Grub4dos exe does not see the flash drive. Installing the GRUB4DOS Bootloader - Bootloader on a Flash Drive - Basic Instructions - Tutorials - Multiboot Flash Drive How to Make a Bootable Flash Drive

1. Before starting the operation, it is recommended to format the USB flash drive with the HPUSBFW program (369Kb), after saving everything you need from it (if any)
2. Download this file: GRUB4DOS_RUS_v.2
3. Run it. After starting, select (using the Browse button) the target, that is, the device on which we will install the Bootloader.
It's either a hard drive or flash drive.
If we are going to put on a USB flash drive, then we select the root of the flash drive X: \
(X is the letter of your flash drive)
If we are going to install on the Hard disk, then select the root of the C:\ drive (or whichever you want, the main thing is to be Active)

4. Click the "Extract" button. After that, the Grub4Dos Installer 1.1 program will be installed to you in C:\Program Files and throw a shortcut on the Desktop. At the same time, the bootloader files will be unpacked to the media of your choice (Folder - Boot; Files - grldr, MEMDISK, MENU.LST) and the Grub4Dos Installer 1.1 program window will open.

5. In the Grub4Dos Installer 1.1 program window, in the topmost line (drop-down menu), select the target for installing the bootloader
(HDD or Flash Drive) You don't have to choose anything else.

6. Click the Install button.
7. If everything is successful, then you will see a console window prompting you to press Enter, Press Enter.

Warning! If you are going to install the Bootloader on your Hard Drive, you should first get some experience with the GRUB4DOS Bootloader, know how the Menu.lst file is edited, etc. You can read about this and.
AT configuration file Menu.lst defaults to menu items for booting from the first partition, the first hard drive, if your OS is installed elsewhere and you install the Bootloader following this instruction without knowing how to boot the OS from another partition, you will run into difficulties.
So if you're not sure, don't install GRUB4DOS on your hard drive first.

Active development software development led to the fact that developers and programmers increasingly began to release various programs that facilitate our work at the computer. But we should not forget about those products that allow us to get new opportunities and make much more efficient use of available resources. On this moment there is a huge number of different programs different areas, but we will definitely not touch on all of them, but will turn our attention to only one curious and very useful development.

So how to use it? Why is it needed and what is required for its effective implementation in a computer? We will analyze all these questions in this article and try to provide you with the necessary instructions that will allow you to understand what the essence of this interesting, but at the same time complex program is.

What is this program?

So, you have downloaded Grub4DOS. How to use it? Before answering this question in detail, it is worth considering why this development is needed at all. Recently, many users have to work on several operating systems at once, which require a separate launch from each other. In order not to change the computer at work every time, it is enough to install several operating systems on one PC, and only then deal with the careful selection of the one you need to boot. Not every computer can provide such an opportunity, except perhaps devices from Apple. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant situations and be able to change the boot operating system, the Grub4DOS program was developed, which allows you to customize the boot menu, which will make it possible to choose which process the user needs at the moment. But this is not the main purpose of the program, it has a huge number of functions.


What is the instruction for Grub4DOS? In order to have at least the slightest idea about the capabilities of the program, which can not only act as operating systems, but also emulate boot disks, make it possible to customize its interface, program the Boot Windows system component, and much more. The possibilities of the program can be listed for a long time, but we will not touch on absolutely all the points that are associated with it. For the effective operation of the program, it is first worth installing it, and only then using it, and this procedure requires considerable knowledge and preparations that will allow you to avoid various errors and shortcomings. But thanks to further information, you can easily install and configure the program for yourself and your computer.

Application features

How to use Grub4DOS? To do this, just install the program, then when you boot the main operating system, you will see a new menu where you can select the required system to boot your computer. But these are not all the functions that the program contains. For example, you can customize its interface, however, for this you need to know a number of useful and necessary commands. Grub4DOS responds exclusively to programmable commands, so it's worth writing down some of them separately for yourself.

Interface programming takes place in the menu.lst file, which is located in the archive with the program. In it, using the Notepad application, you can record the initial settings for download. By default, this file already contains the following commands:

  • default- allows you to set "automatic selection" when waiting for a long time, that is, if the user does not select an item long time, then opposite this program element, you can specify the sub-item that will be selected automatically;
  • time out- sets the time during which the program waits for the user's choice;
  • color- here you can describe the color, font and color scheme of the background of the program menu;
  • splashimage- allows you to specify which picture will be shown on the background of the program;
  • "foreground"- sets the color of the text;
  • background- defines the background color of the menu.

As you can see, the program will require initial knowledge of programming, more precisely, special commands. To know what exactly to enter and what this or that command stands for, it is enough to use any programming textbook where there is a “Commands” section, everything is indicated and painted there.

It is worth noting that Grub4DOS provides the ability to add additional commands that will be executed during the loading of the operating system shell. But this function will suit only specialists in the field of programming.

Program settings

But before you actively engage in setting up and getting to know Grub4DOS, you need to install it correctly on your computer. The first step is to download the archive with this program, then unpack it, and then start using it. But it is worth considering one nuance that concerns the operating system. Since we are considering the possibility of running the utility on Windows 7, you will additionally download a program called Bcdedit, which will allow you to add Grub4DOS to system settings so that it can be recognized and run over the Windows bootloader without any problems.

As for the settings themselves, they have an intuitive interface, so you will not have any problems in terms of filling them out. But there is one more thing that concerns the distribution of a special program installer, supposedly doing everything in automatic mode. Hence the question arises of how to use the Grub4DOS Installer. In fact, it is not recommended to do this, since the normal version of the program is distributed exclusively as an archive that needs to be unpacked and configured. And for convenience, you can always have the program at your fingertips and use it at the right time.

bootable flash drive

How to use Grub4DOS Installer 1 1? For those not in the know, this version of the program is currently the latest among those that are distributed through the intervention of other users. But this version also has one more feature: it was created taking into account further downloading to a USB flash drive. Therefore, if you plan to create a bootable external device, then you should pay attention to this version. In addition, at the moment it has already been Russified, so it will be easier for you to deal with the interface.

Why create an external boot device? In addition to the main features, Grub4DOS has a unique structure that allows you to load several bootable operating systems on one USB flash drive and choose which one you want to install during reinstallation. This is quite convenient, as it saves users from having a huge number of different installation disks.

Setting up a flash drive

After downloading the program on a flash drive? The principle of operation of this product is exactly the same as that of a computer. You download the archive, unzip it to a USB flash drive and set it up the way you want. True, now, in order for the program to work normally, it is necessary to constantly insert the USB flash drive into a special connector on the computer just before it starts. But there is another point to be taken into account regarding bootable flash drive. In Bios, you need to set automatic recognition of external media, for this you should go to the system utility, then select the Hard Dis Boot Priority item and install the USB drive in the second position.

Is this program worth it?

So, you have the Grub4DOS program, how to use its functions in Windows 7 and is it worth it at all? Yes, due to the complexity in managing and understanding the functions of this development, not every user wants to expose himself to unnecessary stress. But in fact, Grub4DOS is the best among all existing analogues, which, although they can offer something worthwhile, are not so flexible. Grub4DOS allows the user to customize the work in the way that, in fact, it will be convenient. In addition, it has an open shell, which makes it easy to remove all unnecessary features and add your own. But, like any masterpiece of development, this program is not without errors.

Possible problems

Grub4DOS has an ideal logical structure, but it is this free software shell that is the source a large number problems. How to use Grub4DOS? Everything is quite simple: you download the program and start using it, but no version has yet included instructions that would plain language unleashed the full potential of this software product.

Users just get confused and start experimenting, which then results in a huge number of various errors and shortcomings. It does not make sense to list all the errors, since there can be a great many of them, especially considering that Grub4DOS is open editor boot layer of the operating system. Therefore, so that errors do not “flood” your computer, it is better to first obtain all the necessary information regarding this program or contact those people who are well versed in it. Or download Grub4DOS Installer 1 1 - the instruction is attached along with the archive and in Russian. But even this negative point does not discredit the reputation of the program.

Great Opportunities

It is worth paying attention to the latest version of the program. How to use Grub4DOS 0 4 5c? This is the question that users are increasingly asking, since with the advent of updated version the developers decided to give the entire toolkit of their brainchild into the hands of the user. A new version allows you to edit and extend the Grub4DOS shell. That is, those users who are familiar with programming firsthand will now be able to personally transform this product and build new shells in it, which will not only expand the functionality, but also make the program much more efficient. And do not look for an alternative program supposedly with an easy interface, since none of them managed to outshine the capabilities of Grub4DOS.

Alternative programs

On the Internet you can find a huge number of different alternative products with a simplified installation and configuration system, but none of them can give what the Grub4DOS program is capable of. You can list a dozen different analogues, but when compared, none of them will be able to provide maximum and free functionality. Especially now that you know how to get Grub4DOS, how to use this program. Choose only the best products, and your work at the computer will become more convenient and efficient!

You already know what a "powerful" tool Grub4Dos is and how many different features it provides. Now would you like to download it from hard drive with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 installed on it by selecting Grub4Dos from the Windows bootloader menu.

In this article, I'll show you how to add an entry to the boot menu without changing the default bootloader (in WinXP it's ntldr and boot.ini configuration file, in WinVista/7/8 it's bootmgr with BCD config base). I will introduce you to the tools for working with the BCD conf.base, namely, the console utility built into WinVista / 7/8 - bcdedit, and the program with a GUI interface from NeoSmart Technologies - EasyBCD. I will also provide a script for automatic addition Grub4Dos entries in OS boot menu.

Consider 2 situations:

1. We have WinXP and its bootloader ntldr .
2. We have Windows XP/Vista/7/8 with modern original bootmgr.

Let's start simple:
Adding Grub4Dos to the Menu Windows boot xp.

1. Download the latest Grub4Dos.
2. Unpack grldr and menu.lst from the downloaded archive to the root of the active disk (you can go to another place, but then you will have to prescribe other paths).
3. Edit boot.ini. Add to the end of the file:


As a result, we get the boot.ini file with the following content:

We can also change the time and item loaded by default.
We reboot and now we can select Grub4Dos.

In menu.lst, I would definitely return to this boot menu as the first item, i.e.:

Title Boot HDD0
chainloader (hd0)+1
rootnoverify (hd0)

Adding Grub4Dos to the Windows Vista/7/8 boot menu.

So, we have a bootmgr bootloader through which other OSes are loaded. It installs with WinVista/7/8. The most understandable tool for working with it is the EasyBCD program. It will not be difficult to master it, everything is simple and clear. But it doesn't provide the same functionality as the bcdedit console utility. Therefore, I will show you how to work with it.

1. Before proceeding with editing the boot configuration, I advise you to prepare a system recovery disk, because incorrect actions can lead to the inability to boot the OS. Also, to restore boot information, I advise you to refer to this article.
2. Boot into Windows Vista/7/8.
3. Download the latest Grub4Dos.
4. Unpack grldr.mbr, grldr and menu.lst from the downloaded archive to the root of the disk containing the BCD storage (you can also go to another place, but then you will have to prescribe other paths), usually this is the active main partition with the bootmgr bootloader.
5. Run command line as administrator.
6. Create backup BCD:

bcdedit /export C:\BCD.bak

So that in which case you can restore to the initial state with the command:

bcdedit /import C:\BCD.bak

7. Create new record named "Grub4Dos" in the boot configuration data store:

Bcdedit /create /d "Grub4Dos" /application bootsector

8. In response, we will receive the id of the created record, which we will substitute in the next three commands for the place (id):

Bcdedit /set (id) device partition=C:
bcdedit /set (id) path\grldr.mbr

Bcdedit /displayorder (id) /addlast

9. Let's see what happened. We enter the bcdedit command without parameters:

I ended up with the following (besides Win7 I have an entry with WinXP):

10. Exit the command line. We restart the PC. We see that we now have the ability to load Grub4Dos from the OS boot menu.

I'll tell you about a few more options for the bcdedit command:

Deleting an entry with the specified (id):
bcdedit /delete (id)
- Change the name of the entry with the specified (id):
bcdedit /set (id) description "New name"
- Setting the system with the specified (id) bootable by default:
bcdedit /default (id)
- Timeout setting:
bcdedit /timeoutXX
where XX is the time in seconds.

Script to automatically add Grub4Dos to the Windows XP/Vista/7/8 boot menu.

This script allows you to automatically detect the OS, and, depending on the system, works with the bootloader configuration files.

To run it, download this archive. Unpack it to drive C: (active drive with system and bootloader). And run as administrator.

The archive consists of the following files:

grldr - the grub4dos bootloader itself

grldr.mbr - entry boot sector(looks for grldr at the root of the drives and passes control to it)

install.bat - the script itself

libiconv2.dll - libraries of the sed program

libintl3.dll - libraries of the sed program

menu.lst - grub4dos conf file

The install.bat script has the following content:

@echo off
ver | find "XP" > null if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto ver_xp
goto ver_vista
:: Windows XP :ver_xp
:: Backup attrib -R -H -S c:\boot.ini copy c:\boot.ini c:\boot.ini.bak
:: Check if installed findstr /L grldr "c:\boot.ini" > nul
:: Add boot entry echo C:\grldr="GRUB4DOS" >> "c:\boot.ini"
:: create restore.bat file for XPecho attrib -R -H -S "c:\boot.ini" >> restore.batecho %CD%\sed -ri "/grldr/d" "c:\boot.ini" >> restore.batecho %CD%\sed -ri "s/$/\r/" "c:\boot.ini" >> restore.bat
goto END
:: Windows Vista :ver_vista
:: Check if installed Set BCDEDIT=C:\windows\System32\bcdedit.exe%BCDEDIT% /enum | findstr /L grldr > nul if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto END
:: Backup %BCDEDIT% /export "C:\BCD.bak" attrib +H +S C:\BCD.bak
:: Add boot entry Set GUIDFILE=bcdguid.txt %BCDEDIT% /create /d "GRUB4DOS" /application bootsector > %GUIDFILE%sed -ri "s/[^(]*([^)]+)).*/\1/" %GUIDFILE% set /p GUID=< %GUIDFILE%
%BCDEDIT% /set %GUID% device partition=%SYSTEMDRIVE%%BCDEDIT% /set %GUID% path \grldr.mbr%BCDEDIT% /displayorder %GUID% /addlast
:: create restore.bat file for Vistaecho %BCDEDIT% /delete %GUID% >> restore.bat
goto END

That's all. I hope this article was useful to you, click one of the buttons below to tell your friends about it.

Lightweight and versatile Grub4dos bootloader. As far as I know, there are two versions of this bootloader, the first for installation on optical discs and the second on flash drives (which will be discussed). The Russian assembly of Grub4dos is the same version of this bootloader (Grub4dos v 0.4.6a), only the installer and the Russification of the boot menu have been changed. Well, now in detail: version Grub4dos v 0.4.6a supports file systems: NTFS,FAT,FAT32,EXT,more stable version. Installation process. 1.Download the archive file and unpack it anywhere, except for the flash drive where the bootloader will be installed. 2.Run batch file setup.cmd

Next, press enter and the menu appears: 1 - Format USB HPUSBFW RUS, 2 - GRUB4DOS Installer Installer, 3 - Copy files to USB copy files USB, 4 - Help Help, 0 - Exit Quit. From the beginning, format the USB flash drive (ATTENTION AFTER FORMATTING ALL DATA ON THE MEDIA WILL BE DESTROYED !!!). Be careful when choosing a device, otherwise you may mistakenly format the wrong device.

To avoid accidentally installing boot record on the wrong disk (especially for the system hard disk, if you install this entry, the operating system will not boot). There are two ways, the first volume of the hard drive is much larger than the volume of the flash drive, the second, if many flash drives are connected to the computer at the same time, then you can determine the one you need by the amount of memory or turn off the flash drives that are unnecessary in the work. Since the boot record was installed, the next step is copying the files (extracting files from the 7z-SFX archive).

The archive contains the files necessary for work and 61 backgrounds and screenshots for them (59 pcs.) (you can use the screenshots as a background on your desktop if you wish). Additionally. You can edit the boot menu file menu.lst (opens with notepad) as you wish, if you need help open the Help RUS.chm help file. There are two versions of this file: the first is in the gfx folder, and the second is in the root of the flash drive. If you wanted to edit them, then the first one is UTF-8 encoded, the second one is OEM-866. For the download example, some parameters are already written in them. Your task is only to correct the path to the file you want to download. If you did everything correctly, then restart the computer and go into the BIOS and select your USB flash drive as the first device. After loading the USB flash drive, you will see the boot menu.

Grub4Dos is a versatile, very powerful and flexible bootloader based on GNU GRUB. The application makes it easier to work with a computer and allows you to use PC resources more efficiently.

What is the Grub4Dos utility for? How to use this application? How to set up the program? This article will answer many of these questions.

Purpose of the program

Many users are forced to work simultaneously with 2-3 operating systems. Each of them must be launched separately. In order to avoid having to constantly change the computer during work, you can install all the necessary operating systems on one PC. Not every PC provides such an opportunity. In order for users to get a chance to change operating systems while turning on the computer, the developers created the Grub4Dos utility.

With the help of this software product, the boot menu is configured. This gives the user the ability to choose which processes they want to run at any given time. This function is not the only purpose of the application. The Grub4Dos bootloader has many other useful options.

Program features

To get the right idea about the purpose of the utility, you need to figure out what tasks the application can handle. The program performs the functions of an operating system boot manager, an emulator of installation disks, a platform for customizing its own interface and programming system components launch on Windows.

To start working with the application, you need to install it on your computer. This event requires preparation. The measures taken will avoid many problems when working with the utility. What tasks need to be done to get Grub4Dos up and running?

Preparing for installation

First you need to find and download the archive with the utility. It is worth noting that when working with the program on Windows 7, you need to download the additional BCDEdit application. With this utility, multi-boot Grub4Dos is added to the system settings. This program not recognized by the OS. Without the BCDEdit utility, the application does not run over the standard bootloader.

It is worth noting the peculiarity regarding the distribution of the program installer. Do I need to download an installer? Experts do not advise doing this. The utility is distributed as an archive. It should be unpacked and configured.

Installing Grub4Dos

Before starting the installation, it is recommended to remove all required files on disk. Next, unpack the archive and run the application installer. After that, you need to select the HDD on which the program will be installed. Then you need to click on the "extract" button.

A shortcut to the program will be placed on the desktop. At the same time, unpacked bootloader files will appear on the media selected by the user. In the program window that opens, select HDD and click on the Install link. Next, you need to press the Enter button.

It is not recommended to install the program on a hard disk without having experience with the bootloader. The user needs to know how the menu.lst configuration file is edited. You can find information about this in any programming textbook. In the menu.lst file, the developers have specified menu items for loading the OS from the first HDD partition. If the operating system is installed in a different location, then the user may encounter certain difficulties.

Grub4Dos: how to use the program

After installation, the user can start working with the application. First you need to turn on the PC. Each time you start the main OS, a special menu will appear in which you need to select the operating system to boot. Some users find that setting up the application will be easy after installation.

However, there is no original version of the program, which would have been accompanied by help describing all the features of Grub4DOS. How to use the utility without instructions? It remains only to experiment. Such experiences often end badly. Since Grub4DOS is an OS boot layer editor, the problem can be quite complex.

First you need to find out all the necessary information about the operation of the application. Experienced users can give good advice. The modified version of Grub4DOS Installer 1.1 comes with help in Russian.

Interface customization

The application only responds to programmed commands. At the initial stage, the user will need some of them. The interface is configured using the menu.lst file. It is in the archive with the utility. Using any text editor, you can open the desired file and make changes to it.

By default, it contains several commands. The default parameter is used to start the process automatic selection with a long wait. If the user cannot mark the desired line in the menu in any way, then the item that is indicated opposite this parameter will be loaded. The timeout command allows you to set the timeout period for choosing a computer owner. The color parameter sets the background color of the Grub4Dos main menu.

Other commands from the list allow you to customize appearance utilities. Opposite the foreground program element, the color of all text is indicated. The splash image parameter specifies the image that will be displayed in the background. The background command allows you to select the background color of the menu.

Entering additional commands

As you can see, to work with the application, the user needs to know the basics of programming. You need to understand the meaning of the input parameters. In order to study this issue in more detail, it is recommended to purchase a programming textbook. It is worth noting that the user can add additional commands to be executed by the application during the boot of the OS shell. This option is used only by professional programmers.

Create bootable media

For the convenience of working with the application, you can install Grub4Dos on a USB flash drive. This will allow the user to always have the utility at hand and apply it if necessary.

To create an external bootable media it is recommended to pay attention to the modified version of the Grub4DOS Installer 1.1 application. It differs in that it was developed taking into account the subsequent installation on a USB flash drive. This version Russified. This means that the Grub4Dos menu is much easier to work with.

What is bootable media for? The unique structure of the application provides the ability to store several operating systems on a flash drive at the same time. In the process reinstalling Windows the user chooses which operating system to load. Now there is no need to store disks with OS.

Preparing to install on a flash drive

First you need to enable the option in the BIOS to automatically recognize external bootable media. In order to fulfill this task, you want to open the menu. Here you should select the line hard disk priority. In the second place, you need to install a bootable USB drive.

Then you need to format the flash drive. To do this, press the WIN + E buttons and go to the "My Computer" section. In the list of disks, you need to find a USB drive. Then you need to open the context menu with the right mouse button.

Next, select the line "Format in FAT32 system" and uncheck the item "Cleaning the table of contents". After that, you can click on the "Start" button. It is recommended that you first copy all the necessary files to disk.

Installing the program on a flash drive

Next, download and run the Grub4Dos installer. How to use it? First you need to select the flash drive on which the application will be installed using the "Browse" button. Then you need to click on the "Extract" button. The files will be unpacked to the flash drive.

After that, the application will start by itself. In the utility window that opens, you need to mark the USB drive. If the user chooses the wrong disk, the system will not boot. In order not to make a mistake, it is recommended to hold down the key combination WIN + R and enter the diskmgmt.msc command. At the bottom of the window that appears, you can see the number of the flash drive.

Next, click on the Install button. After pressing the Enter key, the installation of Grub4Dos will be successfully completed. The user can make the settings at his discretion. In order for the application to start normally, the USB flash drive must be inserted into the USB connector before turning on the PC. The utility works in the same way as on a computer.

Setting the theme

When you try to load a program from a USB flash drive, you can see a black console with strange characters. If the configuration file menu.lst has been modified by the user, then it will be encoded in UTF-8. For the program to recognize given format, you need to add a theme. The user needs to copy the theme_win file to a flash drive. Next, open menu.lst and enter the code: gfxmenu/theme_win.

What if the theme will be stored not in the root of the disk, but in another place? Then in this command you need to write the name of the folder, for example: gfxmenu/files/theme_win. Note that the dash is not typed in the normal C:\ style.

Adding a submenu

Advanced users can create the menu.lst file themselves. For convenience, it is recommended to add a submenu. This configuration file is loaded using the configfile command. It creates a return point to the main menu. The file itself is called menu_win.lst.

Adding Windows XP distributions

During operation, you can use the WinSetupFromUSB 1.0 beta 7 utility. this application you need to make the second flash drive bootable. First you need to unpack the XP OS images. Next, you need to open the program. Then it should be noted in the application the second flash drive and the unpacked image.

After clicking on the Go button, the program will display a message that the task has been completed. The same should be done with other unpacked distributions. In this case, the flash drive should not be formatted. Next, you need to transfer the folder with the program files to the first USB drive and register the distributions in menu.lst. Subsequently, using Grub4Dos, Windows XP will be loaded from a USB flash drive.

Adding the Windows XP Recovery Console to Boot Media

First you need to create an OS image. You can load a ready-made disc into a CD-ROM. Enter the following command in the console: e:\i386\winnt32.exe/cmdcons. After that, the first stage of the installation can be considered completed.

The cmdcons folder will appear at the root of the hard drive. You need to copy it to a flash drive. At the same time, you need to register the loading of the console in the menu configuration file. If this element is not needed on the hard disk, then the cmdcons folder and the cmldr software element should be deleted. It is recommended to delete the console boot line in boot.ini.

Adding a Windows 7/8 distribution

To complete this task, you can simply copy the OS image to the root of the flash drive. There will appear boot file BOOTMGR. It should be written on the menu. If an error appears, then this means that the OS image has been split into parts. For defragmentation, you must use the WinContig program.

When booting the OS with Grub4Dos Windows installation breaks off suddenly. During the language setting, an error message box will pop up. The information that the CD-ROM cannot be found will be displayed. In this case, you need to download virtual driver and install it with command line. To avoid problems, you can open the OS image in the UltraISO application.

Next, unzip the files to a USB flash drive. Then you need to register the bootloader BOOTMGR in the menu. After that, you need to try to install the operating system. Using Grub4Dos, Windows 7 boots from a flash drive. You can use the MobaLiveUSB utility to test the bootable media.

Adding the Windows 7/8 Recovery Console to a Flash Drive

First you need to load the OS. A blank disc should be inserted into the RW drive. Then you need to open the "Backup and Restore" section in the control panel. Next, you need to create boot disk. The next step is to create an image.

This task can be performed using UltraISO utilities. The disk should not be thrown away, it may still come in handy someday. Next, the image is loaded onto a USB flash drive according to the standard scheme.

Adding a CD-DVD Disc Image

It is highly undesirable to pull out the USB flash drive during the process. The image must not be fragmented. If necessary, the user must correct the error using the WinContig utility. If RAM allows, you can copy the image. Then you don't have to create a projection on it.

The fragmented image is necessarily copied into memory. This option is more versatile. This method is suitable for downloading Acronis and Windows PE images.

Adding a floppy disk image

To do this, you need to copy the file to a USB drive and register it in the menu. Here you need to specify the location of the image.

Is it worth using the app?

It is recommended to focus on latest version utilities. In Grub4DOS, users have the ability to extend the shell and make edits. This allows you to make the application more efficient and expand its functionality.

There are many utilities available on the web that simple system installations and settings. However, none of the data software products will not be able to cope with the tasks that Grub4DOS performs with ease. In similar applications, there is no such wide and free functionality. You should not choose utilities that have a simplified interface and a minimum of useful options.

A computer