Medical landing page dental clinic template. Examples of Medical Landing Pages Additional Benefits of a Landing Page

A good medical website becomes an excellent lead generation tool and a valuable business assistant. If a site is created for a clinic, it can not only sell services, but also reduce the burden on medical staff by helping the user search for answers to questions online. If you are creating an online store selling medical products, then developing the right product card and calls to action help increase sales. But, having looked at dozens of examples of Ukrainian and Russian sites on medicine, we came to the conclusion that creating a good site medical services or for the clinic is a big problem for developers.

We create the best website for medicine. What should be on a medical site?

Regardless of the type of site and the subject it is dedicated to, the resource must be easy to use, be able to sell and meet technical and marketing requirements. We list the main requirements and elements that are mandatory for a medical site.

Navigation and site structure

Clinic owners very often do not understand how to attract the attention of a visitor and convert him into a client. They do not know how an Internet user is looking for a service that is of interest to them and what is the principle of Internet sales with the help of a selling structure and CTA elements. Often, site owners are sure that the most important thing on the pages is the completeness of the text and the disclosure of topics. But good content is only part of the success. It is necessary to place CTA elements so that if the user wants to buy a product or get advice at any stage, he has the opportunity to do it here and now by clicking on the lead generation button. Therefore, it is very important that a specialist with experience correctly builds the page structure and takes into account all the requirements of the target audience even at the site design stage.

The structure for landing pages should be worked out in advance, even before they are created. It should be described in detail in the terms of reference for the creation of the site. It is incredibly difficult to remake the finished page structure for a landing page by redesigning the content blocks. In addition, from the point of view of SEO promotion, this will be inefficient and even impossible, since in this case it is very difficult to keep the idea and meaning of the content and, at times, beyond the power of even very experienced developers.

Medical website design

The design of a medical website should be credible. There is no place here for bright colors (especially those that cause irritation or negative associations: red, black, etc.) and original fonts. When choosing a color, you need to focus on the theme of the site itself. For example, the design of a medical portal can be done in neutral colors and it doesn't have to be white. The main thing is that the main background and font color are combined and suggest readability. Find out how to choose the right color palette for your site in our article.

A similar requirement for online stores on medical topics. However, there are no specific restrictions in terms of the choice of colors. Everything is individual. The main thing that general form the site created a positive impression and did not cause fear, anxiety, fear or wrong emotions. Websites dedicated to services are often designed in light (most often white) colors with bright accents on calls to action and lead generation buttons.


Text blocks and text content are the key element on which the entire site rests, regardless of its subject matter. The requirements for the text are very high. It is important that it be written by a specialist with a medical education (or checked by him), but at the same time create articles with a meaning that is understandable to an ordinary person without a medical education. Content with template and standard phrases will not be of interest to a potential client.

At the same time, the volume of content is very important on medical sites. In particular, the disclosure of the topic without water, and not the number of characters. If the page advertises a complex service or product, then the content should describe them in great detail, becoming a kind of automated consultant that helps to find all (or at least most) answers to the most common questions without calling the manager.

In order for the information content to be perceived correctly and help sell the service, product, it is recommended:

  • Write simple and in plain language without the use of complex and incomprehensible terminology and abbreviations for the visitor. Remember that your patients are not doctors, but people often without a medical education, so they must understand what you have written. After all, it is for them that all this is written;
  • Use headings, subheadings and lists;
  • Use thematic pictures, diagrams, tables, videos.

Important!Texts should not only sell the service, but also this service by the clinic. The visitor visits the site to find out exactly how this clinic performs the procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate the procedure, cost, give recommendations, indicate contraindications, show the medical staff who provide it, etc.

The best sites of clinics in the world always indicate the cost of their services. It is useless to hide them, since at the first call a potential client will find out how much the product or service costs. Therefore, the cost must be specified. If for some reason it is not possible to indicate the exact price, an approximate price range should be indicated.

The landing page should sell the price of the service or product, especially if they are expensive. After reading the content, the user must understand what he pays for and despite high price, he is ready to pay it, having received high level service and results. Therefore, design, texts, photos and other content should emphasize high quality, which determines the price.


For medical sites, it is very important to think over and develop special functionality. With its help, it will be possible not only to attract, motivate and perform an action for the visitor, but also greatly simplify the work of the staff.

The type of functionality and capabilities of the site directly depend on its subject matter. For example, for medical centers, an excellent solution would be to develop personal account, in which customers can view records of visits, recommendations and doctor's appointments. On American medical sites dedicated to clinics, the online appointment system is very developed. The visitor simply chooses a doctor, date and time when it is convenient to visit him. At the same time, such a system forms the doctor's free time for appointments. This greatly simplifies the work of the staff, who only needs to call the client and clarify the veracity of the data.

For medical portals, the functionality will be completely different and it will depend on its direction. Here it is necessary to focus on convenience, to introduce the right aggregator, a search system by name, manufacturer. In online stores focused on the sale of honey. products or equipment, the product card is of primary importance, where it is necessary to place the main functions typical of its selling structure.

Technical requirements

From a technical point of view, a medical directory or any other medical site is no different from resources dedicated to other niches. It must be optimized for promotion, not contain SEO errors, be correctly perceived by search robots, load quickly, and also have an adaptive version for capturing mobile target audience. We will not dwell on this issue in detail, since we have already written about the errors of creating a site. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them.

Features of the development of a medical site of different types

The structure, content, design of a medical site and its functionality directly depend on the subject of the resource. In addition, each type of resource must have key elements, which help in the promotion of the site and the convenience of using it. Let's consider in more detail.

Online store of medical goods

The main difference between such a resource and similar ones can be a product card. If the product is simple enough, for example, medicines are sold, expendable materials, then the requirements for the card are standard. But if complex equipment or expensive products are being sold, then the card may have a completely different look and functionality. Here is an example of that.

This online store sells modern and expensive equipment (ultrasound devices). The target audience does not need calls to action, they do not need standard lead-generating buttons or a trust block in the form of reviews. Here, a detailed and professional description of the product, which will indicate its features, capabilities and benefits, plays a key role.

Agree, this product card is fundamentally different from those that we are used to seeing. But at the same time, it fully meets the needs of the target audience. And the lead-generating button of communication with the seller leads to the sale and allows you to increase the conversion of the site.

Websites for medical centers, clinics and private doctors

Medical centers offer a limited number of services. Their description, as a rule, should contain detailed information aimed at familiarizing the user with the service, doctors, prices, etc. In terms of SEO promotion, such descriptions are very effective. The only exception would be a sheet of SEO text hidden in a basement with bad PF. Such a decision will complicate the promotion, causing a lot of problems. If necessary, a blog will help to increase positions in the issue and the effectiveness of promotion.

Website for medical portal

The content and functionality of the medical portal depends on its direction. Here, content plays a key role, and you need to focus on it. Visitors come to such sites to obtain information that is important to them, so it is very important to provide it in full. All medical information should be written by a specialist with the appropriate education and profile. Otherwise, the content will either be incomplete or contain errors unforgivable in this business. It is also important to pay attention to the usability of the site, which should constantly take time to look for weaknesses and eliminate them.

Examples of the best medical websites

We bring you best examples medical sites that deserve attention and can become role models with their design, functionality and content.

Example 1

To select the best sites, we looked at dozens of examples of a domestic developer and can openly say that in Ukraine, Russia and other CIS countries a good medical site is a rarity. But this example is an exception.

Website medical clinic made according to the traditional marketing structure, which is most often chosen by everyone to create selling pages. And this solution was a hit, as calls to action, restriction triggers, and classic content blocks create a conversion catalyst.

The site showcases an amazing amount of content. With it, the user closes all questions. He has the opportunity to view the gallery with photos of the clinic, see the current doctors, read the answers to frequently asked questions. And also make sure that the clinic has a very good reputation. This is confirmed by a huge number of certificates and other documentation, which become the basis for the visitor's trust in the organization.

There are no canvases of text here, as most owners of such resources do for reasons unknown to us. Instead, well-structured content that is easy to read and remember. This example can really inspire developers with its masterpiece execution.

Example 2

A simple, but at the same time stylish and functional website of the clinic, made in a selling style.

Simplicity and style are the main elements of the site. There is nothing superfluous here and it seems that everything is in its place, providing the user with simple control and search for the necessary information.

The effectiveness of the site is increased by calls to action and the main motivating blocks. In this case, a block of benefits acts as a motivator.

The feature of the site was the possibility of online booking of services. This feature greatly simplifies the recording task for the user and also takes some of the burden off the staff. The user can choose a service by learning its cost and period, date and time, and then only confirm the appointment by phone.

The site also provides the functionality of buying a gift certificate, which can be received in your mail or in the mail of the gift recipient.

The home page has a stunning design that gives the impression of luxury. Minimalism in content emphasizes the design idea. But at the same time, the structure, navigation and content of the resource help the visitor find the necessary information. Adds chic to the site and service pages, each of which is made in the style of a landing.

The site is worthy of attention, and its execution inspires confidence in successful work and lead generation.

Example 3

In general, the site does not differ in functionality from online stores selling casual clothing. But in terms of structure main page piques interest. All main categories are placed on the main page, supplemented with photos and direct links to the category.

This decision is not mandatory due to the specifics of the product, but it looks great and is very comfortable. The user does not need to wander through the navigation in search of the required category. However, if desired, he can also do this, since both navigation and search filters are easy to use.

The product card is made in a classic style. There is everything you need for the convenience of buying, including “Buy in 1 click”.

This online store does not cause wild delight, but compared to those that are most often found on the medical-themed Runet, this example is one of the best. A simple site with a great interface. And nothing more is needed for a good profit.

Example 4

This site example is difficult to categorize. The site does not sell services, but it is an advertisement for a center that is engaged in breast cancer research.

The resource combines the ability to sign up for an event, a seminar and read a lot of useful information about cancer.

At the same time, the category “About the company” describes in detail what the center does, which implies the opportunity to use its services.

The site is a large and informative portal with a very competent structure and navigation. The page is very convenient to use and it is also convenient to search for the necessary article. This is very good example of what a worthy information portal can be, combining information about the clinic.

Example 5

For dessert, we left a stunning example of a medical-themed website.

The site is a product of the UK Department of Health and promotes a smartphone application through which users can order and control the time of taking antibiotics.

Very simple in terms of design, but very effective site. How did they achieve this? We just used a GIF animation, which clearly demonstrates how easy it is to use the application.

Minimum content only useful information, which reveals the benefits and benefits of the application. And this is quite enough to convince the visitor to use it.

The project aims to save costs in the production of medicines. To interest users, the organization provides free drug delivery services by mail or home. This service as a bonus increases interest in the project.

The site becomes a clear example and proof that even with minimal content, the project can become successful. It is enough to know the needs of the target audience and develop the right structure.

How to create a good medical website?

To develop a good medical website, you need to:

  • Know your target audience and their needs;
  • Develop a site not for yourself, but for your target audience;
  • Develop the structure and content in advance based on the specifics of the site;
  • Pay attention to content: photos, videos and articles;
  • Turn to specialized specialists for writing specialized content and be sure to proofread the content by clinic or resource specialists;
  • Think over, develop and implement the necessary functionality that is convenient for the visitor to use.

Website template on a medical theme. Perfectly will be suitable for stomatology, medical institutions, private clinics of any orientation.

single page html landing page the template is adapted for all types mobile devices. The layout is made on the bootstrap3 framework.

Technical features and capabilities:

CSS3 animations, parallax block effect.

Crossbrowser layout.

Fonts from Google Fonts.

Fully responsive - the site will look good on all popular devices.

Well-documented template settings and features.

Forms feedback with ajax + php script with a convenient and simple configuration.

Checking forms for correct filling of fields.

input mask mobile phone with the ability to change or disable.

16 preset background patterns.

Ability to change layout width to fixed.

Ability to disable the preloader, animation, fix the top panel.

Yandex map.

If you are interested in the development and prosperity of your dental clinic, then do not forget about the obligatory presence of a high-quality website that profitably represents your services. Here you can order a website template for a dental clinic that fully meets all the basic requirements.

The structure of the landing page allows you to slightly remake it and use it for similar narrowly focused medical topics.

Careful study of the smallest details allows us to create site templates with high conversion. An important role here is played by the elaboration of each block, but also external design resource. Buying a website template for a dental clinic from us means getting a high-quality website template that can sell. At what, to sell exactly your services, but not the services of competitors.

The main, upper block provides information about the benefits of choosing your clinic. It uses a thematic background depicting the work of a dentist. It is supplemented by the "Get a consultation" button for greater convenience of communication.

The next block contains information about the services provided by the clinic. This allows you to maximize the interest of the client, showing their capabilities.

Then, a block with a picture of a dentist containing information about why the client should contact you? This block is also supplemented by the "Get a consultation" button.

A block with an application form for an appointment and a button "Submit application", for greater convenience to place an order.

Then, in the template block, information about the cost of providing services is presented. It is also presented in such a way that the client is convinced that only you have the most reasonable prices. It is supplemented by the "Download price list" button, which allows the patient to independently find out the cost of treatment.

Going down, you can see a block containing testimonials from your customers. As a rule, this block plays an important role in helping you convince the client that you provide really high-quality services. After all, many, relying on the reviews of other customers, make their choice.

The last block of the template contains information about the actual address of your dental clinic and all contacts for communication. Also, this block is supplemented with a map that allows, as quickly as possible, the client to find your address.

The template is presented as an archive of HTML+CSS files. It is enough to replace the information in the template with the real data of your company and the site is ready for use. Unnecessary blocks are easily removed or can be replaced with similar ones. If necessary, the template can be easily integrated into any CMS for ease of data editing. Editing data in the HTML code of the template requires special knowledge and understanding of your actions.

To order a dental clinic website template from us is to get a highly converting website template, thought out to the smallest detail.

Fully supported landing page design for mobile devices and applications. Convenient in-page navigation structure with the binding of the relevant visual blocks of the landing. Also a distinctive feature is a convenient pop-up form for making an appointment for the patient, and a supported countdown timer for the ongoing action. medical center. This made it possible to implement only in-page visitor finding without additional transitions to other pages.

Landing page optimization and content

All navigation blocks were thematically filled with optimized content, which allowed this landing page to be present in the main search as well. search engines Google and Yandex, unlike the many landing pages offered by other companies.

Landing navigation structure

The navigation structure is implemented taking into account the thematic linking of navigation blocks, which are more focused on the preferences of target visitors: about the center, treatment of diseases, cost of the service, reviews of previous patients, contacts, and an extended appointment form.

Landing cost

This example is a good combination of price and quality offered on the market for creating websites on the subject of medicine. This implementation part of the website of the medical center was included in general service site administration, i.e. not paid separately. Therefore, we can say: “landing is free”.

Additional Landing Benefits

First of all, this is the binding of the above example to the content management system, which is usually not done. This allows you to speed up the introduction of any changes and edits to the existing landing page, as well as, if necessary, create new landing pages for other promotions and services.

Computer diagnostics of hair and scalp

Stylish, modern, concise and at the same time informative landing page for the clinic was created by the specialists of our agency Fireseo. The main activity of the client company is diagnostics, treatment, skin and hair care. The design was designed in the appropriate style. This is a functional, convenient landing page (landing page), which immediately conveys the essence of services to the visitor. Thus, the advantages are listed, a photo gallery with high-quality photographs is posted, information about the doctors of the clinic is given, certificates and licenses giving the right to engage in medical activities are collected in a separate section. In addition, the section, which contains articles in the press about the successful activities of the clinic, and customer reviews, is credible.

Why is it worth ordering a landing page?

A landing page is an effective way to promote your business. It is especially relevant for clinics of aesthetic cosmetology, plastic surgery, for sports clubs, beauty salons. The price of creating a landing page is quite acceptable, the approach to each client is individual.

Even if we are approached by clients who provide identical services, for example, landing pages for aesthetic cosmetology/plastic surgery clinics, then each project will be as functional and individual as possible. The cost of creation is democratic, as a result of the action of a professional team of the agency, attractive, light pages with convenient usability and an intuitive interface are obtained.

The medical theme is quite strict and conservative, so often the sites can be very similar to each other: the color scheme generally accepted in this area, the same type of services sometimes do not allow the fantasies of web developers to roam. This also affects the effectiveness of sites, so making a high-converting landing page in the medical field is not so easy. In this article, we will analyze examples of good landings.


Landing page for a network of dental clinics. It is noteworthy, first of all, by the way in which the services provided are described in detail. In fact, another landing was made for each, with its own structure, which unfolds when you click on the corresponding button. The page uses various calls to leave an application, revealing the various advantages of visiting the clinic: both in terms of quality of services and price.


A good landing page to call a doctor at home for children and adults. First, beautiful: good background images and rendered icons. Secondly, credible: a block with photos of doctors, reviews, questions and answers. Separately, we note the block, which says that a doctor can be called through mobile app- all for the convenience of the patient!

Smile Dental Clinic

A dental clinic landing page, but dedicated to only one service (unlike the first example, where there were several), which works well if the user is specifically looking for teeth whitening - in this case, he is much more likely to agree to the application. First of all, it will work well precisely due to this. We also praise for real photos of doctors and a good idea with a gift.

See also:
