Software: examples. Software development

Software (software, software) is a set special programs, allowing to organize the processing of information using a PC.

Since without software, the PC cannot function inin principle, it is an integral part ofany PC and comes with its hardware(hardware).

Program- complete and exact description a sequence of actions (instructions) of a computer for processing information, written in a language understandable to a computer.

Software (software) - a set of special programs that facilitate the process of preparing tasks for execution on a computer and organizing their passage through the machine, as well as procedures, descriptions, instructions and rules, together with all the documentation associated with these components, used in the operation of a computer system.

Process information, manage the computer programs, not devices.

Software innovations have long dominated new hardware developments. The software package is more expensive (sometimes several times) than the cost of a computer of an adequate class.

For effective use computer must comply with the level of development computer science and software. On the one hand, software defines functionality computer. On the other hand, the installation of specific software may be limited design features computer.

Purpose of software:

  • ensuring the health of the computer;
  • facilitating user interaction with the computer;
  • reduction of the cycle from setting the task to obtaining the result;
  • increasing the efficiency of using computer resources.

The software allows:

  • improve the organization of the computer system in order to maximum use its capabilities;
  • increase the productivity and quality of the user's work;
  • adapt user programs to the resources of a particular computing system;
  • expand the software of the computer system.

The maximum use of the capabilities of the computer system is achieved, firstly, by allocating to each user or task the minimum necessary resources for the timely and high-quality solution of its tasks, Secondly, by connecting to the resources of the computing system a large number of users (including remote ones), third, by redistributing resources between different users and tasks depending on the state of the system and processing requests.

Improving the productivity and quality of the work of users occurs due to the automation of the procedures of the calculation and design nature, implemented using a variety of programming tools (algorithmic language, application software packages) and convenient input-output devices.

The adaptability of user programs to the resources of a particular computing system is ensured by the fact that the operating system contains a means of servicing a wide range of machine configurations. In addition, the operating system allows you to create and easily customize existing programs on the various devices input-output.

Expansion of existing software implies the following features:

  • creation by the user of his own programs and packages that implement both specific computational tasks and control processes for individual devices and the entire computing system as a whole;
  • supplementing existing software with programs that allow you to expand the capabilities of the operating system, work with new types external devices, new computing systems (computers), in new areas of application.

Software is focused on the use of computing systems in various fields of activity and should provide a timely and adequate solution to the tasks. This necessitates a number of requirements when developing software components , the main ones being:

  • modularity;
  • scalability and development;
  • reliability;
  • predictability;
  • convenience and ergonomics;
  • flexibility;
  • efficiency;
  • compatibility.

Basic principles of modern software development:

  • parametric versatility;
  • functional redundancy;
  • functional selectivity.

Programs can be installed on a computer in two ways:

  • Installing from a distribution
  • By simple copying

First (lowest) level hierarchy is occupied by the internal software of the PC, stored in its permanent memory. With its help, the PC performs the basic functions determined by the hardware structure. Firmware programs work directly with the hardware modules of the computer. As a result, they are functionally related to them, and when a certain hardware module is replaced, it is also necessary to replace the internal software program designed to work with it.

Programs that maintain hardware modules are called driver programs or drivers. They allow, when replacing or connecting a new hardware module, not to make changes in other PC programs, but only to change the driver of the corresponding hardware module.

The internal software is software interface, which provides the interconnection of the computer with all other programs. Access to the firmware programs is made only through the software interrupt system.

The internal software performs the following main functions:

  • manages a wide range of peripheral devices;
  • carries out quick check operability of the PC when it is turned on;
  • resets individual hardware modules;
  • loads OS programs.

The main elements of the internal software are I/O drivers, self-test program, and first bootstrap . The internal software interacts, on the one hand, with the functional modules of the PC, and, on the other hand, implements the program interface of the operating system.

Self test program designed to test the functional modules of the PC, i.e. setting computer circuits to the initial state by loading program registers with the necessary information. When checking individual functional modules of the PC, malfunctions may be detected in them. The self-test program informs the user of detected faults using on-screen messages and/or an audible signal.

If an error is found, you can continue scanning your computer using diagnostic programs loaded from a floppy disk. If the error does not disrupt the operability of the PC, then at the request of the user it can be neglected. If a new functional module is included in the PC, then to general program self-test, a self-test program for this module is added.

Upon successful completion of the self-test, the PC is ready for operation. Control via software interrupt is transferred to the bootstrap program. This program is designed to read other components of the operating system into RAM. If this operation is successful, control is transferred to the program just read.

I/O drivers are used to service PC peripherals. These programs work directly with the corresponding controllers, which allows the user not to know the physical organization specific device and work only with driver commands that implement its maintenance.

Drivers have the following features:

  • an open structure that allows you to add new drivers to the system;
  • the flexibility of organizing access to drivers through software interrupts, which makes it possible not to fix them in strictly defined areas of memory, to quickly and easily replace them;
  • a custom structure that directs driver programs to a certain class of peripheral devices, the parameters of which are placed in special tables. Drivers are configured for specific peripherals by changing the values ​​in these tables;
  • residential accommodation in random access memory, which allows you to use the driver at any time from any program.

The main driver programs include: driver hard drive, video adapter driver, keyboard driver, printer driver, system drivers (setting a timer, checking computer configuration, determining RAM capacity), additional drivers(communication driver, etc.).

The operating system takes second (middle) level software hierarchy. It manages the resources of a computer system, which include operational and external memory, I/O devices and user programs. The OS interacts with the computer through the internal software interface. This makes it possible for PCs with hardware differences to work with the same operating system.

OS is a set of PC control programs.

The composition of the software is determined by the range of tasks that the user intends to solve using a computer.

By appointment, i.e. Depending on the class of tasks to be solved, software is usually divided into two main groups: General (basic) and applied.

Classification of software by functional purpose

Software general classification scheme

- a set of programs that ensure the operability of a computer; a set of programs that organize the computing process and manage computer resources.

- set software tools for developing programs.

- a set of programs designed to solve problems from various spheres of human activity.

The system does not solve specific practical problems, but only ensures the operation of other programs, providing them with service functions that abstract the details of the hardware and firmware implementation of the computing system, manages the hardware resources of the computing system.

System Programming- Creation of system software.

System programmer- a programmer specializing in systems programming.

The assignment of this or that software to the system is conditional, and depends on the conventions used in a particular context. As a rule, system software includes operating systems, utilities, programming systems, database management systems, a wide class of middleware.

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Operating Systems

Basic ideas of operating systems

predecessor operating systems should be considered utility programs (loaders and monitors), as well as libraries of frequently used subroutines that began to be developed with the advent of general-purpose computers of the 1st generation (late 1940s). Utility programs minimized the operator's physical manipulations with the equipment, and libraries made it possible to avoid repeated programming of the same actions (I / O operations, calculations mathematical functions etc.).

Built-in programs

Embedded programs or firmware are programs "hardwired" into digital electronic devices. In some cases (for example, the BIOS of IBM-PC compatible computers) are, in fact, part of the operating system stored in permanent memory. In enough simple devices the entire operating system can be embedded. Many devices modern computers have their own “firmware” that manages these devices and simplifies interaction with them.


Utilities (eng. utility or tool) - programs designed to solve a narrow range of auxiliary tasks. Utilities are sometimes referred to as utility software.

Utilities are used to monitor sensor performance and hardware performance (for example, monitor processor or video adapter temperatures), manage hardware parameters (limit the maximum rotation speed of a CD drive; change fan speed), monitor indicators (check referential integrity; correct data recording), extend features (formatting or re-partitioning the disk with data preservation, deletion without the possibility of recovery).

Utility types

  • Disk Utilities
    • Check disk - search for files and sections of the disk that were incorrectly recorded or damaged in various ways and their subsequent deletion for efficient use of disk space.
    • Disk Cleanup - delete temporary files, junk files, cleaning the "basket".
    • Disk partitioning - dividing a disk into logical disks, which may have different file systems and be perceived by the operating system as several different disks.
    • Backup Create backups whole disks and individual files, as well as restoring from these copies.
    • Disk compression - compresses information on disks to increase the capacity of hard disks.
  • Registry utilities
  • Hardware Monitoring Utilities
  • Equipment Tests

Programming systems

  • assemblers - computer programs, converting the program in the form of source text in assembly language into machine instructions in the form of object code;
  • translators - programs or technical means, which performs the broadcast of the program;
    • compilers - Programs that translate the text of a program into a language high level, into the equivalent machine language program.
    • interpreters - Programs (sometimes hardware) that analyze commands or program statements and immediately execute them;
  • linkers (link editors) - programs that perform linking - take one or more object modules as input and assemble an executable module from them;
  • preprocessors source code- these are computer programs that accept data as input and issue data intended for the input of another program, for example, such as a compiler;
  • debuggers (eng. debugger) - development environment modules or separate programs designed to find errors in programs;
  • text editors - computer programs designed to create and modify text files, as well as view them on the screen, print, search for text fragments, etc.;

What is software? Examples of it practical use we meet every day, sitting down at the computer. Even just moving the mouse across the screen is the result of the software. What are the types of software? How is software development done?

Software: theory

The operation of a computer is carried out through the combined use of hardware and software. The first refers to a set of chips, boards and other electronic components and devices that make up a PC. Under the second - computer programs that are designed to process information and perform useful action using a PC. The first is often called "hardware" in slang, the second - "software".

The software appears on the computer through installation - placing the appropriate files on the disk. In some cases it is necessary to update the software. This is, in fact, a re-installation of a more advanced and modern version of the software. That it is necessary to possess so-called "distribution kit". It is a specialized installer program.

There are two main types of software - system and application. The first variety ensures the operation of the PC in terms of its main functions: starting, loading, and performing low-level computing operations. The main varieties of system software are considered to be as well as the means of controlling the hardware components of the computer and their settings.

These are programs with the help of which practically significant actions are performed on a PC. For example, typing, building tables, drawing, using the Internet, etc.

To simplify the language, it can be summarized as follows: system software is for the computer, application software is for the user. Another way to explain the difference plain language: the work is usually not visible. They perform their functions without "coordination" with the user, in a hidden mode. In turn, only with the direct participation of the user does the application software work. We will look at examples of both of these today.

There are, of course, "non-computer" types of software. They can control other kinds of devices - for example, tablets, smartphones, TVs. There is software for climate control systems, industrial facilities, etc.

What is an operating system?

OS is the basic type of system software from the point of view of exploiting the capabilities of a PC. Why is it classified in this category of software? The fact is that in the environments formed by operating systems, all other computer software (both system and application) work. The OS is the basis for the operation of the PC. If there is no operating system, then no other program will work. The main processes of the OS are hidden from the user.

The most common PC OS in the world is Windows (the most popular, there are a lot of its versions - 7th, 8th, XP and others), Linux, MacOS.

System software: drivers

The second, perhaps, most important type of system software is the driver. They are designed to ensure the correct operation of hardware components. If the drivers for the disk are not installed on the computer, it will not function. Similarly - for a video card, mouse, modem and even a processor. Typical network software is a router or modem driver. This type of software is usually supplied by hardware manufacturers (and in many cases included with operating systems).

This is the essence of system software. Next in line are application software, examples of the most popular solutions and the main features that are offered to users.

Applied software: antiviruses, utilities

Common types of application software are antiviruses and utilities. The former are designed to protect the PC from malware, which can disable other software or even computer hardware components. Some of the most popular antiviruses in Russia are NOD32, DrWeb, Kaspersky. Utilities are designed to ensure the stable operation of the PC, monitor how well the processor, disks, memory and other hardware components of the computer work.

Popular Microsoft Word

Which of the specific samples of application software are most in demand today? First of all, it concerns programs for word processing. This kind of operation on a computer is historically the very first. One of the world's most popular programs for word processing and related operations (drawing tables, graphs, etc.) is Word. It was developed by one of the largest corporations in the world - American Microsoft. Its Russian transcription is acceptable, which sounds like "Word program".

To date, several versions of this software have been released. The functions in each of them are different, but the basic (and most demanded in practice) task performed by MS Word in one modification or another is text formatting, saving it to a file and ensuring (if necessary) its correct output to the printer.

Microsoft Word Features

"Word program" can perform a huge number of operations. Namely:

Formatting letters and paragraphs (selecting the font of the desired size and basic attributes - underlining, writing in bold, italics, line spacing, etc.)

Decor appearance pages (setting the color and pattern on the background, adding graphics, pictures, etc.)

Adding accompanying text elements (tables, graphs, icons, etc.)

Learning how to use Word is very easy. Many of the program controls are intuitive. It is also worth noting that Microsoft, which released Word, provided its solution with detailed help system, which the user can access by pressing F1 on the keyboard.

Popular Applications: Microsoft Excel

An example of another popular application software is Microsoft Excel(in Russian - "Excel program"). Her narrow specialization is computing with the help of spreadsheets. Such solutions greatly simplify the work with numbers.

Although this program is considered professional, even novice users can master the basic methods of working with it (which is why it has gained worldwide fame).

Microsoft Excel: Features

The most basic operations in Excel are displaying text and numbers in the form of tables. The working field of the program, in fact, looks like a large number of cells, in each of which you can enter something. A more complicated procedure is the construction of graphs, the introduction of formulas. Operations that require professional training - programming of the so-called "macros" (a kind of internal programs), engineering calculations.

We list the most common types of tasks in practice that the "Excel program" can solve:

Mathematical calculations using numerical values ​​in tabular cells (summation, subtraction, division, multiplication, building progressions, etc.);

Application of formulas for account automation;

Drawing up reports, forms, questionnaires and other documents that look most comfortable in the form of tables;

Construction of graphs, visualization of statistics using charts.

Just like with Word, using Excel is very easy to learn on your own. The program controls are largely intuitive. This type of software is also equipped with a detailed help system (which can be useful not only for a novice user, but also for a professional).

Popular Applications: Adobe Photoshop

Often users have a need to use one interesting program- Photoshop. For Windows 7, 8 or XP, it exists in a large number of versions. This program is officially called Adobe Photoshop. It is designed for drawing (this kind of solution is called " graphic editors"). Use it, as in the case of Word and Excel, both novice users and professionals: designers, web developers, cartoon creators.

Photoshop refers to programs that process images in the so-called "raster" mode. What does it mean? We can say that the main part belongs to the category "raster" computer graphics. These are images that are a large number small dots (remember how a picture is built on a TV and monitor - the principle is the same). With the help of "raster" you can create absolutely any graphic elements. You can draw a portrait of a person, a house, a landscape - anything. In addition to "raster" graphics, there are also "vector" ones. Images based on it, in turn, can be built only according to the templates laid down in the program.

Adobe Photoshop Features

Using Photoshop, you can not only create pictures, but also make changes to ready-made ones. Hence the term "photoshop". You can, for example, modify objects in a photo, add something to them, retouch - with a lot of experience with Photoshop, everything can turn out very believable.

Adobe Photoshop works with most formats graphic files due to the presence of a large set of converters for different formats. The latter will transform graphic information from file format to own format Adobe Photoshop editor when reading from a file. When writing to a file, converters perform the reverse conversion.

What are the most popular types of operations that are performed in Photoshop? These include the following:

Create new drawings using virtual brushes, pencils, rulers, shapes using different colors;

Changing the size of pictures or their individual elements;

Combining the content of two different images;

Change the color of the picture or its parts;

Application of visual effects due to the templates and algorithms built into the program;

Image transformation (reflection, rotation, etc.).

Just like with Word and Excel, Photoshop's controls are easy to learn intuitively. So even an inexperienced user will be able to draw something. Many of the versions of the program are equipped with a help system in Russian, which tells in detail how to work with Photoshop.

Popular types of application software: browsers

A browser is a program with which users access the Internet, read news from websites, write messages on social networks, watch videos - in a word, they do everything that is typical for "virtual space". The world's most popular solutions of this type - Internet Explorer Opera, Google Chrome. There are a very large number of their analogues and subtypes. The functionality of each of them is generally the same. Most users prefer to use one or the other, based on a subjective assessment of the quality of the design of programs and the convenience of the location of controls on them.

The principle of operation of browsers is based on recognizing the hypertext markup language (called HTML) and converting it into user-friendly visual elements - text, pictures, tables, videos, animations, message forms, etc.

Browsers: features

Samples of such software are arranged very simply. The main elements of the browser are a line with the site address and the main field (most often called the "web interface"), where information from the Internet is displayed. main feature such a program - it is an intermediary between the PC user and other people in the virtual space. That is, with the help of a browser (more precisely, a "web interface"), a person, in fact, can exchange data by sending something from himself (text, files) and receiving something from others. Was there an internet before browsers were invented? Undoubtedly. The fact is that the "web interface" is historically not the very first way of communication between users. It appeared after many years of international harmonization of standards according to which the exchange of "virtual" information should be carried out.

Software: paid and free

One of the criteria for classifying software is cost. There are three categories of solutions. Firstly, it is completely free. Secondly, there is a commercial one. If the user wants to use such software, then he must pay for its installation. Thirdly, there is an intermediate type of software - shareware. What is its feature? AT general case the use of such software is as follows: you do not need to pay for the installation, but after using the program for some time (for example, a month), you will need to transfer cash developer for continued use.

What is "cloud technology"?

In recent years, the term "cloud computing" has become very popular. What is this phenomenon? " Cloud technologies"- this, in simple terms, is application software that can be launched from a browser (accordingly, it is not installed on a PC). Consider an example. Microsoft Word, which we talked about above, is launched by double-clicking on the desktop icon. But there is the same solution but "cloudy": the use of this type of software is carried out through the browser's web interface. As a rule, the files that the user works with using such software are also stored on the Internet.

A lot of programs now exist in the "cloud" format. There were even versions of operating systems of this type. So we can say that the "cloud" format is not only applied, but also system software. The popularity of such solutions today is associated with the fast speed of the Internet (this was not the case a few years ago), as well as saving the user's time - there is no need to install anything on a PC. By the way, cloud-type software updates occur independently of the user. This is also convenient.

Who develops the software?

There is a whole branch of the economy, within the framework of which software development is carried out - programming. It employs people with a wide variety of knowledge profiles. But they are united by a common feature - knowledge of programming languages. Using one or more of them, a person writes software. A programming language is a set of commands that are recognized by the hardware components of a computer. Having written a "phrase" built in a certain way, a person creating software gives an "instruction" to the processor, or, say, a PC disk, to perform such and such an operation on the file. There are hundreds of languages ​​in which software development is carried out. Among the popular ones are C ("C"), Java, Pascal, Ruby-on-Rails.

Is it difficult to learn how to create software?

Not at all. Anyone can become a software developer. Creating software is not a prohibited activity at all. Many successful entrepreneurs got their start by developing software. Examples of such people are Bill Gates, Linux Torvalds, Eugene Kaspersky. You can learn languages ​​for creating software based on a large amount of available literature, video tutorials, or by visiting specialized courses. Software development is one of the fastest growing industries, and its growth in popularity is mainly due to universal accessibility.

� The program for preparing reporting documents for the FIU "Spu_orb" version 2.97 according to the forms ADV-1, ADV-2, ADV-3, ADV-8, ADV-9, SZV-1, SZV-3, SZV-4-1, SZV- 4-2, SZV-6-1, SZV-6-2, SZV-6-3, SZV-6-4, SPV-1, SPV-2, ADV-10, ADV-11, ADV-6-4, SZV-K, SZV-SP, DSV-1, DSV-3, RSV-1, RSV-2, RV-3, SZV-M, ODV-1, SZV-ISH, SZV-KORR, SZV-STAZH, application for appointment of a pension, information about birth, information about death.

The "Spu_orb" program provides an opportunity to prepare reporting documents for submission to Pension Fund Russia.

Here you have the opportunity to enter, print and upload bundles of documents for the FIU.

The program works with the following forms of documents:

  • Questionnaires of insured persons: ADV-1
  • Application for the exchange of an insurance certificate: ADV-2
  • Applications for issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate: ADV-3
  • Information about death: ADV-8, Information about birth, Information about death
  • Individual information: SZV-1, SZV-3, SZV-4-1, SZV-4-2, SZV-6-1, SZV-6-2, SZV-6-3, SZV-6-4, SPV-1 , SPV-2, ODV-1, SZV-ISH, SZV-KORR, SZV-STAZH
  • Accompanying list of individual information: ADV-10, ADV-11
  • Information about the length of service: SZV-K
  • Information about other periods of experience: SZV-SP
  • Information about the insured persons: SZV-M
  • Application for additional insurance premiums: DSV-1
  • Register of insured persons for insurance premiums: DSV-3
  • Calculation of insurance premiums: RSV-1, RSV-2, RV-3
  • Application for the appointment of a pension, application for the delivery of a pension

The program also provides additional features:

  • Work with any number of enterprises
  • Importing data from PFR files in XML format
  • Importing data from DBF files
  • Import of the FTS address classifier (KLADR and FIAS)
  • Formation and printing of forms from ready-made packs of PFR documents in XML format
  • Formation and printing of blank forms of PFR documents
  • Contribution Calculator for Individual Entrepreneurs
  • Administration, logging of actions of program users