Connecting ais. Automatic identification system

  • River portable VHF radios
  • Other VHF stations
  • Navtex receivers
  • Fixed VHF stations
    • Marine stations
    • River stations
    • Others
  • Marine radio equipment is equipment designed to protect human life at sea, ensure the safety of navigation, control the operation of the fleet and transmit public and private correspondence. For effective use radio equipment on ships, it is necessary to know its construction principles, specifications and operating features. Depending on the navigation area, different requirements are put forward for marine radio equipment.

    A1 – in the coverage area of ​​coastal VHF radiotelephone stations using DSC.
    A2 – in the coverage area of ​​MF radiotelephone stations using DSC, excluding area A1.
    A3 – within the range of INMARSAT satellites, excluding areas A1 and A2.
    A4 – outside the areas A1, A2, A3.
    Thus, the radio equipment on the ship consists of three complexes: VHF equipment, MF/HF equipment and a ship earth station (SES) of the INMARSAT system. Regardless of the navigation areas, each vessel must be equipped with: a VHF radio installation, a radar beacon (radar transponder), a NAVTEX receiver, an EPIRB (emergency radio buoy), and portable emergency VHF radios.

    The radio equipment on the ship must meet the GMDSS requirements specified in the rules of the RMRS (Russian Maritime Register of Shipping) and RRR (Russian River Register). Each ship must be equipped with a reserve power source to enable radio equipment to provide distress communications in the event of failure or damage to the main and emergency power sources. When moving from one power source to another, light and sound alarms should sound. To operate and repair the equipment, maintenance is provided, which carries out the following procedures: delivery to the installation site, storage (if necessary) and installation. All these steps must be carried out in accordance with the instructions in the technical documentation.

    The quality of radio equipment is a set of indicators that determine its compliance with modern requirements of science and technology. Device quality indicators include reliability, performance characteristics, efficiency, safety, design, etc. Many indicators have a numerical value and, in essence, determine the effectiveness of the use of any equipment on the ship.

    On ships with a displacement of over 500 r.t. there must be at least three VHF portable stations and two radar transponders. On ships with a displacement from 300 to 500 r.t. - two stations and 1 radar. It is also recommended to equip ships with equipment for receiving facsimiles.

    In the company's product catalog you can find various models and brands of global radio equipment manufacturers and make the necessary order.

    • Gyroscopic compasses
    • Magnetic compasses
    • Chartplotters
    • Lags
    • Weather sensors
    • GNSS GPS/GLONASS receivers
    • Radar stations
    • Repeaters
    • Voyage data recorders VDR/U-VDR
    • Automatic Identification System (AIS)
    • Systems for receiving external audio signals
    • Sonars
    • Satellite compass
    • Echo sounders
    • Autopilots
    • Electronic cartography
    • FleetBroadband
    • Inmarsat LRIT, SSAS (OSDR, SSOO)
    • Iridium (Iridium)
    • Satellite television
    • BGAN terminals
    • VSAT terminals

    Satellite communications at sea are now an important means of communication with the shore. Satellites of various operators create a large coverage of the earth's surface, which ensures communication from anywhere in the world.

    On ships supervised by classification societies, it is used as a mandatory installation satellite equipment, and as an additional one. On small ships, boats, yachts, satellite equipment is used at the discretion of the owners and mainly for accessing the Internet.

    Equipment types:

    Inmarsat LRIT, SSAS terminals (OSDR, SSOO) are marine satellite equipment required for installation on passenger, commercial and cargo ships with navigation areas A2, A3, A4.
    - Ship Security Alert System - allows you to send a hidden alarm signal in the event of an attack on the ship. LRIT or LRIT is a long-range vessel identification and tracking system.
    - FleetBroadband terminals are maritime system equipment satellite communications, providing broadband Internet access, providing satellite telephone communication, transmission of SMS messages.
    - VSAT – equipment that provides high-speed data transmission via satellite Internet, which even allows you to organize video conferences on board.

    Also for these purposes, BGAN terminals are used, which differ from FBB and VSAT equipment in their compactness, mobility and communication speed.
    Among highly specialized satellite marine equipment, the following vessels are used: a satellite communication station, an antenna for receiving a TV signal and, for long-distance navigation areas, telephones operating through satellite communication systems of operators such as Iridium, Inmarsat and Thuraya.

    • Inclinometers
    • NAVIS automation systems
    • Praxis automation systems
    • Automation systems MRS
    • Fuel consumption control systems
    • Sensors
    • ABS automation systems
    • Valkom automation systems

    1. Maintenance, service and repair of ship electrical automation:
    - systems automation remote control main engines;
    - automation of ship power plants;
    - repair and adjustment of power plant systems;
    - repair, adjustment and testing of automation and alarm systems of main engines (Wartsila, MAN, MAK, SKL);
    - repair, adjustment and testing of automation and alarm systems of auxiliary and emergency diesel generators (Volvo Penta, Scania, Deutz, CAT).

    2. Maintenance, service and repair of electrical equipment of general ship systems:
    - repair, adjustment of steering devices and automatic pilots;
    - repair, adjustment, comprehensive testing of fire alarm systems;
    - automation of boiler equipment;
    - automation of fuel preparation systems;
    - automation of water treatment systems;
    - automation of wastewater treatment systems.

    3. Maintenance, service and repair of electrical equipment of deck mechanisms.

    4. Development and coordination of design documentation for the modernization and re-equipment of ship automation systems.

    5. Major, medium and current repairs of electric motors and generators of any power. Repair and adjustment of the generator excitation system, adjustment of parallel operation of generators.

    • Headsets and handsets
    • Hydrostats
    • Spare parts for KVU
    • Spare parts for gyrocompasses
    • Spare parts for typhons
    • Magnetrons
    • Converters and distributors
    • Batteryless communication systems
    • Fire safety systems
    • Marine displays and PCs
    • Ship typhons
    • Batteries (battery)
    • Power supplies
    • Additional blocks
  • Publication date: 12.04.2016





    In order to automate the processes of monitoring compliance with regulatory legal acts Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, interaction of the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow with customers of the city of Moscow on the procurement of goods, works, services to meet the needs of the city of Moscow, internal state financial control, control over the provision public services of the city of Moscow, management of receivables of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations subordinate to them. The Moscow Government decides:

    1. Approve the Regulations on the automated information system for supporting the activities of the Main Control Directorate of the city of Moscow (appendix).

    2. Establish that:

    2.1. The Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow is the state customer for the creation of an automated information system to support the activities of the Main Control Directorate of the city of Moscow.

    2.2. The Main Control Directorate of the City of Moscow is the operator and state customer of the development of an automated information system to support the activities of the Main Control Directorate of the City of Moscow.

    3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow Ermolaev A.V.

    Mayor of Moscow

    S.S. Sobyanin


    to the Government resolution





    1. General Provisions

    1.1. The Regulations on the Automated Information System for Supporting the Activities of the Main Control Directorate of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) defines the purpose, basic principles and rules for the functioning of the automated information system for supporting the activities of the Main Control Directorate of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the AIS "Glavkontrol"), the composition of participants in information interaction using AIS "Glavkontrol" (hereinafter referred to as participants in information interaction), their rights and obligations.

    1.2. AIS "Glavkontrol" is a state information system of the city of Moscow, designed to automate the processes of monitoring compliance with regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs (hereinafter - control in the field of procurement), interaction of the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow with customers of the city of Moscow on the procurement of goods, works, services to meet the needs of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as procurement), internal state financial control, control over the provision of public services of the city of Moscow, management of receivables debt of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations subordinate to them.

    1.3. AIS "Glavkontrol" is the property of the city of Moscow.

    1.4. The tasks of AIS "Glavkontrol" are:

    1.4.1. Automation of planning processes for the Main Control Directorate of the city of Moscow to carry out control activities in the field of procurement, including scheduled inspections of customers of the city of Moscow, as well as the implementation of inspections, audits, surveys in the implementation of internal state financial control, inspections in the implementation of control over the provision of public services in the city of Moscow .

    1.4.2. Automation of processes for recording the results of procurement control activities carried out by the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow, including scheduled and unscheduled inspections of customers in the city of Moscow, as well as audits, surveys in the implementation of internal state financial control, inspections in the implementation of control over the provision of public services in the city of Moscow .

    1.4.3. Automation of processes for recording the results of activities carried out by the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow within the framework of the initiation and consideration of cases of administrative offenses, the powers to consider which are assigned to the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow.

    1.4.4. Automation of the processes of collecting information on the conduct by the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow of control measures in the areas specified in paragraph 1.2 of these Regulations, as well as other information received on the basis of requests from the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow in the framework of such activities.

    1.4.5. Automation of the processes of monitoring the implementation by executive authorities of the city of Moscow of internal state financial control.

    1.5. The functions of the AIS "Glavkontrol" are:

    1.5.1. Ensuring the input, storage and processing of information on the implementation of control in the field of procurement, interaction of the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow with customers of the city of Moscow on procurement issues, internal state financial control, control over the provision of public services of the city of Moscow, management of receivables of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations subordinate to them.

    1.5.2. Generation of standard electronic forms of documents necessary for carrying out control measures in the areas specified in paragraph 1.2 of these Regulations.

    1.5.3. Accounting for information on procurement, on the availability of receivables from executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations subordinate to them, as well as on the initiation and consideration of cases of administrative offenses, the powers to consider which are assigned to the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow.

    2. Participants in information interaction

    2.1. Participants in information interaction are:

    2.1.1. Operator of AIS "Glavkontrol".

    2.1.2. Users of the AIS "Glavkontrol" are state civil servants of the city of Moscow, filling positions of the state civil service of the city of Moscow in the Main Control Directorate of the city of Moscow.

    2.2. Operator of AIS "Glavkontrol":

    2.2.1. Approves the Regulations for the functioning of the AIS "Glavkontrol".

    2.2.2. Provides: Operation of the AIS "Glavkontrol" in accordance with the Regulations for the functioning of the AIS "Glavkontrol". Software development technical means AIS "Glavkontrol". Connecting users of the AIS "Glavkontrol" to the AIS "Glavkontrol" in accordance with the Regulations for the functioning of the AIS "Glavkontrol". Information and technological interaction of the AIS "Glavkontrol" with other information systems of the city of Moscow. The integrity and immutability of information from the moment of its receipt in the AIS "Glavkontrol", the protection of such information, its backup, and, if necessary, restoration.

    2.2.3. Carries out: Technical support and consulting support for users of the AIS "Glavkontrol" on the technical functioning of the AIS "Glavkontrol".

    2.3. Certain functions of the AIS "Glavkontrol" operator, by his decision, may be transferred to another executive body of the city of Moscow or organization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the city of Moscow.

    2.4. AIS "Glavkontrol" user:

    2.4.1. Complies with the requirements of operational documentation for the use of AIS "Glavkontrol".

    2.4.2. Ensures the safety of its credentials provided by the operator of the AIS "Glavkontrol" for use functionality AIS "Glavkontrol", non-disclosure of the specified data, as well as preventing the use of the functionality of the AIS "Glavkontrol" by third parties without the consent of the AIS "Glavkontrol" operator.

    3. Final provisions

    3.1. Information constituting a state secret is not subject to processing in the AIS "Glavkontrol".

    3.2. Information interaction between participants in information interaction is carried out in accordance with the Regulations for the functioning of the AIS "Glavkontrol".

    3.3. Information technology interaction with other information systems of the city of Moscow is carried out in the prescribed manner using regional system interdepartmental electronic interaction, Automated system " one system maintaining and managing registers, registers, directories and classifiers."

    connection to an automated information system
    multifunctional center for the provision of government and
    municipal services Yaroslavl region subscriber points,

    deployed in third parties

    These Regulations for connecting subscriber points deployed in third-party organizations to the automated information system of the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services of the Yaroslavl region (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the procedure for organizing, operating conditions, as well as the procedure for connecting subscriber points (hereinafter referred to as AP) deployed in third-party organizations. in relation to the state autonomous institution of the Yaroslavl region “Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services” (hereinafter referred to as the State Autonomous Institution YAO “MFC”), organizations to the automated information system of the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services of the Yaroslavl region (hereinafter referred to as the AIS MFC YAO). These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the provisions of the following regulations, normative-technical, guidelines, methodological documents in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as internal documents of the State Autonomous Institution YAO "MFC" on ensuring information security: Federal Law of the Russian Federation - Federal Law "On information, information technology and information protection." the federal law Russian Federation - Federal Law “On Personal Data”. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems.” Order of the FSTEC of Russia “On approval of the Requirements for the protection of information that does not constitute a state secret, contained in state information systems.” Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated January 1, 2001 No. 21 “On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems.” Guiding document of the FSTEC of Russia “Concept for the protection of funds computer technology and automated systems against unauthorized access to information" (approved by the decision of the Chairman of the State Technical Commission of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001). Guiding document of the FSTEC of Russia “Automated systems. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Classification automated systems and requirements for information protection" (approved by the decision of the Chairman of the State Technical Commission of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001). Guiding document of the FSTEC of Russia “Computer facilities. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Indicators of security against unauthorized access to information" (approved by the decision of the Chairman of the State Technical Commission of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001). GOST RO 0043-003-2012. Certification of informatization objects. General provisions. Model of threats to the security of personal data processed in the automated information system of the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services in the Yaroslavl region. Technical project for the information security system of the automated information system of a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services in the Yaroslavl region. The main purpose of these Regulations is to formulate conditions, the fulfillment of which, when connecting automated systems deployed in third-party organizations, will ensure compliance with the necessary requirements and conditions for ensuring the security of information processed in the AIS MFC Yaroslavl Region. The order of organization, operating conditions, as well as the procedure for connecting APs deployed on the basis of branches of the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl JSC "MFC" to the AIS MFC Yaroslavl Autonomous Okrug are given in a separate regulation. The conditions for connecting other information systems to the AIS MFC Yaroslavl Autonomous Okrug are agreed upon with the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl Joint-Stock Company “MFC” for each information system separately. List of abbreviations used


    Automated information system of a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services in the Yaroslavl region

    Subscriber point

    Automated workstation


    State Autonomous Institution of the Yaroslavl Region “Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services

    Unauthorized access

    Personal Information

    Personal electronic computer

    Information security tools

    Requirements for organizational support for the protection of information processed on automated systems deployed in third-party organizations. Admission to work on APs deployed in third-party organizations, defining the powers of users and the procedure for monitoring the implementation of measures to ensure information security must be formalized by an order for the organization or a similar organizational and administrative document. To carry out measures to ensure the security of information processed on APs deployed in third-party organizations and monitor their effectiveness, a person responsible for ensuring PD security is appointed. When placing technical means of displaying information in a room, unauthorized viewing of the information displayed on them must be prevented. When dismissing or relocating a person responsible for ensuring the security of personal data, the head of the organization must take measures to promptly change passwords and identifiers of the information security tools and systems used. All computer storage media (HDD, CD, DVD, flash drives, etc.) used in technological process processing of PD on APs deployed in third-party organizations must be taken into account. Temporarily unused storage media should be stored by users in places inaccessible to unauthorized persons. During non-working hours, the premises in which APs deployed in third-party organizations are located are placed under security in the prescribed manner. If necessary, the specified minimum set of organizational and technical information protection measures can be expanded by decision of the head of the organization. Requirements for organizing the interaction of APs deployed in third-party organizations with the AIS MFC YaO. Implementation of measures to ensure information security and monitoring their effectiveness during the interaction of APs deployed in third-party organizations with the AIS of the MFC YaO is carried out by persons responsible for ensuring PD security in these organizations. Issues of ensuring the security of information processed on APs deployed in third-party organizations must be reflected in the following or similar organizational and administrative documents:
      order appointing a person responsible for ensuring the security of personal data; controlled area order; order to determine storage locations for personal data carriers; log of requests and requests from personal data subjects; log of facts of termination of processing of personal data; order to create a commission for the destruction of personal data; form of act on destruction of personal data; the procedure for access to the premises where personal data is processed, as well as to special premises; a list of persons who have the right of independent access to the premises in which personal data is processed, as well as to special premises; procedure for handling personal data; list of purposes and terms for processing personal data; a list of positions, the appointment to which involves access to personal data or their processing; operator's policy regarding the processing of personal data; a plan for internal audits of compliance with requirements for handling personal data and ensuring their security; notification to the employee of the fact of his processing of personal data (non-disclosure obligation); form of written consent of the PD subject to the processing of his PD; user instructions for handling cryptographic information protection; list of persons authorized to work with CIPF.
    Users of APs deployed in third-party organizations are required to:
      know the procedure for working on the AP, the procedure for registration and interaction with the AIS MFC YaO; know and comply with the requirements of instructions for ensuring the security of information on the AP; know and follow the rules for working with information security tools against unauthorized access used on the AP.
    Users of APs deployed in third-party organizations should not have the right to perform self-installation and modification of software installed on the AP. To protect AP information resources deployed in third-party organizations, the following measures must be taken when connecting to the Internet:
      providing filtering of incoming/outgoing network packets; hiding internal structure AP; carrying out periodic security analysis of installed firewalls based on simulating external attacks on firewalls; carrying out an active audit of AP security for real-time detection of unauthorized network activity; analysis of information received from the network, including the presence of computer viruses.
    In accordance with the information security requirements established by the organization, additional measures may be taken. Requirements for the qualifications of AP personnel deployed in third-party organizations. The person responsible for ensuring the security of personal data processed on the AP must be a trained specialist in the configuration and operation of security tools (hardware and software) included in the AP. The qualifications of AP users should allow them to work with a PC, operating system Microsoft Windows, browser Internet Explorer from the composition operating system Microsoft Windows, package office programs Microsoft Office program Adobe Reader and AIS MFC YaO software at the level of a confident user. The procedure for connecting APs deployed in third-party

    organizations, to information resources AIS MFC YaO

    The basis for carrying out a set of measures to connect the AP deployed in a third-party organization to the information resources of the AIS MFC Yaroslavl Autonomous Okrug is the official instruction of the director (in his absence, the deputy director) of the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl Joint-Stock Company "MFC". The implementation of connecting an AP deployed in a third-party organization connected to the AIS of the MFC Yaroslavl Autonomous Okrug is carried out jointly by employees of the information and analytical department of the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl Joint-Stock Company "MFC" and the interested organization. An interested organization wishing to connect to the AIS MFC Yaroslavl Autonomous Okrug sends to the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl Joint-Stock Company "MFC" addressed to the head of the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl Joint-Stock Company "MFC" an official letter of request with an attached questionnaire of AP users (Appendix 2 to the Regulations), signed by the head or other authorized person of the organization. A copy of the request letter to PDF format heading to email address Head of the Information and Analytical Department of the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl Joint-Stock Company "MFC" - *****@***In the information and analytical department of the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl Joint-Stock Company "MFC", based on the information contained in the request letter, it is formed and sent to a third-party organization connected to the AIS MFC YaO1:

    a) distribution file with reference and key information for ViPNet Client software;

    The organization carries out a complex of works on installation, installation and configuration of information protection equipment (CIPF) AP with the involvement of performers who have the appropriate level of qualifications, from among the employees of organizations that have the necessary licenses from the FSTEC of Russia and the FSB of Russia to carry out the relevant types of activities. Based on the results of certification tests on APs deployed in third-party organizations, a special document must be obtained - “Certificate of Conformity”, confirming the compliance of the informatization object with information security requirements of at least 3 class of information systems security in accordance with the Order of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia dated 01.01.01. No. 17 “On approval of the Requirements for the protection of information that does not constitute a state secret contained in state information systems.” The presence of a valid “Certificate of Conformity” at the informatization facility gives the right to process information with the level of confidentiality and for the period of time established in the “Certificate of Conformity.” Upon completion of work on information protection, the interested organization must send the following documents to the information and analytical department of the State Autonomous Institution YAO “MFC”:

      a certified copy of the acceptance certificate for the installation, installation and configuration of information protection equipment, digital information protection system AP, carried out by performers from among the employees of organizations that have the necessary licenses from the FSTEC of Russia and the FSB of Russia to carry out the relevant types of work; a certified copy of the certificate of conformity.
    After receiving the documents, the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl Joint-Stock Company “MFC” carries out a set of measures to logically connect the AP deployed in a third-party organization to the information resources of the AIS MFC Yaroslavl Autonomous Okrug. Users of the AP deployed in a third-party organization are provided with logins and passwords for access to the information resources of the AIS MFC YaO. Periodic testing
    Periodic tests of APs deployed in third-party organizations are carried out by authorized persons of the relevant organization and are intended for periodic monitoring of the security indicators specified when connecting the AP to the AIS MFC YaO. It is allowed to involve third-party organizations that have the necessary competencies in the field of information security to perform these works. The results of the inspections carried out must be recorded in a separate periodic test report. When conducting periodic tests of APs deployed in third-party organizations, the following checks must be performed:
      checking the completeness of the information protection system and cryptographic information protection system used to organize secure interaction, in accordance with the operational documentation; checking whether the information security system and cryptographic information security system used to organize secure interaction have valid certificates of conformity; checking compliance with the requirements and recommendations for the placement of technical means of information security and information protection systems in accordance with the operational documentation; checking the availability of a secure communication channel between the AP and the AIS MFC YaO.
    Periodic testing must be carried out at least once a year. Copies of acceptance test reports and periodic test reports must be provided to the information and analytical department of the State Autonomous Institution YAO "MFC" within 7 working days upon receipt of the relevant request. Control
    Responsibility for compliance with the requirements for ensuring information security, as well as for compliance with the requirements for the operation of information security information, cryptographic information protection, which are used on APs deployed in third-party organizations, lies with the head of the relevant organization. In case of detection of violations of information protection requirements and (or) provisions of the Regulations, the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl "MFC" immediately disconnects the corresponding AP deployed in a third-party organization from the AIS MFC Yaroslavl. Reconnection of an AP deployed in a third-party organization to the automated information system of the MFC Yaroslavl Autonomous Okrug is carried out after documentary confirmation of the elimination of information security violations by the organization whose AP was disabled, as well as after familiarization of the responsible employees of the State Autonomous Institution Yaroslavl Joint-Stock Company “MFC” with the current level of information security of the previously disabled AP.

    Annex 1

    to the Regulations

    Requirements for the composition of hardware and software
    AIS MFC YaO subscriber points deployed in third-party organizations

    A personal computer with the characteristics required for a personal computer using as an operating system software Microsoft Windows. To protect information processed in the AIS MFC YaO the following must be used:

      certified by FSTEC Russia on security requirements for information security information from NSD; firewall shielding tool certified by FSTEC/FSB of Russia; FSTEC certified product of Russia antivirus protection; CIPF certified by the FSB of Russia, compatible with CIPF of the ViPNet family produced by the company; other certified information security tools necessary to neutralize current threats to the security of information when it is processed on an AP.
    Availability of connection to the data provider's network. Availability (if necessary) of a scanner and printer connected to the workplace.

    Appendix 2

    to the Regulations

    Questionnaire for the user of the AIS MFC YaO subscriber point

    1. Information about the organization

    2. Information about the subscriber point

    3. User information2

    4. Information about the person responsible for ensuring the security of personal data

    1 It is allowed to use a third-party organization’s own ViPNet network to organize a secure connection to the AIS MFC. In this case, it is necessary to organize inter-network interaction between the ViPNet network of the State Autonomous Institution YAO "MFC" and the ViPNet network of a third-party organization with mandatory documentary recording of this fact. Class of means used cryptographic protection information in this case should be no lower than KS2.

    2 This table is filled out separately for each user. When connecting two or more users, it is necessary to duplicate the table.

    Electronic cartographic navigation Information Systems(ECDIS) is one of the most effective navigation aids that automates the navigation process, providing the navigator with complete information from all connected navigation sensors on the electronic map. Combining all the information on one display allows you to assess the situation and make a decision in the shortest possible time. A large number of ECDIS functionality allows you to significantly save travel time and operating costs.

    Integration and pairing of ECDIS with an AIS transponder provides:

    1. display of AIS targets on the screen;

    2. complete information about the goals;

    3. sending and receiving messages, as well as information about goals;

    4. quick identification of targets by name, MMSI and call sign;

    5. highlighting selected targets on the map.

    The AIS information display device, in addition to the minimum display with keyboard (MCD), can be:

    ARPA indicator device;

    ECS indicator device;

    own information display device (later, possibly, an integrated display).

    One example of information display is the NAVI-SAILOR 3000 electronic mapping system from Transas.

    In this system, information from the ship's AIS station, as from one of the sensors, is displayed on the electronic chart display in the form of standard symbols. The ECS is a device for collecting and displaying AIS information, and also performs some functions of the MCD.

    The selection of the operating mode of the ECS with AIS information is made after all necessary settings and connections. Selecting an AIS line from the Tasks List panel will cause the AIS feature control panel to appear at the bottom of the screen and display AIS targets as symbols on the map.

    This panel allows you to control the operating modes of the AIS with the ECS:

    enter static and voyage data (Voyage and Static Data);

    exchange messages (Messaging);

    make requests for certain types of data (Interrogation);

    manage messaging in Long Range mode;

    manage VHF radio communication channels (Channel Management), etc.

    In the window for entering static and dynamic data it is possible to:

    enter navigation status (Navigational status);

    enter the type of ship;

    enter the cargo type (Cargo);

    enter the destination port (Destination);

    enter the expected time of arrival at the destination port (ETA) in a single coordinated time;

    check the correctness of the entered static data of your own ship (Static Data):

    vessel name (Name);

    vessel call sign (Call Sign);

    maritime mobile service identity (MMSI);

    IMO Number;

    check the mean draft;

    control the number of people on board (Persons on board);

    change the power level for radiation (1W Mode).

    When changing parameters, the keys are used to confirm (Apply) the entered values ​​or cancel (Cancel).

    when the navigation status of your own ship changes

    In this case, you have a choice of values:


    on the go using the engine (under way using engine);

    at anchor;

    not under command;

    restricted maneuverability;

    constrained by draft;



    engaged in fishing;

    under way sailing;

    high speed craft (HSC);

    hydrofoil (wing in-ground (WIG)).

    This window provides the opportunity to:

    create new text message(Create Message);

    there is a list of transmitted messages;

    there is a list of received messages indicating the sender, recipient and type of message, as well as the ability to reply to a received message (Reply), the ability to indicate the location of the sender of the message on the map (Show Sender).

    This window displays information about the selected communication channels and work areas in which regional channels are used.

    To display AIS targets in graphical form and in the form of forms (tables), you need to open the Targets function in the taskbar. In the Show Target area of ​​the Targets panel that opens, click the AIS button. AIS targets will appear on the screen (on the map panel), and their movement parameters will be displayed in the targets table.

    A screen on which targets can be located by name (By Name), by call sign (By Call Sign), by number (By MMSI number), as they arrive (None).

    The form contains information about the purpose of the AIS:

    name (Name);

    another vessel identification (Alias);

    closest approach distance (CPA);

    time to closest approach (TCPA);

    course (COG) and speed (SOG) of the target relative to the ground;

    distance (range) and bearing (bearing) to the target;

    distance (Bow X) and time (Tbow X) to the point of intersection of courses.

    In the specified window, the trajectory mode of the past movement (Tracks), the permissible distance and the time of closest approach (TCPA) are set.

    A window is provided in which the types of alarms that have been triggered are indicated. Triggered types of alarms are arranged in the form of a table, which indicates the reason for triggering (Alarm name), trigger time (Received UTC), presence of confirmation (Acknowledge UTC), time elapsed from the moment of triggering (Age of alarm).

    When displaying AIS information on the ECS, targets are displayed in the form of graphic symbols; if necessary, a form can be displayed. Example of AIS form output.
