Ok google what is it. "Ok Google" - what is it? Description and use of the option

Google is a world famous company that offers various Internet products to its users. For example, a search engine, browser and email service. Using Google, users can search for programs and download games. What is "Ok Google"? Next we will get to know this service.

Many people have heard about it, but not everyone knows why the corresponding utility was created. In addition, we will try to learn the basics of working with OK Google. Even a preschooler can cope with such a task. It is enough to be able to read and use the Internet at a basic level.

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What is "Ok Google"? Many modern users have heard about this service. But what is it for?

OK Google is a voice search tool for information on the Internet. This is a kind of analogue of “Alice” from “Yandex”. The service works on both computers and mobile devices. When activating voice search, the Google system is used.

To make it easier to work with the utility, you can install it on Android and iOS app OK Google. We'll talk about this later.

Installation on Android

How to install "OKay Google"? This is not difficult to do, especially if the user works with Android or iOS.

  • Go to PlayMarket.
  • Log in to the system using Google mail.
  • Find the OK Google utility in the appropriate application.
  • Click on the "Download and Install" button.
  • Wait for the operation to complete.
  • After downloading the installation wizard, installation of the application will begin. As soon as the procedure is completed, the user will be able to immediately use the utility to create search queries.

    Installation on iOS

    What is "Ok Google"? This is the name of the popular voice search service from Google. As we have already said, users can install the application of the same name on their mobile devices.

    In the case of iOS, you can do this:

  • Connect to the Internet on your mobile device. For example, via Wi-Fi.
  • Open AppStore.
  • Find “Ok Google” among the utilities.
  • Click on the "Download" button.
  • Initialize the application after downloading.
  • That's all. Now you can start actively using the voice service.

    Connection option without application

    We found out what "OK Google" is. You can use this service without installing specialized applications for mobile devices. To do this, the user must have Google Chrome on this or that gadget.

  • Login to Google Chrome.
  • Click on the button responsible for opening the main menu of the browser.
  • Go to "Settings" - " Voice search" - "Recognition Okay Google."
  • Specify under what conditions the device should respond to human speech.
  • In the case of iOS, the guide will look like this:

  • Visit Google Browser.
  • IN top corner applications (on the left) click on your avatar.
  • Click on the words “Voice Search”.
  • Select settings for OK Google.
  • Click on the "Done" button.
  • Everything is ready to use. Is it possible to activate "Ok Google" voice search on a computer?

    For PC

    Yes. This is the simplest scenario. The thing is that OK Google on a PC works through a browser. The Google Chrome Internet browser is ideal for bringing your idea to life.

  • Open the main menu of Google Chrome. To do this, click on the button located to the right of the address bar.
  • Find the "Search" block.
  • Check the box next to "Enable voice search by command...".
  • After saving the adjustments, the user can easily activate the studied option. But how to do that?

    We use a voice search service

    We found out what “Ok Google” is. And how to start working with the service, too. Now all that remains is to figure out how to use the application.

    Computers are the easiest to work with. To successfully use "Ok Google" on a PC, you need:

  • Connect a microphone or any other recording device to your computer.
  • Open Google.
  • Click on the microphone on the right side of the Google search bar. At correct settings You can skip this step.
  • Say "Ok Google" and then name the data for the request. For example, “Hey Google, where to go with your baby in Kaliningrad?”
  • View the search results.
  • On mobile devices, when working with a browser, it is suggested to act in a similar way. If the user has installed a specialized application from Google, you need to:

  • Launch the Google Chrome utility.
  • Say "OK Google" into the phone's microphone. You can simply tap on the microphone image.
  • Name your query for the search engine.
  • Important: to use the service, you must be connected to the Internet.
  • The "Hey Google" command may be pronounced slightly differently on some devices.

    How to enable voice search

    How to start voice search

    Other variations of the "Hey Google" command also work on some devices.

    How to change the settings for the "Ok Google" command

    Modes of operation of the "Ok Google" command

    • Okay Google
      If the screen is on or the device is charging, the command can be issued regardless of what is open on the screen. Please note that in this mode, the feature may interfere with other voice-controlled services.
    • While driving
      The command can be given when using Google Maps and Android Auto.
    • Always on
      The command works regardless of whether the screen is on.

    Lock screen settings

    • Unlocking with Voice Match
      You can open websites and do more with "Hey Google" without manually turning off your screen lock. However, this requires that your voice be successfully recognized.
    • Personal results
      When this feature is turned on, voice searches show personalized results, including when your device is locked.

    Sample voice with the command "Ok Google"

    • Re-record voice sample
      If Google can't recognize your voice, create a new sample. If you don't see this setting, you may not have turned on the "Hey Google" feature.
    • Delete voice sample
      You can delete a voice sample recorded on your device.

    How to remove voice samples with the "Ok Google" command

    When you set up Voice Match in Assistant settings, voice samples are saved in your Google account. You can delete them if you wish.

    How to use voice commands

    How Google remembers your favorite apps

    If you don't name the app (for example, just say "Scan Receipt"), you'll be asked to select an app from a list. After you repeat this a few times, Google will remember which app you're using and will open it right away.

    To ensure that the clarifying question appears every time, follow these steps:

    The application will not launch automatically. It will appear in search results first (this may take a few minutes).

    Where can you use voice search?

    Feature supported on English language in Australia, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, USA and South Africa.

    Over the years, using the Internet has become easier and easier for new users - new commands are introduced, useful functions appear, applications are created that make the World Wide Web simple and understandable. One of these developments is new system voice search from Google, which has already acquired millions of users around the world. Hundreds of thousands positive feedback, simple interface and good functionality - all this perfectly characterizes voice search.

    According to developers from Google, the user will be able to enter search queries much faster, configure device functions and control the operation of other applications using voice. Is it really so easy to use your device using voice commands, forgetting about the keyboard? This is what we will find out in this review - we will look at all the advantages and disadvantages of the program, its main functions, and also tell you how to download “Okay, Google!” on computer.

    About the application

    Using the program, you will be able to enter search queries using voice recognition. However, this is not the only possibility: Ok Google! Let's look at the full functionality of this application:

    • Working with the browser. The developers did a very good job of making the section as convenient and simple as possible. You just need to press the button with the microphone icon and start talking. Working with the browser, you can enable or disable any plugin, open a widget or history, launch a list of downloaded files, view open tabs, launch the built-in player. This could go on for a very long time - about a hundred functions of the application are associated only with browser settings.
    • Search by request. The most important thing for the user is to find necessary information in a few seconds. With Okay Google the impossible is possible, because search system will instantly find the nearest museum, show the route to it, find all the actors of your favorite movie, display store opening hours, tell you about the cost of shares and exchange rates. And the list is not limited to this - the user will even be able to find out the height of the tallest building in the city or hear a story about a person or company.
    • Computer management. One of the most useful sections. Here you can, by saying a couple of phrases, change the time, turn the device on or off, open a file or program or, conversely, disable it, create a text document, delete files from the trash, and so on.
    • Audio response. With a recent update to the search system, another innovation has appeared - Google can answer your questions itself (there is even a voice selection feature!). By asking “Who is...?”, you will hear short biography person, years of his life, Interesting Facts from life, without even reading the text. Now you can do several things at the same time! For example, listening to a biography, playing your favorite game - everything is simple and convenient.
    • Several languages. You can speak different languages ​​and Google will understand you instantly!
    • Censorship. Another function of the application is protection from obscene links and information, adult videos, and so on.
    • Safety guarantee. Google guarantees the anonymity of your requests and the confidentiality of your data. The absence of viruses and threats to your computer is another advantage that makes using the program truly reliable.

    Video review

    Application features on PC

    Firstly, it greatly simplifies the use of functions, speeds up work on the device, and allows you to find information faster and more conveniently.

    Secondly, you can listen to the information you need without diverting your attention to reading long texts and set search query.

    Thirdly, the application is free and does not “clog” RAM computer and hard drive.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the program


    • Simple and convenient interface.
    • Hundreds of different functions - from a simple search query using a voice command to complex algorithms and control of device settings.
    • No advertising.
    • The application is free.
    • Incredible optimization. The most accurate query responses and fastest speech recognition in the app industry.
    • Audio responses. Now you can listen to interesting facts from a person’s biography or a summary of a movie you would like to watch without being distracted from your work.
    • Excellent technical support. Fast and polite response, instant correction of errors.
    • The application allows you to surf the Internet even if you are blind.


    • Google shows that an era may soon come in which people will forget about the keyboard and manual input of information.

    How to install Okay Google voice search on your computer

    1 way. Installation using the Play Store emulator

    1. To install any Android app to your computer in a few clicks, you will definitely need the BlueStacks emulator. You can download its installer from our website at .
    2. We launch the emulator installer and install the program, following all the instructions. During installation, you will be able to select the location on your hard drive where you want to install BlueStacks files using the Browse button.
    3. Open the emulator and log in using your Google + profile. To register, you just need to fill out a few fields - login in the form [email protected], password, additional mailing address, telephone number.
    4. After authorization, go to the search engine and enter the name of the application. Click on the “Install” button and wait for the installation to complete. After downloading, it is recommended to reboot your device.

    Method 2. Installation using archive

    1. Install the archive from our website.
    2. Unzip the files contained in it.
    3. Based on the instructions in text document, install the application and the included emulator.


    It’s really worth downloading Okay Google on your computer, as this program will make using the Internet easier and simpler. Hundreds of different functions, thousands of positive reviews on different platforms, incredible potential, no advertising - for this reason it is worth trying this application.

    Translation of Dave Lee's article

    For the past month, I've been using the word "Google" to turn off my alarm. This is how I wake up. With the words “Okay, Google.” Not content with controlling our lives both online and offline, Google wants to make us shout the name of their corporation throughout the house.

    The first morning I felt stupid, but I told myself to wait before jumping to conclusions. A month later, patience ran out. I'm going to explain in detail what exactly the problem is.

    I often tease my predecessor Richard Taylor for being the only person I know who uses Apple's Siri personal assistant to its fullest.

    You'll stand there minding your own business and Richard will pull out his phone and start dictating. text messages. Right in front of you. In front of strangers. I find it inconvenient, he thinks the opposite.

    It's clear why he likes it so much - he uses this feature quite often, so the voice recognition is perfectly tuned to his speaking style. But what I can't understand is how he can calmly talk to a piece of metal when there are so many people around.

    As for me, all my fingers would have to be cut off for me to consider doing this in front of people. Home is the only place where I can overcome myself in this regard.

    So in the corner of my kitchen sits an Amazon Echo, a stylish little black cylinder that glows blue when it listens to me.

    And in the corner of my bedroom there is the same stylish Google Home with its little lights.

    Both devices are very neat. The voice recognition is very accurate, the speaker quality is amazing, and computing power these devices are enough to decipher my intricate queries.

    I speak to them in a whisper, barely audible, so that the neighbors don't think I'm a super nerd.

    Something wrong

    But here's the difference. To access Amazon, you call your assistant by name.

    "Hey Alexa, what's new?"

    The same goes for other assistants: Siri from Apple or from Microsoft. You don't necessarily have to call them by name when working, but it still gives a pleasant impression of interacting with the person.

    This is also why we love movie characters with artificial intelligence. This makes us feel warm towards them.

    I know in my heart that there is no difference in “Hey Google” or “Hey Alexa.” This adds neither privacy nor practical benefit. Both devices do exactly the same thing - use my data to help me (and then sell me something).

    But I'm talking about a certain "awkwardness" factor that I feel myself. He should not be underestimated. When I use Amazon Echo, I talk to Alexa. When I use Google Home, I have to turn to the corporation. Or as Buzzfeed's Mat Hanani puts it: "I hate constantly saying, 'Okay, Google,' just because it makes me feel like I'm talking to a brand."

    Achilles' heel

    Back in October, when Google was holding intriguing events around the world to launch Google Home, I was able to have a quick chat about it all with Michael Sundermayer. He leads the product design team of this device.

    They were originally going to give the system a friendly name, but the reason they changed their mind is clear: they wanted to make it feel like you were interacting directly with Google. To create not an assistant, but an all-powerful, all-knowing Google.

    “This assistant is Google,” Michael comments. “This is something Google has been working on for 18 years.”

    Friendly face

    This is a huge step towards what we really want, to have one of these personal home assistants fit into our family life and become indispensable.

    If we have the feeling that we are talking to a real person, then this can be considered a huge step in the right direction.

    Talk to Amazon Echo owners and they'll immediately start telling you how they developed a fondness for Alexa. I'm not the only person who often adds "please" and "thank you" when talking to her.

    But as long as Google forces you to bark "Ok Google," Google Home is certainly not capable of becoming a full-fledged personal assistant. He will be a helper and a very good one. But not personal.

    It's worth taking into account that the Google Home assistant has the full power of the Google ecosystem. It provides a better service than Alexa, Siri or Cortana. But it would be foolish of me to stop halfway, so I will try to use the influence of this blog to change Google for the better. I have an alternative.

    A friend of mine pointed out that all assistants (with the exception of Siri) still have female voices, perhaps lending some credence to the idea that being an assistant is still strictly a woman's job.

    So let's go in a different direction: pay homage to one of the company's founders, Larry Page. I would love to shout, “LARRY! Turn up the volume!".

    This means that I would start my morning by saying hello to Larry from bed, but whatever. The neighbors already look at me askance.

    The Android project is constantly evolving and new features are appearing, one of which is - activating search with the phrase “ok Google” in some situations this is very convenient, especially since knowing all the voice commands you can not only search for information, but also send SMS, make calls, and much more.

    Unfortunately, on older versions of Android the “OK Google” service may not work. Everyone else can activate the search using these instructions.

    Google Search

    Voice search by command Okay Google is part of the application Google search, which is usually installed by default on Android phones. But there are devices in which this application is not installed, their owners must first install Google search, link below:

    To install manually, go to Play Store, enter the query “search” and select Google search from the results:

    After installation, you need to run a Google search.

    Activating voice input

    Activation of voice search using the phrase “okay Google” can be disabled in the application settings. To enable it you need to go to settings - accounts / Google - search:

    Next, go to “Voice Search” - “Recognition OK Google” and turn on the “From Google application” item

    Google Start

    To make the command work on the main screen You can install Launcher from Google called “Google Start”:
