Why does my computer shut down while playing? Why does the computer turn off during games and how to fix it? Why does the computer turn off during the installation of the game? For owners of older monitors

Any user who likes to play on a computer may encounter a problem automatic shutdown screen while playing. Why is this happening, how to find and fix the problem? We will talk about this in this article.

Insufficient video card power

If the monitor turns off only during the game, but when watching videos, surfing the Internet and other simpler tasks, it works, then in this case everything points to a weak video card.

toys create heavy load to the video card, which in turn sends signals to the monitor, and it processes them and gives us the finished image. If the video card cannot cope with the load, the sensor turns it off, after which the monitor turns off.

What needs to be done:

Video card failure

Usually, if the monitor turns off automatically when turned on or during the game, then most likely the problem is in. Like this :

Cable damage

If the screen goes blank with the message "no signal", but the computer continues to work, the reason for this may be an elementary damage to the cable.

Upon visual inspection, it may appear to be completely intact and unharmed. Checking this is quite simple: find and connect a new cable. If functionality is restored, you know what was the reason.

Random access memory (RAM) problems

A rare situation, but it does happen. If your monitor cuts out while playing, your RAM may have failed or you may have installed new RAM that is simply not compatible with yours. motherboard or processor.

Motherboard or processor failure

A fairly common reason why the screen turns off when you start the game, and the system unit works, it means that the motherboard or processor is out of order.

It happens:

  1. Due to the frequent cutting out of light and power surges. UPS is recommended for protection against power failures.
  2. After the next cleaning of iron, you could accidentally damage the processor socket or scratch motherboard. Even minor damage can render the board inoperable. In this case, the components must be repaired or completely replaced.

Now you know what to do if the monitor turns off during the game and at any time, you can fix this problem yourself.

Video instruction

If the computer turns off during the game, it is time to service its hardware and software shells. Both of these can be the source of the problem.

The reason for this may be a number of software and hardware factors.

We will talk about the reasons for the freelance shutdown (transferring the PC to mode) and how to get rid of them in this article.


"Crooked" repack of the game

It is highly likely that the problem is caused by a poor-quality game installer downloaded from the Internet, because not all gamers purchase licensed copies.

In the event that other gamers complain about a similar situation, delete the game and download it from trusted sources, download a repack of a trusted author, or better, spend some money and buy a disc or an official copy of the game, supporting its publisher and developers.

When downloading/purchasing games carefully study their system requirements. When the specifications are not up to par (too weak PC), the components will work at their limits, which will not only shorten their life, but also make them generate a lot of heat. And without good cooling, this is fraught with rapid overheating of the central or.

Overheating of the processor / video adapter

Modern games are very demanding on the PC hardware shell, and running such an application on an outdated computer, if possible, the hardware, working at maximum frequencies, will quickly warm up.

When the temperature sensors reach their limits, they will signal an immediate interruption in the power supply to the motherboard and the computer will turn off during the game.

Thus, manufacturers of computer components protect them from premature failure due to overheating.

If the system does not turn off in time, and the PC will work when or exceeds the maximum allowable, the electronic component will simply burn out.

Overheating may occur for several reasons:

Pollution is fairly easy to deal with at home.

To do this, we arm ourselves with tools (a screwdriver for unscrewing the case cover, napkins, cotton swabs or a piece of cloth to remove dust).

Unscrew the side cover system block, carefully remove all dust, especially accumulated on the cooling elements (cooler, radiator).

If possible on the CPU and GPU, what should be done at least once a year and if you have confidence in your actions.

Otherwise, it is better to contact service center to a specialist or to a friend who has the appropriate skills.

In most cases, the problem is precisely dust, hair and other debris that clogs the fan and seals the radiators / heat pipes, which worsens their thermal conductivity, as well as the thermal paste that has exhausted its resource.

In the second case, it turns off due to a violation of the integrity or abnormal operation of its component (s), only users who are savvy in the field of radio engineering can do without contacting a specialist.

It is difficult to find a broken transistor at home, but it is not difficult to visually detect a swollen capacitor, and even a beginner will do it.

On the self-replacement element, it is better not to decide and trust the specialists.

They will also check the power supply and replace it if the performance of the old one does not meet the requirements.

Driver conflict or malfunction of one of the CPU cores

Outdated or vice versa, new drivers may conflict with, games or other applications, and also contain errors (especially new and beta-testing drivers).

If the previous instructions did not bring positive results, download latest versions chipset drivers and official pages developer.

Applications for updating drivers, especially when using Windows 10, better not to use, as well as the update center of this OS. Download and update the software manually.

An error that causes a power outage may be written to the event log.

To search for it, we follow the instructions below, having previously achieved the situation so that the PC turns off during the game.


  1. Let's go to.
  2. Switch the rendering method of its icons to icons.

3. Call the applet Administration.

4. Double click on Event Viewer.

5. In the vertically arranged menu in the left frame, expand Windows logs.

  1. We switch to the "System" section and in the central frame of the same name we find an event with a red round icon and the name "Error".

To simplify its search, we sort the events by time and focus on the approximate time the computer was turned off the last time the game was started.

  1. We open "Event Properties" and we study it.

Based on the information received, we conclude about the culprit, which it will not always be possible for a beginner to do, but with the help of search engines you can at least find out what the file causing the interruption of the PC is responsible for if it does not relate to drivers.

If your computer shut down or rebooted while you were playing some modern demanding game, then most often the problem is in the video card, power supply, or processor.

We do not think that you are dabbled in overclocking a video card and a processor, otherwise you would not have asked this question.
Let's try to figure out what exactly is the matter and what steps to take.

  • 1. The first reason is the lack of power supply for your video card.

You can say that before everything was fine and there was enough power. And here keyword"before". First, you used to have a newer power supply. And secondly, games have become more demanding and load more on the video card, which in turn consumes more power.

Of course, it cannot exceed the power consumption higher than indicated in its specifications, but it is possible that the power supply is not able to provide the maximum that the video card requires and it causes the problem of shutting down the computer during the game.

Our recommendation: do not rush to change the power supply. Try to disassemble it and clean the fan and the unit itself from dust. Maybe it's because of its overheating. And even if the problem remains, do not rush to throw it away, read this article further.

  • 2. The second reason is overheating of the processor.

Install AIDA64 software. In addition to a lot of information about the components of your computer, it can also show the temperature of the processor. If the temperature is more than 90 degrees, then this is already bad. Some processors can run at higher temperatures, but not all.

Often, due to overheating, the corresponding protection is triggered and the computer may turn off, or a “ blue screen of death".

  • 3. Well, the third banal reason is overheating of the video card itself. Everything is simple here - clean all the coolers from dust.

If none of the above helped, then you will not be able to solve the problem on your own. Here you already need to contact the "computer repair" to find out the reason. There they will conduct a stress test and find out exactly which of the components “does not stand up”. Perhaps something with the motherboard, for example, you need to replace one of the capacitors, etc.

Of course, if you have a friend who has a computer with suitable components, then you can use the “poke method”, replacing the parts one by one, to identify the “weak link”. But it's also not very a good option, because not every friend agrees to such experiments with his iron. An easier option is to bring it to the workshop.

A common problem faced by users of computers and laptops is why a spontaneous shutdown or reboot occurs. The problem needs to be solved, and for this it is necessary to know the causes and ways to eliminate them. Something can be eliminated on your own, and it is better to entrust more serious problems to reliable specialists who do not chase the “long” ruble, but work conscientiously.

A sudden shutdown of a system unit, laptop or monitor is not always associated with a serious breakdown of equipment or its components, sometimes it is easily fixable failures in the system or BOIS, viruses or software updates.

The computer turns off by itself - causes and solutions

1. Overheating of equipment components

Overheating of components can occur due to insufficient cooling of the system. Why and when does this happen? This is prevented either by the collected dust or the malfunction of the fans (coolers). The settling of dust on the insides of the system unit leads to malfunctions of the cooling system and then it stops working by itself. Fans and heatsinks (a modest partition between the fan and the processor) suffer the most from it. The accumulation of dust covers the blades of coolers and the surface of the radiator and reduces their performance. In case of overheating, the motherboard signals a problem and the system turns off to shed the load, which protects the components from burning. This problem is solved simply - just remove the dust. You just need to do it carefully.

Overheating can also occur due to old or dried thermal paste. This viscous mixture is applied between components and radiators to improve heat transfer. Ideally, it should be changed every year. If you can see that the thermal paste looks unimportant, it is enough to apply a new layer after removing the heatsink. And then the system unit will cool itself, without failures.

And the last reason why overheating is possible may lie in the high ambient temperature when it is warm and hot outside. The monitor itself may simply go out, and then the execution of all programs will stop. Components that have wasted their resource must be replaced, but if it is not possible to supply new spare parts, then everything can be solved much easier.

You can install additional coolers and replace them with new fans. It is better to change wherever they are - processor, power supply, video card. Thus, air circulation improves and the problem may be completely eliminated. Sometimes it helps to simply remove the case of the system unit and install it away from children and pets, but this will have to remove dust more often.

2. Software infection with viruses

This is the most likely problem of a sudden shutdown of a system unit or laptop. This problem is solved by searching virus programs and their elimination. Can run installed antivirus- it will not only determine if there are viruses in the system, but also eliminate them until they are completely eliminated.

AT otherwise you can use free utilities from Dr.Web or Kaspersky. It is ideal to spend time and run them in turn - they each use their own virus databases. They are easy to use and understandable even to "dummies".

It is also possible to bypass the launch of an infected OS. To do this, burn the pre-downloaded Kaspersky Rescue Disk or Dr.Web Live CD to a CD, and BIOS settings change startup disk - from hard drive(hard disk drive, HDD, HMDD) to a CD-ROM drive.

When the computer boots, we go into the BIOS (there may be different Function keys depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard, in our case “F9”).

Select advanced BIOS settings

Go to the menu item "Load Order"

Determining the first CD-ROM device

3. Installing a new program or device driver

A sudden shutdown of a system unit or laptop may be due to the installation of new software or a device driver. The problem occurs if they are not compatible with the hardware or the installation caused malfunctions operating system. This occurs due to high system requirements"Cumbersome" programs that do not match the parameters of the devices. Because of this, the processor is overloaded, which leads to overheating, and the system is protected by shutdown. In this case, it is enough to remove the program, after the installation of which the problems began.

If the problems started after installing new drivers, you will have to reinstall them. This is due to poor matching or complete incompatibility of some components and, as a result, their drivers.

Alternatively, you can use Windows boot in good configuration mode. pressing function key"F8" when you start your computer or laptop, a list of boot options appears, among which you need to select "Load Last Known Good Configuration".

Restoring the system by specified points will lead to the same result. The downside of this method is that you need to create restore points in advance with a 100% working system, or let the system do it in automatic mode. Windows, for example, provides a recovery utility. It is called through the "Control Panel" in the "System and Security" tab, find "Start System Restore". Here you just need to select a pre-created restore point and the system will “roll back” system settings to the right state.

The computer and monitor turn off during the game - causes and solutions

Why does the monitor and system unit go out while working with graphic programs or when you watch the video? Most of all, it is gamers who get upset when a sudden shutdown leads to the loss of all the achievements of the game. High quality charts modern game and videos carry an increased load on the components of the system unit or laptop. First of all, this

  • video card;
  • power unit;
  • CPU.

Moreover, the characteristic “culprit” in this case is the video card, the remaining elements of the system unit can interrupt work at any time.

Why does the monitor turn off by itself and the system stops working during the game? The video card can rarely cause spontaneous shutdown during the game. In most cases, when the video card does not meet the required parameters of the game or is disabled, the system starts to slow down, and instead of a full-fledged picture, only some elements of complex graphics are visible. But overheating of the video card, its fan or radiator easily leads to shutdown or reboot of the entire system during the game. Therefore, it is important to monitor the cleanliness of these elements and clean them from dust. It is also recommended to use a special oil to lubricate the cooler.

With a heavy load on the video card, the power supply may not withstand due to quality or insufficient parameters. Overloading the power supply is solved only by replacing it or purchasing modern technology for games and programs with complex graphics.

The processor can also cause the computer to shut down during the game. When high power requirements are placed on it, and in case of overheating, the protective function is triggered and it turns off.

Such nuances should be taken into account not only when starting computer games, but also when viewing high-quality video files of a large volume, launching "heavy" graphic editors.

Other causes and solutions

1. Malfunction in the power supply

Why is it that when you play games or watch a movie, the power supply turns off by itself and, as a result, the equipment turns off. The power supply on the machine is most often subjected to loads and voltage drops. Poor quality, voltage drops, a sudden power outage - all this leads to the failure of the power supply. The operating life of the unit is 3-5 years, then failures may occur. Usually this reason is determined by the following symptoms:

  • sudden shutdown even at low load on the system;
  • the system does not turn on at all or has time to go out before the OS loads.

Power supply malfunctions can also occur due to accumulated dust, and before taking drastic actions, you just need to clean the unit from dust.

2. Malfunction in RAM

Determine what is "guilty" RAM it is possible because before turning off, the computer “freezes”, and the execution of any task slows down, and when the monitor goes out, the system unit turns off by itself. You can check this by replacing the RAM with another serviceable one or contacting a service center.

You can try to clean it from dust and check all the connectors - they should be inserted tightly, until they stop.

3. Motherboard failure

Before looking for reasons in the motherboard, you need to clean it of dust and check all fasteners. The motherboard should be tightly fastened with connectors.

If the problem is in the motherboard, then most likely there are cracks or chips on it, or a capacitor burned out. The cause of all these problems may be careless handling of the system unit - bumps, falls, or simply the end of the motherboard's operational life has come. It is problematic to "blame" the motherboard on your own - you need to contact the service center for help.

4. Poor contact and instability of mains voltage

In order to make sure that the contacts are reliable, it is enough to check all the contacts of the cords and cables - from the surge protector to the contacts in the system unit itself. Bad contact causes the monitor and system unit to turn off by itself.

The operation of power networks in our country leaves much to be desired, and power surges and sudden breakdowns on the line are a fairly common thing. No one is protected from this, so it is worth equipping any expensive equipment with voltage stabilizers, surge protectors or power supplies. uninterruptible power supply. The action of the latter is short-lived, but it is always possible to shut down your computer correctly, reducing the risk of data loss to a minimum. In addition to motherboards, without protection, a monitor can also burn out.

Ways to check your computer for problems

Why is it necessary to take a number of measures in the event of such a problem as a spontaneous shutdown of a computer or laptop? Since this will help to identify the causes of the shutdown and eliminate them, if possible, on your own. And answer the question “why does the monitor and system turn off by itself when you play?”

Procedure for solving technical problems:

  • cleaning the components of the system unit and laptop from dust and dirt;
  • replacement of thermal paste;
  • check all components of the system unit - swollen capacitors, loose contacts, etc. are easy to detect visually;
  • carry out the procedure for testing components through the BIOS or other special utilities.

An excellent option would be to replace the “suspicious” element with a working one, but this method is not available to everyone. It is better to test the power supply in a specialized workshop, since it is better not to climb equipment under voltage for the uninitiated.

Replacing thermal paste in a laptop should be done by a specialist with experience - it's not so easy to do at home without a tool and it's quite cheap.

The main condition for uninterrupted and long-term operation computer technology- Proper care and clear compliance with the "iron" installed programs and applications so as not to overload expensive equipment.

To speed up your desktop computer or laptop, I recommend that you use this utility to tune your system for maximum performance.

A computer