Is it possible to disassemble the mouse. Do-it-yourself wireless mouse repair

Indeed, without it, the full operation of the machine is almost impossible. Next, we will tell you how to disassemble and repair computer mouse.

As a rule, these devices are quite reliable, a good mouse will last for several years, but it happens that over time it starts to function poorly or stops working altogether. Most often, buttons or a wheel can fail. A breakdown can occur for various reasons, but this is not a reason to carry the device in for repair or change it to a new one, since the problem can be completely trifling and can be solved in a matter of minutes. Due to the fact that the mouse is not a complex device, you can easily repair it yourself, extending its service life by more than one year. Very often, when opening the mouse, it turns out that the cause of the breakdown was a common blockage, but even if not, then it will not be difficult to make minor repairs.

To fix the mouse yourself, you will need not so many tools that are present in almost every home. A screwdriver, pliers and scissors is the minimum required for the job, but perhaps a soldering iron as well. In addition to the absence of material costs, a big plus is that you can immediately ensure the normal operation of the computer and will not lose precious time shopping and workshops.

There may not be many reasons why the mouse does not respond to your actions at all or its individual elements (buttons, wheel) have stopped working:

  • there was a wire chafing;
  • the integrity of the board is broken;
  • the wheel is loosened;
  • dried grease, which processed the mechanism from the inside;
  • broken scroll sensor;
  • clogged optical sensor;
  • defective LED;
  • the button mechanism loosened or failed.

Most of these breakdowns can be easily fixed at home by determining the cause after opening the case of the device.

How to disassemble a computer mouse

To repair or clean the device, there is no other option but to disassemble the mouse. As they say, our person is able to disassemble everything, most importantly, then return all the structural elements to their place and not find unnecessary details during assembly.

So, to open the case and disassemble the mouse, you need to arm yourself with a Phillips screwdriver, and then begin to perform a certain sequence of actions:

Regardless of which mouse you need to open, wired or wireless, the principle of disassembling any mouse will be the same. The main thing is to carefully remove the cover and board, as some parts are very fragile. After the procedures, the device will be assembled in the reverse order, it is important not to lose all the unscrewed screws until the assembly.

Implementation of repairs

After it was possible to disassemble the mouse, the cause of its malfunction will immediately become clear, it is possible that it will not be necessary to carry out repairs, because often the problem lies in the usual blockage. Then it is enough to carry out preventive work, such as cleaning the mouse, and the device will again begin to please with its performance.

clean the surface printed circuit board You can use a small brush, a piece of cloth (necessarily lint-free), a cotton pad or stick. After brushing off the first dust, moisten a cotton pad or cloth with alcohol and gently wipe all the elements of the board, the wheel, as well as the inside of the case. The mouse's optical sensor is easy to clean with a toothpick and cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

How to fix mouse wheel

Wheel failure is a fairly common problem. If you notice that the wheel scrolls the slider on the screen in leaps and bounds, then most likely the mouse just has a loose scrolling mechanism. To fix it, use small pliers to press the metal clips that secure the sensor to the plastic elements of the mechanism. It is important not to overdo it and not break the details. Check how the wheel spins after the procedure.

In the case when the wheel scrolls and does not react in any way to your actions, most likely, part of its axis has broken off. Using a paper clip, you can build a new mount. Straighten the paperclip, bend in half, twist. Measure the resulting part along the length of the broken part, adding 1-2 mm, bite off the excess with wire cutters. Now it remains only to red-hot the edge of the new axle with a lighter and press it to the place of the broken one. After the material hardens, put the wheel in place and check how it scrolls.

If you have a wired mouse and the wire is chafed, this can be fixed with twisting or soldering.

Carefully cut the insulation in the place where damage is noticed, bare the ends of the wires, twist them together by color. First insulate the twists with heat shrink or electrical tape, cover all the twists together with insulation.

If you decide to use a soldering iron, the damaged part of the wire is simply cut off, the ends of the veins are tinned with solder, then soldered to the board. It is important not to confuse the location of the wires and solder everything in the same places, because the common color scheme No, and each manufacturer chooses the colors of the veins at its discretion.

How to fix buttons

It often happens that one or more mouse buttons stop working, first of all they should be cleaned, perhaps the matter is in the plaque that accumulates over time.

When the button still works, but often does not work when pressed, then the problem must be sought in its pusher, which could be erased over time, which is due to poor contact with the microswitch. If a small dent is found, it is enough to fill it with a drop of molten plastic so that the button starts functioning again.

If the cause persists, the microswitch may be at fault. In this case, you need to unsolder the old switch and put in its place a new one or taken from another mouse.

Some button problems can be solved without disassembling the mouse. Before trying to repair the device, it is useful to delve into the settings of the mouse. It is important to make sure that the sticky button feature is disabled and check the drivers on which it largely depends

A computer mouse is a manipulator that allows the user to control the cursor on the screen. This device is quite reliable and with careful use and proper care can last for many years. Very often, due to a mere trifle, the owner himself chooses what to do next: throw away the old manipulator and purchase a new one, or try to find out the cause of the breakdown and repair his assistant. Here the question arises, how to disassemble the mouse in order to get to its internal mechanism.

There are some of the most common types of computer mouse breakdowns that can be repaired. This can be rubbing of the wire when leaving the case, if the mouse is wired, jamming of the button, usually the left one, because it is used more often, or poor operation of the wheel. These are the breakdowns that can be fixed and extend the life of your assistant.

Although the device of the manipulator seems simple in appearance, there are still problems with how to disassemble the mouse. Depending on the model, it is fastened with one or two screws. In some devices, the screw is visible, but most manufacturers hide the fasteners under stickers or pedestals for a more aesthetic appearance. Therefore, in order to find the screw, you need to carefully examine the sticker for the presence of deflections in the shape of a circle, if there are any, then you need to peel it off, if there are none, then you need to look under the thrust bearings. The latter should be removed carefully, then put back into place, otherwise the mouse will not slide well on the rug.

Having unscrewed all the screws, it is necessary to separate the manipulator body into halves and remove upper part. How to disassemble the mouse further, in most cases, there are no questions, since it is usually not fixed by anything, but in some models it can be screwed with small screws, so you need to be careful. If the board cannot be removed, then all existing fasteners should be unscrewed.

The mouse can also be mounted on latches; to determine them, you need to go through the junction of the halves with a screwdriver and open them. When disassembling the manipulator, it is important to remember exactly how the parts are located, so that you can put them back together correctly later. Do not touch the optical prism, as well as other elements of the optics. If, nevertheless, touching could not be avoided, then dirty traces should be wiped off with a napkin with a special liquid for cleaning optical parts.

Many users have a question about how to disassemble a mouse if it is wireless. To get started, you need a computer. Wireless mice for laptops are disassembled in much the same way as wired ones. In the center of the manipulator is a silver button, you need to press it, remove the cover and remove the AA batteries.

Unscrew all fasteners with a jeweler's screwdriver. It is also necessary to get rid of the rubberized base located on the bottom cover. This can be done with a nail file. The mouse should be divided into two parts. On the bottom is the board, scroll wheel and antenna. To pull out the board, you need to unscrew the four bolts. After that, the mouse is completely ready for inspection and repair.

It began with the fact that the left button perceived pressing only with considerable effort, and when pressed without effort, it did not work every time. If the mouse button no longer works, but everything started the same way, then the repair plan is the same. The mouse wheel is also not eternal, its restoration is described in the article, and if the wheel is alive, but does not work well (in jerks), then about it here:. It was decided to get to the insides of a non-working mouse button and clean the contact points. To get to the button, it would be nice to disassemble the mouse. There were no difficulties with this: I unscrewed two screws in the battery compartment and the case opened:

The photo below shows the culprit. A small button in the center of the photo next to the inverted inscription SW1:

Now you need to disassemble the button itself

Its upper part sits on four plastic pins soldered from above. We carefully cut off this fastener with a clerical knife, pick it up and remove the upper part. Now the internal parts are available to us: the moving parts of the button and the contact metal membrane (see photo below).

The lower side of the membrane, which is the closing one, was covered with a dark coating, and we need to remove it. I rubbed it with alcohol, then rubbed it well - it did not help. Then I had to use a mechanical method - cleaning with a clerical knife, but only very carefully without extra effort so as not to damage the membrane, as it may lose its ability to click.

It will not be superfluous to clean the rest of the buttons, for sure they are also covered with a coating and will soon begin to work poorly. Tested on personal experience, and it was. Here are a couple of photos with the result of cleaning:

If your computer mouse is broken, do not rush to buy a new one. It is quite possible that you yourself will be able to fix the breakdown and the device will serve you for more than one year.

Missing mouse sensor

Often there is also a situation where we can not precisely point the cursor at a certain point. It constantly trembles and moves by itself. This situation clearly indicates clogging of the optical group of the mouse.

The blockage is most often external. Dust or hair gets into the compartment where the light of the diode is reflected from the table. To get rid of such a blockage, you do not even need to disassemble the mouse. It is enough to turn it over and blow it. As a last resort, use a small brush to remove stubborn debris.

If, after such manipulations, the mouse cursor trembles, then, most likely, either the sensor is clogged inside or is completely out of order. In any case, you can try to disassemble the mouse and clean the sensor with a toothpick with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol wrapped around it:

Before cleaning the sensor with a cotton swab, you can also try blowing it to blow out fine dust that can stick when wet. After that, gently, without pressure, insert the toothpick with rotational movements into the sensor hole. Having made a couple of turns and without stopping to rotate, we take out the toothpick, wait for the alcohol to dry and try to connect the mouse.

If after all cleaning attempts the sensor does not work normally, then if you have another mouse, a soldering iron and straight arms, you can unsolder the non-working microcircuit and replace it with a sensor from another mouse. However, this already requires some skill, so not everyone will be able to do this...

Scrolling mouse wheel

It happens that the mouse works fine, but when we try to use its wheel, the page we are scrolling starts jumping up and down, or does not want to scroll at all. Alas, the failure of the mouse wheel is a fairly common failure, and it was she who prompted me to write this article.

First you need to carefully consider how evenly the wheel spins in the groove. The groove itself and the wheel axle have a hexagonal section, but sometimes one or more sides of this hexagon can be deformed, as a result of which the axle will slip in a problem area.

If you have just such a problem, then it is solved by sealing the edge of the wheel axle with tape or electrical tape in small quantities. If everything is fine with the movement of the wheel, then the breakdown occurred inside the encoder (scroll sensor). From prolonged use, it could become loose and should be slightly compacted:

To do this, take small pliers and, in turn, press them on the four metal brackets that secure the encoder to the plastic parts of the scroll mechanism. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not break the fragile plastic, but at the same time tighten it harder. Try connecting a mouse and see if the negative scrolling effect is reduced after each press.

Alas, in my case, it was not possible to completely get rid of jerks. Yes, the frequency and spread of page jumps have decreased, but the jumps themselves have not completely disappeared. Then I decided to approach the issue of compaction radically and truly in Russian :) I cut a piece of thin but dense polyethylene from an old battery pack and stuck it inside the mechanism:

What is most interesting, this manipulation helped! I just have to cut off the excess length of the strip and assemble the mouse :)

Mouse buttons not working

The last, and most annoying, breakdown is a non-working button. Whether left, right or the one under the wheel is not important - they are usually all the same. The important thing is that the non-working button is almost never repaired. You can only replace its microswitch by soldering a non-working one with a soldering iron and replacing it with a new one or borrowed from another mouse.

The microswitch has three "legs", the first of which is a regular latch, and the other two are contacts that need to be soldered. The latch does not need to be soldered. It only serves as a "foolproof" to prevent you from inserting the microswitch in the wrong direction by mistake.

Sometimes the button still works, but it does not work every time it is pressed. Such a symptom may signal that the edge of the button pusher that presses the microswitch has worn off from frequent use.

We disassemble the mouse and carefully study the problematic button and its pusher. If we see a small dent, then the problem may be precisely in it. It is enough to fill the washed place with a drop of epoxy or melted plastic.

The last problem you may encounter is that the mouse button double clicks when you click on it. You can solve this case by soldering the microswitch or ... programmatically! In any case, before taking up the soldering iron, check that the mouse settings are correct in the Windows Control Panel:

By default, the double-click speed slider should be centered, and the sticky mouse buttons option should be disabled. Try to set these parameters and check if the problem is solved. If not, another radical programmatic way"treatment" of a double click - removal of the mouse driver. How to remove the driver correctly is written.


Mice are one of the most widely used computer devices. Therefore, it is not surprising that they often fail. However, due to the simplicity of their device, in most cases everyone can fix the mouse!

To do this, it is not necessary to be able to solder or understand electronics. The main thing is to clearly diagnose the cause of the breakdown. Here, as in medicine, the correct diagnosis is the path to a successful repair.

I hope our article will allow you to determine what exactly is broken in your mouse, and therefore, to fix the breakdown. Good luck with your repair!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that the open active link on the source and preservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny.

A computer mouse is a manipulator that allows the user to control the cursor on the screen. This device is quite reliable and with careful use and proper care can last for many years. Very often, due to a mere trifle, the owner himself chooses what to do next: throw away the old manipulator and purchase a new one, or try to find out the cause of the breakdown and repair his assistant. Here the question arises, how to disassemble the mouse in order to get to its internal mechanism.

There are some of the most common types of computer mouse breakdowns that can be repaired. This can be rubbing of the wire when leaving the case, if the mouse is wired, jamming of the button, usually the left one, because it is used more often, or poor operation of the wheel. These are the breakdowns that can be fixed and extend the life of your assistant.

Although the device of the manipulator seems simple in appearance, there are still problems with how to disassemble the mouse. Depending on the model, it is fastened with one or two screws. In some devices, the screw is visible, but most manufacturers hide the fasteners under stickers or pedestals for a more aesthetic appearance. Therefore, in order to find the screw, you need to carefully examine the sticker for the presence of deflections in the shape of a circle, if there are any, then you need to peel it off, if there are none, then you need to look under the thrust bearings. The latter should be removed carefully, then put back into place, otherwise the mouse will not slide well on the rug.

Having unscrewed all the screws, it is necessary to separate the body of the manipulator into halves and remove the upper part. How to disassemble the mouse further, in most cases, there are no questions, since it is usually not fixed by anything, but in some models it can be screwed with small screws, so you need to be careful. If the board cannot be removed, then all existing fasteners should be unscrewed.

The mouse can also be mounted on latches; to determine them, you need to go through the junction of the halves with a screwdriver and open them. When disassembling the manipulator, it is important to remember exactly how the parts are located, so that you can put them back together correctly later. Do not touch the optical prism, as well as other elements of the optics. If, nevertheless, touching could not be avoided, then dirty traces should be wiped off with a napkin with a special liquid for cleaning optical parts.

Many users have a question about how to disassemble a mouse if it is wireless. To get started, you need a computer. Wireless mice for laptops are disassembled in much the same way as wired ones. In the center of the manipulator is a silver button, you need to press it, remove the cover and remove the AA batteries.

Unscrew all fasteners with a jeweler's screwdriver. It is also necessary to get rid of the rubberized base located on the bottom cover. This can be done with a nail file. The mouse should be divided into two parts. On the bottom is the board, scroll wheel and antenna. To pull out the board, you need to unscrew the four bolts. After that, the mouse is completely ready for inspection and repair.

If your computer mouse is broken, do not rush to buy a new one. It is quite possible that you yourself will be able to fix the breakdown and the device will serve you for more than one year.

Missing mouse sensor

Often there is also a situation where we can not precisely point the cursor at a certain point. It constantly trembles and moves by itself. This situation clearly indicates clogging of the optical group of the mouse.

The blockage is most often external. Dust or hair gets into the compartment where the light of the diode is reflected from the table. To get rid of such a blockage, you do not even need to disassemble the mouse. It is enough to turn it over and blow it. As a last resort, use a small brush to remove stubborn debris.

If, after such manipulations, the mouse cursor trembles, then, most likely, either the sensor is clogged inside or is completely out of order. In any case, you can try to disassemble the mouse and clean the sensor with a toothpick with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol wrapped around it:

Before cleaning the sensor with a cotton swab, you can also try blowing it to blow out fine dust that can stick when wet. After that, gently, without pressure, insert the toothpick with rotational movements into the sensor hole. Having made a couple of turns and without stopping to rotate, we take out the toothpick, wait for the alcohol to dry and try to connect the mouse.

If after all cleaning attempts the sensor does not work normally, then if you have another mouse, a soldering iron and straight arms, you can unsolder the non-working microcircuit and replace it with a sensor from another mouse. However, this already requires some skill, so not everyone will be able to do this...

Scrolling mouse wheel

It happens that the mouse works fine, but when we try to use its wheel, the page we are scrolling starts jumping up and down, or does not want to scroll at all. Alas, the failure of the mouse wheel is a fairly common failure, and it was she who prompted me to write this article.

First you need to carefully consider how evenly the wheel spins in the groove. The groove itself and the wheel axle have a hexagonal section, but sometimes one or more sides of this hexagon can be deformed, as a result of which the axle will slip in a problem area.

If you have just such a problem, then it is solved by sealing the edge of the wheel axle with tape or electrical tape in small quantities. If everything is fine with the movement of the wheel, then the breakdown occurred inside the encoder (scroll sensor). From prolonged use, it could become loose and should be slightly compacted:

To do this, take small pliers and, in turn, press them on the four metal brackets that secure the encoder to the plastic parts of the scroll mechanism. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not break the fragile plastic, but at the same time tighten it harder. Try connecting a mouse and see if the negative scrolling effect is reduced after each press.

Alas, in my case, it was not possible to completely get rid of jerks. Yes, the frequency and spread of page jumps have decreased, but the jumps themselves have not completely disappeared. Then I decided to approach the issue of compaction radically and truly in Russian :) I cut a piece of thin but dense polyethylene from an old battery pack and stuck it inside the mechanism:

What is most interesting, this manipulation helped! I just have to cut off the excess length of the strip and assemble the mouse :)

Mouse buttons not working

The last, and most annoying, breakdown is a non-working button. Whether left, right or the one under the wheel is not important - they are usually all the same. The important thing is that the non-working button is almost never repaired. You can only replace its microswitch by soldering a non-working one with a soldering iron and replacing it with a new one or borrowed from another mouse.

The microswitch has three "legs", the first of which is a regular latch, and the other two are contacts that need to be soldered. The latch does not need to be soldered. It only serves as a "foolproof" to prevent you from inserting the microswitch in the wrong direction by mistake.

Sometimes the button still works, but it does not work every time it is pressed. Such a symptom may signal that the edge of the button pusher that presses the microswitch has worn off from frequent use.

We disassemble the mouse and carefully study the problematic button and its pusher. If we see a small dent, then the problem may be precisely in it. It is enough to fill the washed place with a drop of epoxy or melted plastic.

The last problem you may encounter is that the mouse button double clicks when you click on it. You can solve this case by soldering the microswitch or ... programmatically! In any case, before taking up the soldering iron, check that the mouse settings are correct in the Windows Control Panel:

By default, the double-click speed slider should be centered, and the sticky mouse buttons option should be disabled. Try to set these parameters and check if the problem is solved. If not, another radical programmatic way to "cure" a double click is to remove the mouse driver. How to uninstall the driver is written.


Mice are one of the most widely used computer devices. Therefore, it is not surprising that they often fail. However, due to the simplicity of their device, in most cases everyone can fix the mouse!

To do this, it is not necessary to be able to solder or understand electronics. The main thing is to clearly diagnose the cause of the breakdown. Here, as in medicine, the correct diagnosis is the path to a successful repair.

I hope our article will allow you to determine what exactly is broken in your mouse, and therefore, to fix the breakdown. Good luck with your repair!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

A computer mouse is a manipulator or pointing input device with which PC users can easily control the cursor on the screen. No matter how simple this device may seem at first glance, it is not so easy to disassemble it. Consider several options for parsing the mouse.

You will need

  • Screwdriver


  • If your mouse is connected with a screw, unscrew it. Do not forcefully pull the parts of the mouse, as there are likely to be latches in addition to the screw. Carefully separate the halves of the mouse.
  • If your mouse is only secured with latches, be extremely careful as there is a risk of damage appearance devices during disassembly. Run a screwdriver along the junction of the halves of the mouse, determine the location of the latches and open them.
  • If you can't find any screws or latches, look under the rubberized stickers (the mouse slides on them while moving). Unfortunately, they will have to be torn off - after all, it is under them that the screws are hidden, by unscrewing which, you can disassemble the mouse.
  • Tip added on August 29, 2011 Tip 2: How to disassemble an optical mouse It happens that an optical mouse randomly loses and restores performance when the cable is wiggled at the point of entry into the case. This is where the mouse cord most often frays with heavy use. In order to repair the manipulator, it is important to disassemble it correctly.


  • Disconnect the mouse from the computer. Locate the screws at the bottom and remove them. Try to open the body of the manipulator by prying top cover on the side opposite the cable entry side.
  • If you can’t open the mouse, then you have to find the place where the hidden screws are located. They are usually located under rubber feet or stickers. Please note that in the second case, removing or piercing the sticker deprives you of the right to warranty repair of the mouse. Be sure to save the rubber feet, as it is inconvenient to use the manipulator without them.
  • After opening the mouse, carefully pull out the wheel. Usually it is equipped with a shaft, one end of which is mounted in a detachable hinge, and the other end is inserted into the encoder hole. Once the shaft is free, lift it slightly off the hinge and then gently pull the opposite end out of the encoder.
  • Remove all screws securing the board, then release it from the latches and remove. Separate the plastic optical overlay with the lens and prism from the board (they are made as a single unit).
  • Leave the multi-pin connector on the end of the cable plugged into the mouse board. Cut the cord with wire cutters before entering the housing. Strip the cable conductors. Based on the colors of the conductors included in the board from the side of the multi-pin connector, solder the cord conductors that have the same colors to the pads located on the reverse side of the board in the place where the multi-pin connector is soldered.
  • Without assembling the mouse, connect it to the computer, then check if the LED lights up, and if there is a reaction to the rotation of the wheel, pressing the keys. Putting an optical overlay on the board, you can check the response to movement. If a USB mouse is being repaired, it can be connected simultaneously with another mouse, which can have both USB and PS / 2 interfaces. Please note that a PS / 2 interface mouse cannot be connected when the computer is already loaded - it may not be detected until reboot . After making sure everything works, disconnect the mouse again.
  • Route the cable in such a way that it does not interfere with the closing of the case, pressing all the keys and rotating the wheel. Assemble the manipulator in reverse order. Don't forget to reinstall even small parts such as the optical bezel or rubber feet.
  • Connect the mouse to the computer and make sure it works.
    • manipulator disassemble
    How to disassemble an optical mouse - printable version

    Today I will tell you how to do minor computer mouse repairs. Many of you may ask: why? Indeed, today it is easier to buy a new mouse than to mess with a faulty one and try to repair something there. And in some way you will be right. But there are objects or things that you get used to or become attached to, and their replacement is not always equivalent.

    A computer mouse is exactly the subject that you get used to imperceptibly, and the replacement of an old rodent with a new one is immediately felt.
    First of all, this is the feeling of the mouse in the palm of your hand, as well as the convenience and strength of pressing the keys. And if you use an expensive mouse that you can’t just buy in a store. In a word, you can always throw out the mouse, but you need to try to give it another life.

    To disassemble the mouse, you need to unscrew the screw, which is located in the rear lower part of the case. In my design, you can see that the screw is located under the silicone “leg”. And there are mouse designs where such screws are covered with paper stickers, and the sticker is usually pierced to get to the screw.

    With the tip of a screwdriver or scissors, pry off the edge of the leg and peel it off, pulling it to the side. If you have a sticker, then we pierce.

    Now we lift the upper part of the case and slightly pull it towards us so that it comes out of the grooves located in front of the base of the case.

    In the following figure, the arrows mark some of the elements that are most subject to wear and tear, due to which the mouse starts to work poorly. Basically, these are microswitches and part of the USB cable at the entrance to the mouse body.

    2. Faults.

    The first common problem is when you move the mouse and the cursor stays in place, moves jerky, or you have to move the mouse several times to move the cursor. Such a malfunction manifests itself when the USB cable frays at the entrance to the mouse body from repeated bending of the wire.

    It is removed simply and easily..
    Use scissors or a knife to cut off the damaged section of the USB cable, indicated by the dotted line.

    To make it convenient to work, we remove the board from the case. To do this, you need to bend the two latches that secure the board from behind.
    We remove the upper insulation of the cable, and clean the ends of the cores. Who has a soldering iron, the ends lived.

    Now we connect all the veins of both ends of the USB cable to each other. We take two veins of the corresponding color, for example, red, and twist it, and if there is a soldering iron, then we solder it.
    I had heat shrink, and to insulate the connection, I first put it on the ends of the wires. If there is no heat shrink, then you can use electrical tape, tape or any other flexible insulating material.

    The next step is to isolate the twists or solderings of the cores, and then evenly lay them in one line to get a large twist. As shown on the bottom of the picture.

    Now we cover the twists with insulating material. I used heat shrink again to make it look nice. Although this is not important, because all the same, this beauty will hide inside. But still.

    If you solder a little, then there is another option where you do not need to twist or solder. Here, the damaged section of the USB cable is simply cut off, stripped, tinned and soldered under the connector from the side of the tracks. When soldering, the sequence of colors of the wires that go into the top of the connector is repeated.

    Second common fault- this is when you have to click the left mouse button several times to perform some action. And it also happens like this: you click once, and the click occurs twice. The reason for all this is the microswitch, which presses the left key.

    In this case, we already need a soldering iron. Here we do this: solder the microswitch of the left mouse button and the “wheel”, and swap them. Most people use the wheel only for scrolling through pages, and very few people use it as an additional button. Therefore, we put this microswitch in place of the worn-out left one.

    The microswitch is easily soldered, although it has three leads.
    With the tip of the soldering iron, we simultaneously touch the middle and any of the extreme conclusions, while trying to lift this edge with our finger. You don't need to press hard.

    You should end up with something like this:

    Now we intercept and solder the opposite side of the microswitch, where we also lift it with a finger, and heat the two terminals with a sting.

    If it didn’t work the first time, that is, the microswitch remained on the board, then we repeat the soldering procedure again: first we solder one side, and then the second. When both microswitches are soldered, swap them and solder back.

    Very often situations arise when part of the solder remains in the hole into which the leg of the radio component is inserted.

    If necessary, this is eliminated as follows: a regular needle or a needle from a disposable syringe is taken and inserted into the hole from the side of the radio components, and from the side of the tracks this hole is heated with a soldering iron. As the solder warms up, the needle will enter the hole and force the solder out.

    Now it only remains to assemble the repaired rodent in reverse order and enjoy its work. When you put on the upper part of the case, first insert it into the grooves and slightly push forward so that it goes all the way.

    I think now it will be easy for you to do small computer mouse repairs.
    Good luck!


    Prepare the mouse for disassembly. To do this, disconnect it from and put it on the table, turning it upside down. Locate the mounting screw on the bottom of the mouse. The screws are sometimes not immediately visible, as they are often hidden under stickers. In this case, first remove all stickers from the base of the mouse.

    Loosen the fixing screws carefully. The screw heads on the mice are usually cross-shaped, so you need the same screwdriver. The screws are located in the recesses, it will be easier to remove them with a magnetic screwdriver. It is important that after unscrewing, put the screws in the prepared container, otherwise they will be lost.

    Open the case. To do this, hold the mouse with both the bottom and the surface and pull the cover towards you. Calculate the effort not to break off the latch of the cover approx. It is best to pull the cover up and slightly to the left. Now you can blow out the insides of the mouse from the accumulated and dust.

    Remove the scroll wheel from the base of the mouse. There are different designs for fastening scrollers. More often, it is enough to pull up and the wheel will come out with its mount or latch. A lot of hair is often wound around the axis of the scroller. Remove these with a suitable tool.

    Remove or microchip of the mouse. The board is fastened with latches or screwed. Gently pry the latches with your fingers. And unscrew the screws and put with the rest of the details. Slightly pulling the board up, separate it from the mouse body. Everything, the mouse is finished.

    Useful advice

    The assembly of the mouse is carried out in the reverse order. The board, scroller and cover are put in place. If there are latches, make sure they all click into place.


    • Mash Oklick 404 L Optical Mouse pros, cons, characteristics

    Sometimes the computer mouse abruptly loses its working capacity. This is due to the chafing of the cable at the case itself. In such a situation, you have two options: buy a new mouse or try to fix the old one.


    Disconnect the mouse from the personal computer. Take a small Phillips screwdriver to disassemble the computer mouse. Locate the mounting screws on its bottom surface. Unscrew them with a screwdriver.

    Then try to remove the top cover of the case. Pry it with a thin sharp object from the side opposite the cable entrance to the mouse. If the case does not lend itself, then there are hidden screws. As a rule, they are located under the rubber feet of the mouse. Remove the rubber bands from the holes. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the remaining screws.

    Look under the stickers. Mounting screws may also be hidden there. Please note that the sticker is only possible if the warranty period has expired. AT otherwise, fix your computer mouse in service center no longer succeed.

    Keep the rubber feet, because without them you will be very uncomfortable to use the mouse. So, to disassemble the mouse, remove the top case. Remove the scroller. Usually it is equipped with a shaft fixed on one side in a detachable hinge. The other end of the shaft must be fixed in the encoder hole.

    Lift the shaft over the hinge and remove it from the hole. Remove all screws holding the board. Then release the latches. After that, remove the optical overlay and lens from the board. Leave the multi-pin connector in its original place. Take wire cutters, cut the wire before it enters the housing.

    Cut off the damaged piece of cable to fix the mouse. Then clean the contacts. Take a soldering iron. Solder the pins to the multi-pin connector inside the mouse body according to the colors of the pins. After that, connect it to your computer. See if the LED is lit and if there is a reaction to the rotation of the scroller.

    Then you can return the lens to its original place and check if there is a reaction to movement. If the mouse works properly, reassemble it. If not, check for correct soldering on the multi-pin connector. You may have left a jumper between the pins.

    If you have ever organized a meal at a laptop or a cooking process near the laptop (there are some), most likely, after these events, your laptop refused to work. Maybe it works, but something from food has got under the key. In order to pull out a particle of your former food from under the key, you need to disassemble the keyboard or remove only the key.

    You will need

    • Laptop keyboard, key removal tool (any thin and not sharp).


    To begin cleaning the keyboard buttons, you must remove the keyboard. Most keyboards are disassembled from the keys. In order not to make a mistake later on, just take a picture of your keyboard or. Each key consists of:
    - key pad;
    - key lift;
    - spring element (not present on all keyboards).

    To quickly complete the process of removing the keys, any thin and non-sharp object can be used: a watch screwdriver, a thin awl, a dental hook. The platform is connected to by means of latches. Connections can be either movable or non-movable. With the help of fixed connections, the key is detached from the keyboard body. Typically, this is located at the bottom of the keyboard button. It is necessary to insert the hook between the fixed connections, focusing on the fact that it passes between the elevator and the platform.

    So you took one button. If you need to do the same with multiple keys, don't forget their location. Use your photo or photocopy of the keyboard when reassembling the keyboard buttons.

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    Personal computers It has long been impossible to imagine without the keyboard and mouse, which are the main intermediaries in the "communication" of the user with the technology. Unfortunately, mice break down and start acting up quite often. The computer mouse can be disassembled and cleaned.


    Disconnect from PC, but only when turned off system block. The body of the mouse can be cleaned with an ordinary damp cloth and a small amount of liquid soap. But don't you dare wash mouse under running water. True, the case itself after disassembling the (namely optical) mouse can be thoroughly rinsed. It's just that mechanical mice also have a microcircuit, which can not always be removed from the case.

    Take a small Phillips screwdriver and unscrew the small one located in the recess at the bottom of the manipulator body. Usually the body consists of two parts. There may also be a small latch on the side of the screw. Carefully separate the body without much effort.

    If optical, you need to gently wipe the luminous red "eye" in its lower part with a match with a cotton swab or ear. You can also use a can of compressed air. Carefully remove the large microcircuit from the body of the optical mouse and free its plastic parts from dust, dirt and hair (). At the ball mouse, remove the covered with rubber, and wash it with soap or wipe with alcohol. Pay special attention to the mouse wheel and its mounts. There, too, dirt often accumulates.

    For mechanical removal of dirt, it is better not to use a knife or razor, but to take a small plastic scraper. Carefully scrape off the dirt with it where possible.

    Having dealt with dust and adhering dirt, remove grease from the rotating parts of the manipulator. This can be done with a soft, lint-free cloth soaked in alcohol. Also wipe all the insides of the mouse with alcohol so that the dust does not accumulate for longer.

    Now you can collect mouse. Put the chip (wheel) back and slam the case. Be careful not to pinch the wire. Tighten the screw and consider that the mouse is cleaned.

    If, while working at a computer, your hand suddenly and sharply starts to hurt, which you hold mouse, the pain intensifies and does not go away for a long time, then you can be “congratulated”. This is a manifestation of tunnel syndrome, another disease of civilization. Severe pain and the inability to continue sitting at the computer may hide swelling of the tendons, damage to the nerve of the wrist. It may even develop a chronic form of joint disease. How well you hold your computer mouse depends on your health.


    The furniture on which you sit - a chair or an armchair - should be with armrests that will provide the necessary support for your hands and wrists.

    Mouse pads are not an anachronism at all, especially if there is a special anatomical bulge for the wrist. Using this mouse is very convenient and correct. So get the right one for sure.

    You need to move the mouse with only your fingers, and not with your whole hand, especially with the help of your shoulder. Hold mouse behind the edges with your thumb and little finger, put the index finger on the left button, the middle one on the wheel, the ring finger on the right button.

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    If tunnel syndrome no longer just makes itself felt, but really worries, urgently go to the doctor and do not delay treatment.

    Useful advice

    Learn to use the mouse with both hands. Change of position will help to avoid pain. In addition, it is useful for the development of coordination, posture. Changing the functions of the left and right mouse buttons is easy in the settings on the control panel.

    Sometimes it is required not only to assemble cabinet furniture, but also to disassemble it in order to transport it to another place. You can disassemble the table, having the necessary tools and carefully studying its design.

    A computer