Webinars and webinars: what is it and how do they work. Webinar as a distance form of education for undergraduates in teacher education Webinars as a form of education References

Development modern society in terms of informatization is associated with the introduction of information communication technologies in all spheres of human life. Modern trends in the development of society as a whole and Russian education actualize attention to the development of distance education, which is based on the need for specialists in the continuous and rapid acquisition of new knowledge, without which business success and career growth in a technologically advanced society are impossible.

The relevance of modern forms of advanced training in the context of the dynamic development of education predetermines the search for effective means of telecommunication interaction that ensure the continuity of professional development, the flexibility and mobility of training modern specialists. Webinars are one of such tools that have recently become widespread in educational practice.

So what is a webinar? Let's look at the Wikipedia encyclopedia: “An online seminar (web conference, webinar, English webinar) is a kind of web conference, conducting online meetings or presentations via the Internet. During a web conference, each of the participants is at their own computer, and communication between them is maintained via the Internet through a downloadable application installed on each participant's computer, or through a web application. In the latter case, to join the conference, you just need to enter the URL (website address) in the browser window. This new concept of Webinar came to us from the West. Gradually, the new concept of a webinar is getting used to our reality and is somewhat modified.

The webinar format provides an opportunity for the speaker to convey information to seminar participants who are at a distance from each other, allowing them to hear and see each other.

Now a webinar is not only an online seminar, but also online lessons, online lectures, organized using web technologies in real time. During the webinar, participants are at their computers, and communication between them is maintained via the Internet through a downloadable application installed on each participant's computer.

Various webinar platforms also provide the ability to use modules such as chat(s); interview; demonstration of content; joint work, etc. Their combination makes it possible to solve a variety of didactic tasks.

The main feature of webinars is interactivity, the ability to demonstrate, give, receive and discuss information.

Thanks to the Internet and new forms of education, now we can study, conduct lessons, lectures, trainings in online mode, without leaving home. This saves time and money.

As a rule, webinars provide the following features:

  • multilateral video and audio conference;
  • download and view presentations and videos;
  • text chat;
  • surveys;
  • demonstration of the lecturer's computer screen to the audience.

During the webinar, there is an interaction between the teacher and the students through audio and video communication in real time. The ability to broadcast video allows you to see the teacher, who, when explaining the material, can demonstrate a presentation or other documents. During the training, the teacher and students can exchange their files or provide access to a key. The electronic board allows all webinar participants to leave notes in accordance with their rights. An effective means of accompanying a lecture is a demonstration of a desktop showing the actions that a webinar participant performs.

Interactive means of remote interaction, such as chat, voting and polling, allow you to collect information on a particular issue. Sharing applications provides the webinar listener and the teacher with the ability to manipulate software running on another computer.

User Remote Desktop Control allows you to get full control over his computer. It should be noted that there is the possibility of recording and subsequent viewing of the event, which significantly increases the interest of listeners to participate in webinars in the learning process.

Webinars are useful for those who want to learn and gain new knowledge.

Benefits of webinars

1. Saving money on training

Firstly, the cost of online education is much lower compared to open seminars and trainings. Secondly, you do not need to spend money on travel, hotel and food. The cost of organizing the educational process is also minimal: all that is needed is Personal Computer connected to Internet networks, speakers and, if necessary, a webcam. Thirdly, there are many free webinars.

2. Possibility of interactive participation

Webinar participants can see presentations, videos, and the lecturer's desktop in the same way as if they were in a lecture hall. You can ask your question to the lecturer in the chat and get a recommendation on a specific situation, participate in surveys and voting, exchange opinions with colleagues on the chosen topic in the chat, give and receive advice.

3. There are no borders and distances for webinars

You can participate in the webinar from anywhere - at work, on a business trip, on vacation, at home. You can listen to a lecturer who is in another city or even in another country.

4. Save time

Webinar technology involves training in short sessions: usually from 1 to 4 hours. No need to waste time on travel to the office of the training company, on business trips, flights, transfers and hotels. That is, with the help of webinars, you can learn almost without interruption from work.

5. Webinar is effective way learning

You will be able to choose the best lecturer and company in a short time. You will be able to keep abreast of new techniques, techniques or knowledge, improving your professionalism and personal qualities. In addition, you can get a recording of the webinar - almost all webinars are recorded, as well as theoretical material in the form of presentations.

At the same time, the analysis of the experience of conducting webinars allows us to identify a number of problems that affect the effectiveness of their use in the process of professional development: technical (primarily low quality communication channels, Internet speed); motivational, psychological (readiness to master new ICT tools); organizational (availability of organizational conditions for holding and participating in webinars); competency-based (the level of ICT competence of specialists in the education system).

Being engaged in self-education and improvement of my skills, I often attend webinars and conferences.

During my work, I attended webinars on the following topics:

  • "Methodological features of teaching according to the educational and methodological set for the 7th grade "Geometry" (team of authors: Merzlyak A.G., Polonsky V.P., Yakir M.S.)" (04/17/13)
  • "Prototype of the electronic textbook of the publishing house" Enlightenment "(12/17/14)
  • "People's Bank of Tasks" (21.01.15)
  • "Student work is a powerful Internet resource of new educational content" (01/28/15)
  • “Different approaches to the organization of work in the classroom. Blended learning” (04.02.15)
  • "How to choose a device for working with an electronic textbook?" (12.02.15)
  • "On the requirements for electronic textbooks" (19.02.15)
  • “Conceptual features of the course of algebra 7-9 cells. in the WMC of the authors: Yu.M. Kolyagin, M.V. Tkacheva, N.E. Fedorova, M.I. Shabunin. Transformation of algebraic expressions” (03.03.15)
  • "Assessment of the formation of research and project activities in the basic school" (11.03.15)
  • “Open lesson with Enlightenment. How to work with an electronic textbook "(03/16/15)
  • “An open lesson using the electronic textbook of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (Literature, grade 7, author V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin)” (03/23/15)
  • "Open lesson using the electronic form of a textbook on informatics for grade 4 (EMC "Perspektiva")" (05.10.15)
  • "The use of teaching materials in mathematics in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Concept of mathematical education in the Russian Federation (on the example of constructing a lesson on the teaching materials of Nikolsky S.M. and others)" (07.10.15)
  • "Electronic system "Education": work with materials and electronic services of the system" (19.08.15) (show certificates)

For example, on March 16, the second open online lesson on the use of electronic textbooks was broadcast from the Moscow Department of Education. The lesson was held as part of a permanent webinar "Electronic textbooks - a new educational reality". The webinar participants and viewers of the broadcast from the website of the Department of Education - more than 4 thousand people - saw the lesson of mathematics. It was held by the teacher of gymnasium No. 1520 Alexei Doronin. A group of young teachers from Moscow acted as students, and later experts. ES is not a panacea, but just support for a teacher who knows how to teach and loves to communicate with children. The teacher's tablet controls the student's tablets.

The lesson was beautiful and exciting. Huge time savings. This webinar, as well as a series of these webinars, I listened to carefully, because. I wanted to test working with the EU by downloading it to my device. The Prosveshcheniye Publishing House provided such an opportunity for each teacher to get acquainted and work with ES from April 15 to May 31. But, unfortunately, for technical reasons, I did not succeed.

I really liked the webinar on the topic "Project method - buzzwords or useful technology?" It clearly articulates the definition of “What is a project?”, Types of projects, the principle of “5P” (Problem Design Search for information Product Presentation), gives a description of “5P” and shows with specific examples how to properly organize the activities of students in compiling and defending projects (show several frames). Recommendations for evaluating the product are presented. It helped me organize research work at students.

Having attended many webinars, I would like to advise teachers to take part in webinars at the sites of the Prosveshchenie and Legion publishing houses.

When attending webinars, each person sets a specific goal. Some visit to receive a certificate for attestation, others, and most of them in Russia, for self-education, obtaining new knowledge, new information, but unfortunately, there are few of them in our institution. In our informational 21st century, teachers need to keep a "hand on the pulse", be aware of all new methods, techniques and knowledge, constantly improve their professionalism and personal qualities.

“If there is no further growth, then the sunset is near”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

The word "webinar" is derived from the English words "web-based seminar" (abbr. webinar) and is used to define various events (seminars, discussions, conferences, presentations and even trainings) taking place on-line. The webinar is held over the Internet in real time in a virtual classroom. The presenter uses video broadcasting, voice communication and pre-prepared presentation slides, tables, tasks, etc. At the same time, webinar participants can communicate with the host and among themselves in a chat. The duration of the webinar usually does not exceed one and a half hours.

Webinars, as a distance learning form, have long been widely used by internal training centers of commercial companies with a developed regional network. This is explained by the fact that it is webinars that can significantly reduce costs and save time on staff training. In addition, important advantages include: the possibility of conducting training simultaneously for a large number of students; providing knowledge with active interaction between the facilitator and listeners; assessment of acquired knowledge immediately after the event.

However, webinars also have certain disadvantages, in particular, the difficulty in shaping listeners' skills and abilities in practical activities, the lack of direct contact between the presenter and the listener.

It should be noted that conducting webinars requires a certain skill from the teacher, which is explained by the lack of direct contact with the participants. For the teacher, this means that the voice and demonstration material are the main means of influencing the audience. As for the educational material of the webinar, its distribution is not much different from traditional lectures or seminars, namely:

  1. setting goals and objectives of the lesson;
  2. presentation of the main part;
  3. solving practical problems, cases, discussing acute issues;
  4. quality control of assimilation of the material (survey, testing, etc.);
  5. summarizing. Usually, educational material is presented in the form of a PPT presentation.

Therefore, in order to constantly maintain the attention of the audience, the presentation should be as informative and interesting as possible. The optimal time for commenting on one slide is about five minutes. In addition, every 3-5 slides, you need to include those that contain problematic questions that allow you to get feedback from the audience.

Thus, the didactic value of a webinar largely depends on the professional training of the teacher and his pedagogical skills, as well as on the ability of students to quickly process educational material, clearly and concisely express their thoughts, and ask questions.

So, webinars are an effective form of distance learning, providing two-way communication between the presenter and participants in real time, which have taken their rightful place among the forms of distance learning.

In the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, a webinar is a type of web conference, holding online meetings or presentations over the Internet.

Let's explain it more simply: a webinar is an online training session or a corporate online meeting. A lecture on modern technology trends, an origami master class, or a briefing on new equipment for remote employees - all this can be done in the format of an online webinar.

There are always two parties involved in a webinar: the presenter and the audience. Usually the participants can see the leader, but he cannot see them. This is not surprising: if there are more than five listeners, it is difficult to see each participant. Therefore, to organize a webinar, you need a special platform: it is difficult to conduct a lesson for 100 people in a standard messenger with video calls.

How webinars and webinars work

Who is the webinar format for?

If you need more information about what a webinar means for your business and what format options are right for you, leave a request on our


An important place today is given to the introduction of modern educational technologies into the educational system, the creation of conditions for building up the information technology base educational institutions, the development of modern methods of teaching and holding events using information technology. This article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of webinars as an innovative form of networking in the context of the formation of the information society. The purpose of mastering the technology of conducting webinars by school and university teachers is to increase the information culture and form the competence of effective interaction of students in a rapidly changing environment of electronic learning tools. Modern software for conducting webinars makes it possible to implement pedagogical communication similar to face-to-face communication, and the ability to record a webinar allows you to reuse its materials. Also, the teacher can be spared from standard work in the form of preparation of handouts for each student, manual verification of tests, assignments. Conducting a webinar requires a teacher high level preparation, careful study of the material, excellent organizational skills.

information and communication technologies


educational environment

1. Bystrova N.V. Designing the course "Philosophy and history of education" in the context of distance education // In the collection: Features of the implementation of problem-based learning in the context of distance education: questions of theory and practice. Materials of the X All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Education on the verge of millennia". – Nizhnevartovsk, 2015. – P. 86–89.

2. Bystrova N.V. Philosophy and history of education // Chronicles of the United Fund of Electronic Resources Science and Education, 2014. - No. 7 (62). – S. 68.

3. Vaganova O.I., Bystrova N.V. Fundamentals of general pedagogy // Chronicles of the United Fund of Electronic Resources Science and Education, 2015. - No. 7 (74). – S. 62.

4. Kalinina S.D. Prerequisites for the use of distance learning technologies in the system of higher professional education // Pedagogical education in Russia, 2015. - No. 1. - P. 11–15.

5. Kuryleva O.I., Ogorodova M.V. Features of the formation of a pension for present stage// Scientific and methodical electronic journal"Concept", 2015. - No. 8. - P. 151-155. URL: http://e-koncept.ru/ (date of access: 11/20/15).

6. Kuryleva O.I., Ogorodova M.V., Kul T.N. About the portfolio of an applicant of Minin University in the framework of the project "STEP TO PROFESSION / STEPS TO PROFESSION" // Bulletin of Minin University, 2015. - No. 2 (10). - S. 18.

7. Ogorodova M.V., Kuryleva O.I., Kul T.N. On the experience of implementing the STEP TO PROFESSION project at Minin University // Bulletin of Minin University, 2014. - No. 4 (8). – S. 35.

8. Raitskaya L.K. Educational and cognitive activity of students in the information and educational environment of the Internet. Teaching aid. – M.: MGOU, 2012, 144 p. - S. 46.

9. Frolov Yu.V. Preparing and conducting webinars. Teaching aid for teachers, students and trainees of the advanced training system. – M.: MGPU, 2011, 30 p. – P. 11.

The development of modern society is inextricably linked with the introduction of information and communication technologies in all spheres of human activity. Modern trends in society in general and in Russian education in particular actualize attention to the development of educational Internet technologies based on the needs of future professionals in the continuous and rapid acquisition of new knowledge, without which professional success and self-improvement in a technologically advanced society is impossible. Today we state the fact that the Internet can be used as a learning environment with great potential, where a full-fledged educational process of learning, development and education is implemented, therefore the activity of a teacher objectively requires the transfer of part of the educational activity to the Internet.

There are many educational resources on the Internet, such as digital libraries, open universities, sites for the study of individual disciplines, electronic textbooks, interactive tests and quizzes, personal sites of education system employees, etc., which actively use advanced audiovisual technologies. The most popular recently are the means of interactive interaction of participants in real time, the so-called webinars.

The name of the webinar comes from the English words web and seminar, which literally means “online seminar”. In 1998, Eric R. Korb, founder of several IT companies in the US, registered the trademark "webinar", but was challenged and is now owned by InterCall. Despite the name, webinar software can be used for both lectures and online seminars.

The number of participants in a webinar varies from a few people to several thousand and depends on the capabilities of the software used to conduct it and the terms of the subscription. On the this moment the Guinness book record belongs to the Mind program, which was used to host the world's largest online business seminar with 12,012 participants.

A webinar is an event held using web technologies and in a continuous broadcast mode. Various webinar platforms offer the possibility of using modules such as chats, interviews, content demos. Their combination allows solving various educational problems. The ability to broadcast video allows you to see webinar participants who, when making presentations, can simultaneously broadcast their presentation or other documents. It should be noted that there is the possibility of recording and further viewing of the event, which significantly increases the audience's interest in participating in the webinar in the process of interaction.

Just like at a classic seminar in the classroom, at a webinar you can participate in discussions, ask questions and receive answers, complete various tasks, and defend your views. But the organizers and other participants can be located in different geographical locations. To do this, you only need certain time follow the link and connect to the broadcast.

The main organizer of the webinar is the teacher. He designs and coordinates all educational activities that take place within the framework of the webinar, if necessary, gives the floor to other participants. The webinar toolkit includes:

Audio communication and video communication in real time;

Chat - exchange of written messages in real time;

Presentation slide show; demonstration of videos;

Demonstration of documents with the selection of the necessary areas;

Working with a virtual whiteboard;

Sharing and sharing files;

Working Demonstration Windows desktop and programs open on it;

Remote desktop work offered by many software products, if you need to show something on the computer of another webinar participant;

Recording webinars for reuse;

Integration of webinars into the website or the Internet.

The webinar format provides new opportunities in terms of cooperation between the educational institution of higher education and the general education school. This form provides an opportunity to hold events for teachers, students and students, while using the educational and technical resources of the university and the school. The use of webinars is becoming a promising direction in the development of school-university networking.

In the course of writing the article, the experience of holding webinars was used as part of the cooperation agreement between the Department of Vocational Education and Management educational systems NSPU named after Kozma Minin and MBOU School No. 27 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

The interaction between the university and the general education school is mutually beneficial and is carried out on a contractual basis.

The areas of such cooperation using the webinar format are:

● career guidance work with students in grades 9-11 (formation of skills to plan their professional future; development of ideas and concepts related to the world of professions; creation of conditions for the formation of a conscious attitude among students to the choice of their future profession; formation of ideas about vocational education, employment opportunities, becoming career in the proposed area of ​​training; the formation of decision-making skills and overcoming obstacles on the way to achieving goals).

● holding events with students using the educational and technical resources of the university;

● holding events for teachers in terms of experience exchange, advanced training and discussion of topical issues of improving the quality of education.

The condition for holding webinars is: the availability of the necessary technical base (specially equipped classrooms and auditoriums) in educational organizations acting as partners, as well as the possibility of broadband access to the Internet. Required technical resources in accordance with legal regulations Russian Federation in the field of education are available in every educational organization, regardless of its level. Otherwise, a webinar, as a form of cooperation between a university and a general education school, does not require additional material costs.

Preparation for the webinar is carried out as part of the daily activities of the educational organization and includes three components:

The first element is acceptance management decision to hold a webinar and determine the performers, the timing of the event;

The second component is creative and consists in the preparation and coordination of the program of the event and the abstracts of the reports;

The third component is technical. It consists in choosing a site for holding a webinar, setting up and checking equipment (computers, web cameras, speakers, and connecting to the Internet).

Feedback (feedback) during the webinar plays a big role. The cardinal difference between conducting live classes and webinars is the inability to see the audience. The use of some webcasting services leads to the fact that teachers have the feeling of talking with themselves, with their image, their picture. This problem can be solved by using video cameras that display each participant in a separate window. But at the same time, interference and noise are created that complicate the pedagogical process. Therefore, as our practice shows, when conducting webinars, you should broadcast only the video of the lead teacher, turn off unnecessary microphones and / or videos of trainees, and turn them on only in specially planned pauses.

Based on the experience of preparing and conducting webinars, in which representatives of the university and the school took part, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The topic of the webinar should be of interest to all participants. For a university, cooperation with a general education school may be of interest in terms of additional opportunity bringing to schoolchildren information about the directions and profiles of training specialists in an educational institution, attracting applicants. For the school, cooperation with the university makes it possible to improve the quality of student learning by attracting the resources of the university.

2. The duration of a webinar with the participation of schoolchildren should not exceed one hour. Reports should be short in duration, but capacious in content.

3. In terms of improving student perception of materials, it is necessary to use during the webinar multimedia content(presentations, watching videos).

4. During the academic year, it is advisable to hold two or three webinars on the most pressing issues of interaction between the university and the school.

5. Leading specialists of the university and students should be involved in the webinar. The participation of students makes it possible in an accessible form to convey to schoolchildren the benefits of studying in this particular educational institution of higher education.

So the webinar format is modern means communication between the university and the general education school to solve urgent problems of improving the quality of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Bibliographic link

Ogorodova M.V., Bystrova N.V., Ukhanov A.F., Paradeeva N.V. WEBINAR AS A FORM OF NETWORK INTERACTION // International Journal of Applied and fundamental research. - 2015. - No. 12-7. - S. 1322-1324;
URL: https://applied-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=8144 (date of access: 02/17/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"