Computer machine to do all the work. The computer is a universal machine for working with information

Presentation for the first lesson in the 6th grade according to the TMC Bosova L.L. 1. We repeat the safety rules 2. We repeat the material of the 5th grade in the sections: "Information", "How a computer works", "Computer in the service of a person" 3. We turn to the study of the topic: "Computer is a universal machine for working with information "4. The results of the lesson, d / s



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Safety regulations

If you are a good boy, then do not stick your finger into the socket, do not play with wires: is it known whether there is a paradise? Safety regulations

Know how to be thrifty, and do not hit the keys, take into account this fact, electrical contact. Safety regulations

A mouse can become a friend, if you do not offend her. Train her skillfully, do not twist in your hands idle. Safety regulations

If you enter "answer" and the computer says "no", don't knock on the display, it's better to learn the rules! Safety regulations

If the machine fails, you need patience, There are no problems Even with a smart computer! Safety regulations

If it sparkles somewhere, or something smokes, don’t waste time - you need to call an adult. After all, we know ourselves from a spark that a flame can ignite. Safety regulations

Everyone knows the rest: So that they don't jump up, Don't shout, don't push, Don't fight over computers. Safety regulations

In jackets, fur coats and coats, no one comes to us. In dirty shoes, friends, You can't be in the office. Safety regulations

Start work strictly with the permission of the teacher, And keep in mind: you are responsible for the order in the office. Safety regulations

1 Let's remember a little the material of grade 5

Infor mation Information is information about the world around us.

from books How does a person get information? from a teacher from the Internet from friends

Man and animals receive information through the sense organs Sense organs Information Vision Hearing Taste Smell Touch Other sense organs

Types of information according to the form of presentation Numerical Quantitative characteristics of the surrounding world - height, weight, age, forest area .... Text Everything that is printed or written in any of the existing languages ​​Graphic Drawings, paintings, diagrams, drawings, maps, photographs, etc. Sound Everything we hear - human speech, music, birdsong, etc. Video information Image sequences - movies, cartoons, etc.

The science of informatics deals with the study of various ways of transmitting, storing and processing information. A computer helps a person to store, process and transmit information.

A computer consists of devices that perform some of the functions of a thinking person: Human organs information process Computer devices Sense organs Reception (input) of information Keyboard, mouse, scanner Brain Information storage Memory Brain Processing of information Processor Organs of speech and musculoskeletal system Transmission (output) of information Monitor, printer

2 Computer hardware and software

How a computer works

The main unit in a computer is the system unit, which includes a processor, memory, hard and magnetic disk drives, a power supply, etc.

The processor is designed for computing, processing information and controlling the operation of a computer.

Computer memory is used to store data. There are two types of memory: operational and permanent. The devices that implement them are called RAM and ROM. ROM stores instructions that determine how the computer turns on. These instructions are not deleted even when the computer is turned off. All programs and data necessary for the operation of the computer are placed in RAM. After turning off the computer, all information contained in the RAM is deleted. RAM Card Read Only Memory

For long-term storage of information, long-term memory is used: magnetic disks, optical disks, and other devices. Magnetic disks are rigid and flexible. High capacity hard drives built inside system block and are always there. The system unit also contains floppy disk drives - floppy disks. Unlike flexible hard drives cannot be transferred. Recently, optical discs and flash drives have become more widespread.

The following devices are used to enter information into the computer's memory: keyboard scanner The following devices are used to output information to the computer's memory: monitor printer

Additional devices: mouse loudspeakers joystick others All of them make up the hardware of the computer Let's run the "Hardware" test:

26 The machine must work, the man must think. IBM Principle 3 COMPUTER SERVING PEOPLE

27 Calculator Typewriter Clerk Personal secretary Accountant Information office Librarian Publisher Translator Postman Artist Cartoonist Constructor Fashion designer Architect Designer Composer and musician Doctor Teacher Leisure organizer COMPUTER "PROFESSIONS"

Let's go to study new topic: § 1.1 - Who uses a computer in their professional activities? - What operations can be performed using a computer? A universal object is an object that is suitable for many purposes, with a variety of purposes, performing various functions. - Is it possible to say that a computer is a universal machine? What actions can a computer perform with information? - What information does the computer work with? Data refers to a variety of information presented in a form suitable for processing by a computer. Data processing is carried out on a computer using programs.

Fill in the diagram: in the appropriate blocks, indicate the name of the programs that process text, graphic, numerical and sound information in the computer.

Programs Text Information Numerical Information Sound Information Graphic Information Notepad Sound Recorder MS Power Point Calculator Paint MS Excel MS Word Movie Maker

Completion of tasks No. 3 and No. 4 on page 4 of the workbook. Homework: § 1.1, RT: No. 1, No. 2 - p.3. Material for the curious: pp.103-112 § 4.14-4.18 Let's summarize: p.10 in the textbook What does the word "universal" mean? Why is a computer a universal machine for working with information? Give an example of the use of computers? Remember what programs are designed to process numerical, text and graphic information?

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Attention! Preview slides are for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested this work please download the full version.

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Target: to update the knowledge of students obtained in the 5th grade;


  • restore knowledge about informatics as a science about the ways of storing, processing and transmitting information;
  • replicate computer hardware and software;
  • restore knowledge about the computer as a universal machine for working with information;
  • acquaint with the main stages of history computer science;
  • Improve your typing skills.

Basic concepts:

  • information;
  • data;
  • Informatics;
  • a computer.

During the classes

1. Computer as a universal machine for working with information.

(Presentation 1)

Computers have revolutionized our lives. They have changed the way people work, study, trade and play. They are used by doctors and farmers, teachers and bankers, engineers and designers. Computers are indispensable in preparing books and magazines for publication, in scientific and engineering calculations, in creating special effects in film and television, and in many other cases. Some professions are completely related to computers.

An object suitable for many purposes, with a variety of purposes, performing a variety of functions, is called universal.

A computer is a universal machine for working with information. The word "universal" emphasizes that a computer can be used for many purposes: to process, store and transmit a wide variety of information, to be used in a variety of human activities.

But whatever a person does with the help of a computer, it is always work with information.

2. Repetition of the concept of information. Types of information according to the method of obtaining and presenting.

What is called information?

How does a person perceive information?

How can the information we receive be presented?

Using a computer is always working with information - numbers, texts, sounds or images.

The most diverse information presented in a form suitable for computer processing is called data.

The computer performs data processing with the help of programs installed on it. The wider the spectrum software, topics more problems can be solved on a computer.

But at the same time, do not forget the IBM principle that the machine must work, the person must think.

3. An excursion into the history of computer technology.

(Presentation 2)

Already in the Stone Age there was a need for an account. Our distant ancestors were helped in this by their primitive "computer" - ten fingers on their hands.

In Western Europe, there was a whole system that allowed you to represent numbers up to 9999 on your fingers.

With the development of civilization, various methods of counting appeared. They were necessary for tax collectors, and merchants, and artisans, and usurers. The art of counting was mastered by a few specially trained people - counters. They used counting instruments - abacus.

The simplest abacus is a board with grooves cut into it.

Abacus were used already in the 5th-4th centuries BC. The word "abacus" is of Greek origin and literally means "dust", although its semantic meaning is "counting board". What's the matter here? The answer is simple: initially, the pebbles were laid out on a completely flat board, and so that they did not roll off their original position, the board was covered with a thin layer of sand or dust. And from the word " pebble" (in Latin -" calculus ") came the name of the modern calculating instrument -" calculator ".

The abacus was used in ancient Greece, and in ancient Rome, and then in Western Europe until the 18th century. It looks like the abacus you know - bones on metal knitting needles inserted into the frame.

Accounts were used by different nations, and each nation had its own characteristics. At Chinese accounts suan pan each wire has seven balls, two separated from the other five. AT Russian accounts ten bones in each row, and in Western European ones - nine.

In Japan, to this day, counting speed competitions are held between people armed with Japanese abacus. soroban, and computer operators. Moreover, as a rule, calculators on the accounts win. After all, in order for the machine to start counting, you need to write a program for it.

Time passed, and people's needs for processing numerical information increased. The first ideas of mechanization of the computing process appeared at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century. This is evidenced by a sketch of a summing device found in the late 60s of the last century, developed by Leonardo da Vinci. According to these drawings, today the American computer company IBM has built a working machine for advertising purposes.

In 1642, the famous French physicist and mathematician Blaise Pascal created and gained immense popularity the first mechanical calculating machine - adding machine. (Pascaline)

In 1673, the great German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz designed his calculating machine, which allowed not only to add and subtract, but also to multiply and divide multi-digit numbers.

In Russia, the arithmometer, created in 1874 by the Russian engineer Wilgodt Odner, successfully competed with the best arithmometers of European firms. Its modification "Felix" was produced in our country until the 70s of the twentieth century.

Next important step development of computer technology falls on the XIX century. In 1834, an English mathematician, professor at the University of Cambridge, Charles Babbage developed a project for the first programmable computer.

The machine designed by Charles Babbage was like a real computing factory. Charles Babbage came up with the idea to use punched cards. In 1985, this machine was built at the Science Museum in London.

In 1890, the Hollerith machine was created, in which the idea of ​​​​using punched cards was practically implemented.

First generation of computers

The first fully electronic computer "Eniak" was built in the USA in 1946. Its dimensions were enormous: more than 30 m in length and 85 m3 in volume. The weight of the car was approximately 30 tons. The storage and processing of data in it was carried out using 18,000 electron tubes.

in our country in 1948. In 1999, Academician Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev proposed a project for the first computer on the European continent - a Small Electronic Computer (MESM). In 1951 The MESM is officially put into operation, and computational tasks are regularly solved on it. The machine operated with 20-bit binary codes with a speed of 50 operations per second, had a RAM of 100 cells on vacuum tubes. It has about 6,000 vacuum tubes (about 3,500 triodes and 2,500 diodes), covers an area of ​​60 m2, and consumes power of about 25 kW.

The second generation of computers

A decade later, in the early 60s, to replace electronic tubes transistors arrived. They are associated with the emergence of the second generation of computers.

In 1951, the American J. Forreister created the Whirewind -1 with magnetic core memory.

In 1953, our industry began to produce the Strela electronic computer. The Strela computer, together with auxiliary equipment, occupied an area of ​​500 square meters. This would be enough for 10 apartments.

In the USSR in 1967, the most powerful second-generation computer in Europe, BESM-6 (Large Electronic Computing Machine), was put into operation, which could perform 1 million operations per second. BESM-6 used 260 thousand transistors.

third generation computer

In 1968, in the United States, the Burrows company released the first computer running on integrated circuits Oh.

Since the 1970s, integrated circuits have been used. The size of such a circuit is no larger than a pea, and thousands of transistors are packed in it, each of which has dimensions comparable to the thickness of a human hair. Machines have shrunk so much that they can already fit on a desk.

As legend has it, the great-grandmother of the modern mouse was invented in 1968 by Douglas Engelbart. By the way, he also called his device "mouse".

Fourth stage

The development of high technologies has led to the creation of large integrated circuits - LSI, including tens of thousands of transistors.

The first personal computer was the App1e-1, created in 1976.

In 1982, IBM began manufacturing the IBM PC personal computers (the "grandfathers" of today's IBM-compatible computers).

Modern personal computers are compact and have thousands of times the speed of the first personal computers.

4. Homework.

  • Uch. pp. 9-10.
  • Questions page 10.
  • Extras: Chapter 4 Material for the Curious §4.13 -4.18, read.
  1. Practical work. User Interface Basics: Desktop, Application Window, Computer Management (review);
  2. Work on a keyboard simulator.
  3. Summarizing. End of work.


  1. Bosova L.L. Informatics: Textbook for grade 6. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2010.
  2. - Development of computer technology and generation of computers.
  3. - Development of computer technology and generation of computers.
  4. - the history of computers is very interesting.

Universal means suitable for many purposes, performing various functions. Let's remember the Computer - a universal machine for working with information in a variety of human activities. !! Information processing Information transmission Information storage

The science of informatics deals with the study of various ways of transmitting, storing and processing information. Let's remember Data is a wide variety of information presented in a form suitable for computer processing. The computer processes data according to given programs. !!

PC hardware Main devices System unit Monitor Keyboard Additional devices Input devices Output devices Storage devices Transmission devices

The main unit in a computer is the system unit, which includes the processor, RAM, HDD, power supply and other components. How a computer works ProcessorProcessor Long-term memory memory (hard disk) Long-term memory memory (hard disk) RAM Power supply Other components

HDD (hard drive) HDD CD and DVD-ROM CD and DVD-RW Flash memory Removable drives Memory cards Memory and processing devices INTERNAL EXTERNAL non-volatile Random Access Memory (RAM) Persistent memory(ROM - ROM) Cache memory PROCESSING Processor Memory consists of cells the same size(1 byte = 8 bits). Each memory cell has its own unique address.

Most importantly, the science of informatics is engaged in the study of all kinds of ways of transmitting, storing and processing information. To store, process and transmit information to a person, a computer is a universal machine for working with information. In the computer hardware, there are devices for input, processing, storage and output of information. Information input devices are a keyboard, mouse, scanner, microphone, etc. An information processing device is a processor. Information storage devices RAM, external memory on hard drives. Information output devices monitor, printer, loudspeakers.

Information Information about the subject of interest to us Computer A universal program-controlled device for processing information Processor A device designed for computing, processing information and controlling the operation of a computer RAM Information in this memory is only during operation computer hard disk Used for long-term storage of information Keyboard A device for entering information by pressing keys Monitor A device for visually displaying information Mouse A device for quickly moving around the screen and making selections necessary information Printer A device for printing information on paper Data Information presented in a form suitable for processing by a computer Hardware The totality of all computer devices Questions and tasks?? 15 page 14

Find and cross out the "extra" device in each group. Questions and tasks?? Graph plotter Joystick Printer Monitor Graph plotter Joystick Printer Monitor Scanner Keyboard Monitor Microphone Scanner Keyboard Monitor Microphone Keyboard Mouse Scanner Loudspeakers Keyboard Mouse Scanner Loudspeakers Printer Monitor Scanner Headphones Printer Monitor Scanner Headphones Test 17 page 15

All information coming to a person consists of signals. It is known that a person receives much more such signals than his brain is able to process. In addition, a person is so arranged that he:

  • cannot perceive information that is incomprehensible to him;
  • biased, i.e. often perceives information not as it is, but as it seems to him;
  • gets tired quickly and can make mistakes when processing information;
  • cannot store information for a long time: if you do not consolidate knowledge with constant exercises, information is forgotten very quickly.

A computer helps a person to cope with these problems. It facilitates the mental work of a person, helps to cope with gigantic amounts of information.

Today, a computer is an indispensable assistant to a person in any field of activity. It is impossible to imagine the work of banks, shops, hospitals, schools and other institutions without computers. Computers are indispensable in preparing for the publication of books and magazines, in scientific and engineering calculations, in creating special effects in films and on television, and in many other cases. With the help of a computer, a person can draw, listen to melodies, watch cartoons and do much more.

The Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources ( contains the animation "Computer, its role in human life". It will allow you to compare problems solved by computers several decades ago and today.

An object suitable for many purposes, performing various functions, is called universal.

The most diverse information presented in a form suitable for processing by a computer is called data. In a short time, the computer is able to process a large number of data.

The computer processes data according to given programs.

Unlike humans, computers cannot think. He does only what he is told to do. Computer errors are often talked about, but usually they are the errors of people who have developed incorrect programs for the computer.

How a computer works

The main unit in a computer is the system unit, which includes a processor, RAM devices (memory chips), a hard disk, a power supply, etc. (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

You can look inside the system unit using the interactive resource "Components of the system unit" located in the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources ( The processor is designed to process data and control the operation of the computer.

Computer memory is used to store data and is divided into operational and long-term.

RAM holds all the programs and data that your computer needs to run. The processor can instantly access information in RAM. After the power supply is turned off, all information contained in the RAM is lost.

For long-term storage of information, a hard disk is used - a device long-term memory.

For more information about the hard drive and other long-term memory devices, read the electronic appendix to the textbook.

The keyboard is used to enter information into the computer's memory.

The monitor is designed to display information on the screen or, they say, to display information on the screen.

The mouse is one of the main input devices designed to control the computer.

To personal computer additional devices can be connected:

  • joystick (to control the computer during the game);
  • scanner (for input graphic images into computer memory directly from a paper original);
  • microphone (for input of sound information);
  • printer (for printing information on paper);
  • acoustic speakers or headphones (to output sound information).

There are other devices as well. They all make up the computer hardware.

Remember appearance and the names of computer devices, the game "Pairs" from the electronic application to the textbook will help you.

Safety and workplace organization

REMEMBER! Life-threatening voltage is connected to each workplace.

During work, you should be extremely careful.

To avoid accident, injury electric shock equipment failure, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • Enter the computer room calmly, slowly, without pushing, without touching furniture and equipment, and only with the permission of the teacher.
  • Do not turn computers on or off without the teacher's permission.
  • Do not touch the electrical wires and connectors of the connecting cables.
  • Do not touch the screen or the back of the monitor.
  • Do not place foreign objects in the workplace.
  • Do not get up from your seats when visitors enter the office.
  • Do not attempt to troubleshoot the equipment yourself; in case of malfunctions and malfunctions in the computer, stop work immediately and inform the teacher about it.
  • Operate the keyboard with clean, dry hands; press the keys lightly, avoiding sharp blows and without holding the keys down.

REMEMBER! If you do not take precautions, computer work can be harmful to your health.

In order not to harm your health, you must follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • Improper posture at the computer can cause pain in the shoulders and lower back. Therefore, sit down freely, without tension, without slouching, bending over or leaning against the back of the chair. Place your legs directly on the floor, one next to the other, do not stretch them or bend them (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3

  • If the chair allows you to adjust the height, then it should be adjusted so that the angle between the shoulder and forearm is slightly more than a straight line. The torso should be at a distance of 15-16 cm from the table. The line of sight should be directed to the center of the screen. If you have glasses for regular wear, work with glasses.
  • The shoulders should be relaxed during work, the elbows should lightly touch the body. The forearms should be at the same height as the keyboard.
  • When you work hard for a long time, your eyes get overtired, so every 5 minutes take your eyes off the screen and look at something that is far away.

The most important

The science of informatics deals with the study of various ways of transmitting, storing and processing information. A computer helps a person to store, process and transmit information - a universal machine for working with information.

In the computer hardware, there are devices for input, processing, storage and output of information. Information input devices are a keyboard, mouse, scanner, microphone, etc. An information processing device is a processor. Information storage devices - RAM, external memory on hard drives. Information output devices - monitor, printer, loudspeakers.

When working at a computer, you must be extremely careful and comply with all safety requirements, monitor the proper organization of your workplace.

Questions and tasks

  1. Why does a person need a computer?
  2. What does the word "universal" mean? Why is a computer a universal machine for working with information?
  3. What are the "professions" of a computer? Prepare short message about one of them.
It will be easier for you to answer this question after watching the presentation "The Computer in the Service of Man", which is part of the electronic supplement to the textbook.
  1. Think back to the computer programs you know. What are they for?
  2. What does computer science study?
  3. What are the main components of a computer?
  4. What is the name of the information processing device?
  5. What storage devices do you know?
  6. Most likely, your computers no longer work with floppy disks - floppy disks placed in a protective plastic case. But in almost every computer program, designed to create information of one kind or another, there are commands whose graphic image is a floppy disk. What are these commands?
  7. What is included hardware computer?
  8. What are the safety rules to follow in the computer lab?
  9. How to organize your workplace at computer?

| Lesson planning for the academic year (FSES) | The computer is a universal machine for working with information

Lesson 2
The computer is a universal machine for working with information


Generic Object
a computer
safety precautions

What can a computer do

All information coming to a person consists of signals. It is known that a person receives much more such signals than his brain is able to process. In addition, a person is so arranged that he:

Cannot perceive information that is incomprehensible to him;
biased, i.e. often perceives information not as it is, but as it seems to him;
gets tired quickly and can make mistakes when processing information;
cannot store information for a long time: if you do not consolidate knowledge with constant exercises, information is forgotten very quickly.

A computer helps a person to cope with these problems. It facilitates the mental work of a person, helps to cope with gigantic amounts of information.

Today, a computer is an indispensable assistant to a person in any field of activity. It is impossible to imagine the work of banks, shops, hospitals, schools and other institutions without computers. Computers are indispensable in preparing books and magazines for publication, in scientific and engineering calculations, in creating special effects in film and television, and in many other cases. With the help of a computer, a person can draw, listen to melodies, watch cartoons and do much more.

The Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources ( contains the animation "Computer, its role in human life". It will allow you to compare problems solved by computers several decades ago and today.

An object suitable for many purposes, performing various functions, is called universal.

A computer is a universal machine for working with information. The word "universal" emphasizes that a computer can be used for many purposes: to process, store and transmit a wide variety of information, to be used in a variety of human activities.

The science of informatics deals with the study of various ways of transmitting, storing and processing information. A computer helps a person to store, process and transmit information.

The most diverse information presented in a form suitable for processing by a computer is called data. A computer can process a large amount of data in a short amount of time.

The computer processes data according to given programs.

Unlike humans, computers cannot think. He does only what he is told to do. Computer errors are often talked about, but usually they are the errors of people who have developed incorrect programs for the computer.

How a computer works

The main unit in a computer is the system unit, which includes a processor, RAM devices (memory chips), a hard disk, a power supply, etc. (Fig. 2).

You can look inside the system unit using the interactive resource "Components of the system unit" located in the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources (

CPU designed to process data and control the operation of a computer.

computer memory serves to store data and is divided into operational and long-term.

RAM holds all the programs and data that your computer needs to run. The processor can instantly access information in RAM. After the power supply is turned off, all information contained in the RAM is lost.

How a computer works

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Used for long-term storage of information HDD- long-term memory device.

For more information about the hard drive and other long-term memory devices, read the electronic appendix to the textbook.

Keyboard used to enter information into the computer's memory.

Monitor designed to display information on the screen or, they say, to display information on the screen.

Mouse- one of the main input devices designed to control a computer.

Additional devices can be connected to a personal computer:

Joystick (to control the computer during the game);
scanner (for entering graphic images into computer memory directly from a paper original);
microphone (for input of sound information);
printer (for printing information on paper);
acoustic speakers or headphones (to output sound information).

There are other devices as well. They all make up computer hardware..

The game "Pairs" from the electronic supplement to the textbook will help you remember the appearance and names of computer devices.


The science of informatics deals with the study of various ways of transmitting, storing and processing information. A computer helps a person to store, process and transmit information - a universal machine for working with information.

In the computer hardware, there are devices for input, processing, storage and output of information. Information input devices are a keyboard, mouse, scanner, microphone, etc. An information processing device is a processor. Information storage devices - RAM, external memory on hard drives. Information output devices - monitor, printer, loudspeakers.

When working at a computer, you must be extremely careful and comply with all safety requirements, monitor the proper organization of your workplace.

Questions and tasks

1. Why did a person need a computer?

2. What does the word "universal" mean? Why is a computer a universal machine for working with information?

3. What "professions" does a computer have? Prepare a short report about one of them.
It will be easier for you to answer this question after watching the presentation "The Computer in the Service of Man", which is part of the electronic supplement to the textbook.

4. Recall the computer programs you know. What are they for?

5. What does computer science study?

6. What are the main components of a computer?

7. What is the name of the information processing device?

8. What storage devices do you know?

9. Most likely, your computers no longer work with floppy disks - floppy disks placed in a protective plastic case. But in almost every computer program designed to create information of one kind or another, there are commands whose graphic image is a floppy disk. What are these commands?

10. What is included in the computer hardware?

11. What safety precautions must be observed in the computer class?

12. How to properly organize your workplace at the computer?

Electronic application for the lesson

Download lesson materials

A computer