Sent by mail three-day penalty period. Should traffic police fines be sent by mail? Notice of fine payment

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What to do if the administrative fine did not arrive by mail?

Hello, please tell me, I received an SMS from Sberbank stating that there is a debt under the decision of the bailiffs, after that I looked on the bailiffs’ website, the debt was also indicated there, but there were no notifications from the mail. Fine. Show in full

What is the penalty for late payment of traffic police fines if there were no notifications?

Quite by accident, I discovered unpaid fines on the traffic police website. At the same time, there was not a single letter of happiness. I didn't receive any receipts. All fines with late payment. What threatens me and what should I do? Thanks in advance.

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Can the traffic police send fine payment receipts by email?

I received a notification about the traffic police staff by email. Sender's address: Traffic police fines. I tried to find out where, when and what I violated. I went to the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the website of the GIS system. Data on involvement in administrative proceedings. Show in full

What to do if you are asked to pay fines on a sold car?

I sold the car after a certain period of time, it received fines, I found out about this not in the application but by mail with some huge delay. Therefore, I went to the traffic police for this reason and found out that a trial had already been scheduled, go to court, they told me that my presence was not allowed. Show in full

I did not receive notification of traffic fines and therefore did not have the opportunity to pay on time

Hello. I travel a lot by car, and I was confident that there would be no fines for violating traffic rules. Recently I received two SMS messages about the seizure of funds from my bank account and card. I checked the Traffic Police website - there have already been five fines, some of them from others. Show in full

Am I required to pay a fine if I did not receive notice of it?

Good afternoon At the beginning of August 2015, my car was photographed by MADI and this organization issued a resolution on an administrative offense under Art. 12.16.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. About this offense the above organization. Show in full

How to appeal a traffic police fine if you have not received a decision

Hello! I found out from the Internet, on the government services website and the traffic police website that I, that is, on my car, have a fine for violating parking rules in the city of Chelyabinsk, where I have never been, in the amount of 5,000 rubles. I didn’t receive the order, I went to. Show in full

Is it possible to pay half of the traffic police fine if the decision arrived after the allotted time?

For me, a pensioner, 500 or 250 is a big difference. I violated the order on September 8, 2016. I received a resolution in the mail on September 29, 2016 \ there are marks from the post office \ I received the resolution today on October 6, 2016. I’m interested, this is already a practice, the letter goes from the traffic police to the post office 20. Show in full

Received an email notification of a traffic police fine without confirmation of the offense

Hello. You have subscribed to traffic police fine notifications. We found 1 fine: STS 7725470800 09/30/2016 FINE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENSE DECISION No. 18810177160930148635 Must be paid by: 12/09/2016 With a 50% discount until: . Show in full

What to do if you haven’t received a fine for drinking in a public place within 4 months?

Good afternoon In March 2016, for drinking beer, they took him to the police station, where they drew up a report and said that the fine will come to the post office at your place of registration. They didn’t give me anything, they just let me go. A little over 4 months have passed, I have safely forgotten everything. Show in full

The traffic police fine came automatically and unexpectedly a year later, what should I do?

Tell me if an unpaid traffic police fine appeared automatically in government services and also on the traffic police website recently, but a letter of happiness did not arrive at home for a year! and in government services everything was clean too! can they do this? since the year. Show in full

What can you do to avoid receiving traffic fines?

Hello! I sold a car in the Perm region, the new owner did not register the car, I wrote an application to terminate the registration due to a change of owner. I received a certificate of termination of registration. A year passed, the fine came from. Show in full

There was no “letter of happiness”, but the fine was removed along with the performance fee?

Hello! On 04/01/2016, the bank wrote off the bailiffs’ collections from me: 4 fines for traffic violations of 500 rubles each and an enforcement fee of 1000 for each fine. total 6000 rub. (such an April Fool's joke!) - I found out about fines upon write-off. Show in full

The traffic police fine arrived by mail after the allotted time.

Traffic police fine (RUB 500, speeding no more than 40 km/h). The resolution was issued on 03/01/2016, submitted for sending to the Russian Post on 03/15/2016, and arrived at the Russian Post office at the place of residence on 03/23/2016 (screen of shipment tracking. Show in full

The fine arrived in the mail, but I can’t receive it.

Hello. My name is Yuri. I have a question regarding traffic police fines. This is the situation. I work in another city, and fines come to my place of registration. And when I come home and go to receive a letter of happiness, they tell me that my letter is not. Show in full

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Notices of fines will be sent out via the Internet.

It is proposed to make corresponding amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses. According to the project, which came to email a letter with unpleasant news must be signed by a highly qualified electronic signature authorized official. It is by this signature that the citizen will know that he received not spam, but a real fine.

"Project federal law prepared to ensure the transition from paper to electronic legal significant notices by securing the possibility of sending registered letters in electronic form to persons who have agreed to this method receiving these letters, instead of receiving them on paper,” the explanatory note says.

The project leaves open the question of how the traffic police finds out the citizen’s email address. But this is more a matter of technique. More precisely, procedures. The driver will probably have to write a statement or register somewhere, and there he will indicate his valid Mailbox. It is possible that this could be done, for example, on the government services portal. Already now you can register there to receive SMS alerts about a committed violation of traffic rules, detected, say, using a video surveillance camera.

“Receiving information about an existing fine even before the decision arrives by mail will allow the driver to quickly find out that he has fallen within the coverage area of ​​the photo-video recording system for traffic violations,” say the traffic police. “This service is, first of all, necessary for those who did not receive a receipt by mail, or lost the compiled material at the scene of the violation by the traffic police inspector.”

To do this, you need to register on the government services portal, indicate in personal account your data, as well as the data of your car, and once request the service of informing about the presence of traffic police fines. “In the future, if the driver violates traffic rules and a decision on an administrative offense is issued, a notification about this will come automatically,” the traffic police say. “Notifications also come upon payment of a fine and when cases are transferred to the Federal Bailiff Service in case of late payment.”

In your personal account, you can choose any convenient way to receive information: SMS to your mobile phone number, email message, push notification to mobile phone or tablet (subject to use mobile application"Government services"). The service operates throughout Russia.

And after the proposed initiative is adopted, email they won't just come anymore information messages, but legally significant documents. You can now go to the cashier with them.

Specifying mail that you don’t use can cost the driver more money. After all, according to the law, he will be considered informed, which means that in case of delay, the bailiffs will deal with him. If a person does not pay the fine within 60 days, he will face new fine, administrative arrest or compulsory work.

By the way, you can pay the fine without leaving the public services portal. In addition to paying through a QIWI wallet, the user can link a regular bank card to State Services. For reference, according to statistics, last year about 35 million fines were imposed for violations detected using automatic cameras.

Fines may begin to be sent by email

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications has prepared a bill according to which drivers will be able to receive fine receipts from traffic cameras by email. It is expected that this will help increase the collection of fines, as violators will receive receipts much faster.

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications has prepared a bill according to which drivers will be able to receive fine receipts from traffic cameras by email. It is expected that this will help increase the collection of fines, as violators will receive receipts much faster.

The bill amends the Code of Administrative Offences. According to the document, the “letter of happiness” received by email must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of an authorized official. This should protect citizens from fraud. However, drivers will be able to choose the method in which they prefer to receive automatically sent fines: by regular mail or e-mail.

“The draft federal law has been prepared to ensure the transition from paper to electronic legally significant notifications by securing the possibility of sending registered letters in electronic form to persons who have agreed to this method of receiving these letters, instead of receiving them on paper,” notes the explanatory note to the document .

The document does not indicate how the traffic police will find out email addresses drivers. Most likely, car owners who choose this method of receiving fines will have to write an application or register somewhere. This is how the email address will be transmitted.

It is possible that this procedure will be organized on the government services portal. Already now you can register on it to receive SMS alerts about a committed violation of traffic rules recorded using traffic cameras.

“Receiving information about an existing fine even before the decision arrives by mail will allow the driver to quickly find out that he is within the coverage area of ​​the photo-video recording system for traffic violations. This service is, first of all, necessary for those who did not receive a receipt by mail, or lost the compiled material at the scene of the violation by the traffic police inspector,” the traffic police explained to Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

In order to receive notifications about fines, you need to register on the government services portal, indicate your data in your personal account, as well as the data of your car, and once request the service of informing about the presence of traffic police fines.

“In the future, if the driver violates traffic rules and a decision on an administrative offense is issued, a notification about this will come automatically. Notifications also come upon payment of a fine and when cases are transferred to the Federal Bailiff Service in case of late payment,” the publication’s interlocutor added, noting that the service operates throughout Russia.

If the proposed bill is adopted, then not just informational messages will be sent by email, but legally significant documents with which you can go to the cashier to pay the fine.

By the way, you can also pay a fine using the government services portal, so you don’t have to go anywhere. You can pay via QIWI wallet or bank card.

How long does it take to receive fines from cameras?

An important question that concerns any car owner is how quickly traffic police fines are received from video recording cameras. After all, if there is a debt, the violator may face various problems. We are talking about the impossibility of traveling abroad, transferring the case to bailiffs, and even administrative arrest.

In addition, while the “letter of happiness” is on the way, the fine may end its grace period (20 days), and sometimes the regulated payment period (60 days).

Traffic police officers are required to send a letter with a decision on an administrative fine and a photograph within three days, counting from the moment the violation was recorded. The resolution is sent by mail in the form of a registered letter with notification of receipt.

Receive such a letter owner vehicle must be a maximum of one week after the violation was committed. However, the work of the post office often negatively affects the delivery time of correspondence. In some cases, such a decision may come in two to three weeks.

It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how quickly traffic police fines are received from cameras. But recipients of such letters should remember that they have 10 days to appeal, counting from the date of receipt. Therefore, it is very important to keep the envelope and the receipt, which will indicate the date of receipt of the registered letter in hand.

It is also worth noting that a decision from recording cameras is always issued to the owner of the vehicle, regardless of who was driving at the time of the violation. In order to appeal a decision on an administrative violation, the owner must prove in court that another person was driving the vehicle at that moment.

Modern technologies allow us to no longer think about how many days it takes to receive a fine from a camera, but to instantly learn about all our offenses. One of these technologies is the RosShtrafi service, which offers a quick search and convenient payment of all debts for violating traffic rules.

How long does it take for traffic police fines to arrive from cameras?

Deadline for receiving a fine

Time between issuing a fine automatic mode and receiving a letter with a copy of the decision by mail can be completely different. It depends on the established deadline for transferring the recorded violation to paper (when the auto-recording camera issues a fine), the formation of a letter, its sending and, of course, forwarding this letter to the addressee, who may be located within the city limits, and then the fines go quickly, or in the outback , where letters can be delivered once a month. How long it takes for traffic police fines to arrive in 2018 under different conditions and how quickly they reach the offender, we will find out below.

So, before the fine ends up in the violator’s mailbox, it goes through a number of stages of online forwarding, verification, generation and sending in paper form, the longest of which is, as a rule, sending an envelope with a copy of the decision by mail. In general, here you can clearly divide the time of arrival of “chain letters” into two main stages:

And if the first stage differs depending on the CAFAP of a particular city and the type of installed camera, then the second - only on the work of the Russian Post and the distance of the offender from the sender.

How long does it take for fines from portable cameras to arrive?

Portable cameras are those that are installed on tripods near the road, in a traffic police vehicle or in other places and are usually installed in the morning and removed in the evening.

Fines from non-stationary cameras, as a rule, go the fastest. But this only applies to the generation of a letter directly at the Automatic Violation Recording Center (CAFAP) of a particular city, and in some cities the deadlines differ, but not very much. Depending on the work of the post office, the fine can be sent from 2-3 days to 2-3 weeks.

In general, we can establish the following general data relevant for 2018:

  • If you live in a large city (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Perm and similar million-plus cities), then you will most likely receive a letter with a fine in general cases 2-5 days after the decision is made.
  • For residents of the suburbs of large cities, as well as cities with less than a million population, the period can range from 3 to 10 days.
  • But residents of the outback may receive letters with fines from cameras even within a month.
  • How long does it take for fines from stationary cameras to arrive?

    As for stationary cameras for photographing violations, traffic police fines from them take much longer to arrive than from portable ones. This is due to the more complex software and a larger, in contrast to portable cameras, number of transition points before the letter is formed - first the camera records a violation, then transmits the information to the operator, then the signal goes through a number of stages and finally gets to the auto-fixation center, where a “chain letter” is formed (order of stages may vary depending on camera type).

    The Avtodoria camera is considered to be the leader in terms of the timing of sending fines - the one that hangs on poles in a black box and records most often average speed, measuring how far a car will travel a predetermined distance between two such cameras.

    Approximate timing of how long it takes for traffic police fines to arrive from Avtodoriya cameras and many other stationary auto-fixation cameras:

    • If you live within a large city, then the fine from the camera may arrive in 4-7 days.
    • For residents of small towns and suburbs of any city - in 6-10 days.
    • For residents of the outback - in 7-25 days.

    This is not official data, but experience and some statistics for 2018 with a predetermined sample of the number of fined drivers.

    How not to lose the discount period if the fine from the camera arrives later than 20 days later?

    So, we know that most traffic police fines can be paid with a 50% discount within 20 days after the date of the decision. " Stop, - you say, - if the period begins from the date of the decision, then what if the letter arrives later?!«

    Exactly! If the fine from the camera arrives after 21 days or later, then you may miss the deadline and will have to pay the fine in full. But why wait for a letter when you can look up fines on official websites, apps and many other places. Thus, the official website of the traffic police allows you to check the fine without registration and in just a few clicks; Government services allow you to subscribe to fines by Email and even by SMS (SMS messages arrive promptly and correctly). Also, many smartphone applications in 2018 are able to notify their users about new fines.

    The Constitutional Court accepted for consideration the complaint of a driver near Moscow against... Code of Administrative Offenses. The fact is that the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses do not provide for the possibility of restoring deadlines for paying fines at a discount.

    Let us remind you that in 2015, drivers had the opportunity to pay fines for most traffic violations with a 50% discount. But this is only if the driver managed to pay the fine within 20 days from the date of the decision. The countdown begins from the day the inspector signed the resolution.

    If the driver does not expect a discount, then he has 70 days to pay the fine from the date of receipt of the decision. If the decision was sent by mail, then the period for paying the fine begins to be calculated from the moment the driver received the “letter of happiness.” Or from the moment when the “letter of happiness” was returned to the department that issued the fine due to the impossibility of delivering it to the addressee.

    Let us also recall what this very period 70 days. Ten days from the date of receipt of the “letter of happiness” are given for an appeal, and after 60 days - for the voluntary payment of a fine.

    Unfortunately, not everyone and does not always receive such “chain letters” on time. Some do not receive them at all, and through no fault of their own. But this is a separate topic.

    So in this case, the driver Yuri Reinhimmel received a “letter of happiness” a month after a resolution was issued against him to impose an administrative penalty. It is clear that he could no longer pay the fine at a discount.

    By the way, he was fined automatically for speeding by 500 rubles. Most motorists would give a damn about this problem. However, the car owner was able to prove that the letter was delivered to him late and the post office was to blame. Not only Roskomnadzor recognized the postal workers’ guilt, but also the arbitration court, which fined them 30 thousand rubles.

    However, the traffic police did not have enough such evidence of delay. After all, the Code of Administrative Offenses clearly states: 20 days from the date of the decision. There is no talk of receiving it in person, delivery by mail, courier service or special courier. Therefore, since 20 days have passed, pay in full.

    The car owner was not satisfied with this message, and he went to court. But the court sided with the traffic police.

    Then the driver decided to appeal the very provision on the timing of payment of the fine with a discount in the Constitutional Court. In his opinion, the Basic Law guarantees citizens the right to judicial protection of their rights. He pointed out that persons who have lost the right to pay a fine at a discount for a good reason cannot actually restore this right.

    The fact that the Constitutional Court accepted this case for consideration indicates that there are contradictions in the legislation on this issue. After consideration, it will be clear to what extent they comply with the Constitution.

    It should be recalled that the Code of Administrative Offenses states: if the execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine was delayed or spread out by the judge, body, or official who issued the decision, the administrative fine is paid in full. That is, there is simply no provision for extending and reinstating the deadlines for paying half of the fine. So, most likely, the Constitutional Court will confirm the legality of this provision.

    Penalty notices, or so-called “chain letters” (as people dubbed them), can be paid with a significant discount of 50 percent. This rule applies if the document about the violation was served and then paid by the citizen within 20 calendar days. Considering that this notification is often sent by mail, many motorists note that the notification takes longer than necessary.

    How to pay a traffic police fine with a 50 percent discount if the letter arrived later?

    In the territory Russian Federation There are rules according to which a fine paid by a motorist within 20 days after registration provides a discount of 50 percent. In order to notify the car owner that he has violated certain rules, which are then subject to a fine, a photo and video recording takes place. Then all data is sent by mail. Unfortunately, some letters take more than 20 days to reach the recipient.

    In December 2017, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation issued an important ruling. If the letter does not reach the recipient on time due to technical reasons, the discount on the fine is valid for the next 20 days. Car enthusiasts are often interested in the question: how to prove in court that more than 20 days have passed since receipt if the letter does not have a date? First of all, the so-called target dates are taken into account. Another point that will help the motorist pay 50 percent of the fine relates to the notification of delivery.

    Violators must be familiar with all fines recorded by CCTV cameras. If the notification document contains a date that indicates the letter was provided later than the due date, the citizen also has the right to pay half the amount.

    How to simplify the payment of a fine in half the amount?

    Citizens of the Russian Federation can pay a fine of 50 percent and then see whether the bailiffs are interested in the violator or not. You can also try to appeal the missed deadline. The first option, namely a wait-and-see position, is the most optimal, because after the bailiffs demand the second half of the fine from the violator, it is possible to appeal this action.

    The interested citizen goes to the courts and fills out a corresponding statement stating that the letter arrived to him later. First of all, the application is submitted to the traffic police department, which generated the corresponding fine. The applicant requests restoration of the right to pay a fine of 50 percent. It is noteworthy that this authority often issues a refusal to this request. If, nevertheless, the traffic police allows you to pay half of the fine, the citizen exercises this right or is sent to the district court at the place of the violation in case of refusal. An application is also submitted.

    Even if in this case a decision was made to refuse to pay the 50% fine, the applicant is sent to the regional Supreme Court. When the petition for reduction is not considered, the petitioner may go all the way to the Supreme Court. If one of the courts considers the application and reports that the citizen can pay a fine of 50 percent, he turns to the bailiff, who withdraws funds from the violator’s personal card or carries out the collection procedure.

    The corresponding draft amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses were prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is now posted on the portal for public discussion.

    The Constitutional Court demanded that it be possible to extend the deadline for paying the fine at a discount.

    Let us remind you that in 2015, drivers had the opportunity to pay fines for most traffic violations with a 50 percent discount. The discount does not apply to repeat violations or penalties for drunkenness.

    But a discount can only be obtained if the driver managed to pay the fine within 20 days from the date the decision was issued, and not from the moment it came into force. That is, the countdown begins precisely from the day when the inspector signed the resolution.

    Until the amendments are adopted, law enforcement officials should consider reinstating the deadlines

    However, not all drivers receive letters of happiness on time. Driver Yuri Reinhimmel received such a letter a month after an administrative penalty was issued against him. It is clear that he could no longer pay the fine at a discount. By the way, he was fined automatically for speeding by 500 rubles. That is, the whole point of the dispute is 250 rubles. However, the victim followed the principle.

    He proved that the letter was delivered to him late. This was recognized not only by Roskomnadzor, but also by the arbitration court, which fined postal workers 30 thousand rubles.

    However, in the Moscow region traffic police, such evidence of delay was not enough. However, this is quite understandable. After all, the Code of Administrative Offenses clearly states: 20 days from the date of the decision. And if the driver didn’t receive it on time, then that’s his problem. The Code of Administrative Offenses does not provide for the possibility of restoring deadlines missed through no fault of his own.

    In addition, this discount, as conceived by legislators, is designed for those who monitor their administrative history, try to keep track of fines issued on time and pay them on time. Moreover, there are many services for this, starting from the State Traffic Inspectorate website and ending with the State Services portal. Therefore, once 20 days have passed, pay in full.

    The car owner was not satisfied with this message, and he went to court. But the court sided with the traffic police.

    Then the driver decided to appeal the very provision on the timing of payment of the fine with a discount in the Constitutional Court. This approach, in his opinion, contradicts the Basic Law, which guarantees citizens the right to judicial protection of their rights. He pointed out that persons who have lost the right to pay a fine at a discount for a good reason cannot actually restore this right.

    And the Constitutional Court sided with the driver. In his decision, he indicated that posting electronic decisions on websites, including the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, does not compensate for late delivery of paper correspondence.

    These are optional means of notification that are of an informal reference nature. The law provides only one notification option: by registered mail by mail.

    Therefore, the impossibility of extending deadlines due to late delivery is inconsistent with the constitutional principles of legal equality and fairness.

    As a result, the court ordered changes to the legislation. And until appropriate amendments are made to the legislation, according to the decision of the Constitutional Court, law enforcement officials, including the courts, have no right to avoid considering the possibility of restoring the deadline for paying half of the fine at the request of the applicant. But in those cases when the “letter of happiness” arrived to the addressee after 20 days had expired.

    Changes to the law were not long in coming. The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to supplement Part 1.3 of Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses with the following wording. "If a copy of the resolution imposing an administrative fine sent to the person brought to administrative responsibility by registered mail by post, was received at his address after the expiration of twenty days from the date of issuance, the specified period can be restored by the judge, body, official who issued the specified decision, at the request of the person held administratively liable."

    However, some experts believe that it would be more correct to introduce an amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses that would make the notification of the State Services portal official.

    By the way, according to the traffic police, 108.7 million decisions were issued last year. Of these, 106.6 could have been paid at a discount. In total, 84.8 million fines were paid. Of these, 65.8 million are at a fifty percent discount. This is 78 percent of all fines paid.


    Good afternoon. The offense charged is parking on the sidewalk, recorded by so-called public inspectors. I stood unloading cargo at the entrance of a residential building (there was no other place to stop, I work alone). I have documents for the cargo on that day. I’ll find out

    Naturally, by chance, no letters. The deadline for appeal has passed. What should I do?

    Alexander, Hello.

    If violations were committed 1.5 years ago, and decisions were made only now, then it makes sense to challenge them.

    If the decisions were made in 2017, but for some reason only reached you now, then in this case the deadlines for attraction have not been violated.

    In general, to get more detailed information in the case, it makes sense to contact the department that issued these decisions. Only the staff knows why the letter was so delayed.

    Good luck on the roads!

    Hello. Tell me, should I pick up the notice at the post office about the fine if I have already paid it, since I received a notification from an application on my phone. What happens if you don’t pick it up and it goes back to the traffic police?

    Egor, Hello.

    If you are sure that this is the same fine, then you may not receive the letter. There will be no negative consequences in this case, because the fine has been paid.

    Good luck on the roads!


    Good evening. If I received a fine through the app and paid it immediately, will I receive a letter from the traffic police by mail?

    Raphael, Hello.

    It is possible that a letter will arrive. The letter is not sent if the car owner is registered on the portal public services and decisions are sent electronically.

    Good luck on the roads!


    I found out late about the fine for allegedly repeatedly running a red light (video recording is not provided on the traffic police website). There are 2 days left before the 60 day period expires, so I want to pay to avoid doubling the amount. Is it possible to challenge the decision after paying the fine, although I do not agree with it: 1 - no evidence has been presented, 2 - a violation is possible, but in the first case there was another driver, so this cannot be a repeated violation. How does the traffic police even count repeated violations if they don’t know who was driving?


    What does "by number" mean? I agree that it is better to pay now. There’s one thing I can’t understand: on what basis does the traffic police determine that the violation is repeated? After all, the violation is not committed by the car, but by the driver, and these can be different people in one or another case.


    1. You can pay the fine and then try to challenge it. If the fine is canceled, the money will be returned to you; this is common practice.

    2. For violations imposed by automatic cameras, the owner of the vehicle is held accountable by default. If another driver was driving, he must contact the traffic police and report that it was he who was driving. In this case, the fine will be “rewritten” on him.

    3. If during the first violation there was another driver behind the wheel, then this issue had to be dealt with immediately. If the first fine was not disputed and was paid, then it is considered that you were driving.

    Good luck on the roads!


    How can I check a fine for driving without a license if I have never had one?

    Maksim, in this case, all that remains is to contact the traffic police department to obtain information.

    Good luck on the roads!

    Tell me, I got into an accident, the culprit left the scene of the accident, 2 weeks later they called the traffic police and my husband was accused under Article 12.27 Part 2 without any evidence, the report at the scene of the accident was drawn up by the employees for me, later we found out that the report from the scene of the accident was changed, or rather my data They crossed out and wrote down my husband’s data without warning us about this. We won in court. The employees wrote appeals twice, but it was useless, and now, 4 months later, my husband received a fine for driving a car without a license. in the amount of 5 thousand, the protocol was issued on September 7, signed on top with a pen on December 13, tell me what to do

    Olga, does your husband have a driver's license? And what does it have to do with the accident?

    Hello, I had a question, I did not receive a letter at my place of actual residence and the fine did not arrive for 4 months, now I found a fine on the government services portal. I really violated and it was filmed on a phone camera, the person filming me was in a civilian car, I drove into the oncoming lane, because I didn’t notice any signs or markings that turned into solid (in this case, what can be done?


    The situation is not entirely clear. Was the violation registered without your presence?

    Good afternoon. Tell me, I received an SMS, what’s wrong? bank card The bailiffs deducted money from me. I found out through the Internet that this was last year’s fine. But I didn’t know anything about it. On the state. services is not registered. I immediately paid the fine, but they did not take this into account and took extra money from the card. What should I do?

    Julia, Hello.

    If money for the same fine was collected again, then it makes sense to contact the bailiffs to return the overpaid amount.

    Good luck on the roads!


    Hello! Yesterday I also received a message from Sberbank that they had withdrawn 500 rubles from me. For enforcement proceedings. Accounts were seized. I did not receive notifications about this fine either by mail or on the government services portal. About the fact that a case has been opened against me. Production too. How can I prove that I was not notified of the fine?

    Catherine, Hello.

    Go to the bailiffs, read the case materials. There should be information about how and when you were notified.

    Good luck on the roads!

    Please tell me if I pay the fine through government services, will the letter come to the post office or not?

    Tasha, if the letter has already been sent, it will be sent by mail.

    If the letter was not sent, then it is quite possible that it will not be sent.

    Good luck on the roads!

    Good afternoon.

    On 02/11/19, a notification arrived in the mailbox that a fine had arrived in the mail, it turned out to be a fine according to the resolution of 09/18/2018 with the payment of 2500 rubles. I think the question about the fact that I have already been deprived of discounts is no longer relevant. I paid the fine immediately.

    On 04/15/19, a notice again arrived in my mailbox, containing a copy of the court decision in the case of an administrative offense, holding me administratively liable for 5,000 rubles for failure to pay on time exactly that fine dated 09/18/18.

    The question is how to proceed?

    In fact, the notification came after the deadline for paying the fine.

    I paid the fine upon receipt of the decision in hand.

    The sent copy of the court order dated April 15, 2019 contains errors - my date of birth and the date of the order are incorrectly indicated.

    Anton, Hello.

    If you have confirmation that you received the decision on February 11, 2019 (a mail document with a date), then it makes sense to challenge the fine for non-payment.

    You received the decree on 02/11/2019, on 02/21/2019 the decree came into force, within 60 days you could pay the fine.

    This issue is discussed in the article "".

    Good luck on the roads!

    Hello! On 11/15/18 we sold the car with a purchase and sale agreement filled out at home. In January 2019 we found out that new buyer I didn’t re-register the car in my name. We deregistered the car on January 29, 2019 at the traffic police, but they didn’t tell me about the presence of fines. And on 05/09/19 my accounts were seized due to a court order of 500 rubles. There were 300 rubles on the card, they went towards repayment, i.e. balance 200r. There was no fine for public services. Legal debts for public services appeared on May 10 - 2 pieces for 500 rubles. And today I discovered in government services that one resolution is no longer 500, but 1500. I didn’t even know about these fines, and now the enforcement fee has also increased. Is it possible not to pay these fines or at least pay only the fines without the enforcement fee?
