How to make an advertising post in telegram. Delayed posting in telegram

Telegram is a young and promising messenger that can be managed on all platforms and is completely free. That is why many large companies are thinking about mastering its capabilities and using Telegram posts for marketing purposes.

Possibilities of interaction with the audience in Telegram:

group chat

Group chats for marketing purposes are designed to organize an engaged and loyal community around your brand or key idea.

Telegram channel

The main advantages are the ability to automatically notify subscribers about new posts, while the number unread messages displayed in a separate list. It is this difference that gives Telegram posts a much larger reach than other social networks. If added to the name of the chat and / or channel keywords, but this will make it easier to identify among similar offers.


Multifunctional and diverse, their functions include content delivery, interaction with external sites, services and services, responses to common user requests.

Several features of posts in Telegram, the proposed content and the target audience

The main element that determines the future prospects of a chat or channel is its content or content. It makes no sense to spend money on channel promotion if its content is not in demand by the audience.

1. Unlike other resources, where a picture is necessary to attract attention, in Telegram it is not at all necessary, since the content that comes out once a day in itself guarantees . The Telegram channel strategy works to attract exactly your target audience.

2. Regardless of the goals pursued, the basic need Telegram users are communication, so be directed towards your audience when compiling a collection of information.

3. Use different types content to increase diversity and attract readers:

  • Links with eyeliners - are a bright and short description material, for reading which you need to click on the link.
  • Author's reflections and notes are designed to increase the credibility of the author of the channel, as a specialist in his field or just an interesting and comprehensively developed interlocutor.
  • Collections and reviews - for this purpose, sort out useful topical information from quality resources and offer readers.
  • Longread texts of a large volume, that is, break them into parts using photos or pictures, videos, infographics and other elements.
  • Visual content: author's photos, thematic unique pictures, infographics, screenshots, quotes on the author's background.
  • Videos and podcasts with text liners - it is desirable to use author's and unique videos, accompanied by a short description.

4. Design and display. The ability to highlight the elements of posts in Telegram using formatting: bold or italic, you can also arrange hyperlinks using special bots.

5. It is possible to use the redirection of publications, supplemented with personal comments and mention the participants in the conversation when replying to selected messages in group chats.

6. Hashtag in Telegram does not serve content, it only makes it easier to find necessary information within each channel separately, that is, for structuring internal information.

As you can see, if you already know what differences exist in the design of content and posts in Telegram, then use these opportunities to interact with the audience.It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs, at the same time and earn more!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

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When working with social networks we are already accustomed to take into account the features of each of them. Prepare a picture of the correct size, shorten the text and not lose its meaning and other little things. But messengers for many are still something new and incomprehensible. The rules for working in them have not yet been formed, and many simply do not know what opportunities and limitations there are.

Communicate information to the subscriber

Usually, one news entry in Telegram looks like a picture for beginners, a separate text, and somewhere at the end of it or right in the middle, several links. This presentation negatively affects the attitude of the audience to the content.

First, subscribers get two posts instead of one. So, two notifications (albeit silent, if you removed the “bell”).

Thirdly, views are split across multiple posts instead of just one. As a result, the ERR of the channel falls.

Proper post formatting with accents and embedded hyperlinks can not only save the day, but also increase audience engagement. And voting and reactions will help to find out the attitude of the audience to the information provided.

Posting is not easy

Telegram is a young platform for publishing content and there are not so many tools for working with it compared to the social networks we are used to. And posting options are often “hidden” or not obvious to newcomers. Even experienced authors may find some feature they didn't know about.

Many run their channels by hand, sometimes making posts from the phone. Exactly mobile versions Telegram is the most convenient for working on post layout. For example, in the desktop version, to make the text bold, you have to guess to “frame” the word with two asterisks ** . On mobile, you simply select text and choose the formatting you want for it.

And such secrets and differences between only official versions lots of. What can we say about alternative clients, each of which brings something new.

Experienced admins, knowing this, prefer to prepare posts using bots or third party services. The use of such tools not only speeds up the preparation of the publication, but also allows you to work in a single convenient “interface”. No need to think about the difference between clients or spend hours experimenting and looking for how to achieve the desired design.

Many of these services, in addition to posting, offer additional "chips" such as delayed publication, statistics, and so on.

We will talk about what types of formatting exist, what pitfalls await you and how to avoid them, below.

Types of posts in Telegram and their formatting

Basically, posts in Telegram are divided into two types:

  • post-picture
  • text-post

You can add buttons and reactions/votes to both posts. The rest of the options are just combinations of the two main types.

post picture

Post-pictures can be as simple as a picture in the channel, as well as a picture with a description and a gallery (also with a description). The description must not exceed 200 characters including spaces. And adding a description to a gif file will not work at all before it is published.

If you want more characters, then you need to decide in advance what to publish first in the channel - a picture or text. And you can not deny yourself anything and just embed the picture at the end of the post. The main thing is to stick to the publication in one style. So subscribers will understand which picture belongs to which text.

Submitting a gallery to a channel is very easy. You need to send all the photos and the messenger will display them as a gallery. True, their order may change.

One post-gallery can have up to 10 pictures. Also, the picture can be sent "as a document". Such pictures in the channel are displayed without previews and are uploaded in full size. A subscriber can easily download or view such a file.

Correct text formatting

Telegram out of the box supports fatty, inclined and other types of text formatting. But using them is sometimes not as easy as in text editor. Sometimes it is not possible at all when it comes to embedded hyperlinks. Arrange em dashes and "Christmas trees" you will still have to do it yourself.

This is where third-party clients like Telegram Plus or delayed publishing services come to the rescue.

Having placed "accents" on the right words, we easily focus the reader's attention on the desired aspects of the text. Embedded links do not break out of the general format, and the text remains readable. At the same time, we can add as many links as we like and not lose quality.

For example, long lists or longreads with many sources now look neat, and subscribers can easily click on the desired link.

Increase engagement with buttons and reactions

Telegram is first and foremost a messenger. And channels are a way of one-way delivery of content from the platform to the reader. You can break the "fourth wall" with the help of buttons and reactions.

With the help of such buttons, you can encourage the subscriber to perform some action. And with the help of reactions, express your attitude to the published post. Or hold a mini-vote and find out what is most interesting to your readers.

At first glance, Telegram is a platform with one-way communication and minimal opportunities for publication. In fact, exactly the opposite - a lot of functions for maintaining a channel and interacting with subscribers.

The main indicator of engagement is views. By using correct design you can increase the interest and loyalty of your audience.

Don't be afraid to experiment with post design. Highlight important things, add illustrations, and don't forget to ask your followers what they're interested in.

How to make delayed posts and text formatting in Telegram? How to set up a ControllerBot to add to your Telegram channel formatted posts/posts/pictures with buttons and reactions you will learn in this article. You will also learn how to create buttons for posts in Telegram.

Text formatting in Telegram

Many channel creators add posts by embellishing them with emojis. This is mainly due to ignorance of Telegram capabilities. There are special robots that help to publish rich text posts in channels.

Such posts are presentable. To add formatted posts to your channels, use Telegram Bot— @ControllerBot. How to connect the bot to your channel and set up you can see in the video tutorial

Snooze posts can also be created using the @ControllerBot bot. The tool is useful in that the publication of posts can be scheduled for the date and time you need.

For example, take an hour on Monday to add posts and go about your business for a whole week. Using the bot, you can not only add pending posts, but also set the date for deleting posts. For example, when carrying out short-term actions.

You can see how to connect the bot to your channel and set it up in the video tutorial above.

Buttons for posts in Telegram

You can add buttons to your posts through the @ControllerBot you already know. But there may be a situation where you cannot create a bot to control @ControllerBot. In this case, you can use the simpler bot @markdownrobot

To work with @markdownrobot, you do not need to create a bot, unlike @ControllerBot.

How to publish files, photos and posts with buttons in Telegram on your channel - see the video tutorial above.

"Tell friends" button in Telegram

Telegram channel cleanliness

Keep the message feed in the channel clean. For example, when you change the logo in a channel, a message about your actions is automatically sent to the feed. The same happens when editing the channel name.

Groups also show service messages when adding and removing users. Remove these notifications from the feed.

To be continued…

We invite you to our Telegram channels

Thank you for your attention and your time. Inna Nefedovskaya

The number of media content delivery channels today is so great that it can confuse even its producers themselves. Where to look for an audience, how to keep it, dispersed under various social networks, instant messengers and, if you are lucky, perhaps still remaining on your site?

Complementing this media confusion are more and more loudly sounding talk about the “death of the web”, about the fact that a separate site is not at all a necessary platform for the media. Depending on the audience, any method of communication familiar to it may well be sufficient. These conversations are not new, but it is precisely today that they cease to be just talk, but become a reality.

The user of the cozy media platform that is familiar to him no longer wants to follow external links, including those to your site. Of course, social networks and instant messengers benefit from such behavior, but what if you still want to convey to the audience content that can look organic only if it is placed on a separate web page?

Social sites have proposed the Instant Articles format for this purpose - web pages that are an organic part of them. In other words, from now on, the user does not need to switch to another resource, he will see all the content he is interested in directly in the familiar environment. In addition, these pages are loaded, based on their very name (instant) - instantly, which should also attract an audience.

Telegram Instant Articles displays posts created in Medium and services.

Among the Russian Internet audience, Medium is not yet very popular, despite the fact that it is exceptionally easy to use and keeps up with all the current online website layout trends.

But this means that if your target audience actively uses Telegram, and you use it as a content delivery channel, you should pay attention to Medium as a tool for publishing more detailed and multimedia materials. We will tell you more about the possibilities of Medium a little later. We only note that the platform supports a large number of. For now, to another service provided by Telegram itself. bot

Service for publishing posts with a full-featured visual editor and classic blogging multimedia support was launched relatively recently - at the end of November 2016 as an additional feature of the platform itself. We strongly recommend that you start working with it by getting to know the companion bot. Why?

By itself, is not like the usual blog hosting, where you can log in through a browser, see the statistics of views of publications, or select the one you need for editing. It's just a window for creating a new post that immediately opens, and nothing more.

Therefore, before creating a page, it is recommended to log in directly to the messenger through the Telegraph bot so that it identifies you as the author who will own everything that you do through it.

To do this, first of all, we search through the @telegraph search or follow the link in the browser, press start and connect to its functions. The bot automatically detects our Telegram account.

If you want to create posts in, for example, for one with a different authorship, add new account you can go here through "Settings" - "Create New Account", and then select its name, name and a link to the profile in the messenger, which will be displayed in the post in the author column.

If you have not created anything in yet, the bot will inform you about it and offer you to finally start creating by clicking on either “Create new story” or “Login as … on this device”. Let's start.

By clicking, you will immediately go to the creation page new entry. Functionally and in terms of interface, it is strikingly reminiscent of the aforementioned Medium.

In you can use:

As you can see, this is not so little. However, if you want to use the entire traditional multimedia journalistic arsenal of embeddable content - even just codes for popular services like , and others - you won't be able to do it here. So far, does not support them yet.

After we have finished creating the material, click Publish, and the page is ready. However, until you share it by simply copying the link from your browser to a channel or group chat, no one will see it. Please note that the resulting URL is a transliteration of your title to better display the link when sharing.

Pages on are indexed by search engines, but only on the condition that links to them are placed somewhere on already indexed pages of the network. As with any other content on the web.

Since statistics are not yet forte Telegram, it is also lame at Telegraph. All you can find out here is just the number of views on your post. You can do this by returning to the communication window with the Telegraph bot. We start communication with / start, select your account under which you made the page, then - “My Posts”, and in response, the bot will send you a list of your materials that you published on Telegraph with an arbitrary announcement and number of views.

From the same dialog, you can go to a specific page, view and, if necessary, edit it.
