The role of information activity in the economic society. The role and importance of information in society - abstract


Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ...................3
1. The concept, essence and types of information activities .................................................... 5
2. Classification of information technologies in modern society .......... 9
3. Directions and trends in the development of information activities....................14
Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ..............22
List of references .............................................................................. .........................23?

The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that today information occupies a special position in the economy. Humanity has entered a new stage of its development. Modern society is commonly referred to as information society. This is an indicator of the importance of information in our era, its new role and new opportunities. Information is one of the main, decisive factors that determines the development of technology and resources in general. The use of electronic computers and personal computers led to a radical transformation of relations and technological foundations of activity in the economic sphere. At present, the dissemination of information in the information sector of the economy cannot be imagined without the use of new information technologies. Without them, the economy of both individual enterprises and the whole state will remain among the lagging behind. The information economy has changed many aspects of economic reality, including the function of money, which gradually turned from a universal equivalent of labor costs into a means of payment. Virtual banks and payment systems are the fruit of the development of information technology. In economics and business Information Technology are used for processing, sorting and aggregating data, for organizing the interaction of process participants and computer science, to meet information needs, for operational communication.
Thus, the development of computer technology, information and communication technologies, the creation and distribution of the global Internet, indeed, open up unprecedented opportunities for the use of information.
The purpose of the work is to determine the role of information activity in modern society.
The object of the research is information and information activity.
At the same time, the subject of the study is to identify the role of information activity in modern society.

1. The concept, essence and types of information activities

Modern society cannot exist in conditions of sensory hunger - a comprehensive information field is absolutely necessary for its development and self-organization.
In the process of developing an information strategy, it is important to take into account that when creating an information environment, a dialectical unity of informatics tools and a social information system should be formed.
Unfortunately, in the scientific literature and journalism, the information environment is often interpreted as a synonym for the technosphere, which is a reflection of the technocratic approach. Now all over the world in the process of informatization the development of software and hardware means of informatization strongly prevails. A paradoxical situation is developing when low-quality information, inadequate to social processes, is processed with a very high-quality technology.
Information - the presence of some information about the state of the object and the environment. Any information to be transmitted must be encoded. Signals can be light or light pulses, signals, etc...

In the information society, the importance of information as a commodity is increasing. This is a consequence of the general growth of information needs and an expression of the development of the information services industry. Evidence of this is the increasing contribution of the information sector to the creation of national wealth.
Information today is considered as one of the most important resources for the development of society, along with material, energy and human resources. Considering the Russian information market as a whole, one can notice that it is developing dynamically, taking root in various spheres of our life.
The economic way of thinking is becoming a thing of the past, forcing us to rethink the axioms that seemed indisputable, radically changing the point of view on many problems. Evaluation of the results of information activities and information exchange involves the use of new criteria. Probably, they will be developed using the achievements of many scientific disciplines that study the phenomenon of information.
Probably, the recognition of the role of information and information activity in modern economic and social development is the first, but not the most important step towards becoming information market and the information economy in general.

List of used literature

1. the federal law“On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015).
2. Albert M. Fundamentals of management. - M.: VLADOS, 2013. - p. 59.
3. Aleshin L.I. Information Technology. - M.: Litera, 2008. - 424 p.
4. Automated information technologies in the economy / / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. - M.: UNITI., 2014 . - 399 p.
5. Vasyukhin O. V., Varzunov A. V. Information management: a short course. Tutorial. - St. Petersburg State University ITMO, 2010. - p.248
6. Gromov G.R. Essays on information technology. - M.: Nauka, 1993. - p. 19.
7. Dubrovsky E.N. Information-exchange processes as factors in the evolution of society. - M.: MGSU, 1999.- p.47.
8. EITO - European Information Technology Observatory.
9. Publishing House "Open Systems"
10. Information portal RESOURCE >11. RIANOVOSTI Rating of the largest IT companies in Russia2015
12. Rating agency.
13. Industry analytical magazine "Modern Telecommunications of Russia". -2010. No. 12.
14. International scientific and technical cooperation. 2015

Lecture #1

Introduction. The role of information activity in modern society: economic, social, cultural, educational spheres.

    The role of information activity in modern society

    Information transfer channels

Lecture progress:

1. The role of information activity in modern society

The colossal information potential accumulated to date and the emergence of new information and communication technologies have changed the socio-economic nature of modern society.

If, until the middle of the twentieth century, society had a pronounced industrial character, then scientists characterize its current state as post-industrial, considering it as a transition to information society y.

The transition from an industrial society to an information society characterizes the redistribution of labor resources in the service sector and the information sphere:

Services sector- part of the economy, which includes all types of commercial and non-commercial services; provided by enterprises, organizations, as well as individuals.

The service sector in economically developed countries makes up the bulk of the economy in terms of the number of employees (more than 60%).

The scope of services includes the following services: financial, information, housing and communal, household, rental services, travel, legal, hotel security, translation services, trade, transport services.

Information sphere is a set of information, information infrastructure, entities that collect, form, disseminate and use information, as well as a system for regulating the resulting public relations.

Examples of the use of computers in various fields: automated control systems, robots, communications, CAD, construction, banks, science, trade, education (DB, distance learning), medicine, law enforcement, agriculture, army, art, social sphere, life.

Thus, society has information resources. US Employment in 1983 Service 30% Industry 20% Agriculture 5% Information Services 45%

Information resources include :

Libraries (more than 150 thousand in Russia, electronic catalogs are being created, books are being digitized);

Centers for scientific and technical information (registration of new inventions and discoveries),

Archives (transfer to electronic form is in progress),

Industry Resources ( computer centers enterprises, information processing and management organizations),

Social resources (health care, education, pension fund, insurance system, tourism, etc.).

The development of human society requires material, instrumental, energy and other resources, includinginformational . The present time is characterized by an unprecedented growth in the volume of information flows. This applies to almost every field of human activity. The greatest growth in the volume of information is observed in industry, trade, financial and banking and educational spheres.

At present, the dissemination of information in the information sector of the economy cannot be imagined without the use of new information technologies (NIT). The use of modern IT provides an almost instantaneous connection to any electronic information arrays coming from international, regional and national information systems and their use in the interests of successful business.

Thanks to the rapid development of NIT, at present, not only has open access to the global flow of political, financial, scientific and technical information, but the possibility of building a global business on the Internet has become a real possibility.

The growing popularity of the Internet is due to the fact that using this technology it is possible to implement almost all business processes in electronic form: buy and sell goods and services, invest money, receive information, conclude agreements, etc. The present moment of the development of the Internet is connected with the avalanche development of e-commerce.

    Information transfer channels.

A person constantly has to participate in the process of transmitting information. The transmission can take place during a direct conversation between people, through correspondence, using technical means of communication: telephone, radio, television, etc. Such means of communication are calledinformation channels . Information channels are divided into two types: biological and technical.

Biological information channels are the human senses. There are five of them:sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch . According to the way a person perceives information, it can be visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, muscular and vestibular.

Technical information channels telephone, radio, television, computer, etc.

The process of information transfer is always two-sided: there is a source and there is a receiver of information.Source transmits (sends) information, andreceiver receives (perceives) it. Each person is constantly moving from the role of a source to the role of a receiver of information.

A person almost constantly has to deal with information processing.

Information perceived by a person in speech or writing, is called symbolic (or sign) information.

Human speech and writing are closely related to the concept of language.

Language is a sign system for representing information, exchanging information. Smells, gustatory and tactile sensations are not reduced to some kind of signs, they cannot be conveyed with the help of signs. Of course, they carry information, because we remember them, we recognize them. Such information is calledfigurative information . Figurative information also includes information perceived through sight and hearing, but not limited to languages ​​(wind noise, birdsong, pictures of nature, painting).

Although information is associated with a material carrier, and its transmission is energy-consuming, the same information can be stored on various material media (on paper, in the form of a photograph, on magnetic tape) and transmitted with different energy costs (by mail, by telephone). , by courier, etc.).

As a means for storing, processing and transmitting information, scientific and technological progress offered society a computer (electronic computer, computer).

Literature: Tsvetkova M.S., Velikovich L.S. Informatics and ICT: textbook. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012, 1.2

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1.2 Properties of information

1.4 Information processes


List of sources used


Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. It is a well-known saying that the one who owns the information owns the world.

Since ancient times, the collection and systematization of information about the world around us helped a person survive in difficult conditions - from generation to generation, experience and skills in making hunting and labor tools, creating clothes and medicines were passed on. The information was constantly updated and supplemented - each studied phenomenon made it possible to move on to something new, more complex. Over time, large amounts of data about the world around us contributed to the development of scientific and technological progress and, as a result, of the whole society as a whole - a person learned to control various types of matter and energy.

Over time, the role of information in human life has become more and more significant. It was necessary to study and understand not only the laws of nature, but also the concepts and values ​​of human society - literature, art, architecture, etc.

In the modern society of the century, the role of information in a person's life is decisive - the more information he owns, the higher his value in society.

The purpose of this work is to reveal the concept of information, and to designate the place of information in modern society.

1. Information and its role in modern society

1.1 The concept of information and its types

Knowing the world around us, a person constantly deals with information.

In modern society, it is impossible to imagine the existence of a person separately from the concept of "information". The term information is used in many sciences and in many areas of human activity. It comes from the Latin word "informatio", which means "information, clarification, exposition."

Despite the familiarity of this term, there is no strict and generally accepted definition. In the literature, you can find quite a lot of definitions of this term, reflecting different approaches to the interpretation of this concept.

So in federal law Russian Federation"On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" the following definition is given: "information is information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation." The federal law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" defines the concept of information as follows: "information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation."

In computer science, the following definition of the term information is most often used - this is conscious information about the world around, which is the object of storage, transformation, transmission and use. Information is knowledge expressed in signals, messages, news, notifications, etc.

The main types of information in terms of its form of presentation, ways of encoding and storing it, which is of the greatest importance for computer science, are:

Graphic or pictorial - the first type for which a method of storing information about the world around was implemented in the form of rock paintings, and later in the form of paintings, photographs, diagrams, drawings on paper, canvas, marble and other materials depicting pictures of the real world;

Sound - the world around us is full of sounds and the task of storing and replicating them was solved with the invention of sound recording devices in 1877, its variety is musical information - for this type a coding method was invented using special characters, which makes it possible to store it similarly to graphic information ;

Text - a way of encoding a person's speech with special characters - letters, and different peoples have different languages ​​\u200b\u200band use different sets of letters to display speech; this method became especially important after the invention of paper and printing;

Numerical - a quantitative measure of objects and their properties in the surrounding world; acquired especially great importance with the development of trade, economy and money exchange; similarly to textual information, to display it, the coding method is used with special characters - numbers, and the coding systems (numbers) can be different;

Video information is a way of storing moving pictures of the surrounding world, which appeared with the invention of cinema.

There are also types of information for which methods of coding and storage have not yet been invented - this is tactile information transmitted by sensations, organoleptic, transmitted by smells and tastes, and other types for which modern science has not even found definition terms recognized by all (for example, extrasensory information).

To transmit information over long distances, initially coded light signals were used, with the invention of electricity - the transmission of a signal encoded in a certain way over wires, later - using radio waves.

When using computers, information is stored on magnetic disks or tapes, on laser disks (CDs and DVDs), special non-volatile memory devices (flash memory, etc.). These methods are constantly being improved, new devices and information carriers are being invented. Information processing (reproduction, conversion, transfer, recording to external media) is performed by the computer processor. With the help of a computer, it is possible to create and store new information of any kind, for which special programs used on computers and input devices.

At present, information presented on the global Internet can be considered a special type of information. It uses special techniques for storing, processing, searching and transmitting distributed information of large volumes and special ways of working with various types of information.

Constantly improved software leading developers (for example, Microsoft Corporation), providing collaboration with corporate information of all kinds.

1.2 Properties of information

Like any object, information has properties. A characteristic distinguishing feature of information from other objects of nature and society is dualism: the properties of information are influenced by both the properties of the initial data that make up its content, and the properties of the methods that record this information.

The most important properties of information are its general qualitative properties: objectivity, reliability, completeness, accuracy, relevance, usefulness, value, timeliness, understandability, accessibility, brevity, etc.

Information objectivity. Objective - existing outside and independently of human consciousness. Information is a reflection of the external objective world. Information is objective if it does not depend on the methods of its fixation, someone's opinion, judgment. For example, the message "It's warm outside" carries subjective information, and the message "It's 22 degrees Celsius outside" is objective, but with an accuracy that depends on the error of the measuring instrument.

Objective information can be obtained using measuring instruments. Reflected in the mind of a particular person, information ceases to be objective, since it is transformed (to a greater or lesser extent) depending on the opinion, judgment, experience, knowledge of a particular subject.

Reliability of information. Information is reliable if it reflects the true state of affairs. Objective information is always reliable, but reliable information can be both objective and subjective. Reliable information helps us make the right decision.

Inaccurate information may be due to the following reasons:

Intentional distortion (disinformation) or unintentional distortion of a subjective property;

Distortion as a result of interference and insufficiently accurate measuring instruments.

Completeness of information. Information can be called complete if it is sufficient for understanding and decision making. Incomplete information may lead to an erroneous conclusion or decision.

The accuracy of information is determined by the degree of its closeness to the real state of the object, process, phenomenon (inaccuracy of the measuring instrument).

Relevance of information - importance for the present time, topicality, urgency. Sometimes only timely information can be useful.

Usefulness (value) of information. Utility can be assessed in relation to the needs of its specific consumers and is evaluated according to the tasks that can be solved with its help.

The most valuable information is objective, reliable, complete, and up-to-date. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that biased, unreliable information (for example, fiction) is of great importance for a person.

Social (public) information also has additional properties:

It has a semantic (semantic) character, that is, a conceptual one, since it is in concepts that the most essential features of objects, processes and phenomena of the surrounding world are generalized.

Has a linguistic nature (except for some types of aesthetic information, such as fine arts). The same content can be expressed in different natural (colloquial) languages, written down in the form of mathematical formulas, etc.

Over time, the amount of information grows, information accumulates, it is systematized, evaluated and generalized. This property was called the growth and cumulation of information. (Cumulation - from lat; cumulatio - increase, accumulation).

Information aging is the decrease in its value over time. The appearance of new information that clarifies, supplements or rejects, in whole or in part, the earlier information makes it old. Scientific and technical information ages faster, aesthetic (works of art) - more slowly.

Logic, compactness, convenient form of presentation facilitates the understanding and assimilation of information.

1.3 The concept of the amount of information

The property of completeness of information implicitly assumes that it is possible to measure the amount of information. The amount of information is a numerical characteristic of information, reflecting the degree of uncertainty that disappears after receiving the information. The concepts of "information", "uncertainty", "opportunity to choose" are closely related. For example, a person in the morning suggested that during the day there may or may not be precipitation, and if there is, then in the form of snow or rain, i.e. it is not clear - "whether it will be, or not, or rain, or snow." Then, looking out the window, he saw a cloudy sky and with a high probability assumed that there would be precipitation, i.e., having received the information, he reduced the number of choices. Further, looking at the outside thermometer, he saw that the temperature was negative, which means that precipitation should be expected in the form of snow. Thus, having received the latest temperature data, the person received full information about the upcoming weather and eliminated all but one of the options.

The resulting information reduces the number of possible choices (i.e., uncertainty), and complete information leaves no options at all.

One bit is taken as a unit of information (English bit - binary digit - binary digit). This is the amount of information at which the uncertainty, i.e. the number of choices is halved or, in other words, it is the answer to a question that requires a one-word answer - yes or no.

A bit is a very small unit of information. In practice, larger units are more commonly used, such as a byte, which is a sequence of eight bits. It is eight bits, or one byte, that is used to encode the characters of the alphabet, the keys of a computer keyboard. One byte is also the smallest unit of addressable computer memory, i.e. memory can be accessed by a byte, not a bit.

Even larger derived units of information are widely used:

1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 bytes = 210 bytes,

1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB = 220 bytes,

1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB = 230 bytes,

1 Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB = 240 bytes.

1.4 Information processes

Obtaining information is closely related to information processes. For the purposeful use of information, it must be collected, transformed, transmitted, accumulated and systematized. All these processes associated with certain operations on information are called information processes. There are the following types information processes.

Data collection is the activity of the subject for the accumulation of data in order to ensure sufficient completeness. When combined with adequate methods, data generates information that can help in decision making. For example, being interested in the price of a product, its consumer properties, we collect information in order to make a decision: to buy or not to buy it.

Data transfer is the process of exchanging data. It is assumed that there is a source of information, a communication channel, a receiver of information, and agreements have been adopted between them on the procedure for exchanging data, these agreements are called exchange protocols. For example, in a normal conversation between two people, an agreement is tacitly accepted not to interrupt each other during a conversation.

Data storage is the maintenance of data in a form that is always ready for delivery to the consumer. The same data may be required more than once, therefore, a method of storing them (usually on physical media) and methods of accessing them at the request of the consumer are being developed.

Data processing is the process of transforming information from its original form to a specific result. The collection, accumulation, storage of information is often not the ultimate goal of the information process. Most often, primary data is used to solve a problem, then they are transformed step by step in accordance with the algorithm for solving the problem until they are obtained.

output data, which, after analysis by the user, provides the necessary information.

1.5 The role of information in modern society

Mankind, from the day of its separation from the animal world, has devoted a significant part of its time and attention to information processes.

Nowadays, millions of people have become users of information. There were cheap computers available to millions of users. Computers have become multimedia; they process various types of information: sound, graphic, video, etc. This, in turn, gave impetus to the widest use of computers in various fields of science, technology, production, and everyday life.

Communication facilities have become ubiquitous, and computers for joint participation in the information process are connected in computer networks. The worldwide computer network Internet has appeared, the services of which are used by a significant part of the world's population, quickly receiving and exchanging data, i.e. a single global information space is being formed.

At present, the circle of people involved in information processing has grown to an unprecedented size, and the exchange rate has become simply fantastic, computers are used in almost all areas of people's lives. An information society is emerging before our eyes, where the focus of attention and significance is shifting from traditional types of resources (material, financial, energy, etc.) to an information resource, which, although it has always existed, was not considered either as an economic or as another category. Information resources are individual documents and arrays of documents in libraries, archives, funds, data banks, information systems and other repositories. In other words, information resources are knowledge prepared by people for social use in society and fixed on material media. The information resources of a country, region, organization are increasingly considered as strategic resources, similar in importance to the reserves of raw materials, energy, minerals and other resources.

The development of world information resources has made it possible to turn the activity of providing information services into a global human activity, to form a global and domestic market for information services, to increase the validity and efficiency of decisions made in firms, banks, stock exchanges, industry, and trade through the timely use of the necessary information.

AT modern world the role of information, the means of its processing, transmission and accumulation has increased immeasurably. The means of informatics and computer technology now largely determine the scientific and technical potential of the country, the level of development of its national economy, the way of life and human activity.

Receiving and transforming information is necessary condition the life of society.

Information has become one of the most important strategic, management resources, along with resources - human, financial, material. Its production and consumption form the necessary basis for the effective functioning and development of various spheres of public life, and, above all, the economy. And this means that not only sources of information in any part of our planet become available to every person, but also the new information generated by him becomes the property of all mankind. In modern conditions, the right to information and access to it are of vital importance for all members of society. The growing role of information in society has become the subject of scientific reflection. Theories have been advanced to explain its place and significance. The most popular are the theories of the post-industrial and information society.

The world is entering new era- information, in the age of electronic economic activity, network communities and organizations without borders. The advent of the new time will radically change the economic and social aspects of society. Such changes most directly relate to the place of man in the information world. A person changes in accordance with the vector of information and technical characteristics of society. However, this is not at all a passive acceptance of the new conditions of production and consumption. A person acts as a subject of informational reality, far beyond informational reality. specifications. Informatization of everyday life and the emergence of a new information field of human existence does not pass without a trace for the human life world. In the electronic space, behavioral standards and value orientations of the individual are changing.

The new conditions for world humanity are manifesting themselves in a special form in Russia. Modern Russia is not yet an information society. First of all, because some of the information is not available to a wide range of users or has been replaced by misinformation. However, the informatization of certain segments of social life, certain spheres of politics and economics will sooner or later create conditions for the emergence of a new type of genuine social fabric from which the information society can grow. Post-industrial trends can be quite organically connected with the peculiarities of Russian civilization.

The information society is often called the mass society and the consumer society. This is due to such informatization processes as the development of the sphere of mass communications. Global and local computer networks, facilities cellular communication, a television and radio broadcasting system, being components information structure societies provide, at the same time, communication between people. Mass communication is one of the important phenomena of modern society, which significantly affects the development of all technologies, information technologies in particular, both within each country and between countries. Often, informatization processes are given a negative connotation, which is inherent in the consumer society. Many representatives of social and scientific thought see informatization as destructive processes for the spiritual sphere of society and associate information civilization with the antipode of culture and spirituality.

In the field of theoretical understanding of the ongoing processes, there is still no consensus on the ways of developing the information society, the priority of one or another of its directions, the clarity and clarity of the formulations and concepts that express what is happening in information sphere. Therefore, the theoretical study of both conceptual and practical (real) prerequisites for understanding current information processes remains relevant.

information society resource world


In this paper, the definition of the concept of information was given, its types were considered, and the main properties of information were given. The concept of the amount of information is given. The main types of information processes are considered. The role and place of information in modern society is described. The objectives of the work have been fulfilled.

Summing up, I would like to note that an information society is emerging before our eyes, where the focus of attention and significance is shifting from traditional types of resources (material, financial, energy, etc.) to an information resource that, although it always existed, was not considered as an economic resource. , nor any other category. Information begins to play a dominant role not only in its traditional fields, but also in completely new ones. Society is moving into a new information age.

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Introduction …………………………………………………………………...3

The role and importance of information in society…………….……………..…...4

Man in the information space………………………………9

Conclusion …………………………………………………….…..............11

Literature used ………………………………….………….....12


In the beginning was the word. As well as gesture, drawing, dance, smoke from fires and other simple ways of transmitting information that people learned to use at about the same time as primitive tools.

Then the word became written. It was very convenient - it became possible to entrust legends, folk tales, epic, as well as personal and government correspondence to hard carriers. There was no longer a need for couriers to memorize messages by heart, bureaucracy and document flow appeared.

The greatest inventions of mankind were the printing press and regular postal messages. They gave rise to two main signs of civilization - a person should be able to correspond regularly with any number of respondents and read the latest news in newspapers.

You can enter the 21st century as an educated person only if you have a good command of information technology. After all, the activity of people increasingly depends on their awareness, the ability to effectively use information. For free orientation in information flows, a modern specialist of any profile must be able to receive, process and use information using computers, telecommunications and other means of communication. People start talking about information as a strategic course of society, as a resource that determines the level of development of the state.

Informatization will ensure the transition of society from the industrial type of development to the information one. The information market will provide consumers with all the necessary information products and services, and their production will be provided by the computer science industry, often called the information industry.


In the history of the development of civilization, there have been several information revolutions - transformations of social relations due to fundamental changes in the field of information processing. The consequence of such transformations was the acquisition of a new quality by human society.

The first revolution was associated with the invention of writing, which led to a gigantic qualitative and quantitative leap. It became possible to transfer knowledge from generation to generation.

The second (mid-16th century) was caused by the invention of printing, which radically changed industrial society, culture, and the organization of activities.

The third (the end of the 19th century) is due to the invention of electricity, thanks to which the telegraph, telephone, and radio appeared, which made it possible to quickly transmit and accumulate information in any volume.

The fourth one (70s of the XX century) is associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the advent of the personal computer. Computers, computer networks, data transmission systems (information communications) are created on microprocessors and integrated circuits. This period is characterized by three fundamental innovations:

1) the transition from mechanical and electrical means of transformation

information to electronic;

2) miniaturization of all nodes, devices, devices, machines;

3) creation programmatically - managed devices and processes.

The latest information revolution brings to the fore a new industry - the information industry associated with the production of technical means, methods, technologies for the production of new knowledge. All types of information technologies, especially telecommunications, are becoming the most important components of the information industry. Modern information technology is based on advances in computer technology and communications. Information technology is a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon.

The complication of industrial production, social, economic and political life, the change in the dynamics of processes in all spheres of human activity have led, on the one hand, to an increase in the need for knowledge, and on the other hand, to the creation of new means and ways to meet these needs.

The rapid development of computer technology and information technology served as an impetus for the development of a society built on the use of various information and called the information society.

The information society is a sociological and futurological concept that considers the production and use of scientific, technical and other information to be the main factor in social development. In the 1950s and 1970s, it became obvious that humanity was entering a new era, the road to which was paved by the rapid development of technology, and, first of all, computers, and scientific and technological revolution as a whole. It is curious to note that almost all the proposed names have the Latin prefix “post-”, i.e. “after-”, as if their creators are waiting for some kind of worldwide cataclysm, a global revolution in technology and in the minds of people, after which a new era will suddenly begin, a new era, a new society will arise. That is why it was so important to find a fundamentally new name, at the same time showing the continuity and fundamental novelty of the coming society. And this name was coined by Toffler “information society”.

Thus, the “information society” is a civilization, the development and existence of which is based on a special intangible substance, conditionally called “information”, which has the property of interaction with both the spiritual and material world of man.

The concept of "information resource of society" is one of the key concepts of social informatics. The widespread use of this concept began after the publication in 1984 of the book by Gromov G.R. “National Information Resources: Problems of Industrial Exploitation”. The creation at the turn of the 80s of a fundamentally new concept - national information resources - was due to the growing dependence of industrialized countries on sources of information (technical, economic, political, military), as well as on the level of development and efficiency in the use of means of transmitting and processing information. The information resource of society can be defined as the knowledge accumulated in society, prepared for expedient social use.

Modern society cannot exist in conditions of sensory hunger - a comprehensive information field is absolutely necessary for its development and self-organization.

In the process of developing an information strategy, it is important to take into account that when creating an information environment, a dialectical unity of informatics tools and a social information system should be formed.

Unfortunately, in the scientific literature and journalism, the information environment is often interpreted as a synonym for the technosphere, which is a reflection of the technocratic approach. Now all over the world in the process of informatization, the development of software and hardware means of informatization (“hardware” + software) strongly prevails. A paradoxical situation is developing when low-quality information, inadequate to social processes, is processed with a very high-quality technology.

The most important concept that needs to be defined when studying the information environment of society is the concept of “information potential of society”. The information potential of a society in a broad sense is an information resource accumulated in a society. The information potential of society in the narrow sense is an activated, put into action information resource. The information potential of society is the information resource of society in unity with the means, methods and conditions that allow it to be activated and used effectively.

Thus, the unity of the processes of computerization, mediatization and intellectualization is necessary.

In the future information society, global information communications will be crucial. The international computer network Internet can become the basis for such communications. The birthplace of the Internet is the United States of America. The Internet has become the development of military technology. The progenitor was the ARPAnet network (Advanced Research Project Agency net - network of the Office for Advanced Research), developed and deployed back in 1969 by order of the US Department of Defense. Being experimental, ARPAnet was created to support scientific research in the military-industrial field. In particular, methods were being studied to build networks that would be resistant to partial damage, for example, during bombing by aircraft, and would retain the ability to function normally in such extreme conditions.

The APRAnet model provided for a permanent connection between the source computer and the destination computer (destination station) - a network, by the condition it was assumed unreliable, any part of it could disappear at any moment. Not only the network as a whole, but also the communicating computers were given the responsibility of ensuring the establishment and maintenance of communications. The basic principle was that any computer could communicate as a peer with any other computer connected to the network.

As the ARPAnet grew, so did other networks, for communication between which they used so-called gateways, which allowed information to freely enter from one network to another.

The standard by which the Internet could evolve was set in 1983. And from that moment it became possible to add gateways and connect new networks to it, while the original core remained unchanged. Most analysts believe that it was 1983. - the real date of the emergence of the Internet, when the original ARPAnet was divided into the MILNET network, intended for military use, and the ARPAnet itself, focused on continuing research in the network field. ARPAnet itself ceased to exist in June 1990. and its functions will gradually be transferred to a more branched structure of the Internet. Perhaps it was then that it was possible for the first time to demonstrate the reliability of the Internet as a means of communication, since the closure and, accordingly, shutdown of ARPAnet, the ancestor of the Internet, did not affect the operation of the network as a whole. In 1985 the number of networks connected to the Internet approached a hundred, by 1987. their number doubled, and in 1989 it reached five hundred. Today, the Internet consists of more than 12 thousand interconnected networks.

The path paved by the Internet will predetermine many elements of the future highway. The Internet is a wonderful, vital development, one of the components of the final system, but it will change significantly in the coming years. The modern Internet lacks security and billing systems. Technologies that will embody the idea of ​​a universal information highway must still develop to the proper level. It will be a single high-capacity network - a connection of computer and other communications.


The ideas of the authors of the “information society” concept about human life in the new society are slightly fabulous and utopian. Such are the idyllic dreams and castles in the air of J. Martin and some other authors not cited here. They are guided by the idea that you can make a person happy by solving all his material problems, getting rid of work and providing long leisure. As has been repeatedly proven, this is a completely wrong point of view.

On the one hand, information forms the material environment of human life, acting as innovative technologies, computer programs, telecommunication protocols, etc., and on the other hand, it serves as the main means of interpersonal relationships, constantly arising, changing and transforming in the process of transition from one person to another. Thus, information simultaneously determines the socio-cultural life of a person and his material existence.

The problem of the existence and being of a person in a completely “technical” and “informatized” world could not but occupy philosophers, which gave rise to the concept of an “information” society. None of the philosophers who wrote about this problem doubted the radical renewal of the entire life of mankind within the framework of this new formation, but most of them analyzed the problem one-sidedly, whether from a political, economic or social point of view.

The problems of the modern world are widely known: ecology, local wars, the economic gulf between the West and the countries of the "third world", etc. Problems of a different kind await us during the transition to the “information society” - such as the authors of the concept ideally understand it. In addition, the question of restructuring people's consciousness for a new type of thinking is unclear. As for the problems of the "information society", here several global ones are the cause of the smaller ones. The first of them is the fundamental uncertainty of the essence of information, both material and from a philosophical point of view. Another - the interaction of technology and nature - whether the first is a continuation of the second or its antipode. Finally, the third - the relationship between technology, information and man - should a person adapt to a rapidly growing flurry of information and rapidly changing technology, or should development be slowed down and a different way should be sought.

Unfortunately, the authors of the concept of the “information society” did not devote enough space to consider the question of what consequences its onset will bring for the cultural life of mankind. This question was specifically developed only by Toffler in his books The Third Wave and articles on the future of work. In connection with the coming onset of the “information age”, the main task is to speed up and simplify the transfer of information between people and increase its “comprehensibility” as much as possible. That is why it is standardized and classified in order to speed up the processing of the information flow as much as possible. This process affects culture in two ways: on the one hand, the spiritual and material aspects of human life are as close as possible, because in culture there is an information element undergoing the transformations described above, and on the other hand, there is a sharp distinction between the emotional and informational aspects of culture.


Modern science and technical creativity draw fundamentally new types of objects into the orbit of human activity, the development of which requires new strategies. We are talking about objects that are self-developing systems characterized by synergistic effects. Their development is always accompanied by the passage of the system through special states of instability (bifurcation points), and at these moments, small random influences can lead to the emergence of new structures, new levels of organization of the system, which affect the already established levels and transform them.

Information is, firstly, knowledge of a relatively new type, suitable for further use, and secondly, the knowledge, production, storage and application of which is indeed becoming an increasingly important activity for society, gives rise to the corresponding technical and organizational structures. The growing role of information and information systems is a historical fact underlying the concepts of the information society. Another fact is the rapid, truly revolutionary impact of the "information mind" on production, management, and the whole life of people.

Today, according to experts, 90% of all transport movements of people are associated with information purposes (meetings, signatures, certificates, etc.). Modern "homework" dramatically reduces the time required for the presence of people in the workplace, in educational institutions. This will require a radical restructuring of the production and educational processes, a significant increase in the culture and consciousness of people, as well as the development of a new control and evaluation apparatus.

They have political parties... societies. In different position systems, media information different: if in democratic societies mass media information... with amplification roles punitive authorities...

  • Role and place of education society

    Abstract >> Sociology

    Department of Sociology Role and place of education society Completed by: Chernitsina ... childhood. Generally meaning early childhood education is underestimated. ... Role education in the economy is wider than production aspects. It manifests itself in the consumption of goods, information ...

  • Safety in the computer class

    General provisions:

    Students who are familiar with this instruction are allowed to work in a computer class.

    The presence of students in a computer class is allowed only in the presence of a teacher (laboratory assistant).

    During classes, unauthorized persons may be in the classroom only with the permission of the teacher.

    During breaks, the computer room is ventilated with the obligatory exit of students from the classroom.

    Each student is responsible for the condition of his workplace and the safety of the equipment placed on it.

    Before starting work, you must:

    Put the bags on a specially provided rack to the right of the front door.

    Check for any visible damage to the work area. If there are any, inform the teacher immediately.

    Place only a notebook, a pen and a study guide on the table (so that they do not interfere with work on the computer).

    Take the correct working posture, i.e. sit down so that the line of sight is in the center of the screen so that you can use the keyboard without bending over.

    Start work only as directed by the teacher.

    During work:

    Press the keys smoothly, avoiding sharp blows;

    Do not use the keyboard when the computer is not turned on;

    Do not work at the computer in low light; when feeling unwell;

    Do not get up from your seats when visitors enter the office.

    Being in a computer class, students are required to:

    Maintain silence and order.

    Comply with the requirements of the teacher and laboratory assistant.

    If you feel unwell (when there is pain in the eyes, a sharp deterioration in visibility, the inability to focus or focus on sharpness, the appearance of pain in the fingers and hands, increased heart rate), inform the teacher.

    When finished, close all active programs.

    Leave workplace clean.

    When working at a computer, you must follow the rules:

    Work at a distance of 60-70 cm, at least 50 cm is acceptable, observing the correct fit, without stooping, without bending over.

    The back is straight, the shoulders are lowered and relaxed.

    Feet on the floor and not crossed.

    Elbow, hip, knee, ankle joints at a right angle.

    When working in a computer class, it is strictly prohibited:

    Standing up without the teacher's permission.

    To be in top, dirty or wet clothes.

    Use the keyboard with dirty or wet hands.

    Bring food, drink, chewing gum with you.

    Connect or disconnect cables, touch connectors, wires and sockets.

    Move computers and monitors without the teacher's permission.

    Turn on and off the computer without the permission of the teacher.

    Attempt to troubleshoot the equipment yourself.

    Block off ventilation openings system unit and monitor.

    Hit the keyboard, press the keys aimlessly.

    Put books, notebooks and other things on the keyboard, monitor and system unit.

    Delete and move other people's files; run files in other people's folders.

    Run computer games.

    Safety requirements in emergency situations:

    If there are software errors or equipment failures, you should contact the teacher (laboratory assistant).

    When a burning smell appears, unusual sound immediately stop work and inform the teacher (laboratory assistant).

    In the event of a fire, there is a fire extinguisher in the office to extinguish electrical appliances.


    The role of information activity in modern society

    Basic concepts. Information activity. Informatics. Information Technology. Computer, its capabilities and applications.

    Informatics defines the scope of human activity associated with the processes of storage, transformation and transmission of information using a computer. Such activity is called informational. The core of informatics is information technology.

    Information Technology is a set of methods and devices used by people to process information. The computer, computer networks and their software are the foundation of modern information technologies.

    Initially, the computer was created to automate calculations. Nowadays, computers are used to process not only numerical, but also other types of information.

    Today, a computer is both an assistant in business, and a source of fresh news from the World Wide Web - the Internet, and a means mobile communications, allowing, for example, using Email quickly transmit and receive information.

    Computers are used in production at all stages: from the design of individual parts of the product, its design to assembly and sale. A computer-aided design (CAD) system allows you to create drawings, immediately receiving general form object, manage machines for the manufacture of parts. A flexible manufacturing system (FPS) allows you to quickly respond to changing market conditions, quickly expand or curtail the production of a product or replace it with another one. The ease of transferring the conveyor to the production of new products makes it possible to produce a variety of various models products. Computers allow you to quickly process information from various sensors, including from automated security, from temperature sensors for regulating energy consumption for heating, from ATMs that register money spent by customers, from a complex tomograph system that allows you to “see” the internal structure of human organs and make a correct diagnosis.

    The development of ways and methods for presenting information, technology for solving problems using computers, has become an important aspect of the activities of people of many professions.

    The computer is located on the desktop of a specialist of any profession. It allows you to contact by special computer mail anywhere in the world, connect to the collections of large libraries without leaving your home, use powerful information systems - encyclopedias, study new sciences and acquire various skills with the help of training programs and simulators. He helps a fashion designer to develop patterns, a publisher to compose text and illustrations, an artist to create new paintings, and a composer to music. An expensive experiment can be completely calculated and simulated on a computer.

    Thanks to all of the above, computer science and computer technology have firmly entered life. modern man, are widely used in manufacturing, design work, business and many other industries. The process of informatization of society has begun.

    Informatization of society is a process in which conditions are created that satisfy the needs of any person in obtaining the necessary information

    Conclusion. In the modern world, the role of informatics, the means of processing, transmitting, and accumulating information has increased immeasurably. The means of informatics and computer technology now largely determine the scientific and technical potential of the country, the level of development of its national economy, the way of life and human activity.

    test questions

    What is human information activity?

    Define the term "information technology"

    What is the foundation of modern information technology.

    What was the purpose of the computer in the first place?

    What functions can a computer perform today?

    · Spheres of application of the computer in modern society.

    A computer