersby about it. Or use other landmarks: metro station, name shopping center and so on. The main thing is that the team that goes to the call must know exactly where to look for you, and the dispatcher must positively orient them.

10. Please also provide the number on duty where the ambulance team can contact you. If both landline and mobile are available, give both.

Helpful advice
In emergency cases, medical support in Moscow, as well as in Russia as a whole, turns out to be in vain. However, it is better to always have a passport and a mandatory health insurance policy with you, or photocopies of them.

Video on the topic

Cellular communications are developing, and more and more people are getting rid of landline phones that work over wires. Communication by cell phone It usually costs less, has more features, and mobile gadgets look more modern. But when a customer of a cellular company has to call emergency services, it turns out that previously established numbers fire, gas, medical services, as well as police, no longer operate in mobile phones.

Therefore, the subscriber begins to solve this issue. Usually this problem is how to call an ambulance from your mobile phone. The problem lies in the communication conditions using the GSM standard. The number dialed on a mobile phone must not be shorter than three digits. Therefore, the numbers that were used on landline phones are not dialed.

They have one more digit added, and the entire three-digit number for different emergency services differs between different cell phone companies. Therefore, you should consider the dialing numbers of the above-mentioned services of leading cellular companies. In Russia, the methods of dialing an ambulance are simple, and make it possible to save people’s lives in a timely manner.

Today it will not be possible to call an ambulance at number 03 on a cell phone due to the peculiarities of the GSM standard. A convenient innovation has been created in our country - a unified rescue service has been organized. You can call it by calling 112. This number works in cellular communications and on landline phones. Number 112 allows you to quickly call an operator. It will redirect your call to a nearby rescue site.

If you have forgotten how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone that does not have a SIM card, or it is blocked, then quickly dial 112, the operator will answer you. This is a great advantage unified service. This method works not only in our country, it does not matter where the subscriber lives or is registered. This number works in any state that is part of the European Union.

How to call an ambulance from different cellular networks

An extreme situation most often arises unexpectedly for a person. When a traffic accident occurs, an attack of pain, a fall, and find landline phone is not possible, then the person tries to call emergency services using his mobile phone. It's surprising that cell phone companies don't set identical numbers. Then you wouldn’t have to waste time finding out the phone number.

Considering technical features, for cellular companies the smallest number of digits must be at least three. Therefore, all cellular operators have created their own combinations of emergency numbers. If your SIM card belongs to a little-known operator, then to call an ambulance he will have some simple combination - 103, 030, etc. At the necessary time, you can try to call each of them, or try universal dialing.

Calling an ambulance from the MTS network

You don’t want anyone to get into difficult situations when an ambulance is needed. But if this happens, and medical help or a doctor is urgently needed, then MTS clients have the opportunity to call emergency assistance. You need to dial one before the usual numbers 03, and you get the number 103.

If the call is successful, the ambulance will arrive in 15-20 minutes. If the doctors have not arrived during this time, it is better to call this number again, or find out where the hospital is located. this moment ambulance.

How to call medical help from Megafon

By Russian legislation No money is charged for calls to emergency services, and it doesn’t matter what tariff you have. The Megafon operator also does not charge a fee for this, and allows subscribers to call an ambulance without paying. The call may not work if the SIM card is blocked. The difference from the city number for calling a doctor on Megafon is the additional zero at the end of the number - it turns out 030. This dialing is similar for calls to other emergency services.

Beeline ambulance number

VimpelCom clients should also know about calling an ambulance. Many tragic incidents occurring in different regions of the world indicate that the great popularity of cellular communications has helped save the lives of many people. All Beeline network clients must have information on how to call an ambulance:

  • fire service - 101;
  • call the police - 102;
  • ambulance – 103;
  • gas service - 104.

Calling doctors by Tele2 subscribers

A foreign cellular company, Tele2, is successfully operating in the market of our country, offering free ambulance calls to its customers. If a person finds himself in an unpleasant health situation, then you need to call:

  • number 030 – when receiving a call, the dispatcher must introduce himself so that there are no misunderstandings, since negligence cannot be allowed in matters of health;
  • number 03 - this phone should work accurately, even if the first combination did not work;
  • number 103 – for any emergency, this number is suitable both in Moscow and throughout the country.

How to call a doctor if there is no money on the phone?

There are times when your phone suddenly runs out of money, but you urgently need the help of a doctor. Life often depends on the speed of arrival of medical help. If you urgently need to call a doctor, then dial 112 and act according to the instructions of the system's auto-informer. This call is free of charge for all cellular networks in our country. In case of violation of this condition, the operator may be punished by law.

Emergency services can be called by calling 112 if there is no money on the number or the SIM card is blocked. At weak signal network, you can dial 911, then press “3” on the autoinformer, you will be connected to the operator. The centralized rescue phone operates throughout the country. Having reached the doctors correctly, you should explain the situation and indicate your location for a faster arrival of doctors.

After communication, the dispatcher will inform you that the order has been accepted certain time. If a health worker refuses to accept your call for any reason, you can contact the police, as this is a criminal offense. Failure to provide assistance may result in punishment from doctors.
