Information depends on the person's opinion. Information

Test Information and information processes 8th grade consists of 26 questions and is intended to test the results of learning in computer science in the 8th grade on the relevant topic.

1. Which of the following statements most accurately reveals the meaning of the concept “information” from an everyday point of view?
a) a sequence of characters of some alphabet
b) library book collection
c) information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by a person directly or with the help of special devices
d) information contained in scientific theories

2. A signal is called continuous:

c) carrying textual information

3. A signal is called discrete:
a) taking a finite number of specific values
b) continuously changing over time
c) which can be decoded
d) carrying any information

4. Information that does not depend on personal opinion or judgment is called:
a) understandable
b) relevant
c) objective
d) useful

5. Information that is significant and important at the moment is called:

a) useful
b) relevant
c) reliable
d) objective

6. Based on the way a person perceives, the following types of information are distinguished:
a) textual, numerical, graphical, tabular, etc.
b) scientific, social, political, economic, religious, etc.
c) ordinary, production, technical, managerial

7. It is known that a physically healthy person receives the greatest amount of information with the help of:
a) hearing organs
b) organs of vision
c) organs of touch
d) olfactory organs
d) taste buds

8. Indicate the “extra” object from the point of view of the agreement on the meaning of the signs used:
a) letters
b) road signs
c) numbers
d) musical notes

9. Indicate the “extra” object in terms of the type of writing:
a) Russian language
b) English
c) Chinese
d) French

10. Formal languages ​​include:
a) Russian language
b) Latin
c) Chinese
d) French

11. According to the form of presentation, information can be divided into the following types:
a) mathematical, biological, medical, psychological, etc.
b) symbolic and figurative
c) everyday, scientific, production, management
d) visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory

12. Discretization of information is:
a) a physical process that changes over time
b) quantitative characteristic of the signal
c) the process of converting information from continuous form to discrete form
d) the process of converting information from discrete form to continuous

13. Give the most complete answer.
Binary coding uses an alphabet consisting of:
a) 0 and 1
b) the words YES and NO
c) signs + and −
d) any two characters

14. How many different sequences of plus and minus symbols are there, exactly six characters long?
a) 64
b) 50
c) 32
d) 20

15. For five letters of the Latin alphabet, their binary codes are given (for some letters - from two bits, for some - from three bits). These codes are presented below:
A - 000, B - 01, C - 100, D - 10, E - 011
Determine which set of letters is encoded in a binary string 0110100011000 .

16. The chessboard consists of 8 columns and 8 rows. What is the minimum number of bits required to encode the coordinates of one chess field?
a) 4
b) 5
at 6
d) 7

17. In which line are the units of measurement of information arranged in ascending order?
a) gigabyte, megabyte, kilobyte, byte, bit
b) bit, byte, megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte
c) byte, bit, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte
d) bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte

18. The message size is 11 KB. The message contains 11,264 characters. What is the power of the alphabet with which the message is written?
a) 64
c) 256
d) 512

19. A text of 600 characters is given. It is known that the characters are taken from a table of size 16 x 32. Determine the information volume of the text in bits.
a) 1000
b) 2400
c) 3600
d) 5400

20. Two texts contain the same number of characters. The first text is composed of alphabet characters with a power of 16, and the second text is composed of alphabet characters with a power of 256. How many times is the amount of information in the second text greater than in the first?
a) 12
b) 2
c) 24
d) 4

21. Information processes are:
a) processes of construction of buildings and structures
b) processes of chemical and mechanical water purification
c) processes of collecting, storing, processing, searching and transmitting information
d) electricity production processes

22. By information carrier we usually mean:
a) communication line
b) the Internet
c) computer
d) a material object on which information can be recorded in one way or another

23. Which line correctly represents the information transfer scheme?
a) source → encoder → decoder → receiver
b) source → encoder → communication channel → decoder → receiver
c) source → encoder → interference → decoder → receiver
d) source → decoding device → communication channel → encoding device → receiver

24. Hypertext is:
a) very large text
b) text in which links can be followed
c) text typed on a computer
d) text that uses a large font size

25. Search engine NOT is:
a) Google
b) FireFox
c) Rambler
d) Yandex

26. The table shows requests to search engine. What query will it be found for? greatest number corresponding pages?
a) breeding & keeping & swordtails & catfish
b) content & swordtails
c) (contents & swordtails) | catfish
d) keeping & swordtails & catfish

Answers to the test Information and information processes, grade 8
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1. Economic information is information...
characterizing production relations in society
necessary for solving various kinds of economic problems
arising in various areas of economic activity

2. The efficiency of information reflects
relevance of information for necessary calculations and decision-making in changed conditions
average time for collecting and transmitting economic information in the information system
speed of bringing economic information to the consumer

3. Information reflecting the true state of affairs

4. An example of information processes – processes...
construction of buildings and structures
chemical water purification
receiving, searching, storing, transmitting, processing and using information
electricity production
extraction of minerals from the bowels of the Earth

5. The functional components of an economic information system mean a system...
management functions - a complete set (complex) of management work interconnected in time and space, necessary to achieve the goals set for the enterprise
time-related functions that describe technological processes information processing in an information system
functions characterizing the processes of collecting, transmitting, processing and bringing information to the consumer

6. By information carrier we mean...
communication line
information process parameter
personal computer storage device
a material substance that can be used to record, store and/or transmit information
intangible information that stores data about a person

7. Types of information systems depending on the degree of automation

8. An information system is...
system for storing information about specific object
information production system
a communication system for collecting, transmitting, and processing information about a specific object, providing workers with information to implement management functions

9. Economic informatics is a science...
about the processes of obtaining economic information using computer and organizational technology
studying methods of automated processing of economic information using computer and organizational technology
studying methods of studying economic structures in order to identify places where information arises

10. Information presented in a language understandable to the recipient

11. Automated Information system- This …
an information processing system that involves complete automation of any sphere of human activity
a set of information arrays, technical, software and language tools intended for collecting, storing, searching, processing and issuing data according to user requests
information processing system that involves automation of data collection, storage, retrieval and retrieval

12. The accuracy of information means...
degree of permissible distortion of information
correct display of economic information
unambiguous perception of information by all users

13. Information technology- this is a system...
user interaction when solving applied problems
methods and methods of collecting, accumulating, storing, searching, processing and issuing information
methods and methods for solving applied economic problems

14. Information not subject to personal opinion or judgment

15. Types of economic information
regulatory and technical
economic planning

16. Economic information? this is information...
characterizing the results of economic activity
characterizing production relations in society
financial, labor and natural resources

17. The simplest and most common type of architectural and technological solutions for constructing automated workstations is based on...
mainframe computers
small computers
personal computers

18. Requirements characterizing economic information

19. Information sufficient to solve the problem

20. Information Support- This …
a set of governing documents used at the enterprise and form the basis of the database
a set of methods and means for placing and organizing information, including classification and coding systems, unified documentation systems, rationalization of document flow and document forms, methods for creating an in-machine information base of an information system
a set of planning-accounting, normative-reference and reporting-statistical information, systematized and presented in the intramachine sphere

21. Information is significant and important at the moment

22. Information with which you can solve the problem

23. Based on the place of origin, economic information is divided into:
day off

24. Software A computer is a collection of programs...
procedures and rules, together with the documentation associated with these components, allowing the use of a computer to solve various problems
allowing the use of computers to solve various problems
and documentation that allows you to use a computer to solve various problems

25. Types of economic information
Regulatory and technical

Answers to test 1 in Computer Science 7th grade

Answers to test 1 in Computer Science, grade 7 - this is a guide for parents for checking answers children (GDZ) on “Test questions for self-control”, specified in Computer Science textbook. According to the authors of the textbook ( L.L.Bosova, A.Yu.Bosova) at the end of each chapter there are test tasks that will help assess whether students have mastered the theoretical material well and whether they can apply their knowledge to solve emerging problems.

Answers on questions will help parents quickly check the completion of these tasks.

1. Which of the following statements most accurately reveals the meaning of the concept “information” from an everyday point of view?

a) a sequence of characters of some alphabet
b) library book collection
c) information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by a person directly or with the help of special devices
d) information contained in scientific theories

CORRECT ANSWER: c) information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by a person directly or with the help of special devices

2. A signal is called continuous:

c) carrying textual information

CORRECT ANSWER: b) continuously changing over time

3. A signal is called discrete:

a) taking a finite number of specific values
b) continuously changing over time
c) which can be decoded
d) carrying any information

CORRECT ANSWER: a) taking a finite number of specific values

4. Information that does not depend on personal opinion or judgment is called:

a) understandable
b) relevant
c) objective
d) useful

CORRECT ANSWER: c) objective

5. Information that is significant and important at the moment is called:

a) useful
b) relevant
c) reliable
d) objective

CORRECT ANSWER: b) relevant

6. Based on the way a person perceives, the following types of information are distinguished:

a) textual, numerical, graphical, tabular, etc.
b) scientific, social, political, economic, religious, etc.
c) ordinary, production, technical, managerial

CORRECT ANSWER: d) visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory

7. It is known that a physically healthy person receives the greatest amount of information with the help of:

a) hearing organs
b) organs of vision
c) organs of touch
d) olfactory organs

CORRECT ANSWER: b) organs of vision

8. Indicate the “extra” object from the point of view of the agreement on the meaning of the signs used:

a) letters
b) road signs
c) numbers
d) musical notes

CORRECT ANSWER: b) road signs

9. Indicate the “extra” object in terms of the type of writing:

a) Russian language
b) English
c) Chinese
d) French

CORRECT ANSWER: c) Chinese language

10. Formal languages ​​include:

a) Russian language
b) Latin
c) Chinese
d) French


11. According to the form of presentation, information can be divided into the following types:

a) mathematical, biological, medical, psychological, etc.
b) symbolic and figurative
c) everyday, scientific, production, management
d) visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory

CORRECT ANSWER: b) symbolic and figurative

12. Discretization of information is:

a) a physical process that changes over time
b) quantitative characteristic of the signal
c) the process of converting information from continuous form to discrete form
d) the process of converting information from discrete form to continuous

CORRECT ANSWER: c) the process of converting information from continuous to discrete form

13. Give the most complete answer. Binary coding uses an alphabet consisting of:

a) 0 and 1
b) the words YES and NO
c) signs + and -
d) any two characters

CORRECT ANSWER: d) any two characters

14. How many different sequences of plus and minus symbols are there, exactly six characters long?

a) 64
b) 50
c) 32
d) 20


15. For five letters of the Latin alphabet, their binary codes are given (for some letters - from two bits, for some - from three bits). These codes are presented in the table:


16. The chessboard consists of 8 columns and 8 rows. What is the minimum number of bits required to encode the coordinates of one chess field?

a) 4
6) 5
at 6
d) 7


17. In which line are the units of measurement of information arranged in ascending order?

a) gigabyte, megabyte, kilobyte, byte, bit
b) bit, byte, megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte
c) byte, bit, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte
d) bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte

CORRECT ANSWER: d) bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte

18. The message size is 11 KB. The message contains 11,264 characters. What is the power of the alphabet with which the message is written?

a) 64
6) 128
c) 256
d) 512


19. A text of 600 characters is given. It is known that the symbols are taken from a table of size 16 x 32. Determine the information volume of the text in bits.

a) 1000
6) 2400
c) 3600
d) 5400


20. Two texts contain the same number of characters. The first text is composed of alphabet characters with cardinality 16, and the second text is composed of alphabet symbols with cardinality 256. How many times more information is in the second text than in the first?

a) 12
6) 2
c) 24
d) 4


21. Information processes are:

a) processes of construction of buildings and structures
b) processes of chemical and mechanical water purification
c) processes of collecting, storing, processing, searching and transmitting information
d) electricity production processes

CORRECT ANSWER: c) processes of collecting, storing, processing, searching and transmitting information

22. By information carrier we usually mean:

a) communication line
b) the Internet
c) computer
d) a material object on which information can be recorded in one way or another

CORRECT ANSWER: d) a material object on which information can be recorded in one way or another

23. Which line correctly represents the information transfer scheme?

a) source -> encoder -> decoder -> receiver
b) source -> encoder -> communication channel -> decoder -> receiver
c) source -> encoder -> interference -> decoder -> receiver
d) source -" decoding device -" communication channel -" encoding device -> receiver

CORRECT ANSWER: b) source -> encoding device -> communication channel -> decoding device -> receiver

24. Hypertext is:

a) very large text
b) text in which links can be followed
c) text typed on a computer
d) text that uses a large font size

CORRECT ANSWER: b) text in which links can be followed

25. A search engine is NOT:

a) Google
b) FireFox
c) Rambler
d) Yandex


26. Queries to the search engine are given. Which query will find the largest number of matching pages?

a) breeding & keeping & swordtails & catfish
b) content & swordtails
c) (content & swordtails)] catfish
d) keeping & swordtails & catfish

CORRECT ANSWER: c) (content & swordtails)] catfish

Have you watched “(L.L. Bosova, Answers to Questions)”

c) data storage device in a personal computer;

d) computer;

e) a material substance that can be used to record, store and (or) transmit information.

4. Third generation computers:

c) had integrated circuits as an elemental base, were distinguished by the ability to access from remote terminals, and were programmed using algorithmic languages;

d) had large integrated circuits and microprocessors as an elemental base; differed in their ability to process various types of information;

The result of executing the algorithm with input b equal to 2 will be:

b) information that reduces uncertainty;

3. Which of the following statements is obviously FALSE:

a) video recording of a school holiday is carried out for the purpose of processing information;

b) video recording of a school holiday is carried out for the purpose of transmitting information;

c) video recording of a school holiday is carried out for the purpose of storing information;

d) video recording of a school holiday is carried out for the purpose of classifying information;

e) video recording of a school holiday is carried out for the purpose of exchanging information.

4. The purpose of creating the “fifth generation of computers” was:

a) implementation of new principles of computer construction;

b) creation of cheap computers;

c) achievement high performance personal computers (more than 10 billion operations per second);

d) implementation of the possibility of modeling human intelligence (creating artificial intelligence);

e) creation of a unified human-machine intelligence.

5. The block diagram of the algorithm is given

The result of executing the algorithm with the input b equal to 3 will be:

6. At what initial values ​​of the variables X and Y, as a result of executing the command X=X^Y – Y, the value of the variable X will become equal to two:

d) 5.1.
7. The text is given:

It is better to be a shepherd at home than to be a padishah in a foreign land.

c) 45
8. The sum of binary numbers 1001+1111 is equal to:

9. The difference between binary numbers 1001-100 is equal to:

10. The product of binary numbers 1011x1011 is equal to:

11. The decimal number 77 in the binary number system is written as:

12. The binary number 11011 in the decimal number system is written as:

1. Information sufficient to solve a given problem is called:

a) useful, valuable

b) relevant;

c) complete;

d) reliable;

d) understandable.

2. Audio information is information that is perceived through:

a) organs of vision;

b) organs of touch (skin);

c) the organ of smell;

d) hearing organs;

d) organs of taste perception.

3. Indicate the “extra” object in terms of the way information is presented:

a) school textbook;

b) photograph;

c) telephone conversation;

d) picture;

d) drawing.

4. Fourth generation computers:

a) had as an elemental base vacuum tubes; characterized by low speed and low reliability; programmed in machine codes;

b) had semiconductor elements as an elemental base; programmed using algorithmic languages;

c) had integrated circuits as an elemental base, were distinguished by the ability to access from remote terminals, and were programmed using algorithmic languages;

d) had large integrated circuits and microprocessors as an elemental base; differed in their ability to process various types of information;

e) had as an elemental base - extra-large integrated circuits, had the ability to perceive video and audio information.

5. A block diagram of the algorithm is given

The result of executing the algorithm with input a equal to 1 will be:


d) 11
7. The text is given:

You can't grasp two watermelons with one hand.

How much memory does it take? this text in the machine's memory.

at 6

9. The difference between binary numbers 11000-111 is equal to:

10. The product of binary numbers 1110x1110 is equal to:

11. The decimal number 165 in the binary number system is written as:

12. The octal number 116 in the decimal number system is written as:

1. Information presented in a language accessible to the recipient is called:

a) complete;

b) useful;

c) relevant;

d) reliable;

d) understandable.

2. Audio information includes information that is transmitted through:

a) transfer of matter;

b) electromagnetic waves;

c) light waves;

d) sound waves;

e) iconic models.

a) information can be stored without a computer;

b) information can be stored without printed materials (books, newspapers, photo reproductions, etc.);

c) information can be stored in a library, video library, archive, etc.;

d) storage of information can be carried out without a material storage medium;

e) information can be stored in computer memory.

4. During performance application program stored:

a) in video memory;

b) in the processor;

c) in random access memory;

d) on the hard drive;

5. The block diagram of the algorithm is given

The result of executing the algorithm with input N equal to 5 will be:

d) 20
6. Given is a fragment of the algorithm written in pseudocode:


7. The text is given:

You can never please a person: he has everything, but everything is not enough for him.

How much memory does this text occupy in the machine's memory?

8. The sum of binary numbers 111+100 is equal to:

9. The difference between binary numbers 11011-1110 is equal to:

c) 1101

10. The product of binary numbers 11101x110 is equal to:

a) 10101110

11. The decimal number 121 in the binary number system is written as:

b) 1111001

12. The hexadecimal number C0 in the decimal number system is written as:

1. The term “development of information processes” means:

a) reducing the conflict between a person’s limited abilities to perceive and process information and the amount of information circulating in society;

b) increasing the influence of the media on human activity;

c) increase information resources countries;

d) increase in share information activities in the total volume of various types of human activity;

e) reducing the volume of control procedures over the processes of social production and distribution of material goods.

2. A person receives tactile information through:

a) special devices;

b) thermometer;

c) barometer;

d) organs of touch;

d) hearing organs.

3. Translation of text from in English in Russian it can be called:

a) the information process of information transfer;

b) the information process of information retrieval;

c) information processing process;

d) information storage process;

e) is not one of the above processes.

4. For long-term storage of information the following is used:

a) RAM;

b) processor;

c) external media;

d) disk drive;

d) power supply.

5. The block diagram of the algorithm is given


6. Given is a fragment of the algorithm written in pseudocode:


As a result, the number will be printed:

in 1
7. The text is given:

The Colorado potato beetle is an enemy of potatoes, and locusts are an enemy of grain.

How much memory does this text occupy in the machine's memory?

at 8
8. The sum of binary numbers 1101+1001 is equal to:

9. The difference between binary numbers 101000-1010 is equal to:

10. The product of binary numbers 1001x1001 is equal to:

11. The decimal number 169 in the binary number system is written as:

12. The octal number 170 in the decimal number system is written as:

1. Information with which you can solve a given problem is called:

a) useful, valuable;

b) relevant;

c) complete;

d) reliable;

d) understandable.

2. The following information is simultaneously stored in a mathematics textbook:

a) exclusively numerical information;

b) graphic, sound and numerical;

c) graphic, text and sound;

d) text information only;

e) textual, graphical, numerical.

3. Which of the following statements is FALSE:

a) an example of the transfer of information would be receiving a letter from a friend;

b) an example of information transfer can be the reader’s perception of the author’s thoughts when reading the text;

c) an example of information transfer can be the accuracy and reliability of information;

d) an example of information transmission can be a traffic light signal;

e) an example of information transfer can be a conversation between two subscribers on the phone.

4. Addressability of RAM means:

a) discreteness of structural units of memory;

b) energy dependence of RAM;

c) the possibility of random access to each memory unit;

d) the presence of a number for each RAM cell;

e) non-volatile RAM
5. The block diagram of the algorithm is given

The result of executing the algorithm with input N equal to 3 will be:

6. Given is a fragment of the algorithm written in pseudocode:


As a result, the numbers will be printed:

7. The text is given:

-Help me! Save! - the moneylender yelled after them.

How much memory does this text occupy in the machine's memory?

at 8
8. The sum of binary numbers 1011+1011 is equal to:

9. The difference between binary numbers 11001-1111 is:

10. The product of binary numbers 11001x101 is equal to:

11. The decimal number 299 in the binary number system is written as:

12. The binary number 1011 in the decimal number system is written as:

1. In information theory, information is understood as:

a) signals from human senses;

b) information that reduces uncertainty;

c) characteristics of the object, expressed in numerical values;

d) reflected diversity of surrounding reality;

e) information that is new.

2. Information that does not depend on personal opinion or judgment can be called:

a) reliable;

b) relevant;

c) objective;

d) useful;

d) understandable.

3. An example of information processes can be:

a) processes of construction of buildings and structures;

b) processes of chemical and mechanical water purification;

c) processes of receiving, searching, storing, transmitting, processing and using information;

d) electricity production processes;

e) processes of extracting minerals from the bowels of the Earth.

4. Principle program control computer operation involves:

a) binary coding of data in a computer;

b) modeling of human information activity when operating a computer;

c) the need to use an operating system for synchronous operation of hardware;

d) the ability to execute a whole series of commands without external intervention;

e) use of propositional calculus formulas to implement commands in a computer.

5. The block diagram of the algorithm is given

The result of executing the algorithm with input N equal to 4 will be:

6. Given is a fragment of the algorithm written in pseudocode:


As a result, the numbers will be printed:

7. The text is given:

I am an animal, and you are an animal, I am a mouse, you are a ferret...

How much memory does this text occupy in the machine's memory?

at 10
8. The sum of binary numbers 1011+1100 is equal to:

9. The difference between binary numbers 100110-1011 is equal to:

10. The product of binary numbers 1101x1101 is equal to:

11. The decimal number 81 in the binary number system is written as:

12. The hexadecimal number E2 in the decimal number system is written as:


1. Audio information is information that is perceived through:

a) organs of vision;

b) organs of touch (skin);

c) the organ of smell;

d) hearing organs;

d) organs of taste perception.

2. Information processes are actions related to:

a) with the creation of global information systems;

c) with receiving (searching), storing, transmitting, processing and using information;

d) with the organization of a worldwide computer network;

e) with the development of new personal computers.

3. In the positional number system

a) the meaning of each sign in a number does not depend on the position occupied by the sign in the number record;

b) the meaning of each sign in a number in some cases does not depend on the position occupied by the sign in the number record;

c) the meaning of each sign in a number depends on the position the sign occupies in the notation of the number;

d) exactly one symbol is used to write numbers;

e) the quantitative equivalent of the meaning of each symbol does not depend on its position in the number code.

4. When turning off the computer, information:

a) disappears from RAM;

b) disappears from permanent storage;

c) erased on the “hard drive”;

d) erased on a magnetic disk;

erased on the CD.

5. The block diagram of the algorithm is given


When executing the algorithm, the numbers will be output:

a) 2; 5; 10; 17

b) 1; 4; 10; 17

6. Given is a fragment of the algorithm written in pseudocode:


As a result, the number will be printed:

d) 4
7. The text is given:

A fired arrow does not return.

How much memory does this text occupy in the machine's memory?

8. The sum of binary numbers 1011+1000 is equal to:

9. The difference between binary numbers 110000-101 is equal to:

10. The product of binary numbers 10111x1101 is equal to:

11. The decimal number 125 in the binary number system is written as.

Choose the correct answer:

1. Information presented in a language accessible to the recipient is called:

    a) complete;
    b) relevant;
    c) useful;
    d) reliable;
    d) understandable.

2. Information that does not depend on personal opinion or judgment is called:

    a) reliable;
    b) understandable;
    c) objective;
    d) complete;
    e) relevant;

3. Information that reflects the true state of affairs is called:

    a) reliable;
    b) useful;
    c) understandable;
    d) relevant;
    d) complete;

4. Information that is significant and important at the moment is called:

    a) relevant;
    b) reliable;
    c) complete;
    d) understandable;
    e) useful;

5. A person receives the greatest amount of information through:

    a) organs of vision;
    b) olfactory organs;
    c) taste buds;
    d) organs of touch;
    e) hearing organs;

6. A person receives tactile information through:

    a) barometer;
    b) organs of touch;
    c) special devices;
    d) hearing organs;
    e) thermometer;

7. A signal is called analog if

    a) it carries any information;
    c) this is a digital signal;
    d) it carries textual information;

8. A signal is called discrete if

    a) it carries textual information;
    b) it can take a finite number of specific values;
    c) it carries any information;
    d) this is a digital signal;
    e) it continuously changes in amplitude over time;

9. Converting continuous images and sound into a set of discrete values ​​in the form of codes is called -

    a) decoding;
    b) coding;
    c) sampling;
    d) informatization.

10. Temperature measurement is:

    c) the process of transmitting information;
    d) the process of storing information;
    e) the process of using information.

11. Translation of text from English into Russian can be called:

    a) the process of obtaining information;
    b) information security process;
    c) the process of storing information;
    d) the process of information transfer;
    e) information processing process.

12. Exchange of information is:

    a) talking on the phone;
    b) doing homework;
    c) watching a TV program;
    d) observing the behavior of fish in the aquarium;

13. Formal languages ​​include:

    a) Chinese;
    b) English;
    c) Russian language;
    d) sign language;
    e) programming language;

14. Main difference formal languages from natural:

    a) each word has only one meaning;
    b) each word has no more than two meanings;
    c) each word has only one meaning and there are strict rules of grammar and syntax;
    d) the number of characters in each word does not exceed a certain fixed number; e) there are strict rules of grammar and syntax;

15. The binary number 10001 2 corresponds to a decimal number

    a) 256 10
    b) 10001 10
    c) 17 10
    d) 1001 10
    e) 11 10

16. The number 24 8 corresponds to the number

    a) 76 16
    b) BF 16
    c) 14 16
    d) 20 16
    e) 10110 16

17. Which number is odd:

    a) 11111111 2
    b) 226 10
    c) FF 16
    d) 377 8

18. Indicate the largest number:

    a) 144 8
    b) 144 10
    c) 144 16
    d) 144 6

19. The unit of information quantity is taken to be:

    a) bit
    b) baud
    c) bytes
    d) byte

20. In which sequence are units of measurement indicated in ascending order?

    a) megabyte, kilobyte, byte, gigabyte
    b) byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte
    c) gigabyte, megabyte, kilobyte, byte
    d) gigabyte, kilobyte, megabyte, byte