"Effective use of information and communication technologies in teaching physics". The use of ICT in the lessons of physics and computer science Information and communication technologies in the study of physics

"The use of ICT in the lessons of physics and computer science"

The report was prepared by a teacher of physics and computer science

Boychuk Sergey Vladimirovich


The main task of the modern school is to organize education in such a way as to teach all schoolchildren, regardless of their state of health, the presence of a physical or mental disability, the ability to learn. Therefore, the teacher faces an important and difficult task: he must not only give students knowledge, but also must teach them to think, reason, analyze, and draw their own conclusions.

The rapid development of computer technology and the expansion of its functionality makes it possible to widely use computers at all stages of the educational process: during the lesson, practical and laboratory classes, during self-training and for monitoring and self-control of the degree of assimilation of educational material. The use of computer technology has significantly expanded the possibilities of explaining the experiment, allowing you to simulate various processes and phenomena, the natural demonstration of which in the laboratory is technically very difficult or simply impossible.

The use of a computer in the educational process goes in three directions: for teaching computer science, for teaching other subjects and in extracurricular activities. The main principle of work is to teach on those software products that are used in various professional activities. These are popular text graphic editor, spreadsheets, DBMS, tools for creating multimedia products. The possibilities of using a PC in the educational process have increased dramatically. Examples of use:

    Learning new material

    Demonstration experiments

    Laboratory works

    Lessons of Generalization and Repetition

    Problem solving

    Preparation for the exam

    Knowledge control

    Internet Olympiad

    Distance lessons What is ICT?

Any pedagogical technology is an information technology, since the basis of the technological process of learning is the receipt and transformation of information.

A better term for computer-assisted learning technologies is computer technology. Computer (new information) learning technologies is the process of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation of which is a computer.

When preparing for a lesson using ICT, the teacher should not forget that this is a LESSON, which means that he draws up a lesson plan based on its goals; when selecting educational material, he must observe the basic didactic principles: systematic and consistent, accessibility, differentiated approach, scientific character, etc. At the same time, the computer does not replace the teacher, but only complements it.

This lesson is the following:

    the principle of adaptability: adapting the computer to the individual characteristics of the child;

    controllability: the teacher can correct the learning process at any time;

    interactivity and dialogue character of training; - ICT have the ability to "respond" to the actions of the student and teacher; "enter" with them in a dialogue, which is main feature methods of computer training.

    optimal combination of individual and group work;

    maintaining the student's state of psychological comfort when communicating with a computer;

    unlimited learning: the content, its interpretations and applications are as big as you like.

The computer can be used at all stages, both in preparing a lesson and in the learning process: when explaining (introducing) new material, consolidating, repeating, controlling ZUN.

The nature of the use of ICT in my lessons can be different - it is teaching, developing, communicative, diagnostic, general cultural. It depends on the goal and objectives when designing a lesson using a computer. I conduct demonstration-type lessons, lessons of generalization and acquisition of new knowledge, integrated lessons, computer testing lessons, etc. I use ready-made products developed by manufacturers as software. I start using ICT with an analysis of the topic, methods of presenting material, highlighting problematic issues and ways to resolve them. At the same time, I think over the possibility of diversifying the type of lesson through the use of ICT. Of course, the use of ICT should be methodologically justified.

I will list the main areas of using information and communication technologies in my lessons:

1. Building a lesson using software multimedia tools: Computer presentation of educational material as one of the ways to visualize the material. (Video and animation fragments - demonstrations of physical phenomena, classical experiments, logic diagrams, interactive tables, etc.).

2. I use a multimedia lesson at almost all stages of the lesson:

When studying new material, presenting new information;

When consolidating the material covered, developing training skills and abilities;

When repeating, practical application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities;

When generalizing and systematizing knowledge.

Great opportunities are contained in the use of computer technology in teaching physics. The effectiveness of the use of computers in the educational process depends on many factors, including the level of technology itself, the quality of the teaching programs used, and the teaching methods used by the teacher.

The experience of working at school has shown that in the development of cognitive interest one cannot fully rely on the content of the material being studied. Reducing the origins of cognitive interest only to the content side of the material leads only to situational interest in the lesson. If students are not involved in vigorous activity, then any meaningful material will cause them a contemplative interest in the subject, which will not be a cognitive interest.

Therefore, the use of information and communication technologies in physics lessons is an effective tool in shaping the cognitive interest of students:

    the emergence of new forms of presentation of the content of educational material;

    organization of various forms of cognitive activity;

    improving the quality of educational activities;

    stimulation of speech-thinking and independent activity;

    development of the emotional sphere.

Lessons using multimedia capabilities are very popular with children, they activate their interest in studying the subject. When explaining such topics as “Structure of matter”, “Structure of an atom and atomic nucleus”, “Electromagnetic interactions”, etc., where demonstrations cannot be carried out under any conditions, the use of an animated model becomes the only visual way to represent a phenomenon or process that a student in able to perceive, analyze and understand their essence. Such models can be understood even by students who do not have abstract and spatial imagination. Usually I present such models in the form of multimedia presentations of lessons, which in no case should be a “book on the screen”. They should complement the textbooks, using all the capabilities of modern computers. A good presentation should not so much explain the learning situation as model it, giving room for imagination.

Physics is an experimental science. The study of physics is difficult to imagine without laboratory work. Help comes Personal Computer, which allows you to carry out fairly complex laboratory work. Many phenomena that are inaccessible to study in classes due to lack of equipment, limited time, or not subject to direct observation can be studied in sufficient detail in a computer experiment. That is, I compensate for the lack of physical instruments by using living models of physical phenomena, which is of great interest to students. At the same time, it should be emphasized that a computer demonstration of physical phenomena is considered not as a replacement for a real physical demonstration experience, but as its addition. In my work I use: "Virtual laboratory work in physics". Program features:

    Theoretical information and a section for repetition.

    Realistic simulation of an interactive experiment.

    Experimental tasks.

    Output of results of work to the press.

Using a computer model, students can independently conduct a little research and get the desired results. Computer programs allow you to conduct such a study in a matter of minutes. In this case, students in the process of independent creative work receive the knowledge they need to obtain a specific result visible on a computer screen. Such a lesson can only be held in a computer class.

Use of ICT as a source of additional material. The site "Class Physics" contains educational material from grades 7-11. All material can be divided into 4 blocks: 1. Theoretical. 2. Practical. 3. Cognitive 4. Health-saving material for the protection of health and life.

The use of methodological software. In my work I use disks "ICT in physics lessons". Interactive tutorial. Visual physics. 7-11 class. Electronic lessons and tests: Molecular structure of matter; Internal energy; Light. Optical phenomena; Vibrations and waves; Electricity; Reception and transmission of electricity; Electric field; magnetic fields.

Features of the program: Visual presentation of the course material; video clips and animation with demonstration of experiments and processes under study; a dictionary of physical terms, a reference book of formulas, biographies of physicists; a variety of interactive exercises with the ability to check answers and correct errors;

The use of software products in the classroom allows students to study the processes and phenomena occurring in the real world as accurately as possible. This additionally activates cognitive activity and helps to increase the motivation of students to acquire new knowledge.

The use of ICT in physics lessons contributes to the emergence of interdisciplinary communication, for example, physics - chemistry (molecular physics), physics - literature (facts about scientists), physics - mathematics (optics, mechanics, problem solving), etc. To make this thread (continuity other subjects) was solid, in the lessons with the use of ICT I create conditions for the formation of such skills.

Improving the educational process in a physics lesson through the use of ICT software and hardware makes it possible to enrich the memory of students with the necessary physical knowledge in a short time. At physics lessons in grades 7-11, presentations can be widely used to increase interest in studying the subject. This enables the teacher to show creativity, individuality, to avoid a formal approach to conducting lessons.

Using information and communication technologies in informatics lessons, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in students' motivation for learning, interest in the subject, and improve the quality of knowledge. The use of ICT makes it possible to make the learning process personality-oriented, to develop and improve the information competence of students, their communication skills, logical thinking.

The use of modern information and communication educational technologies should be carefully thought out, weighed and well worked out. Only in this case, the efficiency will be high enough and will bring satisfaction to both the teacher and the students.

I want to dwell more specifically on my experience of using information technologies in the practice of teaching computer science.

At the first stages, I use information technology to create didactic material. For this purpose, I use the following technologies and programsMSoffice:

    text editorword;

    spreadsheetsMicrosoft Excel;

    technology for scanning and processing text and graphic information;

    technology for preparing the presentation of educational material using the programPowerPoint;

    information resources of the Internet.

Use of Internet resources. Students are interested in searching for information on a given topic on the Internet. They perform such individual tasks with pleasure and are ready to enthusiastically talk about it in the lesson. The stories raise many questions and engage others in the conversation. Both presenters and listeners benefit.

interactive tests.

Test control (and even more so computer control) allows you to:

    more rational use of lesson time;

    cover more content;

    quickly establish feedback with students and determine the results of mastering the material;

    focus on gaps in knowledge and skills and make adjustments to them;

    ensure simultaneous testing of students' knowledge of the whole class and form their motivation to prepare for each lesson;

    in many cases overcome the subjectivity of grading;

    personalize work with students

    to develop conscientiousness and accuracy in students; increase interest in the subject;

    create several variants of the same type of one test in a short time.

Often textbooks or other printed manuals have links that are not pictured. Conducting a lesson on the topic "Text Formatting" does not make sense if there are no visual images in front of the students' eyes. The assimilation of the material in this case will have a very low percentage (10%). Lesson using traditional visual aids training significantly increases this percentage (30%). When using multimedia programs in such lessons, there is a significant increase in the assimilation of the material than with the use of traditional visual teaching aids (> 50%).

In my lessons, ICT acts as an auxiliary element of the educational process, and not the main one. Lessons using ICT have become familiar to my pupils, and for me the norm of work.

The benefits of using ICT for me as a teacher are as follows:

    saving study time (up to 30%);

    the ability to provide audio - visual perception of information;

    inclusion in vigorous activity;

    development of communication skills in the classroom;

    implementation of a differentiated and individual approach to teaching;

    rational use of various forms, methods and techniques of work;

    creating a positive emotional background for the lesson;

For ICT students:

    provides more efficient access to information;

    brings the lesson closer to the worldview of a modern child;

    allows the student to work at their own pace;

    develops innovative thinking;

    fosters independence, the ability to make decisions;

    builds confidence in their abilities and abilities.

Thus, ICT tools are necessary in the conditions of modern education. Based on my own work experience, I can say with confidence that such lessons arouse real interest among students, include everyone, even weak children, in the work, contribute to the formation of competencies necessary not only in physics and computer science, but also in other subjects. The quality of knowledge at the same time noticeably increases, which allows us to speak about the rational use of new forms, methods and technologies in the educational process.

Municipal state educational institution

"Pavlokhutor secondary school No. 12"

District seminar of physics teachers

Report on the topic:

“Information and communication technologies in physics lessons as a way to increase the effectiveness of teaching »

Research activities" href="/text/category/nauchno_issledovatelmzskaya_deyatelmznostmz/" rel="bookmark">research activities. They like to make discoveries on their own.

The use of presentations in the classroom contributes to a better assimilation of the material, increases the activity of students. And if the student himself prepares a presentation for the lesson, then he studies additional literature; analyzes and organizes the material. In addition, it develops general intellectual skills: to correctly present the material; argue statements; the ability to listen and hear the statements of classmates.

In adolescents, the ability to abstract thinking increases, to analyze and generalize facts and phenomena, i.e. to more modern way knowledge of reality. During this period, adolescents willingly accept indirect guidance in the form of advice or an unobtrusive offer to help.

Proper use of modern computer technology in the classroom allows you to make them interesting and colorful, lively and dynamic. The development of abstract, logical thinking of children occurs through figurative.

IV . Experience in the use of ICT as a means of studying physics in elementary school.

4.1 . Use of ICT as a means of visibility.

It is known from psychology that search activity is more productive and purposeful if the educational problem is visualized (“I see and think”). Therefore, at the beginning of the study of a new topic, it is very useful to present frames with a clear formulation of the educational problem (the stage of motivation and formulation of the educational problem).

At the stage of updating the knowledge necessary for the assimilation of new material, personnel and work with them are diverse. It can be:

Diagnostic non-judgmental control, better mutual control;

Multi-level qualitative, calculated, graphic tasks;

Physical dictation, blitz survey;

Work with systematizing, generalizing tables, logic diagrams.

When studying new material, slides, together with a natural experiment, create a single active cognitive environment in which the teacher, with a series of skillfully selected questions and tasks, excites and directs the students' thoughts to new theoretical conclusions. Further, in the course of consolidation, it clarifies and corrects students' understanding of new knowledge, forms initial skills.

In the course of explaining and consolidating new material, frames should be varied in order to cover all aspects of knowledge: an algorithm for finding a solution to a problem, evaluating alternatives, discovering consequences and their significance in theory, etc.

Received effect:

· It became much more convenient to demonstrate video materials. You can stop the frame at any time High Quality to sketch or comment, which would be difficult when using a VCR with poor quality freeze frame. Or turn off the sound and let the student analyze the situation. And then, turning on the sound, check the truth of the fact. (When studying the topic "Change in the state of aggregation of matter" in grade 8, we rely on the molecular structure of the substance, which was studied in grade 7).

· If it is impossible to conduct a "live" experiment (due to its danger, lack of equipment or specific conditions), it became possible to carry out a virtual experiment on a computer model.

You can view the resulting graphs. Graphs that appear on the screen when studying thermal phenomena (dependence of T on time during phase transitions, when introducing the concepts of heat quantity, heat capacity, etc.), allow a better understanding of the observed phenomena.

4.2. Use of ICT as a source of additional material.

The main source of information is educational literature. The selection of additional literature on the subject is sometimes problematic, since the library fund at the school is not large. If you order literature from the regional library, it will take a long time. This is where the computer acts as a source of information.

A student, when preparing for a lesson, can use a computer as a universal source of information. The global computer information network Internet, electronic encyclopedias and textbooks, various training programs are just a small part of information sources. To create colorful and meaningful abstracts, design reports, a set of notes - for all this you can use a computer

A huge amount of information has been created on electronic media, for example, the "Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius" 2008. Here are encyclopedic and reference articles, interactive applications, illustrations, video clips, entertaining facts and much more. others

4.3 . The use of ICT as a means of monitoring learning outcomes.

Along with the traditional control designed to assess the final results of learning, the computer allows you to organize the control of the learning process itself, to carry out material flow diagnostics in order to correct the further process.

I consolidate the material studied using the same personal computer with the program “Physics Lessons of Cyril and Methodius”. Here I use crossword puzzles.

Knowledge control, or rather feedback, I establish on the basis of self-control and self-assessment of students' knowledge. Before the class starts, I give a piece of paper and ask you to rate yourself for doing your homework. I suggest that half of the class sit down at the computer and complete the tests. These can be tests developed by one or two students or tests from the computer program "Physics Lessons of Cyril and Methodius".

We are not able to change the content of knowledge control, but we can change the form of its implementation, make it more attractive. AT computer form students like the training solution of problems, tests, the direct performance of control work for a number of reasons: they immediately get the result; do not waste time on registration, corrections, etc.; You can use reference material, tips, calculator. This is the most objective, fair type of control for students.

4.4. The use of ICT as a means of conducting laboratory work.

With the help of programs in physics, you can also do laboratory work. The work is clearer and more efficient. Labs can be done in class and also given as homework. By changing the parameters for each student, you can get a great result in the performance of work.

In the physics classroom, you can analyze the progress of laboratory work on a computer model before doing the work or after doing the real work, conduct a computer study of the same dependence. All this contributes to the development of research skills, encourages a creative search for patterns in various processes and phenomena.

In grades 7-9, students have difficulties in studying the movement of a body moving in a moving frame of reference relative to a fixed one. The simulation program "Relativity of Motion" from the "Live Physics" package helped here - it allows you to simulate all cases of relative motion of the body.

When studying the electromagnetic field in grade 9, students study the gimlet rule, the right hand rule for the solenoid, the left hand rule.

On a German site, I found the program "Electric Motor". On the left in the figure, a frame is shown in a magnetic field, connected by means of a collector to a source of electric current. The lines of magnetic induction are directed from top to bottom, and with a given polarity of switching on the current source, the frame will rotate counterclockwise, which is fully consistent with the left hand rule. The control panel allows you to change the direction of the electric current in the frame, the lines of magnetic induction and the direction of the Ampere force. This program allows not only to demonstrate to students the device and the principle of operation of the electric motor direct current but also to create interesting problem situations in the lesson.

On the same site there are programs "Four-stroke internal combustion engine", "Steam engine".

On the disc “Virtual School of Cyril and Methodius. Physics" is a demo program that helps you learn how to determine the price and value of the measured quantity. On the same disk: the demonstration program "Momentum of the body" and the computer program "Movement of molecules in gases, liquids and solids".

A computer experiment introduces activity technologies of active, developing learning into the lesson. Thus, the experiment becomes "a universal addition to almost any method of teaching physics."

4.5. The use of ICT as a means of saving time.

When using visualization in the form of tables, posters, reproductions of paintings, portraits, you have to remove some, attach others, and if you still keep notes on the board, it takes a lot of time. Using a computer, there is an opportunity to save time.

Physics lessons are characterized by a constant shortage of time and the complexity of equipment. A common case when the use of computer technology will be more than justified is the modeling of the phenomena of the microcosm, processes that have a colossal scale or take place over a time incommensurable with the time allotted for their study or hidden from the observer. Examples are phenomena in semiconductors, explosion, molecular interaction, diffusion, imaging in a cathode ray tube.

How much of the teacher's time during the explanation will be taken by the process of drawing and wiping the blackboard?

The study of a number of topics requires the use of significant amounts of graphic material. The limited space on the blackboard can lead to the need to erase some of the previously made constructions, which will create difficulties if you need to return to them in the course of consolidating what you have learned. The traditional technique has long found a way out of the situation through the use of educational posters and slides. The computer in this case is not an alternative, but organically complements the above tools. A separate advantage of computers, in relation to the reproduction of educational graphics, is the simplicity of color selection of the necessary elements and the ability to reproduce the dynamics of constructions, similar to the movement of the teacher's hand.

The programs "Open Physics" and the electronic encyclopedia "All Physics" can provide effective graphic support when studying the kinematics of oscillatory motion.

Is the use computer technology the best way to solve your problems? Computer technology is not an end in itself, but a means that can ensure the high efficiency of the teacher.

V. Results of using ICT as a learning tool.

Physics lessons are carried out with computer support. Theoretical study of the problem determined the need to analyze this problem in a real educational process.

I) Evaluation of the quality of learning.

II) Attitude of students towards the use of ICT in the educational process.

III) Expanding the information competence of students.

IV) Saving teaching time in the classroom with the use of ICT.


The experience of using ICT as a new means of studying physics convinced me that the main educational goal is to increase the effectiveness of learning, create an active cognitive environment necessary for a dialogue between a teacher and students, a heuristic conversation. To organize understanding (rather than memorizing) learning through the content of computer educational materials. Everything should be built not on memorization, but on active independent practical activity, non-standard solutions. The use of ICT enlivens the students' perception of the material, instills interest in studying the subject, and improves the creative abilities of students. Computer materials are a necessary part of a single set of teaching aids, which the teacher can supplement, modernize, and vary the methods of application.

The benefits of incorporating ICTs over traditional ones are manifold. In addition to the possibility of a more visual representation of the material, which contributes to the development of both figurative and logical thinking, in addition to effective testing of knowledge, etc., one can also include a variety of organizational forms of student work and methodological techniques. But with all this, the principle of necessity and sufficiency must also operate here. All users (including children) should be aware of the harmful aspects of working on a computer and about some security and prevention measures - this should also be taught. First of all, doctors warn about a high visual load, so special eye exercises must be done in the classroom.

The use of ICT in physics lessons helps to achieve the following goals:

Activation of the student's interest in the subject and the learning process.

· Development of skills of independent work on finding the necessary information.

· Saving time when processing large volumes of mathematical information.

Withdrawal conflict situation if the student fails.

· Saving teacher's time.

By integrating computer technology into the educational process, it is possible to provide:

development of constructive, algorithmic thinking due to the peculiarities of communication with a computer and work with specialized programs;

development of creative thinking by changing the content of reproductive activity, performing tasks of a heuristic, research nature in the environment of intelligent learning systems and modeling programs;

· development of communication skills on the basis of the implementation of joint projects, in the course of computer business games;

· formation of skills in making optimal decisions and adaptation in a difficult situation (in the course of computer experiments based on modeling programs, when working with simulator programs);

· achievement of the level of competence in the field of computer technologies necessary for successful social and professional adaptation of the student.

Science and technology do not stand still, it is necessary to keep pace with progress so that children feel confident in the future.


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8. Markov motivation for learning at school age: A guide for teachers. M., Enlightenment, 1983. - 96p.

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10. Pedagogy in diagrams, tables and reference notes / .- 3rd ed. - M .: Iris-press, 2008. - 256 p. - (Higher education).

11. Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies: Proc. for stud. high and avg. ped. textbook institutions /, I.B. Kotova, and others; Ed. . - 5th ed., Sr. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - 512p.

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« Effective use information and communication technologies in teaching physics”.


The concept of modern education poses a number of problems for the school, the solution of which is often impossible without the widespread introduction of new computer technologies in education.

Today, in a physics lesson, with a minimum number of teaching hours, it is necessary to give enough information to guarantee the completeness of assimilation of the main thing. The profiling of the secondary school also requires the active introduction of new forms and methods of teaching. To this end, it seems to be effective to use the achievements of computer technology in the learning process.

A survey conducted with students in grades 10-11 showed that a significant part of students experience difficulties and lose interest in the subject, do not fully realize their creative potential.

The reasons that lead to the loss of interest in learning new knowledge in the traditional approach to teaching:

The use of traditional learning designed to increase the flow of information with limited time, which does not allow students to fully reveal their creative potential.

Elements of the study, as an essential component in teaching physics, are not fully applied in laboratory and practical work: due to the lack of equipment or the simplification of the experimental model itself, the students spending a lot of time on calculating the desired values ​​and measurement errors, the impossibility of repeating the experiment many times at different parameters.

Formal approach to solving physical problems (their solution only on paper and the impossibility of verifying the result in practice);

Poor availability of demonstration equipment due to insufficient funding;

The impossibility of showing some physical experiments in school conditions, due to their high cost or high danger.

The relevance of the project is due to:

1. The need to close the gap between the modern level of teaching physics at school and the didactic potential of information society technologies.

2. The need to create software and methodological support for teaching physics to schoolchildren using ICT.

For modern system Teaching physics is characterized by the following contradictions:

1. Between the didactic potential of information society technologies and the current level of teaching physics at school.

2. Between the educational needs of the information society and the lack of the necessary software and methodological support for teaching schoolchildren.

The above contradictions allow us to formulate the problem of the project in the current system, which consists in substantiating and designing a new effective approach to teaching physics based on ICT.

Theme of the project "Effective use of ICT in teaching physics"

Object of study : the process of teaching physics in grades 7-11.

Subject of study : a learning environment for a school course in physics.

Objective of the project:

Show effective means of teaching students using ICT and the effectiveness of their use

The learning environment developed with the use of educational information technologies will allow creating a system of teaching physics, which will not only generalize, concretize, systematize knowledge of physics, but also increase the motivation of students to study this discipline.

The most significant goals of designing the educational process with the use of educational information technologies are to increase the motivation of students, to automate the educational process, to develop reflection, creative thought of students, etc.

Achieving this goal is expected through the solution of the following tasks:

1. development of the student's personality, preparing him for independent productive activity in the conditions of the modern information society: the development of thinking, aesthetic education, the formation of the ability to make the right decision or offer options in a difficult situation, the development of the ability to carry out experimental research activities.

2. Implementation of the social order, due to the informatization of modern society.

3. Intensification of the educational process at all levels of the system of continuous education:

Improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process by implementing the possibilities of information and communication technologies (ICT);

Activation of cognitive activity using ICT;

Deepening interdisciplinary connections through the use of ICT;

Implementation of the ideas of open education based on the use of network technologies.

Project resources : the presence of an office equipped with a computer, a projector, Internet access, the possibility of using an interactive whiteboard.

The idea of ​​the project is as follows:

The effectiveness of teaching physics and the quality of students' knowledge will be higher if the design of the learning environment is based on the system of teaching physics using ICT.

Expected Result:

- teacher - the ability to design a learning environment; the opportunity to implement fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching; additional features to maintain and guide the development of the student's personality; creative search and organization of joint activities of students and teachers; development and selection the best options curricula; the use of intellectual forms of labor;

- students - access to non-traditional sources of information; increasing the efficiency of independent work; there are completely new opportunities for creativity, acquisition and consolidation of various professional skills;

- parents - the opportunity to participate in the learning process, from monitoring the level of progress, ending with participation in joint projects.

1. The use of a computer in the classroom as a universal technical learning tool

Traditional audiovisual teaching aids can be successfully replaced by a computer, a screen and a multimedia projector. Modern software allows you to demonstrate a large amount of visual material in the classroom: drawings, diagrams, tables, texts (formulations of laws, formulas, etc.), videos, animations, physical models. I myself can complete a presentation from the objects of the electronic resource, which will be shown during the lesson. Depending on the type of lesson, the information content of the slides will change.

For example, at a lesson in studying new material, I demonstrate a video recording of an experiment (if the demonstration of a real experience takes a long time, the small details of the experiment are not captured by the students, and if the experiment is impossible), then I demonstrate an animation or a computer model of the process (allows you to consider the features phenomena, repeatedly repeat the process, complicate it). At the stage of consolidating new knowledge, I play a game (the principle of the game: a question arises on the screen on the topic studied - the student's answer follows - the correct answer appears on the slide, accompanied by a thematic drawing or photograph). At the end of the lesson, I dynamically repeat the main stages of the lesson with the students, demonstrating separate information slides.

Such (traditional in essence) lessons allow the teacher to abandon the usual tools in the work of chalk and blackboard, make the lesson brighter, and maintain students' interest in the subject.

1. Using a computer, projector and interactive whiteboard.

2. Preparing a presentation for the lessons.

3. Testing students.

4. Control work.

2. Use of computer models in physics lessons

A computer model allows you to control the behavior of objects on a computer screen by changing the values ​​of the numerical parameters underlying the corresponding mathematical model. Some models allow simultaneously with the course of the experiment to observe in dynamic mode the construction of graphical time dependences of a number of physical quantities describing the experiment. Such models are of particular value, since students, as a rule, experience significant difficulties in constructing and reading graphs.

The following types of tasks for students to computer models can be distinguished:

Computer experiments;

Experimental tasks (that is, tasks for the solution of which it is necessary to think over and set up an appropriate computer experiment);

Calculation tasks with subsequent computer verification (students are offered 2-3 tasks that must first be solved without using a computer, and then check the answer by setting up a computer experiment.

When compiling such tasks, it is necessary to take into account both the functionality of the model and the ranges of variation of numerical parameters);

Problems with missing data (when solving such problems, the student must figure out which parameter is missing to solve the problem and choose its value independently),

Creative tasks (as part of this task, the student is asked to compose one or more tasks, solve them independently (in the classroom or at home), and then, using a computer model, check the correctness of the results obtained);

Research tasks (a task during which students need to plan and conduct a series of computer experiments that would allow them to confirm or refute certain patterns.);

Problem tasks (using a number of models, you can demonstrate the so-called problem situations, that is, situations that lead students to an apparent or real contradiction, and then invite them to understand the causes of such situations using a computer model).

Intermediate results today are:

1. A database of computer models on certain topics has been created.

2. Models are used in the lessons.

3. Digital educational resources

Ready-made software products can significantly reduce the time to prepare for the lesson. They contain good quality visual and illustrative material for textbooks, background information, additional material that expands the horizons of students or more in-depth material.

I also use software products that contain interactive practical work, working models, tables, drawings, graphs. They allow you to visually explain the phenomena, processes, as well as demonstrate experiments.

The lessons actively use electronic educational resources "Open Physics 2.6", "Physics, grades 7-11" Physicon, "Physics, 7-11 cells. Library of visual aids”, “Physics lessons of Cyril and Methodius”, “Electronic lessons and tests “Physics at school”, “Virtual physical laboratory”, “1C: Tutor. Physics + Unified State Examination Options ”and others. The resources of the programs are used at the stage of preparing and conducting physics lessons, as well as for independent work of students outside of school hours. Multimedia complexes contain electronic textbooks, video clips, interactive models, laboratory work, exercises, tasks and tests, allow you to include their content in any stage of the lesson: in the explanation of new material, in the stages of updating knowledge, in the formulation of the study, in the stage of independent work with subsequent verification .

These programs are also designed for practical lessons, which are used to solve problems with subsequent verification on a computer model, which stimulates the independent activity of students.

Interactive laboratory work allows you to fully complete the practical part of the curriculum, especially in cases where the experiment cannot be carried out for objective reasons in the laboratory.

However, it should be noted that all of the listed forms of conducting practical classes using ICT initially require a well-developed technology, including setting learning objectives and organizing students' learning activities.

4. Use of Internet resources

Great opportunities in my practice are provided by the use of Internet resources, which allow conducting various forms of training sessions at a qualitatively new level.

Internet - educational, reference information

Internet - USE

Internet - workshops, lesson

Internet - profile, pre-university training

Internet - olympiads, competitions

To organize the initial acquaintance of students with Internet resources, I compiled a list of different email addresses with a brief annotation compiled specifically for students.

Such a list is on a special stand in the physics classroom.

I will give examples of such annotations in the study of physics.

1. http://www.fizika.ru - This resource contains accessible, interesting illustrated material in the form of physics textbooks for grades 7, 8 and 9. There are many high-quality and computational problems, as well as examples of analyzed problem solutions for grades 7 and 8.

2. http://physics.nad.ru/physics.htm - Animation of physical processes in optics, waves, mechanics, thermodynamics. There is a theory for each of the proposed topics, a visual experiment in close-up.

3. http://www.sci.aha.ru - The resource contains a large number of reference tables on physics: "Mass", "Speed", "Energy", "Data on the Earth, the Sun, the Universe", "Physical constants", "Masses and sizes of molecules", "Properties of gases, liquids and solids" and much more.

4. http://elibrary.ru/ - Scientific e-library contains the most last news science in the form of small articles that are updated daily. You can learn all about the latest discoveries in science.

5. http://ivsu.ivanovo.ac.ru/phys/ - A resource that will help the student find any information on physics, material on the history of physics. There is also a brief physical encyclopedia for children, a large encyclopedic dictionary, biographies of scientists - physicists

Internet resources that are often used:

"Information and educational portal of the Republic of Belarus" http://www.oprb.ru/,

"Physics in animations" (http://physics.nad.ru/),

the official information portal of the USE (http://www.ege.edu.ru/),

FIPI (http://www.fipi.ru/),

"Open College. Physics” (http://college.ru/physics/),

methodical association of physics teachers (http://schools.techno.ru/sch1567/),

"Physics Ru" (http://www.fizika.ru/),

Russian educational portal (http://www.school.edu.ru/), Astrophysical portal (http://www.afportal.ru/),

"Unified collection of educational resources" (http://school-collection.edu.ru/) and others. Site materials are used in preparation for lessons, to control ZUN, to prepare students for the Olympiads and the Unified State Examination, distance learning, and for research work.

1. Use of resources in preparation for the lesson.

2. Search for information on the sections of the course.

3. Preparing students for olympiads and competitions.

5. Project activities of students.

A learning project is a joint activity of students with a common goal aimed at achieving the final result. This activity allows you to prove yourself, try your hand, apply your knowledge, show your result. The product of project activity is a report, poster, model, drawing, information, presentation.

Project activity educates and develops: independence in manifestations (in pairs, groups, individually); the ability to listen to others; the ability to express one's opinion; communication and interest in achieving the goal; the ability to learn to understand and express oneself.

Students' motivation to study physics also increases when preparing home projects. Using various digital environments, editors and resources, MS Office applications, the guys prepare messages, reports, additions to the lesson material. I formulate a specific task for the students, and the students choose the technology for completing this task themselves, while I evaluate the final result. It is important that the material used (diagrams, diagrams, textual information, animations, videos, illustrative graphic material) be logically consistent and carry the specific necessary information.

Intermediate results today:

Participation in competitions of research projects;

Participation in the work of MAN.

6. Distance learning

Modern technologies allow organizing remote form learning. Distance learning (DL) is learning when the teacher and the student are spatially separated and when all or most of the learning procedures are carried out using information and telecommunication technologies. Distance learning allows the student to acquire the required knowledge on his own.

The following characteristic features distinguish DL from traditional forms of education:

- You will be able to practice at your own time, at the right pace and place. At the same time, the duration of the development of the course may vary;

- the trainee can master this course simultaneously with the main training or the main professional activity;

- the possibility of forming an individual curriculum from a set individual courses;

- the student can simultaneously access a variety of sources of information (libraries and databases, electronic and conventional manuals). With the help of the Internet, it is possible to communicate both with the teacher and with other students. Of course, personal contact is also possible;

- Efficient use of both student and teacher time. Reduced requirements for training areas and their operation;

- the use of the latest information technologies contributes to the promotion and adaptation of a person in the modern information society;

- provides equal opportunities to receive a variety of education outside the restrictions of place of residence, health status and other features.

The effectiveness of distance learning, however, as well as traditional education, depends on the quality of the teaching materials used and the skills of teachers. However, when organizing DO, you should pay attention to the following points:

- in the center of the learning process is the independent cognitive activity of the student;

- it is necessary that the trainee learns to independently acquire knowledge, using a variety of sources of information, be able to work with this information, using various methods of cognitive activity, have the necessary techniques for working with a computer and on the Internet;

- independent acquisition of knowledge should not be passive, on the contrary, the student from the very beginning should be involved in active cognitive activity, which involves the use of acquired knowledge to solve various problems of the surrounding reality;

- the organization of independent activity of students in the network involves the use of the latest pedagogical technologies that correspond to this form of education, stimulating the disclosure of the internal reserves of each student. The most successful in this regard are training in small groups, the method of projects, research, problem methods; a detailed summary of the lesson with the necessary material - unusual information, questions, creative tasks;

- a list of activities of distant students during a distance lesson;

- a list of activities of the most distant teacher;

- a list of materials or the materials themselves required for the lesson (links to websites, own web quests, texts, necessary laboratory materials, CD-ROM).

Intermediate results today:

Today, the website http://fizikavam.ru is in operation, which will contain all information on this project in the future;

Conducting distance Olympiads in physics based on a personal website;

The use of electronic correspondence (e-mail) for consultation and review of scientific projects of students, testing and self-training to the exam and olympiads;

Placement of materials for preparation for lessons, olympiads, scientific projects on the site pages.

Among the many ways to improve the effectiveness of the lesson, the use of information technology today occupies one of the leading places. Undoubtedly, the future belongs to information technologies. With their help, it is already possible today to solve many didactic, organizational and methodological problems.

Designing a learning environment using ICT - there is a formation physical education students in its forms (academic discipline - additional education - extra-curricular activities), where design management is seen as a process of creating an environment adequate to changes in society.

The effective organization of the educational process, which uses the capabilities of new information technologies, allows for individual and collective work with students, as well as integrating various forms and strategies for mastering knowledge in the subject, aimed at developing independent cognitive learning activities. It is a unique alloy of individual, pedagogical and other components for this environment, providing a learning effect in general, increasing the motivation of students to study the discipline and their creative activity.

Given the workload of a modern teacher, we can recommend using multimedia market innovations. Today there are especially many of them and, what is most pleasant, their technical and didactic capabilities are increasing.

The use of computer technology does not change the terms of training, and often the use of electronic educational programs in the classroom requires more time, but allows the teacher to more deeply cover a particular theoretical issue. At the same time, the use of multimedia courses helps students to understand in more detail those physical processes and phenomena, to study important theoretical issues that could not be studied without the use of interactive models.

The greatest efficiency of using a computer in a lesson is achieved in the following cases:

- the use of multimedia courses in the study of topics, phenomena that are most fully and in detail covered only in electronic educational programs that cannot be studied in a real experiment;

- more complete visualization of objects and phenomena in comparison with printed teaching aids.

- using the opportunity to vary the time scales of events, interrupt the operation of a computer model, experiment and use the possibility of their repetition;

- automation of the process of monitoring the level of knowledge and skills of students;

- testing and correction of the results of educational activities;

- use of software environments, virtual laboratories for the organization of creative, educational and search activities of students.

Of course, the pedagogical effectiveness of using software environments depends not only on the electronic means themselves, but also on the training of teachers to work with them, on the availability of equipment in the school.

A computer is a powerful tool in the hands of a competent teacher, but it can never claim the place of the Teacher himself.

List of used literature

2. Apatova N.V. Information technologies in school education. -M.: IOSH RAO. 1994, 228.

3. Astafieva E.N., Filatova L.V. Information technologies in the system of advanced training of educators // Informatics and education - M., 2001. - No. 4; - 35-40.

4. Afrina E.I; Using e-mail in physics lessons. // Issues of Internet education. - 2003. - No. 1.

5. Baranova Yu. Yu., Perevalova E.A., Tyurina E.A., Chadin E.A. Methods of using electronic textbooks in the educational process.// Informatics and education. - 2000. - No. 8. - G.43-47.

6. Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. - M.: Pedagogy, 1989. - 192 p.

7. Gomulina N.N., Mikhailov SV. Methods of using interactive computer courses with elements of distance education // Physics. - 2000 - No. 39. - 68-71.

8. Guzeev V.V. Methods and organizational forms of teaching. - M.: People's education, 2001. - 128 p.

Municipal budgetary general education

institution "Gymnasium No. 7"

Use of ICT

in physics lessons

Dobrodumova N.P.,

physics teacher of the highest category



In the modern concept of complete secondary education in Russia, the task is to form the skills of graduates of educational institutions, in particular, to use multimedia resources and computer technologies for processing, transmitting, systematizing information, creating a database, presenting the results of cognitive activity, allowing them to successfully solve practical problems of applied character in a wide variety of professional situations. Today, an integral part of the modern methods of teaching physics are information and communication technologies (ICT), using a wide arsenal of digital educational resources. The quality of the modern educational process is directly related to the improvement of technologies and teaching methods, which in turn depends on the use of a set of ICT tools by teachers. This is one of the patterns that characterize the modern educational process in the era of general informatization of society that we are experiencing, which poses new problems for the system of education and upbringing of the younger generation. The equipment of the physics classroom involves the widespread use of ICT in conducting lessons on most topics of the curriculum. This includes testing with a computer, and conducting demonstration experiments and virtual laboratory work, demonstrating presentations, involving students in creating thematic presentations, the possibility of the simplest modeling of natural science processes and other types of educational work. The computer is the most powerful and most effective of all the technical means that have existed so far, which the teacher had at his disposal.

Objective : to show that the use of ICT in physics lessons can increase interest in the study of the subject, expand the possibilities of demonstrating experiments through the use of virtual images, and increase interest in learning.


The gymnasium is a basic innovative educational institution, therefore all classrooms are equipped with the necessary facilities for the successful implementation of the educational process.

The success of using ICT depends not only on the teacher, but also on the availability of technology and the quality of software.


It is well known that a high school physics course includes sections, the study and understanding of which requires a developed imaginative thinking, the ability to analyze, compare. First of all, we are talking about such sections as "Molecular Physics", some chapters of "Electrodynamics", "Nuclear Physics", "Optics", etc. Strictly speaking, in any section of a physics course you can find chapters that are difficult to understand. Unfortunately, many students do not have the necessary mental skills for a deep understanding of the phenomena and processes described in these sections. In such situations, modern technical training aids come to the rescue and, first of all, a personal computer.

Many phenomena in school physical office cannot be demonstrated. For example, these are phenomena of the microcosm, or fast processes, or experiments with devices that are not in the office. As a result, students experience difficulties in studying them, as they are not able to mentally imagine them. The computer can not only create a model of such phenomena, but also allows you to change the conditions of the process, "scroll" with the speed that is optimal for assimilation.

Physics is an experimental science. The study of physics is difficult to imagine without laboratory work. The equipment of a physical cabinet does not always allow for laboratory work that requires more sophisticated equipment. A personal computer comes to the rescue, which allows you to carry out quite complex laboratory work. In them, the student can, at his own discretion, change the initial parameters of the experiments, observe how the phenomenon itself changes as a result, analyze what he has seen, and draw appropriate conclusions.

Of course, the computer can also be used in other types of lessons: when independently studying new material, when solving problems, during tests. It should also be noted that the use of computers in physics lessons turns them into a real creative process, allows you to implement the principles of developmental education. It is possible to select necessary material, present it brightly, clearly and accessible. The use of ICT in the classroom increases the motivation of students for the learning process, conditions are created for students to acquire the means of learning and exploring the world.

2.3 Options for constructing lessons using an electronic textbook

    An electronic textbook is used when studying new material and consolidating it ( 20 minutes. computer work ). Students are first interviewed in a traditional way or with the help of printed texts. When moving on to the study of new material, students sit down in pairs at the computer, turn it on and begin to work with the structural formula and structural units of the paragraph under the guidance and plan of the teacher.

    The electronic model of the textbook can be used at the stage of consolidating the material. In this lesson, new material is studied in the usual way, and when consolidating, all students spend 5-7 minutes. under the guidance of the teacher, they correlate the acquired knowledge with the formula of the paragraph.

    As part of a combined lesson, with the help of an electronic textbook, repetition and generalization of the studied material is carried out (15-17 minutes). This option is preferable for the lessons of the final repetition, when in the course of the lesson it is necessary to “scroll through” the content of several paragraphs, identify the genealogy of concepts, repeat the most important facts and events, and determine cause-and-effect relationships. At this level, students should be able to work first together (in the course of the teacher's explanation), then in pairs (on the instructions of the teacher), and finally, individually (in turn).

    Separate lessons can be devoted to the independent study of new material and the compilation of its own structural formula of the paragraph based on its results. Such work is carried out in groups of students (3-4 people). At the end of the lesson (10 min.), students turn to electronic formula paragraph, comparing it with your own version. This way, students are involved in research work in the classroom from elementary school age. ES is used as a means of monitoring the assimilation of concepts by students. Then the monitoring system is included in the electronic textbook. The test results of students in each subject are recorded and processed by a computer. Monitoring data can be used by the student, teacher, methodological services and administration. The percentage of correctly solved problems gives the student an idea of ​​how he has mastered the educational material, while he can see which structural units he has not fully mastered, and subsequently refine this material. Thus, the student to some extent can control the learning process.

The teacher, in turn, on the basis of the information received, also has the ability to manage the learning process. The results of the class in terms of content as a whole allow the teacher to see the need to organize repetition in this or that structural unit in order to achieve the maximum level of learning. Considering the results of individual students by structural units, one can draw similar conclusions for each individual student and make appropriate methodological decisions in terms of individual work. Finally, we can trace the dynamics of student learning in the subject. Consistently high results of some students gives the teacher the opportunity to build an individual subject trajectory for them. Information technology opens up an opportunity for students to better understand the nature of the object itself, to actively engage in the process of its cognition, independently changing both its parameters and operating conditions. In this regard, information technology can not only have a positive impact on students' understanding of the structure and essence of the functioning of an object, but, more importantly, on their mental development. The use of information technology allows you to quickly and objectively identify the level of mastering the material by students, which is very important in the learning process.

Today, in pedagogy and psychology, much attention is paid to the development of students' creative abilities in the process of teaching. Here I proceed from the fact that training is one of the necessary and most important means of ensuring the high efficiency of learning and the development of the creative potential of students. To solve the problem of the correlation between “computer” and “human” thinking, it is necessary to apply traditional methods along with information methods of teaching. Using various teaching technologies, I teach students to different ways perception of the material: reading the pages of the textbook, explaining the teacher, obtaining information from the monitor screen, etc. On the other hand, training and control programs should provide the user with the opportunity to build their own algorithm of actions, and not impose on him a ready-made one created by a programmer. Thanks to the construction of his own algorithm of actions, the student begins to systematize and apply his knowledge to real conditions, which is especially important for their understanding. When planning lessons, it is necessary to find the optimal combination of such programs with other (traditional) teaching aids. Availability feedback with the possibility of computer diagnostics of mistakes made by students in the process of work, allows you to conduct a lesson taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Control of the same material can be carried out with varying degrees of depth and completeness, at an optimal pace, for each individual. Thus, it is assumed that information technology is most appropriate to use for the implementation of preliminary control of knowledge, where fast and accurate information about the development of knowledge by students is required, if it is necessary to create an information flow of educational material or to model various physical objects.

In my practice, I use multimedia scenarios created specifically for specific lessons. Such scenarios are multimedia lesson notes containing a short text, basic formulas, drawings, drawings, video clips, animations. Three main questions that arise before a teacher who decides to independently prepare demonstration materials for a lesson:

    How to do it?

    Where can I get demo material?

    How to use scripts during the lesson?

I will try to show how to solve these issues.

Typically, such scenarios are prepared in the form of multimedia presentations using the Power Point program from the package. Microsoft office. This program is easy to use and allows you to freely design a lesson. In a matter of minutes, you can create a new lesson script, include new slides in it, combine slides from several presentations, and remove unnecessary ones. When using this program, the teacher opens up a wide scope for creativity. You can prepare a lesson taking into account the specific features of the class, the pace of passing the material in the current academic year. There is only a question about the sources of information and materials for the slides.

    I demonstrate presentations (Appendix 1) directly in the physics classroom, using a multimedia projector connected to a personal computer. The image is projected onto an interactive whiteboard, which allows you to work with drawings, graphs, etc. Compared with the traditional form of teaching, which forces the teacher to constantly refer to the chalk and blackboard, the use of such scenarios frees up a large amount of time that can be used for additional explanation of the material. Scenarios are used both when presenting new material and when repeating what has been covered. At the same time, it should be emphasized that a computer demonstration of physical phenomena is considered not as a replacement for a real physical demonstration experience, but as its addition.

One of the most promising areas of using information technologies in physical education is computer modeling of physical phenomena and processes. Using educational computer models, the teacher can present the material being studied more clearly, demonstrate its new and unexpected aspects in a previously unknown way, which, in turn, increases students' interest in the subject being studied and contributes to a deeper understanding of the educational material. A significant number of computer models, covering almost the entire course of school physics, is contained on the well-known laser disk "Physics in Pictures" (Physicon Research Center, Moscow). The experience of using this disk in physics lessons shows that if students are offered models for independent study, then the learning effect is extremely low. Students enthusiastically explore the model for 3-5 minutes, while they mainly get acquainted with its adjustments, without delving into the essence of the process or phenomenon being modeled, and then lose interest in this model and do not know what to do with themselves. Control questions asked by students after such (acquaintance) with the model show that, as a rule, there is no awareness and understanding of the physics of the process or phenomenon under consideration. computer models easily fit into a traditional lesson, allow to demonstrate many physical effects on a computer screen (or on a large screen using a projector), and also allow organizing new, non-traditional types of educational activities for students.

Computer models make it possible to obtain vivid, memorable illustrations of physical experiments and phenomena in dynamics, to reproduce their subtle details that may escape when observing real experiments. Computer simulation makes it possible to change the time scale, vary the parameters and conditions of experiments over a wide range, and also simulate situations that are inaccessible in real experiments. The student can, at his own discretion, change the initial parameters of the experiments, observe how the phenomenon itself changes as a result, analyze what he sees, and draw appropriate conclusions. The study of the device and principle of operation of various physical devices is an integral part of the physics lesson. Usually, when studying this or that device, I dismantle it, tell the principle of operation, using a model or diagram. Of course, the computer can also be used in other types of lessons: when independently studying new material, when solving problems and during tests. The use of a computer in the classroom allows you to individually approach each student in the learning process. The computer makes it possible to make the lesson more interesting, exciting and modern.

With the help of a computer, it is convenient to implement the principle of visibility in teaching. Models of various physical phenomena are compiled in programming languages, for example, the Rutherford experiment, an electric arc, a model of an atom and its nucleus, models of the states of matter, etc. These models are active, they can perform actions, for example, show how the uranium nucleus is divided. This is no longer just a picture, as it was ten years ago. The presentation of educational material, lectures can always be accompanied by materials from ready-made software. These are videos, presentations, demonstration experiments. To show the missing modern instruments and devices, I choose their pictures from the teaching staff "Physics" edited by Hannanova N.K., we look at modern technology in the interactive encyclopedia "From the plow to the laser." Great use of illustrative material in the lessons was compiled by me and my students in POWER POINT in the form of presentations.

Practical experience shows that in order to effectively involve students in learning activities using computer models, individual handouts with tasks and questions of various levels of complexity are needed. We list the main types of tasks that we use when working with computer models:

1. Introductory task. This task is designed to help the student understand the purpose of the model and master its adjustments. The task contains instructions for managing the model and review questions.

2. Computer experiments. As part of this task, the student is asked to conduct some simple experiments using this model and answer control questions.

3. Experimental problems. The student is asked to solve 1-4 problems without using a computer, and then, using a computer model, check the correctness of his solution.

4. Research task. The student is invited to plan and conduct a series of computer experiments that confirm or refute some regularity. The most capable students are invited to independently formulate a number of patterns and confirm them with an experiment.

5. Creative task. As part of this task, students themselves come up with tasks, formulate them, solve them and set up computer experiments to verify the results.

The proposed tasks help students quickly master the control of a computer model, contribute to the conscious assimilation of educational material and the awakening of creative imagination. It is especially important that students gain knowledge in the process of independent work, since they need this knowledge to obtain a specific result observed on a computer screen. The teacher in such a lesson performs only the role of an assistant and consultant.


So, the use of ICT in the process of teaching physics allows:

    significantly expand the range of educational tasks that can be included in the content of education through the use of computational, modeling and other computer capabilities;

    to increase the possibility and composition of the educational experiment, thanks to the use of computer models of those processes and phenomena, experiments with which in the school conditions of educational laboratories would be impossible;

    expand the sources of knowledge in the learning process through the use of information and reference systems.

    The use of computer technology as a learning tool that improves the teaching process, increases its quality and efficiency.

    The use of computer technology as a tool for learning, self-knowledge and reality.

    Using the means of new information technologies as a means of creative development of the student.

As a result of the use of ICT, students have increased their interest in physics as an experimental science.

I share my work experience with colleagues. In 2011-2012, 2012-2013 academic years I gave open lessons and activities using ICT for teachers of the city and region.

Attached is a presentation for the lesson on the topic "Interference"


    1. Educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in physics. Physics: a weekly methodical newspaper for teaching physics, astronomy and natural sciences. - M .: Publishing House "First of September", 2004. - No. 34. - P.9-13.

2. "Open Physics 1.1". 2004. LLC "Physikon" www / physicon . en. A complete multimedia physics course developed under the guidance of Professor S.M. Kozel (MIPT). Mechanics, thermodynamics, oscillations and waves, electromagnetism, optics, quantum physics.

3. Polat E.S. and others. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy". 1999.

The most important task of the school, including the teaching of physics, is the formation of a personality capable of navigating the flow of information in conditions of continuous education. Awareness of universal human values ​​is possible only with the appropriate cognitive, moral, ethical and aesthetic education of the student. In this regard, the main goal of education can be specified by more specific goals: instilling in schoolchildren in the course of their activity a positive attitude towards science in general and towards physics in particular; development of interest in physical knowledge, scientific - popular articles, life problems. Physics is the basis of natural science and modern scientific and technological progress, which determines the following specific learning objectives: students' awareness of the role of physics in science and production, education of environmental culture, understanding of the moral and ethical problems associated with physics.

At the present stage of school development, the task of transforming the traditional education system into a qualitatively new education system is put forward - the task of educating a literate, productively thinking person, adapted to the new conditions of life in society. Natural in the teaching and educational process is the attitude towards independent acquisition of knowledge by students, their self-education and self-knowledge.
In this regard, at present, special attention is paid to an individual (personal-oriented) approach in teaching students, creating conditions for the child to master the various ways of independently obtaining and assimilating knowledge, and developing his creative potential. One of the most important areas that solve this problem is the introduction of information tools in the learning process.
The purpose of my work is to summarize the experience of using information and communication technologies in physics lessons. I see my task in helping students, through the use of information and communication technologies, create conditions for mastering general educational skills, knowledge of the subject and for forming an interest in physics. I see the end result of the organization of this activity as an increase in the quality of education in the subject of physics as one of the priority areas of the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education.



The use of ICT in physics lessons

Physics teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 14"

named after A.M. Mamonov, Stary Oskol


Chapter 1. The role and place of the computer in teaching physics.

Chapter 2. The use of information and communication technologies in teaching physics.

2.1. Computer experiment as a means of research activity of students.

2.2. The role of the computer at different stages of the lesson.

2.3. Computer testing - effective method knowledge control




The most important task of the school, including the teaching of physics, is the formation of a personality capable of navigating the flow of information in conditions of continuous education. Awareness of universal human values ​​is possible only with the appropriate cognitive, moral, ethical and aesthetic education of the student. In this regard, the main goal of education can be specified by more specific goals: instilling in schoolchildren in the course of their activity a positive attitude towards science in general and towards physics in particular; development of interest in physical knowledge, scientific - popular articles, life problems. Physics is the basis of natural science and modern scientific and technological progress, which determines the following specific learning objectives: students' awareness of the role of physics in science and production, education of environmental culture, understanding of the moral and ethical problems associated with physics.

At the present stage of school development, the task of transforming the traditional education system into a qualitatively new education system is put forward - the task of educating a literate, productively thinking person, adapted to the new conditions of life in society. Natural in the educational process is the attitude towards independent acquisition of knowledge by students, their self-education and self-knowledge.

In this regard, at present, special attention is paid to an individual (personal-oriented) approach in teaching students, creating conditions for the child to master the various ways of independently obtaining and assimilating knowledge, and developing his creative potential. One of the most important areas that solve this problem is the introduction of information tools in the learning process.

The purpose of my work is to summarize the experience of using information and communication technologies in physics lessons. I see my task in helping students, through the use of information and communication technologies, create conditions for mastering general educational skills, knowledge of the subject and for forming an interest in physics. I see the end result of the organization of this activity as an increase in the quality of education in the subject of physics as one of the priority areas of the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education.

Chapter 1. The role and place of the computer in teaching physics

The most valuable results of education are flexibility and breadth of thinking, the ability and desire to learn. But in practice, school education basically provides a certain amount of knowledge, while the interests of students are not developed enough. This is primarily due to the predominance of the explanatory-illustrative teaching method in most schools so far.

Currently, the actual problem of education is the creative assimilation of knowledge by schoolchildren. It is it that can ensure the development and self-development of the student's personality based on his individual characteristics. The main task of the teacher in this case is to make the acquired knowledge personally significant for the student. This can be achieved by forming a positive attitude towards learning among schoolchildren, organizing training in such a way that it maximizes the development of their activity, independent creative thinking, but for this it is necessary to place emphasis in the organization of the educational process on increasing students' independent work.

In the activities of the teacher, the maximum role should be played by the work on organizing the cognitive activity of students, and not the communication of information to them. The teacher, on the other hand, cannot always combine his activity in presenting educational material with the necessary share of activity in organizing students' independent work on this material. From the basics of didactics, it is well known that only independent individual learning activities can lead to the formation of strong and deep knowledge and sustainable skills.

The solution of the difficulties that have arisen, perhaps in many ways, we will focus on one of them. To overcome the existing difficulties, the teacher can be helped in many ways by a computer, the operational capabilities of which have a huge didactic potential. Therefore, many teachers place great hopes on electronic computers, believing that their use can narrow the gap between the knowledge that the school really now gives and that modern society requires from the younger generation.

The rapid development of computer technology and the expansion of its functionality makes it possible to widely use computers at all stages of the educational process: during lectures, practical and laboratory classes, in self-training and for monitoring and self-control of the degree of assimilation of educational material. The use of computer technology has greatly expanded the possibilities of the lecture experiment, making it possible to simulate various processes and phenomena, the full-scale demonstration of which in the laboratory is technically very difficult or simply impossible.

Great opportunities are contained in the use of computers in teaching physics. The effectiveness of the use of computers in the educational process depends on many factors, including the level of technology itself, the quality of the training programs used, and the teaching methods used by the teacher.

Physics is an experimental science, it is always taught, accompanied by a demonstration experiment. In a modern physics classroom (as, indeed, in any other cabinet of natural science specialization), not only various settings and devices for conducting demonstration experiments, but also computer equipment with a multimedia projector or a demonstration screen.

A variety of illustrative material, multimedia and interactive models raise the learning process to a whole new level. The psychological factor cannot be discounted either: it is much more interesting for a modern child to perceive information in this form than with the help of outdated charts and tables. When using a computer in a lesson, information is presented not as a static unvoiced picture, but as a dynamic video and sound sequence, which significantly increases the efficiency of learning the material.

The interactive elements of the training programs make it possible to move from passive to active assimilation, as students get the opportunity to independently model phenomena and processes, to perceive information non-linearly, with a return, if necessary, to any fragment, with the repetition of a virtual experiment with the same or other initial settings.

As one of the forms of education that stimulate students to creative activity, it is possible to propose the creation by one student or a group of students of a multimedia presentation that accompanies the study of any topic of the course. Here, each of the students has the opportunity to independently choose the form of presentation of the material, the layout and design of the slides. In addition, he has the ability to use all available multimedia tools in order to make the material the most spectacular.

Consider some ways of using information and communication technologies in physics lessons:

· computer modelling;

· computer demonstrations;

laboratory-computer workshop;

problem solving in electronic Excel spreadsheet;

computer testing.

Computer demonstrations

The main advantage of this technology is that it can organically fit into any lesson and effectively help the teacher and the student. Another important circumstance is that there are such physical processes or phenomena that cannot be observed visually in laboratory conditions, for example, the movement of a satellite around the Earth. In this case, computer demonstrations are of invaluable importance, as they allow "compressing" time and space frames and at the same time obtaining conclusions and consequences that are adequate to reality. On the other hand, the advantage of this technology is that it does not require a large number of computers. One computer, a video projector, or a complex - a computer plus a TV set is enough to start working on this technology.

Computer modelling

Computer modeling is a powerful scientific direction that has been developed for decades. The use of this computer technology at school, especially in specialized classes, has a great future, since computer simulation is a powerful tool for understanding the world. Both individual and group forms of creating computer models by students are used.

Computer testing

In the educational process, testing in one form or another has been used for a long time. In its traditional form, testing is an extremely time-consuming and time-consuming process. The use of computers makes the testing process so technologically advanced that in the near future it may become the main element in controlling the level of students' knowledge.

Computer workshop

This technology is more time-consuming for the teacher and requires special training. It is necessary to have a computer class and divide the class into subgroups. Since the active role of the student is initially laid down in the technology, this type of activity is extremely effective for his creative development. The computer is considered here as a means for solving various problems of physics. But, using a computer workshop, the teacher should not abandon the traditional form of laboratory work, but it is better to skillfully combine these forms in practical lessons. For example, while one subgroup is doing a lab using a virtual lab, another is doing the same lab using traditional physical equipment. Then the subgroups can be swapped.

Solving problems in Microsoft Excel

The Microsoft Excel program is very effective in terms of saving study time (speed of calculations), and is also convenient for graphical representation of physical processes, for analyzing and comparing the resulting graphs. This technique increases the cognitive interest of students, since even those children who do not like to solve problems, in this case, willingly respond to the proposed options for using Excel in physics lessons, which ultimately increases the effectiveness of learning.

It is indisputable that at school the computer does not solve all problems, it remains only multifunctional. technical means learning. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which allow not only to “invest” in each student a certain amount of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of students.

Chapter 2. The use of information and communication technologies in teaching physics

For the use of information and communication technologies in teaching in the educational process, the school has the necessary conditions. The physics classroom is equipped with 11 computers for students and an automated place for the teacher, combined local network with Internet access, as well as a multimedia projector, laser printer and a scanner.

The use of information technology in teaching physics allows me to more successfully solve the following tasks:

Develop imaginative thinking of studentsthrough the use of wide possibilities for presenting visual information;

develop creative thinkingby using dynamic methods of processing and presenting information;

To carry out the education of collectivism and communicationin the process of data exchange between students when discussing or creating joint video projects;

Develop curiosity,relying on the natural attraction of schoolchildren to computer technology;

· develop new teaching methods focused on the individual cognitive needs of the individual.

The solution of these problems becomes possible due to the use, together with video computer tools, of such information processing methods as mathematical modeling, computer graphics, multimedia, computer processing of the results of laboratory experiments.

2.1. Computer experiment as a means of research activity of students

Computers in physics lessons, first of all, make it possible to highlight the experimental, research activities of students. Computer models are a wonderful tool for organizing such activities. Computer simulation allows you to create a live, memorable dynamic picture of physical experiments or phenomena on the computer screen and opens up wide opportunities for the teacher to improve the lessons.

It should be noted that computer models are understood as computer programs that imitate physical experiments, phenomena, or idealized model situations encountered in physical problems. Students are most interested in computer models, within which it is possible to control the behavior of objects on a computer screen by changing the values ​​of the numerical parameters underlying the corresponding mathematical model.

Some models allow simultaneously with the course of the experiment to observe in dynamic mode the construction of graphical time dependences of a number of physical quantities describing the experiment. Such models are of particular value, since students, as a rule, experience significant difficulties in constructing and reading graphs.

Computer models easily fit into a traditional lesson, allowing you to demonstrate almost “live” many physical effects that are usually painfully and long explained “on the fingers”. In addition, computer models allow organizing new, non-traditional types of educational activities.

Here are two examples of such activities that have been tested in practice:

1. Lesson studyin the 11th grade on the topic "Photoelectric Effect". Students are invited to independently conduct a study of the dependence of the photocurrent on the frequency of the incident light, using a computer model, and obtain the necessary results. computer program"Physics in Pictures" allows you to conduct such a study literally in a matter of minutes. In this case, the lesson approaches the ideal, as students gain knowledge in the process of independent creative work, because knowledge is necessary for them to obtain a specific result visible on a computer screen. In this case, I am only an assistant in the creative acquisition of knowledge.

2. A lesson in problem solving followed by a computer check. In grade 10, when solving problems on the topic “Movement of bodies thrown at an angle to the horizon”, I offer students individual tasks for independent solution in class or as homework, the correctness of which they can check by setting up computer experiments. The possibility of subsequent self-verification in a computer experiment of the results obtained enhances cognitive interest, makes the work of students creative, and often brings it closer in character to scientific research. As a result, many students begin to invent their own problems, solve them, and then check the correctness of their reasoning using computer models. To effectively involve students in learning activities using computer models, I prepare individual handouts with tasks and questions of various levels of complexity. These materials may contain the following types of tasks:

1. Introductory task. (Assignment of the model, management of the experiment, tasks and questions on the management of the model).

2. Computer experiments. (Conduct simple experiments on this model according to the proposed plan, questions to them and measurement results).

3. Experimental task. (Plan and conduct a series of computer experiments).

4. Test tasks. (Choose the correct answer using the model)

5. Research task. (Conduct an experiment that proves some proposed regularity, or refutes it; independently formulate a number of regularities and confirm them with an experiment).

6. Creative task. (Come up with a problem, solve it, set up an experiment to check the answers received).

A significant number of computer models, covering almost the entire school physics course, is contained in educational electronic publications: Physics in Pictures, Open Physics, Live Physics. There are great opportunities for modeling physical problems in the Microsoft Excel environment. Software environment computer simulation are programming languages.

Of course, a computer laboratory cannot completely replace a real physical one, but this is not required. It is no secret that students with great pleasure and diligence perform practical, experimental and laboratory work, where there is direct contact with devices and mechanisms.

So, in the 8th grade, when studying a mathematical pendulum, we first perform the laboratory work “Investigation of the dependence of the period and frequency of free oscillations of a mathematical pendulum on its length”, and then we conduct a computer study of the same dependence. The difference between the values ​​obtained in a real and computer experiment makes it possible to speak of measurement errors not as abstract mathematical quantities, but as an obligatory factor in conducting a real computer experiment.

The computer model "Transformation of energy during vibrations" (a topic covered in grades 8 and 10) graphically shows the relationship between potential and kinetic energy at any time. In a computer experiment, it is possible to change the mass of an oscillating body, the rigidity and the total energy of the system. And here again, ample opportunities open up for improving the structure of the lesson: the possibility of conducting a lesson with classes of different levels of education.

In grade 11, when studying the topic "Isoprocesses", computer models allow you to simulate the processes of compression and expansion of an ideal gas with a fixed value of one of the parameters: pressure, temperature, volume. At the same time, on the graph shown next to the animation model of the process, there is a change in the other two parameters and, consequently, in the appearance of the graph itself. An energy diagram is immediately displayed, and students can see how the amount of heat, the work done and the internal energy of this process change. There is a practical test of the first law of thermodynamics. I also use these isoprocess models when conducting tests after completing the topic.

Principles of using a computer model in the classroom:

1. The model of the phenomenon should be used only when it is impossible to conduct an experiment or when this phenomenon occurs very quickly and cannot be followed in detail.

2. A computer model should help to understand the details of the phenomenon under study or serve as an illustration of the condition of the problem being solved.

3. As a result of working with the model, students should identify both qualitative and quantitative relationships between the quantities characterizing the phenomenon.

When working with the model, I take into account the individual characteristics of each student and offer them differentiated tasks of different levels of complexity, containing elements of independent creativity.

Physics is an experimental science. The study of physics is difficult to imagine without laboratory work. The victory of the school in the priority national project "Education" and the receipt of 1 million rubles for innovative processes made it possible to improve the material and technical base of the physics classroom: equipment was purchased for laboratory work and a demonstration experiment. But the personal computer that came to the rescue makes it possible to carry out laboratory work, the implementation of which is difficult or impossible within the framework of the school. In them, the student can, at his own discretion, change the initial parameters of the experiments, observe how the phenomenon itself changes as a result, analyze what he has seen, and draw appropriate conclusions.

When studying the topic "Electrodynamics" in the 10th grade, I conduct laboratory work "Calculation of electrical circuits". The advantage of this work is the ability to obtain graphs of the volt-ampere characteristics, taking into account the internal resistance of the devices themselves. Students use Excel to create graphs. Within the framework of the same topic, I conduct with students a study of the influence of electric and magnetic fields on the movement of a charged particle.

It is practically impossible to do without a computer experiment when studying the topic "Quantum Phenomena" in the 11th grade, since it is impossible to conduct a real experiment on this topic in school conditions.

To conduct a virtual experiment, I use programs such as "Physics in Pictures" (developer "Fizikon") and "Stratum" (developer Perm State Technical University).

A systematic, competent conduct of a computer experiment leads to the emergence of a conscious need for schoolchildren to use a computer to solve problems, including in physics. I often hear suggestions from students to solve or check a problem on a computer. Optimally selected programs for the experiment allow students to independently choose a program to solve a specific problem.

2.2. The role of the computer at different stages of the lesson

The computer is an integral part in explaining new material. This includes the creation of presentations using PowerPoint, and the demonstration of materials from the 1C Education. Physics". Compared to the traditional form of teaching a lesson, the use of multimedia presentations frees up more time that can be used to explain new material, develop skills, test students' knowledge, and repeat the material covered.

The presentation of the lesson is its multimedia summary containing a brief text, basic formulas, drawings, drawings, video clips, animations. Typically, such scenarios are prepared in the form of multimedia presentations using the PowerPoint program from Microsoft package office. With PowerPoint, you can create charts and graphs, prepare slides, prospectuses, and organize slide shows.

New theoretical content is revealed by students in the course of organized active perception of computer material: with my word, skillfully posed question, I direct perception and thought to the necessary theoretical conclusions. The screen form of computer (and audio-visual) information provides a rare opportunity for joint observation - by me and the class - and reflection on facts, finding a way out of problematic educational situations, empathy with dramatic moments in the history of science, and allows discussing the relevance and significance of the material being studied in the course of assimilation.

Materials of the program “1C Education. Physics ”I use it for oral verification of homework. Video clips and animations of this software product are equipped with an audio sequence, that is, an oral explanation of what is happening. I suggest that the answering student voice the video that was shown in the previous lesson, and then watch it again, but again with sound. Thus, the student can evaluate the correctness and completeness of his answer.

At the end of each topic, I invite the students to make their own presentations, which are then discussed with the students. I show the best of the presentations to students who will come to this class next year. The classroom systematizes presentations created by students by topic and class.

At the stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge, I create and fill in various tables simultaneously with students using a multimedia projector. For example, in grade 7, when studying the topic “Aggregate states of matter”, I display a document in Word format containing the following table

Then, together with the students, we fill out this table: they are in notebooks, the teacher is on the screen.

In my work, I pay great attention to the educational aspect of the lesson and I believe that a child may not be a great scientist, but he needs to learn to be an independent person, able to analyze his actions, behavior, improve himself, realize himself in the world around him. It is working with a computer in the classroom that forms the skills of finding the necessary this moment information time. The source of such information can be a book, an encyclopedia, the Internet, interactive computer courses. For example, the lack of information about scientists and their life activity, character traits in a physics textbook used to be compensated by showing videos that I recorded from TV, with my own stories, and messages from the guys. Now it has become possible to use the "Interactive Encyclopedia of Science and Technology", the Internet.

Lessons of independent search for information using all possible sources most loved by my students. So, for example, finishing the study of the topic “Energy” in the 8th grade, I conduct a lesson “Using the energy of moving water and wind”. Students are encouraged to independently find information about different types of power plants. At the same time, some students will use printed sources, and some will use Internet resources (Appendix 1). The philosophical idea of ​​such a lesson is to “turn” students towards the book as a source of knowledge and lead them to the idea of ​​the need to use all available sources of information. One of the goals of such a lesson is the education of a critical approach and understanding of the information received.

To search for information in physics lessons, I actively use electronic textbooks. For example, when studying sound vibrations in grade 8, I ask students the question: “What is the pain threshold of audibility?”. For a correct answer to this question, I propose to use the resources of the Open Physics 2.0 program (developed by Fizikon LLC). Students, already familiar with the principles of information retrieval, launch the program's search engine and find the answer to the question posed. This is followed by a discussion of the findings.

2.3. Computer testing is an effective way to control knowledge

Testing knowledge, skills and abilities is, undoubtedly, an important element of any educational process. In my work I use different approaches to knowledge control: sometimes I assign him most of the lesson, using various methods and forms of verification, at other times I conduct a frontal survey or test. For a systematic, in-depth check of students' knowledge, a computer is of great help. It allows you to reduce the time spent on verification. Modern electronic textbooks provide me, as a teacher, with a large selection of different types of test tasks and tasks for testing knowledge. With this form of control, the possibility of a subjective assessment is excluded, since the mark is set by a "dispassionate" computer. It is important that the student works at a pace that is comfortable for him. I prefer to use not only ready-made forms of control, but also to develop them myself. Today, quite a lot of shells have been developed, which the teacher fills in with questions at will. For example, "Q-test". This program allows you to create simple tests for intermediate control of students' knowledge in just a few minutes. When studying the topic “Work and current power. Thermal effect of the current ”I propose a test developed in the“ Q-test ”program, containing 10 questions, each of which has 4 possible answers, including only 1 correct one. After passing the test, the results are recorded in a text document. The accumulated test results allow me to monitor the development of program material, to plan individual work with students.

2.4. Using Microsoft Excel to Solve Physics Problems

When solving calculation problems, especially in high school, I practice using Microsoft Excel. The use of spreadsheets allows you to escape from routine calculations, makes it possible to process a large amount of data, build graphs and charts for a deep understanding of the process, analyze the essence of phenomena. For example, when studying the topic "Gravitational phenomena" in the 9th grade, when solving problems, I suggest that schoolchildren, using the possibilities Excel programs, solve the following problem: determine the first cosmic velocity for all planets solar system, knowing their radii and the acceleration of free fall on them, plot dependence graphs and analyze them. Then, using the obtained results, solve the following problem (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Solving the problems "Movement of artificial satellites"

2.5. Using the computer in extracurricular activities

One of the forms of creative work of schoolchildren in physics lessons and after school hours is the preparation of thematic reports, abstracts, crossword puzzles, puzzles, and oral journals. Here again computer technology helps. When performing this type of task, students acquire the skills to create tables, master the skills of typing, insert pictures and tables into text document, use different fonts, make headings, draw up business documents, for example, in preparation for scientific and practical conferences. (Fig.2).

Fig. 2. Design of the title page of the work at the scientific and practical conference

The use of computer technology in the classroom, of course, allows you to solve a large number of problems in teaching physics. But there is one difficulty to be noted, which has already been mentioned above. This is a confident command of the computer by both the teacher and the student. When conducting such lessons, the teacher is very dependent on the degree of the student's possession of computer skills, which are mainly instilled in computer science lessons. Computer science has been taught according to the Basic Curriculum at school since the 8th grade, so it was a great help to me that I have been teaching a propaedeutic course in computer science, starting from the 2nd grade since 2000. This allowed students to form the concept from elementary school that a computer is not a game console, but a powerful and very convenient tool for solving many educational and non-educational tasks.

My students prepare presentation materials, abstracts not only for physics lessons, but also for other subjects, they actively use the computer in extracurricular activities. For the 3rd year under my leadership, the school newspaper “ESSH.ru” with an electronic supplement has been published at the school. Initially, the high school students and I published the newspaper only in printed form, but the photos and video materials collected by the guys to cover the life of the school accumulated. Pupils offered to show them in the school hall in the format of presentations and videos. We determined the frequency of release - 1 time per month (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Title page of the electronic application to school newspaper"ESSH.ru"

Materials for presentations are prepared not only by members of the editorial board, but also by everyone, including the school administration. Therefore, every release of an electronic application is expected by everyone.

Thus, the use of information and communication technologies is already a widely recognized and rapidly developing direction in education. My experience "The use of information and communication technologies in physics lessons" is summarized at the municipal level. Repeatedly for colleagues of the district, I held "master classes" and made presentations at meetings of the district methodological association of physics teachers.

For many years working at school, I observe the social activity of students who own a computer. I believe that my lessons with the use of information and communication technologies also contributed to this.


In this work, I summarized the experience of using information and communication technologies in teaching physics and came to the conclusion that, along with a variety of technologies, forms, methods, teaching methods, information and communication technologies in teaching made it possible to achieve a guaranteed pedagogical result.

Based on the results of training for 5 years, progress in the classes where I teach is complete (100%); quality of knowledge from 55% at stage II to 63% at stage III; the degree of training is from 66% at the II stage to 51% at the III stage.

Every year my students take part in the regional Physics Olympiad. From 2004 to 2007, 7 people were winners and prize-winners.

9th and 11th grade students choose physics as an elective exam

2003 - 2004 academic year, elective exam


Number of applicants

academic performance


Degree of learning

Average score







The best result in the region of Bryukhovaya Elena, grade 11

2004 - 2005 academic year, analogue of the Unified State Examination, elective exam

2005 - 2006 academic year, USE, elective exam

Average test score - 56.8

2007 - 2008 academic year, analogue of the Unified State Examination, elective exam

Alexey Salnikov has the best result - 26 points out of 32, the average test score is 18 (in the region 17.24), the average score is 3.5 (in the region - 3.44)

Strong knowledge of the subject, interest in physics allow students to continue their education. Over the past 5 years, 11 people entered higher educational institutions, passing physics or with the result of the Unified State Examination.

Evaluation of the quality of student training along with quantitative can be qualitative. I experience a feeling of deep satisfaction when, leaving the lesson, the students say: “Thank you for the lesson!”, Or “Today was a wonderful lesson!” When I see their eyes burning with curiosity, when they call the subject “physics” their favorite subject.

In future activities, I will continue to work on the use of information and communication technologies in teaching. Network technologies for distance learning are now widely used. In the use of such technologies, I see the key to the success and competitiveness of my students, who could learn in this way along individual educational trajectories. Thanks to the implementation of the KPMO project, the computer park is being updated at the school. The use of an interactive whiteboard in the classroom will raise the learning process to a qualitatively new level of education.


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